/* Adplug - Replayer for many OPL2/OPL3 audio file formats. Copyright (C) 1999 - 2006 Simon Peter, , et al. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA dtm.cpp - DTM loader by Riven the Mage */ /* NOTE: Panning (Ex) effect is ignored. */ #include #include "dtm.h" /* -------- Public Methods -------------------------------- */ CPlayer *CdtmLoader::factory(Copl *newopl) { return new CdtmLoader(newopl); } bool CdtmLoader::load(const char *filename, const CFileProvider &fp) { binistream *f = fp.open(filename); if(!f) return false; const unsigned char conv_inst[11] = { 2,1,10,9,4,3,6,5,0,8,7 }; const unsigned short conv_note[12] = { 0x16B, 0x181, 0x198, 0x1B0, 0x1CA, 0x1E5, 0x202, 0x220, 0x241, 0x263, 0x287, 0x2AE }; int i,j,k,t=0; // read header f->readString(header.id, 12); header.version = f->readInt(1); f->readString(header.title, 20); f->readString(header.author, 20); header.numpat = f->readInt(1); header.numinst = f->readInt(1); // signature exists ? good version ? if(memcmp(header.id,"DeFy DTM ",9) || header.version != 0x10) { fp.close (f); return false; } header.numinst++; // load description memset(desc,0,80*16); char bufstr[80]; for (i=0;i<16;i++) { // get line length unsigned char bufstr_length = f->readInt(1); if(bufstr_length > 80) { fp.close(f); return false; } // read line if (bufstr_length) { f->readString(bufstr,bufstr_length); for (j=0;jreadInt(1); if (name_length) f->readString(instruments[i].name, name_length); instruments[i].name[name_length] = 0; for(j = 0; j < 12; j++) instruments[i].data[j] = f->readInt(1); for (j=0;j<11;j++) inst[i].data[conv_inst[j]] = instruments[i].data[j]; } // load order for(i = 0; i < 100; i++) order[i] = f->readInt(1); nop = header.numpat; unsigned char *pattern = new unsigned char [0x480]; // load tracks for (i=0;ireadInt(2); unsigned char *packed_pattern = new unsigned char [packed_length]; for(j = 0; j < packed_length; j++) packed_pattern[j] = f->readInt(1); long unpacked_length = unpack_pattern(packed_pattern,packed_length,pattern,0x480); delete [] packed_pattern; if (!unpacked_length) { delete pattern; fp.close(f); return false; } // convert pattern for (j=0;j<9;j++) { for (k=0;k<64;k++) { dtm_event *event = (dtm_event *)&pattern[(k*9+j)*2]; // instrument if (event->byte0 == 0x80) { if (event->byte1 <= 0x80) tracks[t][k].inst = event->byte1 + 1; } // note + effect else { tracks[t][k].note = event->byte0; if ((event->byte0 != 0) && (event->byte0 != 127)) tracks[t][k].note++; // convert effects switch (event->byte1 >> 4) { case 0x0: // pattern break if ((event->byte1 & 15) == 1) tracks[t][k].command = 13; break; case 0x1: // freq. slide up tracks[t][k].command = 28; tracks[t][k].param1 = event->byte1 & 15; break; case 0x2: // freq. slide down tracks[t][k].command = 28; tracks[t][k].param2 = event->byte1 & 15; break; case 0xA: // set carrier volume case 0xC: // set instrument volume tracks[t][k].command = 22; tracks[t][k].param1 = (0x3F - (event->byte1 & 15)) >> 4; tracks[t][k].param2 = (0x3F - (event->byte1 & 15)) & 15; break; case 0xB: // set modulator volume tracks[t][k].command = 21; tracks[t][k].param1 = (0x3F - (event->byte1 & 15)) >> 4; tracks[t][k].param2 = (0x3F - (event->byte1 & 15)) & 15; break; case 0xE: // set panning break; case 0xF: // set speed tracks[t][k].command = 13; tracks[t][k].param2 = event->byte1 & 15; break; } } } t++; } } delete [] pattern; fp.close(f); // order length for (i=0;i<100;i++) { if (order[i] >= 0x80) { length = i; if (order[i] == 0xFF) restartpos = 0; else restartpos = order[i] - 0x80; break; } } // initial speed initspeed = 2; rewind(0); return true; } void CdtmLoader::rewind(int subsong) { CmodPlayer::rewind(subsong); // default instruments for (int i=0;i<9;i++) { channel[i].inst = i; channel[i].vol1 = 63 - (inst[i].data[10] & 63); channel[i].vol2 = 63 - (inst[i].data[9] & 63); } } float CdtmLoader::getrefresh() { return 18.2f; } const char * CdtmLoader::gettype() { return "DeFy Adlib Tracker"; } const char * CdtmLoader::gettitle() { return header.title; } const char * CdtmLoader::getauthor() { return header.author; } const char * CdtmLoader::getdesc() { return desc; } const char * CdtmLoader::getinstrument(unsigned int n) { return instruments[n].name; } unsigned int CdtmLoader::getinstruments() { return header.numinst; } /* -------- Private Methods ------------------------------- */ long CdtmLoader::unpack_pattern(unsigned char *ibuf, long ilen, unsigned char *obuf, long olen) { unsigned char *input = ibuf; unsigned char *output = obuf; long input_length = 0; long output_length = 0; unsigned char repeat_byte, repeat_counter; // RLE while (input_length < ilen) { repeat_byte = input[input_length++]; if ((repeat_byte & 0xF0) == 0xD0) { repeat_counter = repeat_byte & 15; repeat_byte = input[input_length++]; } else repeat_counter = 1; for (int i=0;i