/* DeaDBeeF - ultimate music player for GNU/Linux systems with X11 Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Alexey Yakovenko This plugin is based on code from demac and libdemac (C) Dave Chapman 2007 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "../../deadbeef.h" #include "libdemac/demac.h" #define min(x,y) ((x)<(y)?(x):(y)) #define max(x,y) ((x)>(y)?(x):(y)) static DB_decoder_t plugin; static DB_functions_t *deadbeef; #define CALC_CRC 0 #define BLOCKS_PER_LOOP 4608 #define MAX_CHANNELS 2 #define MAX_BYTESPERSAMPLE 4 #define INPUT_CHUNKSIZE (32*1024) /* 4608*4 = 18432 bytes per channel */ static int32_t decoded0[BLOCKS_PER_LOOP]; static int32_t decoded1[BLOCKS_PER_LOOP]; /* We assume that 32KB of compressed data is enough to extract up to 27648 bytes of decompressed data. */ static unsigned char inbuffer[INPUT_CHUNKSIZE]; static int currentframe; static uint32_t frame_crc; static int crc_errors; static FILE *fp; static int firstbyte; static int bytesinbuffer; static struct ape_ctx_t ape_ctx; static int bytesconsumed; static int timestart; static int timeend; static int nblocks; static int samplestoskip; static int samplesdecoded; static float ape_duration; // 5x big to fit extra data while streaming #define WAVBUFFER_SIZE (BLOCKS_PER_LOOP*MAX_CHANNELS*MAX_BYTESPERSAMPLE * 5) static uint8_t wavbuffer[WAVBUFFER_SIZE]; static int bufferfill; // precalc for converting samples from internal format to float32 static int32_t mask; static float scaler; static int32_t neg; static int32_t sign; static int32_t signshift; inline static int read_uint16(FILE *fp, uint16_t* x) { unsigned char tmp[2]; int n; n = fread(tmp, 1, 2, fp); if (n != 2) return -1; *x = tmp[0] | (tmp[1] << 8); return 0; } inline static int read_int16(FILE *fp, int16_t* x) { return read_uint16(fp, (uint16_t*)x); } inline static int read_uint32(FILE *fp, uint32_t* x) { unsigned char tmp[4]; int n; n = fread(tmp, 1, 4, fp); if (n != 4) return -1; *x = tmp[0] | (tmp[1] << 8) | (tmp[2] << 16) | (tmp[3] << 24); return 0; } int demac_ape_parseheader(FILE *fp, struct ape_ctx_t* ape_ctx) { int i,n; memset (ape_ctx, 0, sizeof (struct ape_ctx_t)); /* TODO: Skip any leading junk such as id3v2 tags */ ape_ctx->junklength = 0; fseek(fp,ape_ctx->junklength,SEEK_SET); n = fread (&ape_ctx->magic, 1, 4, fp); if (n != 4) { return -1; } if (memcmp(ape_ctx->magic,"MAC ",4)!=0) { return -1; } if (read_int16(fp,&ape_ctx->fileversion) < 0) { return -1; } if (ape_ctx->fileversion >= 3980) { if (read_int16(fp,&ape_ctx->padding1) < 0) return -1; if (read_uint32(fp,&ape_ctx->descriptorlength) < 0) return -1; if (read_uint32(fp,&ape_ctx->headerlength) < 0) return -1; if (read_uint32(fp,&ape_ctx->seektablelength) < 0) return -1; if (read_uint32(fp,&ape_ctx->wavheaderlength) < 0) return -1; if (read_uint32(fp,&ape_ctx->audiodatalength) < 0) return -1; if (read_uint32(fp,&ape_ctx->audiodatalength_high) < 0) return -1; if (read_uint32(fp,&ape_ctx->wavtaillength) < 0) return -1; if (fread(&ape_ctx->md5, 1, 16, fp) != 16) return -1; /* Skip any unknown bytes at the end of the descriptor. This is for future compatibility */ if (ape_ctx->descriptorlength > 52) fseek(fp,ape_ctx->descriptorlength - 52, SEEK_CUR); /* Read header data */ if (read_uint16(fp,&ape_ctx->compressiontype) < 0) return -1; if (read_uint16(fp,&ape_ctx->formatflags) < 0) return -1; if (read_uint32(fp,&ape_ctx->blocksperframe) < 0) return -1; if (read_uint32(fp,&ape_ctx->finalframeblocks) < 0) return -1; if (read_uint32(fp,&ape_ctx->totalframes) < 0) return -1; if (read_uint16(fp,&ape_ctx->bps) < 0) return -1; if (read_uint16(fp,&ape_ctx->channels) < 0) return -1; if (read_uint32(fp,&ape_ctx->samplerate) < 0) return -1; } else { ape_ctx->descriptorlength = 0; ape_ctx->headerlength = 32; if (read_uint16(fp,&ape_ctx->compressiontype) < 0) return -1; if (read_uint16(fp,&ape_ctx->formatflags) < 0) return -1; if (read_uint16(fp,&ape_ctx->channels) < 0) return -1; if (read_uint32(fp,&ape_ctx->samplerate) < 0) return -1; if (read_uint32(fp,&ape_ctx->wavheaderlength) < 0) return -1; if (read_uint32(fp,&ape_ctx->wavtaillength) < 0) return -1; if (read_uint32(fp,&ape_ctx->totalframes) < 0) return -1; if (read_uint32(fp,&ape_ctx->finalframeblocks) < 0) return -1; if (ape_ctx->formatflags & MAC_FORMAT_FLAG_HAS_PEAK_LEVEL) { fseek(fp, 4, SEEK_CUR); /* Skip the peak level */ ape_ctx->headerlength += 4; } if (ape_ctx->formatflags & MAC_FORMAT_FLAG_HAS_SEEK_ELEMENTS) { if (read_uint32(fp,&ape_ctx->seektablelength) < 0) return -1; ape_ctx->headerlength += 4; ape_ctx->seektablelength *= sizeof(int32_t); } else { ape_ctx->seektablelength = ape_ctx->totalframes * sizeof(int32_t); } if (ape_ctx->formatflags & MAC_FORMAT_FLAG_8_BIT) ape_ctx->bps = 8; else if (ape_ctx->formatflags & MAC_FORMAT_FLAG_24_BIT) ape_ctx->bps = 24; else ape_ctx->bps = 16; if (ape_ctx->fileversion >= 3950) ape_ctx->blocksperframe = 73728 * 4; else if ((ape_ctx->fileversion >= 3900) || (ape_ctx->fileversion >= 3800 && ape_ctx->compressiontype >= 4000)) ape_ctx->blocksperframe = 73728; else ape_ctx->blocksperframe = 9216; /* Skip any stored wav header */ if (!(ape_ctx->formatflags & MAC_FORMAT_FLAG_CREATE_WAV_HEADER)) { fseek(fp, ape_ctx->wavheaderlength, SEEK_CUR); } } ape_ctx->totalsamples = ape_ctx->finalframeblocks; if (ape_ctx->totalframes > 1) ape_ctx->totalsamples += ape_ctx->blocksperframe * (ape_ctx->totalframes-1); if (ape_ctx->seektablelength > 0) { ape_ctx->seektable = malloc(ape_ctx->seektablelength); if (ape_ctx->seektable == NULL) return -1; for (i=0; i < ape_ctx->seektablelength / sizeof(uint32_t); i++) { if (read_uint32(fp,&ape_ctx->seektable[i]) < 0) { free(ape_ctx->seektable); ape_ctx->seektable = NULL; return -1; } } ape_ctx->numseekpoints = ape_ctx->seektablelength/sizeof (int32_t); } ape_ctx->firstframe = ape_ctx->junklength + ape_ctx->descriptorlength + ape_ctx->headerlength + ape_ctx->seektablelength + ape_ctx->wavheaderlength; return 0; } static int demac_seek (float seconds); static int demac_init (DB_playItem_t *it) { crc_errors = 0; fp = fopen (it->fname, "rb"); if (!fp) { return -1; } if (demac_ape_parseheader (fp, &ape_ctx) < 0) { fprintf (stderr, "demac: failed to read ape header\n"); fclose (fp); fp = NULL; if (ape_ctx.seektable) { free (ape_ctx.seektable); ape_ctx.seektable = NULL; } return -1; } if ((ape_ctx.fileversion < APE_MIN_VERSION) || (ape_ctx.fileversion > APE_MAX_VERSION)) { fprintf(stderr, "demac: unsupported file version - %.2f\n", ape_ctx.fileversion/1000.0); fclose (fp); fp = NULL; if (ape_ctx.seektable) { free (ape_ctx.seektable); ape_ctx.seektable = NULL; } return -1; } // fprintf(stderr, "demac: decoding file - v%.2f, compression level %d\n", ape_ctx.fileversion/1000.0, ape_ctx.compressiontype); currentframe = 0; fseek (fp, ape_ctx.firstframe, SEEK_SET); bytesinbuffer = fread (inbuffer, 1, INPUT_CHUNKSIZE, fp); firstbyte = 3; bufferfill = 0; bytesconsumed = 0; nblocks = 0; samplestoskip = 0; samplesdecoded = 0; plugin.info.bps = ape_ctx.bps; plugin.info.samplerate = ape_ctx.samplerate; plugin.info.channels = ape_ctx.channels; plugin.info.readpos = 0; ape_duration = it->duration; if (it->timeend > 0) { timestart = it->timestart; timeend = it->timeend; demac_seek (0); } else { timestart = 0; timeend = it->duration; } mask = (1<<(ape_ctx.bps-1))-1; scaler = 1.f / ((1<<(ape_ctx.bps-1))-1); neg = 1< 0 && bufferfill < size) { int blockstodecode = min (BLOCKS_PER_LOOP, nblocks); int res; if ((res = decode_chunk(&ape_ctx, inbuffer, &firstbyte, &bytesconsumed, decoded0, decoded1, blockstodecode)) < 0) { /* Frame decoding error, abort */ return -1; } #if CALC_CRC uint8_t *pp = wavbuffer + bufferfill; #endif uint8_t *p = wavbuffer + bufferfill; int i = 0; // skip if needed int n = min (samplestoskip, blockstodecode); i += n; samplestoskip -= n; samplesdecoded += n; for (; i < blockstodecode ; i++) { int32_t sample; sample = decoded0[i]; *((float *)p) = (sample - ((sample&sign)>>signshift)*neg) * scaler; p += sizeof (float); bufferfill += sizeof (float); if (ape_ctx.channels == 2) { sample = decoded1[i]; *((float *)p) = (sample - ((sample&sign)>>signshift)*neg) * scaler; p += sizeof (float); bufferfill += sizeof (float); } samplesdecoded++; } assert (bufferfill <= WAVBUFFER_SIZE); #if CALC_CRC frame_crc = ape_updatecrc(pp, p - pp, frame_crc); #endif memmove(inbuffer,inbuffer + bytesconsumed, bytesinbuffer - bytesconsumed); bytesinbuffer -= bytesconsumed; n = fread(inbuffer + bytesinbuffer, 1, INPUT_CHUNKSIZE - bytesinbuffer, fp); bytesinbuffer += n; /* Decrement the block count */ nblocks -= blockstodecode; } if (nblocks <= 0) { #if CALC_CRC frame_crc = ape_finishcrc(frame_crc); if (ape_ctx.CRC != frame_crc) { fprintf(stderr,"CRC error in frame %d\n",currentframe); crc_errors++; } #endif currentframe++; } } return 0; } static int demac_read_int16 (char *buffer, int size) { if (demac_decode (size*2) < 0) { return -1; } // float->int16 int avail = bufferfill / sizeof (float); int s = size/2; int sz = min (avail, s); if (sz) { float *p = (float *)wavbuffer; for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) { *((int16_t *)buffer) = (int16_t)(*p * 0x7fff); buffer += 2; p++; } // memcpy (buffer, wavbuffer, sz); if (bufferfill > sz * sizeof (float)) { memmove (wavbuffer, wavbuffer + (sz * sizeof (float)), bufferfill - (sz * sizeof (float))); } bufferfill -= sz * sizeof (float); assert (bufferfill >= 0); } plugin.info.readpos = samplesdecoded / (float)plugin.info.samplerate - timestart; if (plugin.info.readpos >= (timeend - timestart)) { return 0; } return sz * 2; } static int demac_read_float32 (char *buffer, int size) { if (demac_decode (size) < 0) { return -1; } int sz = min (bufferfill, size); if (sz) { memcpy (buffer, wavbuffer, sz); if (bufferfill > sz) { memmove (wavbuffer, wavbuffer + sz, bufferfill - sz); } bufferfill -= sz; assert (bufferfill >= 0); } plugin.info.readpos = samplesdecoded / (float)plugin.info.samplerate - timestart; if (plugin.info.readpos >= (timeend - timestart)) { return 0; } return sz; } /* Given an ape_ctx and a sample to seek to, return the file position to the frame containing that sample, and the number of samples to skip in that frame. */ static int ape_calc_seekpos(struct ape_ctx_t* ape_ctx, uint32_t new_sample, uint32_t* newframe, uint32_t* filepos, uint32_t* samplestoskip) { uint32_t n; n = new_sample / ape_ctx->blocksperframe; if (n >= ape_ctx->numseekpoints) { /* We don't have a seekpoint for that frame */ return 0; } *newframe = n; *filepos = ape_ctx->seektable[n]; *samplestoskip = new_sample - (n * ape_ctx->blocksperframe); return 1; } static int demac_seek (float seconds) { seconds += timestart; uint32_t newsample = seconds * plugin.info.samplerate; if (newsample > ape_ctx.totalsamples) { return -1; } uint32_t nf, fpos; if (ape_calc_seekpos (&ape_ctx, newsample, &nf, &fpos, &samplestoskip)) { firstbyte = 3 - (fpos & 3); fpos &= ~3; fseek (fp, fpos, SEEK_SET); bytesinbuffer = fread (inbuffer, 1, INPUT_CHUNKSIZE, fp); bufferfill = 0; bytesconsumed = 0; nblocks = 0; samplesdecoded = newsample-samplestoskip; plugin.info.readpos = seconds; currentframe = nf; } else { // no seektable if (newsample > samplesdecoded) { samplestoskip = newsample - samplesdecoded; } else { fpos = ape_ctx.firstframe; samplestoskip = newsample; firstbyte = 3 - (fpos & 3); fpos &= ~3; fseek (fp, fpos, SEEK_SET); bytesinbuffer = fread (inbuffer, 1, INPUT_CHUNKSIZE, fp); bufferfill = 0; bytesconsumed = 0; nblocks = 0; samplesdecoded = 0; } } plugin.info.readpos = seconds - timestart; return 0; } static DB_playItem_t * demac_insert (DB_playItem_t *after, const char *fname) { struct ape_ctx_t ape_ctx; FILE *fp = fopen (fname, "rb"); if (!fp) { return NULL; } if (demac_ape_parseheader (fp, &ape_ctx) < 0) { fprintf (stderr, "demac: failed to read ape header\n"); fclose (fp); return NULL; } // ape_dumpinfo (&ape_ctx); if ((ape_ctx.fileversion < APE_MIN_VERSION) || (ape_ctx.fileversion > APE_MAX_VERSION)) { fprintf(stderr, "demac: unsupported file version - %.2f\n", ape_ctx.fileversion/1000.0); fclose (fp); return NULL; } float duration = ape_ctx.totalsamples / (float)ape_ctx.samplerate; DB_playItem_t *it; it = deadbeef->pl_insert_cue (after, fname, &plugin, "APE", duration); if (it) { fclose (fp); return it; } it = deadbeef->pl_item_alloc (); it->decoder = &plugin; it->fname = strdup (fname); it->filetype = "APE"; it->duration = duration; int v2err = deadbeef->junk_read_id3v2 (it, fp); int v1err = deadbeef->junk_read_id3v1 (it, fp); if (v1err >= 0) { fseek (fp, -128, SEEK_END); } else { fseek (fp, 0, SEEK_END); } int apeerr = deadbeef->junk_read_ape (it, fp); deadbeef->pl_add_meta (it, "title", NULL); after = deadbeef->pl_insert_item (after, it); fclose (fp); return after; } static const char *exts[] = { "ape", NULL }; static const char *filetypes[] = { "APE", NULL }; // define plugin interface static DB_decoder_t plugin = { DB_PLUGIN_SET_API_VERSION .plugin.version_major = 0, .plugin.version_minor = 1, .plugin.type = DB_PLUGIN_DECODER, .plugin.name = "Monkey's Audio decoder", .plugin.descr = "Based on libdemac", .plugin.author = "Alexey Yakovenko", .plugin.email = "waker@users.sourceforge.net", .plugin.website = "http://deadbeef.sf.net", .init = demac_init, .free = demac_free, .read_int16 = demac_read_int16, .read_float32 = demac_read_float32, .seek = demac_seek, .insert = demac_insert, .exts = exts, .id = "stddemac", .filetypes = filetypes }; DB_plugin_t * demac_load (DB_functions_t *api) { deadbeef = api; return DB_PLUGIN (&plugin); }