/* This file is part of Deadbeef Player source code http://deadbeef.sourceforge.net playlist management Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Alexey Yakovenko This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required. 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. Alexey Yakovenko waker@users.sourceforge.net */ #ifndef __PLAYLIST_H #define __PLAYLIST_H #include #include #define PL_MAX_ITERATORS 2 // predefined properties stored in metadata for storage unification: // :URI - full pathname // :DECODER - decoder id // :TRACKNUM - subsong index (sid, nsf, cue, etc) // :DURATION - length in seconds typedef struct playItem_s { int startsample; int endsample; int shufflerating; // sort order for shuffle mode // private area, must not be visible to plugins float _duration; uint32_t _flags; int _refc; struct playItem_s *next[PL_MAX_ITERATORS]; // next item in linked list struct playItem_s *prev[PL_MAX_ITERATORS]; // prev item in linked list struct DB_metaInfo_s *meta; // linked list storing metainfo unsigned selected : 1; unsigned played : 1; // mark as played in shuffle mode unsigned in_playlist : 1; // 1 if item is in playlist } playItem_t; typedef struct playlist_s { char *title; struct playlist_s *next; int count[2]; float totaltime; int modification_idx; playItem_t *head[PL_MAX_ITERATORS]; // head of linked list playItem_t *tail[PL_MAX_ITERATORS]; // tail of linked list int current_row[PL_MAX_ITERATORS]; // current row (cursor) struct DB_metaInfo_s *meta; // linked list storing metainfo int refc; unsigned fast_mode : 1; } playlist_t; // global playlist control functions int pl_init (void); void pl_free (void); void pl_lock (void); void pl_unlock (void); //void //plt_lock (void); // //void //plt_unlock (void); // playlist management functions // it is highly recommended to access that from inside plt_lock/unlock block playlist_t * plt_get_curr_ptr (void); playlist_t * plt_get_for_idx (int idx); void plt_ref (playlist_t *plt); void plt_unref (playlist_t *plt); playlist_t * plt_alloc (const char *title); void plt_free (playlist_t *plt); int plt_get_count (void); playlist_t * plt_get_list (void); playItem_t * plt_get_head (int plt); int plt_get_sel_count (int plt); int plt_add (int before, const char *title); void plt_remove (int plt); int plt_find (const char *name); void plt_set_curr_idx (int plt); int plt_get_curr_idx (void); void plt_set_curr (playlist_t *plt); playlist_t * plt_get_curr (void); int plt_get_idx_of (playlist_t *plt); int plt_get_title (playlist_t *plt, char *buffer, int bufsize); int plt_set_title (playlist_t *plt, const char *title); void plt_modified (playlist_t *plt); int plt_get_modification_idx (playlist_t *plt); // moves playlist #from to position #to void plt_move (int from, int to); // playlist access functions void pl_clear (void); void plt_clear (playlist_t *plt); int plt_add_dir (playlist_t *plt, const char *dirname, int (*cb)(playItem_t *it, void *data), void *user_data); int plt_add_file (playlist_t *plt, const char *fname, int (*cb)(playItem_t *it, void *data), void *user_data); int pl_add_files_begin (playlist_t *plt); void pl_add_files_end (void); playItem_t * plt_insert_dir (playlist_t *plt, playItem_t *after, const char *dirname, int *pabort, int (*cb)(playItem_t *it, void *data), void *user_data); playItem_t * plt_insert_file (playlist_t *playlist, playItem_t *after, const char *fname, int *pabort, int (*cb)(playItem_t *it, void *data), void *user_data); playItem_t * pl_insert_item (playItem_t *after, playItem_t *it); playItem_t * plt_insert_item (playlist_t *playlist, playItem_t *after, playItem_t *it); int plt_remove_item (playlist_t *playlist, playItem_t *it); playItem_t * pl_item_alloc (void); playItem_t * pl_item_alloc_init (const char *fname, const char *decoder_id); void pl_item_ref (playItem_t *it); void pl_item_unref (playItem_t *it); void pl_item_copy (playItem_t *out, playItem_t *it); int pl_getcount (int iter); int plt_get_item_count (playlist_t *plt, int iter); int pl_getselcount (void); int plt_getselcount (playlist_t *playlist); playItem_t * pl_get_for_idx (int idx); playItem_t * plt_get_item_for_idx (playlist_t *playlist, int idx, int iter); playItem_t * pl_get_for_idx_and_iter (int idx, int iter); int plt_get_item_idx (playlist_t *playlist, playItem_t *it, int iter); int pl_get_idx_of (playItem_t *it); int pl_get_idx_of_iter (playItem_t *it, int iter); playItem_t * plt_insert_cue_from_buffer (playlist_t *plt, playItem_t *after, playItem_t *origin, const uint8_t *buffer, int buffersize, int numsamples, int samplerate); playItem_t * plt_insert_cue (playlist_t *plt, playItem_t *after, playItem_t *origin, int numsamples, int samplerate); void pl_add_meta (playItem_t *it, const char *key, const char *value); void pl_append_meta (playItem_t *it, const char *key, const char *value); // must be used in explicit pl_lock/unlock block // that makes it possible to avoid copying metadata on every access // pl_find_meta may return overriden value (where the key is prefixed with '!') const char * pl_find_meta (playItem_t *it, const char *key); const char * pl_find_meta_raw (playItem_t *it, const char *key); int pl_find_meta_int (playItem_t *it, const char *key, int def); float pl_find_meta_float (playItem_t *it, const char *key, float def); void pl_replace_meta (playItem_t *it, const char *key, const char *value); void pl_set_meta_int (playItem_t *it, const char *key, int value); void pl_set_meta_float (playItem_t *it, const char *key, float value); void pl_delete_meta (playItem_t *it, const char *key); void pl_delete_all_meta (playItem_t *it); // returns index of 1st deleted item int plt_delete_selected (playlist_t *plt); int pl_delete_selected (void); void plt_crop_selected (playlist_t *playlist); void pl_crop_selected (void); int plt_save (playlist_t *plt, playItem_t *first, playItem_t *last, const char *fname, int *pabort, int (*cb)(playItem_t *it, void *data), void *user_data); int plt_save_n (int n); int pl_save_current (void); int pl_save_all (void); playItem_t * plt_load (playlist_t *plt, playItem_t *after, const char *fname, int *pabort, int (*cb)(playItem_t *it, void *data), void *user_data); int pl_load_all (void); void plt_select_all (playlist_t *plt); void pl_select_all (void); void plt_reshuffle (playlist_t *playlist, playItem_t **ppmin, playItem_t **ppmax); // required to calculate total playtime void plt_set_item_duration (playlist_t *playlist, playItem_t *it, float duration); float pl_get_item_duration (playItem_t *it); void pl_set_item_replaygain (playItem_t *it, int idx, float value); float pl_get_item_replaygain (playItem_t *it, int idx); uint32_t pl_get_item_flags (playItem_t *it); void pl_set_item_flags (playItem_t *it, uint32_t flags); // returns number of characters printed, not including trailing 0 // [a]rtist, [t]itle, al[b]um, [l]ength, track[n]umber int pl_format_title (playItem_t *it, int idx, char *s, int size, int id, const char *fmt); int pl_format_title_escaped (playItem_t *it, int idx, char *s, int size, int id, const char *fmt); void pl_format_time (float t, char *dur, int size); void plt_reset_cursor (playlist_t *plt); float plt_get_totaltime (playlist_t *plt); float pl_get_totaltime (void); void pl_set_selected (playItem_t *it, int sel); int pl_is_selected (playItem_t *it); playItem_t * plt_get_first (playlist_t *playlist, int iter); playItem_t * pl_get_first (int iter); playItem_t * plt_get_last (playlist_t *playlist, int iter); playItem_t * pl_get_last (int iter); playItem_t * pl_get_next (playItem_t *it, int iter); playItem_t * pl_get_prev (playItem_t *it, int iter); int plt_get_cursor (playlist_t *plt, int iter); int pl_get_cursor (int iter); void plt_set_cursor (playlist_t *plt, int iter, int cursor); void pl_set_cursor (int iter, int cursor); void plt_move_items (playlist_t *to, int iter, playlist_t *from, playItem_t *drop_before, uint32_t *indexes, int count); void plt_copy_items (playlist_t *to, int iter, playlist_t *from, playItem_t *before, uint32_t *indices, int cnt); void plt_search_reset (playlist_t *plt); void plt_search_process (playlist_t *plt, const char *text); void plt_sort (playlist_t *plt, int iter, int id, const char *format, int order); void plt_sort_random (playlist_t *plt, int iter); // playqueue support functions int pl_playqueue_push (playItem_t *it); void pl_playqueue_clear (void); void pl_playqueue_pop (void); void pl_playqueue_remove (playItem_t *it); int pl_playqueue_test (playItem_t *it); playItem_t * pl_playqueue_getnext (void); int pl_playqueue_getcount (void); void pl_items_copy_junk (struct playItem_s *from, struct playItem_s *first, struct playItem_s *last); struct DB_metaInfo_s * pl_get_metadata_head (playItem_t *it); void pl_delete_metadata (playItem_t *it, struct DB_metaInfo_s *meta); void pl_set_order (int order); int pl_get_order (void); playlist_t * pl_get_playlist (playItem_t *it); void plt_init_shuffle_albums (playlist_t *plt, int r); void plt_set_fast_mode (playlist_t *plt, int fast); int plt_is_fast_mode (playlist_t *plt); void pl_ensure_lock (void); int pl_get_meta (playItem_t *it, const char *key, char *val, int size); int pl_get_meta_raw (playItem_t *it, const char *key, char *val, int size); int pl_meta_exists (playItem_t *it, const char *key); int plt_get_meta (playlist_t *handle, const char *key, char *val, int size); int plt_get_idx (playlist_t *plt); int plt_save_config (playlist_t *plt); #endif // __PLAYLIST_H