/* DeaDBeeF - ultimate music player for GNU/Linux systems with X11 Copyright (C) 2009 Alexey Yakovenko This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include "codec.h" #include "cmod.h" static char *mikmod_writepointer; static int mikmod_writesize; static MODULE *module; // mikmod fe driver static BOOL cmod_IsThere(void) { return 1; } static BOOL cmod_Init(void) { return VC_Init(); } static void cmod_Exit(void) { VC_Exit(); } static void cmod_Update(void) { for (;;) { ULONG ret = VC_WriteBytes((SBYTE*)mikmod_writepointer,(ULONG)mikmod_writesize); if (ret < mikmod_writesize) { if (ret <= 0) { printf ("WARNING: mikmod VC_WriteBytes returned %d, trying rewind\n", ret); Player_SetPosition (0); break; } else { mikmod_writesize -= ret; mikmod_writepointer += ret; } } else if (ret > mikmod_writesize) { printf ("WARNING: mikmod VC_WriteBytes returned %d, trying rewind\n", ret); Player_SetPosition (0); } break; } } static void cmod_PlayStop(void) { fprintf (stderr, "mikmod called PlayStop\n"); VC_PlayStop(); } static MDRIVER cmoddrv={ NULL, (char*)"raboof", (char*)"raboof mikmod audio driver v0.1", 0,255, (char*)"cmoddrv", NULL, cmod_IsThere, VC_SampleLoad, VC_SampleUnload, VC_SampleSpace, VC_SampleLength, cmod_Init, cmod_Exit, NULL, VC_SetNumVoices, VC_PlayStart, cmod_PlayStop, cmod_Update, NULL, VC_VoiceSetVolume, VC_VoiceGetVolume, VC_VoiceSetFrequency, VC_VoiceGetFrequency, VC_VoiceSetPanning, VC_VoiceGetPanning, VC_VoicePlay, VC_VoiceStop, VC_VoiceStopped, VC_VoiceGetPosition, VC_VoiceRealVolume }; int cmod_init (const char *fname, int track, float start, float end) { // MikMod_RegisterAllDrivers(); memset (&cmod.info, 0, sizeof (fileinfo_t)); MikMod_RegisterAllLoaders(); MikMod_RegisterDriver (&cmoddrv); int drv = MikMod_DriverFromAlias ((char*)"cmoddrv"); md_device = drv; md_mode |= DMODE_HQMIXER; MikMod_Init((char*)""); module = Player_Load ((char*)fname, 64, 0); module->wrap = 1; module->loop = 0; Player_Start(module); Player_SetTempo (1200); printf ("module info: songname %s\nmodtype %s\ncomment %s\nnumchannels %d\nnumsamples %d\nsongtime %d\n", module->songname, module->modtype, module->comment, module->numchn, module->numsmp, module->sngtime); printf ("driver info: device %d\nmixfreq: %d\n16bit %d\nhqmixer %d\nstereo %d\n", md_device, md_mixfreq, (md_mode&DMODE_16BITS)?1:0, (md_mode&DMODE_HQMIXER)?1:0, (md_mode&DMODE_STEREO)?1:0); cmod.info.bitsPerSample = (md_mode&DMODE_16BITS)? 16 : 8; cmod.info.channels = (md_mode&DMODE_STEREO)?2:1; cmod.info.samplesPerSecond = md_mixfreq; return 0; } void cmod_free (void) { Player_SetPosition (0); Player_Free(module); module = NULL; MikMod_Exit(); } int cmod_read (char *bytes, int size) { mikmod_writepointer = bytes; mikmod_writesize = size; if (Player_Active()) { MikMod_Update(); } return 0; } codec_t cmod = { .init = cmod_init, .free = cmod_free, .read = cmod_read };