@ECHO OFF REM This file does an interactive configuration for users of DOS and Windows. REM It creates a config.txt file for inclusion in the Makefile. This batch REM file should be run indirectly through the 'make config' target (or the REM 'make' target the first time). IF EXIST make\dumbask.exe GOTO dumbaskok ECHO You should not be running this directly! Use 'make' or 'make config'. GOTO end :dumbaskok make\dumbask.exe "Would you like to compile DUMB for DJGPP or MinGW (D/M)? " DM IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO mingw ECHO include make/djgpp.inc>make\config.tmp GOTO djgpp :mingw ECHO include make/mingw.inc>make\config.tmp :djgpp ECHO ALL_TARGETS := core core-examples core-headers>>make\config.tmp make\dumbask.exe "Would you like support for Allegro (Y/N)? " IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO ALL_TARGETS += allegro allegro-examples allegro-headers>>make\config.tmp IF EXIST make\config.txt DEL make\config.txt REN make\config.tmp config.txt ECHO Configuration complete. ECHO Run 'make config' to change it in the future. PAUSE :end