/* _______ ____ __ ___ ___ * \ _ \ \ / \ / \ \ / / ' ' ' * | | \ \ | | || | \/ | . . * | | | | | | || ||\ /| | * | | | | | | || || \/ | | ' ' ' * | | | | | | || || | | . . * | |_/ / \ \__// || | | * /_______/ynamic \____/niversal /__\ /____\usic /| . . ibliotheque * / \ * / . \ * deprec.txt - Deprecated functions, why they / / \ \ * were deprecated, and what to do | < / \_ * instead. | \/ /\ / * \_ / > / * | \ / / * | ' / * \__/ */ ********************************************** *** How the functions have been deprecated *** ********************************************** GCC 3.1 and later provide a very useful attribute. The following: __attribute__((__deprecated__)) when written alongside a function prototype, variable declaration or type definition, will result in a warning from GCC if any such part of the API is used. The warning will even tell you where the declaration is, and I have inserted comments by all the deprecated declarations, telling you what to do. Unfortunately, GCC 2.x and 3.0.x and MSVC do not have any means to deprecate things. The approach I have taken with these compilers is to avoid prototyping the deprecated parts of the API. This means you will get warnings and errors, and they won't be very helpful. If your program compiles, you may get strange crashes when you run it, since the compiler needs the declarations in order to make sure function calls are carried out correctly. If you would like the deprecated parts of the API to be declared, you can compile with the -DDUMB_DECLARE_DEPRECATED switch for GCC, or the -D"DUMB_DECLARE_DEPRECATED" switch for MSVC. This will be accepted by GCC 3.x but is unnecessary. Use this switch with other people's projects if necessary, but please make the effort to update your own projects to use the new API, as the deprecated parts may be removed in the future. The rest of this file explains why some parts of the API were deprecated, and how to adapt your code. ************************************** *** What happened to DUH_RENDERER? *** ************************************** The DUH_RENDERER struct was designed for rendering audio to an end-user format - 8-bit or 16-bit, signed or unsigned, with stereo samples interleaved. In order for it to do this, it was built on top of the hitherto undocumented DUH_SIGRENDERER struct, which rendered audio in DUMB's internal 32-bit signed format with channels (left/right) stored separately. The DUH_RENDERER struct contained a pointer to a DUH_SIGRENDERER struct, along with some other data like the position and number of channels. There were then some developments in the API. The DUH_SIGRENDERER struct also stored the position and the number of channels, so I decided to write functions for returning these. Suddenly there was no need to store them in the DUH_RENDERER struct. Before long, the DUH_RENDERER struct contained nothing but a pointer to a DUH_SIGRENDERER. I decided it would be a good idea to unify the structs. After all, there really is no difference between the data stored in each, and it would be easy to make duh_render(DUH_RENDERER *dr, ...) and duh_render_signal(DUH_SIGRENDERER *sr, ...) work on the same type of struct. (Note that duh_render_signal() is now deprecated too; see the next section.) It took some deliberation, but I decided I didn't want functions to be #defined (it prevents you from using these names for member functions in C++ classes), and that meant they had to be defined somewhere. Defining redundant functions is a source of bloat, inefficiency and general inelegance. After weighing things up, I decided it was better to deprecate the redundant functions and have people begin to use the more efficient versions, and eventually the redundant functions will be able to be removed. So why did I choose to keep the more complicated name, DUH_SIGRENDERER? The reason has to do with what DUMB will become in the future. Signals are an inherent part of the DUH struct and how .duh files will be constructed. It will be possible to have multiple signals in a single DUH struct, and you will be able to choose which one you want to play (this is the 'sig' parameter passed to duh_start_sigrenderer()). But don't hold your breath; we still have a long way to go before .duh files will start to appear... typedef DUH_SIGRENDERER DUH_RENDERER; Wherever you are using DUH_RENDERER in your program, simply replace it with DUH_SIGRENDERER. An automated (case-sensitive!) search and replace operation should get this done. DUH_RENDERER *duh_start_renderer(DUH *duh, int n_channels, long pos); Use duh_start_sigrenderer() instead. It takes an extra parameter, 'sig', which comes after 'duh' and before 'n_channels'; pass 0 for this. So an example would be, replace: sr = duh_start_renderer(duh, 2, 0); with: sr = duh_start_sigrenderer(duh, 0, 2, 0); int duh_renderer_get_n_channels(DUH_RENDERER *dr); long duh_renderer_get_position(DUH_RENDERER *dr); void duh_end_renderer(DUH_RENDERER *dr); These are easy enough to fix; all you have to do is replace 'renderer' with 'sigrenderer'. So the new functions are: int duh_sigrenderer_get_n_channels(DUH_SIGRENDERER *sigrenderer); long duh_sigrenderer_get_position(DUH_SIGRENDERER *sigrenderer); void duh_end_sigrenderer(DUH_SIGRENDERER *sigrenderer); Note that duh_render() has NOT been deprecated. It now uses DUH_SIGRENDERER instead of DUH_RENDERER, but its functionality is unchanged. You do not have to change calls to this function in any way. DUH_RENDERER *duh_renderer_encapsulate_sigrenderer(DUH_SIGRENDERER *sr); DUH_SIGRENDERER *duh_renderer_get_sigrenderer(DUH_RENDERER *dr); DUH_SIGRENDERER *duh_renderer_decompose_to_sigrenderer(DUH_RENDERER *dr); These functions did not exist in the last release of DUMB, so you are probably not using them, but they are included here for completeness. All you have to do here is unwrap the function, since the structs have been unified. So, for instance, replace: duh_renderer_encapsulate_sigrenderer(my_sigrenderer) with: my_sigrenderer Simple! AL_DUH_PLAYER *al_duh_encapsulate_renderer(DUH_RENDERER *dr, float volume, long bufsize, int freq); DUH_RENDERER *al_duh_get_renderer(AL_DUH_PLAYER *dp); DUH_RENDERER *al_duh_decompose_to_renderer(AL_DUH_PLAYER *dp); Again, these functions were not in the last release, so you probably aren't using them. Nevertheless, the fix is simple as always: simply replace 'renderer' with 'sigrenderer'. So the new functions are: AL_DUH_PLAYER *al_duh_encapsulate_sigrenderer(DUH_SIGRENDERER *sr, float volume, long bufsize, int freq); DUH_SIGRENDERER *al_duh_get_sigrenderer(AL_DUH_PLAYER *dp); DUH_SIGRENDERER *al_duh_decompose_to_sigrenderer(AL_DUH_PLAYER *dp); ********************* *** Miscellaneous *** ********************* sample_t **create_sample_buffer(int n_channels, long length); long duh_render_signal(DUH_SIGRENDERER *sigrenderer, float volume, float delta, long size, sample_t **samples); long duh_sigrenderer_get_samples(DUH_SIGRENDERER *sigrenderer, float volume, float delta, long size, sample_t **samples); These functions dealt with samples in DUMB's internal format, which consists of 32-bit integers. For duh_render_signal(), the older of the two rendering functions, the integers had a 'normal range' of -0x8000 to 0x7FFF: any samples outside this range would have to be clipped when sent to the sound card. For duh_sigrenderer_get_samples(), the range had increased to -0x800000 to 0x7FFFFF, hence the new function was created and the old turned into an inefficient wrapper and deprecated. Since then, another change has taken place: DUMB now interleaves left and right samples when processing stereo data. This meant create_sample_buffer() and duh_sigrenderer_get_samples() both had to be deprecated, because if you were using them yourself, you were probably processing the sample data. The functions still exist and will convert the data into the right form for you, but they are inefficient. To update your code, first call allocate_sample_buffer() instead of create_sample_buffer(), and then call duh_sigrenderer_generate_samples() with the same arguments as whichever renderer function you were using before. Be aware first that the range is -0x800000 to 0x7FFFFF, so you will need to account for this if you were using duh_render_signal(). Then change the way you index the samples. Whereas before you had to write samples[channel][position], you now have to write samples[0][position] for mono (no change); samples[0][position*2+channel] for stereo. The [0] is still there in anticipation of surround sound support: samples will only ever be interleaved in twos, because each new interleaving pattern results in more code duplication. destroy_sample_buffer() has not been deprecated, since it is compatible with both the old and the new allocation functions. typedef void (*DUH_SIGRENDERER_CALLBACK)(void *data, sample_t **samples, int n_channels, long length); void duh_sigrenderer_set_callback(DUH_SIGRENDERER *sigrenderer, DUH_SIGRENDERER_CALLBACK callback, void *data); typedef void (*DUH_SIGRENDERER_ANALYSER_CALLBACK) (void *data, sample_t **samples, int n_channels, long length); void duh_sigrenderer_set_analyser_callback(DUH_SIGRENDERER *sigrenderer, DUH_SIGRENDERER_ANALYSER_CALLBACK callback, void *data); For the same reasons as explained above for create_sample_buffer() and friends, these two functions (and corresponding typedefs) have had to be deprecated. If you were using duh_sigrenderer_set_callback(), then be aware that it was only intended to allow you to analyse the output, not modify it. For this reason, the names were changed to DUH_SIGRENDERER_ANALYSER_CALLBACK and duh_sigrenderer_set_analyser_callback(), and the 'samples' parameter to your callback needed to be specified as follows: const sample_t *const *samples The first 'const' indicates that you must not modify the samples. The second indicates that you must not modify the pointers to each channel. If you wanted to use this callback to apply a DSP effect, don't worry; there is a better way of doing this. It is undocumented, so contact me and I shall try to help. Contact details are at the bottom of this file. Having corrected that, follow the instructions under create_sample_buffer() to update your code to handle the new sample format. Then call duh_sigrenderer_set_sample_analyser_callback() instead (note the addition of 'sample' to the name). If you try to call one of the old functions, it will print a message to stderr directing you to this file, and it will not install the callback. You shouldn't be able to get this far without a compiler warning (or, if you don't have GCC 3.1 or later, some compiler errors). For reference, here are the new definitions: typedef void (*DUH_SIGRENDERER_SAMPLE_ANALYSER_CALLBACK)(void *data, const sample_t *const *samples, int n_channels, long length); void duh_sigrenderer_set_sample_analyser_callback( DUH_SIGRENDERER *sigrenderer, DUH_SIGRENDERER_SAMPLE_ANALYSER_CALLBACK callback, void *data); int dumb_resampling_quality; This variable has changed meaning. It used to hold a value from 0 to 4, whose meaning was as follows: 0 - aliasing 1,2 - linear interpolation 3 - quadratic interpolation 4 - cubic interpolation 0,1 - always use a straightforward interpolation algorithm 2,3,4 - when decimating (increasing the pitch), use a linear average algorithm designed to reduce frequencies that would otherwise reflect off the Nyquist Now the variable only holds values from 0 to 2, and these values have preprocessor constants associated with them. The somewhat inappropriate quadratic interpolation has been removed. The linear average algorithm has also been removed, and may or may not come back; there are probably more efficient ways of achieving the same effect, which I shall be investigating in the future. This change will have hardly any noticeable effect on existing programs. Levels 2, 3 and 4 used considerably more processor time because of the linear average algorithm. Likewise, Level 2 in the new scheme (cubic) uses considerably more processor time than Levels 1 and 0, and Levels 3 and 4 will behave identically to Level 2. ****************** *** Conclusion *** ****************** "I conclude that... DUMB is the bestest music player in the world because... Complete this sentence in fifteen words or fewer... D'OH!" The preceding conclusion formerly appeared in dumb.txt, and is deprecated because it's lame. Ben Davis entheh@users.sf.net