/* DUMB Plugin for DeaDBeeF Player Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Alexey Yakovenko This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required. 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. */ // based on fb2k dumb plugin from http://kode54.foobar2000.org #include #include #include #include "dumb.h" #include "internal/it.h" #include "../../deadbeef.h" //#define trace(...) { fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__); } #define trace(fmt,...) static DB_decoder_t plugin; static DB_functions_t *deadbeef; typedef struct { DB_fileinfo_t info; DUH *duh; DUH_SIGRENDERER *renderer; } dumb_info_t; //#define DUMB_RQ_ALIASING //#define DUMB_RQ_LINEAR //#define DUMB_RQ_CUBIC //#define DUMB_RQ_N_LEVELS extern int dumb_resampling_quality; extern int dumb_it_max_to_mix; static int cdumb_startrenderer (DB_fileinfo_t *_info); static DUH* open_module(const char *fname, const char *ext, int *start_order, int *is_it, int *is_dos, const char **filetype); static DB_fileinfo_t * cdumb_open (uint32_t hints) { DB_fileinfo_t *_info = malloc (sizeof (dumb_info_t)); memset (_info, 0, sizeof (dumb_info_t)); return _info; } static int cdumb_init (DB_fileinfo_t *_info, DB_playItem_t *it) { trace ("cdumb_init %s\n", deadbeef->pl_find_meta (it, ":URI")); dumb_info_t *info = (dumb_info_t *)_info; int start_order = 0; int is_dos, is_it; deadbeef->pl_lock (); { const char *uri = deadbeef->pl_find_meta (it, ":URI"); const char *ext = uri + strlen (uri) - 1; while (*ext != '.' && ext > uri) { ext--; } ext++; const char *ftype; info->duh = open_module (uri, ext, &start_order, &is_it, &is_dos, &ftype); } deadbeef->pl_unlock (); dumb_it_do_initial_runthrough (info->duh); _info->plugin = &plugin; _info->fmt.bps = deadbeef->conf_get_int ("dumb.8bitoutput", 0) ? 8 : 16; _info->fmt.channels = 2; _info->fmt.samplerate = deadbeef->conf_get_int ("synth.samplerate", 44100); _info->readpos = 0; _info->fmt.channelmask = _info->fmt.channels == 1 ? DDB_SPEAKER_FRONT_LEFT : (DDB_SPEAKER_FRONT_LEFT | DDB_SPEAKER_FRONT_RIGHT); if (cdumb_startrenderer (_info) < 0) { return -1; } trace ("cdumb_init success (ptr=%p)\n", _info); return 0; } static int cdumb_startrenderer (DB_fileinfo_t *_info) { dumb_info_t *info = (dumb_info_t *)_info; // reopen if (info->renderer) { duh_end_sigrenderer (info->renderer); info->renderer = NULL; } info->renderer = duh_start_sigrenderer (info->duh, 0, 2, 0); if (!info->renderer) { return -1; } DUMB_IT_SIGRENDERER *itsr = duh_get_it_sigrenderer (info->renderer); dumb_it_set_loop_callback (itsr, &dumb_it_callback_terminate, NULL); int q = deadbeef->conf_get_int ("dumb.resampling_quality", 2); if (q < 0) { q = 0; } else if (q >= DUMB_RQ_N_LEVELS) { q = DUMB_RQ_N_LEVELS - 1; } dumb_it_set_resampling_quality (itsr, q); dumb_it_set_xm_speed_zero_callback (itsr, &dumb_it_callback_terminate, NULL); dumb_it_set_global_volume_zero_callback (itsr, &dumb_it_callback_terminate, NULL); return 0; } static void cdumb_free (DB_fileinfo_t *_info) { trace ("cdumb_free %p\n", _info); dumb_info_t *info = (dumb_info_t *)_info; if (info) { if (info->renderer) { duh_end_sigrenderer (info->renderer); info->renderer = NULL; } if (info->duh) { unload_duh (info->duh); info->duh = NULL; } free (info); } } static int cdumb_read (DB_fileinfo_t *_info, char *bytes, int size) { trace ("cdumb_read req %d\n", size); dumb_info_t *info = (dumb_info_t *)_info; int samplesize = (_info->fmt.bps >> 3) * _info->fmt.channels; int length = size / samplesize; long ret; ret = duh_render (info->renderer, _info->fmt.bps, 0, 1, 65536.f / _info->fmt.samplerate, length, bytes); _info->readpos += ret / (float)_info->fmt.samplerate; trace ("cdumb_read %d\n", ret*samplesize); return ret*samplesize; } static int cdumb_seek (DB_fileinfo_t *_info, float time) { trace ("cdumb_read seek %f\n", time); dumb_info_t *info = (dumb_info_t *)_info; if (time < _info->readpos) { if (cdumb_startrenderer (_info) < 0) { return -1; } } else { time -= _info->readpos; } int pos = time * _info->fmt.samplerate; duh_sigrenderer_generate_samples (info->renderer, 0, 65536.0f / _info->fmt.samplerate, pos, NULL); _info->readpos = duh_sigrenderer_get_position (info->renderer) / 65536.f; return 0; } static const char * exts[]= { "mod","mdz", "s3m","s3z", "stm","stz", "it","itz", "xm","xmz", "ptm","ptz", "mtm","mtz", "669", "psm", "umx", "am","j2b", "dsm", "amf", NULL }; // derived from mod.cpp of foo_dumb source code static DUH * open_module(const char *fname, const char *ext, int *start_order, int *is_it, int *is_dos, const char** filetype) { *filetype = NULL; DUH * duh = 0; *is_it = 0; *is_dos = 1; uint8_t ptr[2000]; DB_FILE *fp = deadbeef->fopen (fname); if (!fp) { return NULL; } int size = deadbeef->fread (ptr, 1, 2000, fp); deadbeef->fclose (fp); DUMBFILE * f = dumbfile_open (fname); if (!f) { return NULL; } // {{{ no umr yet #if 0 if (size >= 4 && ptr[0] == 0xC1 && ptr[1] == 0x83 && ptr[2] == 0x2A && ptr[3] == 0x9E) { umr_mem_reader memreader(ptr, size); umr::upkg pkg; if (pkg.open(&memreader)) { for (int i = 1, j = pkg.ocount(); i <= j; i++) { char * classname = pkg.oclassname(i); if (classname && !strcmp(pkg.oclassname(i), "Music")) { char * type = pkg.otype(i); if (!type) continue; /* if (!stricmp(type, "it")) { is_it = true; ptr += memdata.offset = pkg.object_offset(i); size = memdata.size = memdata.offset + pkg.object_size(i); duh = dumb_read_it_quick(f); break; } else if (!stricmp(type, "s3m")) { memdata.offset = pkg.object_offset(i); memdata.size = memdata.offset + pkg.object_size(i); duh = dumb_read_s3m_quick(f); break; } else if (!stricmp(type, "xm")) { memdata.offset = pkg.object_offset(i); memdata.size = memdata.offset + pkg.object_size(i); duh = dumb_read_xm_quick(f); break; } */ // blah, type can't be trusted if (!stricmp(type, "it") || !stricmp(type, "s3m") || !stricmp(type, "xm")) { ptr += memdata.offset = pkg.object_offset(i); size = memdata.size = memdata.offset + pkg.object_size(i); if (size >= 4 && ptr[0] == 'I' && ptr[1] == 'M' && ptr[2] == 'P' && ptr[3] == 'M') { is_it = true; duh = dumb_read_it_quick(f); } else if (size >= 42 && ptr[38] == 'F' && ptr[39] == 'a' && ptr[40] == 's' && ptr[41] == 't') { duh = dumb_read_xm_quick(f); } else if (size >= 48 && ptr[44] == 'S' && ptr[45] == 'C' && ptr[46] == 'R' && ptr[47] == 'M') { duh = dumb_read_s3m_quick(f); } break; } } } } } else #endif // end of umr code // }}} if (size >= 4 && ptr[0] == 'I' && ptr[1] == 'M' && ptr[2] == 'P' && ptr[3] == 'M') { *is_it = 1; duh = dumb_read_it_quick(f); *filetype = "IT"; } else if (size >= 17 && !memcmp(ptr, "Extended Module: ", 17)) { duh = dumb_read_xm_quick(f); *filetype = "XM"; } else if (size >= 0x30 && ptr[0x2C] == 'S' && ptr[0x2D] == 'C' && ptr[0x2E] == 'R' && ptr[0x2F] == 'M') { duh = dumb_read_s3m_quick(f); *filetype = "S3M"; } else if (size >= 1168 && /*ptr[28] == 0x1A &&*/ ptr[29] == 2 && ( ! strncasecmp( ( const char * ) ptr + 20, "!Scream!", 8 ) || ! strncasecmp( ( const char * ) ptr + 20, "BMOD2STM", 8 ) || ! strncasecmp( ( const char * ) ptr + 20, "WUZAMOD!", 8 ) ) ) { duh = dumb_read_stm_quick(f); *filetype = "STM"; } else if (size >= 2 && ((ptr[0] == 0x69 && ptr[1] == 0x66) || (ptr[0] == 0x4A && ptr[1] == 0x4E))) { duh = dumb_read_669_quick(f); *filetype = "669"; } else if (size >= 0x30 && ptr[0x2C] == 'P' && ptr[0x2D] == 'T' && ptr[0x2E] == 'M' && ptr[0x2F] == 'F') { duh = dumb_read_ptm_quick(f); *filetype = "PTM"; } else if (size >= 4 && ptr[0] == 'P' && ptr[1] == 'S' && ptr[2] == 'M' && ptr[3] == ' ') { duh = dumb_read_psm_quick(f, *start_order); *start_order = 0; *filetype = "PSM"; } else if (size >= 4 && ptr[0] == 'P' && ptr[1] == 'S' && ptr[2] == 'M' && ptr[3] == 254) { duh = dumb_read_old_psm_quick(f); *filetype = "PSM"; } else if (size >= 3 && ptr[0] == 'M' && ptr[1] == 'T' && ptr[2] == 'M') { duh = dumb_read_mtm_quick(f); *filetype = "MTM"; } else if ( size >= 4 && ptr[0] == 'R' && ptr[1] == 'I' && ptr[2] == 'F' && ptr[3] == 'F') { duh = dumb_read_riff_quick(f); *filetype = "RIFF"; } else if ( size >= 32 && !memcmp( ptr, "ASYLUM Music Format", 19 ) && !memcmp( ptr + 19, " V1.0", 5 ) ) { duh = dumb_read_asy_quick(f); *filetype = "ASY"; } if (!duh) { dumbfile_close(f); f = dumbfile_open (fname); *is_dos = 0; duh = dumb_read_mod_quick (f, (!strcasecmp (ext, exts[0]) || !strcasecmp (ext, exts[1])) ? 0 : 1); *filetype = "MOD"; } if (f) { dumbfile_close(f); } // {{{ no volume ramping #if 0 // XXX test if (duh) { int ramp_mode = 0; // none if (ramp_mode) { DUMB_IT_SIGDATA * itsd = duh_get_it_sigdata(duh); if (itsd) { if (ramp_mode > 2) { if ( ( itsd->flags & ( IT_WAS_AN_XM | IT_WAS_A_MOD ) ) == IT_WAS_AN_XM ) ramp_mode = 2; else ramp_mode = 1; } for (int i = 0, j = itsd->n_samples; i < j; i++) { IT_SAMPLE * sample = &itsd->sample[i]; if ( sample->flags & IT_SAMPLE_EXISTS && !( sample->flags & IT_SAMPLE_LOOP ) ) { double rate = 1. / double( sample->C5_speed ); double length = double( sample->length ) * rate; if ( length >= .1 ) { int k, l = sample->length; if ( ramp_mode == 1 && ( ( rate * 16. ) < .01 ) ) { if (sample->flags & IT_SAMPLE_16BIT) { k = l - 15; signed short * data = (signed short *) sample->data; if (sample->flags & IT_SAMPLE_STEREO) { for (int shift = 1; k < l; k++, shift++) { data [k * 2] >>= shift; data [k * 2 + 1] >>= shift; } } else { for (int shift = 1; k < l; k++, shift++) { data [k] >>= shift; } } } else { k = l - 7; signed char * data = (signed char *) sample->data; if (sample->flags & IT_SAMPLE_STEREO) { for (int shift = 1; k < l; k++, shift++) { data [k * 2] >>= shift; data [k * 2 + 1] >>= shift; } } else { for (int shift = 1; k < l; k++, shift++) { data [k] >>= shift; } } } } else { int m = int( .01 * double( sample->C5_speed ) + .5 ); k = l - m; if (sample->flags & IT_SAMPLE_16BIT) { signed short * data = (signed short *) sample->data; if (sample->flags & IT_SAMPLE_STEREO) { for (; k < l; k++) { data [k * 2] = MulDiv( data [k * 2], l - k, m ); data [k * 2 + 1] = MulDiv( data [k * 2 + 1], l - k, m ); } } else { for (; k < l; k++) { data [k] = MulDiv( data [k], l - k, m ); } } } else { signed char * data = (signed char *) sample->data; if (sample->flags & IT_SAMPLE_STEREO) { for (; k < l; k++) { data [k * 2] = MulDiv( data [k * 2], l - k, m ); data [k * 2 + 1] = MulDiv( data [k * 2 + 1], l - k, m ); } } else { for (; k < l; k++) { data [k] = MulDiv( data [k], l - k, m ); } } } } } } } } } } #endif // }}} // {{{ no autochip #if 0 if (duh && cfg_autochip) { int size_force = cfg_autochip_size_force; int size_scan = cfg_autochip_size_scan; int scan_threshold_8 = ((cfg_autochip_scan_threshold * 0x100) + 50) / 100; int scan_threshold_16 = ((cfg_autochip_scan_threshold * 0x10000) + 50) / 100; DUMB_IT_SIGDATA * itsd = duh_get_it_sigdata(duh); if (itsd) { for (int i = 0, j = itsd->n_samples; i < j; i++) { IT_SAMPLE * sample = &itsd->sample[i]; if (sample->flags & IT_SAMPLE_EXISTS) { int channels = sample->flags & IT_SAMPLE_STEREO ? 2 : 1; if (sample->length < size_force) sample->max_resampling_quality = 0; else if (sample->length < size_scan) { if ((sample->flags & (IT_SAMPLE_LOOP|IT_SAMPLE_PINGPONG_LOOP)) == IT_SAMPLE_LOOP) { int loop_start = sample->loop_start * channels; int loop_end = sample->loop_end * channels; int s1, s2; if (sample->flags & IT_SAMPLE_16BIT) { s1 = ((signed short *)sample->data)[loop_start]; s2 = ((signed short *)sample->data)[loop_end - channels]; if (abs(s1 - s2) > scan_threshold_16) { sample->max_resampling_quality = 0; continue; } if (channels == 2) { s1 = ((signed short *)sample->data)[loop_start + 1]; s2 = ((signed short *)sample->data)[loop_end - 1]; if (abs(s1 - s2) > scan_threshold_16) { sample->max_resampling_quality = 0; continue; } } } else { s1 = ((signed char *)sample->data)[loop_start]; s2 = ((signed char *)sample->data)[loop_end - channels]; if (abs(s1 - s2) > scan_threshold_8) { sample->max_resampling_quality = 0; continue; } if (channels == 2) { s1 = ((signed char *)sample->data)[loop_start + 1]; s2 = ((signed char *)sample->data)[loop_end - 1]; if (abs(s1 - s2) > scan_threshold_8) { sample->max_resampling_quality = 0; continue; } } } } if ((sample->flags & (IT_SAMPLE_SUS_LOOP|IT_SAMPLE_PINGPONG_SUS_LOOP)) == IT_SAMPLE_SUS_LOOP) { int sus_loop_start = sample->sus_loop_start * channels; int sus_loop_end = sample->sus_loop_end * channels; int s1, s2; if (sample->flags & IT_SAMPLE_16BIT) { s1 = ((signed short *)sample->data)[sus_loop_start]; s2 = ((signed short *)sample->data)[sus_loop_end - channels]; if (abs(s1 - s2) > scan_threshold_16) { sample->max_resampling_quality = 0; continue; } if (channels == 2) { s1 = ((signed short *)sample->data)[sus_loop_start + 1]; s2 = ((signed short *)sample->data)[sus_loop_end - 1]; if (abs(s1 - s2) > scan_threshold_16) { sample->max_resampling_quality = 0; continue; } } } else { s1 = ((signed char *)sample->data)[sus_loop_start]; s2 = ((signed char *)sample->data)[sus_loop_end - channels]; if (abs(s1 - s2) > scan_threshold_8) { sample->max_resampling_quality = 0; continue; } if (channels == 2) { s1 = ((signed char *)sample->data)[sus_loop_start + 1]; s2 = ((signed char *)sample->data)[sus_loop_end - 1]; if (abs(s1 - s2) > scan_threshold_8) { sample->max_resampling_quality = 0; continue; } } } } int k, l = sample->length * channels; if (sample->flags & IT_SAMPLE_LOOP) l = sample->loop_end * channels; if (sample->flags & IT_SAMPLE_16BIT) { for (k = channels; k < l; k += channels) { if (abs(((signed short *)sample->data)[k - channels] - ((signed short *)sample->data)[k]) > scan_threshold_16) { break; } } if (k < l) { sample->max_resampling_quality = 0; continue; } if (channels == 2) { for (k = 2 + 1; k < l; k += 2) { if (abs(((signed short *)sample->data)[k - 2] - ((signed short *)sample->data)[k]) > scan_threshold_16) { break; } } } if (k < l) { sample->max_resampling_quality = 0; continue; } } else { for (k = channels; k < l; k += channels) { if (abs(((signed char *)sample->data)[k - channels] - ((signed char *)sample->data)[k]) > scan_threshold_8) { break; } } if (k < l) { sample->max_resampling_quality = 0; continue; } if (channels == 2) { for (k = 2 + 1; k < l; k += 2) { if (abs(((signed char *)sample->data)[k - 2] - ((signed char *)sample->data)[k]) > scan_threshold_8) { break; } } } if (k < l) { sample->max_resampling_quality = 0; continue; } } } } } } } #endif // }}} // {{{ no trim #if 0 if ( duh && cfg_trim ) { if ( dumb_it_trim_silent_patterns( duh ) < 0 ) { unload_duh( duh ); duh = 0; } } #endif // }}} return duh; } static const char * convstr (const char* str, int sz, char *out, int out_sz) { int i; for (i = 0; i < sz; i++) { if (str[i] != ' ') { break; } } if (i == sz) { out[0] = 0; return out; } const char *cs = deadbeef->junk_detect_charset (str); if (!cs) { return str; } else { if (deadbeef->junk_iconv (str, sz, out, out_sz, cs, "utf-8") >= 0) { return out; } } trace ("cdumb: failed to detect charset\n"); return NULL; } static void read_metadata_internal (DB_playItem_t *it, DUMB_IT_SIGDATA *itsd) { char temp[2048]; if (itsd->name[0]) { int tl = sizeof(itsd->name); int i; for (i = 0; i < tl && itsd->name[i] && itsd->name[i] == ' '; i++); if (i == tl || !itsd->name[i]) { deadbeef->pl_add_meta (it, "title", NULL); } else { deadbeef->pl_add_meta (it, "title", convstr ((char*)&itsd->name, sizeof(itsd->name), temp, sizeof (temp))); } } else { deadbeef->pl_add_meta (it, "title", NULL); } int i; for (i = 0; i < itsd->n_instruments; i++) { char key[100]; snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "INST%03d", i); deadbeef->pl_add_meta (it, key, convstr ((char *)&itsd->instrument[i].name, sizeof (itsd->instrument[i].name), temp, sizeof (temp))); } for (i = 0; i < itsd->n_samples; i++) { char key[100]; snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "SAMP%03d", i); deadbeef->pl_add_meta (it, key, convstr ((char *)&itsd->sample[i].name, sizeof (itsd->sample[i].name), temp, sizeof (temp))); } char s[100]; snprintf (s, sizeof (s), "%d", itsd->n_orders); deadbeef->pl_add_meta (it, ":MOD_ORDERS", s); snprintf (s, sizeof (s), "%d", itsd->n_instruments); deadbeef->pl_add_meta (it, ":MOD_INSTRUMENTS", s); snprintf (s, sizeof (s), "%d", itsd->n_samples); deadbeef->pl_add_meta (it, ":MOD_SAMPLES", s); snprintf (s, sizeof (s), "%d", itsd->n_patterns); deadbeef->pl_add_meta (it, ":MOD_PATTERNS", s); snprintf (s, sizeof (s), "%d", itsd->n_pchannels); deadbeef->pl_add_meta (it, ":MOD_CHANNELS", s); } static int cdumb_read_metadata (DB_playItem_t *it) { DUH* duh = NULL; int start_order = 0; int is_it; int is_dos; const char *ftype; deadbeef->pl_lock (); { const char *fname = deadbeef->pl_find_meta (it, ":URI"); const char *ext = strrchr (fname, '.'); if (ext) { ext++; } else { ext = ""; } duh = open_module(fname, ext, &start_order, &is_it, &is_dos, &ftype); } deadbeef->pl_unlock (); if (!duh) { unload_duh (duh); return -1; } DUMB_IT_SIGDATA * itsd = duh_get_it_sigdata(duh); deadbeef->pl_delete_all_meta (it); read_metadata_internal (it, itsd); unload_duh (duh); return 0; } static DB_playItem_t * cdumb_insert (ddb_playlist_t *plt, DB_playItem_t *after, const char *fname) { const char *ext = strrchr (fname, '.'); if (ext) { ext++; } else { ext = ""; } int start_order = 0; int is_it; int is_dos; const char *ftype; DUH* duh = open_module(fname, ext, &start_order, &is_it, &is_dos, &ftype); if (!duh) { return NULL; } DB_playItem_t *it = deadbeef->pl_item_alloc_init (fname, plugin.plugin.id); DUMB_IT_SIGDATA * itsd = duh_get_it_sigdata(duh); read_metadata_internal (it, itsd); dumb_it_do_initial_runthrough (duh); deadbeef->plt_set_item_duration (plt, it, duh_get_length (duh)/65536.0f); deadbeef->pl_add_meta (it, ":FILETYPE", ftype); // printf ("duration: %f\n", _info->duration); after = deadbeef->plt_insert_item (plt, after, it); deadbeef->pl_item_unref (it); unload_duh (duh); return after; } static DUMBFILE_SYSTEM dumb_vfs; static int dumb_vfs_skip (void *f, long n) { return deadbeef->fseek (f, n, SEEK_CUR); } static int dumb_vfs_getc (void *f) { uint8_t c; deadbeef->fread (&c, 1, 1, f); return (int)c; } static long dumb_vfs_getnc (char *ptr, long n, void *f) { return deadbeef->fread (ptr, 1, n, f); } static void dumb_vfs_close (void *f) { deadbeef->fclose (f); } static void dumb_register_db_vfs (void) { dumb_vfs.open = (void *(*)(const char *))deadbeef->fopen; dumb_vfs.skip = dumb_vfs_skip; dumb_vfs.getc = dumb_vfs_getc; dumb_vfs.getnc = dumb_vfs_getnc; dumb_vfs.close = dumb_vfs_close; register_dumbfile_system (&dumb_vfs); } int cgme_start (void) { dumb_register_db_vfs (); return 0; } int cgme_stop (void) { dumb_exit (); return 0; } static const char settings_dlg[] = "property \"Resampling quality (0..2, higher is better)\" entry dumb.resampling_quality 2;\n" "property \"8-bit output (default is 16)\" checkbox dumb.8bitoutput 0;\n" ; // define plugin interface static DB_decoder_t plugin = { .plugin.api_vmajor = 1, .plugin.api_vminor = 0, .plugin.version_major = 1, .plugin.version_minor = 0, .plugin.type = DB_PLUGIN_DECODER, .plugin.id = "stddumb", .plugin.name = "DUMB module player", .plugin.descr = "module player based on DUMB library", .plugin.copyright = "DUMB Plugin for DeaDBeeF Player\n" "Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Alexey Yakovenko \n" "\n" "Uses a fork of DUMB (Dynamic Universal Music Bibliotheque), Version 0.9.3\n" "Copyright (C) 2001-2005 Ben Davis, Robert J Ohannessian and Julien Cugniere\n" "Uses code from kode54's foobar2000 plugin, http://kode54.foobar2000.org/\n" "\n" "This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied\n" "warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages\n" "arising from the use of this software.\n" "\n" "Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,\n" "including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it\n" "freely, subject to the following restrictions:\n" "\n" "1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not\n" " claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software\n" " in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be\n" " appreciated but is not required.\n" "\n" "2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be\n" " misrepresented as being the original software.\n" "\n" "3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.\n" , .plugin.website = "http://deadbeef.sf.net", .plugin.start = cgme_start, .plugin.stop = cgme_stop, .plugin.configdialog = settings_dlg, .open = cdumb_open, .init = cdumb_init, .free = cdumb_free, .read = cdumb_read, .seek = cdumb_seek, .insert = cdumb_insert, .read_metadata = cdumb_read_metadata, .exts = exts, }; DB_plugin_t * ddb_dumb_load (DB_functions_t *api) { deadbeef = api; return DB_PLUGIN (&plugin); }