/* DeaDBeeF - ultimate music player for GNU/Linux systems with X11 Copyright (C) 2009 Alexey Yakovenko This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef __GTKPLAYLIST_H #define __GTKPLAYLIST_H #include #include #include #include "playlist.h" // drag and drop targets enum { TARGET_URILIST, TARGET_SAMEWIDGET, }; // color scheme constants enum { COLO_PLAYLIST_CURSOR, COLO_PLAYLIST_ODD, COLO_PLAYLIST_EVEN, COLO_PLAYLIST_SEL_ODD, COLO_PLAYLIST_SEL_EVEN, COLO_PLAYLIST_TEXT, COLO_PLAYLIST_SEL_TEXT, COLO_SEEKBAR_BACK, COLO_SEEKBAR_FRONT, COLO_VOLUMEBAR_BACK, COLO_VOLUMEBAR_FRONT, COLO_DRAGDROP_MARKER, COLO_COUNT }; //#define pl_ncolumns 5 //#define pl_colname_max 100 typedef struct gtkpl_column_s { char *title; int id; // id is faster than format, set to -1 to use format char *format; int width; int movepos; // valid only while `moving' is 1 struct gtkpl_column_s *next; unsigned align_right : 1; // unsigned moving : 1; } gtkpl_column_t; // structure of this kind must be set as user data for playlist, header and scrollbar widgets // pointer to this structure must be passed too all functions that // implement playlist functionality (like this pointer) typedef struct { // cached gtk/gdk object pointers GtkWidget *playlist; GtkWidget *header; GtkWidget *scrollbar; GtkWidget *hscrollbar; GdkPixmap *backbuf; GdkPixmap *backbuf_header; const char *title; // unique id, used for config writing, etc // parameters playItem_t **pcurr; // pointer to current item int *pcount; // pointer to count of items in list int iterator; // index into next array of playItem_t struct int lastpos[2]; // last mouse position (for playlist widget) int multisel; // if it uses multiple selection // current state int scrollpos; int hscrollpos; int row; double clicktime; // for doubleclick detection int nvisiblerows; int nvisiblefullrows; // int *colwidths;//[pl_ncolumns]; // current column widths // int ncolumns; gtkpl_column_t *columns; } gtkplaylist_t; #define GTKPL_PROLOGUE \ gtkplaylist_t *ps = (gtkplaylist_t *)gtk_object_get_data (GTK_OBJECT (widget), "ps"); assert (ps); // that must be called before gtk_init void gtkpl_init (void); void gtkpl_free (gtkplaylist_t *pl); void gtkpl_redraw_pl_row (gtkplaylist_t *ps, int row, playItem_t *it); void gtkpl_redraw_pl_row_novis (gtkplaylist_t *ps, int row, playItem_t *it); void gtkpl_setup_scrollbar (gtkplaylist_t *ps); void gtkpl_draw_pl_row_back (gtkplaylist_t *ps, int row, playItem_t *it); void gtkpl_draw_pl_row (gtkplaylist_t *ps, int row, playItem_t *it); void gtkpl_draw_playlist (gtkplaylist_t *ps, int x, int y, int w, int h); void gtkpl_reconf (gtkplaylist_t *ps); void gtkpl_expose (gtkplaylist_t *ps, int x, int y, int w, int h); void gtkpl_mouse1_pressed (gtkplaylist_t *ps, int state, int ex, int ey, double time); void gtkpl_mouse1_released (gtkplaylist_t *ps, int state, int ex, int ey, double time); void gtkpl_mousemove (gtkplaylist_t *ps, GdkEventMotion *event); void gtkpl_scroll (gtkplaylist_t *ps, int newscroll); void gtkpl_hscroll (gtkplaylist_t *ps, int newscroll); void gtkpl_handle_scroll_event (gtkplaylist_t *ps, int direction); void gtkpl_keypress (gtkplaylist_t *ps, int keyval, int state); void gtkpl_track_dragdrop (gtkplaylist_t *ps, int y); void gtkpl_handle_drag_drop (gtkplaylist_t *ps, int drop_y, uint32_t *d, int length); void gtkpl_handle_fm_drag_drop (gtkplaylist_t *ps, int drop_y, void *ptr, int length); void gtkpl_add_fm_dropped_files (gtkplaylist_t *ps, char *ptr, int length, int drop_y); void gtkpl_select_single (gtkplaylist_t *ps, int sel); void gtkpl_header_draw (gtkplaylist_t *ps); void gtkpl_add_dir (gtkplaylist_t *ps, char *folder); void gtkpl_add_dirs (gtkplaylist_t *ps, GSList *lst); void gtkpl_add_files (gtkplaylist_t *ps, GSList *lst); void gtkpl_configure (gtkplaylist_t *ps); int gtkpl_get_idx_of (gtkplaylist_t *ps, playItem_t *it); playItem_t * gtkpl_get_for_idx (gtkplaylist_t *ps, int idx); // this functions take value from passed playlist, that's why it's here void gtkpl_playsong (gtkplaylist_t *ps); void gtkpl_songchanged (gtkplaylist_t *ps, int from, int to); // these functions operate on global playlist level, // no need to pass gtkplaylist_t ptr to them void gtkpl_add_fm_dropped_files (gtkplaylist_t *ps, char *ptr, int length, int drop_y); // these functions should not belong here void gtkpl_prevsong (void); void gtkpl_nextsong (void); void gtkpl_randomsong (void); void gtkpl_pausesong (void); void gtkpl_playsongnum (int idx); void theme_set_fg_color (int col); void theme_set_bg_color (int col); void theme_set_cairo_source_rgb (cairo_t *cr, int col); void playlist_refresh (void); // column utilities gtkpl_column_t * gtkpl_column_alloc (const char *title, int width, int id, const char *format, int align_right); void gtkpl_column_append (gtkplaylist_t *pl, gtkpl_column_t *c); void gtkpl_column_remove (gtkplaylist_t *pl, gtkpl_column_t *c); void gtkpl_column_free (gtkpl_column_t *c); void gtkpl_append_column_from_textdef (gtkplaylist_t *pl, const uint8_t *def); void gtkpl_column_update_config (gtkplaylist_t *pl, gtkpl_column_t *c, int idx); void gtkpl_column_rewrite_config (gtkplaylist_t *pl); #endif // __GTKPLAYLIST_H