/* DeaDBeeF - ultimate music player for GNU/Linux systems with X11 Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Alexey Yakovenko This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef __PLAYLIST_H #define __PLAYLIST_H #include #include #define PL_MAX_ITERATORS 2 typedef struct playItem_s { char *fname; // full pathname const char *decoder_id; int tracknum; // used for stuff like sid, nsf, cue (will be ignored by most codecs) int startsample; int endsample; int shufflerating; // sort order for shuffle mode float playtime; // total playtime time_t started_timestamp; // result of calling time(NULL) const char *filetype; // e.g. MP3 or OGG float replaygain_album_gain; float replaygain_album_peak; float replaygain_track_gain; float replaygain_track_peak; // private area, must not be visible to plugins float _duration; // in seconds uint32_t _flags; int _refc; struct playItem_s *next[PL_MAX_ITERATORS]; // next item in linked list struct playItem_s *prev[PL_MAX_ITERATORS]; // prev item in linked list struct DB_metaInfo_s *meta; // linked list storing metainfo unsigned selected : 1; unsigned played : 1; // mark as played in shuffle mode unsigned in_playlist : 1; // 1 if item is in playlist } playItem_t; typedef struct playlist_s { char *title; int count[2]; float totaltime; playItem_t *head[PL_MAX_ITERATORS]; // head of linked list playItem_t *tail[PL_MAX_ITERATORS]; // tail of linked list int current_row[PL_MAX_ITERATORS]; // current row (cursor) struct playlist_s *next; } playlist_t; // global playlist control functions int pl_init (void); void pl_free (void); void pl_lock (void); void pl_unlock (void); void plt_lock (void); void plt_unlock (void); void pl_global_lock (void); void pl_global_unlock (void); // playlist management functions // it is highly recommended to access that from inside plt_lock/unlock block playlist_t * plt_get_curr_ptr (void); int plt_get_count (void); playlist_t * plt_get_list (void); playItem_t * plt_get_head (int plt); int plt_get_sel_count (int plt); int plt_add (int before, const char *title); void plt_remove (int plt); void plt_free (void); void plt_set_curr (int plt); int plt_get_curr (void); int plt_get_idx_of (playlist_t *plt); int plt_get_title (int plt, char *buffer, int bufsize); int plt_set_title (int plt, const char *title); // moves playlist #from to position #to void plt_move (int from, int to); // playlist access functions void pl_clear (void); int pl_add_dir (const char *dirname, int (*cb)(playItem_t *it, void *data), void *user_data); int pl_add_file (const char *fname, int (*cb)(playItem_t *it, void *data), void *user_data); playItem_t * pl_insert_dir (playItem_t *after, const char *dirname, int *pabort, int (*cb)(playItem_t *it, void *data), void *user_data); playItem_t * pl_insert_file (playItem_t *after, const char *fname, int *pabort, int (*cb)(playItem_t *it, void *data), void *user_data); playItem_t * pl_insert_item (playItem_t *after, playItem_t *it); int pl_remove_item (playItem_t *i); playItem_t * pl_item_alloc (void); void pl_item_ref (playItem_t *it); void pl_item_unref (playItem_t *it); void pl_item_copy (playItem_t *out, playItem_t *it); int pl_getcount (int iter); int pl_getselcount (void); playItem_t * pl_get_for_idx (int idx); playItem_t * pl_get_for_idx_and_iter (int idx, int iter); int pl_get_idx_of (playItem_t *it); playItem_t * pl_insert_cue_from_buffer (playItem_t *after, playItem_t *origin, const uint8_t *buffer, int buffersize, int numsamples, int samplerate); playItem_t * pl_insert_cue (playItem_t *after, playItem_t *origin, int numsamples, int samplerate); void pl_add_meta (playItem_t *it, const char *key, const char *value); void pl_append_meta (playItem_t *it, const char *key, const char *value); // must be used in explicit pl_lock/unlock block // that makes it possible to avoid copying metadata on every access const char * pl_find_meta (playItem_t *it, const char *key); void pl_replace_meta (playItem_t *it, const char *key, const char *value); void pl_delete_all_meta (playItem_t *it); // returns index of 1st deleted item int pl_delete_selected (void); void pl_crop_selected (void); int pl_save (const char *fname); int pl_save_n (int n); int pl_save_current (void); int pl_save_all (void); int pl_load (const char *fname); int pl_load_all (void); void pl_select_all (void); void plt_reshuffle (playlist_t *playlist, playItem_t **ppmin, playItem_t **ppmax); void pl_reshuffle (playItem_t **ppmin, playItem_t **ppmax); // required to calculate total playtime void pl_set_item_duration (playItem_t *it, float duration); float pl_get_item_duration (playItem_t *it); uint32_t pl_get_item_flags (playItem_t *it); void pl_set_item_flags (playItem_t *it, uint32_t flags); // returns number of characters printed, not including trailing 0 // [a]rtist, [t]itle, al[b]um, [l]ength, track[n]umber int pl_format_title (playItem_t *it, int idx, char *s, int size, int id, const char *fmt); int pl_format_title_escaped (playItem_t *it, int idx, char *s, int size, int id, const char *fmt); void pl_format_time (float t, char *dur, int size); void pl_reset_cursor (void); float pl_get_totaltime (void); void pl_set_selected (playItem_t *it, int sel); int pl_is_selected (playItem_t *it); playItem_t * pl_get_first (int iter); playItem_t * pl_get_last (int iter); playItem_t * pl_get_next (playItem_t *it, int iter); playItem_t * pl_get_prev (playItem_t *it, int iter); int pl_get_cursor (int iter); void pl_set_cursor (int iter, int cursor); void pl_move_items (int iter, int plt_from, playItem_t *drop_before, uint32_t *indexes, int count); void pl_copy_items (int iter, int plt_from, playItem_t *before, uint32_t *indices, int cnt); void pl_search_reset (void); void pl_search_process (const char *text); void pl_sort (int iter, int id, const char *format, int ascending); // playqueue support functions int pl_playqueue_push (playItem_t *it); void pl_playqueue_clear (void); void pl_playqueue_pop (void); void pl_playqueue_remove (playItem_t *it); int pl_playqueue_test (playItem_t *it); playItem_t * pl_playqueue_getnext (void); int pl_playqueue_getcount (void); void pl_items_copy_junk (struct playItem_s *from, struct playItem_s *first, struct playItem_s *last); struct DB_metaInfo_s * pl_get_metadata (playItem_t *it); #endif // __PLAYLIST_H