help file for deadbeef player USEFUL HOTKEYS you can navigate playlist with arrow keys page up, page down, home, end also work use shift key to select multiple tracks playback is controlled winamp-style: z, x, c, v, b, n keys function as previous, play, pause, stop, next, random also notice hotkey hints in the menus it is not (yet?) possible to remap keys also see GLOBAL HOTKEYS section below CONFIGURATION since 0.3.0 release, all configuration is stored in single file: $HOME/.config/deadbeef/config most stuff can be configured through edit->preferences dialog GLOBAL HOTKEYS it's not yet in GUI configuration window, so here we go.. syntax is following: hotkeys.keyN : example (note the numbers - must be like that): hotkeys.key1 Ctrl Alt c: toggle_pause hotkeys.key2 Ctrl 0x76: prev hotkeys.key3 Ctrl Alt b: next hotkeys.key4 Ctrl Alt v: stop hotkeys.key5 Ctrl Alt x: play hotkeys.key6 Ctrl Alt n: play_random hotkeys.key7 Super u: volume_up hotkeys.key8 XF86AudioLowerVolume: volume_down full list of actions: toggle_pause, play, prev, next, stop, play_random, seek_fwd, seek_back, volume_up, volume_down, toggle_stop_after_current