#!/bin/bash echo "IMPORTANT: Hit C-c if you forgot to backup/commit stuff!!!" read ls *.c *.h *.cpp | while read i; do if [ "$i" == "config.h" ] || grep --silent "DO NOT EDIT" "$i" ; then echo "skipping $i (blacklist)" elif grep --silent "DeaDBeeF - ultimate music player for GNU/Linux systems with X11" "$i" ; then if grep --silent "version 3 of the License" "$i" ; then echo "changing $i to gpl2" sed -i 's/version 3 of the License/version 2 of the License/' "$i" else echo "skipping $i (already has license)" fi else echo "adding license text to $i" cat shortlicense >/tmp/deadbeef.lic.tmp cat "$i" >>/tmp/deadbeef.lic.tmp mv /tmp/deadbeef.lic.tmp "$i" fi done