static const int spot_size = 3; static const int bands = 18; const string[] freqs = { "55 Hz","77 Hz","110 Hz","156 Hz","220 Hz","311 Hz","440 Hz","622 Hz","880 Hz", "1.2 kHz","1.8 kHz","2.5 kHz","3.5 kHz","5 kHz","7 kHz","10 kHz","14 kHz","20 kHz" }; namespace Ddb { public class Equalizer : Gtk.DrawingArea { public signal void on_changed (double[] values); class Point { public double x; public double y; } private List points = new List (); private unowned List current_point = null; // private Gdk.Color back_color; // private Gdk.Color fore_bright_color; // private Gdk.Color fore_dark_color; private double[] values = new double [bands]; private double preamp; private int mouse_y; private bool snap = false; private bool aa_mode = false; private bool draw_envelope = false; private bool curve_hook = false; private bool preamp_hook = false; private Gtk.Menu menu = null; private int margin_bottom = -1; private int margin_left = -1; Gdk.Cursor moving_cursor = new Gdk.Cursor (Gdk.CursorType.FLEUR); // Gdk.Cursor updown_cursor = new Gdk.Cursor (Gdk.CursorType.DOUBLE_ARROW); Gdk.Cursor pointer_cursor = new Gdk.Cursor (Gdk.CursorType.LEFT_PTR); construct { add_events (Gdk.EventMask.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK | Gdk.EventMask.BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK | Gdk.EventMask.LEAVE_NOTIFY_MASK | Gdk.EventMask.POINTER_MOTION_MASK); modify_bg (Gtk.StateType.NORMAL, get_style ().fg[Gtk.StateType.NORMAL]); recalc_values(); margin_bottom = (int)(Pango.units_to_double (get_style ().font_desc.get_size ())* Gdk.Screen.get_default ().get_resolution () / 72 + 4); margin_left = margin_bottom * 4; preamp = 0.5; set_snap (true); menu = new Gtk.Menu (); var checkitem = new Gtk.CheckMenuItem.with_label ("Antialiasing");; checkitem.toggled.connect (aa_mode_changed); menu.append (checkitem); var mode_item = new Gtk.MenuItem(); (); mode_item.label = "mode"; menu.append (mode_item); var mode_menu = new Gtk.Menu (); var group = new GLib.SList (); var thesame_item = new Gtk.RadioMenuItem.with_label (group, "thesame");; mode_menu.append (thesame_item); var waker_item = new Gtk.RadioMenuItem.with_label_from_widget (thesame_item, "waker");; waker_item.toggled.connect (mode_changed); mode_menu.append (waker_item); mode_item.set_submenu (mode_menu); } public void aa_mode_changed (Gtk.CheckMenuItem item) { aa_mode =; queue_draw (); } public void mode_changed (Gtk.CheckMenuItem item) { set_snap (; } private void set_snap (bool new_snap) { snap = new_snap; if (snap) { double step = 1.0 / (double)(bands+1); if (points.length() > 0) { unowned List iter; for (iter =; iter != null; iter = points.remove_link (iter.prev); points.remove_link (points); } for (int i = 0; i < bands; i++) { Point point = new Point (); point.x = ((double)i+1)*step; point.y = values[i]; points.prepend (point); } points.reverse (); } } private Gdk.Point abs_to_screen (double x, double y) { return Gdk.Point () { x = (int)(x * (this.allocation.width-margin_left))+margin_left, y = (int)(y * (this.allocation.height-margin_bottom)) }; } private void abs_to_screen_d (double x, double y, out double sx, out double sy) { sx = (int)(x * (this.allocation.width-margin_left))+margin_left; sy = (int)(y * (this.allocation.height-margin_bottom)); } /* private double cubic (double y0, double y1, double y2, double y3, double mu) { double a0,a1,a2,a3,mu2; mu2 = mu*mu; a0 = y3 - y2 - y0 + y1; a1 = y0 - y1 - a0; a2 = y2 - y0; a3 = y1; return (a0*mu*mu2+a1*mu2+a2*mu+a3); }*/ private double cubic (double y0, double y1, double y2, double y3, double mu) { return 0.5 *((2 * y1) + (-y0 + y2) * mu + (2*y0 - 5*y1 + 4*y2 - y3) * mu*mu + (-y0 + 3*y1- 3*y2 + y3) * mu*mu*mu); } public override bool expose_event (Gdk.EventExpose event) { Gdk.Color fore_bright_color = Gtkui.get_bar_foreground_color (); Gdk.Color fore_dark_color = Gtkui.get_bar_foreground_color (); int width = this.allocation.width; int height = this.allocation.height; Gdk.Point[] gpoints = new Gdk.Point [points.length()+2]; gpoints[0] = {margin_left, (height-margin_bottom) / 2}; int i = 1; foreach (var p in this.points) { gpoints[i] = abs_to_screen (p.x, p.y); if (gpoints[i].x >= width) gpoints[i].x = width - 1; i++; } gpoints[i] = {width-1, (height-margin_bottom) / 2}; Gdk.Drawable d = get_window(); var gc = d.create_gc (Gdk.GCValues(), 0); gc.set_rgb_fg_color (fore_dark_color); //drawing grid: double step = (double)(width - margin_left) / (double)(bands+1); for (i = 0; i < bands; i++) { //does anyone know why this method is static? Gdk.draw_line (d, gc, (int)((i+1)*step)+margin_left, 0, (int)((i+1)*step)+margin_left, height - margin_bottom); } //double vstep = 1.0 / (double)(height-margin_bottom); double vstep = (double)(height-margin_bottom); for (double di=0; di < 2; di += 0.25) { Gdk.draw_line (d, gc, margin_left, (int)((di-preamp)*vstep), width, (int)((di-preamp)*vstep)); } gc.set_rgb_fg_color (fore_bright_color); //drawing freqs: Pango.Layout l = create_pango_layout (null); var ctx = l.get_context (); var fd = ctx.get_font_description (); ctx.set_font_description (fd); for (i = 0; i < bands; i++) { l.set_text (freqs[i], (int)freqs[i].len()); Gdk.draw_layout (d, gc, (int)((i+1)*step-5)+margin_left, height-margin_bottom+2, l); } //drawing db's: l.set_width (margin_left-1); l.set_alignment (Pango.Alignment.RIGHT); if ((mouse_y != -1) && (mouse_y < height - margin_bottom)) { double db = scale((double)(mouse_y-1) / (double)(height - margin_bottom - 2)); string tmp = "%s%.1fdB".printf (db > 0 ? "+" : "", db); l.set_text (tmp, (int)tmp.len()); Gdk.draw_layout (d, gc, margin_left-1, mouse_y-3, l); } string tmp; double val = scale(1); tmp = "%s%.1fdB".printf (val > 0 ? "+" : "", val); l.set_text (tmp, (int)tmp.len()); Gdk.draw_layout (d, gc, margin_left-1, height-margin_bottom-6, l); val = scale(0); tmp = "%s%.1fdB".printf (val > 0 ? "+" : "", val); l.set_text (tmp, (int)tmp.len()); Gdk.draw_layout (d, gc, margin_left-1, 1, l); l.set_text ("0dB", 4); Gdk.draw_layout (d, gc, margin_left-1, (int)((1-preamp)*(height-margin_bottom))-3, l); l.set_text ("preamp", 6); l.set_alignment (Pango.Alignment.LEFT); Gdk.draw_layout (d, gc, 1, height-margin_bottom+2, l); d.draw_rectangle (gc, false, margin_left, 0, width-margin_left-1, height-margin_bottom-1); gc.set_line_attributes (2, Gdk.LineStyle.SOLID, Gdk.CapStyle.NOT_LAST, Gdk.JoinStyle.MITER); //draw preamp gc.set_clip_rectangle ({0, (int)(preamp * (height-margin_bottom)), 11, height}); gc.set_rgb_fg_color (fore_dark_color); int count = (int)((height-margin_bottom) / 6)+1; for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) d.draw_rectangle ( gc, true, 1, height-margin_bottom-j*6 - 6, 11, 4); gc.set_clip_rectangle ({margin_left+1, 1, width-margin_left-2, height-margin_bottom-2}); //drawing bars: gc.set_rgb_fg_color (fore_dark_color); int bar_w = 11; if (step < bar_w) bar_w = (int)step-1; for (i = 0; i < bands; i++) { gc.set_clip_rectangle ({ (int)((i+1)*step)+margin_left - bar_w/2, (int)(values[i] * (height-margin_bottom)), 11, height}); count = (int)((height-margin_bottom) * (1-values[i]) / 6)+1; for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) d.draw_rectangle ( gc, true, (int)((i+1)*step)+margin_left - bar_w/2, height-margin_bottom-j*6 - 6, bar_w, 4); } gc.set_clip_rectangle ({0, 0, width, height}); if (draw_envelope) { //drawing curve: gc.set_rgb_fg_color (fore_bright_color); Gdk.Point gp; uint pcount = points.length(); double[] ys = new double [pcount]; double[] xs = new double [pcount]; i=0; foreach (var p in this.points) { gp = abs_to_screen (p.x, p.y); d.draw_rectangle (gc, true, gp.x-spot_size, gp.y-spot_size, spot_size*2, spot_size*2); xs[i] = p.x; ys[i] = p.y; i++; } Cairo.Context cairo = aa_mode ? Gdk.cairo_create (d) : null; int prev_x = 0; int prev_y = 0; if (pcount > 0) { gp = abs_to_screen (xs[0], ys[0]); if (aa_mode) cairo.move_to (margin_left, gp.y); else Gdk.draw_line (d, gc, margin_left, gp.y, gp.x, gp.y); prev_x = gp.x; prev_y = gp.y; } if (pcount >= 2) { for (i = 0; i < pcount-1; i++) { //stdout.printf ("%d\n", (int)((xs[i+1]-xs[i])*width)); if ((int)((xs[i+1]-xs[i])*width) <= 5) { Gdk.Point gp2 = abs_to_screen (xs[i], ys[i]); gp = abs_to_screen (xs[i+1], ys[i+1]); Gdk.draw_line (d, gc, gp2.x, gp2.y, gp.x, gp.y); prev_x = gp2.x; prev_y = gp2.y; continue; } //int pts = (int)((double)((xs[i+1] - xs[i]) * allocation.width) / 5.0); //step = (double)(xs[i+1] - xs[i])/(double)pts; double dx = (xs[i+1] - xs[i])*width; double dy = (ys[i+1] - ys[i])*height; int pts = (int)(GLib.Math.sqrt (dx*dx + dy*dy) / 5.0); //stdout.printf ("%f %f %d\n", dx, dy, pts); step = (double)(xs[i+1] - xs[i])/(double)pts; for (int ii = 0; ii <= pts; ii++) { double y; if (i == 0 && i == pcount-2) //case when we have only two points y = cubic (ys[0], ys[0], ys[1], ys[1], (double)ii/(double)pts); else if (i == 0) y = cubic (ys[0], ys[0], ys[1], ys[2], (double)ii/(double)pts); else if (i == pcount-2) y = cubic (ys[i-1], ys[i], ys[i+1], ys[i+1], (double)ii/(double)pts); else y = cubic (ys[i-1], ys[i], ys[i+1], ys[i+2], (double)ii/(double)pts); if (y < 0) y = 0; if (y > 1) y = 1; if (aa_mode) { double sx, sy; abs_to_screen_d (ii*step+xs[i], y, out sx, out sy); cairo.line_to (sx, sy); // prev_x = gp.x; // prev_y = gp.y; } else { gp = abs_to_screen (ii*step+xs[i], y); if (gp.y < 2) gp.y = 2; if (gp.y > height-margin_bottom-2) gp.y = height-margin_bottom-2; Gdk.draw_point (d, gc, gp.x, gp.y); //Gdk.draw_line (d, gc, prev_x, prev_y, gp.x, gp.y); prev_x = gp.x; prev_y = gp.y; } } } } if (pcount > 0) { // gp = abs_to_screen (xs[0], ys[0]); // cairo.move_to (margin_left, gp.y); // Gdk.draw_line (d, gc, margin_left, gp.y, gp.x, gp.y); gp = abs_to_screen (xs[pcount-1], ys[pcount-1]); if (aa_mode) cairo.line_to (width-1, gp.y); else Gdk.draw_line (d, gc, gp.x, gp.y, width-1, gp.y); } if (aa_mode) { cairo.set_source_rgb ( (double) / (double)0xffff, (double) / (double)0xffff, (double) / (double)0xffff); cairo.stroke(); } if (pcount == 0) { Gdk.draw_line (d, gc, margin_left, (height-margin_bottom)/2, width-1, (height-margin_bottom)/2); } } //drawing mouse coordinates: gc.set_line_attributes (1, Gdk.LineStyle.ON_OFF_DASH, Gdk.CapStyle.NOT_LAST, Gdk.JoinStyle.MITER); Gdk.draw_line (d, gc, margin_left+1, mouse_y, width, mouse_y); return false; } //FIXME: I'm not sure returning value thru instance property is good private bool get_point_at (double x, double y) { bool ret = false; unowned List iter; double ss_x = (double)spot_size / (double)allocation.width; double ss_y = (double)spot_size / (double)allocation.height; for (iter = points; iter != null; iter = { if (GLib.Math.fabs ( - x) <= ss_x && GLib.Math.fabs ( - y) <= ss_y) { current_point = iter; ret = true; break; } } return ret; } private inline double scale (double val) { double k = -40; double d = 20; return (val+preamp-0.5) * k + d; } private void recalc_values () { uint pcount = points.length(); double[] ys = new double [pcount]; double[] xs = new double [pcount]; int i=0; foreach (var p in this.points) { xs[i] = p.x; ys[i] = p.y; i++; } if (pcount == 0) { for (i=0; i < bands; i++) values[i] = 0.5; } else if (pcount == 1) { for (i=0; i < bands; i++) values[i] = ys[0]; } else { int pi = 0; for (i = 0; i < bands; i++) { double x = (double)(i+1)/(double)(bands+1); double y = 0; if (xs[pi] > x) //before first point { values[i] = ys[pi]; continue; } if ((xs[pi+1] < x) && (pi < pcount-1)) //passed to next point pi++; if (pi == pcount-1) //after last point { values[i] = ys[pcount-1]; continue; } if (pi == 0 && pi == pcount-2) //two-points case y = cubic (ys[pi], ys[pi], ys[pi+1], ys[pi+1], (x - xs[pi])/(xs[pi+1] - xs[pi])); else if (pi == 0) y = cubic (ys[pi], ys[pi], ys[pi+1], ys[pi+2], (x - xs[pi])/(xs[pi+1] - xs[pi])); else if (pi == pcount-2) y = cubic (ys[pi-1], ys[pi], ys[pi+1], ys[pi+1], (x - xs[pi])/(xs[pi+1] - xs[pi])); else y = cubic (ys[pi-1], ys[pi], ys[pi+1], ys[pi+2], (x - xs[pi])/(xs[pi+1] - xs[pi])); if (y < 0) y = 0; if (y > 1) y = 1; values[i] = y; } } double[] scaled_values = new double[bands]; for (i = 0; i < bands; i++) scaled_values[i] = scale (values[i]); on_changed (scaled_values); } private void snap_move (double x, double y) { double step = 1.0 / (double)(bands+1); int idx = (int)((x-step/2)/step); if (idx < bands && idx >= 0) { current_point = points.nth (idx); = y; } } private void handle_curve_click (Gdk.EventButton event) { double x = (double)(event.x - margin_left) / (double)(allocation.width - margin_left); double y = event.y / (double)(allocation.height - margin_bottom); if (event.button == 1) { /* Handling left button: moving points */ if (snap) snap_move (x, y); else { if (!get_point_at (x, y)) { var point = new Point(); if (points == null) { points.append (point); current_point = points; } else if ( > x) { points.prepend (point); current_point = points; } else { var found = false; for (unowned List i = points; != null; i = if ( < x && > x) { points.insert_before (, point); current_point =; found = true; break; } if (!found) { points.append (point); current_point = points.last(); } } } = x; = y; } recalc_values(); get_window().set_cursor (moving_cursor); queue_draw (); } else if (event.button == 3) { /* Handling right button: removing points */ if (snap) return; if (get_point_at (x, y)) { points.remove (; recalc_values(); queue_draw (); } queue_draw(); } } private bool in_curve_area (int x, int y) { return x > margin_left && x < allocation.width-1 && y > 1 && y < allocation.height-margin_bottom; } /* Mouse button got pressed over widget */ public override bool button_press_event (Gdk.EventButton event) { if (in_curve_area ((int)event.x, (int)event.y)) { curve_hook = true; handle_curve_click (event); return false; } if (event.x <= 11 && event.y > 1 && event.y <= allocation.height-margin_bottom && event.button == 1 ) { preamp = event.y / (double)(allocation.height - margin_bottom); preamp_hook = true; } if (event.button == 3) { //stdout.printf (""); menu.popup (null, null, null, event.button, Gtk.get_current_event_time()); } return false; } /* Mouse button got released */ public override bool button_release_event (Gdk.EventButton event) { curve_hook = false; preamp_hook = false; get_window().set_cursor (pointer_cursor); return false; } public override bool leave_notify_event (Gdk.EventCrossing event) { mouse_y = -1; queue_draw(); return false; } /* Mouse pointer moved over widget */ public override bool motion_notify_event (Gdk.EventMotion event) { double x = (double)(event.x - margin_left) / (double)(allocation.width - margin_left); double y = event.y / (double)(allocation.height - margin_bottom); if (y < 0) y = 0; if (y > 1) y = 1; if (preamp_hook) { preamp = y; queue_draw(); return false; } if (!in_curve_area ((int)event.x, (int)event.y)) mouse_y = -1; else mouse_y = (int)event.y; if (curve_hook) { if (snap) snap_move (x, y); else { = x; if ((current_point.prev != null) && > =; if (( != null) && < =; = y; if ( > 1) = 1; if ( < 0) = 0; } recalc_values(); mouse_y = (int)event.y; queue_draw (); } else { if (!get_point_at (x, y)) get_window().set_cursor (pointer_cursor); else get_window().set_cursor (moving_cursor); queue_draw (); } return false; } // public static Equalizer inst = null; } }