/* _______ ____ __ ___ ___ * \ _ \ \ / \ / \ \ / / ' ' ' * | | \ \ | | || | \/ | . . * | | | | | | || ||\ /| | * | | | | | | || || \/ | | ' ' ' * | | | | | | || || | | . . * | |_/ / \ \__// || | | * /_______/ynamic \____/niversal /__\ /____\usic /| . . ibliotheque * / \ * / . \ * readstm.c - Code to read a ScreamTracker 2 / / \ \ * module from an open file. | < / \_ * | \/ /\ / * By Chris Moeller. \_ / > / * | \ / / * | ' / * \__/ */ // IT_STEREO... :o #include #include #include "dumb.h" #include "internal/it.h" /** WARNING: this is duplicated in itread.c */ static int it_seek(DUMBFILE *f, long offset) { long pos = dumbfile_pos(f); if (pos > offset) { return -1; } if (pos < offset) if (dumbfile_skip(f, offset - pos)) return -1; return 0; } static int it_stm_read_sample_header( IT_SAMPLE *sample, DUMBFILE *f ) { dumbfile_getnc( sample->filename, 12, f ); sample->filename[12] = 0; memcpy( sample->name, sample->filename, 13 ); dumbfile_skip( f, 2 + 2 ); sample->length = dumbfile_igetw( f ); sample->loop_start = dumbfile_igetw( f ); sample->loop_end = dumbfile_igetw( f ); sample->default_volume = dumbfile_getc( f ); dumbfile_skip( f, 1 ); sample->C5_speed = dumbfile_igetw( f ) << 3; dumbfile_skip( f, 6 ); if ( sample->length < 4 || !sample->default_volume ) { /* Looks like no-existy. */ sample->flags &= ~IT_SAMPLE_EXISTS; sample->length = 0; return dumbfile_error( f ); } sample->flags = IT_SAMPLE_EXISTS; sample->global_volume = 64; sample->default_pan = 0; // 0 = don't use, or 160 = centre? if ( ( sample->loop_start < sample->length ) && ( sample->loop_end > sample->loop_start ) && ( sample->loop_end != 0xFFFF ) ) { sample->flags |= IT_SAMPLE_LOOP; if ( sample->loop_end > sample->length ) sample->loop_end = sample->length; } //Do we need to set all these? sample->vibrato_speed = 0; sample->vibrato_depth = 0; sample->vibrato_rate = 0; sample->vibrato_waveform = IT_VIBRATO_SINE; sample->finetune = 0; sample->max_resampling_quality = -1; return dumbfile_error(f); } static int it_stm_read_sample_data( IT_SAMPLE *sample, DUMBFILE *f ) { long n; if ( ! sample->length ) return 0; n = dumbfile_pos( f ); if ( n & 15 ) { if ( dumbfile_skip( f, 16 - ( n & 15 ) ) ) return -1; } sample->data = malloc( sample->length ); if (!sample->data) return -1; if ( dumbfile_getnc( sample->data, sample->length, f ) != sample->length ) return -1; return 0; } static int it_stm_read_pattern( IT_PATTERN *pattern, DUMBFILE *f, unsigned char *buffer ) { int pos; int channel; int row; IT_ENTRY *entry; pattern->n_rows = 64; if ( dumbfile_getnc( buffer, 64 * 4 * 4, f ) != 64 * 4 * 4 ) return -1; pattern->n_entries = 64; pos = 0; for ( row = 0; row < 64; ++row ) { for ( channel = 0; channel < 4; ++channel ) { if ( buffer[ pos + 0 ] | buffer[ pos + 1 ] | buffer[ pos + 2 ] | buffer[ pos + 3 ] ) ++pattern->n_entries; pos += 4; } } pattern->entry = malloc( pattern->n_entries * sizeof( *pattern->entry ) ); if ( !pattern->entry ) return -1; entry = pattern->entry; pos = 0; for ( row = 0; row < 64; ++row ) { for ( channel = 0; channel < 4; ++channel ) { if ( buffer[ pos + 0 ] | buffer[ pos + 1 ] | buffer[ pos + 2 ] | buffer[ pos + 3 ] ) { unsigned note; note = buffer[ pos + 0 ]; entry->channel = channel; entry->mask = 0; entry->instrument = buffer[ pos + 1 ] >> 3; entry->volpan = ( buffer[ pos + 1 ] & 0x07 ) + ( buffer[ pos + 2 ] >> 1 ); entry->effect = buffer[ pos + 2 ] & 0x0F; entry->effectvalue = buffer[ pos + 3 ]; if ( entry->instrument && entry->instrument < 32 ) entry->mask |= IT_ENTRY_INSTRUMENT; if ( note == 0xFC || note == 0xFE ) { entry->mask |= IT_ENTRY_NOTE; entry->note = IT_NOTE_CUT; } if ( note < 251 ) { entry->mask |= IT_ENTRY_NOTE; entry->note = ( note >> 4 ) * 12 + ( note & 0x0F ); } if ( entry->volpan <= 64 ) entry->mask |= IT_ENTRY_VOLPAN; entry->mask |= IT_ENTRY_EFFECT; switch ( entry->effect ) { case IT_SET_SPEED: entry->effectvalue >>= 4; break; case IT_BREAK_TO_ROW: entry->effectvalue -= (entry->effectvalue >> 4) * 6; break; case IT_JUMP_TO_ORDER: case IT_VOLUME_SLIDE: case IT_PORTAMENTO_DOWN: case IT_PORTAMENTO_UP: case IT_TONE_PORTAMENTO: case IT_VIBRATO: case IT_TREMOR: case IT_ARPEGGIO: case IT_VOLSLIDE_VIBRATO: case IT_VOLSLIDE_TONEPORTA: break; default: entry->mask &= ~IT_ENTRY_EFFECT; break; } if ( entry->mask ) ++entry; } pos += 4; } IT_SET_END_ROW(entry); ++entry; } pattern->n_entries = entry - pattern->entry; return 0; } static DUMB_IT_SIGDATA *it_stm_load_sigdata(DUMBFILE *f /*, int * version*/) { DUMB_IT_SIGDATA *sigdata; char tracker_name[ 8 ]; int n; sigdata = malloc(sizeof(*sigdata)); if (!sigdata) return NULL; /* Skip song name. */ dumbfile_getnc(sigdata->name, 20, f); sigdata->name[20] = 0; dumbfile_getnc(tracker_name, 8, f); n = dumbfile_getc(f); if ( n != 0x02 && n != 0x1A && n != 0x1B ) { free( sigdata ); return NULL; } if ( dumbfile_getc(f) != 2 ) /* only support modules */ { free( sigdata ); return NULL; } if ( strncasecmp( tracker_name, "!Scream!", 8 ) && strncasecmp( tracker_name, "BMOD2STM", 8 ) && strncasecmp( tracker_name, "WUZAMOD!", 8 ) ) { free( sigdata ); return NULL; } /* *version = dumbfile_mgetw(f); */ dumbfile_skip( f, 2 ); sigdata->song_message = NULL; sigdata->order = NULL; sigdata->instrument = NULL; sigdata->sample = NULL; sigdata->pattern = NULL; sigdata->midi = NULL; sigdata->checkpoint = NULL; sigdata->n_instruments = 0; sigdata->n_samples = 31; sigdata->n_pchannels = 4; sigdata->tempo = 125; sigdata->mixing_volume = 48; sigdata->pan_separation = 128; /** WARNING: which ones? */ sigdata->flags = IT_OLD_EFFECTS | IT_COMPATIBLE_GXX | IT_WAS_AN_S3M; sigdata->speed = dumbfile_getc(f) >> 4; if ( sigdata->speed < 1 ) sigdata->speed = 1; sigdata->n_patterns = dumbfile_getc(f); sigdata->global_volume = dumbfile_getc(f) << 1; if ( sigdata->global_volume > 128 ) sigdata->global_volume = 128; dumbfile_skip(f, 13); if ( dumbfile_error(f) || sigdata->n_patterns < 1 || sigdata->n_patterns > 99 ) { _dumb_it_unload_sigdata(sigdata); return NULL; } sigdata->sample = malloc(sigdata->n_samples * sizeof(*sigdata->sample)); if (!sigdata->sample) { _dumb_it_unload_sigdata(sigdata); return NULL; } for (n = 0; n < sigdata->n_samples; n++) sigdata->sample[n].data = NULL; if (sigdata->n_patterns) { sigdata->pattern = malloc(sigdata->n_patterns * sizeof(*sigdata->pattern)); if (!sigdata->pattern) { _dumb_it_unload_sigdata(sigdata); return NULL; } for (n = 0; n < sigdata->n_patterns; n++) sigdata->pattern[n].entry = NULL; } memset( sigdata->channel_volume, 64, 4 ); sigdata->channel_pan[ 0 ] = 48; sigdata->channel_pan[ 1 ] = 16; sigdata->channel_pan[ 2 ] = 48; sigdata->channel_pan[ 3 ] = 16; for ( n = 0; n < sigdata->n_samples; ++n ) { if ( it_stm_read_sample_header( &sigdata->sample[ n ], f ) ) { _dumb_it_unload_sigdata( sigdata ); return NULL; } } sigdata->order = malloc( 128 ); if ( !sigdata->order ) { _dumb_it_unload_sigdata( sigdata ); return NULL; } /* Orders, byte each, length = sigdata->n_orders (should be even) */ dumbfile_getnc( sigdata->order, 128, f ); sigdata->restart_position = 0; for ( n = 127; n >= 0; --n ) { if ( sigdata->order[ n ] < sigdata->n_patterns ) break; } if ( n < 0 ) { _dumb_it_unload_sigdata( sigdata ); return NULL; } sigdata->n_orders = n + 1; for ( n = 0; n < 128; ++n ) { if ( sigdata->order[ n ] >= 99 ) sigdata->order[ n ] = 0xFF; } if ( sigdata->n_patterns ) { unsigned char * buffer = malloc( 64 * 4 * 4 ); if ( ! buffer ) { _dumb_it_unload_sigdata( sigdata ); return NULL; } for ( n = 0; n < sigdata->n_patterns; ++n ) { if ( it_stm_read_pattern( &sigdata->pattern[ n ], f, buffer ) ) { free( buffer ); _dumb_it_unload_sigdata( sigdata ); return NULL; } } free( buffer ); } for ( n = 0; n < sigdata->n_samples; ++n ) { if ( it_stm_read_sample_data( &sigdata->sample[ n ], f ) ) { _dumb_it_unload_sigdata( sigdata ); return NULL; } } _dumb_it_fix_invalid_orders(sigdata); return sigdata; } /*static char hexdigit(int in) { if (in < 10) return in + '0'; else return in + 'A' - 10; }*/ DUH *dumb_read_stm_quick(DUMBFILE *f) { sigdata_t *sigdata; /*int ver;*/ DUH_SIGTYPE_DESC *descptr = &_dumb_sigtype_it; sigdata = it_stm_load_sigdata(f /*, &ver*/); if (!sigdata) return NULL; { /*char version[16];*/ const char *tag[2][2]; tag[0][0] = "TITLE"; tag[0][1] = ((DUMB_IT_SIGDATA *)sigdata)->name; tag[1][0] = "FORMAT"; tag[1][1] = "STM"; /*version[0] = 'S'; version[1] = 'T'; version[2] = 'M'; version[3] = ' '; version[4] = 'v'; version[5] = hexdigit((ver >> 8) & 15); version[6] = '.'; version[7] = hexdigit((ver >> 4) & 15); version[8] = hexdigit(ver & 15); version[9] = 0; tag[1][1] = (const char *) &version;*/ return make_duh(-1, 2, (const char *const (*)[2])tag, 1, &descptr, &sigdata); } }