From 86f4222cfe1e30c2de6c7362e31a8ab5b68f7321 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Alexey Yakovenko Date: Wed, 19 May 2010 20:58:20 +0200 Subject: localization updates --- ABOUT-NLS | 1943 ++++++----- config.rpath | 34 +- intl/ChangeLog | 4 +- intl/ | 170 +- intl/VERSION | 2 +- intl/bindtextdom.c | 6 +- intl/config.charset | 1132 +++--- intl/dcigettext.c | 136 +- intl/gettextP.h | 12 +- intl/intl-compat.c | 6 +- intl/intl-exports.c | 16 +- intl/l10nflist.c | 4 +- intl/langprefs.c | 367 +- intl/ | 97 +- intl/libintl.rc | 4 +- intl/loadmsgcat.c | 11 +- intl/localcharset.c | 474 +-- intl/localename.c | 2440 ++++++++++--- intl/lock.c | 891 +++-- intl/lock.h | 871 ++--- intl/log.c | 64 +- intl/os2compat.h | 6 +- intl/printf-args.c | 208 +- intl/printf-args.h | 52 +- intl/printf-parse.c | 910 ++--- intl/printf-parse.h | 14 +- intl/printf.c | 146 +- intl/relocatable.c | 289 +- intl/relocatable.h | 24 +- intl/tsearch.c | 462 +-- intl/tsearch.h | 8 +- intl/vasnprintf.c | 7771 +++++++++++++++++++++++------------------- intl/vasnwprintf.h | 4 +- intl/wprintf-parse.h | 14 +- intl/xsize.h | 4 +- plugins/gtkui/ | 2 +- plugins/gtkui/gtkui.c | 4 +- plugins/gtkui/interface.c | 10 +- po/ChangeLog | 5 + po/ | 39 +- po/Rules-quot | 2 +- po/deadbeef.pot | 587 ++-- po/ | Bin 14138 -> 17692 bytes po/ru.po | 693 ++-- 44 files changed, 11500 insertions(+), 8438 deletions(-) diff --git a/ABOUT-NLS b/ABOUT-NLS index 83bc72ec..4f50fb5f 100644 --- a/ABOUT-NLS +++ b/ABOUT-NLS @@ -181,855 +181,1114 @@ programming skills, here. ====================== Languages are not equally supported in all packages. The following -matrix shows the current state of internationalization, as of November -2007. The matrix shows, in regard of each package, for which languages -PO files have been submitted to translation coordination, with a +matrix shows the current state of internationalization, as of May 2010. +The matrix shows, in regard of each package, for which languages PO +files have been submitted to translation coordination, with a translation percentage of at least 50%. - Ready PO files af am ar az be bg bs ca cs cy da de el en en_GB eo - +----------------------------------------------------+ - Compendium | [] [] [] [] | - a2ps | [] [] [] [] [] | - aegis | () | - ant-phone | () | - anubis | [] | - ap-utils | | - aspell | [] [] [] [] [] | - bash | [] | - bfd | | - bibshelf | [] | - binutils | | - bison | [] [] | - bison-runtime | [] | - bluez-pin | [] [] [] [] [] | - cflow | [] | - clisp | [] [] [] | - console-tools | [] [] | - coreutils | [] [] [] [] | - cpio | | - cpplib | [] [] [] | - cryptonit | [] | - dialog | | - diffutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - doodle | [] | - e2fsprogs | [] [] | - enscript | [] [] [] [] | - fetchmail | [] [] () [] [] | - findutils | [] | - findutils_stable | [] [] [] | - flex | [] [] [] | - fslint | | - gas | | - gawk | [] [] [] | - gcal | [] | - gcc | [] | - gettext-examples | [] [] [] [] [] | - gettext-runtime | [] [] [] [] [] | - gettext-tools | [] [] | - gip | [] | - gliv | [] [] | - glunarclock | [] | - gmult | [] [] | - gnubiff | () | - gnucash | [] [] () () [] | - gnuedu | | - gnulib | [] | - gnunet | | - gnunet-gtk | | - gnutls | [] | - gpe-aerial | [] [] | - gpe-beam | [] [] | - gpe-calendar | | - gpe-clock | [] [] | - gpe-conf | [] [] | - gpe-contacts | | - gpe-edit | [] | - gpe-filemanager | | - gpe-go | [] | - gpe-login | [] [] | - gpe-ownerinfo | [] [] | - gpe-package | | - gpe-sketchbook | [] [] | - gpe-su | [] [] | - gpe-taskmanager | [] [] | - gpe-timesheet | [] | - gpe-today | [] [] | - gpe-todo | | - gphoto2 | [] [] [] [] | - gprof | [] [] | - gpsdrive | | - gramadoir | [] [] | - grep | [] [] | - gretl | () | - gsasl | | - gss | | - gst-plugins-bad | [] [] | - gst-plugins-base | [] [] | - gst-plugins-good | [] [] [] | - gst-plugins-ugly | [] [] | - gstreamer | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gtick | () | - gtkam | [] [] [] [] | - gtkorphan | [] [] | - gtkspell | [] [] [] [] | - gutenprint | [] | - hello | [] [] [] [] [] | - herrie | [] | - hylafax | | - idutils | [] [] | - indent | [] [] [] [] | - iso_15924 | | - iso_3166 | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - iso_3166_2 | | - iso_4217 | [] [] [] | - iso_639 | [] [] [] [] | - jpilot | [] | - jtag | | - jwhois | | - kbd | [] [] [] [] | - keytouch | [] [] | - keytouch-editor | [] | - keytouch-keyboa... | [] | - latrine | () | - ld | [] | - leafpad | [] [] [] [] [] | - libc | [] [] [] [] | - libexif | [] | - libextractor | [] | - libgpewidget | [] [] [] | - libgpg-error | [] | - libgphoto2 | [] [] | - libgphoto2_port | [] [] | - libgsasl | | - libiconv | [] [] | - libidn | [] [] [] | - lifelines | [] () | - lilypond | [] | - lingoteach | | - lprng | | - lynx | [] [] [] [] | - m4 | [] [] [] [] | - mailfromd | | - mailutils | [] | - make | [] [] | - man-db | [] [] [] | - minicom | [] [] [] | - nano | [] [] [] | - opcodes | [] | - parted | [] [] | - pilot-qof | | - popt | [] [] [] | - psmisc | [] | - pwdutils | | - qof | | - radius | [] | - recode | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - rpm | [] | - screem | | - scrollkeeper | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - sed | [] [] [] | - shared-mime-info | [] [] [] [] () [] [] [] | - sharutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - shishi | | - skencil | [] () | - solfege | | - soundtracker | [] [] | - sp | [] | - system-tools-ba... | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - tar | [] [] | - texinfo | [] [] [] | - tin | () () | - tuxpaint | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - unicode-han-tra... | | - unicode-transla... | | - util-linux | [] [] [] [] | - util-linux-ng | [] [] [] [] | - vorbis-tools | [] | - wastesedge | () | - wdiff | [] [] [] [] | - wget | [] [] [] | - xchat | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - xkeyboard-config | [] | - xpad | [] [] [] | - +----------------------------------------------------+ - af am ar az be bg bs ca cs cy da de el en en_GB eo - 6 0 2 1 8 26 2 40 48 2 56 88 15 1 15 18 + Ready PO files af am ar as ast az be be@latin bg bn_IN bs ca crh + +---------------------------------------------------+ + a2ps | [] [] | + aegis | | + ant-phone | | + anubis | | + aspell | [] [] | + bash | | + bfd | | + bibshelf | [] | + binutils | | + bison | | + bison-runtime | [] | + bluez-pin | [] [] | + bombono-dvd | | + buzztard | | + cflow | | + clisp | | + coreutils | [] [] | + cpio | | + cppi | | + cpplib | [] | + cryptsetup | | + dfarc | | + dialog | [] [] | + dico | | + diffutils | [] | + dink | | + doodle | | + e2fsprogs | [] | + enscript | [] | + exif | | + fetchmail | [] | + findutils | [] | + flex | [] | + freedink | | + gas | | + gawk | [] [] | + gcal | [] | + gcc | | + gettext-examples | [] [] [] [] | + gettext-runtime | [] [] [] | + gettext-tools | [] [] | + gip | [] | + gjay | | + gliv | [] | + glunarclock | [] [] | + gnubiff | | + gnucash | [] | + gnuedu | | + gnulib | | + gnunet | | + gnunet-gtk | | + gnutls | | + gold | | + gpe-aerial | | + gpe-beam | | + gpe-bluetooth | | + gpe-calendar | | + gpe-clock | [] | + gpe-conf | | + gpe-contacts | | + gpe-edit | | + gpe-filemanager | | + gpe-go | | + gpe-login | | + gpe-ownerinfo | [] | + gpe-package | | + gpe-sketchbook | | + gpe-su | [] | + gpe-taskmanager | [] | + gpe-timesheet | [] | + gpe-today | [] | + gpe-todo | | + gphoto2 | | + gprof | [] | + gpsdrive | | + gramadoir | | + grep | | + grub | [] [] | + gsasl | | + gss | | + gst-plugins-bad | [] | + gst-plugins-base | [] | + gst-plugins-good | [] | + gst-plugins-ugly | [] | + gstreamer | [] [] [] | + gtick | | + gtkam | [] | + gtkorphan | [] | + gtkspell | [] [] [] | + gutenprint | | + hello | [] | + help2man | | + hylafax | | + idutils | | + indent | [] [] | + iso_15924 | | + iso_3166 | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + iso_3166_2 | | + iso_4217 | | + iso_639 | [] [] [] [] [] | + iso_639_3 | [] | + jwhois | | + kbd | | + keytouch | [] | + keytouch-editor | | + keytouch-keyboa... | [] | + klavaro | [] | + latrine | | + ld | [] | + leafpad | [] [] | + libc | [] [] | + libexif | () | + libextractor | | + libgnutls | | + libgpewidget | | + libgpg-error | | + libgphoto2 | | + libgphoto2_port | | + libgsasl | | + libiconv | [] | + libidn | | + lifelines | | + liferea | [] [] | + lilypond | | + linkdr | [] | + lordsawar | | + lprng | | + lynx | [] | + m4 | | + mailfromd | | + mailutils | | + make | | + man-db | | + man-db-manpages | | + minicom | | + mkisofs | | + myserver | | + nano | [] [] | + opcodes | | + parted | | + pies | | + popt | | + psmisc | | + pspp | [] | + pwdutils | | + radius | [] | + recode | [] [] | + rosegarden | | + rpm | | + rush | | + sarg | | + screem | | + scrollkeeper | [] [] [] | + sed | [] [] | + sharutils | [] [] | + shishi | | + skencil | | + solfege | | + solfege-manual | | + soundtracker | | + sp | | + sysstat | | + tar | [] | + texinfo | | + tin | | + unicode-han-tra... | | + unicode-transla... | | + util-linux-ng | [] | + vice | | + vmm | | + vorbis-tools | | + wastesedge | | + wdiff | | + wget | [] [] | + wyslij-po | | + xchat | [] [] [] [] | + xdg-user-dirs | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + xkeyboard-config | [] [] [] | + +---------------------------------------------------+ + af am ar as ast az be be@latin bg bn_IN bs ca crh + 6 0 2 3 19 1 11 3 28 3 1 38 5 + + cs da de el en en_GB en_ZA eo es et eu fa fi + +-------------------------------------------------+ + a2ps | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + aegis | [] [] [] | + ant-phone | [] () | + anubis | [] [] [] | + aspell | [] [] [] [] [] | + bash | [] [] [] [] | + bfd | [] [] | + bibshelf | [] [] [] [] | + binutils | [] [] | + bison | [] [] [] | + bison-runtime | [] [] [] [] [] | + bluez-pin | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + bombono-dvd | [] [] | + buzztard | [] [] [] | + cflow | [] [] [] | + clisp | [] [] [] [] | + coreutils | [] [] [] [] | + cpio | [] | + cppi | [] | + cpplib | [] [] [] | + cryptsetup | [] | + dfarc | [] [] [] [] | + dialog | [] [] [] [] [] | + dico | | + diffutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + dink | [] [] [] | + doodle | [] | + e2fsprogs | [] [] [] | + enscript | [] [] [] | + exif | () [] [] [] | + fetchmail | [] [] () [] [] [] | + findutils | [] [] [] [] | + flex | [] [] [] | + freedink | [] [] [] [] | + gas | [] | + gawk | [] [] [] | + gcal | [] | + gcc | [] [] | + gettext-examples | [] [] [] [] [] | + gettext-runtime | [] [] [] [] [] | + gettext-tools | [] [] [] | + gip | [] [] [] [] [] | + gjay | [] [] | + gliv | [] [] [] [] | + glunarclock | [] [] [] | + gnubiff | () | + gnucash | [] () () () () () | + gnuedu | [] [] | + gnulib | [] [] [] | + gnunet | | + gnunet-gtk | [] | + gnutls | [] [] | + gold | [] [] | + gpe-aerial | [] [] [] [] [] | + gpe-beam | [] [] [] [] [] | + gpe-bluetooth | [] [] [] | + gpe-calendar | [] [] | + gpe-clock | [] [] [] [] [] | + gpe-conf | [] [] [] [] | + gpe-contacts | [] [] [] [] | + gpe-edit | [] [] [] | + gpe-filemanager | [] [] [] [] | + gpe-go | [] [] [] [] [] | + gpe-login | [] [] [] | + gpe-ownerinfo | [] [] [] [] [] | + gpe-package | [] [] [] [] | + gpe-sketchbook | [] [] [] [] [] | + gpe-su | [] [] [] [] [] | + gpe-taskmanager | [] [] [] [] [] | + gpe-timesheet | [] [] [] [] [] | + gpe-today | [] [] [] [] [] | + gpe-todo | [] [] [] [] | + gphoto2 | [] [] () [] [] [] [] | + gprof | [] [] [] [] | + gpsdrive | [] [] [] | + gramadoir | [] [] [] | + grep | [] [] | + grub | [] [] [] | + gsasl | [] [] | + gss | [] | + gst-plugins-bad | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gst-plugins-base | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gst-plugins-good | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gst-plugins-ugly | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gstreamer | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gtick | [] () [] [] | + gtkam | [] [] () [] [] | + gtkorphan | [] [] [] [] | + gtkspell | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gutenprint | [] [] [] [] | + hello | [] [] [] [] [] | + help2man | [] [] | + hylafax | [] [] | + idutils | [] [] [] | + indent | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + iso_15924 | [] () [] [] [] | + iso_3166 | [] [] [] () [] [] [] () [] | + iso_3166_2 | () | + iso_4217 | [] [] [] () [] [] [] | + iso_639 | [] [] [] () [] [] [] | + iso_639_3 | | + jwhois | [] [] | + kbd | [] [] [] [] [] | + keytouch | [] [] [] | + keytouch-editor | [] [] [] | + keytouch-keyboa... | [] [] | + klavaro | [] [] [] [] | + latrine | [] () [] | + ld | [] [] [] | + leafpad | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + libc | [] [] [] [] [] | + libexif | [] [] () | + libextractor | | + libgnutls | [] | + libgpewidget | [] [] [] | + libgpg-error | [] [] | + libgphoto2 | [] () | + libgphoto2_port | [] () [] | + libgsasl | [] | + libiconv | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + libidn | [] [] [] [] | + lifelines | [] () | + liferea | [] [] [] [] [] | + lilypond | [] [] [] [] | + linkdr | [] [] [] [] | + lordsawar | [] | + lprng | | + lynx | [] [] [] [] | + m4 | [] [] [] [] [] | + mailfromd | | + mailutils | [] | + make | [] [] [] [] | + man-db | | + man-db-manpages | | + minicom | [] [] [] [] [] | + mkisofs | [] | + myserver | | + nano | [] [] [] [] | + opcodes | [] [] [] | + parted | [] [] | + pies | | + popt | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + psmisc | [] [] [] [] | + pspp | [] | + pwdutils | [] | + radius | [] | + recode | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + rosegarden | () () () () | + rpm | [] [] [] | + rush | | + sarg | | + screem | | + scrollkeeper | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + sed | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + sharutils | [] [] [] [] [] | + shishi | | + skencil | [] () [] | + solfege | [] [] [] [] | + solfege-manual | [] [] | + soundtracker | [] [] [] | + sp | [] | + sysstat | [] [] [] [] | + tar | [] [] [] [] [] | + texinfo | [] [] [] | + tin | [] [] | + unicode-han-tra... | | + unicode-transla... | | + util-linux-ng | [] [] [] [] [] | + vice | () () | + vmm | [] | + vorbis-tools | [] [] | + wastesedge | [] | + wdiff | [] [] [] | + wget | [] [] [] [] | + wyslij-po | [] | + xchat | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + xdg-user-dirs | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + xkeyboard-config | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + +-------------------------------------------------+ + cs da de el en en_GB en_ZA eo es et eu fa fi + 64 105 117 18 1 8 0 28 89 18 19 0 104 - es et eu fa fi fr ga gl gu he hi hr hu id is it - +--------------------------------------------------+ - Compendium | [] [] [] [] [] | - a2ps | [] [] [] () | - aegis | | - ant-phone | [] | - anubis | [] | - ap-utils | [] [] | - aspell | [] [] [] | - bash | [] | - bfd | [] [] | - bibshelf | [] [] [] | - binutils | [] [] [] | - bison | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - bison-runtime | [] [] [] [] [] | - bluez-pin | [] [] [] [] [] | - cflow | [] | - clisp | [] [] | - console-tools | | - coreutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - cpio | [] [] [] | - cpplib | [] [] | - cryptonit | [] | - dialog | [] [] [] | - diffutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - doodle | [] [] | - e2fsprogs | [] [] [] | - enscript | [] [] [] | - fetchmail | [] | - findutils | [] [] [] | - findutils_stable | [] [] [] [] | - flex | [] [] [] | - fslint | | - gas | [] [] | - gawk | [] [] [] [] () | - gcal | [] [] | - gcc | [] | - gettext-examples | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gettext-runtime | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gettext-tools | [] [] [] [] | - gip | [] [] [] [] | - gliv | () | - glunarclock | [] [] [] | - gmult | [] [] [] | - gnubiff | () () | - gnucash | () () () | - gnuedu | [] | - gnulib | [] [] [] | - gnunet | | - gnunet-gtk | | - gnutls | | - gpe-aerial | [] [] | - gpe-beam | [] [] | - gpe-calendar | | - gpe-clock | [] [] [] [] | - gpe-conf | [] | - gpe-contacts | [] [] | - gpe-edit | [] [] [] [] | - gpe-filemanager | [] | - gpe-go | [] [] [] | - gpe-login | [] [] [] | - gpe-ownerinfo | [] [] [] [] [] | - gpe-package | [] | - gpe-sketchbook | [] [] | - gpe-su | [] [] [] [] | - gpe-taskmanager | [] [] [] | - gpe-timesheet | [] [] [] [] | - gpe-today | [] [] [] [] | - gpe-todo | [] | - gphoto2 | [] [] [] [] [] | - gprof | [] [] [] [] [] | - gpsdrive | [] | - gramadoir | [] [] | - grep | [] [] [] | - gretl | [] [] [] () | - gsasl | [] [] | - gss | [] [] | - gst-plugins-bad | [] [] [] [] | - gst-plugins-base | [] [] [] [] | - gst-plugins-good | [] [] [] [] [] | - gst-plugins-ugly | [] [] [] [] | - gstreamer | [] [] [] | - gtick | [] [] [] | - gtkam | [] [] [] [] | - gtkorphan | [] [] | - gtkspell | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gutenprint | [] | - hello | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - herrie | [] | - hylafax | | - idutils | [] [] [] [] [] | - indent | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - iso_15924 | [] | - iso_3166 | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - iso_3166_2 | [] | - iso_4217 | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - iso_639 | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - jpilot | [] [] | - jtag | [] | - jwhois | [] [] [] [] [] | - kbd | [] [] | - keytouch | [] [] [] | - keytouch-editor | [] | - keytouch-keyboa... | [] [] | - latrine | [] [] | - ld | [] [] [] [] | - leafpad | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - libc | [] [] [] [] [] | - libexif | [] | - libextractor | [] | - libgpewidget | [] [] [] [] [] | - libgpg-error | [] | - libgphoto2 | [] [] [] | - libgphoto2_port | [] [] | - libgsasl | [] [] | - libiconv | [] [] [] | - libidn | [] [] | - lifelines | () | - lilypond | [] [] [] | - lingoteach | [] [] [] | - lprng | | - lynx | [] [] [] | - m4 | [] [] [] [] | - mailfromd | | - mailutils | [] [] | - make | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - man-db | [] | - minicom | [] [] [] [] | - nano | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - opcodes | [] [] [] [] | - parted | [] [] [] | - pilot-qof | | - popt | [] [] [] [] | - psmisc | [] [] | - pwdutils | | - qof | [] | - radius | [] [] | - recode | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - rpm | [] [] | - screem | | - scrollkeeper | [] [] [] | - sed | [] [] [] [] [] | - shared-mime-info | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - sharutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - shishi | [] | - skencil | [] [] | - solfege | [] | - soundtracker | [] [] [] | - sp | [] | - system-tools-ba... | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - tar | [] [] [] [] [] | - texinfo | [] [] [] | - tin | [] () | - tuxpaint | [] [] | - unicode-han-tra... | | - unicode-transla... | [] [] | - util-linux | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - util-linux-ng | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - vorbis-tools | | - wastesedge | () | - wdiff | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - wget | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - xchat | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - xkeyboard-config | [] [] [] [] | - xpad | [] [] [] | - +--------------------------------------------------+ - es et eu fa fi fr ga gl gu he hi hr hu id is it - 85 22 14 2 48 101 61 12 2 8 2 6 53 29 1 52 + fr ga gl gu he hi hr hu hy id is it ja ka kn + +------------------------------------------------+ + a2ps | [] [] [] | + aegis | [] [] | + ant-phone | [] [] | + anubis | [] [] [] | + aspell | [] [] [] [] | + bash | [] [] [] | + bfd | [] [] | + bibshelf | [] [] [] [] | + binutils | [] [] | + bison | [] [] [] | + bison-runtime | [] [] [] [] [] | + bluez-pin | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + bombono-dvd | | + buzztard | [] | + cflow | [] [] | + clisp | [] | + coreutils | [] [] [] [] [] | + cpio | [] [] [] | + cppi | [] | + cpplib | [] [] | + cryptsetup | [] [] [] | + dfarc | [] [] | + dialog | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + dico | | + diffutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + dink | [] | + doodle | [] [] | + e2fsprogs | [] [] | + enscript | [] [] [] [] | + exif | [] [] [] [] [] | + fetchmail | [] [] [] [] | + findutils | [] [] [] [] [] | + flex | [] [] | + freedink | [] [] | + gas | [] [] | + gawk | [] [] [] [] () [] | + gcal | [] | + gcc | [] | + gettext-examples | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gettext-runtime | [] [] [] [] [] | + gettext-tools | [] [] [] [] | + gip | [] [] [] [] [] | + gjay | | + gliv | () | + glunarclock | [] [] [] | + gnubiff | () [] () | + gnucash | () () () () [] | + gnuedu | [] [] | + gnulib | [] [] [] [] [] | + gnunet | | + gnunet-gtk | [] | + gnutls | [] [] | + gold | [] | + gpe-aerial | [] [] | + gpe-beam | [] [] [] | + gpe-bluetooth | [] [] [] | + gpe-calendar | [] | + gpe-clock | [] [] [] [] | + gpe-conf | [] [] [] | + gpe-contacts | [] [] [] | + gpe-edit | [] [] | + gpe-filemanager | [] [] [] | + gpe-go | [] [] [] [] | + gpe-login | [] [] | + gpe-ownerinfo | [] [] [] [] | + gpe-package | [] [] | + gpe-sketchbook | [] [] [] | + gpe-su | [] [] [] [] [] | + gpe-taskmanager | [] [] [] [] | + gpe-timesheet | [] [] [] [] | + gpe-today | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gpe-todo | [] [] | + gphoto2 | [] [] [] [] [] | + gprof | [] [] [] | + gpsdrive | [] [] [] | + gramadoir | [] [] [] | + grep | [] | + grub | [] [] [] | + gsasl | [] [] [] [] | + gss | [] [] [] [] | + gst-plugins-bad | [] [] [] [] | + gst-plugins-base | [] [] [] [] [] | + gst-plugins-good | [] [] [] [] [] | + gst-plugins-ugly | [] [] [] [] [] | + gstreamer | [] [] [] [] | + gtick | [] [] [] [] | + gtkam | [] [] [] [] [] | + gtkorphan | [] [] [] | + gtkspell | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gutenprint | [] [] [] | + hello | [] [] | + help2man | [] | + hylafax | [] | + idutils | [] [] [] [] [] | + indent | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + iso_15924 | () [] [] | + iso_3166 | () [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + iso_3166_2 | () [] [] [] | + iso_4217 | () [] [] [] [] | + iso_639 | () [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + iso_639_3 | () [] [] | + jwhois | [] [] [] [] | + kbd | [] [] | + keytouch | [] [] [] [] [] | + keytouch-editor | [] [] [] [] | + keytouch-keyboa... | [] [] [] [] | + klavaro | [] [] | + latrine | [] [] | + ld | [] [] [] | + leafpad | [] [] [] [] [] [] () | + libc | [] [] [] [] | + libexif | | + libextractor | | + libgnutls | [] [] | + libgpewidget | [] [] [] | + libgpg-error | [] [] | + libgphoto2 | [] [] [] | + libgphoto2_port | [] [] [] | + libgsasl | [] [] [] [] | + libiconv | [] [] [] [] [] | + libidn | [] [] [] | + lifelines | () | + liferea | [] [] [] [] | + lilypond | [] | + linkdr | [] [] [] [] | + lordsawar | | + lprng | [] | + lynx | [] [] [] [] [] | + m4 | [] [] [] [] [] | + mailfromd | | + mailutils | [] [] | + make | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + man-db | [] [] | + man-db-manpages | [] | + minicom | [] [] [] [] | + mkisofs | [] [] [] | + myserver | | + nano | [] [] [] [] [] | + opcodes | [] [] [] | + parted | [] [] [] [] | + pies | | + popt | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + psmisc | [] [] | + pspp | | + pwdutils | [] [] | + radius | [] [] | + recode | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + rosegarden | () () () () | + rpm | [] [] | + rush | | + sarg | [] | + screem | [] [] | + scrollkeeper | [] [] [] | + sed | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + sharutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + shishi | [] | + skencil | [] | + solfege | [] [] [] | + solfege-manual | [] [] | + soundtracker | [] [] | + sp | [] () | + sysstat | [] [] [] [] | + tar | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + texinfo | [] [] [] [] | + tin | [] | + unicode-han-tra... | | + unicode-transla... | [] [] | + util-linux-ng | [] [] [] [] [] | + vice | () () () | + vmm | [] | + vorbis-tools | [] | + wastesedge | () () | + wdiff | | + wget | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + wyslij-po | [] [] | + xchat | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + xdg-user-dirs | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + xkeyboard-config | [] [] [] [] | + +------------------------------------------------+ + fr ga gl gu he hi hr hu hy id is it ja ka kn + 121 53 20 4 8 2 5 53 2 120 5 83 66 0 4 - ja ka ko ku ky lg lt lv mk mn ms mt nb ne nl nn - +--------------------------------------------------+ - Compendium | [] | - a2ps | () [] [] | - aegis | () | - ant-phone | [] | - anubis | [] [] [] | - ap-utils | [] | - aspell | [] [] | - bash | [] | - bfd | | - bibshelf | [] | - binutils | | - bison | [] [] [] | - bison-runtime | [] [] [] | - bluez-pin | [] [] [] | - cflow | | - clisp | [] | - console-tools | | - coreutils | [] | - cpio | [] | - cpplib | [] | - cryptonit | [] | - dialog | [] [] | - diffutils | [] [] [] | - doodle | | - e2fsprogs | [] | - enscript | [] | - fetchmail | [] [] | - findutils | [] | - findutils_stable | [] | - flex | [] [] | - fslint | | - gas | | - gawk | [] [] | - gcal | | - gcc | | - gettext-examples | [] [] [] | - gettext-runtime | [] [] [] | - gettext-tools | [] [] | - gip | [] [] | - gliv | [] | - glunarclock | [] [] | - gmult | [] [] [] | - gnubiff | | - gnucash | () () () | - gnuedu | | - gnulib | [] [] | - gnunet | | - gnunet-gtk | | - gnutls | [] | - gpe-aerial | [] | - gpe-beam | [] | - gpe-calendar | [] | - gpe-clock | [] [] [] | - gpe-conf | [] [] [] | - gpe-contacts | [] | - gpe-edit | [] [] [] | - gpe-filemanager | [] [] | - gpe-go | [] [] [] | - gpe-login | [] [] [] | - gpe-ownerinfo | [] [] | - gpe-package | [] [] | - gpe-sketchbook | [] [] | - gpe-su | [] [] [] | - gpe-taskmanager | [] [] [] [] | - gpe-timesheet | [] | - gpe-today | [] [] | - gpe-todo | [] | - gphoto2 | [] [] | - gprof | [] | - gpsdrive | [] | - gramadoir | () | - grep | [] [] | - gretl | | - gsasl | [] | - gss | | - gst-plugins-bad | [] | - gst-plugins-base | [] | - gst-plugins-good | [] | - gst-plugins-ugly | [] | - gstreamer | [] | - gtick | [] | - gtkam | [] [] | - gtkorphan | [] | - gtkspell | [] [] | - gutenprint | [] | - hello | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - herrie | [] | - hylafax | | - idutils | [] | - indent | [] [] | - iso_15924 | [] | - iso_3166 | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - iso_3166_2 | [] | - iso_4217 | [] [] [] | - iso_639 | [] [] [] [] | - jpilot | () () | - jtag | | - jwhois | [] | - kbd | [] | - keytouch | [] | - keytouch-editor | [] | - keytouch-keyboa... | | - latrine | [] | - ld | | - leafpad | [] [] | - libc | [] [] [] | - libexif | | - libextractor | | - libgpewidget | [] | - libgpg-error | | - libgphoto2 | [] | - libgphoto2_port | [] | - libgsasl | [] | - libiconv | [] | - libidn | [] [] | - lifelines | [] | - lilypond | [] | - lingoteach | [] | - lprng | | - lynx | [] [] | - m4 | [] [] | - mailfromd | | - mailutils | | - make | [] [] [] | - man-db | | - minicom | [] | - nano | [] [] [] | - opcodes | [] | - parted | [] [] | - pilot-qof | | - popt | [] [] [] | - psmisc | [] [] [] | - pwdutils | | - qof | | - radius | | - recode | [] | - rpm | [] [] | - screem | [] | - scrollkeeper | [] [] [] [] | - sed | [] [] | - shared-mime-info | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - sharutils | [] [] | - shishi | | - skencil | | - solfege | () () | - soundtracker | | - sp | () | - system-tools-ba... | [] [] [] [] | - tar | [] [] [] | - texinfo | [] [] | - tin | | - tuxpaint | () [] [] | - unicode-han-tra... | | - unicode-transla... | | - util-linux | [] [] | - util-linux-ng | [] [] | - vorbis-tools | | - wastesedge | [] | - wdiff | [] [] | - wget | [] [] | - xchat | [] [] [] [] | - xkeyboard-config | [] [] [] | - xpad | [] [] [] | - +--------------------------------------------------+ - ja ka ko ku ky lg lt lv mk mn ms mt nb ne nl nn - 51 2 25 3 2 0 6 0 2 2 20 0 11 1 103 6 + ko ku ky lg lt lv mk ml mn mr ms mt nb nds ne + +-----------------------------------------------+ + a2ps | [] | + aegis | | + ant-phone | | + anubis | [] [] | + aspell | [] | + bash | | + bfd | | + bibshelf | [] [] | + binutils | | + bison | [] | + bison-runtime | [] [] [] [] [] | + bluez-pin | [] [] [] [] [] | + bombono-dvd | | + buzztard | | + cflow | | + clisp | | + coreutils | [] | + cpio | | + cppi | | + cpplib | | + cryptsetup | | + dfarc | [] | + dialog | [] [] [] [] [] | + dico | | + diffutils | [] [] | + dink | | + doodle | | + e2fsprogs | | + enscript | | + exif | [] | + fetchmail | | + findutils | | + flex | | + freedink | [] | + gas | | + gawk | | + gcal | | + gcc | | + gettext-examples | [] [] [] [] | + gettext-runtime | [] | + gettext-tools | [] | + gip | [] [] | + gjay | | + gliv | | + glunarclock | [] | + gnubiff | | + gnucash | () () () () | + gnuedu | | + gnulib | | + gnunet | | + gnunet-gtk | | + gnutls | [] | + gold | | + gpe-aerial | [] | + gpe-beam | [] | + gpe-bluetooth | [] [] | + gpe-calendar | [] | + gpe-clock | [] [] [] [] [] | + gpe-conf | [] [] | + gpe-contacts | [] [] | + gpe-edit | [] | + gpe-filemanager | [] [] | + gpe-go | [] [] [] | + gpe-login | [] | + gpe-ownerinfo | [] [] | + gpe-package | [] [] | + gpe-sketchbook | [] [] | + gpe-su | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gpe-taskmanager | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gpe-timesheet | [] [] | + gpe-today | [] [] [] [] | + gpe-todo | [] [] | + gphoto2 | | + gprof | [] | + gpsdrive | | + gramadoir | | + grep | | + grub | | + gsasl | | + gss | | + gst-plugins-bad | [] [] | + gst-plugins-base | [] [] | + gst-plugins-good | [] [] | + gst-plugins-ugly | [] [] [] [] [] | + gstreamer | | + gtick | | + gtkam | [] | + gtkorphan | [] [] | + gtkspell | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gutenprint | | + hello | [] [] [] | + help2man | | + hylafax | | + idutils | | + indent | | + iso_15924 | [] [] | + iso_3166 | [] [] () [] [] [] [] [] | + iso_3166_2 | | + iso_4217 | [] [] | + iso_639 | [] [] | + iso_639_3 | [] | + jwhois | [] | + kbd | | + keytouch | [] | + keytouch-editor | [] | + keytouch-keyboa... | [] | + klavaro | [] | + latrine | [] | + ld | | + leafpad | [] [] [] | + libc | [] | + libexif | | + libextractor | | + libgnutls | [] | + libgpewidget | [] [] | + libgpg-error | | + libgphoto2 | | + libgphoto2_port | | + libgsasl | | + libiconv | | + libidn | | + lifelines | | + liferea | | + lilypond | | + linkdr | | + lordsawar | | + lprng | | + lynx | | + m4 | | + mailfromd | | + mailutils | | + make | [] | + man-db | | + man-db-manpages | | + minicom | [] | + mkisofs | | + myserver | | + nano | [] [] | + opcodes | | + parted | | + pies | | + popt | [] [] [] | + psmisc | | + pspp | | + pwdutils | | + radius | | + recode | | + rosegarden | | + rpm | | + rush | | + sarg | | + screem | | + scrollkeeper | [] [] | + sed | | + sharutils | | + shishi | | + skencil | | + solfege | [] | + solfege-manual | | + soundtracker | | + sp | | + sysstat | [] | + tar | [] | + texinfo | [] | + tin | | + unicode-han-tra... | | + unicode-transla... | | + util-linux-ng | | + vice | | + vmm | | + vorbis-tools | | + wastesedge | | + wdiff | | + wget | [] | + wyslij-po | | + xchat | [] [] [] | + xdg-user-dirs | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + xkeyboard-config | [] [] [] | + +-----------------------------------------------+ + ko ku ky lg lt lv mk ml mn mr ms mt nb nds ne + 20 5 10 1 12 48 4 2 2 4 24 10 19 3 1 - or pa pl pt pt_BR rm ro ru rw sk sl sq sr sv ta - +--------------------------------------------------+ - Compendium | [] [] [] [] [] | - a2ps | () [] [] [] [] [] [] | - aegis | () () | - ant-phone | [] [] | - anubis | [] [] [] | - ap-utils | () | - aspell | [] [] [] | - bash | [] [] | - bfd | | - bibshelf | [] | - binutils | [] [] | - bison | [] [] [] [] [] | - bison-runtime | [] [] [] [] [] | - bluez-pin | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - cflow | [] | - clisp | [] | - console-tools | [] | - coreutils | [] [] [] [] | - cpio | [] [] [] | - cpplib | [] | - cryptonit | [] [] | - dialog | [] | - diffutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - doodle | [] [] | - e2fsprogs | [] [] | - enscript | [] [] [] [] [] | - fetchmail | [] [] [] | - findutils | [] [] [] | - findutils_stable | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - flex | [] [] [] [] [] | - fslint | [] | - gas | | - gawk | [] [] [] [] | - gcal | [] | - gcc | [] [] | - gettext-examples | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gettext-runtime | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gettext-tools | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gip | [] [] [] [] | - gliv | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - glunarclock | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gmult | [] [] [] [] | - gnubiff | () [] | - gnucash | () [] | - gnuedu | | - gnulib | [] [] [] | - gnunet | | - gnunet-gtk | [] | - gnutls | [] [] | - gpe-aerial | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gpe-beam | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gpe-calendar | [] [] [] [] | - gpe-clock | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gpe-conf | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gpe-contacts | [] [] [] [] [] | - gpe-edit | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gpe-filemanager | [] [] | - gpe-go | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gpe-login | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gpe-ownerinfo | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gpe-package | [] [] | - gpe-sketchbook | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gpe-su | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gpe-taskmanager | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gpe-timesheet | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gpe-today | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gpe-todo | [] [] [] [] | - gphoto2 | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gprof | [] [] [] | - gpsdrive | [] [] | - gramadoir | [] [] | - grep | [] [] [] [] | - gretl | [] [] [] | - gsasl | [] [] [] | - gss | [] [] [] [] | - gst-plugins-bad | [] [] [] | - gst-plugins-base | [] [] | - gst-plugins-good | [] [] | - gst-plugins-ugly | [] [] [] | - gstreamer | [] [] [] [] | - gtick | [] | - gtkam | [] [] [] [] [] | - gtkorphan | [] | - gtkspell | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gutenprint | [] | - hello | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - herrie | [] [] [] | - hylafax | | - idutils | [] [] [] [] [] | - indent | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - iso_15924 | | - iso_3166 | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - iso_3166_2 | | - iso_4217 | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - iso_639 | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - jpilot | | - jtag | [] | - jwhois | [] [] [] [] | - kbd | [] [] [] | - keytouch | [] | - keytouch-editor | [] | - keytouch-keyboa... | [] | - latrine | | - ld | [] | - leafpad | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - libc | [] [] [] [] | - libexif | [] [] | - libextractor | [] [] | - libgpewidget | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - libgpg-error | [] [] [] | - libgphoto2 | [] | - libgphoto2_port | [] [] [] | - libgsasl | [] [] [] [] | - libiconv | [] [] [] | - libidn | [] [] () | - lifelines | [] [] | - lilypond | | - lingoteach | [] | - lprng | [] | - lynx | [] [] [] | - m4 | [] [] [] [] [] | - mailfromd | [] | - mailutils | [] [] [] | - make | [] [] [] [] | - man-db | [] [] [] [] | - minicom | [] [] [] [] [] | - nano | [] [] [] [] | - opcodes | [] [] | - parted | [] | - pilot-qof | | - popt | [] [] [] [] | - psmisc | [] [] | - pwdutils | [] [] | - qof | [] [] | - radius | [] [] | - recode | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - rpm | [] [] [] [] | - screem | | - scrollkeeper | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - sed | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - shared-mime-info | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - sharutils | [] [] [] [] | - shishi | [] | - skencil | [] [] [] | - solfege | [] | - soundtracker | [] [] | - sp | | - system-tools-ba... | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - tar | [] [] [] [] | - texinfo | [] [] [] [] | - tin | () | - tuxpaint | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - unicode-han-tra... | | - unicode-transla... | | - util-linux | [] [] [] [] | - util-linux-ng | [] [] [] [] | - vorbis-tools | [] | - wastesedge | | - wdiff | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - wget | [] [] [] [] | - xchat | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - xkeyboard-config | [] [] [] | - xpad | [] [] [] | - +--------------------------------------------------+ - or pa pl pt pt_BR rm ro ru rw sk sl sq sr sv ta - 0 5 77 31 53 4 58 72 3 45 46 9 45 122 3 + nl nn or pa pl ps pt pt_BR ro ru rw sk sl sq sr + +---------------------------------------------------+ + a2ps | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + aegis | [] [] [] | + ant-phone | [] [] | + anubis | [] [] [] | + aspell | [] [] [] [] [] | + bash | [] [] | + bfd | [] | + bibshelf | [] [] | + binutils | [] [] | + bison | [] [] [] | + bison-runtime | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + bluez-pin | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + bombono-dvd | [] () | + buzztard | [] [] | + cflow | [] | + clisp | [] [] | + coreutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + cpio | [] [] [] | + cppi | [] | + cpplib | [] | + cryptsetup | [] | + dfarc | [] | + dialog | [] [] [] [] | + dico | [] | + diffutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + dink | () | + doodle | [] [] | + e2fsprogs | [] [] | + enscript | [] [] [] [] [] | + exif | [] [] [] () [] | + fetchmail | [] [] [] [] | + findutils | [] [] [] [] [] | + flex | [] [] [] [] [] | + freedink | [] [] | + gas | | + gawk | [] [] [] [] | + gcal | | + gcc | [] | + gettext-examples | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gettext-runtime | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gettext-tools | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gip | [] [] [] [] [] | + gjay | | + gliv | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + glunarclock | [] [] [] [] [] | + gnubiff | [] () | + gnucash | [] () () () | + gnuedu | [] | + gnulib | [] [] [] [] | + gnunet | | + gnunet-gtk | | + gnutls | [] [] | + gold | | + gpe-aerial | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gpe-beam | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gpe-bluetooth | [] [] | + gpe-calendar | [] [] [] [] | + gpe-clock | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gpe-conf | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gpe-contacts | [] [] [] [] [] | + gpe-edit | [] [] [] | + gpe-filemanager | [] [] [] | + gpe-go | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gpe-login | [] [] | + gpe-ownerinfo | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gpe-package | [] [] | + gpe-sketchbook | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gpe-su | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gpe-taskmanager | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gpe-timesheet | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gpe-today | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gpe-todo | [] [] [] [] [] | + gphoto2 | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gprof | [] [] [] | + gpsdrive | [] [] | + gramadoir | [] [] | + grep | [] [] [] [] | + grub | [] [] [] | + gsasl | [] [] [] [] | + gss | [] [] [] | + gst-plugins-bad | [] [] [] [] [] | + gst-plugins-base | [] [] [] [] [] | + gst-plugins-good | [] [] [] [] [] | + gst-plugins-ugly | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gstreamer | [] [] [] [] [] | + gtick | [] [] [] | + gtkam | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gtkorphan | [] | + gtkspell | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gutenprint | [] [] | + hello | [] [] [] [] | + help2man | [] [] | + hylafax | [] | + idutils | [] [] [] [] [] | + indent | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + iso_15924 | [] [] [] [] | + iso_3166 | [] [] [] [] [] () [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + iso_3166_2 | [] [] [] | + iso_4217 | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + iso_639 | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + iso_639_3 | [] [] | + jwhois | [] [] [] [] | + kbd | [] [] [] | + keytouch | [] [] [] | + keytouch-editor | [] [] [] | + keytouch-keyboa... | [] [] [] | + klavaro | [] [] | + latrine | [] [] | + ld | | + leafpad | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + libc | [] [] [] [] | + libexif | [] [] () [] | + libextractor | | + libgnutls | [] [] | + libgpewidget | [] [] [] | + libgpg-error | [] [] | + libgphoto2 | [] [] | + libgphoto2_port | [] [] [] [] | + libgsasl | [] [] [] [] [] | + libiconv | [] [] [] [] [] | + libidn | [] [] | + lifelines | [] [] | + liferea | [] [] [] [] [] () () [] | + lilypond | [] | + linkdr | [] [] [] | + lordsawar | | + lprng | [] | + lynx | [] [] [] | + m4 | [] [] [] [] [] | + mailfromd | [] | + mailutils | [] | + make | [] [] [] [] | + man-db | [] [] [] | + man-db-manpages | [] [] [] | + minicom | [] [] [] [] | + mkisofs | [] [] [] | + myserver | | + nano | [] [] [] [] | + opcodes | [] [] | + parted | [] [] [] [] | + pies | [] | + popt | [] [] [] [] | + psmisc | [] [] [] | + pspp | [] [] | + pwdutils | [] | + radius | [] [] [] | + recode | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + rosegarden | () () | + rpm | [] [] [] | + rush | [] [] | + sarg | | + screem | | + scrollkeeper | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + sed | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + sharutils | [] [] [] [] | + shishi | [] | + skencil | [] [] | + solfege | [] [] [] [] | + solfege-manual | [] [] [] | + soundtracker | [] | + sp | | + sysstat | [] [] [] [] | + tar | [] [] [] [] | + texinfo | [] [] [] [] | + tin | [] | + unicode-han-tra... | | + unicode-transla... | | + util-linux-ng | [] [] [] [] [] | + vice | [] | + vmm | [] | + vorbis-tools | [] [] | + wastesedge | [] | + wdiff | [] [] | + wget | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + wyslij-po | [] [] [] | + xchat | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + xdg-user-dirs | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + xkeyboard-config | [] [] [] [] [] | + +---------------------------------------------------+ + nl nn or pa pl ps pt pt_BR ro ru rw sk sl sq sr + 135 10 4 7 105 1 29 61 47 91 3 55 47 8 37 - tg th tk tr uk ven vi wa xh zh_CN zh_HK zh_TW zu + sv sw ta te tg th tr uk vi wa zh_CN zh_HK zh_TW +---------------------------------------------------+ - Compendium | [] [] [] [] | 19 - a2ps | [] [] [] | 19 - aegis | [] | 1 - ant-phone | [] [] | 6 - anubis | [] [] [] | 11 - ap-utils | () [] | 4 - aspell | [] [] [] | 16 - bash | [] | 6 - bfd | | 2 - bibshelf | [] | 7 - binutils | [] [] [] [] | 9 - bison | [] [] [] [] | 20 - bison-runtime | [] [] [] [] | 18 - bluez-pin | [] [] [] [] [] [] | 28 - cflow | [] [] | 5 - clisp | | 9 - console-tools | [] [] | 5 - coreutils | [] [] [] | 18 - cpio | [] [] [] [] | 11 - cpplib | [] [] [] [] [] | 12 - cryptonit | [] | 6 - dialog | [] [] [] | 9 - diffutils | [] [] [] [] [] | 29 - doodle | [] | 6 - e2fsprogs | [] [] | 10 - enscript | [] [] [] | 16 - fetchmail | [] [] | 12 - findutils | [] [] [] | 11 - findutils_stable | [] [] [] [] | 18 - flex | [] [] | 15 - fslint | [] | 2 - gas | [] | 3 - gawk | [] [] [] | 16 - gcal | [] | 5 - gcc | [] [] [] | 7 - gettext-examples | [] [] [] [] [] [] | 29 - gettext-runtime | [] [] [] [] [] [] | 28 - gettext-tools | [] [] [] [] [] | 20 - gip | [] [] | 13 - gliv | [] [] | 11 - glunarclock | [] [] [] | 15 - gmult | [] [] [] [] | 16 - gnubiff | [] | 2 - gnucash | () [] | 5 - gnuedu | [] | 2 - gnulib | [] | 10 - gnunet | | 0 - gnunet-gtk | [] [] | 3 - gnutls | | 4 - gpe-aerial | [] [] | 14 - gpe-beam | [] [] | 14 - gpe-calendar | [] [] | 7 - gpe-clock | [] [] [] [] | 21 - gpe-conf | [] [] [] | 16 - gpe-contacts | [] [] | 10 - gpe-edit | [] [] [] [] [] | 22 - gpe-filemanager | [] [] | 7 - gpe-go | [] [] [] [] | 19 - gpe-login | [] [] [] [] [] | 21 - gpe-ownerinfo | [] [] [] [] | 21 - gpe-package | [] | 6 - gpe-sketchbook | [] [] | 16 - gpe-su | [] [] [] [] | 21 - gpe-taskmanager | [] [] [] [] | 21 - gpe-timesheet | [] [] [] [] | 18 - gpe-today | [] [] [] [] [] | 21 - gpe-todo | [] [] | 8 - gphoto2 | [] [] [] [] | 21 - gprof | [] [] | 13 - gpsdrive | [] | 5 - gramadoir | [] | 7 - grep | [] | 12 - gretl | | 6 - gsasl | [] [] [] | 9 - gss | [] | 7 - gst-plugins-bad | [] [] [] | 13 - gst-plugins-base | [] [] | 11 - gst-plugins-good | [] [] [] [] [] | 16 - gst-plugins-ugly | [] [] [] | 13 - gstreamer | [] [] [] | 18 - gtick | [] [] | 7 - gtkam | [] | 16 - gtkorphan | [] | 7 - gtkspell | [] [] [] [] [] [] | 27 - gutenprint | | 4 - hello | [] [] [] [] [] | 38 - herrie | [] [] | 8 - hylafax | | 0 - idutils | [] [] | 15 - indent | [] [] [] [] [] | 28 - iso_15924 | [] [] | 4 - iso_3166 | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | 54 - iso_3166_2 | [] [] | 4 - iso_4217 | [] [] [] [] [] | 24 - iso_639 | [] [] [] [] [] | 26 - jpilot | [] [] [] [] | 7 - jtag | [] | 3 - jwhois | [] [] [] | 13 - kbd | [] [] [] | 13 - keytouch | [] | 8 - keytouch-editor | [] | 5 - keytouch-keyboa... | [] | 5 - latrine | [] [] | 5 - ld | [] [] [] [] | 10 - leafpad | [] [] [] [] [] | 24 - libc | [] [] [] | 19 - libexif | [] | 5 - libextractor | [] | 5 - libgpewidget | [] [] [] | 20 - libgpg-error | [] | 6 - libgphoto2 | [] [] | 9 - libgphoto2_port | [] [] [] | 11 - libgsasl | [] | 8 - libiconv | [] [] | 11 - libidn | [] [] | 11 - lifelines | | 4 - lilypond | [] | 6 - lingoteach | [] | 6 - lprng | [] | 2 - lynx | [] [] [] | 15 - m4 | [] [] [] | 18 - mailfromd | [] [] | 3 - mailutils | [] [] | 8 - make | [] [] [] | 20 - man-db | [] | 9 - minicom | [] | 14 - nano | [] [] [] | 20 - opcodes | [] [] | 10 - parted | [] [] [] | 11 - pilot-qof | [] | 1 - popt | [] [] [] [] | 18 - psmisc | [] [] | 10 - pwdutils | [] | 3 - qof | [] | 4 - radius | [] [] | 7 - recode | [] [] [] | 25 - rpm | [] [] [] [] | 13 - screem | [] | 2 - scrollkeeper | [] [] [] [] | 26 - sed | [] [] [] [] | 23 - shared-mime-info | [] [] [] | 29 - sharutils | [] [] [] | 23 - shishi | [] | 3 - skencil | [] | 7 - solfege | [] | 3 - soundtracker | [] [] | 9 - sp | [] | 3 - system-tools-ba... | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | 38 - tar | [] [] [] | 17 - texinfo | [] [] [] | 15 - tin | | 1 - tuxpaint | [] [] [] | 19 + a2ps | [] [] [] [] [] | 27 + aegis | [] | 9 + ant-phone | [] [] [] [] | 9 + anubis | [] [] [] [] | 15 + aspell | [] [] [] | 20 + bash | [] [] | 11 + bfd | [] | 6 + bibshelf | [] [] [] | 16 + binutils | [] [] | 8 + bison | [] [] | 12 + bison-runtime | [] [] [] [] [] [] | 29 + bluez-pin | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | 37 + bombono-dvd | [] | 4 + buzztard | [] | 7 + cflow | [] [] [] | 9 + clisp | | 10 + coreutils | [] [] [] [] | 22 + cpio | [] [] [] [] [] [] | 13 + cppi | [] [] | 5 + cpplib | [] [] [] [] [] [] | 13 + cryptsetup | [] [] | 7 + dfarc | [] | 9 + dialog | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | 30 + dico | [] | 2 + diffutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] | 30 + dink | | 4 + doodle | [] [] | 7 + e2fsprogs | [] [] [] | 11 + enscript | [] [] [] [] | 17 + exif | [] [] [] | 16 + fetchmail | [] [] [] | 17 + findutils | [] [] [] [] [] | 20 + flex | [] [] [] [] | 15 + freedink | [] | 10 + gas | [] | 4 + gawk | [] [] [] [] | 18 + gcal | [] [] | 5 + gcc | [] [] [] | 7 + gettext-examples | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | 34 + gettext-runtime | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | 30 + gettext-tools | [] [] [] [] [] [] | 22 + gip | [] [] [] [] | 22 + gjay | [] | 3 + gliv | [] [] [] | 14 + glunarclock | [] [] [] [] [] | 19 + gnubiff | [] [] | 4 + gnucash | () [] () () | 9 + gnuedu | [] [] | 7 + gnulib | [] [] [] [] | 16 + gnunet | [] | 1 + gnunet-gtk | [] [] [] | 5 + gnutls | [] [] [] | 10 + gold | [] | 4 + gpe-aerial | [] [] [] | 18 + gpe-beam | [] [] [] | 19 + gpe-bluetooth | [] [] [] | 13 + gpe-calendar | [] [] [] [] | 12 + gpe-clock | [] [] [] [] [] | 28 + gpe-conf | [] [] [] [] | 20 + gpe-contacts | [] [] [] | 17 + gpe-edit | [] [] [] | 12 + gpe-filemanager | [] [] [] [] | 16 + gpe-go | [] [] [] [] [] | 25 + gpe-login | [] [] [] | 11 + gpe-ownerinfo | [] [] [] [] [] | 25 + gpe-package | [] [] [] | 13 + gpe-sketchbook | [] [] [] | 20 + gpe-su | [] [] [] [] [] | 30 + gpe-taskmanager | [] [] [] [] [] | 29 + gpe-timesheet | [] [] [] [] [] | 25 + gpe-today | [] [] [] [] [] [] | 30 + gpe-todo | [] [] [] [] | 17 + gphoto2 | [] [] [] [] [] | 24 + gprof | [] [] [] | 15 + gpsdrive | [] [] [] | 11 + gramadoir | [] [] [] | 11 + grep | [] [] [] | 10 + grub | [] [] [] | 14 + gsasl | [] [] [] [] | 14 + gss | [] [] [] | 11 + gst-plugins-bad | [] [] [] [] | 22 + gst-plugins-base | [] [] [] [] [] | 24 + gst-plugins-good | [] [] [] [] [] | 25 + gst-plugins-ugly | [] [] [] [] [] | 29 + gstreamer | [] [] [] [] | 22 + gtick | [] [] [] | 13 + gtkam | [] [] [] | 20 + gtkorphan | [] [] [] | 14 + gtkspell | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | 45 + gutenprint | [] | 10 + hello | [] [] [] [] [] [] | 21 + help2man | [] [] | 7 + hylafax | [] | 5 + idutils | [] [] [] [] | 17 + indent | [] [] [] [] [] [] | 30 + iso_15924 | () [] () [] [] | 16 + iso_3166 | [] [] () [] [] () [] [] [] () | 53 + iso_3166_2 | () [] () [] | 9 + iso_4217 | [] () [] [] () [] [] | 26 + iso_639 | [] [] [] () [] () [] [] [] [] | 38 + iso_639_3 | [] () | 8 + jwhois | [] [] [] [] [] | 16 + kbd | [] [] [] [] [] | 15 + keytouch | [] [] [] | 16 + keytouch-editor | [] [] [] | 14 + keytouch-keyboa... | [] [] [] | 14 + klavaro | [] | 11 + latrine | [] [] [] | 10 + ld | [] [] [] [] | 11 + leafpad | [] [] [] [] [] [] | 33 + libc | [] [] [] [] [] | 21 + libexif | [] () | 6 + libextractor | [] | 1 + libgnutls | [] [] [] | 9 + libgpewidget | [] [] [] | 14 + libgpg-error | [] [] [] | 9 + libgphoto2 | [] [] | 8 + libgphoto2_port | [] [] [] [] | 13 + libgsasl | [] [] [] | 13 + libiconv | [] [] [] [] | 21 + libidn | () [] [] | 11 + lifelines | [] | 4 + liferea | [] [] [] | 21 + lilypond | [] | 7 + linkdr | [] [] [] [] [] | 17 + lordsawar | | 1 + lprng | [] | 3 + lynx | [] [] [] [] | 17 + m4 | [] [] [] [] | 19 + mailfromd | [] [] | 3 + mailutils | [] | 5 + make | [] [] [] [] | 21 + man-db | [] [] [] | 8 + man-db-manpages | | 4 + minicom | [] [] | 16 + mkisofs | [] [] | 9 + myserver | | 0 + nano | [] [] [] [] | 21 + opcodes | [] [] [] | 11 + parted | [] [] [] [] [] | 15 + pies | [] [] | 3 + popt | [] [] [] [] [] [] | 27 + psmisc | [] [] | 11 + pspp | | 4 + pwdutils | [] [] | 6 + radius | [] [] | 9 + recode | [] [] [] [] | 28 + rosegarden | () | 0 + rpm | [] [] [] | 11 + rush | [] [] | 4 + sarg | | 1 + screem | [] | 3 + scrollkeeper | [] [] [] [] [] | 27 + sed | [] [] [] [] [] | 30 + sharutils | [] [] [] [] [] | 22 + shishi | [] | 3 + skencil | [] [] | 7 + solfege | [] [] [] [] | 16 + solfege-manual | [] | 8 + soundtracker | [] [] [] | 9 + sp | [] | 3 + sysstat | [] [] | 15 + tar | [] [] [] [] [] [] | 23 + texinfo | [] [] [] [] | 16 + tin | | 4 unicode-han-tra... | | 0 unicode-transla... | | 2 - util-linux | [] [] [] | 20 - util-linux-ng | [] [] [] | 20 - vorbis-tools | [] [] | 4 - wastesedge | | 1 - wdiff | [] [] | 23 - wget | [] [] [] | 20 - xchat | [] [] [] [] | 29 - xkeyboard-config | [] [] [] | 14 - xpad | [] [] [] | 15 + util-linux-ng | [] [] [] [] | 20 + vice | () () | 1 + vmm | [] | 4 + vorbis-tools | [] | 6 + wastesedge | | 2 + wdiff | [] [] | 7 + wget | [] [] [] [] [] | 26 + wyslij-po | [] [] | 8 + xchat | [] [] [] [] [] [] | 36 + xdg-user-dirs | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | 60 + xkeyboard-config | [] [] [] [] | 25 +---------------------------------------------------+ - 76 teams tg th tk tr uk ven vi wa xh zh_CN zh_HK zh_TW zu - 163 domains 0 3 1 74 51 0 143 21 1 57 7 45 0 2036 + 84 teams sv sw ta te tg th tr uk vi wa zh_CN zh_HK zh_TW + 178 domains 119 1 3 2 0 10 66 50 155 17 97 7 41 2610 Some counters in the preceding matrix are higher than the number of visible blocks let us expect. This is because a few extra PO files are @@ -1042,9 +1301,9 @@ distributed as such by its maintainer. There might be an observable lag between the mere existence a PO file and its wide availability in a distribution. - If November 2007 seems to be old, you may fetch a more recent copy -of this `ABOUT-NLS' file on most GNU archive sites. The most -up-to-date matrix with full percentage details can be found at + If May 2010 seems to be old, you may fetch a more recent copy of +this `ABOUT-NLS' file on most GNU archive sites. The most up-to-date +matrix with full percentage details can be found at `'. 1.6 Using `gettext' in new packages diff --git a/config.rpath b/config.rpath index c547c688..17298f23 100755 --- a/config.rpath +++ b/config.rpath @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ # Output a system dependent set of variables, describing how to set the # run time search path of shared libraries in an executable. # -# Copyright 1996-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# Copyright 1996-2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # Taken from GNU libtool, 2001 # Originally by Gordon Matzigkeit , 1996 # @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ for cc_temp in $CC""; do done cc_basename=`echo "$cc_temp" | sed -e 's%^.*/%%'` -# Code taken from libtool.m4's AC_LIBTOOL_PROG_COMPILER_PIC. +# Code taken from libtool.m4's _LT_COMPILER_PIC. wl= if test "$GCC" = yes; then @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ else ;; esac ;; - mingw* | cygwin* | pw32* | os2*) + mingw* | cygwin* | pw32* | os2* | cegcc*) ;; hpux9* | hpux10* | hpux11*) wl='-Wl,' @@ -76,7 +76,13 @@ else ;; linux* | k*bsd*-gnu) case $cc_basename in - icc* | ecc*) + ecc*) + wl='-Wl,' + ;; + icc* | ifort*) + wl='-Wl,' + ;; + lf95*) wl='-Wl,' ;; pgcc | pgf77 | pgf90) @@ -124,7 +130,7 @@ else esac fi -# Code taken from libtool.m4's AC_LIBTOOL_PROG_LD_SHLIBS. +# Code taken from libtool.m4's _LT_LINKER_SHLIBS. hardcode_libdir_flag_spec= hardcode_libdir_separator= @@ -132,7 +138,7 @@ hardcode_direct=no hardcode_minus_L=no case "$host_os" in - cygwin* | mingw* | pw32*) + cygwin* | mingw* | pw32* | cegcc*) # FIXME: the MSVC++ port hasn't been tested in a loooong time # When not using gcc, we currently assume that we are using # Microsoft Visual C++. @@ -158,7 +164,7 @@ if test "$with_gnu_ld" = yes; then # option of GNU ld is called -rpath, not --rpath. hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='${wl}-rpath ${wl}$libdir' case "$host_os" in - aix3* | aix4* | aix5*) + aix[3-9]*) # On AIX/PPC, the GNU linker is very broken if test "$host_cpu" != ia64; then ld_shlibs=no @@ -182,7 +188,7 @@ if test "$with_gnu_ld" = yes; then ld_shlibs=no fi ;; - cygwin* | mingw* | pw32*) + cygwin* | mingw* | pw32* | cegcc*) # hardcode_libdir_flag_spec is actually meaningless, as there is # no search path for DLLs. hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-L$libdir' @@ -254,7 +260,7 @@ else hardcode_direct=unsupported fi ;; - aix4* | aix5*) + aix[4-9]*) if test "$host_cpu" = ia64; then # On IA64, the linker does run time linking by default, so we don't # have to do anything special. @@ -264,7 +270,7 @@ else # Test if we are trying to use run time linking or normal # AIX style linking. If -brtl is somewhere in LDFLAGS, we # need to do runtime linking. - case $host_os in aix4.[23]|aix4.[23].*|aix5*) + case $host_os in aix4.[23]|aix4.[23].*|aix[5-9]*) for ld_flag in $LDFLAGS; do if (test $ld_flag = "-brtl" || test $ld_flag = "-Wl,-brtl"); then aix_use_runtimelinking=yes @@ -326,7 +332,7 @@ else ;; bsdi[45]*) ;; - cygwin* | mingw* | pw32*) + cygwin* | mingw* | pw32* | cegcc*) # When not using gcc, we currently assume that we are using # Microsoft Visual C++. # hardcode_libdir_flag_spec is actually meaningless, as there is @@ -494,7 +500,7 @@ else fi # Check dynamic linker characteristics -# Code taken from libtool.m4's AC_LIBTOOL_SYS_DYNAMIC_LINKER. +# Code taken from libtool.m4's _LT_SYS_DYNAMIC_LINKER. # Unlike libtool.m4, here we don't care about _all_ names of the library, but # only about the one the linker finds when passed -lNAME. This is the last # element of library_names_spec in libtool.m4, or possibly two of them if the @@ -505,7 +511,7 @@ case "$host_os" in aix3*) library_names_spec='$libname.a' ;; - aix4* | aix5*) + aix[4-9]*) library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' ;; amigaos*) @@ -517,7 +523,7 @@ case "$host_os" in bsdi[45]*) library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' ;; - cygwin* | mingw* | pw32*) + cygwin* | mingw* | pw32* | cegcc*) shrext=.dll library_names_spec='$libname.dll.a $libname.lib' ;; diff --git a/intl/ChangeLog b/intl/ChangeLog index 3ec9081d..66d3a174 100644 --- a/intl/ChangeLog +++ b/intl/ChangeLog @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -2007-11-07 GNU +2010-05-09 GNU - * Version 0.17 released. + * Version 0.18 released. diff --git a/intl/ b/intl/ index cfed0859..d547fe05 100644 --- a/intl/ +++ b/intl/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # Makefile for directory with message catalog handling library of GNU gettext -# Copyright (C) 1995-1998, 2000-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# Copyright (C) 1995-1998, 2000-2007, 2009-2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published @@ -72,7 +72,30 @@ LIBTOOL = @LIBTOOL@ RANLIB = @RANLIB@ YACC = @INTLBISON@ -y -d YFLAGS = --name-prefix=__gettext +# Windows resource compiler (windres). Used when libtool is not used. WINDRES = @WINDRES@ +# Windows resource compiler (windres). Used via libtool. +RC = @RC@ + +# Support for silent-rules. +AM_V_at = $(am__v_at_$(V)) +am__v_at_ = $(am__v_at_@INTL_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY@) +am__v_at_0 = @ +AM_V_AR = $(am__v_AR_$(V)) +am__v_AR_ = $(am__v_AR_@INTL_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY@) +am__v_AR_0 = @echo " AR " $@; +AM_V_CC = $(am__v_CC_$(V)) +am__v_CC_ = $(am__v_CC_@INTL_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY@) +am__v_CC_0 = @echo " CC " $@; +AM_V_GEN = $(am__v_GEN_$(V)) +am__v_GEN_ = $(am__v_GEN_@INTL_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY@) +am__v_GEN_0 = @echo " GEN " $@; +AM_V_YACC = $(am__v_YACC_$(V)) +am__v_YACC_ = $(am__v_YACC_@INTL_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY@) +am__v_YACC_0 = @echo " YACC " $@; +AM_V_lt = $(am__v_lt_$(V)) +am__v_lt_ = $(am__v_lt_@INTL_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY@) +am__v_lt_0 = --silent # -DBUILDING_LIBINTL: Change expansion of LIBINTL_DLL_EXPORTED macro. # -DBUILDING_DLL: Change expansion of RELOCATABLE_DLL_EXPORTED macro. @@ -127,12 +150,14 @@ SOURCES = \ plural.y \ plural-exp.c \ localcharset.c \ + threadlib.c \ lock.c \ relocatable.c \ langprefs.c \ localename.c \ log.c \ printf.c \ + setlocale.c \ version.c \ osdep.c \ os2compat.c \ @@ -157,16 +182,18 @@ OBJECTS = \ plural.$lo \ plural-exp.$lo \ localcharset.$lo \ + threadlib.$lo \ lock.$lo \ relocatable.$lo \ langprefs.$lo \ localename.$lo \ log.$lo \ printf.$lo \ + setlocale.$lo \ version.$lo \ osdep.$lo \ intl-compat.$lo -OBJECTS_RES_yes = libintl.res +OBJECTS_RES_yes = libintl.res.$lo OBJECTS_RES_no = DISTFILES.common = \ config.charset locale.alias ref-add.sin ref-del.sin export.h libintl.rc \ @@ -186,12 +213,12 @@ all-no-yes: libgnuintl.$la all-no-no: libintl.a libgnuintl.a: $(OBJECTS) - rm -f $@ - $(AR) cru $@ $(OBJECTS) - $(RANLIB) $@ + $(AM_V_at)rm -f $@ + $(AM_V_AR)$(AR) cru $@ $(OBJECTS) + $(AM_V_at)$(RANLIB) $@ $(OBJECTS) $(OBJECTS_RES_@WOE32@) - $(LIBTOOL) --mode=link \ + $(AM_V_GEN)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC --mode=link \ $(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(XCFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ \ $(OBJECTS) @LTLIBICONV@ @INTL_MACOSX_LIBS@ $(LIBS) @LTLIBTHREAD@ @LTLIBC@ \ $(OBJECTS_RES_@WOE32@) \ @@ -204,83 +231,86 @@ $(OBJECTS) $(OBJECTS_RES_@WOE32@) # according to the libtool documentation, section "Library interface versions". # Maintainers of other packages that include the intl directory must *not* # change these values. -LTV_CURRENT=8 -LTV_REVISION=2 -LTV_AGE=0 +LTV_CURRENT=9 +LTV_REVISION=0 +LTV_AGE=1 .SUFFIXES: .SUFFIXES: .c .y .o .lo .sin .sed .c.o: - $(COMPILE) $< + $(AM_V_CC)$(COMPILE) $< .y.c: - $(YACC) $(YFLAGS) --output $@ $< - rm -f $*.h + $(AM_V_YACC)$(YACC) $(YFLAGS) --output $@ $< + $(AM_V_at)rm -f $*.h bindtextdom.lo: $(srcdir)/bindtextdom.c - $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/bindtextdom.c + $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/bindtextdom.c dcgettext.lo: $(srcdir)/dcgettext.c - $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/dcgettext.c + $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/dcgettext.c dgettext.lo: $(srcdir)/dgettext.c - $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/dgettext.c + $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/dgettext.c gettext.lo: $(srcdir)/gettext.c - $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/gettext.c + $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/gettext.c finddomain.lo: $(srcdir)/finddomain.c - $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/finddomain.c + $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/finddomain.c hash-string.lo: $(srcdir)/hash-string.c - $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/hash-string.c + $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/hash-string.c loadmsgcat.lo: $(srcdir)/loadmsgcat.c - $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/loadmsgcat.c + $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/loadmsgcat.c localealias.lo: $(srcdir)/localealias.c - $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/localealias.c + $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/localealias.c textdomain.lo: $(srcdir)/textdomain.c - $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/textdomain.c + $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/textdomain.c l10nflist.lo: $(srcdir)/l10nflist.c - $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/l10nflist.c + $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/l10nflist.c explodename.lo: $(srcdir)/explodename.c - $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/explodename.c + $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/explodename.c dcigettext.lo: $(srcdir)/dcigettext.c - $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/dcigettext.c + $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/dcigettext.c dcngettext.lo: $(srcdir)/dcngettext.c - $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/dcngettext.c + $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/dcngettext.c dngettext.lo: $(srcdir)/dngettext.c - $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/dngettext.c + $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/dngettext.c ngettext.lo: $(srcdir)/ngettext.c - $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/ngettext.c + $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/ngettext.c plural.lo: $(srcdir)/plural.c - $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/plural.c + $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/plural.c plural-exp.lo: $(srcdir)/plural-exp.c - $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/plural-exp.c + $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/plural-exp.c localcharset.lo: $(srcdir)/localcharset.c - $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/localcharset.c + $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/localcharset.c +threadlib.lo: $(srcdir)/threadlib.c + $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/threadlib.c lock.lo: $(srcdir)/lock.c - $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/lock.c + $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/lock.c relocatable.lo: $(srcdir)/relocatable.c - $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/relocatable.c + $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/relocatable.c langprefs.lo: $(srcdir)/langprefs.c - $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/langprefs.c + $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/langprefs.c localename.lo: $(srcdir)/localename.c - $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/localename.c + $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/localename.c log.lo: $(srcdir)/log.c - $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/log.c + $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/log.c printf.lo: $(srcdir)/printf.c - $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/printf.c + $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/printf.c +setlocale.lo: $(srcdir)/setlocale.c + $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/setlocale.c version.lo: $(srcdir)/version.c - $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/version.c + $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/version.c osdep.lo: $(srcdir)/osdep.c - $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/osdep.c + $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/osdep.c intl-compat.lo: $(srcdir)/intl-compat.c - $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/intl-compat.c + $(AM_V_CC)$(LIBTOOL) $(AM_V_lt) --tag=CC --mode=compile $(COMPILE) $(srcdir)/intl-compat.c # This rule is executed only on Woe32 systems. # The following sed expressions come from the windres-options script. They are # inlined here, so that they can be written in a Makefile without requiring a # temporary file. They must contain literal newlines rather than semicolons, -# so that they work with the sed-3.02 that is shipped with MSYS. We can use -# GNU bash's $'\n' syntax to obtain such a newline. -libintl.res: $(srcdir)/libintl.rc - nl=$$'\n'; \ +# so that they work with the sed-3.02 that is shipped with MSYS. +libintl.res.o: $(srcdir)/libintl.rc + nlinit=`echo 'nl="'; echo '"'`; eval "$$nlinit"; \ sed_extract_major='/^[0-9]/{'$${nl}'s/^\([0-9]*\).*/\1/p'$${nl}q$${nl}'}'$${nl}'c\'$${nl}0$${nl}q; \ sed_extract_minor='/^[0-9][0-9]*[.][0-9]/{'$${nl}'s/^[0-9]*[.]\([0-9]*\).*/\1/p'$${nl}q$${nl}'}'$${nl}'c\'$${nl}0$${nl}q; \ sed_extract_subminor='/^[0-9][0-9]*[.][0-9][0-9]*[.][0-9]/{'$${nl}'s/^[0-9]*[.][0-9]*[.]\([0-9]*\).*/\1/p'$${nl}q$${nl}'}'$${nl}'c\'$${nl}0$${nl}q; \ @@ -289,7 +319,18 @@ libintl.res: $(srcdir)/libintl.rc "-DPACKAGE_VERSION_MAJOR="`echo '$(VERSION)' | sed -n -e "$$sed_extract_major"` \ "-DPACKAGE_VERSION_MINOR="`echo '$(VERSION)' | sed -n -e "$$sed_extract_minor"` \ "-DPACKAGE_VERSION_SUBMINOR="`echo '$(VERSION)' | sed -n -e "$$sed_extract_subminor"` \ - -i $(srcdir)/libintl.rc -o libintl.res --output-format=coff + -i $(srcdir)/libintl.rc -o libintl.res.o --output-format=coff +libintl.res.lo: $(srcdir)/libintl.rc + nlinit=`echo 'nl="'; echo '"'`; eval "$$nlinit"; \ + sed_extract_major='/^[0-9]/{'$${nl}'s/^\([0-9]*\).*/\1/p'$${nl}q$${nl}'}'$${nl}'c\'$${nl}0$${nl}q; \ + sed_extract_minor='/^[0-9][0-9]*[.][0-9]/{'$${nl}'s/^[0-9]*[.]\([0-9]*\).*/\1/p'$${nl}q$${nl}'}'$${nl}'c\'$${nl}0$${nl}q; \ + sed_extract_subminor='/^[0-9][0-9]*[.][0-9][0-9]*[.][0-9]/{'$${nl}'s/^[0-9]*[.][0-9]*[.]\([0-9]*\).*/\1/p'$${nl}q$${nl}'}'$${nl}'c\'$${nl}0$${nl}q; \ + $(LIBTOOL) --mode=compile --tag=RC $(RC) \ + "-DPACKAGE_VERSION_STRING=\\\"$(VERSION)\\\"" \ + "-DPACKAGE_VERSION_MAJOR="`echo '$(VERSION)' | sed -n -e "$$sed_extract_major"` \ + "-DPACKAGE_VERSION_MINOR="`echo '$(VERSION)' | sed -n -e "$$sed_extract_minor"` \ + "-DPACKAGE_VERSION_SUBMINOR="`echo '$(VERSION)' | sed -n -e "$$sed_extract_subminor"` \ + -i $(srcdir)/libintl.rc -o libintl.res.lo --output-format=coff ref-add.sed: $(srcdir)/ref-add.sin sed -e '/^#/d' -e 's/@''PACKAGE''@/@PACKAGE@/g' $(srcdir)/ref-add.sin > t-ref-add.sed @@ -304,6 +345,7 @@ libgnuintl.h: $(srcdir)/ sed -e '/IN_LIBGLOCALE/d' \ -e 's,@''HAVE_POSIX_PRINTF''@,@HAVE_POSIX_PRINTF@,g' \ -e 's,@''HAVE_ASPRINTF''@,@HAVE_ASPRINTF@,g' \ + -e 's,@''HAVE_NEWLOCALE''@,@HAVE_NEWLOCALE@,g' \ -e 's,@''HAVE_SNPRINTF''@,@HAVE_SNPRINTF@,g' \ -e 's,@''HAVE_WPRINTF''@,@HAVE_WPRINTF@,g' \ < $(srcdir)/ \ @@ -321,6 +363,7 @@ libintl.h: $(srcdir)/ sed -e '/IN_LIBGLOCALE/d' \ -e 's,@''HAVE_POSIX_PRINTF''@,@HAVE_POSIX_PRINTF@,g' \ -e 's,@''HAVE_ASPRINTF''@,@HAVE_ASPRINTF@,g' \ + -e 's,@''HAVE_NEWLOCALE''@,@HAVE_NEWLOCALE@,g' \ -e 's,@''HAVE_SNPRINTF''@,@HAVE_SNPRINTF@,g' \ -e 's,@''HAVE_WPRINTF''@,@HAVE_WPRINTF@,g' \ < $(srcdir)/ > libintl.h @@ -367,7 +410,21 @@ install-exec: all : ; \ fi if test '@USE_INCLUDED_LIBINTL@' = yes; then \ - test @GLIBC21@ != no || $(mkdir_p) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir); \ + if test @GLIBC21@ = no; then \ + case '@host_os@' in \ + darwin[56]*) \ + need_charset_alias=true ;; \ + darwin* | cygwin* | mingw* | pw32* | cegcc*) \ + need_charset_alias=false ;; \ + *) \ + need_charset_alias=true ;; \ + esac; \ + else \ + need_charset_alias=false; \ + fi; \ + if $$need_charset_alias; then \ + $(mkdir_p) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir); \ + fi; \ temp=$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/t-charset.alias; \ dest=$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/charset.alias; \ if test -f $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/charset.alias; then \ @@ -376,7 +433,7 @@ install-exec: all $(INSTALL_DATA) $$temp $$dest; \ rm -f $$temp; \ else \ - if test @GLIBC21@ = no; then \ + if $$need_charset_alias; then \ orig=charset.alias; \ sed -f ref-add.sed $$orig > $$temp; \ $(INSTALL_DATA) $$temp $$dest; \ @@ -439,7 +496,21 @@ installdirs: : ; \ fi if test '@USE_INCLUDED_LIBINTL@' = yes; then \ - test @GLIBC21@ != no || $(mkdir_p) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir); \ + if test @GLIBC21@ = no; then \ + case '@host_os@' in \ + darwin[56]*) \ + need_charset_alias=true ;; \ + darwin* | cygwin* | mingw* | pw32* | cegcc*) \ + need_charset_alias=false ;; \ + *) \ + need_charset_alias=true ;; \ + esac; \ + else \ + need_charset_alias=false; \ + fi; \ + if $$need_charset_alias; then \ + $(mkdir_p) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir); \ + fi; \ $(mkdir_p) $(DESTDIR)$(localedir); \ else \ : ; \ @@ -506,7 +577,8 @@ uninstall: info dvi ps pdf html: $(OBJECTS): ../config.h libgnuintl.h -bindtextdom.$lo dcgettext.$lo dcigettext.$lo dcngettext.$lo dgettext.$lo dngettext.$lo finddomain.$lo gettext.$lo intl-compat.$lo loadmsgcat.$lo localealias.$lo ngettext.$lo textdomain.$lo: $(srcdir)/gettextP.h $(srcdir)/gmo.h $(srcdir)/loadinfo.h +bindtextdom.$lo dcgettext.$lo dcigettext.$lo dcngettext.$lo dgettext.$lo dngettext.$lo finddomain.$lo gettext.$lo intl-compat.$lo loadmsgcat.$lo localealias.$lo ngettext.$lo setlocale.$lo textdomain.$lo: $(srcdir)/gettextP.h $(srcdir)/gmo.h $(srcdir)/loadinfo.h +localename.$lo: $(srcdir)/gettextP.h hash-string.$lo dcigettext.$lo loadmsgcat.$lo: $(srcdir)/hash-string.h explodename.$lo l10nflist.$lo: $(srcdir)/loadinfo.h dcigettext.$lo loadmsgcat.$lo plural.$lo plural-exp.$lo: $(srcdir)/plural-exp.h @@ -538,7 +610,7 @@ ID: $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) mostlyclean: - rm -f *.a *.la *.o *.obj *.lo libintl.res core core.* + rm -f *.a *.la *.o *.obj *.lo core core.* rm -f libgnuintl.h libintl.h charset.alias ref-add.sed ref-del.sed rm -f -r .libs _libs diff --git a/intl/VERSION b/intl/VERSION index 889d4e9a..5cd7e1a0 100644 --- a/intl/VERSION +++ b/intl/VERSION @@ -1 +1 @@ -GNU gettext library from gettext-0.17 +GNU gettext library from gettext-0.18 diff --git a/intl/bindtextdom.c b/intl/bindtextdom.c index dab5d4f3..54ce061e 100644 --- a/intl/bindtextdom.c +++ b/intl/bindtextdom.c @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ /* Implementation of the bindtextdomain(3) function - Copyright (C) 1995-1998, 2000-2003, 2005-2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Copyright (C) 1995-1998, 2000-2003, 2005-2006, 2008 Free Software + Foundation, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published @@ -178,8 +179,7 @@ set_binding_values (const char *domainname, if (__builtin_expect (result != NULL, 1)) { - if (binding->codeset != NULL) - free (binding->codeset); + free (binding->codeset); binding->codeset = result; modified = 1; diff --git a/intl/config.charset b/intl/config.charset index e8c258b3..b9dccbb9 100755 --- a/intl/config.charset +++ b/intl/config.charset @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ #! /bin/sh # Output a system dependent table of character encoding aliases. # -# Copyright (C) 2000-2004, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# Copyright (C) 2000-2004, 2006-2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published @@ -31,21 +31,21 @@ # The current list of GNU canonical charset names is as follows. # # name MIME? used by which systems -# ASCII, ANSI_X3.4-1968 glibc solaris freebsd netbsd darwin -# ISO-8859-1 Y glibc aix hpux irix osf solaris freebsd netbsd darwin -# ISO-8859-2 Y glibc aix hpux irix osf solaris freebsd netbsd darwin -# ISO-8859-3 Y glibc solaris -# ISO-8859-4 Y osf solaris freebsd netbsd darwin -# ISO-8859-5 Y glibc aix hpux irix osf solaris freebsd netbsd darwin -# ISO-8859-6 Y glibc aix hpux solaris -# ISO-8859-7 Y glibc aix hpux irix osf solaris netbsd darwin -# ISO-8859-8 Y glibc aix hpux osf solaris -# ISO-8859-9 Y glibc aix hpux irix osf solaris darwin -# ISO-8859-13 glibc netbsd darwin -# ISO-8859-14 glibc -# ISO-8859-15 glibc aix osf solaris freebsd darwin -# KOI8-R Y glibc solaris freebsd netbsd darwin -# KOI8-U Y glibc freebsd netbsd darwin +# ASCII, ANSI_X3.4-1968 glibc solaris freebsd netbsd darwin cygwin +# ISO-8859-1 Y glibc aix hpux irix osf solaris freebsd netbsd openbsd darwin cygwin +# ISO-8859-2 Y glibc aix hpux irix osf solaris freebsd netbsd openbsd darwin cygwin +# ISO-8859-3 Y glibc solaris cygwin +# ISO-8859-4 Y osf solaris freebsd netbsd openbsd darwin +# ISO-8859-5 Y glibc aix hpux irix osf solaris freebsd netbsd openbsd darwin cygwin +# ISO-8859-6 Y glibc aix hpux solaris cygwin +# ISO-8859-7 Y glibc aix hpux irix osf solaris netbsd openbsd darwin cygwin +# ISO-8859-8 Y glibc aix hpux osf solaris cygwin +# ISO-8859-9 Y glibc aix hpux irix osf solaris darwin cygwin +# ISO-8859-13 glibc netbsd openbsd darwin cygwin +# ISO-8859-14 glibc cygwin +# ISO-8859-15 glibc aix osf solaris freebsd netbsd openbsd darwin cygwin +# KOI8-R Y glibc solaris freebsd netbsd openbsd darwin +# KOI8-U Y glibc freebsd netbsd openbsd darwin cygwin # KOI8-T glibc # CP437 dos # CP775 dos @@ -58,20 +58,21 @@ # CP862 dos # CP864 dos # CP865 dos -# CP866 freebsd netbsd darwin dos +# CP866 freebsd netbsd openbsd darwin dos # CP869 dos # CP874 woe32 dos # CP922 aix -# CP932 aix woe32 dos +# CP932 aix cygwin woe32 dos # CP943 aix -# CP949 osf woe32 dos +# CP949 osf darwin woe32 dos # CP950 woe32 dos # CP1046 aix # CP1124 aix # CP1125 dos # CP1129 aix +# CP1131 darwin # CP1250 woe32 -# CP1251 glibc solaris netbsd darwin woe32 +# CP1251 glibc solaris netbsd openbsd darwin cygwin woe32 # CP1252 aix woe32 # CP1253 woe32 # CP1254 woe32 @@ -80,18 +81,20 @@ # CP1257 woe32 # GB2312 Y glibc aix hpux irix solaris freebsd netbsd darwin # EUC-JP Y glibc aix hpux irix osf solaris freebsd netbsd darwin -# EUC-KR Y glibc aix hpux irix osf solaris freebsd netbsd darwin +# EUC-KR Y glibc aix hpux irix osf solaris freebsd netbsd darwin cygwin # EUC-TW glibc aix hpux irix osf solaris netbsd -# BIG5 Y glibc aix hpux osf solaris freebsd netbsd darwin -# BIG5-HKSCS glibc solaris -# GBK glibc aix osf solaris woe32 dos -# GB18030 glibc solaris netbsd +# BIG5 Y glibc aix hpux osf solaris freebsd netbsd darwin cygwin +# BIG5-HKSCS glibc solaris darwin +# GBK glibc aix osf solaris darwin cygwin woe32 dos +# GB18030 glibc solaris netbsd darwin # SHIFT_JIS Y hpux osf solaris freebsd netbsd darwin # JOHAB glibc solaris woe32 -# TIS-620 glibc aix hpux osf solaris +# TIS-620 glibc aix hpux osf solaris cygwin # VISCII Y glibc # TCVN5712-1 glibc -# GEORGIAN-PS glibc +# ARMSCII-8 glibc darwin +# GEORGIAN-PS glibc cygwin +# PT154 glibc # HP-ROMAN8 hpux # HP-ARABIC8 hpux # HP-GREEK8 hpux @@ -100,7 +103,7 @@ # HP-KANA8 hpux # DEC-KANJI osf # DEC-HANYU osf -# UTF-8 Y glibc aix hpux osf solaris netbsd darwin +# UTF-8 Y glibc aix hpux osf solaris netbsd darwin cygwin # # Note: Names which are not marked as being a MIME name should not be used in # Internet protocols for information interchange (mail, news, etc.). @@ -121,520 +124,561 @@ echo "# It was automatically generated from config.charset." # List of references, updated during installation: echo "# Packages using this file: " case "$os" in - linux-gnulibc1*) - # Linux libc5 doesn't have nl_langinfo(CODESET); therefore - # localcharset.c falls back to using the full locale name - # from the environment variables. - echo "C ASCII" - echo "POSIX ASCII" - for l in af af_ZA ca ca_ES da da_DK de de_AT de_BE de_CH de_DE de_LU \ - en en_AU en_BW en_CA en_DK en_GB en_IE en_NZ en_US en_ZA \ - en_ZW es es_AR es_BO es_CL es_CO es_DO es_EC es_ES es_GT \ - es_HN es_MX es_PA es_PE es_PY es_SV es_US es_UY es_VE et \ - et_EE eu eu_ES fi fi_FI fo fo_FO fr fr_BE fr_CA fr_CH fr_FR \ - fr_LU ga ga_IE gl gl_ES id id_ID in in_ID is is_IS it it_CH \ - it_IT kl kl_GL nl nl_BE nl_NL no no_NO pt pt_BR pt_PT sv \ - sv_FI sv_SE; do - echo "$l ISO-8859-1" - echo "$l.iso-8859-1 ISO-8859-1" - echo "$l.iso-8859-15 ISO-8859-15" - echo "$l.iso-8859-15@euro ISO-8859-15" - echo "$l@euro ISO-8859-15" - echo "$l.cp-437 CP437" - echo "$l.cp-850 CP850" - echo "$l.cp-1252 CP1252" - echo "$l.cp-1252@euro CP1252" - #echo "$l.atari-st ATARI-ST" # not a commonly used encoding - echo "$l.utf-8 UTF-8" - echo "$l.utf-8@euro UTF-8" - done - for l in cs cs_CZ hr hr_HR hu hu_HU pl pl_PL ro ro_RO sk sk_SK sl \ - sl_SI sr sr_CS sr_YU; do - echo "$l ISO-8859-2" - echo "$l.iso-8859-2 ISO-8859-2" - echo "$l.cp-852 CP852" - echo "$l.cp-1250 CP1250" - echo "$l.utf-8 UTF-8" - done - for l in mk mk_MK ru ru_RU; do - echo "$l ISO-8859-5" - echo "$l.iso-8859-5 ISO-8859-5" - echo "$l.koi8-r KOI8-R" - echo "$l.cp-866 CP866" - echo "$l.cp-1251 CP1251" - echo "$l.utf-8 UTF-8" - done - for l in ar ar_SA; do - echo "$l ISO-8859-6" - echo "$l.iso-8859-6 ISO-8859-6" - echo "$l.cp-864 CP864" - #echo "$l.cp-868 CP868" # not a commonly used encoding - echo "$l.cp-1256 CP1256" - echo "$l.utf-8 UTF-8" - done - for l in el el_GR gr gr_GR; do - echo "$l ISO-8859-7" - echo "$l.iso-8859-7 ISO-8859-7" - echo "$l.cp-869 CP869" - echo "$l.cp-1253 CP1253" - echo "$l.cp-1253@euro CP1253" - echo "$l.utf-8 UTF-8" - echo "$l.utf-8@euro UTF-8" - done - for l in he he_IL iw iw_IL; do - echo "$l ISO-8859-8" - echo "$l.iso-8859-8 ISO-8859-8" - echo "$l.cp-862 CP862" - echo "$l.cp-1255 CP1255" - echo "$l.utf-8 UTF-8" - done - for l in tr tr_TR; do - echo "$l ISO-8859-9" - echo "$l.iso-8859-9 ISO-8859-9" - echo "$l.cp-857 CP857" - echo "$l.cp-1254 CP1254" - echo "$l.utf-8 UTF-8" - done - for l in lt lt_LT lv lv_LV; do - #echo "$l BALTIC" # not a commonly used encoding, wrong encoding name - echo "$l ISO-8859-13" - done - for l in ru_UA uk uk_UA; do - echo "$l KOI8-U" - done - for l in zh zh_CN; do - #echo "$l GB_2312-80" # not a commonly used encoding, wrong encoding name - echo "$l GB2312" - done - for l in ja ja_JP ja_JP.EUC; do - echo "$l EUC-JP" - done - for l in ko ko_KR; do - echo "$l EUC-KR" - done - for l in th th_TH; do - echo "$l TIS-620" - done - for l in fa fa_IR; do - #echo "$l ISIRI-3342" # a broken encoding - echo "$l.utf-8 UTF-8" - done - ;; - linux* | *-gnu*) - # With glibc-2.1 or newer, we don't need any canonicalization, - # because glibc has iconv and both glibc and libiconv support all - # GNU canonical names directly. Therefore, the Makefile does not - # need to install the alias file at all. - # The following applies only to glibc-2.0.x and older libcs. - echo "ISO_646.IRV:1983 ASCII" - ;; - aix*) - echo "ISO8859-1 ISO-8859-1" - echo "ISO8859-2 ISO-8859-2" - echo "ISO8859-5 ISO-8859-5" - echo "ISO8859-6 ISO-8859-6" - echo "ISO8859-7 ISO-8859-7" - echo "ISO8859-8 ISO-8859-8" - echo "ISO8859-9 ISO-8859-9" - echo "ISO8859-15 ISO-8859-15" - echo "IBM-850 CP850" - echo "IBM-856 CP856" - echo "IBM-921 ISO-8859-13" - echo "IBM-922 CP922" - echo "IBM-932 CP932" - echo "IBM-943 CP943" - echo "IBM-1046 CP1046" - echo "IBM-1124 CP1124" - echo "IBM-1129 CP1129" - echo "IBM-1252 CP1252" - echo "IBM-eucCN GB2312" - echo "IBM-eucJP EUC-JP" - echo "IBM-eucKR EUC-KR" - echo "IBM-eucTW EUC-TW" - echo "big5 BIG5" - echo "GBK GBK" - echo "TIS-620 TIS-620" - echo "UTF-8 UTF-8" - ;; - hpux*) - echo "iso88591 ISO-8859-1" - echo "iso88592 ISO-8859-2" - echo "iso88595 ISO-8859-5" - echo "iso88596 ISO-8859-6" - echo "iso88597 ISO-8859-7" - echo "iso88598 ISO-8859-8" - echo "iso88599 ISO-8859-9" - echo "iso885915 ISO-8859-15" - echo "roman8 HP-ROMAN8" - echo "arabic8 HP-ARABIC8" - echo "greek8 HP-GREEK8" - echo "hebrew8 HP-HEBREW8" - echo "turkish8 HP-TURKISH8" - echo "kana8 HP-KANA8" - echo "tis620 TIS-620" - echo "big5 BIG5" - echo "eucJP EUC-JP" - echo "eucKR EUC-KR" - echo "eucTW EUC-TW" - echo "hp15CN GB2312" - #echo "ccdc ?" # what is this? - echo "SJIS SHIFT_JIS" - echo "utf8 UTF-8" - ;; - irix*) - echo "ISO8859-1 ISO-8859-1" - echo "ISO8859-2 ISO-8859-2" - echo "ISO8859-5 ISO-8859-5" - echo "ISO8859-7 ISO-8859-7" - echo "ISO8859-9 ISO-8859-9" - echo "eucCN GB2312" - echo "eucJP EUC-JP" - echo "eucKR EUC-KR" - echo "eucTW EUC-TW" - ;; - osf*) - echo "ISO8859-1 ISO-8859-1" - echo "ISO8859-2 ISO-8859-2" - echo "ISO8859-4 ISO-8859-4" - echo "ISO8859-5 ISO-8859-5" - echo "ISO8859-7 ISO-8859-7" - echo "ISO8859-8 ISO-8859-8" - echo "ISO8859-9 ISO-8859-9" - echo "ISO8859-15 ISO-8859-15" - echo "cp850 CP850" - echo "big5 BIG5" - echo "dechanyu DEC-HANYU" - echo "dechanzi GB2312" - echo "deckanji DEC-KANJI" - echo "deckorean EUC-KR" - echo "eucJP EUC-JP" - echo "eucKR EUC-KR" - echo "eucTW EUC-TW" - echo "GBK GBK" - echo "KSC5601 CP949" - echo "sdeckanji EUC-JP" - echo "SJIS SHIFT_JIS" - echo "TACTIS TIS-620" - echo "UTF-8 UTF-8" - ;; - solaris*) - echo "646 ASCII" - echo "ISO8859-1 ISO-8859-1" - echo "ISO8859-2 ISO-8859-2" - echo "ISO8859-3 ISO-8859-3" - echo "ISO8859-4 ISO-8859-4" - echo "ISO8859-5 ISO-8859-5" - echo "ISO8859-6 ISO-8859-6" - echo "ISO8859-7 ISO-8859-7" - echo "ISO8859-8 ISO-8859-8" - echo "ISO8859-9 ISO-8859-9" - echo "ISO8859-15 ISO-8859-15" - echo "koi8-r KOI8-R" - echo "ansi-1251 CP1251" - echo "BIG5 BIG5" - echo "Big5-HKSCS BIG5-HKSCS" - echo "gb2312 GB2312" - echo "GBK GBK" - echo "GB18030 GB18030" - echo "cns11643 EUC-TW" - echo "5601 EUC-KR" - echo "ko_KR.johap92 JOHAB" - echo "eucJP EUC-JP" - echo "PCK SHIFT_JIS" - echo "TIS620.2533 TIS-620" - #echo "sun_eu_greek ?" # what is this? - echo "UTF-8 UTF-8" - ;; - freebsd* | os2*) - # FreeBSD 4.2 doesn't have nl_langinfo(CODESET); therefore - # localcharset.c falls back to using the full locale name - # from the environment variables. - # Likewise for OS/2. OS/2 has XFree86 just like FreeBSD. Just - # reuse FreeBSD's locale data for OS/2. - echo "C ASCII" - echo "US-ASCII ASCII" - for l in la_LN lt_LN; do - echo "$l.ASCII ASCII" - done - for l in da_DK de_AT de_CH de_DE en_AU en_CA en_GB en_US es_ES \ - fi_FI fr_BE fr_CA fr_CH fr_FR is_IS it_CH it_IT la_LN \ - lt_LN nl_BE nl_NL no_NO pt_PT sv_SE; do - echo "$l.ISO_8859-1 ISO-8859-1" - echo "$l.DIS_8859-15 ISO-8859-15" - done - for l in cs_CZ hr_HR hu_HU la_LN lt_LN pl_PL sl_SI; do - echo "$l.ISO_8859-2 ISO-8859-2" - done - for l in la_LN lt_LT; do - echo "$l.ISO_8859-4 ISO-8859-4" - done - for l in ru_RU ru_SU; do - echo "$l.KOI8-R KOI8-R" - echo "$l.ISO_8859-5 ISO-8859-5" - echo "$l.CP866 CP866" - done - echo "uk_UA.KOI8-U KOI8-U" - echo "zh_TW.BIG5 BIG5" - echo "zh_TW.Big5 BIG5" - echo "zh_CN.EUC GB2312" - echo "ja_JP.EUC EUC-JP" - echo "ja_JP.SJIS SHIFT_JIS" - echo "ja_JP.Shift_JIS SHIFT_JIS" - echo "ko_KR.EUC EUC-KR" - ;; - netbsd*) - echo "646 ASCII" - echo "ISO8859-1 ISO-8859-1" - echo "ISO8859-2 ISO-8859-2" - echo "ISO8859-4 ISO-8859-4" - echo "ISO8859-5 ISO-8859-5" - echo "ISO8859-7 ISO-8859-7" - echo "ISO8859-13 ISO-8859-13" - echo "ISO8859-15 ISO-8859-15" - echo "eucCN GB2312" - echo "eucJP EUC-JP" - echo "eucKR EUC-KR" - echo "eucTW EUC-TW" - echo "BIG5 BIG5" - echo "SJIS SHIFT_JIS" - ;; - darwin[56]*) - # Darwin 6.8 doesn't have nl_langinfo(CODESET); therefore - # localcharset.c falls back to using the full locale name - # from the environment variables. - echo "C ASCII" - for l in en_AU en_CA en_GB en_US la_LN; do - echo "$l.US-ASCII ASCII" - done - for l in da_DK de_AT de_CH de_DE en_AU en_CA en_GB en_US es_ES \ - fi_FI fr_BE fr_CA fr_CH fr_FR is_IS it_CH it_IT nl_BE \ - nl_NL no_NO pt_PT sv_SE; do - echo "$l ISO-8859-1" - echo "$l.ISO8859-1 ISO-8859-1" - echo "$l.ISO8859-15 ISO-8859-15" - done - for l in la_LN; do - echo "$l.ISO8859-1 ISO-8859-1" - echo "$l.ISO8859-15 ISO-8859-15" - done - for l in cs_CZ hr_HR hu_HU la_LN pl_PL sl_SI; do - echo "$l.ISO8859-2 ISO-8859-2" - done - for l in la_LN lt_LT; do - echo "$l.ISO8859-4 ISO-8859-4" - done - for l in ru_RU; do - echo "$l.KOI8-R KOI8-R" - echo "$l.ISO8859-5 ISO-8859-5" - echo "$l.CP866 CP866" - done - for l in bg_BG; do - echo "$l.CP1251 CP1251" - done - echo "uk_UA.KOI8-U KOI8-U" - echo "zh_TW.BIG5 BIG5" - echo "zh_TW.Big5 BIG5" - echo "zh_CN.EUC GB2312" - echo "ja_JP.EUC EUC-JP" - echo "ja_JP.SJIS SHIFT_JIS" - echo "ko_KR.EUC EUC-KR" - ;; - darwin*) - # Darwin 7.5 has nl_langinfo(CODESET), but it is useless: - # - It returns the empty string when LANG is set to a locale of the - # form ll_CC, although ll_CC/LC_CTYPE is a symlink to an UTF-8 - # LC_CTYPE file. - # - The environment variables LANG, LC_CTYPE, LC_ALL are not set by - # the system; nl_langinfo(CODESET) returns "US-ASCII" in this case. - # - The documentation says: - # "... all code that calls BSD system routines should ensure - # that the const *char parameters of these routines are in UTF-8 - # encoding. All BSD system functions expect their string - # parameters to be in UTF-8 encoding and nothing else." - # It also says - # "An additional caveat is that string parameters for files, - # paths, and other file-system entities must be in canonical - # UTF-8. In a canonical UTF-8 Unicode string, all decomposable - # characters are decomposed ..." - # but this is not true: You can pass non-decomposed UTF-8 strings - # to file system functions, and it is the OS which will convert - # them to decomposed UTF-8 before accessing the file system. - # - The Apple Terminal application displays UTF-8 by default. - # - However, other applications are free to use different encodings: - # - xterm uses ISO-8859-1 by default. - # - TextEdit uses MacRoman by default. - # We prefer UTF-8 over decomposed UTF-8-MAC because one should - # minimize the use of decomposed Unicode. Unfortunately, through the - # Darwin file system, decomposed UTF-8 strings are leaked into user - # space nevertheless. - echo "* UTF-8" - ;; - beos*) - # BeOS has a single locale, and it has UTF-8 encoding. - echo "* UTF-8" - ;; - msdosdjgpp*) - # DJGPP 2.03 doesn't have nl_langinfo(CODESET); therefore - # localcharset.c falls back to using the full locale name - # from the environment variables. - echo "#" - echo "# The encodings given here may not all be correct." - echo "# If you find that the encoding given for your language and" - echo "# country is not the one your DOS machine actually uses, just" - echo "# correct it in this file, and send a mail to" - echo "# Juan Manuel Guerrero " - echo "# and Bruno Haible ." - echo "#" - echo "C ASCII" - # ISO-8859-1 languages - echo "ca CP850" - echo "ca_ES CP850" - echo "da CP865" # not CP850 ?? - echo "da_DK CP865" # not CP850 ?? - echo "de CP850" - echo "de_AT CP850" - echo "de_CH CP850" - echo "de_DE CP850" - echo "en CP850" - echo "en_AU CP850" # not CP437 ?? - echo "en_CA CP850" - echo "en_GB CP850" - echo "en_NZ CP437" - echo "en_US CP437" - echo "en_ZA CP850" # not CP437 ?? - echo "es CP850" - echo "es_AR CP850" - echo "es_BO CP850" - echo "es_CL CP850" - echo "es_CO CP850" - echo "es_CR CP850" - echo "es_CU CP850" - echo "es_DO CP850" - echo "es_EC CP850" - echo "es_ES CP850" - echo "es_GT CP850" - echo "es_HN CP850" - echo "es_MX CP850" - echo "es_NI CP850" - echo "es_PA CP850" - echo "es_PY CP850" - echo "es_PE CP850" - echo "es_SV CP850" - echo "es_UY CP850" - echo "es_VE CP850" - echo "et CP850" - echo "et_EE CP850" - echo "eu CP850" - echo "eu_ES CP850" - echo "fi CP850" - echo "fi_FI CP850" - echo "fr CP850" - echo "fr_BE CP850" - echo "fr_CA CP850" - echo "fr_CH CP850" - echo "fr_FR CP850" - echo "ga CP850" - echo "ga_IE CP850" - echo "gd CP850" - echo "gd_GB CP850" - echo "gl CP850" - echo "gl_ES CP850" - echo "id CP850" # not CP437 ?? - echo "id_ID CP850" # not CP437 ?? - echo "is CP861" # not CP850 ?? - echo "is_IS CP861" # not CP850 ?? - echo "it CP850" - echo "it_CH CP850" - echo "it_IT CP850" - echo "lt CP775" - echo "lt_LT CP775" - echo "lv CP775" - echo "lv_LV CP775" - echo "nb CP865" # not CP850 ?? - echo "nb_NO CP865" # not CP850 ?? - echo "nl CP850" - echo "nl_BE CP850" - echo "nl_NL CP850" - echo "nn CP865" # not CP850 ?? - echo "nn_NO CP865" # not CP850 ?? - echo "no CP865" # not CP850 ?? - echo "no_NO CP865" # not CP850 ?? - echo "pt CP850" - echo "pt_BR CP850" - echo "pt_PT CP850" - echo "sv CP850" - echo "sv_SE CP850" - # ISO-8859-2 languages - echo "cs CP852" - echo "cs_CZ CP852" - echo "hr CP852" - echo "hr_HR CP852" - echo "hu CP852" - echo "hu_HU CP852" - echo "pl CP852" - echo "pl_PL CP852" - echo "ro CP852" - echo "ro_RO CP852" - echo "sk CP852" - echo "sk_SK CP852" - echo "sl CP852" - echo "sl_SI CP852" - echo "sq CP852" - echo "sq_AL CP852" - echo "sr CP852" # CP852 or CP866 or CP855 ?? - echo "sr_CS CP852" # CP852 or CP866 or CP855 ?? - echo "sr_YU CP852" # CP852 or CP866 or CP855 ?? - # ISO-8859-3 languages - echo "mt CP850" - echo "mt_MT CP850" - # ISO-8859-5 languages - echo "be CP866" - echo "be_BE CP866" - echo "bg CP866" # not CP855 ?? - echo "bg_BG CP866" # not CP855 ?? - echo "mk CP866" # not CP855 ?? - echo "mk_MK CP866" # not CP855 ?? - echo "ru CP866" - echo "ru_RU CP866" - echo "uk CP1125" - echo "uk_UA CP1125" - # ISO-8859-6 languages - echo "ar CP864" - echo "ar_AE CP864" - echo "ar_DZ CP864" - echo "ar_EG CP864" - echo "ar_IQ CP864" - echo "ar_IR CP864" - echo "ar_JO CP864" - echo "ar_KW CP864" - echo "ar_MA CP864" - echo "ar_OM CP864" - echo "ar_QA CP864" - echo "ar_SA CP864" - echo "ar_SY CP864" - # ISO-8859-7 languages - echo "el CP869" - echo "el_GR CP869" - # ISO-8859-8 languages - echo "he CP862" - echo "he_IL CP862" - # ISO-8859-9 languages - echo "tr CP857" - echo "tr_TR CP857" - # Japanese - echo "ja CP932" - echo "ja_JP CP932" - # Chinese - echo "zh_CN GBK" - echo "zh_TW CP950" # not CP938 ?? - # Korean - echo "kr CP949" # not CP934 ?? - echo "kr_KR CP949" # not CP934 ?? - # Thai - echo "th CP874" - echo "th_TH CP874" - # Other - echo "eo CP850" - echo "eo_EO CP850" - ;; + linux-gnulibc1*) + # Linux libc5 doesn't have nl_langinfo(CODESET); therefore + # localcharset.c falls back to using the full locale name + # from the environment variables. + echo "C ASCII" + echo "POSIX ASCII" + for l in af af_ZA ca ca_ES da da_DK de de_AT de_BE de_CH de_DE de_LU \ + en en_AU en_BW en_CA en_DK en_GB en_IE en_NZ en_US en_ZA \ + en_ZW es es_AR es_BO es_CL es_CO es_DO es_EC es_ES es_GT \ + es_HN es_MX es_PA es_PE es_PY es_SV es_US es_UY es_VE et \ + et_EE eu eu_ES fi fi_FI fo fo_FO fr fr_BE fr_CA fr_CH fr_FR \ + fr_LU ga ga_IE gl gl_ES id id_ID in in_ID is is_IS it it_CH \ + it_IT kl kl_GL nl nl_BE nl_NL no no_NO pt pt_BR pt_PT sv \ + sv_FI sv_SE; do + echo "$l ISO-8859-1" + echo "$l.iso-8859-1 ISO-8859-1" + echo "$l.iso-8859-15 ISO-8859-15" + echo "$l.iso-8859-15@euro ISO-8859-15" + echo "$l@euro ISO-8859-15" + echo "$l.cp-437 CP437" + echo "$l.cp-850 CP850" + echo "$l.cp-1252 CP1252" + echo "$l.cp-1252@euro CP1252" + #echo "$l.atari-st ATARI-ST" # not a commonly used encoding + echo "$l.utf-8 UTF-8" + echo "$l.utf-8@euro UTF-8" + done + for l in cs cs_CZ hr hr_HR hu hu_HU pl pl_PL ro ro_RO sk sk_SK sl \ + sl_SI sr sr_CS sr_YU; do + echo "$l ISO-8859-2" + echo "$l.iso-8859-2 ISO-8859-2" + echo "$l.cp-852 CP852" + echo "$l.cp-1250 CP1250" + echo "$l.utf-8 UTF-8" + done + for l in mk mk_MK ru ru_RU; do + echo "$l ISO-8859-5" + echo "$l.iso-8859-5 ISO-8859-5" + echo "$l.koi8-r KOI8-R" + echo "$l.cp-866 CP866" + echo "$l.cp-1251 CP1251" + echo "$l.utf-8 UTF-8" + done + for l in ar ar_SA; do + echo "$l ISO-8859-6" + echo "$l.iso-8859-6 ISO-8859-6" + echo "$l.cp-864 CP864" + #echo "$l.cp-868 CP868" # not a commonly used encoding + echo "$l.cp-1256 CP1256" + echo "$l.utf-8 UTF-8" + done + for l in el el_GR gr gr_GR; do + echo "$l ISO-8859-7" + echo "$l.iso-8859-7 ISO-8859-7" + echo "$l.cp-869 CP869" + echo "$l.cp-1253 CP1253" + echo "$l.cp-1253@euro CP1253" + echo "$l.utf-8 UTF-8" + echo "$l.utf-8@euro UTF-8" + done + for l in he he_IL iw iw_IL; do + echo "$l ISO-8859-8" + echo "$l.iso-8859-8 ISO-8859-8" + echo "$l.cp-862 CP862" + echo "$l.cp-1255 CP1255" + echo "$l.utf-8 UTF-8" + done + for l in tr tr_TR; do + echo "$l ISO-8859-9" + echo "$l.iso-8859-9 ISO-8859-9" + echo "$l.cp-857 CP857" + echo "$l.cp-1254 CP1254" + echo "$l.utf-8 UTF-8" + done + for l in lt lt_LT lv lv_LV; do + #echo "$l BALTIC" # not a commonly used encoding, wrong encoding name + echo "$l ISO-8859-13" + done + for l in ru_UA uk uk_UA; do + echo "$l KOI8-U" + done + for l in zh zh_CN; do + #echo "$l GB_2312-80" # not a commonly used encoding, wrong encoding name + echo "$l GB2312" + done + for l in ja ja_JP ja_JP.EUC; do + echo "$l EUC-JP" + done + for l in ko ko_KR; do + echo "$l EUC-KR" + done + for l in th th_TH; do + echo "$l TIS-620" + done + for l in fa fa_IR; do + #echo "$l ISIRI-3342" # a broken encoding + echo "$l.utf-8 UTF-8" + done + ;; + linux* | *-gnu*) + # With glibc-2.1 or newer, we don't need any canonicalization, + # because glibc has iconv and both glibc and libiconv support all + # GNU canonical names directly. Therefore, the Makefile does not + # need to install the alias file at all. + # The following applies only to glibc-2.0.x and older libcs. + echo "ISO_646.IRV:1983 ASCII" + ;; + aix*) + echo "ISO8859-1 ISO-8859-1" + echo "ISO8859-2 ISO-8859-2" + echo "ISO8859-5 ISO-8859-5" + echo "ISO8859-6 ISO-8859-6" + echo "ISO8859-7 ISO-8859-7" + echo "ISO8859-8 ISO-8859-8" + echo "ISO8859-9 ISO-8859-9" + echo "ISO8859-15 ISO-8859-15" + echo "IBM-850 CP850" + echo "IBM-856 CP856" + echo "IBM-921 ISO-8859-13" + echo "IBM-922 CP922" + echo "IBM-932 CP932" + echo "IBM-943 CP943" + echo "IBM-1046 CP1046" + echo "IBM-1124 CP1124" + echo "IBM-1129 CP1129" + echo "IBM-1252 CP1252" + echo "IBM-eucCN GB2312" + echo "IBM-eucJP EUC-JP" + echo "IBM-eucKR EUC-KR" + echo "IBM-eucTW EUC-TW" + echo "big5 BIG5" + echo "GBK GBK" + echo "TIS-620 TIS-620" + echo "UTF-8 UTF-8" + ;; + hpux*) + echo "iso88591 ISO-8859-1" + echo "iso88592 ISO-8859-2" + echo "iso88595 ISO-8859-5" + echo "iso88596 ISO-8859-6" + echo "iso88597 ISO-8859-7" + echo "iso88598 ISO-8859-8" + echo "iso88599 ISO-8859-9" + echo "iso885915 ISO-8859-15" + echo "roman8 HP-ROMAN8" + echo "arabic8 HP-ARABIC8" + echo "greek8 HP-GREEK8" + echo "hebrew8 HP-HEBREW8" + echo "turkish8 HP-TURKISH8" + echo "kana8 HP-KANA8" + echo "tis620 TIS-620" + echo "big5 BIG5" + echo "eucJP EUC-JP" + echo "eucKR EUC-KR" + echo "eucTW EUC-TW" + echo "hp15CN GB2312" + #echo "ccdc ?" # what is this? + echo "SJIS SHIFT_JIS" + echo "utf8 UTF-8" + ;; + irix*) + echo "ISO8859-1 ISO-8859-1" + echo "ISO8859-2 ISO-8859-2" + echo "ISO8859-5 ISO-8859-5" + echo "ISO8859-7 ISO-8859-7" + echo "ISO8859-9 ISO-8859-9" + echo "eucCN GB2312" + echo "eucJP EUC-JP" + echo "eucKR EUC-KR" + echo "eucTW EUC-TW" + ;; + osf*) + echo "ISO8859-1 ISO-8859-1" + echo "ISO8859-2 ISO-8859-2" + echo "ISO8859-4 ISO-8859-4" + echo "ISO8859-5 ISO-8859-5" + echo "ISO8859-7 ISO-8859-7" + echo "ISO8859-8 ISO-8859-8" + echo "ISO8859-9 ISO-8859-9" + echo "ISO8859-15 ISO-8859-15" + echo "cp850 CP850" + echo "big5 BIG5" + echo "dechanyu DEC-HANYU" + echo "dechanzi GB2312" + echo "deckanji DEC-KANJI" + echo "deckorean EUC-KR" + echo "eucJP EUC-JP" + echo "eucKR EUC-KR" + echo "eucTW EUC-TW" + echo "GBK GBK" + echo "KSC5601 CP949" + echo "sdeckanji EUC-JP" + echo "SJIS SHIFT_JIS" + echo "TACTIS TIS-620" + echo "UTF-8 UTF-8" + ;; + solaris*) + echo "646 ASCII" + echo "ISO8859-1 ISO-8859-1" + echo "ISO8859-2 ISO-8859-2" + echo "ISO8859-3 ISO-8859-3" + echo "ISO8859-4 ISO-8859-4" + echo "ISO8859-5 ISO-8859-5" + echo "ISO8859-6 ISO-8859-6" + echo "ISO8859-7 ISO-8859-7" + echo "ISO8859-8 ISO-8859-8" + echo "ISO8859-9 ISO-8859-9" + echo "ISO8859-15 ISO-8859-15" + echo "koi8-r KOI8-R" + echo "ansi-1251 CP1251" + echo "BIG5 BIG5" + echo "Big5-HKSCS BIG5-HKSCS" + echo "gb2312 GB2312" + echo "GBK GBK" + echo "GB18030 GB18030" + echo "cns11643 EUC-TW" + echo "5601 EUC-KR" + echo "ko_KR.johap92 JOHAB" + echo "eucJP EUC-JP" + echo "PCK SHIFT_JIS" + echo "TIS620.2533 TIS-620" + #echo "sun_eu_greek ?" # what is this? + echo "UTF-8 UTF-8" + ;; + freebsd* | os2*) + # FreeBSD 4.2 doesn't have nl_langinfo(CODESET); therefore + # localcharset.c falls back to using the full locale name + # from the environment variables. + # Likewise for OS/2. OS/2 has XFree86 just like FreeBSD. Just + # reuse FreeBSD's locale data for OS/2. + echo "C ASCII" + echo "US-ASCII ASCII" + for l in la_LN lt_LN; do + echo "$l.ASCII ASCII" + done + for l in da_DK de_AT de_CH de_DE en_AU en_CA en_GB en_US es_ES \ + fi_FI fr_BE fr_CA fr_CH fr_FR is_IS it_CH it_IT la_LN \ + lt_LN nl_BE nl_NL no_NO pt_PT sv_SE; do + echo "$l.ISO_8859-1 ISO-8859-1" + echo "$l.DIS_8859-15 ISO-8859-15" + done + for l in cs_CZ hr_HR hu_HU la_LN lt_LN pl_PL sl_SI; do + echo "$l.ISO_8859-2 ISO-8859-2" + done + for l in la_LN lt_LT; do + echo "$l.ISO_8859-4 ISO-8859-4" + done + for l in ru_RU ru_SU; do + echo "$l.KOI8-R KOI8-R" + echo "$l.ISO_8859-5 ISO-8859-5" + echo "$l.CP866 CP866" + done + echo "uk_UA.KOI8-U KOI8-U" + echo "zh_TW.BIG5 BIG5" + echo "zh_TW.Big5 BIG5" + echo "zh_CN.EUC GB2312" + echo "ja_JP.EUC EUC-JP" + echo "ja_JP.SJIS SHIFT_JIS" + echo "ja_JP.Shift_JIS SHIFT_JIS" + echo "ko_KR.EUC EUC-KR" + ;; + netbsd*) + echo "646 ASCII" + echo "ISO8859-1 ISO-8859-1" + echo "ISO8859-2 ISO-8859-2" + echo "ISO8859-4 ISO-8859-4" + echo "ISO8859-5 ISO-8859-5" + echo "ISO8859-7 ISO-8859-7" + echo "ISO8859-13 ISO-8859-13" + echo "ISO8859-15 ISO-8859-15" + echo "eucCN GB2312" + echo "eucJP EUC-JP" + echo "eucKR EUC-KR" + echo "eucTW EUC-TW" + echo "BIG5 BIG5" + echo "SJIS SHIFT_JIS" + ;; + openbsd*) + echo "646 ASCII" + echo "ISO8859-1 ISO-8859-1" + echo "ISO8859-2 ISO-8859-2" + echo "ISO8859-4 ISO-8859-4" + echo "ISO8859-5 ISO-8859-5" + echo "ISO8859-7 ISO-8859-7" + echo "ISO8859-13 ISO-8859-13" + echo "ISO8859-15 ISO-8859-15" + ;; + darwin[56]*) + # Darwin 6.8 doesn't have nl_langinfo(CODESET); therefore + # localcharset.c falls back to using the full locale name + # from the environment variables. + echo "C ASCII" + for l in en_AU en_CA en_GB en_US la_LN; do + echo "$l.US-ASCII ASCII" + done + for l in da_DK de_AT de_CH de_DE en_AU en_CA en_GB en_US es_ES \ + fi_FI fr_BE fr_CA fr_CH fr_FR is_IS it_CH it_IT nl_BE \ + nl_NL no_NO pt_PT sv_SE; do + echo "$l ISO-8859-1" + echo "$l.ISO8859-1 ISO-8859-1" + echo "$l.ISO8859-15 ISO-8859-15" + done + for l in la_LN; do + echo "$l.ISO8859-1 ISO-8859-1" + echo "$l.ISO8859-15 ISO-8859-15" + done + for l in cs_CZ hr_HR hu_HU la_LN pl_PL sl_SI; do + echo "$l.ISO8859-2 ISO-8859-2" + done + for l in la_LN lt_LT; do + echo "$l.ISO8859-4 ISO-8859-4" + done + for l in ru_RU; do + echo "$l.KOI8-R KOI8-R" + echo "$l.ISO8859-5 ISO-8859-5" + echo "$l.CP866 CP866" + done + for l in bg_BG; do + echo "$l.CP1251 CP1251" + done + echo "uk_UA.KOI8-U KOI8-U" + echo "zh_TW.BIG5 BIG5" + echo "zh_TW.Big5 BIG5" + echo "zh_CN.EUC GB2312" + echo "ja_JP.EUC EUC-JP" + echo "ja_JP.SJIS SHIFT_JIS" + echo "ko_KR.EUC EUC-KR" + ;; + darwin*) + # Darwin 7.5 has nl_langinfo(CODESET), but sometimes its value is + # useless: + # - It returns the empty string when LANG is set to a locale of the + # form ll_CC, although ll_CC/LC_CTYPE is a symlink to an UTF-8 + # LC_CTYPE file. + # - The environment variables LANG, LC_CTYPE, LC_ALL are not set by + # the system; nl_langinfo(CODESET) returns "US-ASCII" in this case. + # - The documentation says: + # "... all code that calls BSD system routines should ensure + # that the const *char parameters of these routines are in UTF-8 + # encoding. All BSD system functions expect their string + # parameters to be in UTF-8 encoding and nothing else." + # It also says + # "An additional caveat is that string parameters for files, + # paths, and other file-system entities must be in canonical + # UTF-8. In a canonical UTF-8 Unicode string, all decomposable + # characters are decomposed ..." + # but this is not true: You can pass non-decomposed UTF-8 strings + # to file system functions, and it is the OS which will convert + # them to decomposed UTF-8 before accessing the file system. + # - The Apple Terminal application displays UTF-8 by default. + # - However, other applications are free to use different encodings: + # - xterm uses ISO-8859-1 by default. + # - TextEdit uses MacRoman by default. + # We prefer UTF-8 over decomposed UTF-8-MAC because one should + # minimize the use of decomposed Unicode. Unfortunately, through the + # Darwin file system, decomposed UTF-8 strings are leaked into user + # space nevertheless. + # Then there are also the locales with encodings other than US-ASCII + # and UTF-8. These locales can be occasionally useful to users (e.g. + # when grepping through ISO-8859-1 encoded text files), when all their + # file names are in US-ASCII. + echo "ISO8859-1 ISO-8859-1" + echo "ISO8859-2 ISO-8859-2" + echo "ISO8859-4 ISO-8859-4" + echo "ISO8859-5 ISO-8859-5" + echo "ISO8859-7 ISO-8859-7" + echo "ISO8859-9 ISO-8859-9" + echo "ISO8859-13 ISO-8859-13" + echo "ISO8859-15 ISO-8859-15" + echo "KOI8-R KOI8-R" + echo "KOI8-U KOI8-U" + echo "CP866 CP866" + echo "CP949 CP949" + echo "CP1131 CP1131" + echo "CP1251 CP1251" + echo "eucCN GB2312" + echo "GB2312 GB2312" + echo "eucJP EUC-JP" + echo "eucKR EUC-KR" + echo "Big5 BIG5" + echo "Big5HKSCS BIG5-HKSCS" + echo "GBK GBK" + echo "GB18030 GB18030" + echo "SJIS SHIFT_JIS" + echo "ARMSCII-8 ARMSCII-8" + echo "PT154 PT154" + #echo "ISCII-DEV ?" + echo "* UTF-8" + ;; + beos* | haiku*) + # BeOS and Haiku have a single locale, and it has UTF-8 encoding. + echo "* UTF-8" + ;; + msdosdjgpp*) + # DJGPP 2.03 doesn't have nl_langinfo(CODESET); therefore + # localcharset.c falls back to using the full locale name + # from the environment variables. + echo "#" + echo "# The encodings given here may not all be correct." + echo "# If you find that the encoding given for your language and" + echo "# country is not the one your DOS machine actually uses, just" + echo "# correct it in this file, and send a mail to" + echo "# Juan Manuel Guerrero " + echo "# and Bruno Haible ." + echo "#" + echo "C ASCII" + # ISO-8859-1 languages + echo "ca CP850" + echo "ca_ES CP850" + echo "da CP865" # not CP850 ?? + echo "da_DK CP865" # not CP850 ?? + echo "de CP850" + echo "de_AT CP850" + echo "de_CH CP850" + echo "de_DE CP850" + echo "en CP850" + echo "en_AU CP850" # not CP437 ?? + echo "en_CA CP850" + echo "en_GB CP850" + echo "en_NZ CP437" + echo "en_US CP437" + echo "en_ZA CP850" # not CP437 ?? + echo "es CP850" + echo "es_AR CP850" + echo "es_BO CP850" + echo "es_CL CP850" + echo "es_CO CP850" + echo "es_CR CP850" + echo "es_CU CP850" + echo "es_DO CP850" + echo "es_EC CP850" + echo "es_ES CP850" + echo "es_GT CP850" + echo "es_HN CP850" + echo "es_MX CP850" + echo "es_NI CP850" + echo "es_PA CP850" + echo "es_PY CP850" + echo "es_PE CP850" + echo "es_SV CP850" + echo "es_UY CP850" + echo "es_VE CP850" + echo "et CP850" + echo "et_EE CP850" + echo "eu CP850" + echo "eu_ES CP850" + echo "fi CP850" + echo "fi_FI CP850" + echo "fr CP850" + echo "fr_BE CP850" + echo "fr_CA CP850" + echo "fr_CH CP850" + echo "fr_FR CP850" + echo "ga CP850" + echo "ga_IE CP850" + echo "gd CP850" + echo "gd_GB CP850" + echo "gl CP850" + echo "gl_ES CP850" + echo "id CP850" # not CP437 ?? + echo "id_ID CP850" # not CP437 ?? + echo "is CP861" # not CP850 ?? + echo "is_IS CP861" # not CP850 ?? + echo "it CP850" + echo "it_CH CP850" + echo "it_IT CP850" + echo "lt CP775" + echo "lt_LT CP775" + echo "lv CP775" + echo "lv_LV CP775" + echo "nb CP865" # not CP850 ?? + echo "nb_NO CP865" # not CP850 ?? + echo "nl CP850" + echo "nl_BE CP850" + echo "nl_NL CP850" + echo "nn CP865" # not CP850 ?? + echo "nn_NO CP865" # not CP850 ?? + echo "no CP865" # not CP850 ?? + echo "no_NO CP865" # not CP850 ?? + echo "pt CP850" + echo "pt_BR CP850" + echo "pt_PT CP850" + echo "sv CP850" + echo "sv_SE CP850" + # ISO-8859-2 languages + echo "cs CP852" + echo "cs_CZ CP852" + echo "hr CP852" + echo "hr_HR CP852" + echo "hu CP852" + echo "hu_HU CP852" + echo "pl CP852" + echo "pl_PL CP852" + echo "ro CP852" + echo "ro_RO CP852" + echo "sk CP852" + echo "sk_SK CP852" + echo "sl CP852" + echo "sl_SI CP852" + echo "sq CP852" + echo "sq_AL CP852" + echo "sr CP852" # CP852 or CP866 or CP855 ?? + echo "sr_CS CP852" # CP852 or CP866 or CP855 ?? + echo "sr_YU CP852" # CP852 or CP866 or CP855 ?? + # ISO-8859-3 languages + echo "mt CP850" + echo "mt_MT CP850" + # ISO-8859-5 languages + echo "be CP866" + echo "be_BE CP866" + echo "bg CP866" # not CP855 ?? + echo "bg_BG CP866" # not CP855 ?? + echo "mk CP866" # not CP855 ?? + echo "mk_MK CP866" # not CP855 ?? + echo "ru CP866" + echo "ru_RU CP866" + echo "uk CP1125" + echo "uk_UA CP1125" + # ISO-8859-6 languages + echo "ar CP864" + echo "ar_AE CP864" + echo "ar_DZ CP864" + echo "ar_EG CP864" + echo "ar_IQ CP864" + echo "ar_IR CP864" + echo "ar_JO CP864" + echo "ar_KW CP864" + echo "ar_MA CP864" + echo "ar_OM CP864" + echo "ar_QA CP864" + echo "ar_SA CP864" + echo "ar_SY CP864" + # ISO-8859-7 languages + echo "el CP869" + echo "el_GR CP869" + # ISO-8859-8 languages + echo "he CP862" + echo "he_IL CP862" + # ISO-8859-9 languages + echo "tr CP857" + echo "tr_TR CP857" + # Japanese + echo "ja CP932" + echo "ja_JP CP932" + # Chinese + echo "zh_CN GBK" + echo "zh_TW CP950" # not CP938 ?? + # Korean + echo "kr CP949" # not CP934 ?? + echo "kr_KR CP949" # not CP934 ?? + # Thai + echo "th CP874" + echo "th_TH CP874" + # Other + echo "eo CP850" + echo "eo_EO CP850" + ;; esac diff --git a/intl/dcigettext.c b/intl/dcigettext.c index 623e51da..b2add5db 100644 --- a/intl/dcigettext.c +++ b/intl/dcigettext.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* Implementation of the internal dcigettext function. - Copyright (C) 1995-1999, 2000-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Copyright (C) 1995-1999, 2000-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published @@ -27,9 +27,6 @@ # include #endif -/* NL_LOCALE_NAME does not work in glibc-2.4. Ignore it. */ -#undef HAVE_NL_LOCALE_NAME - #include #ifdef __GNUC__ @@ -91,9 +88,6 @@ extern int errno; #endif #if !defined _LIBC -# if HAVE_NL_LOCALE_NAME -# include -# endif # include "localcharset.h" #endif @@ -234,7 +228,7 @@ static void *mempcpy (void *dest, const void *src, size_t n); #endif /* Whether to support different locales in different threads. */ -#if defined _LIBC || HAVE_NL_LOCALE_NAME || (HAVE_STRUCT___LOCALE_STRUCT___NAMES && defined USE_IN_GETTEXT_TESTS) || defined IN_LIBGLOCALE +#if defined _LIBC || HAVE_USELOCALE || defined IN_LIBGLOCALE # define HAVE_PER_THREAD_LOCALE #endif @@ -269,7 +263,12 @@ struct known_translation_t size_t translation_length; /* Pointer to the string in question. */ - char msgid[ZERO]; + union + { + char appended[ZERO]; /* used if domain != NULL */ + const char *ptr; /* used if domain == NULL */ + } + msgid; }; gl_rwlock_define_initialized (static, tree_lock) @@ -288,7 +287,8 @@ transcmp (const void *p1, const void *p2) s1 = (const struct known_translation_t *) p1; s2 = (const struct known_translation_t *) p2; - result = strcmp (s1->msgid, s2->msgid); + result = strcmp (s1->domain != NULL ? s1->msgid.appended : s1->msgid.ptr, + s2->domain != NULL ? s2->msgid.appended : s2->msgid.ptr); if (result == 0) { result = strcmp (s1->domainname, s2->domainname); @@ -501,9 +501,8 @@ DCIGETTEXT (const char *domainname, const char *msgid1, const char *msgid2, char *retval; size_t retlen; int saved_errno; - struct known_translation_t *search; + struct known_translation_t search; struct known_translation_t **foundp = NULL; - size_t msgid_len; #if defined HAVE_PER_THREAD_LOCALE && !defined IN_LIBGLOCALE const char *localename; #endif @@ -525,6 +524,11 @@ DCIGETTEXT (const char *domainname, const char *msgid1, const char *msgid2, /* Preserve the `errno' value. */ saved_errno = errno; +#ifdef _LIBC + __libc_rwlock_define (extern, __libc_setlocale_lock attribute_hidden) + __libc_rwlock_rdlock (__libc_setlocale_lock); +#endif + gl_rwlock_rdlock (_nl_state_lock); /* If DOMAINNAME is NULL, we are interested in the default domain. If @@ -539,52 +543,37 @@ DCIGETTEXT (const char *domainname, const char *msgid1, const char *msgid2, category = LC_MESSAGES; #endif - msgid_len = strlen (msgid1) + 1; - /* Try to find the translation among those which we found at some time. */ - search = (struct known_translation_t *) - alloca (offsetof (struct known_translation_t, msgid) + msgid_len); - memcpy (search->msgid, msgid1, msgid_len); - search->domainname = domainname; - search->category = category; + search.domain = NULL; + search.msgid.ptr = msgid1; + search.domainname = domainname; + search.category = category; #ifdef HAVE_PER_THREAD_LOCALE # ifndef IN_LIBGLOCALE # ifdef _LIBC - localename = __current_locale_name (category); + localename = _strdupa (_current_locale_name (category)); # else -# if HAVE_NL_LOCALE_NAME - /* NL_LOCALE_NAME is public glibc API introduced in glibc-2.4. */ - localename = nl_langinfo (NL_LOCALE_NAME (category)); -# else -# if HAVE_STRUCT___LOCALE_STRUCT___NAMES && defined USE_IN_GETTEXT_TESTS - /* The __names field is not public glibc API and must therefore not be used - in code that is installed in public locations. */ - { - locale_t thread_locale = uselocale (NULL); - if (thread_locale != LC_GLOBAL_LOCALE) - localename = thread_locale->__names[category]; - else - localename = ""; - } -# endif -# endif + categoryname = category_to_name (category); +# define CATEGORYNAME_INITIALIZED + localename = _nl_locale_name_thread_unsafe (category, categoryname); + if (localename == NULL) + localename = ""; # endif # endif - search->localename = localename; + search.localename = localename; # ifdef IN_LIBGLOCALE - search->encoding = encoding; + search.encoding = encoding; # endif /* Since tfind/tsearch manage a balanced tree, concurrent tfind and tsearch calls can be fatal. */ gl_rwlock_rdlock (tree_lock); - foundp = (struct known_translation_t **) tfind (search, &root, transcmp); + foundp = (struct known_translation_t **) tfind (&search, &root, transcmp); gl_rwlock_unlock (tree_lock); - freea (search); if (foundp != NULL && (*foundp)->counter == _nl_msg_cat_cntr) { /* Now deal with plural. */ @@ -595,6 +584,9 @@ DCIGETTEXT (const char *domainname, const char *msgid1, const char *msgid2, retval = (char *) (*foundp)->translation; gl_rwlock_unlock (_nl_state_lock); +# ifdef _LIBC + __libc_rwlock_unlock (__libc_setlocale_lock); +# endif __set_errno (saved_errno); return retval; } @@ -668,7 +660,9 @@ DCIGETTEXT (const char *domainname, const char *msgid1, const char *msgid2, #endif /* Now determine the symbolic name of CATEGORY and its value. */ +#ifndef CATEGORYNAME_INITIALIZED categoryname = category_to_name (category); +#endif #ifdef IN_LIBGLOCALE categoryvalue = guess_category_value (category, categoryname, localename); #else @@ -773,9 +767,11 @@ DCIGETTEXT (const char *domainname, const char *msgid1, const char *msgid2, if (foundp == NULL) { /* Create a new entry and add it to the search tree. */ + size_t msgid_len; size_t size; struct known_translation_t *newp; + msgid_len = strlen (msgid1) + 1; size = offsetof (struct known_translation_t, msgid) + msgid_len + domainname_len + 1; #ifdef HAVE_PER_THREAD_LOCALE @@ -790,7 +786,8 @@ DCIGETTEXT (const char *domainname, const char *msgid1, const char *msgid2, #endif new_domainname = - (char *) mempcpy (newp->msgid, msgid1, msgid_len); + (char *) mempcpy (newp->msgid.appended, msgid1, + msgid_len); memcpy (new_domainname, domainname, domainname_len + 1); #ifdef HAVE_PER_THREAD_LOCALE new_localename = new_domainname + domainname_len + 1; @@ -839,6 +836,9 @@ DCIGETTEXT (const char *domainname, const char *msgid1, const char *msgid2, retval = plural_lookup (domain, n, retval, retlen); gl_rwlock_unlock (_nl_state_lock); +#ifdef _LIBC + __libc_rwlock_unlock (__libc_setlocale_lock); +#endif return retval; } } @@ -848,6 +848,9 @@ DCIGETTEXT (const char *domainname, const char *msgid1, const char *msgid2, /* Return the untranslated MSGID. */ FREE_BLOCKS (block_list); gl_rwlock_unlock (_nl_state_lock); +#ifdef _LIBC + __libc_rwlock_unlock (__libc_setlocale_lock); +#endif #ifndef _LIBC if (!ENABLE_SECURE) { @@ -1030,6 +1033,7 @@ _nl_find_msg (struct loaded_l10nfile *domain_file, { /* We have to allocate a new conversions table. */ gl_rwlock_wrlock (domain->conversions_lock); + nconversions = domain->nconversions; /* Maybe in the meantime somebody added the translation. Recheck. */ @@ -1203,13 +1207,29 @@ _nl_find_msg (struct loaded_l10nfile *domain_file, handle this case by converting RESULTLEN bytes, including NULs. */ - if (convd->conv_tab == NULL - && ((convd->conv_tab = + /* This lock primarily protects the memory management variables + freemem, freemem_size. It also protects write accesses to + convd->conv_tab. It's not worth using a separate lock (such + as domain->conversions_lock) for this purpose, because when + modifying convd->conv_tab, we also need to lock freemem, + freemem_size for most of the time. */ + __libc_lock_define_initialized (static, lock) + + if (__builtin_expect (convd->conv_tab == NULL, 0)) + { + __libc_lock_lock (lock); + if (convd->conv_tab == NULL) + { + convd->conv_tab = (char **) calloc (nstrings + domain->n_sysdep_strings, - sizeof (char *))) - == NULL)) - /* Mark that we didn't succeed allocating a table. */ - convd->conv_tab = (char **) -1; + sizeof (char *)); + if (convd->conv_tab != NULL) + goto not_translated_yet; + /* Mark that we didn't succeed allocating a table. */ + convd->conv_tab = (char **) -1; + } + __libc_lock_unlock (lock); + } if (__builtin_expect (convd->conv_tab == (char **) -1, 0)) /* Nothing we can do, no more memory. We cannot use the @@ -1223,7 +1243,6 @@ _nl_find_msg (struct loaded_l10nfile *domain_file, /* We use a bit more efficient memory handling. We allocate always larger blocks which get used over time. This is faster than many small allocations. */ - __libc_lock_define_initialized (static, lock) # define INITIAL_BLOCK_SIZE 4080 static unsigned char *freemem; static size_t freemem_size; @@ -1232,13 +1251,17 @@ _nl_find_msg (struct loaded_l10nfile *domain_file, unsigned char *outbuf; int malloc_count; # ifndef _LIBC - transmem_block_t *transmem_list = NULL; + transmem_block_t *transmem_list; # endif __libc_lock_lock (lock); + not_translated_yet: inbuf = (const unsigned char *) result; outbuf = freemem + sizeof (size_t); +# ifndef _LIBC + transmem_list = NULL; +# endif malloc_count = 0; while (1) @@ -1515,20 +1538,13 @@ guess_category_value (int category, const char *categoryname) # ifdef _LIBC locale = __current_locale_name (category); # else -# if HAVE_STRUCT___LOCALE_STRUCT___NAMES && defined USE_IN_GETTEXT_TESTS - /* The __names field is not public glibc API and must therefore not be used - in code that is installed in public locations. */ - locale_t thread_locale = uselocale (NULL); - if (thread_locale != LC_GLOBAL_LOCALE) - { - locale = thread_locale->__names[category]; - locale_defaulted = 0; - } - else + locale_defaulted = 0; +# if HAVE_USELOCALE + locale = _nl_locale_name_thread_unsafe (category, categoryname); + if (locale == NULL) # endif { locale = _nl_locale_name_posix (category, categoryname); - locale_defaulted = 0; if (locale == NULL) { locale = _nl_locale_name_default (); diff --git a/intl/gettextP.h b/intl/gettextP.h index 5706fb50..33e68779 100644 --- a/intl/gettextP.h +++ b/intl/gettextP.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* Header describing internals of libintl library. - Copyright (C) 1995-1999, 2000-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Copyright (C) 1995-1999, 2000-2007, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Written by Ulrich Drepper , 1995. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it @@ -231,9 +231,19 @@ extern LIBINTL_DLL_EXPORTED int _nl_msg_cat_cntr; extern const char *_nl_language_preferences_default (void); # define gl_locale_name_canonicalize _nl_locale_name_canonicalize extern void _nl_locale_name_canonicalize (char *name); +# define gl_locale_name_from_win32_LANGID _nl_locale_name_from_win32_LANGID +/* extern const char *_nl_locale_name_from_win32_LANGID (LANGID langid); */ +# define gl_locale_name_from_win32_LCID _nl_locale_name_from_win32_LCID +/* extern const char *_nl_locale_name_from_win32_LCID (LCID lcid); */ +# define gl_locale_name_thread_unsafe _nl_locale_name_thread_unsafe +extern const char *_nl_locale_name_thread_unsafe (int category, + const char *categoryname); # define gl_locale_name_posix _nl_locale_name_posix extern const char *_nl_locale_name_posix (int category, const char *categoryname); +# define gl_locale_name_environ _nl_locale_name_environ +extern const char *_nl_locale_name_environ (int category, + const char *categoryname); # define gl_locale_name_default _nl_locale_name_default extern const char *_nl_locale_name_default (void); # define gl_locale_name _nl_locale_name diff --git a/intl/intl-compat.c b/intl/intl-compat.c index 9b9ecbb6..43d45174 100644 --- a/intl/intl-compat.c +++ b/intl/intl-compat.c @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ ngettext (const char *msgid1, const char *msgid2, unsigned long int n) DLL_EXPORTED char * dngettext (const char *domainname, - const char *msgid1, const char *msgid2, unsigned long int n) + const char *msgid1, const char *msgid2, unsigned long int n) { return libintl_dngettext (domainname, msgid1, msgid2, n); } @@ -102,8 +102,8 @@ dngettext (const char *domainname, DLL_EXPORTED char * dcngettext (const char *domainname, - const char *msgid1, const char *msgid2, unsigned long int n, - int category) + const char *msgid1, const char *msgid2, unsigned long int n, + int category) { return libintl_dcngettext (domainname, msgid1, msgid2, n, category); } diff --git a/intl/intl-exports.c b/intl/intl-exports.c index 71765899..9e0a13e8 100644 --- a/intl/intl-exports.c +++ b/intl/intl-exports.c @@ -23,14 +23,14 @@ /* Ensure that the variable x is exported from the library, and that a pseudo-variable IMP(x) is available. */ #define VARIABLE(x) \ - /* Export x without redefining x. This code was found by compiling a \ - snippet: \ - extern __declspec(dllexport) int x; int x = 42; */ \ - asm (".section .drectve\n"); \ - asm (".ascii \" -export:" #x ",data\"\n"); \ - asm (".data\n"); \ - /* Allocate a pseudo-variable IMP(x). */ \ - extern int x; \ + /* Export x without redefining x. This code was found by compiling a \ + snippet: \ + extern __declspec(dllexport) int x; int x = 42; */ \ + asm (".section .drectve\n"); \ + asm (".ascii \" -export:" #x ",data\"\n"); \ + asm (".data\n"); \ + /* Allocate a pseudo-variable IMP(x). */ \ + extern int x; \ void * IMP(x) = &x; VARIABLE(libintl_version) diff --git a/intl/l10nflist.c b/intl/l10nflist.c index 365aeb70..7252d54e 100644 --- a/intl/l10nflist.c +++ b/intl/l10nflist.c @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* Copyright (C) 1995-1999, 2000-2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +/* Copyright (C) 1995-1999, 2000-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Contributed by Ulrich Drepper , 1995. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it @@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ _nl_make_l10nflist (struct loaded_l10nfile **l10nfile_list, const char * _nl_normalize_codeset (const char *codeset, size_t name_len) { - int len = 0; + size_t len = 0; int only_digit = 1; char *retval; char *wp; diff --git a/intl/langprefs.c b/intl/langprefs.c index 59c8def2..de66ad8c 100644 --- a/intl/langprefs.c +++ b/intl/langprefs.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* Determine the user's language preferences. - Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Copyright (C) 2004-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published @@ -16,7 +16,8 @@ Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ -/* Written by Bruno Haible . */ +/* Written by Bruno Haible . + Win32 code originally by Michele Cicciotti . */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include @@ -33,6 +34,197 @@ extern void _nl_locale_name_canonicalize (char *name); #endif +#if defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__ +# define WIN32_NATIVE +#endif + +#ifdef WIN32_NATIVE +# define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN +# include + +# ifndef MUI_LANGUAGE_NAME +# define MUI_LANGUAGE_NAME 8 +# endif +# ifndef STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW +# define STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW 0x80000005 +# endif + +extern void _nl_locale_name_canonicalize (char *name); +extern const char *_nl_locale_name_from_win32_LANGID (LANGID langid); +extern const char *_nl_locale_name_from_win32_LCID (LCID lcid); + +/* Get the preferences list through the MUI APIs. This works on Windows Vista + and newer. */ +static const char * +_nl_language_preferences_win32_mui (HMODULE kernel32) +{ + /* DWORD GetUserPreferredUILanguages (ULONG dwFlags, + PULONG pulNumLanguages, + PWSTR pwszLanguagesBuffer, + PULONG pcchLanguagesBuffer); */ + typedef DWORD (WINAPI *GetUserPreferredUILanguages_func) (ULONG, PULONG, PWSTR, PULONG); + GetUserPreferredUILanguages_func p_GetUserPreferredUILanguages; + + p_GetUserPreferredUILanguages = + (GetUserPreferredUILanguages_func) + GetProcAddress (kernel32, "GetUserPreferredUILanguages"); + if (p_GetUserPreferredUILanguages != NULL) + { + ULONG num_languages; + ULONG bufsize; + DWORD ret; + + bufsize = 0; + ret = p_GetUserPreferredUILanguages (MUI_LANGUAGE_NAME, + &num_languages, + NULL, &bufsize); + if (ret == 0 + && GetLastError () == STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW + && bufsize > 0) + { + WCHAR *buffer = (WCHAR *) malloc (bufsize * sizeof (WCHAR)); + if (buffer != NULL) + { + ret = p_GetUserPreferredUILanguages (MUI_LANGUAGE_NAME, + &num_languages, + buffer, &bufsize); + if (ret) + { + /* Convert the list from NUL-delimited WCHAR[] Win32 locale + names to colon-delimited char[] Unix locale names. + We assume that all these locale names are in ASCII, + nonempty and contain no colons. */ + char *languages = + (char *) malloc (bufsize + num_languages * 10 + 1); + if (languages != NULL) + { + const WCHAR *p = buffer; + char *q = languages; + ULONG i; + for (i = 0; i < num_languages; i++) + { + char *q1; + char *q2; + + q1 = q; + if (i > 0) + *q++ = ':'; + q2 = q; + for (; *p != (WCHAR)'\0'; p++) + { + if ((unsigned char) *p != *p || *p == ':') + { + /* A non-ASCII character or a colon inside + the Win32 locale name! Punt. */ + q = q1; + break; + } + *q++ = (unsigned char) *p; + } + if (q == q1) + /* An unexpected Win32 locale name occurred. */ + break; + *q = '\0'; + _nl_locale_name_canonicalize (q2); + q = q2 + strlen (q2); + p++; + } + *q = '\0'; + if (q > languages) + { + free (buffer); + return languages; + } + free (languages); + } + } + free (buffer); + } + } + } + return NULL; +} + +/* Get a preference. This works on Windows ME and newer. */ +static const char * +_nl_language_preferences_win32_ME (HMODULE kernel32) +{ + /* LANGID GetUserDefaultUILanguage (void); */ + typedef LANGID (WINAPI *GetUserDefaultUILanguage_func) (void); + GetUserDefaultUILanguage_func p_GetUserDefaultUILanguage; + + p_GetUserDefaultUILanguage = + (GetUserDefaultUILanguage_func) + GetProcAddress (kernel32, "GetUserDefaultUILanguage"); + if (p_GetUserDefaultUILanguage != NULL) + return _nl_locale_name_from_win32_LANGID (p_GetUserDefaultUILanguage ()); + return NULL; +} + +/* Get a preference. This works on Windows 95 and newer. */ +static const char * +_nl_language_preferences_win32_95 () +{ + HKEY desktop_resource_locale_key; + + if (RegOpenKeyExA (HKEY_CURRENT_USER, + "Control Panel\\Desktop\\ResourceLocale", + 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &desktop_resource_locale_key) + == NO_ERROR) + { + DWORD type; + char data[8 + 1]; + DWORD data_size = sizeof (data); + DWORD ret; + + ret = RegQueryValueExA (desktop_resource_locale_key, NULL, NULL, + &type, data, &data_size); + RegCloseKey (desktop_resource_locale_key); + + if (ret == NO_ERROR) + { + /* We expect a string, at most 8 bytes long, that parses as a + hexadecimal number. */ + if (type == REG_SZ + && data_size <= sizeof (data) + && (data_size < sizeof (data) + || data[sizeof (data) - 1] == '\0')) + { + LCID lcid; + char *endp; + /* Ensure it's NUL terminated. */ + if (data_size < sizeof (data)) + data[data_size] = '\0'; + /* Parse it as a hexadecimal number. */ + lcid = strtoul (data, &endp, 16); + if (endp > data && *endp == '\0') + return _nl_locale_name_from_win32_LCID (lcid); + } + } + } + return NULL; +} + +/* Get the system's preference. This can be used as a fallback. */ +static BOOL CALLBACK +ret_first_language (HMODULE h, LPCSTR type, LPCSTR name, WORD lang, LONG_PTR param) +{ + *(const char **)param = _nl_locale_name_from_win32_LANGID (lang); + return FALSE; +} +static const char * +_nl_language_preferences_win32_system (HMODULE kernel32) +{ + const char *languages = NULL; + /* Ignore the warning on mingw here. mingw has a wrong definition of the last + parameter type of ENUMRESLANGPROC. */ + EnumResourceLanguages (kernel32, RT_VERSION, MAKEINTRESOURCE (1), + ret_first_language, (LONG_PTR)&languages); + return languages; +} + +#endif + /* Determine the user's language preferences, as a colon separated list of locale names in XPG syntax language[_territory][.codeset][@modifier] @@ -51,75 +243,108 @@ _nl_language_preferences_default (void) if (!cache_initialized) { - CFTypeRef preferences = - CFPreferencesCopyAppValue (CFSTR ("AppleLanguages"), - kCFPreferencesCurrentApplication); - if (preferences != NULL - && CFGetTypeID (preferences) == CFArrayGetTypeID ()) - { - CFArrayRef prefArray = (CFArrayRef)preferences; - int n = CFArrayGetCount (prefArray); - char buf[256]; - size_t size = 0; - int i; - - for (i = 0; i < n; i++) - { - CFTypeRef element = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (prefArray, i); - if (element != NULL - && CFGetTypeID (element) == CFStringGetTypeID () - && CFStringGetCString ((CFStringRef)element, - buf, sizeof (buf), - kCFStringEncodingASCII)) - { - _nl_locale_name_canonicalize (buf); - size += strlen (buf) + 1; - /* Most GNU programs use msgids in English and don't ship - an message catalog. Therefore when we see "en" - in the preferences list, arrange for gettext() to - return the msgid, and ignore all further elements of - the preferences list. */ - if (strcmp (buf, "en") == 0) - break; - } - else - break; - } - if (size > 0) - { - char *languages = (char *) malloc (size); - - if (languages != NULL) - { - char *p = languages; - - for (i = 0; i < n; i++) - { - CFTypeRef element = - CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (prefArray, i); - if (element != NULL - && CFGetTypeID (element) == CFStringGetTypeID () - && CFStringGetCString ((CFStringRef)element, - buf, sizeof (buf), - kCFStringEncodingASCII)) - { - _nl_locale_name_canonicalize (buf); - strcpy (p, buf); - p += strlen (buf); - *p++ = ':'; - if (strcmp (buf, "en") == 0) - break; - } - else - break; - } - *--p = '\0'; - - cached_languages = languages; - } - } - } - cache_initialized = 1; + CFTypeRef preferences = + CFPreferencesCopyAppValue (CFSTR ("AppleLanguages"), + kCFPreferencesCurrentApplication); + if (preferences != NULL + && CFGetTypeID (preferences) == CFArrayGetTypeID ()) + { + CFArrayRef prefArray = (CFArrayRef)preferences; + int n = CFArrayGetCount (prefArray); + char buf[256]; + size_t size = 0; + int i; + + for (i = 0; i < n; i++) + { + CFTypeRef element = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (prefArray, i); + if (element != NULL + && CFGetTypeID (element) == CFStringGetTypeID () + && CFStringGetCString ((CFStringRef)element, + buf, sizeof (buf), + kCFStringEncodingASCII)) + { + _nl_locale_name_canonicalize (buf); + size += strlen (buf) + 1; + /* Most GNU programs use msgids in English and don't ship + an message catalog. Therefore when we see "en" + in the preferences list, arrange for gettext() to + return the msgid, and ignore all further elements of + the preferences list. */ + if (strcmp (buf, "en") == 0) + break; + } + else + break; + } + if (size > 0) + { + char *languages = (char *) malloc (size); + + if (languages != NULL) + { + char *p = languages; + + for (i = 0; i < n; i++) + { + CFTypeRef element = + CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (prefArray, i); + if (element != NULL + && CFGetTypeID (element) == CFStringGetTypeID () + && CFStringGetCString ((CFStringRef)element, + buf, sizeof (buf), + kCFStringEncodingASCII)) + { + _nl_locale_name_canonicalize (buf); + strcpy (p, buf); + p += strlen (buf); + *p++ = ':'; + if (strcmp (buf, "en") == 0) + break; + } + else + break; + } + *--p = '\0'; + + cached_languages = languages; + } + } + } + cache_initialized = 1; + } + if (cached_languages != NULL) + return cached_languages; + } +#endif + +#ifdef WIN32_NATIVE + { + /* Cache the preferences list, since computing it is expensive. */ + static const char *cached_languages; + static int cache_initialized; + + /* Activate the new code only when the GETTEXT_MUI environment variable is + set, for the time being, since the new code is not well tested. */ + if (!cache_initialized && getenv ("GETTEXT_MUI") != NULL) + { + const char *languages = NULL; + HMODULE kernel32 = GetModuleHandle ("kernel32"); + + if (kernel32 != NULL) + languages = _nl_language_preferences_win32_mui (kernel32); + + if (languages == NULL && kernel32 != NULL) + languages = _nl_language_preferences_win32_ME (kernel32); + + if (languages == NULL) + languages = _nl_language_preferences_win32_95 (); + + if (languages == NULL && kernel32 != NULL) + languages = _nl_language_preferences_win32_system (kernel32); + + cached_languages = languages; + cache_initialized = 1; } if (cached_languages != NULL) return cached_languages; diff --git a/intl/ b/intl/ index c9da7983..c991bf05 100644 --- a/intl/ +++ b/intl/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* Message catalogs for internationalization. - Copyright (C) 1995-1997, 2000-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Copyright (C) 1995-1997, 2000-2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published @@ -17,9 +17,12 @@ USA. */ #ifndef _LIBINTL_H -#define _LIBINTL_H 1 +#define _LIBINTL_H 1 #include +#if (defined __APPLE__ && defined __MACH__) && @HAVE_NEWLOCALE@ +# include +#endif /* The LC_MESSAGES locale category is the category used by the functions gettext() and dgettext(). It is specified in POSIX, but not in ANSI C. @@ -53,7 +56,7 @@ extern "C" { /* Version number: (major<<16) + (minor<<8) + subminor */ -#define LIBINTL_VERSION 0x001100 +#define LIBINTL_VERSION 0x001200 extern int libintl_version; @@ -88,7 +91,7 @@ extern int libintl_version; If he doesn't, we choose the method. A third possible method is _INTL_REDIRECT_ASM, supported only by GCC. */ #if !(defined _INTL_REDIRECT_INLINE || defined _INTL_REDIRECT_MACROS) -# if __GNUC__ >= 2 && !(__APPLE_CC__ > 1) && !defined __MINGW32__ && !(__GNUC__ == 2 && defined _AIX) && (defined __STDC__ || defined __cplusplus) +# if defined __GNUC__ && __GNUC__ >= 2 && !(defined __APPLE_CC__ && __APPLE_CC__ > 1) && !defined __MINGW32__ && !(__GNUC__ == 2 && defined _AIX) && (defined __STDC__ || defined __cplusplus) # define _INTL_REDIRECT_ASM # else # ifdef __cplusplus @@ -110,7 +113,7 @@ extern int libintl_version; /* _INTL_MAY_RETURN_STRING_ARG(n) declares that the given function may return its n-th argument literally. This enables GCC to warn for example about printf (gettext ("foo %y")). */ -#if __GNUC__ >= 3 && !(__APPLE_CC__ > 1 && defined __cplusplus) +#if defined __GNUC__ && __GNUC__ >= 3 && !(defined __APPLE_CC__ && __APPLE_CC__ > 1 && defined __cplusplus) # define _INTL_MAY_RETURN_STRING_ARG(n) __attribute__ ((__format_arg__ (n))) #else # define _INTL_MAY_RETURN_STRING_ARG(n) @@ -157,10 +160,10 @@ extern char *dgettext (const char *__domainname, const char *__msgid) locale. */ #ifdef _INTL_REDIRECT_INLINE extern char *libintl_dcgettext (const char *__domainname, const char *__msgid, - int __category) + int __category) _INTL_MAY_RETURN_STRING_ARG (2); static inline char *dcgettext (const char *__domainname, const char *__msgid, - int __category) + int __category) { return libintl_dcgettext (__domainname, __msgid, __category); } @@ -169,7 +172,7 @@ static inline char *dcgettext (const char *__domainname, const char *__msgid, # define dcgettext libintl_dcgettext #endif extern char *dcgettext (const char *__domainname, const char *__msgid, - int __category) + int __category) _INTL_ASM (libintl_dcgettext) _INTL_MAY_RETURN_STRING_ARG (2); #endif @@ -179,10 +182,10 @@ extern char *dcgettext (const char *__domainname, const char *__msgid, number N. */ #ifdef _INTL_REDIRECT_INLINE extern char *libintl_ngettext (const char *__msgid1, const char *__msgid2, - unsigned long int __n) + unsigned long int __n) _INTL_MAY_RETURN_STRING_ARG (1) _INTL_MAY_RETURN_STRING_ARG (2); static inline char *ngettext (const char *__msgid1, const char *__msgid2, - unsigned long int __n) + unsigned long int __n) { return libintl_ngettext (__msgid1, __msgid2, __n); } @@ -191,7 +194,7 @@ static inline char *ngettext (const char *__msgid1, const char *__msgid2, # define ngettext libintl_ngettext #endif extern char *ngettext (const char *__msgid1, const char *__msgid2, - unsigned long int __n) + unsigned long int __n) _INTL_ASM (libintl_ngettext) _INTL_MAY_RETURN_STRING_ARG (1) _INTL_MAY_RETURN_STRING_ARG (2); #endif @@ -200,10 +203,10 @@ extern char *ngettext (const char *__msgid1, const char *__msgid2, number N. */ #ifdef _INTL_REDIRECT_INLINE extern char *libintl_dngettext (const char *__domainname, const char *__msgid1, - const char *__msgid2, unsigned long int __n) + const char *__msgid2, unsigned long int __n) _INTL_MAY_RETURN_STRING_ARG (2) _INTL_MAY_RETURN_STRING_ARG (3); static inline char *dngettext (const char *__domainname, const char *__msgid1, - const char *__msgid2, unsigned long int __n) + const char *__msgid2, unsigned long int __n) { return libintl_dngettext (__domainname, __msgid1, __msgid2, __n); } @@ -212,8 +215,8 @@ static inline char *dngettext (const char *__domainname, const char *__msgid1, # define dngettext libintl_dngettext #endif extern char *dngettext (const char *__domainname, - const char *__msgid1, const char *__msgid2, - unsigned long int __n) + const char *__msgid1, const char *__msgid2, + unsigned long int __n) _INTL_ASM (libintl_dngettext) _INTL_MAY_RETURN_STRING_ARG (2) _INTL_MAY_RETURN_STRING_ARG (3); #endif @@ -222,12 +225,12 @@ extern char *dngettext (const char *__domainname, number N. */ #ifdef _INTL_REDIRECT_INLINE extern char *libintl_dcngettext (const char *__domainname, - const char *__msgid1, const char *__msgid2, - unsigned long int __n, int __category) + const char *__msgid1, const char *__msgid2, + unsigned long int __n, int __category) _INTL_MAY_RETURN_STRING_ARG (2) _INTL_MAY_RETURN_STRING_ARG (3); static inline char *dcngettext (const char *__domainname, - const char *__msgid1, const char *__msgid2, - unsigned long int __n, int __category) + const char *__msgid1, const char *__msgid2, + unsigned long int __n, int __category) { return libintl_dcngettext (__domainname, __msgid1, __msgid2, __n, __category); } @@ -236,8 +239,8 @@ static inline char *dcngettext (const char *__domainname, # define dcngettext libintl_dcngettext #endif extern char *dcngettext (const char *__domainname, - const char *__msgid1, const char *__msgid2, - unsigned long int __n, int __category) + const char *__msgid1, const char *__msgid2, + unsigned long int __n, int __category) _INTL_ASM (libintl_dcngettext) _INTL_MAY_RETURN_STRING_ARG (2) _INTL_MAY_RETURN_STRING_ARG (3); #endif @@ -266,9 +269,9 @@ extern char *textdomain (const char *__domainname) in DIRNAME rather than in the system locale data base. */ #ifdef _INTL_REDIRECT_INLINE extern char *libintl_bindtextdomain (const char *__domainname, - const char *__dirname); + const char *__dirname); static inline char *bindtextdomain (const char *__domainname, - const char *__dirname) + const char *__dirname) { return libintl_bindtextdomain (__domainname, __dirname); } @@ -284,9 +287,9 @@ extern char *bindtextdomain (const char *__domainname, const char *__dirname) DOMAINNAME message catalog will be returned. */ #ifdef _INTL_REDIRECT_INLINE extern char *libintl_bind_textdomain_codeset (const char *__domainname, - const char *__codeset); + const char *__codeset); static inline char *bind_textdomain_codeset (const char *__domainname, - const char *__codeset) + const char *__codeset) { return libintl_bind_textdomain_codeset (__domainname, __codeset); } @@ -295,7 +298,7 @@ static inline char *bind_textdomain_codeset (const char *__domainname, # define bind_textdomain_codeset libintl_bind_textdomain_codeset #endif extern char *bind_textdomain_codeset (const char *__domainname, - const char *__codeset) + const char *__codeset) _INTL_ASM (libintl_bind_textdomain_codeset); #endif @@ -316,19 +319,24 @@ extern char *bind_textdomain_codeset (const char *__domainname, #include /* Get va_list. */ -#if __STDC__ || defined __cplusplus || defined _MSC_VER +#if (defined __STDC__ && __STDC__) || defined __cplusplus || defined _MSC_VER # include #else # include #endif +#if !(defined fprintf && defined _GL_STDIO_H) /* don't override gnulib */ #undef fprintf #define fprintf libintl_fprintf extern int fprintf (FILE *, const char *, ...); +#endif +#if !(defined vfprintf && defined _GL_STDIO_H) /* don't override gnulib */ #undef vfprintf #define vfprintf libintl_vfprintf extern int vfprintf (FILE *, const char *, va_list); +#endif +#if !(defined printf && defined _GL_STDIO_H) /* don't override gnulib */ #undef printf #if defined __NetBSD__ || defined __BEOS__ || defined __CYGWIN__ || defined __MINGW32__ /* Don't break __attribute__((format(printf,M,N))). @@ -338,36 +346,51 @@ extern int vfprintf (FILE *, const char *, va_list); #endif #define printf libintl_printf extern int printf (const char *, ...); +#endif +#if !(defined vprintf && defined _GL_STDIO_H) /* don't override gnulib */ #undef vprintf #define vprintf libintl_vprintf extern int vprintf (const char *, va_list); +#endif +#if !(defined sprintf && defined _GL_STDIO_H) /* don't override gnulib */ #undef sprintf #define sprintf libintl_sprintf extern int sprintf (char *, const char *, ...); +#endif +#if !(defined vsprintf && defined _GL_STDIO_H) /* don't override gnulib */ #undef vsprintf #define vsprintf libintl_vsprintf extern int vsprintf (char *, const char *, va_list); +#endif #if @HAVE_SNPRINTF@ +#if !(defined snprintf && defined _GL_STDIO_H) /* don't override gnulib */ #undef snprintf #define snprintf libintl_snprintf extern int snprintf (char *, size_t, const char *, ...); +#endif +#if !(defined vsnprintf && defined _GL_STDIO_H) /* don't override gnulib */ #undef vsnprintf #define vsnprintf libintl_vsnprintf extern int vsnprintf (char *, size_t, const char *, va_list); +#endif #endif #if @HAVE_ASPRINTF@ +#if !(defined asprintf && defined _GL_STDIO_H) /* don't override gnulib */ #undef asprintf #define asprintf libintl_asprintf extern int asprintf (char **, const char *, ...); +#endif +#if !(defined vasprintf && defined _GL_STDIO_H) /* don't override gnulib */ #undef vasprintf #define vasprintf libintl_vasprintf extern int vasprintf (char **, const char *, va_list); +#endif #endif @@ -399,6 +422,24 @@ extern int vswprintf (wchar_t *, size_t, const wchar_t *, va_list); #endif +/* Support for the locale chosen by the user. */ +#if (defined __APPLE__ && defined __MACH__) || defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__ || defined __CYGWIN__ + +#undef setlocale +#define setlocale libintl_setlocale +extern char *setlocale (int, const char *); + +#if @HAVE_NEWLOCALE@ + +#undef newlocale +#define newlocale libintl_newlocale +extern locale_t newlocale (int, const char *, locale_t); + +#endif + +#endif + + /* Support for relocatable packages. */ /* Sets the original and the current installation prefix of the package. @@ -409,7 +450,7 @@ extern int vswprintf (wchar_t *, size_t, const wchar_t *, va_list); #define libintl_set_relocation_prefix libintl_set_relocation_prefix extern void libintl_set_relocation_prefix (const char *orig_prefix, - const char *curr_prefix); + const char *curr_prefix); #ifdef __cplusplus diff --git a/intl/libintl.rc b/intl/libintl.rc index f00f0b37..b58fffbd 100644 --- a/intl/libintl.rc +++ b/intl/libintl.rc @@ -21,10 +21,10 @@ BEGIN BEGIN VALUE "Comments", "This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA\0" VALUE "CompanyName", "Free Software Foundation\0" - VALUE "FileDescription", "LGPLed libintl for Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista and Windows 95/98/ME\0" + VALUE "FileDescription", "LGPLed libintl for Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista/7 and Windows 95/98/ME\0" VALUE "FileVersion", PACKAGE_VERSION_STRING "\0" VALUE "InternalName", "intl.dll\0" - VALUE "LegalCopyright", "Copyright (C) 1995-2007\0" + VALUE "LegalCopyright", "Copyright (C) 1995-2010\0" VALUE "LegalTrademarks", "\0" VALUE "OriginalFilename", "intl.dll\0" VALUE "ProductName", "libintl: accessing NLS message catalogs\0" diff --git a/intl/loadmsgcat.c b/intl/loadmsgcat.c index 3432a8c1..bf883a37 100644 --- a/intl/loadmsgcat.c +++ b/intl/loadmsgcat.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* Load needed message catalogs. - Copyright (C) 1995-1999, 2000-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Copyright (C) 1995-1999, 2000-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published @@ -1259,8 +1259,7 @@ _nl_load_domain (struct loaded_l10nfile *domain_file, /* This is an invalid revision. */ invalid: /* This is an invalid .mo file. */ - if (domain->malloced) - free (domain->malloced); + free (domain->malloced); #ifdef HAVE_MMAP if (use_mmap) munmap ((caddr_t) data, size); @@ -1317,12 +1316,10 @@ _nl_unload_domain (struct loaded_domain *domain) if (convd->conv != (__gconv_t) -1) __gconv_close (convd->conv); } - if (domain->conversions != NULL) - free (domain->conversions); + free (domain->conversions); __libc_rwlock_fini (domain->conversions_lock); - if (domain->malloced) - free (domain->malloced); + free (domain->malloced); # ifdef _POSIX_MAPPED_FILES if (domain->use_mmap) diff --git a/intl/localcharset.c b/intl/localcharset.c index e796ae71..cbcdaceb 100644 --- a/intl/localcharset.c +++ b/intl/localcharset.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /* Determine a canonical name for the current locale's character encoding. - Copyright (C) 2000-2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Copyright (C) 2000-2006, 2008-2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published @@ -24,21 +24,29 @@ /* Specification. */ #include "localcharset.h" +#include #include #include #include #include +#if defined __APPLE__ && defined __MACH__ && HAVE_LANGINFO_CODESET +# define DARWIN7 /* Darwin 7 or newer, i.e. MacOS X 10.3 or newer */ +#endif + #if defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__ # define WIN32_NATIVE #endif #if defined __EMX__ /* Assume EMX program runs on OS/2, even if compiled under DOS. */ -# define OS2 +# ifndef OS2 +# define OS2 +# endif #endif #if !defined WIN32_NATIVE +# include # if HAVE_LANGINFO_CODESET # include # else @@ -70,6 +78,11 @@ # include "configmake.h" #endif +/* Define O_NOFOLLOW to 0 on platforms where it does not exist. */ +#ifndef O_NOFOLLOW +# define O_NOFOLLOW 0 +#endif + #if defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__ || defined __CYGWIN__ || defined __EMX__ || defined __DJGPP__ /* Win32, Cygwin, OS/2, DOS */ # define ISSLASH(C) ((C) == '/' || (C) == '\\') @@ -111,160 +124,220 @@ get_charset_aliases (void) cp = charset_aliases; if (cp == NULL) { -#if !(defined VMS || defined WIN32_NATIVE || defined __CYGWIN__) - FILE *fp; +#if !(defined DARWIN7 || defined VMS || defined WIN32_NATIVE || defined __CYGWIN__) const char *dir; const char *base = "charset.alias"; char *file_name; /* Make it possible to override the charset.alias location. This is - necessary for running the testsuite before "make install". */ + necessary for running the testsuite before "make install". */ dir = getenv ("CHARSETALIASDIR"); if (dir == NULL || dir[0] == '\0') - dir = relocate (LIBDIR); + dir = relocate (LIBDIR); /* Concatenate dir and base into freshly allocated file_name. */ { - size_t dir_len = strlen (dir); - size_t base_len = strlen (base); - int add_slash = (dir_len > 0 && !ISSLASH (dir[dir_len - 1])); - file_name = (char *) malloc (dir_len + add_slash + base_len + 1); - if (file_name != NULL) - { - memcpy (file_name, dir, dir_len); - if (add_slash) - file_name[dir_len] = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; - memcpy (file_name + dir_len + add_slash, base, base_len + 1); - } + size_t dir_len = strlen (dir); + size_t base_len = strlen (base); + int add_slash = (dir_len > 0 && !ISSLASH (dir[dir_len - 1])); + file_name = (char *) malloc (dir_len + add_slash + base_len + 1); + if (file_name != NULL) + { + memcpy (file_name, dir, dir_len); + if (add_slash) + file_name[dir_len] = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; + memcpy (file_name + dir_len + add_slash, base, base_len + 1); + } } - if (file_name == NULL || (fp = fopen (file_name, "r")) == NULL) - /* Out of memory or file not found, treat it as empty. */ - cp = ""; + if (file_name == NULL) + /* Out of memory. Treat the file as empty. */ + cp = ""; else - { - /* Parse the file's contents. */ - char *res_ptr = NULL; - size_t res_size = 0; - - for (;;) - { - int c; - char buf1[50+1]; - char buf2[50+1]; - size_t l1, l2; - char *old_res_ptr; - - c = getc (fp); - if (c == EOF) - break; - if (c == '\n' || c == ' ' || c == '\t') - continue; - if (c == '#') - { - /* Skip comment, to end of line. */ - do - c = getc (fp); - while (!(c == EOF || c == '\n')); - if (c == EOF) - break; - continue; - } - ungetc (c, fp); - if (fscanf (fp, "%50s %50s", buf1, buf2) < 2) - break; - l1 = strlen (buf1); - l2 = strlen (buf2); - old_res_ptr = res_ptr; - if (res_size == 0) - { - res_size = l1 + 1 + l2 + 1; - res_ptr = (char *) malloc (res_size + 1); - } - else - { - res_size += l1 + 1 + l2 + 1; - res_ptr = (char *) realloc (res_ptr, res_size + 1); - } - if (res_ptr == NULL) - { - /* Out of memory. */ - res_size = 0; - if (old_res_ptr != NULL) - free (old_res_ptr); - break; - } - strcpy (res_ptr + res_size - (l2 + 1) - (l1 + 1), buf1); - strcpy (res_ptr + res_size - (l2 + 1), buf2); - } - fclose (fp); - if (res_size == 0) - cp = ""; - else - { - *(res_ptr + res_size) = '\0'; - cp = res_ptr; - } - } - - if (file_name != NULL) - free (file_name); + { + int fd; + + /* Open the file. Reject symbolic links on platforms that support + O_NOFOLLOW. This is a security feature. Without it, an attacker + could retrieve parts of the contents (namely, the tail of the + first line that starts with "* ") of an arbitrary file by placing + a symbolic link to that file under the name "charset.alias" in + some writable directory and defining the environment variable + CHARSETALIASDIR to point to that directory. */ + fd = open (file_name, + O_RDONLY | (HAVE_WORKING_O_NOFOLLOW ? O_NOFOLLOW : 0)); + if (fd < 0) + /* File not found. Treat it as empty. */ + cp = ""; + else + { + FILE *fp; + + fp = fdopen (fd, "r"); + if (fp == NULL) + { + /* Out of memory. Treat the file as empty. */ + close (fd); + cp = ""; + } + else + { + /* Parse the file's contents. */ + char *res_ptr = NULL; + size_t res_size = 0; + + for (;;) + { + int c; + char buf1[50+1]; + char buf2[50+1]; + size_t l1, l2; + char *old_res_ptr; + + c = getc (fp); + if (c == EOF) + break; + if (c == '\n' || c == ' ' || c == '\t') + continue; + if (c == '#') + { + /* Skip comment, to end of line. */ + do + c = getc (fp); + while (!(c == EOF || c == '\n')); + if (c == EOF) + break; + continue; + } + ungetc (c, fp); + if (fscanf (fp, "%50s %50s", buf1, buf2) < 2) + break; + l1 = strlen (buf1); + l2 = strlen (buf2); + old_res_ptr = res_ptr; + if (res_size == 0) + { + res_size = l1 + 1 + l2 + 1; + res_ptr = (char *) malloc (res_size + 1); + } + else + { + res_size += l1 + 1 + l2 + 1; + res_ptr = (char *) realloc (res_ptr, res_size + 1); + } + if (res_ptr == NULL) + { + /* Out of memory. */ + res_size = 0; + if (old_res_ptr != NULL) + free (old_res_ptr); + break; + } + strcpy (res_ptr + res_size - (l2 + 1) - (l1 + 1), buf1); + strcpy (res_ptr + res_size - (l2 + 1), buf2); + } + fclose (fp); + if (res_size == 0) + cp = ""; + else + { + *(res_ptr + res_size) = '\0'; + cp = res_ptr; + } + } + } + + free (file_name); + } #else +# if defined DARWIN7 + /* To avoid the trouble of installing a file that is shared by many + GNU packages -- many packaging systems have problems with this --, + simply inline the aliases here. */ + cp = "ISO8859-1" "\0" "ISO-8859-1" "\0" + "ISO8859-2" "\0" "ISO-8859-2" "\0" + "ISO8859-4" "\0" "ISO-8859-4" "\0" + "ISO8859-5" "\0" "ISO-8859-5" "\0" + "ISO8859-7" "\0" "ISO-8859-7" "\0" + "ISO8859-9" "\0" "ISO-8859-9" "\0" + "ISO8859-13" "\0" "ISO-8859-13" "\0" + "ISO8859-15" "\0" "ISO-8859-15" "\0" + "KOI8-R" "\0" "KOI8-R" "\0" + "KOI8-U" "\0" "KOI8-U" "\0" + "CP866" "\0" "CP866" "\0" + "CP949" "\0" "CP949" "\0" + "CP1131" "\0" "CP1131" "\0" + "CP1251" "\0" "CP1251" "\0" + "eucCN" "\0" "GB2312" "\0" + "GB2312" "\0" "GB2312" "\0" + "eucJP" "\0" "EUC-JP" "\0" + "eucKR" "\0" "EUC-KR" "\0" + "Big5" "\0" "BIG5" "\0" + "Big5HKSCS" "\0" "BIG5-HKSCS" "\0" + "GBK" "\0" "GBK" "\0" + "GB18030" "\0" "GB18030" "\0" + "SJIS" "\0" "SHIFT_JIS" "\0" + "ARMSCII-8" "\0" "ARMSCII-8" "\0" + "PT154" "\0" "PT154" "\0" + /*"ISCII-DEV" "\0" "?" "\0"*/ + "*" "\0" "UTF-8" "\0"; +# endif + # if defined VMS /* To avoid the troubles of an extra file charset.alias_vms in the - sources of many GNU packages, simply inline the aliases here. */ + sources of many GNU packages, simply inline the aliases here. */ /* The list of encodings is taken from the OpenVMS 7.3-1 documentation - "Compaq C Run-Time Library Reference Manual for OpenVMS systems" - section 10.7 "Handling Different Character Sets". */ + "Compaq C Run-Time Library Reference Manual for OpenVMS systems" + section 10.7 "Handling Different Character Sets". */ cp = "ISO8859-1" "\0" "ISO-8859-1" "\0" - "ISO8859-2" "\0" "ISO-8859-2" "\0" - "ISO8859-5" "\0" "ISO-8859-5" "\0" - "ISO8859-7" "\0" "ISO-8859-7" "\0" - "ISO8859-8" "\0" "ISO-8859-8" "\0" - "ISO8859-9" "\0" "ISO-8859-9" "\0" - /* Japanese */ - "eucJP" "\0" "EUC-JP" "\0" - "SJIS" "\0" "SHIFT_JIS" "\0" - "DECKANJI" "\0" "DEC-KANJI" "\0" - "SDECKANJI" "\0" "EUC-JP" "\0" - /* Chinese */ - "eucTW" "\0" "EUC-TW" "\0" - "DECHANYU" "\0" "DEC-HANYU" "\0" - "DECHANZI" "\0" "GB2312" "\0" - /* Korean */ - "DECKOREAN" "\0" "EUC-KR" "\0"; + "ISO8859-2" "\0" "ISO-8859-2" "\0" + "ISO8859-5" "\0" "ISO-8859-5" "\0" + "ISO8859-7" "\0" "ISO-8859-7" "\0" + "ISO8859-8" "\0" "ISO-8859-8" "\0" + "ISO8859-9" "\0" "ISO-8859-9" "\0" + /* Japanese */ + "eucJP" "\0" "EUC-JP" "\0" + "SJIS" "\0" "SHIFT_JIS" "\0" + "DECKANJI" "\0" "DEC-KANJI" "\0" + "SDECKANJI" "\0" "EUC-JP" "\0" + /* Chinese */ + "eucTW" "\0" "EUC-TW" "\0" + "DECHANYU" "\0" "DEC-HANYU" "\0" + "DECHANZI" "\0" "GB2312" "\0" + /* Korean */ + "DECKOREAN" "\0" "EUC-KR" "\0"; # endif # if defined WIN32_NATIVE || defined __CYGWIN__ /* To avoid the troubles of installing a separate file in the same - directory as the DLL and of retrieving the DLL's directory at - runtime, simply inline the aliases here. */ + directory as the DLL and of retrieving the DLL's directory at + runtime, simply inline the aliases here. */ cp = "CP936" "\0" "GBK" "\0" - "CP1361" "\0" "JOHAB" "\0" - "CP20127" "\0" "ASCII" "\0" - "CP20866" "\0" "KOI8-R" "\0" - "CP20936" "\0" "GB2312" "\0" - "CP21866" "\0" "KOI8-RU" "\0" - "CP28591" "\0" "ISO-8859-1" "\0" - "CP28592" "\0" "ISO-8859-2" "\0" - "CP28593" "\0" "ISO-8859-3" "\0" - "CP28594" "\0" "ISO-8859-4" "\0" - "CP28595" "\0" "ISO-8859-5" "\0" - "CP28596" "\0" "ISO-8859-6" "\0" - "CP28597" "\0" "ISO-8859-7" "\0" - "CP28598" "\0" "ISO-8859-8" "\0" - "CP28599" "\0" "ISO-8859-9" "\0" - "CP28605" "\0" "ISO-8859-15" "\0" - "CP38598" "\0" "ISO-8859-8" "\0" - "CP51932" "\0" "EUC-JP" "\0" - "CP51936" "\0" "GB2312" "\0" - "CP51949" "\0" "EUC-KR" "\0" - "CP51950" "\0" "EUC-TW" "\0" - "CP54936" "\0" "GB18030" "\0" - "CP65001" "\0" "UTF-8" "\0"; + "CP1361" "\0" "JOHAB" "\0" + "CP20127" "\0" "ASCII" "\0" + "CP20866" "\0" "KOI8-R" "\0" + "CP20936" "\0" "GB2312" "\0" + "CP21866" "\0" "KOI8-RU" "\0" + "CP28591" "\0" "ISO-8859-1" "\0" + "CP28592" "\0" "ISO-8859-2" "\0" + "CP28593" "\0" "ISO-8859-3" "\0" + "CP28594" "\0" "ISO-8859-4" "\0" + "CP28595" "\0" "ISO-8859-5" "\0" + "CP28596" "\0" "ISO-8859-6" "\0" + "CP28597" "\0" "ISO-8859-7" "\0" + "CP28598" "\0" "ISO-8859-8" "\0" + "CP28599" "\0" "ISO-8859-9" "\0" + "CP28605" "\0" "ISO-8859-15" "\0" + "CP38598" "\0" "ISO-8859-8" "\0" + "CP51932" "\0" "EUC-JP" "\0" + "CP51936" "\0" "GB2312" "\0" + "CP51949" "\0" "EUC-KR" "\0" + "CP51950" "\0" "EUC-TW" "\0" + "CP54936" "\0" "GB18030" "\0" + "CP65001" "\0" "UTF-8" "\0"; # endif #endif @@ -297,10 +370,9 @@ locale_charset (void) codeset = nl_langinfo (CODESET); # ifdef __CYGWIN__ - /* Cygwin 2006 does not have locales. nl_langinfo (CODESET) always - returns "US-ASCII". As long as this is not fixed, return the suffix - of the locale name from the environment variables (if present) or - the codepage as a number. */ + /* Cygwin < 1.7 does not have locales. nl_langinfo (CODESET) always + returns "US-ASCII". Return the suffix of the locale name from the + environment variables (if present) or the codepage as a number. */ if (codeset != NULL && strcmp (codeset, "US-ASCII") == 0) { const char *locale; @@ -308,36 +380,46 @@ locale_charset (void) locale = getenv ("LC_ALL"); if (locale == NULL || locale[0] == '\0') - { - locale = getenv ("LC_CTYPE"); - if (locale == NULL || locale[0] == '\0') - locale = getenv ("LANG"); - } + { + locale = getenv ("LC_CTYPE"); + if (locale == NULL || locale[0] == '\0') + locale = getenv ("LANG"); + } if (locale != NULL && locale[0] != '\0') - { - /* If the locale name contains an encoding after the dot, return - it. */ - const char *dot = strchr (locale, '.'); - - if (dot != NULL) - { - const char *modifier; - - dot++; - /* Look for the possible @... trailer and remove it, if any. */ - modifier = strchr (dot, '@'); - if (modifier == NULL) - return dot; - if (modifier - dot < sizeof (buf)) - { - memcpy (buf, dot, modifier - dot); - buf [modifier - dot] = '\0'; - return buf; - } - } - } - - /* Woe32 has a function returning the locale's codepage as a number. */ + { + /* If the locale name contains an encoding after the dot, return + it. */ + const char *dot = strchr (locale, '.'); + + if (dot != NULL) + { + const char *modifier; + + dot++; + /* Look for the possible @... trailer and remove it, if any. */ + modifier = strchr (dot, '@'); + if (modifier == NULL) + return dot; + if (modifier - dot < sizeof (buf)) + { + memcpy (buf, dot, modifier - dot); + buf [modifier - dot] = '\0'; + return buf; + } + } + } + + /* Woe32 has a function returning the locale's codepage as a number: + GetACP(). This encoding is used by Cygwin, unless the user has set + the environment variable CYGWIN=codepage:oem (which very few people + do). + Output directed to console windows needs to be converted (to + GetOEMCP() if the console is using a raster font, or to + GetConsoleOutputCP() if it is using a TrueType font). Cygwin does + this conversion transparently (see winsup/cygwin/, + converting to GetConsoleOutputCP(). This leads to correct results, + except when SetConsoleOutputCP has been called and a raster font is + in use. */ sprintf (buf, "CP%u", GetACP ()); codeset = buf; } @@ -359,11 +441,11 @@ locale_charset (void) { locale = getenv ("LC_ALL"); if (locale == NULL || locale[0] == '\0') - { - locale = getenv ("LC_CTYPE"); - if (locale == NULL || locale[0] == '\0') - locale = getenv ("LANG"); - } + { + locale = getenv ("LC_CTYPE"); + if (locale == NULL || locale[0] == '\0') + locale = getenv ("LANG"); + } } /* On some old systems, one used to set locale = "iso8859_1". On others, @@ -377,7 +459,13 @@ locale_charset (void) static char buf[2 + 10 + 1]; - /* Woe32 has a function returning the locale's codepage as a number. */ + /* Woe32 has a function returning the locale's codepage as a number: + GetACP(). + When the output goes to a console window, it needs to be provided in + GetOEMCP() encoding if the console is using a raster font, or in + GetConsoleOutputCP() encoding if it is using a TrueType font. + But in GUI programs and for output sent to files and pipes, GetACP() + encoding is the best bet. */ sprintf (buf, "CP%u", GetACP ()); codeset = buf; @@ -395,7 +483,7 @@ locale_charset (void) { locale = getenv ("LC_CTYPE"); if (locale == NULL || locale[0] == '\0') - locale = getenv ("LANG"); + locale = getenv ("LANG"); } if (locale != NULL && locale[0] != '\0') { @@ -403,21 +491,21 @@ locale_charset (void) const char *dot = strchr (locale, '.'); if (dot != NULL) - { - const char *modifier; - - dot++; - /* Look for the possible @... trailer and remove it, if any. */ - modifier = strchr (dot, '@'); - if (modifier == NULL) - return dot; - if (modifier - dot < sizeof (buf)) - { - memcpy (buf, dot, modifier - dot); - buf [modifier - dot] = '\0'; - return buf; - } - } + { + const char *modifier; + + dot++; + /* Look for the possible @... trailer and remove it, if any. */ + modifier = strchr (dot, '@'); + if (modifier == NULL) + return dot; + if (modifier - dot < sizeof (buf)) + { + memcpy (buf, dot, modifier - dot); + buf [modifier - dot] = '\0'; + return buf; + } + } /* Resolve through the charset.alias file. */ codeset = locale; @@ -426,12 +514,12 @@ locale_charset (void) { /* OS/2 has a function returning the locale's codepage as a number. */ if (DosQueryCp (sizeof (cp), cp, &cplen)) - codeset = ""; + codeset = ""; else - { - sprintf (buf, "CP%u", cp[0]); - codeset = buf; - } + { + sprintf (buf, "CP%u", cp[0]); + codeset = buf; + } } #endif @@ -445,10 +533,10 @@ locale_charset (void) *aliases != '\0'; aliases += strlen (aliases) + 1, aliases += strlen (aliases) + 1) if (strcmp (codeset, aliases) == 0 - || (aliases[0] == '*' && aliases[1] == '\0')) + || (aliases[0] == '*' && aliases[1] == '\0')) { - codeset = aliases + strlen (aliases) + 1; - break; + codeset = aliases + strlen (aliases) + 1; + break; } /* Don't return an empty string. GNU libc and GNU libiconv interpret diff --git a/intl/localename.c b/intl/localename.c index af4c229a..89a9692b 100644 --- a/intl/localename.c +++ b/intl/localename.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* Determine name of the currently selected locale. - Copyright (C) 1995-1999, 2000-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Copyright (C) 1995-1999, 2000-2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published @@ -29,11 +29,24 @@ # include "localename.h" #endif +#include +#include #include #include +#include + +#if HAVE_USELOCALE +/* MacOS X 10.5 defines the locale_t type in . */ +# if defined __APPLE__ && defined __MACH__ +# include +# endif +# include +# if !defined IN_LIBINTL +# include "glthread/lock.h" +# endif +#endif #if HAVE_CFLOCALECOPYCURRENT || HAVE_CFPREFERENCESCOPYAPPVALUE -# include # include # if HAVE_CFLOCALECOPYCURRENT # include @@ -46,7 +59,7 @@ # define WIN32_NATIVE #endif -#ifdef WIN32_NATIVE +#if defined WIN32_NATIVE || defined __CYGWIN__ /* WIN32 or Cygwin */ # define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN # include /* List of language codes, sorted by value: @@ -72,7 +85,7 @@ 0x14 LANG_NORWEGIAN 0x15 LANG_POLISH 0x16 LANG_PORTUGUESE - 0x17 LANG_RHAETO_ROMANCE + 0x17 LANG_ROMANSH 0x18 LANG_ROMANIAN 0x19 LANG_RUSSIAN 0x1a LANG_CROATIAN == LANG_SERBIAN @@ -108,7 +121,7 @@ 0x38 LANG_FAEROESE 0x39 LANG_HINDI 0x3a LANG_MALTESE - 0x3b LANG_SAAMI + 0x3b LANG_SAMI 0x3c LANG_GAELIC 0x3d LANG_YIDDISH 0x3e LANG_MALAY @@ -156,6 +169,9 @@ 0x68 LANG_HAUSA 0x69 LANG_IBIBIO 0x6a LANG_YORUBA + 0x6d LANG_BASHKIR + 0x6e LANG_LUXEMBOURGISH + 0x6f LANG_GREENLANDIC 0x70 LANG_IGBO 0x71 LANG_KANURI 0x72 LANG_OROMO @@ -166,6 +182,18 @@ 0x77 LANG_SOMALI 0x78 LANG_YI 0x79 LANG_PAPIAMENTU + 0x7a LANG_MAPUDUNGUN + 0x7c LANG_MOHAWK + 0x7e LANG_BRETON + 0x82 LANG_OCCITAN + 0x83 LANG_CORSICAN + 0x84 LANG_ALSATIAN + 0x85 LANG_YAKUT + 0x86 LANG_KICHE + 0x87 LANG_KINYARWANDA + 0x88 LANG_WOLOF + 0x8c LANG_DARI + 0x91 LANG_SCOTTISH_GAELIC */ /* Mingw headers don't have latest language and sublanguage codes. */ # ifndef LANG_AFRIKAANS @@ -174,6 +202,9 @@ # ifndef LANG_ALBANIAN # define LANG_ALBANIAN 0x1c # endif +# ifndef LANG_ALSATIAN +# define LANG_ALSATIAN 0x84 +# endif # ifndef LANG_AMHARIC # define LANG_AMHARIC 0x5e # endif @@ -189,6 +220,9 @@ # ifndef LANG_AZERI # define LANG_AZERI 0x2c # endif +# ifndef LANG_BASHKIR +# define LANG_BASHKIR 0x6d +# endif # ifndef LANG_BASQUE # define LANG_BASQUE 0x2d # endif @@ -198,6 +232,9 @@ # ifndef LANG_BENGALI # define LANG_BENGALI 0x45 # endif +# ifndef LANG_BRETON +# define LANG_BRETON 0x7e +# endif # ifndef LANG_BURMESE # define LANG_BURMESE 0x55 # endif @@ -210,6 +247,12 @@ # ifndef LANG_CHEROKEE # define LANG_CHEROKEE 0x5c # endif +# ifndef LANG_CORSICAN +# define LANG_CORSICAN 0x83 +# endif +# ifndef LANG_DARI +# define LANG_DARI 0x8c +# endif # ifndef LANG_DIVEHI # define LANG_DIVEHI 0x65 # endif @@ -240,6 +283,9 @@ # ifndef LANG_GEORGIAN # define LANG_GEORGIAN 0x37 # endif +# ifndef LANG_GREENLANDIC +# define LANG_GREENLANDIC 0x6f +# endif # ifndef LANG_GUARANI # define LANG_GUARANI 0x74 # endif @@ -282,6 +328,12 @@ # ifndef LANG_KAZAK # define LANG_KAZAK 0x3f # endif +# ifndef LANG_KICHE +# define LANG_KICHE 0x86 +# endif +# ifndef LANG_KINYARWANDA +# define LANG_KINYARWANDA 0x87 +# endif # ifndef LANG_KONKANI # define LANG_KONKANI 0x57 # endif @@ -300,6 +352,9 @@ # ifndef LANG_LITHUANIAN # define LANG_LITHUANIAN 0x27 # endif +# ifndef LANG_LUXEMBOURGISH +# define LANG_LUXEMBOURGISH 0x6e +# endif # ifndef LANG_MACEDONIAN # define LANG_MACEDONIAN 0x2f # endif @@ -315,15 +370,27 @@ # ifndef LANG_MANIPURI # define LANG_MANIPURI 0x58 # endif +# ifndef LANG_MAORI +# define LANG_MAORI 0x81 +# endif +# ifndef LANG_MAPUDUNGUN +# define LANG_MAPUDUNGUN 0x7a +# endif # ifndef LANG_MARATHI # define LANG_MARATHI 0x4e # endif +# ifndef LANG_MOHAWK +# define LANG_MOHAWK 0x7c +# endif # ifndef LANG_MONGOLIAN # define LANG_MONGOLIAN 0x50 # endif # ifndef LANG_NEPALI # define LANG_NEPALI 0x61 # endif +# ifndef LANG_OCCITAN +# define LANG_OCCITAN 0x82 +# endif # ifndef LANG_ORIYA # define LANG_ORIYA 0x48 # endif @@ -339,15 +406,21 @@ # ifndef LANG_PUNJABI # define LANG_PUNJABI 0x46 # endif -# ifndef LANG_RHAETO_ROMANCE -# define LANG_RHAETO_ROMANCE 0x17 +# ifndef LANG_QUECHUA +# define LANG_QUECHUA 0x6b # endif -# ifndef LANG_SAAMI -# define LANG_SAAMI 0x3b +# ifndef LANG_ROMANSH +# define LANG_ROMANSH 0x17 +# endif +# ifndef LANG_SAMI +# define LANG_SAMI 0x3b # endif # ifndef LANG_SANSKRIT # define LANG_SANSKRIT 0x4f # endif +# ifndef LANG_SCOTTISH_GAELIC +# define LANG_SCOTTISH_GAELIC 0x91 +# endif # ifndef LANG_SERBIAN # define LANG_SERBIAN 0x1a # endif @@ -366,6 +439,9 @@ # ifndef LANG_SORBIAN # define LANG_SORBIAN 0x2e # endif +# ifndef LANG_SOTHO +# define LANG_SOTHO 0x6c +# endif # ifndef LANG_SUTU # define LANG_SUTU 0x30 # endif @@ -411,6 +487,9 @@ # ifndef LANG_TURKMEN # define LANG_TURKMEN 0x42 # endif +# ifndef LANG_UIGHUR +# define LANG_UIGHUR 0x80 +# endif # ifndef LANG_UKRAINIAN # define LANG_UKRAINIAN 0x22 # endif @@ -429,9 +508,15 @@ # ifndef LANG_WELSH # define LANG_WELSH 0x52 # endif +# ifndef LANG_WOLOF +# define LANG_WOLOF 0x88 +# endif # ifndef LANG_XHOSA # define LANG_XHOSA 0x34 # endif +# ifndef LANG_YAKUT +# define LANG_YAKUT 0x85 +# endif # ifndef LANG_YI # define LANG_YI 0x78 # endif @@ -444,6 +529,18 @@ # ifndef LANG_ZULU # define LANG_ZULU 0x35 # endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_AFRIKAANS_SOUTH_AFRICA +# define SUBLANG_AFRIKAANS_SOUTH_AFRICA 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_ALBANIAN_ALBANIA +# define SUBLANG_ALBANIAN_ALBANIA 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_ALSATIAN_FRANCE +# define SUBLANG_ALSATIAN_FRANCE 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_AMHARIC_ETHIOPIA +# define SUBLANG_AMHARIC_ETHIOPIA 0x01 +# endif # ifndef SUBLANG_ARABIC_SAUDI_ARABIA # define SUBLANG_ARABIC_SAUDI_ARABIA 0x01 # endif @@ -492,21 +589,78 @@ # ifndef SUBLANG_ARABIC_QATAR # define SUBLANG_ARABIC_QATAR 0x10 # endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_ARMENIAN_ARMENIA +# define SUBLANG_ARMENIAN_ARMENIA 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_ASSAMESE_INDIA +# define SUBLANG_ASSAMESE_INDIA 0x01 +# endif # ifndef SUBLANG_AZERI_LATIN # define SUBLANG_AZERI_LATIN 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_AZERI_CYRILLIC # define SUBLANG_AZERI_CYRILLIC 0x02 # endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_BASHKIR_RUSSIA +# define SUBLANG_BASHKIR_RUSSIA 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_BASQUE_BASQUE +# define SUBLANG_BASQUE_BASQUE 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_BELARUSIAN_BELARUS +# define SUBLANG_BELARUSIAN_BELARUS 0x01 +# endif # ifndef SUBLANG_BENGALI_INDIA # define SUBLANG_BENGALI_INDIA 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_BENGALI_BANGLADESH # define SUBLANG_BENGALI_BANGLADESH 0x02 # endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_BOSNIAN_BOSNIA_HERZEGOVINA_LATIN +# define SUBLANG_BOSNIAN_BOSNIA_HERZEGOVINA_LATIN 0x05 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_BOSNIAN_BOSNIA_HERZEGOVINA_CYRILLIC +# define SUBLANG_BOSNIAN_BOSNIA_HERZEGOVINA_CYRILLIC 0x08 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_BRETON_FRANCE +# define SUBLANG_BRETON_FRANCE 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_BULGARIAN_BULGARIA +# define SUBLANG_BULGARIAN_BULGARIA 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_CAMBODIAN_CAMBODIA +# define SUBLANG_CAMBODIAN_CAMBODIA 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_CATALAN_SPAIN +# define SUBLANG_CATALAN_SPAIN 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_CORSICAN_FRANCE +# define SUBLANG_CORSICAN_FRANCE 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_CROATIAN_CROATIA +# define SUBLANG_CROATIAN_CROATIA 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_CROATIAN_BOSNIA_HERZEGOVINA_LATIN +# define SUBLANG_CROATIAN_BOSNIA_HERZEGOVINA_LATIN 0x04 +# endif # ifndef SUBLANG_CHINESE_MACAU # define SUBLANG_CHINESE_MACAU 0x05 # endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_CZECH_CZECH_REPUBLIC +# define SUBLANG_CZECH_CZECH_REPUBLIC 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_DANISH_DENMARK +# define SUBLANG_DANISH_DENMARK 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_DARI_AFGHANISTAN +# define SUBLANG_DARI_AFGHANISTAN 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_DIVEHI_MALDIVES +# define SUBLANG_DIVEHI_MALDIVES 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_DUTCH_SURINAM +# define SUBLANG_DUTCH_SURINAM 0x03 +# endif # ifndef SUBLANG_ENGLISH_SOUTH_AFRICA # define SUBLANG_ENGLISH_SOUTH_AFRICA 0x07 # endif @@ -543,6 +697,18 @@ # ifndef SUBLANG_ENGLISH_SINGAPORE # define SUBLANG_ENGLISH_SINGAPORE 0x12 # endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_ESTONIAN_ESTONIA +# define SUBLANG_ESTONIAN_ESTONIA 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_FAEROESE_FAROE_ISLANDS +# define SUBLANG_FAEROESE_FAROE_ISLANDS 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_FARSI_IRAN +# define SUBLANG_FARSI_IRAN 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_FINNISH_FINLAND +# define SUBLANG_FINNISH_FINLAND 0x01 +# endif # ifndef SUBLANG_FRENCH_LUXEMBOURG # define SUBLANG_FRENCH_LUXEMBOURG 0x05 # endif @@ -576,48 +742,231 @@ # ifndef SUBLANG_FRENCH_HAITI # define SUBLANG_FRENCH_HAITI 0x0f # endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_FRISIAN_NETHERLANDS +# define SUBLANG_FRISIAN_NETHERLANDS 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_GALICIAN_SPAIN +# define SUBLANG_GALICIAN_SPAIN 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_GEORGIAN_GEORGIA +# define SUBLANG_GEORGIAN_GEORGIA 0x01 +# endif # ifndef SUBLANG_GERMAN_LUXEMBOURG # define SUBLANG_GERMAN_LUXEMBOURG 0x04 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_GERMAN_LIECHTENSTEIN # define SUBLANG_GERMAN_LIECHTENSTEIN 0x05 # endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_GREEK_GREECE +# define SUBLANG_GREEK_GREECE 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_GREENLANDIC_GREENLAND +# define SUBLANG_GREENLANDIC_GREENLAND 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_GUJARATI_INDIA +# define SUBLANG_GUJARATI_INDIA 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_HAUSA_NIGERIA_LATIN +# define SUBLANG_HAUSA_NIGERIA_LATIN 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_HEBREW_ISRAEL +# define SUBLANG_HEBREW_ISRAEL 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_HINDI_INDIA +# define SUBLANG_HINDI_INDIA 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_HUNGARIAN_HUNGARY +# define SUBLANG_HUNGARIAN_HUNGARY 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_ICELANDIC_ICELAND +# define SUBLANG_ICELANDIC_ICELAND 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_IGBO_NIGERIA +# define SUBLANG_IGBO_NIGERIA 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_INDONESIAN_INDONESIA +# define SUBLANG_INDONESIAN_INDONESIA 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_INUKTITUT_CANADA +# define SUBLANG_INUKTITUT_CANADA 0x01 +# endif +# undef SUBLANG_INUKTITUT_CANADA_LATIN +# define SUBLANG_INUKTITUT_CANADA_LATIN 0x02 +# undef SUBLANG_IRISH_IRELAND +# define SUBLANG_IRISH_IRELAND 0x02 +# ifndef SUBLANG_JAPANESE_JAPAN +# define SUBLANG_JAPANESE_JAPAN 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_KANNADA_INDIA +# define SUBLANG_KANNADA_INDIA 0x01 +# endif # ifndef SUBLANG_KASHMIRI_INDIA # define SUBLANG_KASHMIRI_INDIA 0x02 # endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_KAZAK_KAZAKHSTAN +# define SUBLANG_KAZAK_KAZAKHSTAN 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_KICHE_GUATEMALA +# define SUBLANG_KICHE_GUATEMALA 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_KINYARWANDA_RWANDA +# define SUBLANG_KINYARWANDA_RWANDA 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_KONKANI_INDIA +# define SUBLANG_KONKANI_INDIA 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_KYRGYZ_KYRGYZSTAN +# define SUBLANG_KYRGYZ_KYRGYZSTAN 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_LAO_LAOS +# define SUBLANG_LAO_LAOS 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_LATVIAN_LATVIA +# define SUBLANG_LATVIAN_LATVIA 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_LITHUANIAN_LITHUANIA +# define SUBLANG_LITHUANIAN_LITHUANIA 0x01 +# endif +# undef SUBLANG_LOWER_SORBIAN_GERMANY +# define SUBLANG_LOWER_SORBIAN_GERMANY 0x02 +# ifndef SUBLANG_LUXEMBOURGISH_LUXEMBOURG +# define SUBLANG_LUXEMBOURGISH_LUXEMBOURG 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_MACEDONIAN_MACEDONIA +# define SUBLANG_MACEDONIAN_MACEDONIA 0x01 +# endif # ifndef SUBLANG_MALAY_MALAYSIA # define SUBLANG_MALAY_MALAYSIA 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_MALAY_BRUNEI_DARUSSALAM # define SUBLANG_MALAY_BRUNEI_DARUSSALAM 0x02 # endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_MALAYALAM_INDIA +# define SUBLANG_MALAYALAM_INDIA 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_MALTESE_MALTA +# define SUBLANG_MALTESE_MALTA 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_MAORI_NEW_ZEALAND +# define SUBLANG_MAORI_NEW_ZEALAND 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_MAPUDUNGUN_CHILE +# define SUBLANG_MAPUDUNGUN_CHILE 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_MARATHI_INDIA +# define SUBLANG_MARATHI_INDIA 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_MOHAWK_CANADA +# define SUBLANG_MOHAWK_CANADA 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_MONGOLIAN_CYRILLIC_MONGOLIA +# define SUBLANG_MONGOLIAN_CYRILLIC_MONGOLIA 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_MONGOLIAN_PRC +# define SUBLANG_MONGOLIAN_PRC 0x02 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_NEPALI_NEPAL +# define SUBLANG_NEPALI_NEPAL 0x01 +# endif # ifndef SUBLANG_NEPALI_INDIA # define SUBLANG_NEPALI_INDIA 0x02 # endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_OCCITAN_FRANCE +# define SUBLANG_OCCITAN_FRANCE 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_ORIYA_INDIA +# define SUBLANG_ORIYA_INDIA 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_PASHTO_AFGHANISTAN +# define SUBLANG_PASHTO_AFGHANISTAN 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_POLISH_POLAND +# define SUBLANG_POLISH_POLAND 0x01 +# endif # ifndef SUBLANG_PUNJABI_INDIA # define SUBLANG_PUNJABI_INDIA 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_PUNJABI_PAKISTAN # define SUBLANG_PUNJABI_PAKISTAN 0x02 # endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_QUECHUA_BOLIVIA +# define SUBLANG_QUECHUA_BOLIVIA 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_QUECHUA_ECUADOR +# define SUBLANG_QUECHUA_ECUADOR 0x02 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_QUECHUA_PERU +# define SUBLANG_QUECHUA_PERU 0x03 +# endif # ifndef SUBLANG_ROMANIAN_ROMANIA # define SUBLANG_ROMANIAN_ROMANIA 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_ROMANIAN_MOLDOVA # define SUBLANG_ROMANIAN_MOLDOVA 0x02 # endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_ROMANSH_SWITZERLAND +# define SUBLANG_ROMANSH_SWITZERLAND 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_RUSSIAN_RUSSIA +# define SUBLANG_RUSSIAN_RUSSIA 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_RUSSIAN_MOLDAVIA +# define SUBLANG_RUSSIAN_MOLDAVIA 0x02 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_SAMI_NORTHERN_NORWAY +# define SUBLANG_SAMI_NORTHERN_NORWAY 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_SAMI_NORTHERN_SWEDEN +# define SUBLANG_SAMI_NORTHERN_SWEDEN 0x02 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_SAMI_NORTHERN_FINLAND +# define SUBLANG_SAMI_NORTHERN_FINLAND 0x03 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_SAMI_LULE_NORWAY +# define SUBLANG_SAMI_LULE_NORWAY 0x04 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_SAMI_LULE_SWEDEN +# define SUBLANG_SAMI_LULE_SWEDEN 0x05 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_SAMI_SOUTHERN_NORWAY +# define SUBLANG_SAMI_SOUTHERN_NORWAY 0x06 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_SAMI_SOUTHERN_SWEDEN +# define SUBLANG_SAMI_SOUTHERN_SWEDEN 0x07 +# endif +# undef SUBLANG_SAMI_SKOLT_FINLAND +# define SUBLANG_SAMI_SKOLT_FINLAND 0x08 +# undef SUBLANG_SAMI_INARI_FINLAND +# define SUBLANG_SAMI_INARI_FINLAND 0x09 +# ifndef SUBLANG_SANSKRIT_INDIA +# define SUBLANG_SANSKRIT_INDIA 0x01 +# endif # ifndef SUBLANG_SERBIAN_LATIN # define SUBLANG_SERBIAN_LATIN 0x02 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_SERBIAN_CYRILLIC # define SUBLANG_SERBIAN_CYRILLIC 0x03 # endif -# ifndef SUBLANG_SINDHI_PAKISTAN -# define SUBLANG_SINDHI_PAKISTAN 0x01 +# ifndef SUBLANG_SINDHI_INDIA +# define SUBLANG_SINDHI_INDIA 0x01 # endif +# undef SUBLANG_SINDHI_PAKISTAN +# define SUBLANG_SINDHI_PAKISTAN 0x02 # ifndef SUBLANG_SINDHI_AFGHANISTAN # define SUBLANG_SINDHI_AFGHANISTAN 0x02 # endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_SINHALESE_SRI_LANKA +# define SUBLANG_SINHALESE_SRI_LANKA 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_SLOVAK_SLOVAKIA +# define SUBLANG_SLOVAK_SLOVAKIA 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_SLOVENIAN_SLOVENIA +# define SUBLANG_SLOVENIAN_SLOVENIA 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_SOTHO_SOUTH_AFRICA +# define SUBLANG_SOTHO_SOUTH_AFRICA 0x01 +# endif # ifndef SUBLANG_SPANISH_GUATEMALA # define SUBLANG_SPANISH_GUATEMALA 0x04 # endif @@ -669,21 +1018,74 @@ # ifndef SUBLANG_SPANISH_PUERTO_RICO # define SUBLANG_SPANISH_PUERTO_RICO 0x14 # endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_SPANISH_US +# define SUBLANG_SPANISH_US 0x15 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_SWAHILI_KENYA +# define SUBLANG_SWAHILI_KENYA 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_SWEDISH_SWEDEN +# define SUBLANG_SWEDISH_SWEDEN 0x01 +# endif # ifndef SUBLANG_SWEDISH_FINLAND # define SUBLANG_SWEDISH_FINLAND 0x02 # endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_SYRIAC_SYRIA +# define SUBLANG_SYRIAC_SYRIA 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_TAGALOG_PHILIPPINES +# define SUBLANG_TAGALOG_PHILIPPINES 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_TAJIK_TAJIKISTAN +# define SUBLANG_TAJIK_TAJIKISTAN 0x01 +# endif # ifndef SUBLANG_TAMAZIGHT_ARABIC # define SUBLANG_TAMAZIGHT_ARABIC 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_TAMAZIGHT_ALGERIA_LATIN # define SUBLANG_TAMAZIGHT_ALGERIA_LATIN 0x02 # endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_TAMIL_INDIA +# define SUBLANG_TAMIL_INDIA 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_TATAR_RUSSIA +# define SUBLANG_TATAR_RUSSIA 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_TELUGU_INDIA +# define SUBLANG_TELUGU_INDIA 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_THAI_THAILAND +# define SUBLANG_THAI_THAILAND 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_TIBETAN_PRC +# define SUBLANG_TIBETAN_PRC 0x01 +# endif +# undef SUBLANG_TIBETAN_BHUTAN +# define SUBLANG_TIBETAN_BHUTAN 0x02 # ifndef SUBLANG_TIGRINYA_ETHIOPIA # define SUBLANG_TIGRINYA_ETHIOPIA 0x01 # endif # ifndef SUBLANG_TIGRINYA_ERITREA # define SUBLANG_TIGRINYA_ERITREA 0x02 # endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_TSWANA_SOUTH_AFRICA +# define SUBLANG_TSWANA_SOUTH_AFRICA 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_TURKISH_TURKEY +# define SUBLANG_TURKISH_TURKEY 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_TURKMEN_TURKMENISTAN +# define SUBLANG_TURKMEN_TURKMENISTAN 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_UIGHUR_PRC +# define SUBLANG_UIGHUR_PRC 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_UKRAINIAN_UKRAINE +# define SUBLANG_UKRAINIAN_UKRAINE 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_UPPER_SORBIAN_GERMANY +# define SUBLANG_UPPER_SORBIAN_GERMANY 0x01 +# endif # ifndef SUBLANG_URDU_PAKISTAN # define SUBLANG_URDU_PAKISTAN 0x01 # endif @@ -696,18 +1098,47 @@ # ifndef SUBLANG_UZBEK_CYRILLIC # define SUBLANG_UZBEK_CYRILLIC 0x02 # endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_VIETNAMESE_VIETNAM +# define SUBLANG_VIETNAMESE_VIETNAM 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_WELSH_UNITED_KINGDOM +# define SUBLANG_WELSH_UNITED_KINGDOM 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_WOLOF_SENEGAL +# define SUBLANG_WOLOF_SENEGAL 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_XHOSA_SOUTH_AFRICA +# define SUBLANG_XHOSA_SOUTH_AFRICA 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_YAKUT_RUSSIA +# define SUBLANG_YAKUT_RUSSIA 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_YI_PRC +# define SUBLANG_YI_PRC 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_YORUBA_NIGERIA +# define SUBLANG_YORUBA_NIGERIA 0x01 +# endif +# ifndef SUBLANG_ZULU_SOUTH_AFRICA +# define SUBLANG_ZULU_SOUTH_AFRICA 0x01 +# endif +/* GetLocaleInfoA operations. */ +# ifndef LOCALE_SNAME +# define LOCALE_SNAME 0x5c +# endif #endif -# if HAVE_CFLOCALECOPYCURRENT || HAVE_CFPREFERENCESCOPYAPPVALUE + +#if HAVE_CFLOCALECOPYCURRENT || HAVE_CFPREFERENCESCOPYAPPVALUE /* MacOS X 10.2 or newer */ /* Canonicalize a MacOS X locale name to a Unix locale name. NAME is a sufficiently large buffer. On input, it contains the MacOS X locale name. On output, it contains the Unix locale name. */ -# if !defined IN_LIBINTL +# if !defined IN_LIBINTL static -# endif +# endif void gl_locale_name_canonicalize (char *name) { @@ -721,7 +1152,7 @@ gl_locale_name_canonicalize (char *name) MacOS X 10.3.8 function CFLocaleCreateCanonicalLocaleIdentifierFromString(). */ typedef struct { const char legacy[21+1]; const char unixy[5+1]; } - legacy_entry; + legacy_entry; static const legacy_entry legacy_table[] = { { "Afrikaans", "af" }, { "Albanian", "sq" }, @@ -859,7 +1290,7 @@ gl_locale_name_canonicalize (char *name) /* Convert new-style locale names with language tags (ISO 639 and ISO 15924) to Unix (ISO 639 and ISO 3166) names. */ typedef struct { const char langtag[7+1]; const char unixy[12+1]; } - langtag_entry; + langtag_entry; static const langtag_entry langtag_table[] = { /* MacOS X has "az-Arab", "az-Cyrl", "az-Latn". The default script for az on Unix is Latin. */ @@ -889,7 +1320,7 @@ gl_locale_name_canonicalize (char *name) /* Convert script names (ISO 15924) to Unix conventions. See */ typedef struct { const char script[4+1]; const char unixy[9+1]; } - script_entry; + script_entry; static const script_entry script_table[] = { { "Arab", "arabic" }, { "Cyrl", "cyrillic" }, @@ -903,21 +1334,21 @@ gl_locale_name_canonicalize (char *name) i1 = 0; i2 = sizeof (legacy_table) / sizeof (legacy_entry); while (i2 - i1 > 1) - { - /* At this point we know that if name occurs in legacy_table, - its index must be >= i1 and < i2. */ - unsigned int i = (i1 + i2) >> 1; - const legacy_entry *p = &legacy_table[i]; - if (strcmp (name, p->legacy) < 0) - i2 = i; - else - i1 = i; - } + { + /* At this point we know that if name occurs in legacy_table, + its index must be >= i1 and < i2. */ + unsigned int i = (i1 + i2) >> 1; + const legacy_entry *p = &legacy_table[i]; + if (strcmp (name, p->legacy) < 0) + i2 = i; + else + i1 = i; + } if (strcmp (name, legacy_table[i1].legacy) == 0) - { - strcpy (name, legacy_table[i1].unixy); - return; - } + { + strcpy (name, legacy_table[i1].unixy); + return; + } } /* Step 2: Convert using langtag_table and script_table. */ @@ -927,41 +1358,41 @@ gl_locale_name_canonicalize (char *name) i1 = 0; i2 = sizeof (langtag_table) / sizeof (langtag_entry); while (i2 - i1 > 1) - { - /* At this point we know that if name occurs in langtag_table, - its index must be >= i1 and < i2. */ - unsigned int i = (i1 + i2) >> 1; - const langtag_entry *p = &langtag_table[i]; - if (strcmp (name, p->langtag) < 0) - i2 = i; - else - i1 = i; - } + { + /* At this point we know that if name occurs in langtag_table, + its index must be >= i1 and < i2. */ + unsigned int i = (i1 + i2) >> 1; + const langtag_entry *p = &langtag_table[i]; + if (strcmp (name, p->langtag) < 0) + i2 = i; + else + i1 = i; + } if (strcmp (name, langtag_table[i1].langtag) == 0) - { - strcpy (name, langtag_table[i1].unixy); - return; - } + { + strcpy (name, langtag_table[i1].unixy); + return; + } i1 = 0; i2 = sizeof (script_table) / sizeof (script_entry); while (i2 - i1 > 1) - { - /* At this point we know that if (name + 3) occurs in script_table, - its index must be >= i1 and < i2. */ - unsigned int i = (i1 + i2) >> 1; - const script_entry *p = &script_table[i]; - if (strcmp (name + 3, p->script) < 0) - i2 = i; - else - i1 = i; - } + { + /* At this point we know that if (name + 3) occurs in script_table, + its index must be >= i1 and < i2. */ + unsigned int i = (i1 + i2) >> 1; + const script_entry *p = &script_table[i]; + if (strcmp (name + 3, p->script) < 0) + i2 = i; + else + i1 = i; + } if (strcmp (name + 3, script_table[i1].script) == 0) - { - name[2] = '@'; - strcpy (name + 3, script_table[i1].unixy); - return; - } + { + name[2] = '@'; + strcpy (name + 3, script_table[i1].unixy); + return; + } } /* Step 3: Convert new-style dash to Unix underscore. */ @@ -969,12 +1400,1371 @@ gl_locale_name_canonicalize (char *name) char *p; for (p = name; *p != '\0'; p++) if (*p == '-') - *p = '_'; + *p = '_'; + } +} + +#endif + + +#if defined WIN32_NATIVE || defined __CYGWIN__ /* WIN32 or Cygwin */ + +/* Canonicalize a Win32 native locale name to a Unix locale name. + NAME is a sufficiently large buffer. + On input, it contains the Win32 locale name. + On output, it contains the Unix locale name. */ +# if !defined IN_LIBINTL +static +# endif +void +gl_locale_name_canonicalize (char *name) +{ + /* FIXME: This is probably incomplete: it does not handle "zh-Hans" and + "zh-Hant". */ + char *p; + + for (p = name; *p != '\0'; p++) + if (*p == '-') + { + *p = '_'; + p++; + for (; *p != '\0'; p++) + { + if (*p >= 'a' && *p <= 'z') + *p += 'A' - 'a'; + if (*p == '-') + { + *p = '\0'; + return; + } + } + return; + } +} + +# if !defined IN_LIBINTL +static +# endif +const char * +gl_locale_name_from_win32_LANGID (LANGID langid) +{ + /* Activate the new code only when the GETTEXT_MUI environment variable is + set, for the time being, since the new code is not well tested. */ + if (getenv ("GETTEXT_MUI") != NULL) + { + static char namebuf[256]; + + /* Query the system's notion of locale name. + On Windows95/98/ME, GetLocaleInfoA returns some incorrect results. + But we don't need to support systems that are so old. */ + if (GetLocaleInfoA (MAKELCID (langid, SORT_DEFAULT), LOCALE_SNAME, + namebuf, sizeof (namebuf) - 1)) + { + /* Convert it to a Unix locale name. */ + gl_locale_name_canonicalize (namebuf); + return namebuf; + } + } + /* Internet Explorer has an LCID to RFC3066 name mapping stored in + HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Mime\Database\Rfc1766. But we better don't use that + since IE's i18n subsystem is known to be inconsistent with the Win32 base + (e.g. they have different character conversion facilities that produce + different results). */ + /* Use our own table. */ + { + int primary, sub; + + /* Split into language and territory part. */ + primary = PRIMARYLANGID (langid); + sub = SUBLANGID (langid); + + /* Dispatch on language. + See also . + For details about languages, see . */ + switch (primary) + { + case LANG_AFRIKAANS: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_AFRIKAANS_SOUTH_AFRICA: return "af_ZA"; + } + return "af"; + case LANG_ALBANIAN: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_ALBANIAN_ALBANIA: return "sq_AL"; + } + return "sq"; + case LANG_ALSATIAN: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_ALSATIAN_FRANCE: return "gsw_FR"; + } + return "gsw"; + case LANG_AMHARIC: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_AMHARIC_ETHIOPIA: return "am_ET"; + } + return "am"; + case LANG_ARABIC: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_ARABIC_SAUDI_ARABIA: return "ar_SA"; + case SUBLANG_ARABIC_IRAQ: return "ar_IQ"; + case SUBLANG_ARABIC_EGYPT: return "ar_EG"; + case SUBLANG_ARABIC_LIBYA: return "ar_LY"; + case SUBLANG_ARABIC_ALGERIA: return "ar_DZ"; + case SUBLANG_ARABIC_MOROCCO: return "ar_MA"; + case SUBLANG_ARABIC_TUNISIA: return "ar_TN"; + case SUBLANG_ARABIC_OMAN: return "ar_OM"; + case SUBLANG_ARABIC_YEMEN: return "ar_YE"; + case SUBLANG_ARABIC_SYRIA: return "ar_SY"; + case SUBLANG_ARABIC_JORDAN: return "ar_JO"; + case SUBLANG_ARABIC_LEBANON: return "ar_LB"; + case SUBLANG_ARABIC_KUWAIT: return "ar_KW"; + case SUBLANG_ARABIC_UAE: return "ar_AE"; + case SUBLANG_ARABIC_BAHRAIN: return "ar_BH"; + case SUBLANG_ARABIC_QATAR: return "ar_QA"; + } + return "ar"; + case LANG_ARMENIAN: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_ARMENIAN_ARMENIA: return "hy_AM"; + } + return "hy"; + case LANG_ASSAMESE: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_ASSAMESE_INDIA: return "as_IN"; + } + return "as"; + case LANG_AZERI: + switch (sub) + { + /* FIXME: Adjust this when Azerbaijani locales appear on Unix. */ + case 0x1e: return "az@latin"; + case SUBLANG_AZERI_LATIN: return "az_AZ@latin"; + case 0x1d: return "az@cyrillic"; + case SUBLANG_AZERI_CYRILLIC: return "az_AZ@cyrillic"; + } + return "az"; + case LANG_BASHKIR: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_BASHKIR_RUSSIA: return "ba_RU"; + } + return "ba"; + case LANG_BASQUE: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_BASQUE_BASQUE: return "eu_ES"; + } + return "eu"; /* Ambiguous: could be "eu_ES" or "eu_FR". */ + case LANG_BELARUSIAN: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_BELARUSIAN_BELARUS: return "be_BY"; + } + return "be"; + case LANG_BENGALI: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_BENGALI_INDIA: return "bn_IN"; + case SUBLANG_BENGALI_BANGLADESH: return "bn_BD"; + } + return "bn"; + case LANG_BRETON: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_BRETON_FRANCE: return "br_FR"; + } + return "br"; + case LANG_BULGARIAN: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_BULGARIAN_BULGARIA: return "bg_BG"; + } + return "bg"; + case LANG_BURMESE: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_DEFAULT: return "my_MM"; + } + return "my"; + case LANG_CAMBODIAN: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_CAMBODIAN_CAMBODIA: return "km_KH"; + } + return "km"; + case LANG_CATALAN: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_CATALAN_SPAIN: return "ca_ES"; + } + return "ca"; + case LANG_CHEROKEE: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_DEFAULT: return "chr_US"; + } + return "chr"; + case LANG_CHINESE: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_CHINESE_TRADITIONAL: case 0x1f: return "zh_TW"; + case SUBLANG_CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED: case 0x00: return "zh_CN"; + case SUBLANG_CHINESE_HONGKONG: return "zh_HK"; /* traditional */ + case SUBLANG_CHINESE_SINGAPORE: return "zh_SG"; /* simplified */ + case SUBLANG_CHINESE_MACAU: return "zh_MO"; /* traditional */ + } + return "zh"; + case LANG_CORSICAN: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_CORSICAN_FRANCE: return "co_FR"; + } + return "co"; + case LANG_CROATIAN: /* LANG_CROATIAN == LANG_SERBIAN == LANG_BOSNIAN + * What used to be called Serbo-Croatian + * should really now be two separate + * languages because of political reasons. + * (Says tml, who knows nothing about Serbian + * or Croatian.) + * (I can feel those flames coming already.) + */ + switch (sub) + { + /* Croatian */ + case 0x00: return "hr"; + case SUBLANG_CROATIAN_CROATIA: return "hr_HR"; + case SUBLANG_CROATIAN_BOSNIA_HERZEGOVINA_LATIN: return "hr_BA"; + /* Serbian */ + case 0x1f: return "sr"; + case 0x1c: return "sr"; /* latin */ + case SUBLANG_SERBIAN_LATIN: return "sr_CS"; /* latin */ + case 0x09: return "sr_RS"; /* latin */ + case 0x0b: return "sr_ME"; /* latin */ + case 0x06: return "sr_BA"; /* latin */ + case 0x1b: return "sr@cyrillic"; + case SUBLANG_SERBIAN_CYRILLIC: return "sr_CS@cyrillic"; + case 0x0a: return "sr_RS@cyrillic"; + case 0x0c: return "sr_ME@cyrillic"; + case 0x07: return "sr_BA@cyrillic"; + /* Bosnian */ + case 0x1e: return "bs"; + case 0x1a: return "bs"; /* latin */ + case SUBLANG_BOSNIAN_BOSNIA_HERZEGOVINA_LATIN: return "bs_BA"; /* latin */ + case 0x19: return "bs@cyrillic"; + case SUBLANG_BOSNIAN_BOSNIA_HERZEGOVINA_CYRILLIC: return "bs_BA@cyrillic"; + } + return "hr"; + case LANG_CZECH: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_CZECH_CZECH_REPUBLIC: return "cs_CZ"; + } + return "cs"; + case LANG_DANISH: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_DANISH_DENMARK: return "da_DK"; + } + return "da"; + case LANG_DARI: + /* FIXME: Adjust this when such locales appear on Unix. */ + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_DARI_AFGHANISTAN: return "prs_AF"; + } + return "prs"; + case LANG_DIVEHI: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_DIVEHI_MALDIVES: return "dv_MV"; + } + return "dv"; + case LANG_DUTCH: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_DUTCH: return "nl_NL"; + case SUBLANG_DUTCH_BELGIAN: /* FLEMISH, VLAAMS */ return "nl_BE"; + case SUBLANG_DUTCH_SURINAM: return "nl_SR"; + } + return "nl"; + case LANG_EDO: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_DEFAULT: return "bin_NG"; + } + return "bin"; + case LANG_ENGLISH: + switch (sub) + { + /* SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US == SUBLANG_DEFAULT. Heh. I thought + * English was the language spoken in England. + * Oh well. + */ + case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US: return "en_US"; + case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_UK: return "en_GB"; + case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_AUS: return "en_AU"; + case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_CAN: return "en_CA"; + case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_NZ: return "en_NZ"; + case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_EIRE: return "en_IE"; + case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_SOUTH_AFRICA: return "en_ZA"; + case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_JAMAICA: return "en_JM"; + case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_CARIBBEAN: return "en_GD"; /* Grenada? */ + case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_BELIZE: return "en_BZ"; + case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_TRINIDAD: return "en_TT"; + case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_ZIMBABWE: return "en_ZW"; + case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_PHILIPPINES: return "en_PH"; + case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_INDONESIA: return "en_ID"; + case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_HONGKONG: return "en_HK"; + case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_INDIA: return "en_IN"; + case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_MALAYSIA: return "en_MY"; + case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_SINGAPORE: return "en_SG"; + } + return "en"; + case LANG_ESTONIAN: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_ESTONIAN_ESTONIA: return "et_EE"; + } + return "et"; + case LANG_FAEROESE: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_FAEROESE_FAROE_ISLANDS: return "fo_FO"; + } + return "fo"; + case LANG_FARSI: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_FARSI_IRAN: return "fa_IR"; + } + return "fa"; + case LANG_FINNISH: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_FINNISH_FINLAND: return "fi_FI"; + } + return "fi"; + case LANG_FRENCH: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_FRENCH: return "fr_FR"; + case SUBLANG_FRENCH_BELGIAN: /* WALLOON */ return "fr_BE"; + case SUBLANG_FRENCH_CANADIAN: return "fr_CA"; + case SUBLANG_FRENCH_SWISS: return "fr_CH"; + case SUBLANG_FRENCH_LUXEMBOURG: return "fr_LU"; + case SUBLANG_FRENCH_MONACO: return "fr_MC"; + case SUBLANG_FRENCH_WESTINDIES: return "fr"; /* Caribbean? */ + case SUBLANG_FRENCH_REUNION: return "fr_RE"; + case SUBLANG_FRENCH_CONGO: return "fr_CG"; + case SUBLANG_FRENCH_SENEGAL: return "fr_SN"; + case SUBLANG_FRENCH_CAMEROON: return "fr_CM"; + case SUBLANG_FRENCH_COTEDIVOIRE: return "fr_CI"; + case SUBLANG_FRENCH_MALI: return "fr_ML"; + case SUBLANG_FRENCH_MOROCCO: return "fr_MA"; + case SUBLANG_FRENCH_HAITI: return "fr_HT"; + } + return "fr"; + case LANG_FRISIAN: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_FRISIAN_NETHERLANDS: return "fy_NL"; + } + return "fy"; + case LANG_FULFULDE: + /* Spoken in Nigeria, Guinea, Senegal, Mali, Niger, Cameroon, Benin. */ + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_DEFAULT: return "ff_NG"; + } + return "ff"; + case LANG_GAELIC: + switch (sub) + { + case 0x01: /* SCOTTISH */ + /* old, superseded by LANG_SCOTTISH_GAELIC */ + return "gd_GB"; + case SUBLANG_IRISH_IRELAND: return "ga_IE"; + } + return "ga"; + case LANG_GALICIAN: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_GALICIAN_SPAIN: return "gl_ES"; + } + return "gl"; + case LANG_GEORGIAN: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_GEORGIAN_GEORGIA: return "ka_GE"; + } + return "ka"; + case LANG_GERMAN: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_GERMAN: return "de_DE"; + case SUBLANG_GERMAN_SWISS: return "de_CH"; + case SUBLANG_GERMAN_AUSTRIAN: return "de_AT"; + case SUBLANG_GERMAN_LUXEMBOURG: return "de_LU"; + case SUBLANG_GERMAN_LIECHTENSTEIN: return "de_LI"; + } + return "de"; + case LANG_GREEK: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_GREEK_GREECE: return "el_GR"; + } + return "el"; + case LANG_GREENLANDIC: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_GREENLANDIC_GREENLAND: return "kl_GL"; + } + return "kl"; + case LANG_GUARANI: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_DEFAULT: return "gn_PY"; + } + return "gn"; + case LANG_GUJARATI: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_GUJARATI_INDIA: return "gu_IN"; + } + return "gu"; + case LANG_HAUSA: + switch (sub) + { + case 0x1f: return "ha"; + case SUBLANG_HAUSA_NIGERIA_LATIN: return "ha_NG"; + } + return "ha"; + case LANG_HAWAIIAN: + /* FIXME: Do they mean Hawaiian ("haw_US", 1000 speakers) + or Hawaii Creole English ("cpe_US", 600000 speakers)? */ + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_DEFAULT: return "cpe_US"; + } + return "cpe"; + case LANG_HEBREW: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_HEBREW_ISRAEL: return "he_IL"; + } + return "he"; + case LANG_HINDI: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_HINDI_INDIA: return "hi_IN"; + } + return "hi"; + case LANG_HUNGARIAN: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_HUNGARIAN_HUNGARY: return "hu_HU"; + } + return "hu"; + case LANG_IBIBIO: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_DEFAULT: return "nic_NG"; + } + return "nic"; + case LANG_ICELANDIC: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_ICELANDIC_ICELAND: return "is_IS"; + } + return "is"; + case LANG_IGBO: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_IGBO_NIGERIA: return "ig_NG"; + } + return "ig"; + case LANG_INDONESIAN: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_INDONESIAN_INDONESIA: return "id_ID"; + } + return "id"; + case LANG_INUKTITUT: + switch (sub) + { + case 0x1e: return "iu"; /* syllabic */ + case SUBLANG_INUKTITUT_CANADA: return "iu_CA"; /* syllabic */ + case 0x1f: return "iu@latin"; + case SUBLANG_INUKTITUT_CANADA_LATIN: return "iu_CA@latin"; + } + return "iu"; + case LANG_ITALIAN: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_ITALIAN: return "it_IT"; + case SUBLANG_ITALIAN_SWISS: return "it_CH"; + } + return "it"; + case LANG_JAPANESE: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_JAPANESE_JAPAN: return "ja_JP"; + } + return "ja"; + case LANG_KANNADA: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_KANNADA_INDIA: return "kn_IN"; + } + return "kn"; + case LANG_KANURI: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_DEFAULT: return "kr_NG"; + } + return "kr"; + case LANG_KASHMIRI: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_DEFAULT: return "ks_PK"; + case SUBLANG_KASHMIRI_INDIA: return "ks_IN"; + } + return "ks"; + case LANG_KAZAK: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_KAZAK_KAZAKHSTAN: return "kk_KZ"; + } + return "kk"; + case LANG_KICHE: + /* FIXME: Adjust this when such locales appear on Unix. */ + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_KICHE_GUATEMALA: return "qut_GT"; + } + return "qut"; + case LANG_KINYARWANDA: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_KINYARWANDA_RWANDA: return "rw_RW"; + } + return "rw"; + case LANG_KONKANI: + /* FIXME: Adjust this when such locales appear on Unix. */ + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_KONKANI_INDIA: return "kok_IN"; + } + return "kok"; + case LANG_KOREAN: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_DEFAULT: return "ko_KR"; + } + return "ko"; + case LANG_KYRGYZ: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_KYRGYZ_KYRGYZSTAN: return "ky_KG"; + } + return "ky"; + case LANG_LAO: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_LAO_LAOS: return "lo_LA"; + } + return "lo"; + case LANG_LATIN: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_DEFAULT: return "la_VA"; + } + return "la"; + case LANG_LATVIAN: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_LATVIAN_LATVIA: return "lv_LV"; + } + return "lv"; + case LANG_LITHUANIAN: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_LITHUANIAN_LITHUANIA: return "lt_LT"; + } + return "lt"; + case LANG_LUXEMBOURGISH: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_LUXEMBOURGISH_LUXEMBOURG: return "lb_LU"; + } + return "lb"; + case LANG_MACEDONIAN: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_MACEDONIAN_MACEDONIA: return "mk_MK"; + } + return "mk"; + case LANG_MALAY: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_MALAY_MALAYSIA: return "ms_MY"; + case SUBLANG_MALAY_BRUNEI_DARUSSALAM: return "ms_BN"; + } + return "ms"; + case LANG_MALAYALAM: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_MALAYALAM_INDIA: return "ml_IN"; + } + return "ml"; + case LANG_MALTESE: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_MALTESE_MALTA: return "mt_MT"; + } + return "mt"; + case LANG_MANIPURI: + /* FIXME: Adjust this when such locales appear on Unix. */ + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_DEFAULT: return "mni_IN"; + } + return "mni"; + case LANG_MAORI: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_MAORI_NEW_ZEALAND: return "mi_NZ"; + } + return "mi"; + case LANG_MAPUDUNGUN: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_MAPUDUNGUN_CHILE: return "arn_CL"; + } + return "arn"; + case LANG_MARATHI: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_MARATHI_INDIA: return "mr_IN"; + } + return "mr"; + case LANG_MOHAWK: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_MOHAWK_CANADA: return "moh_CA"; + } + return "moh"; + case LANG_MONGOLIAN: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_MONGOLIAN_CYRILLIC_MONGOLIA: case 0x1e: return "mn_MN"; + case SUBLANG_MONGOLIAN_PRC: case 0x1f: return "mn_CN"; + } + return "mn"; /* Ambiguous: could be "mn_CN" or "mn_MN". */ + case LANG_NEPALI: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_NEPALI_NEPAL: return "ne_NP"; + case SUBLANG_NEPALI_INDIA: return "ne_IN"; + } + return "ne"; + case LANG_NORWEGIAN: + switch (sub) + { + case 0x1f: return "nb"; + case SUBLANG_NORWEGIAN_BOKMAL: return "nb_NO"; + case 0x1e: return "nn"; + case SUBLANG_NORWEGIAN_NYNORSK: return "nn_NO"; + } + return "no"; + case LANG_OCCITAN: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_OCCITAN_FRANCE: return "oc_FR"; + } + return "oc"; + case LANG_ORIYA: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_ORIYA_INDIA: return "or_IN"; + } + return "or"; + case LANG_OROMO: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_DEFAULT: return "om_ET"; + } + return "om"; + case LANG_PAPIAMENTU: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_DEFAULT: return "pap_AN"; + } + return "pap"; + case LANG_PASHTO: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_PASHTO_AFGHANISTAN: return "ps_AF"; + } + return "ps"; /* Ambiguous: could be "ps_PK" or "ps_AF". */ + case LANG_POLISH: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_POLISH_POLAND: return "pl_PL"; + } + return "pl"; + case LANG_PORTUGUESE: + switch (sub) + { + /* Hmm. SUBLANG_PORTUGUESE_BRAZILIAN == SUBLANG_DEFAULT. + Same phenomenon as SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US == SUBLANG_DEFAULT. */ + case SUBLANG_PORTUGUESE_BRAZILIAN: return "pt_BR"; + case SUBLANG_PORTUGUESE: return "pt_PT"; + } + return "pt"; + case LANG_PUNJABI: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_PUNJABI_INDIA: return "pa_IN"; /* Gurmukhi script */ + case SUBLANG_PUNJABI_PAKISTAN: return "pa_PK"; /* Arabic script */ + } + return "pa"; + case LANG_QUECHUA: + /* Note: Microsoft uses the non-ISO language code "quz". */ + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_QUECHUA_BOLIVIA: return "qu_BO"; + case SUBLANG_QUECHUA_ECUADOR: return "qu_EC"; + case SUBLANG_QUECHUA_PERU: return "qu_PE"; + } + return "qu"; + case LANG_ROMANIAN: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_ROMANIAN_ROMANIA: return "ro_RO"; + case SUBLANG_ROMANIAN_MOLDOVA: return "ro_MD"; + } + return "ro"; + case LANG_ROMANSH: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_ROMANSH_SWITZERLAND: return "rm_CH"; + } + return "rm"; + case LANG_RUSSIAN: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_RUSSIAN_RUSSIA: return "ru_RU"; + case SUBLANG_RUSSIAN_MOLDAVIA: return "ru_MD"; + } + return "ru"; /* Ambiguous: could be "ru_RU" or "ru_UA" or "ru_MD". */ + case LANG_SAMI: + switch (sub) + { + /* Northern Sami */ + case 0x00: return "se"; + case SUBLANG_SAMI_NORTHERN_NORWAY: return "se_NO"; + case SUBLANG_SAMI_NORTHERN_SWEDEN: return "se_SE"; + case SUBLANG_SAMI_NORTHERN_FINLAND: return "se_FI"; + /* Lule Sami */ + case 0x1f: return "smj"; + case SUBLANG_SAMI_LULE_NORWAY: return "smj_NO"; + case SUBLANG_SAMI_LULE_SWEDEN: return "smj_SE"; + /* Southern Sami */ + case 0x1e: return "sma"; + case SUBLANG_SAMI_SOUTHERN_NORWAY: return "sma_NO"; + case SUBLANG_SAMI_SOUTHERN_SWEDEN: return "sma_SE"; + /* Skolt Sami */ + case 0x1d: return "sms"; + case SUBLANG_SAMI_SKOLT_FINLAND: return "sms_FI"; + /* Inari Sami */ + case 0x1c: return "smn"; + case SUBLANG_SAMI_INARI_FINLAND: return "smn_FI"; + } + return "se"; /* or "smi"? */ + case LANG_SANSKRIT: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_SANSKRIT_INDIA: return "sa_IN"; + } + return "sa"; + case LANG_SCOTTISH_GAELIC: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_DEFAULT: return "gd_GB"; + } + return "gd"; + case LANG_SINDHI: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_SINDHI_INDIA: return "sd_IN"; + case SUBLANG_SINDHI_PAKISTAN: return "sd_PK"; + /*case SUBLANG_SINDHI_AFGHANISTAN: return "sd_AF";*/ + } + return "sd"; + case LANG_SINHALESE: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_SINHALESE_SRI_LANKA: return "si_LK"; + } + return "si"; + case LANG_SLOVAK: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_SLOVAK_SLOVAKIA: return "sk_SK"; + } + return "sk"; + case LANG_SLOVENIAN: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_SLOVENIAN_SLOVENIA: return "sl_SI"; + } + return "sl"; + case LANG_SOMALI: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_DEFAULT: return "so_SO"; + } + return "so"; + case LANG_SORBIAN: + /* FIXME: Adjust this when such locales appear on Unix. */ + switch (sub) + { + /* Upper Sorbian */ + case 0x00: return "hsb"; + case SUBLANG_UPPER_SORBIAN_GERMANY: return "hsb_DE"; + /* Lower Sorbian */ + case 0x1f: return "dsb"; + case SUBLANG_LOWER_SORBIAN_GERMANY: return "dsb_DE"; + } + return "wen"; + case LANG_SOTHO: + /* calls + it "Sepedi"; according to + + + it's the same as Northern Sotho. */ + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_SOTHO_SOUTH_AFRICA: return "nso_ZA"; + } + return "nso"; + case LANG_SPANISH: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_SPANISH: return "es_ES"; + case SUBLANG_SPANISH_MEXICAN: return "es_MX"; + case SUBLANG_SPANISH_MODERN: + return "es_ES@modern"; /* not seen on Unix */ + case SUBLANG_SPANISH_GUATEMALA: return "es_GT"; + case SUBLANG_SPANISH_COSTA_RICA: return "es_CR"; + case SUBLANG_SPANISH_PANAMA: return "es_PA"; + case SUBLANG_SPANISH_DOMINICAN_REPUBLIC: return "es_DO"; + case SUBLANG_SPANISH_VENEZUELA: return "es_VE"; + case SUBLANG_SPANISH_COLOMBIA: return "es_CO"; + case SUBLANG_SPANISH_PERU: return "es_PE"; + case SUBLANG_SPANISH_ARGENTINA: return "es_AR"; + case SUBLANG_SPANISH_ECUADOR: return "es_EC"; + case SUBLANG_SPANISH_CHILE: return "es_CL"; + case SUBLANG_SPANISH_URUGUAY: return "es_UY"; + case SUBLANG_SPANISH_PARAGUAY: return "es_PY"; + case SUBLANG_SPANISH_BOLIVIA: return "es_BO"; + case SUBLANG_SPANISH_EL_SALVADOR: return "es_SV"; + case SUBLANG_SPANISH_HONDURAS: return "es_HN"; + case SUBLANG_SPANISH_NICARAGUA: return "es_NI"; + case SUBLANG_SPANISH_PUERTO_RICO: return "es_PR"; + case SUBLANG_SPANISH_US: return "es_US"; + } + return "es"; + case LANG_SUTU: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_DEFAULT: return "bnt_TZ"; /* or "st_LS" or "nso_ZA"? */ + } + return "bnt"; + case LANG_SWAHILI: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_SWAHILI_KENYA: return "sw_KE"; + } + return "sw"; + case LANG_SWEDISH: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_SWEDISH_SWEDEN: return "sv_SE"; + case SUBLANG_SWEDISH_FINLAND: return "sv_FI"; + } + return "sv"; + case LANG_SYRIAC: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_SYRIAC_SYRIA: return "syr_SY"; /* An extinct language. */ + } + return "syr"; + case LANG_TAGALOG: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_TAGALOG_PHILIPPINES: return "tl_PH"; /* or "fil_PH"? */ + } + return "tl"; /* or "fil"? */ + case LANG_TAJIK: + switch (sub) + { + case 0x1f: return "tg"; + case SUBLANG_TAJIK_TAJIKISTAN: return "tg_TJ"; + } + return "tg"; + case LANG_TAMAZIGHT: + /* Note: Microsoft uses the non-ISO language code "tmz". */ + switch (sub) + { + /* FIXME: Adjust this when Tamazight locales appear on Unix. */ + case SUBLANG_TAMAZIGHT_ARABIC: return "ber_MA@arabic"; + case 0x1f: return "ber@latin"; + case SUBLANG_TAMAZIGHT_ALGERIA_LATIN: return "ber_DZ@latin"; + } + return "ber"; + case LANG_TAMIL: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_TAMIL_INDIA: return "ta_IN"; + } + return "ta"; /* Ambiguous: could be "ta_IN" or "ta_LK" or "ta_SG". */ + case LANG_TATAR: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_TATAR_RUSSIA: return "tt_RU"; + } + return "tt"; + case LANG_TELUGU: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_TELUGU_INDIA: return "te_IN"; + } + return "te"; + case LANG_THAI: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_THAI_THAILAND: return "th_TH"; + } + return "th"; + case LANG_TIBETAN: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_TIBETAN_PRC: + /* Most Tibetans would not like "bo_CN". But Tibet does not yet + have a country code of its own. */ + return "bo"; + case SUBLANG_TIBETAN_BHUTAN: return "bo_BT"; + } + return "bo"; + case LANG_TIGRINYA: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_TIGRINYA_ETHIOPIA: return "ti_ET"; + case SUBLANG_TIGRINYA_ERITREA: return "ti_ER"; + } + return "ti"; + case LANG_TSONGA: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_DEFAULT: return "ts_ZA"; + } + return "ts"; + case LANG_TSWANA: + /* Spoken in South Africa, Botswana. */ + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_TSWANA_SOUTH_AFRICA: return "tn_ZA"; + } + return "tn"; + case LANG_TURKISH: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_TURKISH_TURKEY: return "tr_TR"; + } + return "tr"; + case LANG_TURKMEN: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_TURKMEN_TURKMENISTAN: return "tk_TM"; + } + return "tk"; + case LANG_UIGHUR: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_UIGHUR_PRC: return "ug_CN"; + } + return "ug"; + case LANG_UKRAINIAN: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_UKRAINIAN_UKRAINE: return "uk_UA"; + } + return "uk"; + case LANG_URDU: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_URDU_PAKISTAN: return "ur_PK"; + case SUBLANG_URDU_INDIA: return "ur_IN"; + } + return "ur"; + case LANG_UZBEK: + switch (sub) + { + case 0x1f: return "uz"; + case SUBLANG_UZBEK_LATIN: return "uz_UZ"; + case 0x1e: return "uz@cyrillic"; + case SUBLANG_UZBEK_CYRILLIC: return "uz_UZ@cyrillic"; + } + return "uz"; + case LANG_VENDA: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_DEFAULT: return "ve_ZA"; + } + return "ve"; + case LANG_VIETNAMESE: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_VIETNAMESE_VIETNAM: return "vi_VN"; + } + return "vi"; + case LANG_WELSH: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_WELSH_UNITED_KINGDOM: return "cy_GB"; + } + return "cy"; + case LANG_WOLOF: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_WOLOF_SENEGAL: return "wo_SN"; + } + return "wo"; + case LANG_XHOSA: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_XHOSA_SOUTH_AFRICA: return "xh_ZA"; + } + return "xh"; + case LANG_YAKUT: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_YAKUT_RUSSIA: return "sah_RU"; + } + return "sah"; + case LANG_YI: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_YI_PRC: return "ii_CN"; + } + return "ii"; + case LANG_YIDDISH: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_DEFAULT: return "yi_IL"; + } + return "yi"; + case LANG_YORUBA: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_YORUBA_NIGERIA: return "yo_NG"; + } + return "yo"; + case LANG_ZULU: + switch (sub) + { + case SUBLANG_ZULU_SOUTH_AFRICA: return "zu_ZA"; + } + return "zu"; + default: return "C"; + } } } +# if !defined IN_LIBINTL +static +# endif +const char * +gl_locale_name_from_win32_LCID (LCID lcid) +{ + LANGID langid; + + /* Strip off the sorting rules, keep only the language part. */ + langid = LANGIDFROMLCID (lcid); + + return gl_locale_name_from_win32_LANGID (langid); +} + #endif + +#if HAVE_USELOCALE /* glibc or MacOS X */ + +/* Simple hash set of strings. We don't want to drag in lots of hash table + code here. */ + +# define SIZE_BITS (sizeof (size_t) * CHAR_BIT) + +/* A hash function for NUL-terminated char* strings using + the method described by Bruno Haible. + See */ +static size_t +string_hash (const void *x) +{ + const char *s = (const char *) x; + size_t h = 0; + + for (; *s; s++) + h = *s + ((h << 9) | (h >> (SIZE_BITS - 9))); + + return h; +} + +/* A hash table of fixed size. Multiple threads can access it read-only + simultaneously, but only one thread can insert into it at the same time. */ + +/* A node in a hash bucket collision list. */ +struct hash_node + { + struct hash_node * volatile next; + char contents[100]; /* has variable size */ + }; + +# define HASH_TABLE_SIZE 257 +static struct hash_node * volatile struniq_hash_table[HASH_TABLE_SIZE] + /* = { NULL, ..., NULL } */; + +/* This lock protects the struniq_hash_table against multiple simultaneous + insertions. */ +gl_lock_define_initialized(static, struniq_lock) + +/* Store a copy of the given string in a string pool with indefinite extent. + Return a pointer to this copy. */ +static const char * +struniq (const char *string) +{ + size_t hashcode = string_hash (string); + size_t slot = hashcode % HASH_TABLE_SIZE; + size_t size; + struct hash_node *new_node; + struct hash_node *p; + for (p = struniq_hash_table[slot]; p != NULL; p = p->next) + if (strcmp (p->contents, string) == 0) + return p->contents; + size = strlen (string) + 1; + new_node = + (struct hash_node *) + malloc (offsetof (struct hash_node, contents[0]) + size); + if (new_node == NULL) + /* Out of memory. Return a statically allocated string. */ + return "C"; + memcpy (new_node->contents, string, size); + /* Lock while inserting new_node. */ + gl_lock_lock (struniq_lock); + /* Check whether another thread already added the string while we were + waiting on the lock. */ + for (p = struniq_hash_table[slot]; p != NULL; p = p->next) + if (strcmp (p->contents, string) == 0) + { + free (new_node); + new_node = p; + goto done; + } + /* Really insert new_node into the hash table. Fill new_node entirely first, + because other threads may be iterating over the linked list. */ + new_node->next = struniq_hash_table[slot]; + struniq_hash_table[slot] = new_node; + done: + /* Unlock after new_node is inserted. */ + gl_lock_unlock (struniq_lock); + return new_node->contents; +} + +#endif + + +#if defined IN_LIBINTL || HAVE_USELOCALE + +/* Like gl_locale_name_thread, except that the result is not in storage of + indefinite extent. */ +# if !defined IN_LIBINTL +static +# endif +const char * +gl_locale_name_thread_unsafe (int category, const char *categoryname) +{ +# if HAVE_USELOCALE + { + locale_t thread_locale = uselocale (NULL); + if (thread_locale != LC_GLOBAL_LOCALE) + { +# if __GLIBC__ >= 2 + /* Work around an incorrect definition of the _NL_LOCALE_NAME macro in + glibc < 2.12. + See . */ + const char *name = + nl_langinfo (_NL_ITEM ((category), _NL_ITEM_INDEX (-1))); + if (name[0] == '\0') + /* Fallback code for glibc < 2.4, which did not implement + nl_langinfo (_NL_LOCALE_NAME (category)). */ + name = thread_locale->__names[category]; + return name; +# endif +# if defined __APPLE__ && defined __MACH__ /* MacOS X */ + /* The locale name is found deep in an undocumented data structure. + Since it's stored in a buffer of size 32 and newlocale() rejects + locale names of length > 31, we can assume that it is NUL terminated + in this buffer. But we need to make a copy of the locale name, of + indefinite extent. */ + struct _xlocale_part1_v0 /* used in MacOS X 10.5 */ + { + int32_t __refcount; + void (*__free_extra)(void *); + __darwin_mbstate_t __mbs[10]; + int64_t __magic; + }; + struct _xlocale_part1_v1 /* used in MacOS X >= 10.6.0 */ + { + int32_t __refcount; + void (*__free_extra)(void *); + __darwin_mbstate_t __mbs[10]; + /*pthread_lock_t*/ int __lock; + int64_t __magic; + }; + struct _xlocale_part2 + { + int64_t __magic; + unsigned char __collate_load_error; + unsigned char __collate_substitute_nontrivial; + unsigned char _messages_using_locale; + unsigned char _monetary_using_locale; + unsigned char _numeric_using_locale; + unsigned char _time_using_locale; + unsigned char __mlocale_changed; + unsigned char __nlocale_changed; + unsigned char __numeric_fp_cvt; + struct __xlocale_st_collate *__lc_collate; + struct __xlocale_st_runelocale *__lc_ctype; + struct __xlocale_st_messages *__lc_messages; + struct __xlocale_st_monetary *__lc_monetary; + struct __xlocale_st_numeric *__lc_numeric; + struct _xlocale *__lc_numeric_loc; + struct __xlocale_st_time *__lc_time; + /* more */ + }; + struct __xlocale_st_collate + { + int32_t __refcount; + void (*__free_extra)(void *); + char __encoding[32]; + /* more */ + }; + struct __xlocale_st_runelocale + { + int32_t __refcount; + void (*__free_extra)(void *); + char __ctype_encoding[32]; + /* more */ + }; + struct __xlocale_st_messages + { + int32_t __refcount; + void (*__free_extra)(void *); + char *_messages_locale_buf; + /* more */ + }; + struct __xlocale_st_monetary + { + int32_t __refcount; + void (*__free_extra)(void *); + char *_monetary_locale_buf; + /* more */ + }; + struct __xlocale_st_numeric { + int32_t __refcount; + void (*__free_extra)(void *); + char *_numeric_locale_buf; + /* more */ + }; + struct __xlocale_st_time { + int32_t __refcount; + void (*__free_extra)(void *); + char *_time_locale_buf; + /* more */ + }; + struct _xlocale_part2 *tlp; + if (((struct _xlocale_part1_v0 *) thread_locale)->__magic + == 0x786C6F63616C6530LL) + /* MacOS X 10.5 */ + tlp = + (struct _xlocale_part2 *) + &((struct _xlocale_part1_v0 *) thread_locale)->__magic; + else if (((struct _xlocale_part1_v1 *) thread_locale)->__magic + == 0x786C6F63616C6530LL) + /* MacOS X >= 10.6.0 */ + tlp = + (struct _xlocale_part2 *) + &((struct _xlocale_part1_v1 *) thread_locale)->__magic; + else + /* Unsupported version of MacOS X: The internals of 'struct _xlocale' + have changed again. */ + return ""; + switch (category) + { + case LC_CTYPE: + return tlp->__lc_ctype->__ctype_encoding; + case LC_NUMERIC: + return tlp->_numeric_using_locale + ? tlp->__lc_numeric->_numeric_locale_buf + : "C"; + case LC_TIME: + return tlp->_time_using_locale + ? tlp->__lc_time->_time_locale_buf + : "C"; + case LC_COLLATE: + return !tlp->__collate_load_error + ? tlp->__lc_collate->__encoding + : "C"; + case LC_MONETARY: + return tlp->_monetary_using_locale + ? tlp->__lc_monetary->_monetary_locale_buf + : "C"; + case LC_MESSAGES: + return tlp->_messages_using_locale + ? tlp->__lc_messages->_messages_locale_buf + : "C"; + default: /* We shouldn't get here. */ + return ""; + } +# endif + } + } +# endif + return NULL; +} + +#endif + +const char * +gl_locale_name_thread (int category, const char *categoryname) +{ +#if HAVE_USELOCALE + const char *name = gl_locale_name_thread_unsafe (category, categoryname); + if (name != NULL) + return struniq (name); +#endif + return NULL; +} + /* XPG3 defines the result of 'setlocale (category, NULL)' as: "Directs 'setlocale()' to query 'category' and return the current setting of 'local'." @@ -985,12 +2775,6 @@ gl_locale_name_canonicalize (char *name) # define HAVE_LOCALE_NULL #endif -/* Determine the current locale's name, and canonicalize it into XPG syntax - language[_territory][.codeset][@modifier] - The codeset part in the result is not reliable; the locale_charset() - should be used for codeset information instead. - The result must not be freed; it is statically allocated. */ - const char * gl_locale_name_posix (int category, const char *categoryname) { @@ -999,6 +2783,30 @@ gl_locale_name_posix (int category, const char *categoryname) #if defined HAVE_SETLOCALE && defined HAVE_LC_MESSAGES && defined HAVE_LOCALE_NULL return setlocale (category, NULL); #else + /* On other systems we ignore what setlocale reports and instead look at the + environment variables directly. This is necessary + 1. on systems which have a facility for customizing the default locale + (MacOS X, native Windows, Cygwin) and where the system's setlocale() + function ignores this default locale (MacOS X, Cygwin), in two cases: + a. when the user missed to use the setlocale() override from libintl + (for example by not including ), + b. when setlocale supports only the "C" locale, such as on Cygwin + 1.5.x. In this case even the override from libintl cannot help. + 2. on all systems where setlocale supports only the "C" locale. */ + /* Strictly speaking, it is a POSIX violation to look at the environment + variables regardless whether setlocale has been called or not. POSIX + says: + "For C-language programs, the POSIX locale shall be the + default locale when the setlocale() function is not called." + But we assume that all programs that use internationalized APIs call + setlocale (LC_ALL, ""). */ + return gl_locale_name_environ (category, categoryname); +#endif +} + +const char * +gl_locale_name_environ (int category, const char *categoryname) +{ const char *retval; /* Setting of LC_ALL overrides all other. */ @@ -1012,10 +2820,21 @@ gl_locale_name_posix (int category, const char *categoryname) /* Last possibility is the LANG environment variable. */ retval = getenv ("LANG"); if (retval != NULL && retval[0] != '\0') - return retval; + { +#if HAVE_CFLOCALECOPYCURRENT || HAVE_CFPREFERENCESCOPYAPPVALUE + /* MacOS X 10.2 or newer. + Ignore invalid LANG value set by the Terminal application. */ + if (strcmp (retval, "UTF-8") != 0) +#endif +#if defined __CYGWIN__ + /* Cygwin. + Ignore dummy LANG value set by ~/.profile. */ + if (strcmp (retval, "C.UTF-8") != 0) +#endif + return retval; + } return NULL; -#endif } const char * @@ -1028,9 +2847,28 @@ gl_locale_name_default (void) implementation-defined locale. Some implementations may provide facilities for local installation administrators to set the default locale, customizing it for each location. POSIX:2001 does not require - such a facility. */ + such a facility. + + The systems with such a facility are MacOS X and Windows: They provide a + GUI that allows the user to choose a locale. + - On MacOS X, by default, none of LC_* or LANG are set. Starting with + MacOS X 10.4 or 10.5, LANG is set for processes launched by the + 'Terminal' application (but sometimes to an incorrect value "UTF-8"). + When no environment variable is set, setlocale (LC_ALL, "") uses the + "C" locale. + - On native Windows, by default, none of LC_* or LANG are set. + When no environment variable is set, setlocale (LC_ALL, "") uses the + locale chosen by the user. + - On Cygwin 1.5.x, by default, none of LC_* or LANG are set. + When no environment variable is set, setlocale (LC_ALL, "") uses the + "C" locale. + - On Cygwin 1.7, by default, LANG is set to "C.UTF-8" when the default + ~/.profile is executed. + When no environment variable is set, setlocale (LC_ALL, "") uses the + "C.UTF-8" locale, which operates in the same way as the "C" locale. + */ -#if !(HAVE_CFLOCALECOPYCURRENT || HAVE_CFPREFERENCESCOPYAPPVALUE || defined(WIN32_NATIVE)) +#if !(HAVE_CFLOCALECOPYCURRENT || HAVE_CFPREFERENCESCOPYAPPVALUE || defined WIN32_NATIVE || defined __CYGWIN__) /* The system does not have a way of setting the locale, other than the POSIX specified environment variables. We use C as default locale. */ @@ -1051,454 +2889,68 @@ gl_locale_name_default (void) if (cached_localename == NULL) { - char namebuf[256]; + char namebuf[256]; # if HAVE_CFLOCALECOPYCURRENT /* MacOS X 10.3 or newer */ - CFLocaleRef locale = CFLocaleCopyCurrent (); - CFStringRef name = CFLocaleGetIdentifier (locale); - - if (CFStringGetCString (name, namebuf, sizeof(namebuf), - kCFStringEncodingASCII)) - { - gl_locale_name_canonicalize (namebuf); - cached_localename = strdup (namebuf); - } - CFRelease (locale); + CFLocaleRef locale = CFLocaleCopyCurrent (); + CFStringRef name = CFLocaleGetIdentifier (locale); + + if (CFStringGetCString (name, namebuf, sizeof (namebuf), + kCFStringEncodingASCII)) + { + gl_locale_name_canonicalize (namebuf); + cached_localename = strdup (namebuf); + } + CFRelease (locale); # elif HAVE_CFPREFERENCESCOPYAPPVALUE /* MacOS X 10.2 or newer */ - CFTypeRef value = - CFPreferencesCopyAppValue (CFSTR ("AppleLocale"), - kCFPreferencesCurrentApplication); - if (value != NULL - && CFGetTypeID (value) == CFStringGetTypeID () - && CFStringGetCString ((CFStringRef)value, namebuf, sizeof(namebuf), - kCFStringEncodingASCII)) - { - gl_locale_name_canonicalize (namebuf); - cached_localename = strdup (namebuf); - } + CFTypeRef value = + CFPreferencesCopyAppValue (CFSTR ("AppleLocale"), + kCFPreferencesCurrentApplication); + if (value != NULL + && CFGetTypeID (value) == CFStringGetTypeID () + && CFStringGetCString ((CFStringRef)value, + namebuf, sizeof (namebuf), + kCFStringEncodingASCII)) + { + gl_locale_name_canonicalize (namebuf); + cached_localename = strdup (namebuf); + } # endif - if (cached_localename == NULL) - cached_localename = "C"; + if (cached_localename == NULL) + cached_localename = "C"; } return cached_localename; } # endif -# if defined(WIN32_NATIVE) /* WIN32, not Cygwin */ +# if defined WIN32_NATIVE || defined __CYGWIN__ /* WIN32 or Cygwin */ { LCID lcid; - LANGID langid; - int primary, sub; /* Use native Win32 API locale ID. */ lcid = GetThreadLocale (); - /* Strip off the sorting rules, keep only the language part. */ - langid = LANGIDFROMLCID (lcid); - - /* Split into language and territory part. */ - primary = PRIMARYLANGID (langid); - sub = SUBLANGID (langid); - - /* Dispatch on language. - See also . - For details about languages, see . */ - switch (primary) - { - case LANG_AFRIKAANS: return "af_ZA"; - case LANG_ALBANIAN: return "sq_AL"; - case LANG_AMHARIC: return "am_ET"; - case LANG_ARABIC: - switch (sub) - { - case SUBLANG_ARABIC_SAUDI_ARABIA: return "ar_SA"; - case SUBLANG_ARABIC_IRAQ: return "ar_IQ"; - case SUBLANG_ARABIC_EGYPT: return "ar_EG"; - case SUBLANG_ARABIC_LIBYA: return "ar_LY"; - case SUBLANG_ARABIC_ALGERIA: return "ar_DZ"; - case SUBLANG_ARABIC_MOROCCO: return "ar_MA"; - case SUBLANG_ARABIC_TUNISIA: return "ar_TN"; - case SUBLANG_ARABIC_OMAN: return "ar_OM"; - case SUBLANG_ARABIC_YEMEN: return "ar_YE"; - case SUBLANG_ARABIC_SYRIA: return "ar_SY"; - case SUBLANG_ARABIC_JORDAN: return "ar_JO"; - case SUBLANG_ARABIC_LEBANON: return "ar_LB"; - case SUBLANG_ARABIC_KUWAIT: return "ar_KW"; - case SUBLANG_ARABIC_UAE: return "ar_AE"; - case SUBLANG_ARABIC_BAHRAIN: return "ar_BH"; - case SUBLANG_ARABIC_QATAR: return "ar_QA"; - } - return "ar"; - case LANG_ARMENIAN: return "hy_AM"; - case LANG_ASSAMESE: return "as_IN"; - case LANG_AZERI: - switch (sub) - { - /* FIXME: Adjust this when Azerbaijani locales appear on Unix. */ - case SUBLANG_AZERI_LATIN: return "az_AZ@latin"; - case SUBLANG_AZERI_CYRILLIC: return "az_AZ@cyrillic"; - } - return "az"; - case LANG_BASQUE: - switch (sub) - { - case SUBLANG_DEFAULT: return "eu_ES"; - } - return "eu"; /* Ambiguous: could be "eu_ES" or "eu_FR". */ - case LANG_BELARUSIAN: return "be_BY"; - case LANG_BENGALI: - switch (sub) - { - case SUBLANG_BENGALI_INDIA: return "bn_IN"; - case SUBLANG_BENGALI_BANGLADESH: return "bn_BD"; - } - return "bn"; - case LANG_BULGARIAN: return "bg_BG"; - case LANG_BURMESE: return "my_MM"; - case LANG_CAMBODIAN: return "km_KH"; - case LANG_CATALAN: return "ca_ES"; - case LANG_CHEROKEE: return "chr_US"; - case LANG_CHINESE: - switch (sub) - { - case SUBLANG_CHINESE_TRADITIONAL: return "zh_TW"; - case SUBLANG_CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED: return "zh_CN"; - case SUBLANG_CHINESE_HONGKONG: return "zh_HK"; - case SUBLANG_CHINESE_SINGAPORE: return "zh_SG"; - case SUBLANG_CHINESE_MACAU: return "zh_MO"; - } - return "zh"; - case LANG_CROATIAN: /* LANG_CROATIAN == LANG_SERBIAN - * What used to be called Serbo-Croatian - * should really now be two separate - * languages because of political reasons. - * (Says tml, who knows nothing about Serbian - * or Croatian.) - * (I can feel those flames coming already.) - */ - switch (sub) - { - case SUBLANG_DEFAULT: return "hr_HR"; - case SUBLANG_SERBIAN_LATIN: return "sr_CS"; - case SUBLANG_SERBIAN_CYRILLIC: return "sr_CS@cyrillic"; - } - return "hr"; - case LANG_CZECH: return "cs_CZ"; - case LANG_DANISH: return "da_DK"; - case LANG_DIVEHI: return "dv_MV"; - case LANG_DUTCH: - switch (sub) - { - case SUBLANG_DUTCH: return "nl_NL"; - case SUBLANG_DUTCH_BELGIAN: /* FLEMISH, VLAAMS */ return "nl_BE"; - } - return "nl"; - case LANG_EDO: return "bin_NG"; - case LANG_ENGLISH: - switch (sub) - { - /* SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US == SUBLANG_DEFAULT. Heh. I thought - * English was the language spoken in England. - * Oh well. - */ - case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US: return "en_US"; - case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_UK: return "en_GB"; - case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_AUS: return "en_AU"; - case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_CAN: return "en_CA"; - case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_NZ: return "en_NZ"; - case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_EIRE: return "en_IE"; - case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_SOUTH_AFRICA: return "en_ZA"; - case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_JAMAICA: return "en_JM"; - case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_CARIBBEAN: return "en_GD"; /* Grenada? */ - case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_BELIZE: return "en_BZ"; - case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_TRINIDAD: return "en_TT"; - case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_ZIMBABWE: return "en_ZW"; - case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_PHILIPPINES: return "en_PH"; - case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_INDONESIA: return "en_ID"; - case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_HONGKONG: return "en_HK"; - case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_INDIA: return "en_IN"; - case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_MALAYSIA: return "en_MY"; - case SUBLANG_ENGLISH_SINGAPORE: return "en_SG"; - } - return "en"; - case LANG_ESTONIAN: return "et_EE"; - case LANG_FAEROESE: return "fo_FO"; - case LANG_FARSI: return "fa_IR"; - case LANG_FINNISH: return "fi_FI"; - case LANG_FRENCH: - switch (sub) - { - case SUBLANG_FRENCH: return "fr_FR"; - case SUBLANG_FRENCH_BELGIAN: /* WALLOON */ return "fr_BE"; - case SUBLANG_FRENCH_CANADIAN: return "fr_CA"; - case SUBLANG_FRENCH_SWISS: return "fr_CH"; - case SUBLANG_FRENCH_LUXEMBOURG: return "fr_LU"; - case SUBLANG_FRENCH_MONACO: return "fr_MC"; - case SUBLANG_FRENCH_WESTINDIES: return "fr"; /* Caribbean? */ - case SUBLANG_FRENCH_REUNION: return "fr_RE"; - case SUBLANG_FRENCH_CONGO: return "fr_CG"; - case SUBLANG_FRENCH_SENEGAL: return "fr_SN"; - case SUBLANG_FRENCH_CAMEROON: return "fr_CM"; - case SUBLANG_FRENCH_COTEDIVOIRE: return "fr_CI"; - case SUBLANG_FRENCH_MALI: return "fr_ML"; - case SUBLANG_FRENCH_MOROCCO: return "fr_MA"; - case SUBLANG_FRENCH_HAITI: return "fr_HT"; - } - return "fr"; - case LANG_FRISIAN: return "fy_NL"; - case LANG_FULFULDE: - /* Spoken in Nigeria, Guinea, Senegal, Mali, Niger, Cameroon, Benin. */ - return "ff_NG"; - case LANG_GAELIC: - switch (sub) - { - case 0x01: /* SCOTTISH */ return "gd_GB"; - case 0x02: /* IRISH */ return "ga_IE"; - } - return "C"; - case LANG_GALICIAN: return "gl_ES"; - case LANG_GEORGIAN: return "ka_GE"; - case LANG_GERMAN: - switch (sub) - { - case SUBLANG_GERMAN: return "de_DE"; - case SUBLANG_GERMAN_SWISS: return "de_CH"; - case SUBLANG_GERMAN_AUSTRIAN: return "de_AT"; - case SUBLANG_GERMAN_LUXEMBOURG: return "de_LU"; - case SUBLANG_GERMAN_LIECHTENSTEIN: return "de_LI"; - } - return "de"; - case LANG_GREEK: return "el_GR"; - case LANG_GUARANI: return "gn_PY"; - case LANG_GUJARATI: return "gu_IN"; - case LANG_HAUSA: return "ha_NG"; - case LANG_HAWAIIAN: - /* FIXME: Do they mean Hawaiian ("haw_US", 1000 speakers) - or Hawaii Creole English ("cpe_US", 600000 speakers)? */ - return "cpe_US"; - case LANG_HEBREW: return "he_IL"; - case LANG_HINDI: return "hi_IN"; - case LANG_HUNGARIAN: return "hu_HU"; - case LANG_IBIBIO: return "nic_NG"; - case LANG_ICELANDIC: return "is_IS"; - case LANG_IGBO: return "ig_NG"; - case LANG_INDONESIAN: return "id_ID"; - case LANG_INUKTITUT: return "iu_CA"; - case LANG_ITALIAN: - switch (sub) - { - case SUBLANG_ITALIAN: return "it_IT"; - case SUBLANG_ITALIAN_SWISS: return "it_CH"; - } - return "it"; - case LANG_JAPANESE: return "ja_JP"; - case LANG_KANNADA: return "kn_IN"; - case LANG_KANURI: return "kr_NG"; - case LANG_KASHMIRI: - switch (sub) - { - case SUBLANG_DEFAULT: return "ks_PK"; - case SUBLANG_KASHMIRI_INDIA: return "ks_IN"; - } - return "ks"; - case LANG_KAZAK: return "kk_KZ"; - case LANG_KONKANI: - /* FIXME: Adjust this when such locales appear on Unix. */ - return "kok_IN"; - case LANG_KOREAN: return "ko_KR"; - case LANG_KYRGYZ: return "ky_KG"; - case LANG_LAO: return "lo_LA"; - case LANG_LATIN: return "la_VA"; - case LANG_LATVIAN: return "lv_LV"; - case LANG_LITHUANIAN: return "lt_LT"; - case LANG_MACEDONIAN: return "mk_MK"; - case LANG_MALAY: - switch (sub) - { - case SUBLANG_MALAY_MALAYSIA: return "ms_MY"; - case SUBLANG_MALAY_BRUNEI_DARUSSALAM: return "ms_BN"; - } - return "ms"; - case LANG_MALAYALAM: return "ml_IN"; - case LANG_MALTESE: return "mt_MT"; - case LANG_MANIPURI: - /* FIXME: Adjust this when such locales appear on Unix. */ - return "mni_IN"; - case LANG_MARATHI: return "mr_IN"; - case LANG_MONGOLIAN: - switch (sub) - { - case SUBLANG_DEFAULT: return "mn_MN"; - } - return "mn"; /* Ambiguous: could be "mn_CN" or "mn_MN". */ - case LANG_NEPALI: - switch (sub) - { - case SUBLANG_DEFAULT: return "ne_NP"; - case SUBLANG_NEPALI_INDIA: return "ne_IN"; - } - return "ne"; - case LANG_NORWEGIAN: - switch (sub) - { - case SUBLANG_NORWEGIAN_BOKMAL: return "nb_NO"; - case SUBLANG_NORWEGIAN_NYNORSK: return "nn_NO"; - } - return "no"; - case LANG_ORIYA: return "or_IN"; - case LANG_OROMO: return "om_ET"; - case LANG_PAPIAMENTU: return "pap_AN"; - case LANG_PASHTO: - return "ps"; /* Ambiguous: could be "ps_PK" or "ps_AF". */ - case LANG_POLISH: return "pl_PL"; - case LANG_PORTUGUESE: - switch (sub) - { - case SUBLANG_PORTUGUESE: return "pt_PT"; - /* Hmm. SUBLANG_PORTUGUESE_BRAZILIAN == SUBLANG_DEFAULT. - Same phenomenon as SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US == SUBLANG_DEFAULT. */ - case SUBLANG_PORTUGUESE_BRAZILIAN: return "pt_BR"; - } - return "pt"; - case LANG_PUNJABI: - switch (sub) - { - case SUBLANG_PUNJABI_INDIA: return "pa_IN"; /* Gurmukhi script */ - case SUBLANG_PUNJABI_PAKISTAN: return "pa_PK"; /* Arabic script */ - } - return "pa"; - case LANG_RHAETO_ROMANCE: return "rm_CH"; - case LANG_ROMANIAN: - switch (sub) - { - case SUBLANG_ROMANIAN_ROMANIA: return "ro_RO"; - case SUBLANG_ROMANIAN_MOLDOVA: return "ro_MD"; - } - return "ro"; - case LANG_RUSSIAN: - switch (sub) - { - case SUBLANG_DEFAULT: return "ru_RU"; - } - return "ru"; /* Ambiguous: could be "ru_RU" or "ru_UA" or "ru_MD". */ - case LANG_SAAMI: /* actually Northern Sami */ return "se_NO"; - case LANG_SANSKRIT: return "sa_IN"; - case LANG_SINDHI: - switch (sub) - { - case SUBLANG_SINDHI_PAKISTAN: return "sd_PK"; - case SUBLANG_SINDHI_AFGHANISTAN: return "sd_AF"; - } - return "sd"; - case LANG_SINHALESE: return "si_LK"; - case LANG_SLOVAK: return "sk_SK"; - case LANG_SLOVENIAN: return "sl_SI"; - case LANG_SOMALI: return "so_SO"; - case LANG_SORBIAN: - /* FIXME: Adjust this when such locales appear on Unix. */ - return "wen_DE"; - case LANG_SPANISH: - switch (sub) - { - case SUBLANG_SPANISH: return "es_ES"; - case SUBLANG_SPANISH_MEXICAN: return "es_MX"; - case SUBLANG_SPANISH_MODERN: - return "es_ES@modern"; /* not seen on Unix */ - case SUBLANG_SPANISH_GUATEMALA: return "es_GT"; - case SUBLANG_SPANISH_COSTA_RICA: return "es_CR"; - case SUBLANG_SPANISH_PANAMA: return "es_PA"; - case SUBLANG_SPANISH_DOMINICAN_REPUBLIC: return "es_DO"; - case SUBLANG_SPANISH_VENEZUELA: return "es_VE"; - case SUBLANG_SPANISH_COLOMBIA: return "es_CO"; - case SUBLANG_SPANISH_PERU: return "es_PE"; - case SUBLANG_SPANISH_ARGENTINA: return "es_AR"; - case SUBLANG_SPANISH_ECUADOR: return "es_EC"; - case SUBLANG_SPANISH_CHILE: return "es_CL"; - case SUBLANG_SPANISH_URUGUAY: return "es_UY"; - case SUBLANG_SPANISH_PARAGUAY: return "es_PY"; - case SUBLANG_SPANISH_BOLIVIA: return "es_BO"; - case SUBLANG_SPANISH_EL_SALVADOR: return "es_SV"; - case SUBLANG_SPANISH_HONDURAS: return "es_HN"; - case SUBLANG_SPANISH_NICARAGUA: return "es_NI"; - case SUBLANG_SPANISH_PUERTO_RICO: return "es_PR"; - } - return "es"; - case LANG_SUTU: return "bnt_TZ"; /* or "st_LS" or "nso_ZA"? */ - case LANG_SWAHILI: return "sw_KE"; - case LANG_SWEDISH: - switch (sub) - { - case SUBLANG_DEFAULT: return "sv_SE"; - case SUBLANG_SWEDISH_FINLAND: return "sv_FI"; - } - return "sv"; - case LANG_SYRIAC: return "syr_TR"; /* An extinct language. */ - case LANG_TAGALOG: return "tl_PH"; - case LANG_TAJIK: return "tg_TJ"; - case LANG_TAMAZIGHT: - switch (sub) - { - /* FIXME: Adjust this when Tamazight locales appear on Unix. */ - case SUBLANG_TAMAZIGHT_ARABIC: return "ber_MA@arabic"; - case SUBLANG_TAMAZIGHT_ALGERIA_LATIN: return "ber_DZ@latin"; - } - return "ber_MA"; - case LANG_TAMIL: - switch (sub) - { - case SUBLANG_DEFAULT: return "ta_IN"; - } - return "ta"; /* Ambiguous: could be "ta_IN" or "ta_LK" or "ta_SG". */ - case LANG_TATAR: return "tt_RU"; - case LANG_TELUGU: return "te_IN"; - case LANG_THAI: return "th_TH"; - case LANG_TIBETAN: return "bo_CN"; - case LANG_TIGRINYA: - switch (sub) - { - case SUBLANG_TIGRINYA_ETHIOPIA: return "ti_ET"; - case SUBLANG_TIGRINYA_ERITREA: return "ti_ER"; - } - return "ti"; - case LANG_TSONGA: return "ts_ZA"; - case LANG_TSWANA: return "tn_BW"; - case LANG_TURKISH: return "tr_TR"; - case LANG_TURKMEN: return "tk_TM"; - case LANG_UKRAINIAN: return "uk_UA"; - case LANG_URDU: - switch (sub) - { - case SUBLANG_URDU_PAKISTAN: return "ur_PK"; - case SUBLANG_URDU_INDIA: return "ur_IN"; - } - return "ur"; - case LANG_UZBEK: - switch (sub) - { - case SUBLANG_UZBEK_LATIN: return "uz_UZ"; - case SUBLANG_UZBEK_CYRILLIC: return "uz_UZ@cyrillic"; - } - return "uz"; - case LANG_VENDA: return "ve_ZA"; - case LANG_VIETNAMESE: return "vi_VN"; - case LANG_WELSH: return "cy_GB"; - case LANG_XHOSA: return "xh_ZA"; - case LANG_YI: return "sit_CN"; - case LANG_YIDDISH: return "yi_IL"; - case LANG_YORUBA: return "yo_NG"; - case LANG_ZULU: return "zu_ZA"; - default: return "C"; - } + return gl_locale_name_from_win32_LCID (lcid); } # endif #endif } +/* Determine the current locale's name, and canonicalize it into XPG syntax + language[_territory][.codeset][@modifier] + The codeset part in the result is not reliable; the locale_charset() + should be used for codeset information instead. + The result must not be freed; it is statically allocated. */ + const char * gl_locale_name (int category, const char *categoryname) { const char *retval; + retval = gl_locale_name_thread (category, categoryname); + if (retval != NULL) + return retval; + retval = gl_locale_name_posix (category, categoryname); if (retval != NULL) return retval; diff --git a/intl/lock.c b/intl/lock.c index f60a8d9b..561423e0 100644 --- a/intl/lock.c +++ b/intl/lock.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* Locking in multithreaded situations. - Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published @@ -28,45 +28,6 @@ #if USE_POSIX_THREADS -/* Use the POSIX threads library. */ - -# if PTHREAD_IN_USE_DETECTION_HARD - -/* The function to be executed by a dummy thread. */ -static void * -dummy_thread_func (void *arg) -{ - return arg; -} - -int -glthread_in_use (void) -{ - static int tested; - static int result; /* 1: linked with -lpthread, 0: only with libc */ - - if (!tested) - { - pthread_t thread; - - if (pthread_create (&thread, NULL, dummy_thread_func, NULL) != 0) - /* Thread creation failed. */ - result = 0; - else - { - /* Thread creation works. */ - void *retval; - if (pthread_join (thread, &retval) != 0) - abort (); - result = 1; - } - tested = 1; - } - return result; -} - -# endif - /* -------------------------- gl_lock_t datatype -------------------------- */ /* ------------------------- gl_rwlock_t datatype ------------------------- */ @@ -75,87 +36,123 @@ glthread_in_use (void) # if !defined PTHREAD_RWLOCK_INITIALIZER -void -glthread_rwlock_init (gl_rwlock_t *lock) +int +glthread_rwlock_init_multithreaded (gl_rwlock_t *lock) { - if (pthread_rwlock_init (&lock->rwlock, NULL) != 0) - abort (); + int err; + + err = pthread_rwlock_init (&lock->rwlock, NULL); + if (err != 0) + return err; lock->initialized = 1; + return 0; } -void -glthread_rwlock_rdlock (gl_rwlock_t *lock) +int +glthread_rwlock_rdlock_multithreaded (gl_rwlock_t *lock) { if (!lock->initialized) { - if (pthread_mutex_lock (&lock->guard) != 0) - abort (); + int err; + + err = pthread_mutex_lock (&lock->guard); + if (err != 0) + return err; if (!lock->initialized) - glthread_rwlock_init (lock); - if (pthread_mutex_unlock (&lock->guard) != 0) - abort (); + { + err = glthread_rwlock_init_multithreaded (lock); + if (err != 0) + { + pthread_mutex_unlock (&lock->guard); + return err; + } + } + err = pthread_mutex_unlock (&lock->guard); + if (err != 0) + return err; } - if (pthread_rwlock_rdlock (&lock->rwlock) != 0) - abort (); + return pthread_rwlock_rdlock (&lock->rwlock); } -void -glthread_rwlock_wrlock (gl_rwlock_t *lock) +int +glthread_rwlock_wrlock_multithreaded (gl_rwlock_t *lock) { if (!lock->initialized) { - if (pthread_mutex_lock (&lock->guard) != 0) - abort (); + int err; + + err = pthread_mutex_lock (&lock->guard); + if (err != 0) + return err; if (!lock->initialized) - glthread_rwlock_init (lock); - if (pthread_mutex_unlock (&lock->guard) != 0) - abort (); + { + err = glthread_rwlock_init_multithreaded (lock); + if (err != 0) + { + pthread_mutex_unlock (&lock->guard); + return err; + } + } + err = pthread_mutex_unlock (&lock->guard); + if (err != 0) + return err; } - if (pthread_rwlock_wrlock (&lock->rwlock) != 0) - abort (); + return pthread_rwlock_wrlock (&lock->rwlock); } -void -glthread_rwlock_unlock (gl_rwlock_t *lock) +int +glthread_rwlock_unlock_multithreaded (gl_rwlock_t *lock) { if (!lock->initialized) - abort (); - if (pthread_rwlock_unlock (&lock->rwlock) != 0) - abort (); + return EINVAL; + return pthread_rwlock_unlock (&lock->rwlock); } -void -glthread_rwlock_destroy (gl_rwlock_t *lock) +int +glthread_rwlock_destroy_multithreaded (gl_rwlock_t *lock) { + int err; + if (!lock->initialized) - abort (); - if (pthread_rwlock_destroy (&lock->rwlock) != 0) - abort (); + return EINVAL; + err = pthread_rwlock_destroy (&lock->rwlock); + if (err != 0) + return err; lock->initialized = 0; + return 0; } # endif # else -void -glthread_rwlock_init (gl_rwlock_t *lock) -{ - if (pthread_mutex_init (&lock->lock, NULL) != 0) - abort (); - if (pthread_cond_init (&lock->waiting_readers, NULL) != 0) - abort (); - if (pthread_cond_init (&lock->waiting_writers, NULL) != 0) - abort (); +int +glthread_rwlock_init_multithreaded (gl_rwlock_t *lock) +{ + int err; + + err = pthread_mutex_init (&lock->lock, NULL); + if (err != 0) + return err; + err = pthread_cond_init (&lock->waiting_readers, NULL); + if (err != 0) + return err; + err = pthread_cond_init (&lock->waiting_writers, NULL); + if (err != 0) + return err; lock->waiting_writers_count = 0; lock->runcount = 0; + return 0; } -void -glthread_rwlock_rdlock (gl_rwlock_t *lock) +int +glthread_rwlock_rdlock_multithreaded (gl_rwlock_t *lock) { - if (pthread_mutex_lock (&lock->lock) != 0) - abort (); + int err; + + err = pthread_mutex_lock (&lock->lock); + if (err != 0) + return err; /* Test whether only readers are currently running, and whether the runcount field will not overflow. */ /* POSIX says: "It is implementation-defined whether the calling thread @@ -165,84 +162,116 @@ glthread_rwlock_rdlock (gl_rwlock_t *lock) while (!(lock->runcount + 1 > 0 && lock->waiting_writers_count == 0)) { /* This thread has to wait for a while. Enqueue it among the - waiting_readers. */ - if (pthread_cond_wait (&lock->waiting_readers, &lock->lock) != 0) - abort (); + waiting_readers. */ + err = pthread_cond_wait (&lock->waiting_readers, &lock->lock); + if (err != 0) + { + pthread_mutex_unlock (&lock->lock); + return err; + } } lock->runcount++; - if (pthread_mutex_unlock (&lock->lock) != 0) - abort (); + return pthread_mutex_unlock (&lock->lock); } -void -glthread_rwlock_wrlock (gl_rwlock_t *lock) +int +glthread_rwlock_wrlock_multithreaded (gl_rwlock_t *lock) { - if (pthread_mutex_lock (&lock->lock) != 0) - abort (); + int err; + + err = pthread_mutex_lock (&lock->lock); + if (err != 0) + return err; /* Test whether no readers or writers are currently running. */ while (!(lock->runcount == 0)) { /* This thread has to wait for a while. Enqueue it among the - waiting_writers. */ + waiting_writers. */ lock->waiting_writers_count++; - if (pthread_cond_wait (&lock->waiting_writers, &lock->lock) != 0) - abort (); + err = pthread_cond_wait (&lock->waiting_writers, &lock->lock); + if (err != 0) + { + lock->waiting_writers_count--; + pthread_mutex_unlock (&lock->lock); + return err; + } lock->waiting_writers_count--; } lock->runcount--; /* runcount becomes -1 */ - if (pthread_mutex_unlock (&lock->lock) != 0) - abort (); + return pthread_mutex_unlock (&lock->lock); } -void -glthread_rwlock_unlock (gl_rwlock_t *lock) +int +glthread_rwlock_unlock_multithreaded (gl_rwlock_t *lock) { - if (pthread_mutex_lock (&lock->lock) != 0) - abort (); + int err; + + err = pthread_mutex_lock (&lock->lock); + if (err != 0) + return err; if (lock->runcount < 0) { /* Drop a writer lock. */ if (!(lock->runcount == -1)) - abort (); + { + pthread_mutex_unlock (&lock->lock); + return EINVAL; + } lock->runcount = 0; } else { /* Drop a reader lock. */ if (!(lock->runcount > 0)) - abort (); + { + pthread_mutex_unlock (&lock->lock); + return EINVAL; + } lock->runcount--; } if (lock->runcount == 0) { /* POSIX recommends that "write locks shall take precedence over read - locks", to avoid "writer starvation". */ + locks", to avoid "writer starvation". */ if (lock->waiting_writers_count > 0) - { - /* Wake up one of the waiting writers. */ - if (pthread_cond_signal (&lock->waiting_writers) != 0) - abort (); - } + { + /* Wake up one of the waiting writers. */ + err = pthread_cond_signal (&lock->waiting_writers); + if (err != 0) + { + pthread_mutex_unlock (&lock->lock); + return err; + } + } else - { - /* Wake up all waiting readers. */ - if (pthread_cond_broadcast (&lock->waiting_readers) != 0) - abort (); - } + { + /* Wake up all waiting readers. */ + err = pthread_cond_broadcast (&lock->waiting_readers); + if (err != 0) + { + pthread_mutex_unlock (&lock->lock); + return err; + } + } } - if (pthread_mutex_unlock (&lock->lock) != 0) - abort (); + return pthread_mutex_unlock (&lock->lock); } -void -glthread_rwlock_destroy (gl_rwlock_t *lock) +int +glthread_rwlock_destroy_multithreaded (gl_rwlock_t *lock) { - if (pthread_mutex_destroy (&lock->lock) != 0) - abort (); - if (pthread_cond_destroy (&lock->waiting_readers) != 0) - abort (); - if (pthread_cond_destroy (&lock->waiting_writers) != 0) - abort (); + int err; + + err = pthread_mutex_destroy (&lock->lock); + if (err != 0) + return err; + err = pthread_cond_destroy (&lock->waiting_readers); + if (err != 0) + return err; + err = pthread_cond_destroy (&lock->waiting_writers); + if (err != 0) + return err; + return 0; } # endif @@ -251,108 +280,173 @@ glthread_rwlock_destroy (gl_rwlock_t *lock) # if HAVE_PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE -# if !(defined PTHREAD_RECURSIVE_MUTEX_INITIALIZER || defined PTHREAD_RECURSIVE_MUTEX_INITIALIZER_NP) +# if defined PTHREAD_RECURSIVE_MUTEX_INITIALIZER || defined PTHREAD_RECURSIVE_MUTEX_INITIALIZER_NP -void -glthread_recursive_lock_init (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock) +int +glthread_recursive_lock_init_multithreaded (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock) +{ + pthread_mutexattr_t attributes; + int err; + + err = pthread_mutexattr_init (&attributes); + if (err != 0) + return err; + err = pthread_mutexattr_settype (&attributes, PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE); + if (err != 0) + { + pthread_mutexattr_destroy (&attributes); + return err; + } + err = pthread_mutex_init (lock, &attributes); + if (err != 0) + { + pthread_mutexattr_destroy (&attributes); + return err; + } + err = pthread_mutexattr_destroy (&attributes); + if (err != 0) + return err; + return 0; +} + +# else + +int +glthread_recursive_lock_init_multithreaded (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock) { pthread_mutexattr_t attributes; + int err; - if (pthread_mutexattr_init (&attributes) != 0) - abort (); - if (pthread_mutexattr_settype (&attributes, PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE) != 0) - abort (); - if (pthread_mutex_init (&lock->recmutex, &attributes) != 0) - abort (); - if (pthread_mutexattr_destroy (&attributes) != 0) - abort (); + err = pthread_mutexattr_init (&attributes); + if (err != 0) + return err; + err = pthread_mutexattr_settype (&attributes, PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE); + if (err != 0) + { + pthread_mutexattr_destroy (&attributes); + return err; + } + err = pthread_mutex_init (&lock->recmutex, &attributes); + if (err != 0) + { + pthread_mutexattr_destroy (&attributes); + return err; + } + err = pthread_mutexattr_destroy (&attributes); + if (err != 0) + return err; lock->initialized = 1; + return 0; } -void -glthread_recursive_lock_lock (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock) +int +glthread_recursive_lock_lock_multithreaded (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock) { if (!lock->initialized) { - if (pthread_mutex_lock (&lock->guard) != 0) - abort (); + int err; + + err = pthread_mutex_lock (&lock->guard); + if (err != 0) + return err; if (!lock->initialized) - glthread_recursive_lock_init (lock); - if (pthread_mutex_unlock (&lock->guard) != 0) - abort (); + { + err = glthread_recursive_lock_init_multithreaded (lock); + if (err != 0) + { + pthread_mutex_unlock (&lock->guard); + return err; + } + } + err = pthread_mutex_unlock (&lock->guard); + if (err != 0) + return err; } - if (pthread_mutex_lock (&lock->recmutex) != 0) - abort (); + return pthread_mutex_lock (&lock->recmutex); } -void -glthread_recursive_lock_unlock (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock) +int +glthread_recursive_lock_unlock_multithreaded (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock) { if (!lock->initialized) - abort (); - if (pthread_mutex_unlock (&lock->recmutex) != 0) - abort (); + return EINVAL; + return pthread_mutex_unlock (&lock->recmutex); } -void -glthread_recursive_lock_destroy (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock) +int +glthread_recursive_lock_destroy_multithreaded (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock) { + int err; + if (!lock->initialized) - abort (); - if (pthread_mutex_destroy (&lock->recmutex) != 0) - abort (); + return EINVAL; + err = pthread_mutex_destroy (&lock->recmutex); + if (err != 0) + return err; lock->initialized = 0; + return 0; } # endif # else -void -glthread_recursive_lock_init (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock) +int +glthread_recursive_lock_init_multithreaded (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock) { - if (pthread_mutex_init (&lock->mutex, NULL) != 0) - abort (); + int err; + + err = pthread_mutex_init (&lock->mutex, NULL); + if (err != 0) + return err; lock->owner = (pthread_t) 0; lock->depth = 0; + return 0; } -void -glthread_recursive_lock_lock (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock) +int +glthread_recursive_lock_lock_multithreaded (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock) { pthread_t self = pthread_self (); if (lock->owner != self) { - if (pthread_mutex_lock (&lock->mutex) != 0) - abort (); + int err; + + err = pthread_mutex_lock (&lock->mutex); + if (err != 0) + return err; lock->owner = self; } if (++(lock->depth) == 0) /* wraparound? */ - abort (); + { + lock->depth--; + return EAGAIN; + } + return 0; } -void -glthread_recursive_lock_unlock (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock) +int +glthread_recursive_lock_unlock_multithreaded (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock) { if (lock->owner != pthread_self ()) - abort (); + return EPERM; if (lock->depth == 0) - abort (); + return EINVAL; if (--(lock->depth) == 0) { lock->owner = (pthread_t) 0; - if (pthread_mutex_unlock (&lock->mutex) != 0) - abort (); + return pthread_mutex_unlock (&lock->mutex); } + else + return 0; } -void -glthread_recursive_lock_destroy (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock) +int +glthread_recursive_lock_destroy_multithreaded (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock) { if (lock->owner != (pthread_t) 0) - abort (); - if (pthread_mutex_destroy (&lock->mutex) != 0) - abort (); + return EBUSY; + return pthread_mutex_destroy (&lock->mutex); } # endif @@ -393,7 +487,7 @@ glthread_once_singlethreaded (pthread_once_t *once_control) /* -------------------------- gl_once_t datatype -------------------------- */ -void +static void glthread_once_call (void *arg) { void (**gl_once_temp_addr) (void) = (void (**) (void)) arg; @@ -401,6 +495,13 @@ glthread_once_call (void *arg) initfunction (); } +int +glthread_once_multithreaded (pth_once_t *once_control, void (*initfunction) (void)) +{ + void (*temp) (void) = initfunction; + return (!pth_once (once_control, glthread_once_call, &temp) ? errno : 0); +} + int glthread_once_singlethreaded (pth_once_t *once_control) { @@ -429,72 +530,87 @@ glthread_once_singlethreaded (pth_once_t *once_control) /* --------------------- gl_recursive_lock_t datatype --------------------- */ -void -glthread_recursive_lock_init (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock) +int +glthread_recursive_lock_init_multithreaded (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock) { - if (mutex_init (&lock->mutex, USYNC_THREAD, NULL) != 0) - abort (); + int err; + + err = mutex_init (&lock->mutex, USYNC_THREAD, NULL); + if (err != 0) + return err; lock->owner = (thread_t) 0; lock->depth = 0; + return 0; } -void -glthread_recursive_lock_lock (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock) +int +glthread_recursive_lock_lock_multithreaded (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock) { thread_t self = thr_self (); if (lock->owner != self) { - if (mutex_lock (&lock->mutex) != 0) - abort (); + int err; + + err = mutex_lock (&lock->mutex); + if (err != 0) + return err; lock->owner = self; } if (++(lock->depth) == 0) /* wraparound? */ - abort (); + { + lock->depth--; + return EAGAIN; + } + return 0; } -void -glthread_recursive_lock_unlock (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock) +int +glthread_recursive_lock_unlock_multithreaded (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock) { if (lock->owner != thr_self ()) - abort (); + return EPERM; if (lock->depth == 0) - abort (); + return EINVAL; if (--(lock->depth) == 0) { lock->owner = (thread_t) 0; - if (mutex_unlock (&lock->mutex) != 0) - abort (); + return mutex_unlock (&lock->mutex); } + else + return 0; } -void -glthread_recursive_lock_destroy (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock) +int +glthread_recursive_lock_destroy_multithreaded (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock) { if (lock->owner != (thread_t) 0) - abort (); - if (mutex_destroy (&lock->mutex) != 0) - abort (); + return EBUSY; + return mutex_destroy (&lock->mutex); } /* -------------------------- gl_once_t datatype -------------------------- */ -void -glthread_once (gl_once_t *once_control, void (*initfunction) (void)) +int +glthread_once_multithreaded (gl_once_t *once_control, void (*initfunction) (void)) { if (!once_control->inited) { + int err; + /* Use the mutex to guarantee that if another thread is already calling - the initfunction, this thread waits until it's finished. */ - if (mutex_lock (&once_control->mutex) != 0) - abort (); + the initfunction, this thread waits until it's finished. */ + err = mutex_lock (&once_control->mutex); + if (err != 0) + return err; if (!once_control->inited) - { - once_control->inited = 1; - initfunction (); - } - if (mutex_unlock (&once_control->mutex) != 0) - abort (); + { + once_control->inited = 1; + initfunction (); + } + return mutex_unlock (&once_control->mutex); } + else + return 0; } int @@ -520,48 +636,54 @@ glthread_once_singlethreaded (gl_once_t *once_control) /* -------------------------- gl_lock_t datatype -------------------------- */ void -glthread_lock_init (gl_lock_t *lock) +glthread_lock_init_func (gl_lock_t *lock) { InitializeCriticalSection (&lock->lock); lock->guard.done = 1; } -void -glthread_lock_lock (gl_lock_t *lock) +int +glthread_lock_lock_func (gl_lock_t *lock) { if (!lock->guard.done) { if (InterlockedIncrement (&lock->guard.started) == 0) - /* This thread is the first one to need this lock. Initialize it. */ - glthread_lock_init (lock); + /* This thread is the first one to need this lock. Initialize it. */ + glthread_lock_init (lock); else - /* Yield the CPU while waiting for another thread to finish - initializing this lock. */ - while (!lock->guard.done) - Sleep (0); + /* Yield the CPU while waiting for another thread to finish + initializing this lock. */ + while (!lock->guard.done) + Sleep (0); } EnterCriticalSection (&lock->lock); + return 0; } -void -glthread_lock_unlock (gl_lock_t *lock) +int +glthread_lock_unlock_func (gl_lock_t *lock) { if (!lock->guard.done) - abort (); + return EINVAL; LeaveCriticalSection (&lock->lock); + return 0; } -void -glthread_lock_destroy (gl_lock_t *lock) +int +glthread_lock_destroy_func (gl_lock_t *lock) { if (!lock->guard.done) - abort (); + return EINVAL; DeleteCriticalSection (&lock->lock); lock->guard.done = 0; + return 0; } /* ------------------------- gl_rwlock_t datatype ------------------------- */ +/* In this file, the waitqueues are implemented as circular arrays. */ +#define gl_waitqueue_t gl_carray_waitqueue_t + static inline void gl_waitqueue_init (gl_waitqueue_t *wq) { @@ -583,31 +705,33 @@ gl_waitqueue_add (gl_waitqueue_t *wq) { unsigned int new_alloc = 2 * wq->alloc + 1; HANDLE *new_array = - (HANDLE *) realloc (wq->array, new_alloc * sizeof (HANDLE)); + (HANDLE *) realloc (wq->array, new_alloc * sizeof (HANDLE)); if (new_array == NULL) - /* No more memory. */ - return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; + /* No more memory. */ + return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; /* Now is a good opportunity to rotate the array so that its contents - starts at offset 0. */ + starts at offset 0. */ if (wq->offset > 0) - { - unsigned int old_count = wq->count; - unsigned int old_alloc = wq->alloc; - unsigned int old_offset = wq->offset; - unsigned int i; - if (old_offset + old_count > old_alloc) - { - unsigned int limit = old_offset + old_count - old_alloc; - for (i = 0; i < limit; i++) - new_array[old_alloc + i] = new_array[i]; - } - for (i = 0; i < old_count; i++) - new_array[i] = new_array[old_offset + i]; - wq->offset = 0; - } + { + unsigned int old_count = wq->count; + unsigned int old_alloc = wq->alloc; + unsigned int old_offset = wq->offset; + unsigned int i; + if (old_offset + old_count > old_alloc) + { + unsigned int limit = old_offset + old_count - old_alloc; + for (i = 0; i < limit; i++) + new_array[old_alloc + i] = new_array[i]; + } + for (i = 0; i < old_count; i++) + new_array[i] = new_array[old_offset + i]; + wq->offset = 0; + } wq->array = new_array; wq->alloc = new_alloc; } + /* Whether the created event is a manual-reset one or an auto-reset one, + does not matter, since we will wait on it only once. */ event = CreateEvent (NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); if (event == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) /* No way to allocate an event. */ @@ -641,7 +765,7 @@ gl_waitqueue_notify_all (gl_waitqueue_t *wq) { unsigned int index = wq->offset + i; if (index >= wq->alloc) - index -= wq->alloc; + index -= wq->alloc; SetEvent (wq->array[index]); } wq->count = 0; @@ -649,7 +773,7 @@ gl_waitqueue_notify_all (gl_waitqueue_t *wq) } void -glthread_rwlock_init (gl_rwlock_t *lock) +glthread_rwlock_init_func (gl_rwlock_t *lock) { InitializeCriticalSection (&lock->lock); gl_waitqueue_init (&lock->waiting_readers); @@ -658,19 +782,19 @@ glthread_rwlock_init (gl_rwlock_t *lock) lock->guard.done = 1; } -void -glthread_rwlock_rdlock (gl_rwlock_t *lock) +int +glthread_rwlock_rdlock_func (gl_rwlock_t *lock) { if (!lock->guard.done) { if (InterlockedIncrement (&lock->guard.started) == 0) - /* This thread is the first one to need this lock. Initialize it. */ - glthread_rwlock_init (lock); + /* This thread is the first one to need this lock. Initialize it. */ + glthread_rwlock_init (lock); else - /* Yield the CPU while waiting for another thread to finish - initializing this lock. */ - while (!lock->guard.done) - Sleep (0); + /* Yield the CPU while waiting for another thread to finish + initializing this lock. */ + while (!lock->guard.done) + Sleep (0); } EnterCriticalSection (&lock->lock); /* Test whether only readers are currently running, and whether the runcount @@ -678,150 +802,157 @@ glthread_rwlock_rdlock (gl_rwlock_t *lock) if (!(lock->runcount + 1 > 0)) { /* This thread has to wait for a while. Enqueue it among the - waiting_readers. */ + waiting_readers. */ HANDLE event = gl_waitqueue_add (&lock->waiting_readers); if (event != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) - { - DWORD result; - LeaveCriticalSection (&lock->lock); - /* Wait until another thread signals this event. */ - result = WaitForSingleObject (event, INFINITE); - if (result == WAIT_FAILED || result == WAIT_TIMEOUT) - abort (); - CloseHandle (event); - /* The thread which signalled the event already did the bookkeeping: - removed us from the waiting_readers, incremented lock->runcount. */ - if (!(lock->runcount > 0)) - abort (); - return; - } + { + DWORD result; + LeaveCriticalSection (&lock->lock); + /* Wait until another thread signals this event. */ + result = WaitForSingleObject (event, INFINITE); + if (result == WAIT_FAILED || result == WAIT_TIMEOUT) + abort (); + CloseHandle (event); + /* The thread which signalled the event already did the bookkeeping: + removed us from the waiting_readers, incremented lock->runcount. */ + if (!(lock->runcount > 0)) + abort (); + return 0; + } else - { - /* Allocation failure. Weird. */ - do - { - LeaveCriticalSection (&lock->lock); - Sleep (1); - EnterCriticalSection (&lock->lock); - } - while (!(lock->runcount + 1 > 0)); - } + { + /* Allocation failure. Weird. */ + do + { + LeaveCriticalSection (&lock->lock); + Sleep (1); + EnterCriticalSection (&lock->lock); + } + while (!(lock->runcount + 1 > 0)); + } } lock->runcount++; LeaveCriticalSection (&lock->lock); + return 0; } -void -glthread_rwlock_wrlock (gl_rwlock_t *lock) +int +glthread_rwlock_wrlock_func (gl_rwlock_t *lock) { if (!lock->guard.done) { if (InterlockedIncrement (&lock->guard.started) == 0) - /* This thread is the first one to need this lock. Initialize it. */ - glthread_rwlock_init (lock); + /* This thread is the first one to need this lock. Initialize it. */ + glthread_rwlock_init (lock); else - /* Yield the CPU while waiting for another thread to finish - initializing this lock. */ - while (!lock->guard.done) - Sleep (0); + /* Yield the CPU while waiting for another thread to finish + initializing this lock. */ + while (!lock->guard.done) + Sleep (0); } EnterCriticalSection (&lock->lock); /* Test whether no readers or writers are currently running. */ if (!(lock->runcount == 0)) { /* This thread has to wait for a while. Enqueue it among the - waiting_writers. */ + waiting_writers. */ HANDLE event = gl_waitqueue_add (&lock->waiting_writers); if (event != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) - { - DWORD result; - LeaveCriticalSection (&lock->lock); - /* Wait until another thread signals this event. */ - result = WaitForSingleObject (event, INFINITE); - if (result == WAIT_FAILED || result == WAIT_TIMEOUT) - abort (); - CloseHandle (event); - /* The thread which signalled the event already did the bookkeeping: - removed us from the waiting_writers, set lock->runcount = -1. */ - if (!(lock->runcount == -1)) - abort (); - return; - } + { + DWORD result; + LeaveCriticalSection (&lock->lock); + /* Wait until another thread signals this event. */ + result = WaitForSingleObject (event, INFINITE); + if (result == WAIT_FAILED || result == WAIT_TIMEOUT) + abort (); + CloseHandle (event); + /* The thread which signalled the event already did the bookkeeping: + removed us from the waiting_writers, set lock->runcount = -1. */ + if (!(lock->runcount == -1)) + abort (); + return 0; + } else - { - /* Allocation failure. Weird. */ - do - { - LeaveCriticalSection (&lock->lock); - Sleep (1); - EnterCriticalSection (&lock->lock); - } - while (!(lock->runcount == 0)); - } + { + /* Allocation failure. Weird. */ + do + { + LeaveCriticalSection (&lock->lock); + Sleep (1); + EnterCriticalSection (&lock->lock); + } + while (!(lock->runcount == 0)); + } } lock->runcount--; /* runcount becomes -1 */ LeaveCriticalSection (&lock->lock); + return 0; } -void -glthread_rwlock_unlock (gl_rwlock_t *lock) +int +glthread_rwlock_unlock_func (gl_rwlock_t *lock) { if (!lock->guard.done) - abort (); + return EINVAL; EnterCriticalSection (&lock->lock); if (lock->runcount < 0) { /* Drop a writer lock. */ if (!(lock->runcount == -1)) - abort (); + abort (); lock->runcount = 0; } else { /* Drop a reader lock. */ if (!(lock->runcount > 0)) - abort (); + { + LeaveCriticalSection (&lock->lock); + return EPERM; + } lock->runcount--; } if (lock->runcount == 0) { /* POSIX recommends that "write locks shall take precedence over read - locks", to avoid "writer starvation". */ + locks", to avoid "writer starvation". */ if (lock->waiting_writers.count > 0) - { - /* Wake up one of the waiting writers. */ - lock->runcount--; - gl_waitqueue_notify_first (&lock->waiting_writers); - } + { + /* Wake up one of the waiting writers. */ + lock->runcount--; + gl_waitqueue_notify_first (&lock->waiting_writers); + } else - { - /* Wake up all waiting readers. */ - lock->runcount += lock->waiting_readers.count; - gl_waitqueue_notify_all (&lock->waiting_readers); - } + { + /* Wake up all waiting readers. */ + lock->runcount += lock->waiting_readers.count; + gl_waitqueue_notify_all (&lock->waiting_readers); + } } LeaveCriticalSection (&lock->lock); + return 0; } -void -glthread_rwlock_destroy (gl_rwlock_t *lock) +int +glthread_rwlock_destroy_func (gl_rwlock_t *lock) { if (!lock->guard.done) - abort (); + return EINVAL; if (lock->runcount != 0) - abort (); + return EBUSY; DeleteCriticalSection (&lock->lock); if (lock->waiting_readers.array != NULL) free (lock->waiting_readers.array); if (lock->waiting_writers.array != NULL) free (lock->waiting_writers.array); lock->guard.done = 0; + return 0; } /* --------------------- gl_recursive_lock_t datatype --------------------- */ void -glthread_recursive_lock_init (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock) +glthread_recursive_lock_init_func (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock) { lock->owner = 0; lock->depth = 0; @@ -829,91 +960,97 @@ glthread_recursive_lock_init (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock) lock->guard.done = 1; } -void -glthread_recursive_lock_lock (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock) +int +glthread_recursive_lock_lock_func (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock) { if (!lock->guard.done) { if (InterlockedIncrement (&lock->guard.started) == 0) - /* This thread is the first one to need this lock. Initialize it. */ - glthread_recursive_lock_init (lock); + /* This thread is the first one to need this lock. Initialize it. */ + glthread_recursive_lock_init (lock); else - /* Yield the CPU while waiting for another thread to finish - initializing this lock. */ - while (!lock->guard.done) - Sleep (0); + /* Yield the CPU while waiting for another thread to finish + initializing this lock. */ + while (!lock->guard.done) + Sleep (0); } { DWORD self = GetCurrentThreadId (); if (lock->owner != self) { - EnterCriticalSection (&lock->lock); - lock->owner = self; + EnterCriticalSection (&lock->lock); + lock->owner = self; } if (++(lock->depth) == 0) /* wraparound? */ - abort (); + { + lock->depth--; + return EAGAIN; + } } + return 0; } -void -glthread_recursive_lock_unlock (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock) +int +glthread_recursive_lock_unlock_func (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock) { if (lock->owner != GetCurrentThreadId ()) - abort (); + return EPERM; if (lock->depth == 0) - abort (); + return EINVAL; if (--(lock->depth) == 0) { lock->owner = 0; LeaveCriticalSection (&lock->lock); } + return 0; } -void -glthread_recursive_lock_destroy (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock) +int +glthread_recursive_lock_destroy_func (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock) { if (lock->owner != 0) - abort (); + return EBUSY; DeleteCriticalSection (&lock->lock); lock->guard.done = 0; + return 0; } /* -------------------------- gl_once_t datatype -------------------------- */ void -glthread_once (gl_once_t *once_control, void (*initfunction) (void)) +glthread_once_func (gl_once_t *once_control, void (*initfunction) (void)) { if (once_control->inited <= 0) { if (InterlockedIncrement (&once_control->started) == 0) - { - /* This thread is the first one to come to this once_control. */ - InitializeCriticalSection (&once_control->lock); - EnterCriticalSection (&once_control->lock); - once_control->inited = 0; - initfunction (); - once_control->inited = 1; - LeaveCriticalSection (&once_control->lock); - } + { + /* This thread is the first one to come to this once_control. */ + InitializeCriticalSection (&once_control->lock); + EnterCriticalSection (&once_control->lock); + once_control->inited = 0; + initfunction (); + once_control->inited = 1; + LeaveCriticalSection (&once_control->lock); + } else - { - /* Undo last operation. */ - InterlockedDecrement (&once_control->started); - /* Some other thread has already started the initialization. - Yield the CPU while waiting for the other thread to finish - initializing and taking the lock. */ - while (once_control->inited < 0) - Sleep (0); - if (once_control->inited <= 0) - { - /* Take the lock. This blocks until the other thread has - finished calling the initfunction. */ - EnterCriticalSection (&once_control->lock); - LeaveCriticalSection (&once_control->lock); - if (!(once_control->inited > 0)) - abort (); - } - } + { + /* Undo last operation. */ + InterlockedDecrement (&once_control->started); + /* Some other thread has already started the initialization. + Yield the CPU while waiting for the other thread to finish + initializing and taking the lock. */ + while (once_control->inited < 0) + Sleep (0); + if (once_control->inited <= 0) + { + /* Take the lock. This blocks until the other thread has + finished calling the initfunction. */ + EnterCriticalSection (&once_control->lock); + LeaveCriticalSection (&once_control->lock); + if (!(once_control->inited > 0)) + abort (); + } + } } } diff --git a/intl/lock.h b/intl/lock.h index 144531dc..b7e955aa 100644 --- a/intl/lock.h +++ b/intl/lock.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* Locking in multithreaded situations. - Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published @@ -32,6 +32,11 @@ Taking the lock: gl_lock_lock (name); Releasing the lock: gl_lock_unlock (name); De-initialization: gl_lock_destroy (name); + Equivalent functions with control of error handling: + Initialization: err = glthread_lock_init (&name); + Taking the lock: err = glthread_lock_lock (&name); + Releasing the lock: err = glthread_lock_unlock (&name); + De-initialization: err = glthread_lock_destroy (&name); Read-Write (non-recursive) locks: Type: gl_rwlock_t @@ -42,6 +47,12 @@ gl_rwlock_wrlock (name); Releasing the lock: gl_rwlock_unlock (name); De-initialization: gl_rwlock_destroy (name); + Equivalent functions with control of error handling: + Initialization: err = glthread_rwlock_init (&name); + Taking the lock: err = glthread_rwlock_rdlock (&name); + err = glthread_rwlock_wrlock (&name); + Releasing the lock: err = glthread_rwlock_unlock (&name); + De-initialization: err = glthread_rwlock_destroy (&name); Recursive locks: Type: gl_recursive_lock_t @@ -51,17 +62,27 @@ Taking the lock: gl_recursive_lock_lock (name); Releasing the lock: gl_recursive_lock_unlock (name); De-initialization: gl_recursive_lock_destroy (name); + Equivalent functions with control of error handling: + Initialization: err = glthread_recursive_lock_init (&name); + Taking the lock: err = glthread_recursive_lock_lock (&name); + Releasing the lock: err = glthread_recursive_lock_unlock (&name); + De-initialization: err = glthread_recursive_lock_destroy (&name); Once-only execution: Type: gl_once_t Initializer: gl_once_define(extern, name) Execution: gl_once (name, initfunction); + Equivalent functions with control of error handling: + Execution: err = glthread_once (&name, initfunction); */ #ifndef _LOCK_H #define _LOCK_H +#include +#include + /* ========================================================================= */ #if USE_POSIX_THREADS @@ -69,7 +90,6 @@ /* Use the POSIX threads library. */ # include -# include # ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { @@ -147,34 +167,14 @@ typedef pthread_mutex_t gl_lock_t; STORAGECLASS pthread_mutex_t NAME = gl_lock_initializer; # define gl_lock_initializer \ PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER -# define gl_lock_init(NAME) \ - do \ - { \ - if (pthread_in_use () && pthread_mutex_init (&NAME, NULL) != 0) \ - abort (); \ - } \ - while (0) -# define gl_lock_lock(NAME) \ - do \ - { \ - if (pthread_in_use () && pthread_mutex_lock (&NAME) != 0) \ - abort (); \ - } \ - while (0) -# define gl_lock_unlock(NAME) \ - do \ - { \ - if (pthread_in_use () && pthread_mutex_unlock (&NAME) != 0) \ - abort (); \ - } \ - while (0) -# define gl_lock_destroy(NAME) \ - do \ - { \ - if (pthread_in_use () && pthread_mutex_destroy (&NAME) != 0) \ - abort (); \ - } \ - while (0) +# define glthread_lock_init(LOCK) \ + (pthread_in_use () ? pthread_mutex_init (LOCK, NULL) : 0) +# define glthread_lock_lock(LOCK) \ + (pthread_in_use () ? pthread_mutex_lock (LOCK) : 0) +# define glthread_lock_unlock(LOCK) \ + (pthread_in_use () ? pthread_mutex_unlock (LOCK) : 0) +# define glthread_lock_destroy(LOCK) \ + (pthread_in_use () ? pthread_mutex_destroy (LOCK) : 0) /* ------------------------- gl_rwlock_t datatype ------------------------- */ @@ -189,41 +189,16 @@ typedef pthread_rwlock_t gl_rwlock_t; STORAGECLASS pthread_rwlock_t NAME = gl_rwlock_initializer; # define gl_rwlock_initializer \ PTHREAD_RWLOCK_INITIALIZER -# define gl_rwlock_init(NAME) \ - do \ - { \ - if (pthread_in_use () && pthread_rwlock_init (&NAME, NULL) != 0) \ - abort (); \ - } \ - while (0) -# define gl_rwlock_rdlock(NAME) \ - do \ - { \ - if (pthread_in_use () && pthread_rwlock_rdlock (&NAME) != 0) \ - abort (); \ - } \ - while (0) -# define gl_rwlock_wrlock(NAME) \ - do \ - { \ - if (pthread_in_use () && pthread_rwlock_wrlock (&NAME) != 0) \ - abort (); \ - } \ - while (0) -# define gl_rwlock_unlock(NAME) \ - do \ - { \ - if (pthread_in_use () && pthread_rwlock_unlock (&NAME) != 0) \ - abort (); \ - } \ - while (0) -# define gl_rwlock_destroy(NAME) \ - do \ - { \ - if (pthread_in_use () && pthread_rwlock_destroy (&NAME) != 0) \ - abort (); \ - } \ - while (0) +# define glthread_rwlock_init(LOCK) \ + (pthread_in_use () ? pthread_rwlock_init (LOCK, NULL) : 0) +# define glthread_rwlock_rdlock(LOCK) \ + (pthread_in_use () ? pthread_rwlock_rdlock (LOCK) : 0) +# define glthread_rwlock_wrlock(LOCK) \ + (pthread_in_use () ? pthread_rwlock_wrlock (LOCK) : 0) +# define glthread_rwlock_unlock(LOCK) \ + (pthread_in_use () ? pthread_rwlock_unlock (LOCK) : 0) +# define glthread_rwlock_destroy(LOCK) \ + (pthread_in_use () ? pthread_rwlock_destroy (LOCK) : 0) # else @@ -240,46 +215,21 @@ typedef struct STORAGECLASS gl_rwlock_t NAME = gl_rwlock_initializer; # define gl_rwlock_initializer \ { 0, PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER } -# define gl_rwlock_init(NAME) \ - do \ - { \ - if (pthread_in_use ()) \ - glthread_rwlock_init (&NAME); \ - } \ - while (0) -# define gl_rwlock_rdlock(NAME) \ - do \ - { \ - if (pthread_in_use ()) \ - glthread_rwlock_rdlock (&NAME); \ - } \ - while (0) -# define gl_rwlock_wrlock(NAME) \ - do \ - { \ - if (pthread_in_use ()) \ - glthread_rwlock_wrlock (&NAME); \ - } \ - while (0) -# define gl_rwlock_unlock(NAME) \ - do \ - { \ - if (pthread_in_use ()) \ - glthread_rwlock_unlock (&NAME); \ - } \ - while (0) -# define gl_rwlock_destroy(NAME) \ - do \ - { \ - if (pthread_in_use ()) \ - glthread_rwlock_destroy (&NAME); \ - } \ - while (0) -extern void glthread_rwlock_init (gl_rwlock_t *lock); -extern void glthread_rwlock_rdlock (gl_rwlock_t *lock); -extern void glthread_rwlock_wrlock (gl_rwlock_t *lock); -extern void glthread_rwlock_unlock (gl_rwlock_t *lock); -extern void glthread_rwlock_destroy (gl_rwlock_t *lock); +# define glthread_rwlock_init(LOCK) \ + (pthread_in_use () ? glthread_rwlock_init_multithreaded (LOCK) : 0) +# define glthread_rwlock_rdlock(LOCK) \ + (pthread_in_use () ? glthread_rwlock_rdlock_multithreaded (LOCK) : 0) +# define glthread_rwlock_wrlock(LOCK) \ + (pthread_in_use () ? glthread_rwlock_wrlock_multithreaded (LOCK) : 0) +# define glthread_rwlock_unlock(LOCK) \ + (pthread_in_use () ? glthread_rwlock_unlock_multithreaded (LOCK) : 0) +# define glthread_rwlock_destroy(LOCK) \ + (pthread_in_use () ? glthread_rwlock_destroy_multithreaded (LOCK) : 0) +extern int glthread_rwlock_init_multithreaded (gl_rwlock_t *lock); +extern int glthread_rwlock_rdlock_multithreaded (gl_rwlock_t *lock); +extern int glthread_rwlock_wrlock_multithreaded (gl_rwlock_t *lock); +extern int glthread_rwlock_unlock_multithreaded (gl_rwlock_t *lock); +extern int glthread_rwlock_destroy_multithreaded (gl_rwlock_t *lock); # endif @@ -300,46 +250,21 @@ typedef struct STORAGECLASS gl_rwlock_t NAME = gl_rwlock_initializer; # define gl_rwlock_initializer \ { PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER, PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER, PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER, 0, 0 } -# define gl_rwlock_init(NAME) \ - do \ - { \ - if (pthread_in_use ()) \ - glthread_rwlock_init (&NAME); \ - } \ - while (0) -# define gl_rwlock_rdlock(NAME) \ - do \ - { \ - if (pthread_in_use ()) \ - glthread_rwlock_rdlock (&NAME); \ - } \ - while (0) -# define gl_rwlock_wrlock(NAME) \ - do \ - { \ - if (pthread_in_use ()) \ - glthread_rwlock_wrlock (&NAME); \ - } \ - while (0) -# define gl_rwlock_unlock(NAME) \ - do \ - { \ - if (pthread_in_use ()) \ - glthread_rwlock_unlock (&NAME); \ - } \ - while (0) -# define gl_rwlock_destroy(NAME) \ - do \ - { \ - if (pthread_in_use ()) \ - glthread_rwlock_destroy (&NAME); \ - } \ - while (0) -extern void glthread_rwlock_init (gl_rwlock_t *lock); -extern void glthread_rwlock_rdlock (gl_rwlock_t *lock); -extern void glthread_rwlock_wrlock (gl_rwlock_t *lock); -extern void glthread_rwlock_unlock (gl_rwlock_t *lock); -extern void glthread_rwlock_destroy (gl_rwlock_t *lock); +# define glthread_rwlock_init(LOCK) \ + (pthread_in_use () ? glthread_rwlock_init_multithreaded (LOCK) : 0) +# define glthread_rwlock_rdlock(LOCK) \ + (pthread_in_use () ? glthread_rwlock_rdlock_multithreaded (LOCK) : 0) +# define glthread_rwlock_wrlock(LOCK) \ + (pthread_in_use () ? glthread_rwlock_wrlock_multithreaded (LOCK) : 0) +# define glthread_rwlock_unlock(LOCK) \ + (pthread_in_use () ? glthread_rwlock_unlock_multithreaded (LOCK) : 0) +# define glthread_rwlock_destroy(LOCK) \ + (pthread_in_use () ? glthread_rwlock_destroy_multithreaded (LOCK) : 0) +extern int glthread_rwlock_init_multithreaded (gl_rwlock_t *lock); +extern int glthread_rwlock_rdlock_multithreaded (gl_rwlock_t *lock); +extern int glthread_rwlock_wrlock_multithreaded (gl_rwlock_t *lock); +extern int glthread_rwlock_unlock_multithreaded (gl_rwlock_t *lock); +extern int glthread_rwlock_destroy_multithreaded (gl_rwlock_t *lock); # endif @@ -361,34 +286,15 @@ typedef pthread_mutex_t gl_recursive_lock_t; # define gl_recursive_lock_initializer \ PTHREAD_RECURSIVE_MUTEX_INITIALIZER_NP # endif -# define gl_recursive_lock_init(NAME) \ - do \ - { \ - if (pthread_in_use () && pthread_mutex_init (&NAME, NULL) != 0) \ - abort (); \ - } \ - while (0) -# define gl_recursive_lock_lock(NAME) \ - do \ - { \ - if (pthread_in_use () && pthread_mutex_lock (&NAME) != 0) \ - abort (); \ - } \ - while (0) -# define gl_recursive_lock_unlock(NAME) \ - do \ - { \ - if (pthread_in_use () && pthread_mutex_unlock (&NAME) != 0) \ - abort (); \ - } \ - while (0) -# define gl_recursive_lock_destroy(NAME) \ - do \ - { \ - if (pthread_in_use () && pthread_mutex_destroy (&NAME) != 0) \ - abort (); \ - } \ - while (0) +# define glthread_recursive_lock_init(LOCK) \ + (pthread_in_use () ? glthread_recursive_lock_init_multithreaded (LOCK) : 0) +# define glthread_recursive_lock_lock(LOCK) \ + (pthread_in_use () ? pthread_mutex_lock (LOCK) : 0) +# define glthread_recursive_lock_unlock(LOCK) \ + (pthread_in_use () ? pthread_mutex_unlock (LOCK) : 0) +# define glthread_recursive_lock_destroy(LOCK) \ + (pthread_in_use () ? pthread_mutex_destroy (LOCK) : 0) +extern int glthread_recursive_lock_init_multithreaded (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock); # else @@ -405,38 +311,18 @@ typedef struct STORAGECLASS gl_recursive_lock_t NAME = gl_recursive_lock_initializer; # define gl_recursive_lock_initializer \ { PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER, PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER, 0 } -# define gl_recursive_lock_init(NAME) \ - do \ - { \ - if (pthread_in_use ()) \ - glthread_recursive_lock_init (&NAME); \ - } \ - while (0) -# define gl_recursive_lock_lock(NAME) \ - do \ - { \ - if (pthread_in_use ()) \ - glthread_recursive_lock_lock (&NAME); \ - } \ - while (0) -# define gl_recursive_lock_unlock(NAME) \ - do \ - { \ - if (pthread_in_use ()) \ - glthread_recursive_lock_unlock (&NAME); \ - } \ - while (0) -# define gl_recursive_lock_destroy(NAME) \ - do \ - { \ - if (pthread_in_use ()) \ - glthread_recursive_lock_destroy (&NAME); \ - } \ - while (0) -extern void glthread_recursive_lock_init (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock); -extern void glthread_recursive_lock_lock (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock); -extern void glthread_recursive_lock_unlock (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock); -extern void glthread_recursive_lock_destroy (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock); +# define glthread_recursive_lock_init(LOCK) \ + (pthread_in_use () ? glthread_recursive_lock_init_multithreaded (LOCK) : 0) +# define glthread_recursive_lock_lock(LOCK) \ + (pthread_in_use () ? glthread_recursive_lock_lock_multithreaded (LOCK) : 0) +# define glthread_recursive_lock_unlock(LOCK) \ + (pthread_in_use () ? glthread_recursive_lock_unlock_multithreaded (LOCK) : 0) +# define glthread_recursive_lock_destroy(LOCK) \ + (pthread_in_use () ? glthread_recursive_lock_destroy_multithreaded (LOCK) : 0) +extern int glthread_recursive_lock_init_multithreaded (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock); +extern int glthread_recursive_lock_lock_multithreaded (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock); +extern int glthread_recursive_lock_unlock_multithreaded (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock); +extern int glthread_recursive_lock_destroy_multithreaded (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock); # endif @@ -458,38 +344,18 @@ typedef struct STORAGECLASS gl_recursive_lock_t NAME = gl_recursive_lock_initializer; # define gl_recursive_lock_initializer \ { PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER, (pthread_t) 0, 0 } -# define gl_recursive_lock_init(NAME) \ - do \ - { \ - if (pthread_in_use ()) \ - glthread_recursive_lock_init (&NAME); \ - } \ - while (0) -# define gl_recursive_lock_lock(NAME) \ - do \ - { \ - if (pthread_in_use ()) \ - glthread_recursive_lock_lock (&NAME); \ - } \ - while (0) -# define gl_recursive_lock_unlock(NAME) \ - do \ - { \ - if (pthread_in_use ()) \ - glthread_recursive_lock_unlock (&NAME); \ - } \ - while (0) -# define gl_recursive_lock_destroy(NAME) \ - do \ - { \ - if (pthread_in_use ()) \ - glthread_recursive_lock_destroy (&NAME); \ - } \ - while (0) -extern void glthread_recursive_lock_init (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock); -extern void glthread_recursive_lock_lock (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock); -extern void glthread_recursive_lock_unlock (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock); -extern void glthread_recursive_lock_destroy (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock); +# define glthread_recursive_lock_init(LOCK) \ + (pthread_in_use () ? glthread_recursive_lock_init_multithreaded (LOCK) : 0) +# define glthread_recursive_lock_lock(LOCK) \ + (pthread_in_use () ? glthread_recursive_lock_lock_multithreaded (LOCK) : 0) +# define glthread_recursive_lock_unlock(LOCK) \ + (pthread_in_use () ? glthread_recursive_lock_unlock_multithreaded (LOCK) : 0) +# define glthread_recursive_lock_destroy(LOCK) \ + (pthread_in_use () ? glthread_recursive_lock_destroy_multithreaded (LOCK) : 0) +extern int glthread_recursive_lock_init_multithreaded (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock); +extern int glthread_recursive_lock_lock_multithreaded (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock); +extern int glthread_recursive_lock_unlock_multithreaded (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock); +extern int glthread_recursive_lock_destroy_multithreaded (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock); # endif @@ -498,21 +364,10 @@ extern void glthread_recursive_lock_destroy (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock); typedef pthread_once_t gl_once_t; # define gl_once_define(STORAGECLASS, NAME) \ STORAGECLASS pthread_once_t NAME = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT; -# define gl_once(NAME, INITFUNCTION) \ - do \ - { \ - if (pthread_in_use ()) \ - { \ - if (pthread_once (&NAME, INITFUNCTION) != 0) \ - abort (); \ - } \ - else \ - { \ - if (glthread_once_singlethreaded (&NAME)) \ - INITFUNCTION (); \ - } \ - } \ - while (0) +# define glthread_once(ONCE_CONTROL, INITFUNCTION) \ + (pthread_in_use () \ + ? pthread_once (ONCE_CONTROL, INITFUNCTION) \ + : (glthread_once_singlethreaded (ONCE_CONTROL) ? (INITFUNCTION (), 0) : 0)) extern int glthread_once_singlethreaded (pthread_once_t *once_control); # ifdef __cplusplus @@ -528,7 +383,6 @@ extern int glthread_once_singlethreaded (pthread_once_t *once_control); /* Use the GNU Pth threads library. */ # include -# include # ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { @@ -564,29 +418,14 @@ typedef pth_mutex_t gl_lock_t; STORAGECLASS pth_mutex_t NAME = gl_lock_initializer; # define gl_lock_initializer \ PTH_MUTEX_INIT -# define gl_lock_init(NAME) \ - do \ - { \ - if (pth_in_use() && !pth_mutex_init (&NAME)) \ - abort (); \ - } \ - while (0) -# define gl_lock_lock(NAME) \ - do \ - { \ - if (pth_in_use() && !pth_mutex_acquire (&NAME, 0, NULL)) \ - abort (); \ - } \ - while (0) -# define gl_lock_unlock(NAME) \ - do \ - { \ - if (pth_in_use() && !pth_mutex_release (&NAME)) \ - abort (); \ - } \ - while (0) -# define gl_lock_destroy(NAME) \ - (void)(&NAME) +# define glthread_lock_init(LOCK) \ + (pth_in_use () && !pth_mutex_init (LOCK) ? errno : 0) +# define glthread_lock_lock(LOCK) \ + (pth_in_use () && !pth_mutex_acquire (LOCK, 0, NULL) ? errno : 0) +# define glthread_lock_unlock(LOCK) \ + (pth_in_use () && !pth_mutex_release (LOCK) ? errno : 0) +# define glthread_lock_destroy(LOCK) \ + ((void)(LOCK), 0) /* ------------------------- gl_rwlock_t datatype ------------------------- */ @@ -597,38 +436,16 @@ typedef pth_rwlock_t gl_rwlock_t; STORAGECLASS pth_rwlock_t NAME = gl_rwlock_initializer; # define gl_rwlock_initializer \ PTH_RWLOCK_INIT -# define gl_rwlock_init(NAME) \ - do \ - { \ - if (pth_in_use() && !pth_rwlock_init (&NAME)) \ - abort (); \ - } \ - while (0) -# define gl_rwlock_rdlock(NAME) \ - do \ - { \ - if (pth_in_use() \ - && !pth_rwlock_acquire (&NAME, PTH_RWLOCK_RD, 0, NULL)) \ - abort (); \ - } \ - while (0) -# define gl_rwlock_wrlock(NAME) \ - do \ - { \ - if (pth_in_use() \ - && !pth_rwlock_acquire (&NAME, PTH_RWLOCK_RW, 0, NULL)) \ - abort (); \ - } \ - while (0) -# define gl_rwlock_unlock(NAME) \ - do \ - { \ - if (pth_in_use() && !pth_rwlock_release (&NAME)) \ - abort (); \ - } \ - while (0) -# define gl_rwlock_destroy(NAME) \ - (void)(&NAME) +# define glthread_rwlock_init(LOCK) \ + (pth_in_use () && !pth_rwlock_init (LOCK) ? errno : 0) +# define glthread_rwlock_rdlock(LOCK) \ + (pth_in_use () && !pth_rwlock_acquire (LOCK, PTH_RWLOCK_RD, 0, NULL) ? errno : 0) +# define glthread_rwlock_wrlock(LOCK) \ + (pth_in_use () && !pth_rwlock_acquire (LOCK, PTH_RWLOCK_RW, 0, NULL) ? errno : 0) +# define glthread_rwlock_unlock(LOCK) \ + (pth_in_use () && !pth_rwlock_release (LOCK) ? errno : 0) +# define glthread_rwlock_destroy(LOCK) \ + ((void)(LOCK), 0) /* --------------------- gl_recursive_lock_t datatype --------------------- */ @@ -640,52 +457,25 @@ typedef pth_mutex_t gl_recursive_lock_t; STORAGECLASS pth_mutex_t NAME = gl_recursive_lock_initializer; # define gl_recursive_lock_initializer \ PTH_MUTEX_INIT -# define gl_recursive_lock_init(NAME) \ - do \ - { \ - if (pth_in_use() && !pth_mutex_init (&NAME)) \ - abort (); \ - } \ - while (0) -# define gl_recursive_lock_lock(NAME) \ - do \ - { \ - if (pth_in_use() && !pth_mutex_acquire (&NAME, 0, NULL)) \ - abort (); \ - } \ - while (0) -# define gl_recursive_lock_unlock(NAME) \ - do \ - { \ - if (pth_in_use() && !pth_mutex_release (&NAME)) \ - abort (); \ - } \ - while (0) -# define gl_recursive_lock_destroy(NAME) \ - (void)(&NAME) +# define glthread_recursive_lock_init(LOCK) \ + (pth_in_use () && !pth_mutex_init (LOCK) ? errno : 0) +# define glthread_recursive_lock_lock(LOCK) \ + (pth_in_use () && !pth_mutex_acquire (LOCK, 0, NULL) ? errno : 0) +# define glthread_recursive_lock_unlock(LOCK) \ + (pth_in_use () && !pth_mutex_release (LOCK) ? errno : 0) +# define glthread_recursive_lock_destroy(LOCK) \ + ((void)(LOCK), 0) /* -------------------------- gl_once_t datatype -------------------------- */ typedef pth_once_t gl_once_t; # define gl_once_define(STORAGECLASS, NAME) \ STORAGECLASS pth_once_t NAME = PTH_ONCE_INIT; -# define gl_once(NAME, INITFUNCTION) \ - do \ - { \ - if (pth_in_use ()) \ - { \ - void (*gl_once_temp) (void) = INITFUNCTION; \ - if (!pth_once (&NAME, glthread_once_call, &gl_once_temp)) \ - abort (); \ - } \ - else \ - { \ - if (glthread_once_singlethreaded (&NAME)) \ - INITFUNCTION (); \ - } \ - } \ - while (0) -extern void glthread_once_call (void *arg); +# define glthread_once(ONCE_CONTROL, INITFUNCTION) \ + (pth_in_use () \ + ? glthread_once_multithreaded (ONCE_CONTROL, INITFUNCTION) \ + : (glthread_once_singlethreaded (ONCE_CONTROL) ? (INITFUNCTION (), 0) : 0)) +extern int glthread_once_multithreaded (pth_once_t *once_control, void (*initfunction) (void)); extern int glthread_once_singlethreaded (pth_once_t *once_control); # ifdef __cplusplus @@ -702,7 +492,6 @@ extern int glthread_once_singlethreaded (pth_once_t *once_control); # include # include -# include # ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { @@ -741,34 +530,14 @@ typedef mutex_t gl_lock_t; STORAGECLASS mutex_t NAME = gl_lock_initializer; # define gl_lock_initializer \ DEFAULTMUTEX -# define gl_lock_init(NAME) \ - do \ - { \ - if (thread_in_use () && mutex_init (&NAME, USYNC_THREAD, NULL) != 0) \ - abort (); \ - } \ - while (0) -# define gl_lock_lock(NAME) \ - do \ - { \ - if (thread_in_use () && mutex_lock (&NAME) != 0) \ - abort (); \ - } \ - while (0) -# define gl_lock_unlock(NAME) \ - do \ - { \ - if (thread_in_use () && mutex_unlock (&NAME) != 0) \ - abort (); \ - } \ - while (0) -# define gl_lock_destroy(NAME) \ - do \ - { \ - if (thread_in_use () && mutex_destroy (&NAME) != 0) \ - abort (); \ - } \ - while (0) +# define glthread_lock_init(LOCK) \ + (thread_in_use () ? mutex_init (LOCK, USYNC_THREAD, NULL) : 0) +# define glthread_lock_lock(LOCK) \ + (thread_in_use () ? mutex_lock (LOCK) : 0) +# define glthread_lock_unlock(LOCK) \ + (thread_in_use () ? mutex_unlock (LOCK) : 0) +# define glthread_lock_destroy(LOCK) \ + (thread_in_use () ? mutex_destroy (LOCK) : 0) /* ------------------------- gl_rwlock_t datatype ------------------------- */ @@ -779,41 +548,16 @@ typedef rwlock_t gl_rwlock_t; STORAGECLASS rwlock_t NAME = gl_rwlock_initializer; # define gl_rwlock_initializer \ DEFAULTRWLOCK -# define gl_rwlock_init(NAME) \ - do \ - { \ - if (thread_in_use () && rwlock_init (&NAME, USYNC_THREAD, NULL) != 0) \ - abort (); \ - } \ - while (0) -# define gl_rwlock_rdlock(NAME) \ - do \ - { \ - if (thread_in_use () && rw_rdlock (&NAME) != 0) \ - abort (); \ - } \ - while (0) -# define gl_rwlock_wrlock(NAME) \ - do \ - { \ - if (thread_in_use () && rw_wrlock (&NAME) != 0) \ - abort (); \ - } \ - while (0) -# define gl_rwlock_unlock(NAME) \ - do \ - { \ - if (thread_in_use () && rw_unlock (&NAME) != 0) \ - abort (); \ - } \ - while (0) -# define gl_rwlock_destroy(NAME) \ - do \ - { \ - if (thread_in_use () && rwlock_destroy (&NAME) != 0) \ - abort (); \ - } \ - while (0) +# define glthread_rwlock_init(LOCK) \ + (thread_in_use () ? rwlock_init (LOCK, USYNC_THREAD, NULL) : 0) +# define glthread_rwlock_rdlock(LOCK) \ + (thread_in_use () ? rw_rdlock (LOCK) : 0) +# define glthread_rwlock_wrlock(LOCK) \ + (thread_in_use () ? rw_wrlock (LOCK) : 0) +# define glthread_rwlock_unlock(LOCK) \ + (thread_in_use () ? rw_unlock (LOCK) : 0) +# define glthread_rwlock_destroy(LOCK) \ + (thread_in_use () ? rwlock_destroy (LOCK) : 0) /* --------------------- gl_recursive_lock_t datatype --------------------- */ @@ -833,38 +577,18 @@ typedef struct STORAGECLASS gl_recursive_lock_t NAME = gl_recursive_lock_initializer; # define gl_recursive_lock_initializer \ { DEFAULTMUTEX, (thread_t) 0, 0 } -# define gl_recursive_lock_init(NAME) \ - do \ - { \ - if (thread_in_use ()) \ - glthread_recursive_lock_init (&NAME); \ - } \ - while (0) -# define gl_recursive_lock_lock(NAME) \ - do \ - { \ - if (thread_in_use ()) \ - glthread_recursive_lock_lock (&NAME); \ - } \ - while (0) -# define gl_recursive_lock_unlock(NAME) \ - do \ - { \ - if (thread_in_use ()) \ - glthread_recursive_lock_unlock (&NAME); \ - } \ - while (0) -# define gl_recursive_lock_destroy(NAME) \ - do \ - { \ - if (thread_in_use ()) \ - glthread_recursive_lock_destroy (&NAME); \ - } \ - while (0) -extern void glthread_recursive_lock_init (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock); -extern void glthread_recursive_lock_lock (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock); -extern void glthread_recursive_lock_unlock (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock); -extern void glthread_recursive_lock_destroy (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock); +# define glthread_recursive_lock_init(LOCK) \ + (thread_in_use () ? glthread_recursive_lock_init_multithreaded (LOCK) : 0) +# define glthread_recursive_lock_lock(LOCK) \ + (thread_in_use () ? glthread_recursive_lock_lock_multithreaded (LOCK) : 0) +# define glthread_recursive_lock_unlock(LOCK) \ + (thread_in_use () ? glthread_recursive_lock_unlock_multithreaded (LOCK) : 0) +# define glthread_recursive_lock_destroy(LOCK) \ + (thread_in_use () ? glthread_recursive_lock_destroy_multithreaded (LOCK) : 0) +extern int glthread_recursive_lock_init_multithreaded (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock); +extern int glthread_recursive_lock_lock_multithreaded (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock); +extern int glthread_recursive_lock_unlock_multithreaded (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock); +extern int glthread_recursive_lock_destroy_multithreaded (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock); /* -------------------------- gl_once_t datatype -------------------------- */ @@ -876,21 +600,11 @@ typedef struct gl_once_t; # define gl_once_define(STORAGECLASS, NAME) \ STORAGECLASS gl_once_t NAME = { 0, DEFAULTMUTEX }; -# define gl_once(NAME, INITFUNCTION) \ - do \ - { \ - if (thread_in_use ()) \ - { \ - glthread_once (&NAME, INITFUNCTION); \ - } \ - else \ - { \ - if (glthread_once_singlethreaded (&NAME)) \ - INITFUNCTION (); \ - } \ - } \ - while (0) -extern void glthread_once (gl_once_t *once_control, void (*initfunction) (void)); +# define glthread_once(ONCE_CONTROL, INITFUNCTION) \ + (thread_in_use () \ + ? glthread_once_multithreaded (ONCE_CONTROL, INITFUNCTION) \ + : (glthread_once_singlethreaded (ONCE_CONTROL) ? (INITFUNCTION (), 0) : 0)) +extern int glthread_once_multithreaded (gl_once_t *once_control, void (*initfunction) (void)); extern int glthread_once_singlethreaded (gl_once_t *once_control); # ifdef __cplusplus @@ -936,18 +650,18 @@ typedef struct STORAGECLASS gl_lock_t NAME = gl_lock_initializer; # define gl_lock_initializer \ { { 0, -1 } } -# define gl_lock_init(NAME) \ - glthread_lock_init (&NAME) -# define gl_lock_lock(NAME) \ - glthread_lock_lock (&NAME) -# define gl_lock_unlock(NAME) \ - glthread_lock_unlock (&NAME) -# define gl_lock_destroy(NAME) \ - glthread_lock_destroy (&NAME) -extern void glthread_lock_init (gl_lock_t *lock); -extern void glthread_lock_lock (gl_lock_t *lock); -extern void glthread_lock_unlock (gl_lock_t *lock); -extern void glthread_lock_destroy (gl_lock_t *lock); +# define glthread_lock_init(LOCK) \ + (glthread_lock_init_func (LOCK), 0) +# define glthread_lock_lock(LOCK) \ + glthread_lock_lock_func (LOCK) +# define glthread_lock_unlock(LOCK) \ + glthread_lock_unlock_func (LOCK) +# define glthread_lock_destroy(LOCK) \ + glthread_lock_destroy_func (LOCK) +extern void glthread_lock_init_func (gl_lock_t *lock); +extern int glthread_lock_lock_func (gl_lock_t *lock); +extern int glthread_lock_unlock_func (gl_lock_t *lock); +extern int glthread_lock_destroy_func (gl_lock_t *lock); /* ------------------------- gl_rwlock_t datatype ------------------------- */ @@ -962,13 +676,13 @@ typedef struct unsigned int alloc; /* length of allocated array */ unsigned int offset; /* index of first waiting thread in array */ } - gl_waitqueue_t; + gl_carray_waitqueue_t; typedef struct { gl_spinlock_t guard; /* protects the initialization */ CRITICAL_SECTION lock; /* protects the remaining fields */ - gl_waitqueue_t waiting_readers; /* waiting readers */ - gl_waitqueue_t waiting_writers; /* waiting writers */ + gl_carray_waitqueue_t waiting_readers; /* waiting readers */ + gl_carray_waitqueue_t waiting_writers; /* waiting writers */ int runcount; /* number of readers running, or -1 when a writer runs */ } gl_rwlock_t; @@ -978,21 +692,21 @@ typedef struct STORAGECLASS gl_rwlock_t NAME = gl_rwlock_initializer; # define gl_rwlock_initializer \ { { 0, -1 } } -# define gl_rwlock_init(NAME) \ - glthread_rwlock_init (&NAME) -# define gl_rwlock_rdlock(NAME) \ - glthread_rwlock_rdlock (&NAME) -# define gl_rwlock_wrlock(NAME) \ - glthread_rwlock_wrlock (&NAME) -# define gl_rwlock_unlock(NAME) \ - glthread_rwlock_unlock (&NAME) -# define gl_rwlock_destroy(NAME) \ - glthread_rwlock_destroy (&NAME) -extern void glthread_rwlock_init (gl_rwlock_t *lock); -extern void glthread_rwlock_rdlock (gl_rwlock_t *lock); -extern void glthread_rwlock_wrlock (gl_rwlock_t *lock); -extern void glthread_rwlock_unlock (gl_rwlock_t *lock); -extern void glthread_rwlock_destroy (gl_rwlock_t *lock); +# define glthread_rwlock_init(LOCK) \ + (glthread_rwlock_init_func (LOCK), 0) +# define glthread_rwlock_rdlock(LOCK) \ + glthread_rwlock_rdlock_func (LOCK) +# define glthread_rwlock_wrlock(LOCK) \ + glthread_rwlock_wrlock_func (LOCK) +# define glthread_rwlock_unlock(LOCK) \ + glthread_rwlock_unlock_func (LOCK) +# define glthread_rwlock_destroy(LOCK) \ + glthread_rwlock_destroy_func (LOCK) +extern void glthread_rwlock_init_func (gl_rwlock_t *lock); +extern int glthread_rwlock_rdlock_func (gl_rwlock_t *lock); +extern int glthread_rwlock_wrlock_func (gl_rwlock_t *lock); +extern int glthread_rwlock_unlock_func (gl_rwlock_t *lock); +extern int glthread_rwlock_destroy_func (gl_rwlock_t *lock); /* --------------------- gl_recursive_lock_t datatype --------------------- */ @@ -1014,18 +728,18 @@ typedef struct STORAGECLASS gl_recursive_lock_t NAME = gl_recursive_lock_initializer; # define gl_recursive_lock_initializer \ { { 0, -1 }, 0, 0 } -# define gl_recursive_lock_init(NAME) \ - glthread_recursive_lock_init (&NAME) -# define gl_recursive_lock_lock(NAME) \ - glthread_recursive_lock_lock (&NAME) -# define gl_recursive_lock_unlock(NAME) \ - glthread_recursive_lock_unlock (&NAME) -# define gl_recursive_lock_destroy(NAME) \ - glthread_recursive_lock_destroy (&NAME) -extern void glthread_recursive_lock_init (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock); -extern void glthread_recursive_lock_lock (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock); -extern void glthread_recursive_lock_unlock (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock); -extern void glthread_recursive_lock_destroy (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock); +# define glthread_recursive_lock_init(LOCK) \ + (glthread_recursive_lock_init_func (LOCK), 0) +# define glthread_recursive_lock_lock(LOCK) \ + glthread_recursive_lock_lock_func (LOCK) +# define glthread_recursive_lock_unlock(LOCK) \ + glthread_recursive_lock_unlock_func (LOCK) +# define glthread_recursive_lock_destroy(LOCK) \ + glthread_recursive_lock_destroy_func (LOCK) +extern void glthread_recursive_lock_init_func (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock); +extern int glthread_recursive_lock_lock_func (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock); +extern int glthread_recursive_lock_unlock_func (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock); +extern int glthread_recursive_lock_destroy_func (gl_recursive_lock_t *lock); /* -------------------------- gl_once_t datatype -------------------------- */ @@ -1038,9 +752,9 @@ typedef struct gl_once_t; # define gl_once_define(STORAGECLASS, NAME) \ STORAGECLASS gl_once_t NAME = { -1, -1 }; -# define gl_once(NAME, INITFUNCTION) \ - glthread_once (&NAME, INITFUNCTION) -extern void glthread_once (gl_once_t *once_control, void (*initfunction) (void)); +# define glthread_once(ONCE_CONTROL, INITFUNCTION) \ + (glthread_once_func (ONCE_CONTROL, INITFUNCTION), 0) +extern void glthread_once_func (gl_once_t *once_control, void (*initfunction) (void)); # ifdef __cplusplus } @@ -1059,47 +773,156 @@ extern void glthread_once (gl_once_t *once_control, void (*initfunction) (void)) typedef int gl_lock_t; # define gl_lock_define(STORAGECLASS, NAME) # define gl_lock_define_initialized(STORAGECLASS, NAME) -# define gl_lock_init(NAME) -# define gl_lock_lock(NAME) -# define gl_lock_unlock(NAME) +# define glthread_lock_init(NAME) 0 +# define glthread_lock_lock(NAME) 0 +# define glthread_lock_unlock(NAME) 0 +# define glthread_lock_destroy(NAME) 0 /* ------------------------- gl_rwlock_t datatype ------------------------- */ typedef int gl_rwlock_t; # define gl_rwlock_define(STORAGECLASS, NAME) # define gl_rwlock_define_initialized(STORAGECLASS, NAME) -# define gl_rwlock_init(NAME) -# define gl_rwlock_rdlock(NAME) -# define gl_rwlock_wrlock(NAME) -# define gl_rwlock_unlock(NAME) +# define glthread_rwlock_init(NAME) 0 +# define glthread_rwlock_rdlock(NAME) 0 +# define glthread_rwlock_wrlock(NAME) 0 +# define glthread_rwlock_unlock(NAME) 0 +# define glthread_rwlock_destroy(NAME) 0 /* --------------------- gl_recursive_lock_t datatype --------------------- */ typedef int gl_recursive_lock_t; # define gl_recursive_lock_define(STORAGECLASS, NAME) # define gl_recursive_lock_define_initialized(STORAGECLASS, NAME) -# define gl_recursive_lock_init(NAME) -# define gl_recursive_lock_lock(NAME) -# define gl_recursive_lock_unlock(NAME) +# define glthread_recursive_lock_init(NAME) 0 +# define glthread_recursive_lock_lock(NAME) 0 +# define glthread_recursive_lock_unlock(NAME) 0 +# define glthread_recursive_lock_destroy(NAME) 0 /* -------------------------- gl_once_t datatype -------------------------- */ typedef int gl_once_t; # define gl_once_define(STORAGECLASS, NAME) \ STORAGECLASS gl_once_t NAME = 0; -# define gl_once(NAME, INITFUNCTION) \ - do \ - { \ - if (NAME == 0) \ - { \ - NAME = ~ 0; \ - INITFUNCTION (); \ - } \ - } \ - while (0) +# define glthread_once(ONCE_CONTROL, INITFUNCTION) \ + (*(ONCE_CONTROL) == 0 ? (*(ONCE_CONTROL) = ~ 0, INITFUNCTION (), 0) : 0) #endif /* ========================================================================= */ +/* Macros with built-in error handling. */ + +/* -------------------------- gl_lock_t datatype -------------------------- */ + +#define gl_lock_init(NAME) \ + do \ + { \ + if (glthread_lock_init (&NAME)) \ + abort (); \ + } \ + while (0) +#define gl_lock_lock(NAME) \ + do \ + { \ + if (glthread_lock_lock (&NAME)) \ + abort (); \ + } \ + while (0) +#define gl_lock_unlock(NAME) \ + do \ + { \ + if (glthread_lock_unlock (&NAME)) \ + abort (); \ + } \ + while (0) +#define gl_lock_destroy(NAME) \ + do \ + { \ + if (glthread_lock_destroy (&NAME)) \ + abort (); \ + } \ + while (0) + +/* ------------------------- gl_rwlock_t datatype ------------------------- */ + +#define gl_rwlock_init(NAME) \ + do \ + { \ + if (glthread_rwlock_init (&NAME)) \ + abort (); \ + } \ + while (0) +#define gl_rwlock_rdlock(NAME) \ + do \ + { \ + if (glthread_rwlock_rdlock (&NAME)) \ + abort (); \ + } \ + while (0) +#define gl_rwlock_wrlock(NAME) \ + do \ + { \ + if (glthread_rwlock_wrlock (&NAME)) \ + abort (); \ + } \ + while (0) +#define gl_rwlock_unlock(NAME) \ + do \ + { \ + if (glthread_rwlock_unlock (&NAME)) \ + abort (); \ + } \ + while (0) +#define gl_rwlock_destroy(NAME) \ + do \ + { \ + if (glthread_rwlock_destroy (&NAME)) \ + abort (); \ + } \ + while (0) + +/* --------------------- gl_recursive_lock_t datatype --------------------- */ + +#define gl_recursive_lock_init(NAME) \ + do \ + { \ + if (glthread_recursive_lock_init (&NAME)) \ + abort (); \ + } \ + while (0) +#define gl_recursive_lock_lock(NAME) \ + do \ + { \ + if (glthread_recursive_lock_lock (&NAME)) \ + abort (); \ + } \ + while (0) +#define gl_recursive_lock_unlock(NAME) \ + do \ + { \ + if (glthread_recursive_lock_unlock (&NAME)) \ + abort (); \ + } \ + while (0) +#define gl_recursive_lock_destroy(NAME) \ + do \ + { \ + if (glthread_recursive_lock_destroy (&NAME)) \ + abort (); \ + } \ + while (0) + +/* -------------------------- gl_once_t datatype -------------------------- */ + +#define gl_once(NAME, INITFUNCTION) \ + do \ + { \ + if (glthread_once (&NAME, INITFUNCTION)) \ + abort (); \ + } \ + while (0) + +/* ========================================================================= */ + #endif /* _LOCK_H */ diff --git a/intl/log.c b/intl/log.c index e3ab5d0e..a3e4b272 100644 --- a/intl/log.c +++ b/intl/log.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* Log file output. - Copyright (C) 2003, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Copyright (C) 2003, 2005, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published @@ -33,24 +33,27 @@ # include "lock.h" #endif +/* Separator between msgctxt and msgid in .mo files. */ +#define MSGCTXT_SEPARATOR '\004' /* EOT */ + /* Print an ASCII string with quotes and escape sequences where needed. */ static void -print_escaped (FILE *stream, const char *str) +print_escaped (FILE *stream, const char *str, const char *str_end) { putc ('"', stream); - for (; *str != '\0'; str++) + for (; str != str_end; str++) if (*str == '\n') { - fputs ("\\n\"", stream); - if (str[1] == '\0') - return; - fputs ("\n\"", stream); + fputs ("\\n\"", stream); + if (str + 1 == str_end) + return; + fputs ("\n\"", stream); } else { - if (*str == '"' || *str == '\\') - putc ('\\', stream); - putc (*str, stream); + if (*str == '"' || *str == '\\') + putc ('\\', stream); + putc (*str, stream); } putc ('"', stream); } @@ -61,43 +64,52 @@ __libc_lock_define_initialized (static, lock) static inline void _nl_log_untranslated_locked (const char *logfilename, const char *domainname, - const char *msgid1, const char *msgid2, int plural) + const char *msgid1, const char *msgid2, int plural) { FILE *logfile; + const char *separator; /* Can we reuse the last opened logfile? */ if (last_logfilename == NULL || strcmp (logfilename, last_logfilename) != 0) { /* Close the last used logfile. */ if (last_logfilename != NULL) - { - if (last_logfile != NULL) - { - fclose (last_logfile); - last_logfile = NULL; - } - free (last_logfilename); - last_logfilename = NULL; - } + { + if (last_logfile != NULL) + { + fclose (last_logfile); + last_logfile = NULL; + } + free (last_logfilename); + last_logfilename = NULL; + } /* Open the logfile. */ last_logfilename = (char *) malloc (strlen (logfilename) + 1); if (last_logfilename == NULL) - return; + return; strcpy (last_logfilename, logfilename); last_logfile = fopen (logfilename, "a"); if (last_logfile == NULL) - return; + return; } logfile = last_logfile; fprintf (logfile, "domain "); - print_escaped (logfile, domainname); + print_escaped (logfile, domainname, domainname + strlen (domainname)); + separator = strchr (msgid1, MSGCTXT_SEPARATOR); + if (separator != NULL) + { + /* The part before the MSGCTXT_SEPARATOR is the msgctxt. */ + fprintf (logfile, "\nmsgctxt "); + print_escaped (logfile, msgid1, separator); + msgid1 = separator + 1; + } fprintf (logfile, "\nmsgid "); - print_escaped (logfile, msgid1); + print_escaped (logfile, msgid1, msgid1 + strlen (msgid1)); if (plural) { fprintf (logfile, "\nmsgid_plural "); - print_escaped (logfile, msgid2); + print_escaped (logfile, msgid2, msgid2 + strlen (msgid2)); fprintf (logfile, "\nmsgstr[0] \"\"\n"); } else @@ -108,7 +120,7 @@ _nl_log_untranslated_locked (const char *logfilename, const char *domainname, /* Add to the log file an entry denoting a failed translation. */ void _nl_log_untranslated (const char *logfilename, const char *domainname, - const char *msgid1, const char *msgid2, int plural) + const char *msgid1, const char *msgid2, int plural) { __libc_lock_lock (lock); _nl_log_untranslated_locked (logfilename, domainname, msgid1, msgid2, plural); diff --git a/intl/os2compat.h b/intl/os2compat.h index a18d582c..702031c1 100644 --- a/intl/os2compat.h +++ b/intl/os2compat.h @@ -21,15 +21,15 @@ #ifndef OS2_AWARE #undef LIBDIR -#define LIBDIR _nlos2_libdir +#define LIBDIR _nlos2_libdir extern char *_nlos2_libdir; #undef LOCALEDIR -#define LOCALEDIR _nlos2_localedir +#define LOCALEDIR _nlos2_localedir extern char *_nlos2_localedir; #undef LOCALE_ALIAS_PATH -#define LOCALE_ALIAS_PATH _nlos2_localealiaspath +#define LOCALE_ALIAS_PATH _nlos2_localealiaspath extern char *_nlos2_localealiaspath; #endif diff --git a/intl/printf-args.c b/intl/printf-args.c index cbd437d8..44e50a33 100644 --- a/intl/printf-args.c +++ b/intl/printf-args.c @@ -43,146 +43,146 @@ PRINTF_FETCHARGS (va_list args, arguments *a) switch (ap->type) { case TYPE_SCHAR: - ap->a.a_schar = va_arg (args, /*signed char*/ int); - break; + ap->a.a_schar = va_arg (args, /*signed char*/ int); + break; case TYPE_UCHAR: - ap->a.a_uchar = va_arg (args, /*unsigned char*/ int); - break; + ap->a.a_uchar = va_arg (args, /*unsigned char*/ int); + break; case TYPE_SHORT: - ap->a.a_short = va_arg (args, /*short*/ int); - break; + ap->a.a_short = va_arg (args, /*short*/ int); + break; case TYPE_USHORT: - ap->a.a_ushort = va_arg (args, /*unsigned short*/ int); - break; + ap->a.a_ushort = va_arg (args, /*unsigned short*/ int); + break; case TYPE_INT: - ap->a.a_int = va_arg (args, int); - break; + ap->a.a_int = va_arg (args, int); + break; case TYPE_UINT: - ap->a.a_uint = va_arg (args, unsigned int); - break; + ap->a.a_uint = va_arg (args, unsigned int); + break; case TYPE_LONGINT: - ap->a.a_longint = va_arg (args, long int); - break; + ap->a.a_longint = va_arg (args, long int); + break; case TYPE_ULONGINT: - ap->a.a_ulongint = va_arg (args, unsigned long int); - break; + ap->a.a_ulongint = va_arg (args, unsigned long int); + break; #if HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT case TYPE_LONGLONGINT: - ap->a.a_longlongint = va_arg (args, long long int); - break; + ap->a.a_longlongint = va_arg (args, long long int); + break; case TYPE_ULONGLONGINT: - ap->a.a_ulonglongint = va_arg (args, unsigned long long int); - break; + ap->a.a_ulonglongint = va_arg (args, unsigned long long int); + break; #endif case TYPE_DOUBLE: - ap->a.a_double = va_arg (args, double); - break; + ap->a.a_double = va_arg (args, double); + break; case TYPE_LONGDOUBLE: - ap->a.a_longdouble = va_arg (args, long double); - break; + ap->a.a_longdouble = va_arg (args, long double); + break; case TYPE_CHAR: - ap->a.a_char = va_arg (args, int); - break; + ap->a.a_char = va_arg (args, int); + break; #if HAVE_WINT_T case TYPE_WIDE_CHAR: - /* Although ISO C 99 7.24.1.(2) says that wint_t is "unchanged by - default argument promotions", this is not the case in mingw32, - where wint_t is 'unsigned short'. */ - ap->a.a_wide_char = - (sizeof (wint_t) < sizeof (int) - ? va_arg (args, int) - : va_arg (args, wint_t)); - break; + /* Although ISO C 99 7.24.1.(2) says that wint_t is "unchanged by + default argument promotions", this is not the case in mingw32, + where wint_t is 'unsigned short'. */ + ap->a.a_wide_char = + (sizeof (wint_t) < sizeof (int) + ? va_arg (args, int) + : va_arg (args, wint_t)); + break; #endif case TYPE_STRING: - ap->a.a_string = va_arg (args, const char *); - /* A null pointer is an invalid argument for "%s", but in practice - it occurs quite frequently in printf statements that produce - debug output. Use a fallback in this case. */ - if (ap->a.a_string == NULL) - ap->a.a_string = "(NULL)"; - break; + ap->a.a_string = va_arg (args, const char *); + /* A null pointer is an invalid argument for "%s", but in practice + it occurs quite frequently in printf statements that produce + debug output. Use a fallback in this case. */ + if (ap->a.a_string == NULL) + ap->a.a_string = "(NULL)"; + break; #if HAVE_WCHAR_T case TYPE_WIDE_STRING: - ap->a.a_wide_string = va_arg (args, const wchar_t *); - /* A null pointer is an invalid argument for "%ls", but in practice - it occurs quite frequently in printf statements that produce - debug output. Use a fallback in this case. */ - if (ap->a.a_wide_string == NULL) - { - static const wchar_t wide_null_string[] = - { - (wchar_t)'(', - (wchar_t)'N', (wchar_t)'U', (wchar_t)'L', (wchar_t)'L', - (wchar_t)')', - (wchar_t)0 - }; - ap->a.a_wide_string = wide_null_string; - } - break; + ap->a.a_wide_string = va_arg (args, const wchar_t *); + /* A null pointer is an invalid argument for "%ls", but in practice + it occurs quite frequently in printf statements that produce + debug output. Use a fallback in this case. */ + if (ap->a.a_wide_string == NULL) + { + static const wchar_t wide_null_string[] = + { + (wchar_t)'(', + (wchar_t)'N', (wchar_t)'U', (wchar_t)'L', (wchar_t)'L', + (wchar_t)')', + (wchar_t)0 + }; + ap->a.a_wide_string = wide_null_string; + } + break; #endif case TYPE_POINTER: - ap->a.a_pointer = va_arg (args, void *); - break; + ap->a.a_pointer = va_arg (args, void *); + break; case TYPE_COUNT_SCHAR_POINTER: - ap->a.a_count_schar_pointer = va_arg (args, signed char *); - break; + ap->a.a_count_schar_pointer = va_arg (args, signed char *); + break; case TYPE_COUNT_SHORT_POINTER: - ap->a.a_count_short_pointer = va_arg (args, short *); - break; + ap->a.a_count_short_pointer = va_arg (args, short *); + break; case TYPE_COUNT_INT_POINTER: - ap->a.a_count_int_pointer = va_arg (args, int *); - break; + ap->a.a_count_int_pointer = va_arg (args, int *); + break; case TYPE_COUNT_LONGINT_POINTER: - ap->a.a_count_longint_pointer = va_arg (args, long int *); - break; + ap->a.a_count_longint_pointer = va_arg (args, long int *); + break; #if HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT case TYPE_COUNT_LONGLONGINT_POINTER: - ap->a.a_count_longlongint_pointer = va_arg (args, long long int *); - break; + ap->a.a_count_longlongint_pointer = va_arg (args, long long int *); + break; #endif #if ENABLE_UNISTDIO /* The unistdio extensions. */ case TYPE_U8_STRING: - ap->a.a_u8_string = va_arg (args, const uint8_t *); - /* A null pointer is an invalid argument for "%U", but in practice - it occurs quite frequently in printf statements that produce - debug output. Use a fallback in this case. */ - if (ap->a.a_u8_string == NULL) - { - static const uint8_t u8_null_string[] = - { '(', 'N', 'U', 'L', 'L', ')', 0 }; - ap->a.a_u8_string = u8_null_string; - } - break; + ap->a.a_u8_string = va_arg (args, const uint8_t *); + /* A null pointer is an invalid argument for "%U", but in practice + it occurs quite frequently in printf statements that produce + debug output. Use a fallback in this case. */ + if (ap->a.a_u8_string == NULL) + { + static const uint8_t u8_null_string[] = + { '(', 'N', 'U', 'L', 'L', ')', 0 }; + ap->a.a_u8_string = u8_null_string; + } + break; case TYPE_U16_STRING: - ap->a.a_u16_string = va_arg (args, const uint16_t *); - /* A null pointer is an invalid argument for "%lU", but in practice - it occurs quite frequently in printf statements that produce - debug output. Use a fallback in this case. */ - if (ap->a.a_u16_string == NULL) - { - static const uint16_t u16_null_string[] = - { '(', 'N', 'U', 'L', 'L', ')', 0 }; - ap->a.a_u16_string = u16_null_string; - } - break; + ap->a.a_u16_string = va_arg (args, const uint16_t *); + /* A null pointer is an invalid argument for "%lU", but in practice + it occurs quite frequently in printf statements that produce + debug output. Use a fallback in this case. */ + if (ap->a.a_u16_string == NULL) + { + static const uint16_t u16_null_string[] = + { '(', 'N', 'U', 'L', 'L', ')', 0 }; + ap->a.a_u16_string = u16_null_string; + } + break; case TYPE_U32_STRING: - ap->a.a_u32_string = va_arg (args, const uint32_t *); - /* A null pointer is an invalid argument for "%llU", but in practice - it occurs quite frequently in printf statements that produce - debug output. Use a fallback in this case. */ - if (ap->a.a_u32_string == NULL) - { - static const uint32_t u32_null_string[] = - { '(', 'N', 'U', 'L', 'L', ')', 0 }; - ap->a.a_u32_string = u32_null_string; - } - break; + ap->a.a_u32_string = va_arg (args, const uint32_t *); + /* A null pointer is an invalid argument for "%llU", but in practice + it occurs quite frequently in printf statements that produce + debug output. Use a fallback in this case. */ + if (ap->a.a_u32_string == NULL) + { + static const uint32_t u32_null_string[] = + { '(', 'N', 'U', 'L', 'L', ')', 0 }; + ap->a.a_u32_string = u32_null_string; + } + break; #endif default: - /* Unknown type. */ - return -1; + /* Unknown type. */ + return -1; } return 0; } diff --git a/intl/printf-args.h b/intl/printf-args.h index cf89c3e7..f95e6bd9 100644 --- a/intl/printf-args.h +++ b/intl/printf-args.h @@ -94,42 +94,42 @@ typedef struct arg_type type; union { - signed char a_schar; - unsigned char a_uchar; - short a_short; - unsigned short a_ushort; - int a_int; - unsigned int a_uint; - long int a_longint; - unsigned long int a_ulongint; + signed char a_schar; + unsigned char a_uchar; + short a_short; + unsigned short a_ushort; + int a_int; + unsigned int a_uint; + long int a_longint; + unsigned long int a_ulongint; #if HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT - long long int a_longlongint; - unsigned long long int a_ulonglongint; + long long int a_longlongint; + unsigned long long int a_ulonglongint; #endif - float a_float; - double a_double; - long double a_longdouble; - int a_char; + float a_float; + double a_double; + long double a_longdouble; + int a_char; #if HAVE_WINT_T - wint_t a_wide_char; + wint_t a_wide_char; #endif - const char* a_string; + const char* a_string; #if HAVE_WCHAR_T - const wchar_t* a_wide_string; + const wchar_t* a_wide_string; #endif - void* a_pointer; - signed char * a_count_schar_pointer; - short * a_count_short_pointer; - int * a_count_int_pointer; - long int * a_count_longint_pointer; + void* a_pointer; + signed char * a_count_schar_pointer; + short * a_count_short_pointer; + int * a_count_int_pointer; + long int * a_count_longint_pointer; #if HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT - long long int * a_count_longlongint_pointer; + long long int * a_count_longlongint_pointer; #endif #if ENABLE_UNISTDIO /* The unistdio extensions. */ - const uint8_t * a_u8_string; - const uint16_t * a_u16_string; - const uint32_t * a_u32_string; + const uint8_t * a_u8_string; + const uint16_t * a_u16_string; + const uint32_t * a_u32_string; #endif } a; diff --git a/intl/printf-parse.c b/intl/printf-parse.c index 6ed1cc32..3f3174d0 100644 --- a/intl/printf-parse.c +++ b/intl/printf-parse.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* Formatted output to strings. - Copyright (C) 1999-2000, 2002-2003, 2006-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Copyright (C) 1999-2000, 2002-2003, 2006-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published @@ -81,10 +81,10 @@ STATIC int PRINTF_PARSE (const CHAR_T *format, DIRECTIVES *d, arguments *a) { - const CHAR_T *cp = format; /* pointer into format */ - size_t arg_posn = 0; /* number of regular arguments consumed */ - size_t d_allocated; /* allocated elements of d->dir */ - size_t a_allocated; /* allocated elements of a->arg */ + const CHAR_T *cp = format; /* pointer into format */ + size_t arg_posn = 0; /* number of regular arguments consumed */ + size_t d_allocated; /* allocated elements of d->dir */ + size_t a_allocated; /* allocated elements of a->arg */ size_t max_width_length = 0; size_t max_precision_length = 0; @@ -100,463 +100,501 @@ PRINTF_PARSE (const CHAR_T *format, DIRECTIVES *d, arguments *a) a->arg = NULL; #define REGISTER_ARG(_index_,_type_) \ - { \ - size_t n = (_index_); \ - if (n >= a_allocated) \ - { \ - size_t memory_size; \ - argument *memory; \ - \ - a_allocated = xtimes (a_allocated, 2); \ - if (a_allocated <= n) \ - a_allocated = xsum (n, 1); \ - memory_size = xtimes (a_allocated, sizeof (argument)); \ - if (size_overflow_p (memory_size)) \ - /* Overflow, would lead to out of memory. */ \ - goto out_of_memory; \ - memory = (argument *) (a->arg \ - ? realloc (a->arg, memory_size) \ - : malloc (memory_size)); \ - if (memory == NULL) \ - /* Out of memory. */ \ - goto out_of_memory; \ - a->arg = memory; \ - } \ - while (a->count <= n) \ - a->arg[a->count++].type = TYPE_NONE; \ - if (a->arg[n].type == TYPE_NONE) \ - a->arg[n].type = (_type_); \ - else if (a->arg[n].type != (_type_)) \ - /* Ambiguous type for positional argument. */ \ - goto error; \ + { \ + size_t n = (_index_); \ + if (n >= a_allocated) \ + { \ + size_t memory_size; \ + argument *memory; \ + \ + a_allocated = xtimes (a_allocated, 2); \ + if (a_allocated <= n) \ + a_allocated = xsum (n, 1); \ + memory_size = xtimes (a_allocated, sizeof (argument)); \ + if (size_overflow_p (memory_size)) \ + /* Overflow, would lead to out of memory. */ \ + goto out_of_memory; \ + memory = (argument *) (a->arg \ + ? realloc (a->arg, memory_size) \ + : malloc (memory_size)); \ + if (memory == NULL) \ + /* Out of memory. */ \ + goto out_of_memory; \ + a->arg = memory; \ + } \ + while (a->count <= n) \ + a->arg[a->count++].type = TYPE_NONE; \ + if (a->arg[n].type == TYPE_NONE) \ + a->arg[n].type = (_type_); \ + else if (a->arg[n].type != (_type_)) \ + /* Ambiguous type for positional argument. */ \ + goto error; \ } while (*cp != '\0') { CHAR_T c = *cp++; if (c == '%') - { - size_t arg_index = ARG_NONE; - DIRECTIVE *dp = &d->dir[d->count]; /* pointer to next directive */ - - /* Initialize the next directive. */ - dp->dir_start = cp - 1; - dp->flags = 0; - dp->width_start = NULL; - dp->width_end = NULL; - dp->width_arg_index = ARG_NONE; - dp->precision_start = NULL; - dp->precision_end = NULL; - dp->precision_arg_index = ARG_NONE; - dp->arg_index = ARG_NONE; - - /* Test for positional argument. */ - if (*cp >= '0' && *cp <= '9') - { - const CHAR_T *np; - - for (np = cp; *np >= '0' && *np <= '9'; np++) - ; - if (*np == '$') - { - size_t n = 0; - - for (np = cp; *np >= '0' && *np <= '9'; np++) - n = xsum (xtimes (n, 10), *np - '0'); - if (n == 0) - /* Positional argument 0. */ - goto error; - if (size_overflow_p (n)) - /* n too large, would lead to out of memory later. */ - goto error; - arg_index = n - 1; - cp = np + 1; - } - } - - /* Read the flags. */ - for (;;) - { - if (*cp == '\'') - { - dp->flags |= FLAG_GROUP; - cp++; - } - else if (*cp == '-') - { - dp->flags |= FLAG_LEFT; - cp++; - } - else if (*cp == '+') - { - dp->flags |= FLAG_SHOWSIGN; - cp++; - } - else if (*cp == ' ') - { - dp->flags |= FLAG_SPACE; - cp++; - } - else if (*cp == '#') - { - dp->flags |= FLAG_ALT; - cp++; - } - else if (*cp == '0') - { - dp->flags |= FLAG_ZERO; - cp++; - } - else - break; - } - - /* Parse the field width. */ - if (*cp == '*') - { - dp->width_start = cp; - cp++; - dp->width_end = cp; - if (max_width_length < 1) - max_width_length = 1; - - /* Test for positional argument. */ - if (*cp >= '0' && *cp <= '9') - { - const CHAR_T *np; - - for (np = cp; *np >= '0' && *np <= '9'; np++) - ; - if (*np == '$') - { - size_t n = 0; - - for (np = cp; *np >= '0' && *np <= '9'; np++) - n = xsum (xtimes (n, 10), *np - '0'); - if (n == 0) - /* Positional argument 0. */ - goto error; - if (size_overflow_p (n)) - /* n too large, would lead to out of memory later. */ - goto error; - dp->width_arg_index = n - 1; - cp = np + 1; - } - } - if (dp->width_arg_index == ARG_NONE) - { - dp->width_arg_index = arg_posn++; - if (dp->width_arg_index == ARG_NONE) - /* arg_posn wrapped around. */ - goto error; - } - REGISTER_ARG (dp->width_arg_index, TYPE_INT); - } - else if (*cp >= '0' && *cp <= '9') - { - size_t width_length; - - dp->width_start = cp; - for (; *cp >= '0' && *cp <= '9'; cp++) - ; - dp->width_end = cp; - width_length = dp->width_end - dp->width_start; - if (max_width_length < width_length) - max_width_length = width_length; - } - - /* Parse the precision. */ - if (*cp == '.') - { - cp++; - if (*cp == '*') - { - dp->precision_start = cp - 1; - cp++; - dp->precision_end = cp; - if (max_precision_length < 2) - max_precision_length = 2; - - /* Test for positional argument. */ - if (*cp >= '0' && *cp <= '9') - { - const CHAR_T *np; - - for (np = cp; *np >= '0' && *np <= '9'; np++) - ; - if (*np == '$') - { - size_t n = 0; - - for (np = cp; *np >= '0' && *np <= '9'; np++) - n = xsum (xtimes (n, 10), *np - '0'); - if (n == 0) - /* Positional argument 0. */ - goto error; - if (size_overflow_p (n)) - /* n too large, would lead to out of memory - later. */ - goto error; - dp->precision_arg_index = n - 1; - cp = np + 1; - } - } - if (dp->precision_arg_index == ARG_NONE) - { - dp->precision_arg_index = arg_posn++; - if (dp->precision_arg_index == ARG_NONE) - /* arg_posn wrapped around. */ - goto error; - } - REGISTER_ARG (dp->precision_arg_index, TYPE_INT); - } - else - { - size_t precision_length; - - dp->precision_start = cp - 1; - for (; *cp >= '0' && *cp <= '9'; cp++) - ; - dp->precision_end = cp; - precision_length = dp->precision_end - dp->precision_start; - if (max_precision_length < precision_length) - max_precision_length = precision_length; - } - } - - { - arg_type type; - - /* Parse argument type/size specifiers. */ - { - int flags = 0; - - for (;;) - { - if (*cp == 'h') - { - flags |= (1 << (flags & 1)); - cp++; - } - else if (*cp == 'L') - { - flags |= 4; - cp++; - } - else if (*cp == 'l') - { - flags += 8; - cp++; - } - else if (*cp == 'j') - { - if (sizeof (intmax_t) > sizeof (long)) - { - /* intmax_t = long long */ - flags += 16; - } - else if (sizeof (intmax_t) > sizeof (int)) - { - /* intmax_t = long */ - flags += 8; - } - cp++; - } - else if (*cp == 'z' || *cp == 'Z') - { - /* 'z' is standardized in ISO C 99, but glibc uses 'Z' - because the warning facility in gcc-2.95.2 understands - only 'Z' (see gcc-2.95.2/gcc/c-common.c:1784). */ - if (sizeof (size_t) > sizeof (long)) - { - /* size_t = long long */ - flags += 16; - } - else if (sizeof (size_t) > sizeof (int)) - { - /* size_t = long */ - flags += 8; - } - cp++; - } - else if (*cp == 't') - { - if (sizeof (ptrdiff_t) > sizeof (long)) - { - /* ptrdiff_t = long long */ - flags += 16; - } - else if (sizeof (ptrdiff_t) > sizeof (int)) - { - /* ptrdiff_t = long */ - flags += 8; - } - cp++; - } - else - break; - } - - /* Read the conversion character. */ - c = *cp++; - switch (c) - { - case 'd': case 'i': + { + size_t arg_index = ARG_NONE; + DIRECTIVE *dp = &d->dir[d->count]; /* pointer to next directive */ + + /* Initialize the next directive. */ + dp->dir_start = cp - 1; + dp->flags = 0; + dp->width_start = NULL; + dp->width_end = NULL; + dp->width_arg_index = ARG_NONE; + dp->precision_start = NULL; + dp->precision_end = NULL; + dp->precision_arg_index = ARG_NONE; + dp->arg_index = ARG_NONE; + + /* Test for positional argument. */ + if (*cp >= '0' && *cp <= '9') + { + const CHAR_T *np; + + for (np = cp; *np >= '0' && *np <= '9'; np++) + ; + if (*np == '$') + { + size_t n = 0; + + for (np = cp; *np >= '0' && *np <= '9'; np++) + n = xsum (xtimes (n, 10), *np - '0'); + if (n == 0) + /* Positional argument 0. */ + goto error; + if (size_overflow_p (n)) + /* n too large, would lead to out of memory later. */ + goto error; + arg_index = n - 1; + cp = np + 1; + } + } + + /* Read the flags. */ + for (;;) + { + if (*cp == '\'') + { + dp->flags |= FLAG_GROUP; + cp++; + } + else if (*cp == '-') + { + dp->flags |= FLAG_LEFT; + cp++; + } + else if (*cp == '+') + { + dp->flags |= FLAG_SHOWSIGN; + cp++; + } + else if (*cp == ' ') + { + dp->flags |= FLAG_SPACE; + cp++; + } + else if (*cp == '#') + { + dp->flags |= FLAG_ALT; + cp++; + } + else if (*cp == '0') + { + dp->flags |= FLAG_ZERO; + cp++; + } + else + break; + } + + /* Parse the field width. */ + if (*cp == '*') + { + dp->width_start = cp; + cp++; + dp->width_end = cp; + if (max_width_length < 1) + max_width_length = 1; + + /* Test for positional argument. */ + if (*cp >= '0' && *cp <= '9') + { + const CHAR_T *np; + + for (np = cp; *np >= '0' && *np <= '9'; np++) + ; + if (*np == '$') + { + size_t n = 0; + + for (np = cp; *np >= '0' && *np <= '9'; np++) + n = xsum (xtimes (n, 10), *np - '0'); + if (n == 0) + /* Positional argument 0. */ + goto error; + if (size_overflow_p (n)) + /* n too large, would lead to out of memory later. */ + goto error; + dp->width_arg_index = n - 1; + cp = np + 1; + } + } + if (dp->width_arg_index == ARG_NONE) + { + dp->width_arg_index = arg_posn++; + if (dp->width_arg_index == ARG_NONE) + /* arg_posn wrapped around. */ + goto error; + } + REGISTER_ARG (dp->width_arg_index, TYPE_INT); + } + else if (*cp >= '0' && *cp <= '9') + { + size_t width_length; + + dp->width_start = cp; + for (; *cp >= '0' && *cp <= '9'; cp++) + ; + dp->width_end = cp; + width_length = dp->width_end - dp->width_start; + if (max_width_length < width_length) + max_width_length = width_length; + } + + /* Parse the precision. */ + if (*cp == '.') + { + cp++; + if (*cp == '*') + { + dp->precision_start = cp - 1; + cp++; + dp->precision_end = cp; + if (max_precision_length < 2) + max_precision_length = 2; + + /* Test for positional argument. */ + if (*cp >= '0' && *cp <= '9') + { + const CHAR_T *np; + + for (np = cp; *np >= '0' && *np <= '9'; np++) + ; + if (*np == '$') + { + size_t n = 0; + + for (np = cp; *np >= '0' && *np <= '9'; np++) + n = xsum (xtimes (n, 10), *np - '0'); + if (n == 0) + /* Positional argument 0. */ + goto error; + if (size_overflow_p (n)) + /* n too large, would lead to out of memory + later. */ + goto error; + dp->precision_arg_index = n - 1; + cp = np + 1; + } + } + if (dp->precision_arg_index == ARG_NONE) + { + dp->precision_arg_index = arg_posn++; + if (dp->precision_arg_index == ARG_NONE) + /* arg_posn wrapped around. */ + goto error; + } + REGISTER_ARG (dp->precision_arg_index, TYPE_INT); + } + else + { + size_t precision_length; + + dp->precision_start = cp - 1; + for (; *cp >= '0' && *cp <= '9'; cp++) + ; + dp->precision_end = cp; + precision_length = dp->precision_end - dp->precision_start; + if (max_precision_length < precision_length) + max_precision_length = precision_length; + } + } + + { + arg_type type; + + /* Parse argument type/size specifiers. */ + { + int flags = 0; + + for (;;) + { + if (*cp == 'h') + { + flags |= (1 << (flags & 1)); + cp++; + } + else if (*cp == 'L') + { + flags |= 4; + cp++; + } + else if (*cp == 'l') + { + flags += 8; + cp++; + } + else if (*cp == 'j') + { + if (sizeof (intmax_t) > sizeof (long)) + { + /* intmax_t = long long */ + flags += 16; + } + else if (sizeof (intmax_t) > sizeof (int)) + { + /* intmax_t = long */ + flags += 8; + } + cp++; + } + else if (*cp == 'z' || *cp == 'Z') + { + /* 'z' is standardized in ISO C 99, but glibc uses 'Z' + because the warning facility in gcc-2.95.2 understands + only 'Z' (see gcc-2.95.2/gcc/c-common.c:1784). */ + if (sizeof (size_t) > sizeof (long)) + { + /* size_t = long long */ + flags += 16; + } + else if (sizeof (size_t) > sizeof (int)) + { + /* size_t = long */ + flags += 8; + } + cp++; + } + else if (*cp == 't') + { + if (sizeof (ptrdiff_t) > sizeof (long)) + { + /* ptrdiff_t = long long */ + flags += 16; + } + else if (sizeof (ptrdiff_t) > sizeof (int)) + { + /* ptrdiff_t = long */ + flags += 8; + } + cp++; + } +#if defined __APPLE__ && defined __MACH__ + /* On MacOS X 10.3, PRIdMAX is defined as "qd". + We cannot change it to "lld" because PRIdMAX must also + be understood by the system's printf routines. */ + else if (*cp == 'q') + { + if (64 / 8 > sizeof (long)) + { + /* int64_t = long long */ + flags += 16; + } + else + { + /* int64_t = long */ + flags += 8; + } + cp++; + } +#endif +#if (defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__) && ! defined __CYGWIN__ + /* On native Win32, PRIdMAX is defined as "I64d". + We cannot change it to "lld" because PRIdMAX must also + be understood by the system's printf routines. */ + else if (*cp == 'I' && cp[1] == '6' && cp[2] == '4') + { + if (64 / 8 > sizeof (long)) + { + /* __int64 = long long */ + flags += 16; + } + else + { + /* __int64 = long */ + flags += 8; + } + cp += 3; + } +#endif + else + break; + } + + /* Read the conversion character. */ + c = *cp++; + switch (c) + { + case 'd': case 'i': #if HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT - /* If 'long long' exists and is larger than 'long': */ - if (flags >= 16 || (flags & 4)) - type = TYPE_LONGLONGINT; - else + /* If 'long long' exists and is larger than 'long': */ + if (flags >= 16 || (flags & 4)) + type = TYPE_LONGLONGINT; + else #endif - /* If 'long long' exists and is the same as 'long', we parse - "lld" into TYPE_LONGINT. */ - if (flags >= 8) - type = TYPE_LONGINT; - else if (flags & 2) - type = TYPE_SCHAR; - else if (flags & 1) - type = TYPE_SHORT; - else - type = TYPE_INT; - break; - case 'o': case 'u': case 'x': case 'X': + /* If 'long long' exists and is the same as 'long', we parse + "lld" into TYPE_LONGINT. */ + if (flags >= 8) + type = TYPE_LONGINT; + else if (flags & 2) + type = TYPE_SCHAR; + else if (flags & 1) + type = TYPE_SHORT; + else + type = TYPE_INT; + break; + case 'o': case 'u': case 'x': case 'X': #if HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT - /* If 'long long' exists and is larger than 'long': */ - if (flags >= 16 || (flags & 4)) - type = TYPE_ULONGLONGINT; - else + /* If 'long long' exists and is larger than 'long': */ + if (flags >= 16 || (flags & 4)) + type = TYPE_ULONGLONGINT; + else #endif - /* If 'unsigned long long' exists and is the same as - 'unsigned long', we parse "llu" into TYPE_ULONGINT. */ - if (flags >= 8) - type = TYPE_ULONGINT; - else if (flags & 2) - type = TYPE_UCHAR; - else if (flags & 1) - type = TYPE_USHORT; - else - type = TYPE_UINT; - break; - case 'f': case 'F': case 'e': case 'E': case 'g': case 'G': - case 'a': case 'A': - if (flags >= 16 || (flags & 4)) - type = TYPE_LONGDOUBLE; - else - type = TYPE_DOUBLE; - break; - case 'c': - if (flags >= 8) + /* If 'unsigned long long' exists and is the same as + 'unsigned long', we parse "llu" into TYPE_ULONGINT. */ + if (flags >= 8) + type = TYPE_ULONGINT; + else if (flags & 2) + type = TYPE_UCHAR; + else if (flags & 1) + type = TYPE_USHORT; + else + type = TYPE_UINT; + break; + case 'f': case 'F': case 'e': case 'E': case 'g': case 'G': + case 'a': case 'A': + if (flags >= 16 || (flags & 4)) + type = TYPE_LONGDOUBLE; + else + type = TYPE_DOUBLE; + break; + case 'c': + if (flags >= 8) #if HAVE_WINT_T - type = TYPE_WIDE_CHAR; + type = TYPE_WIDE_CHAR; #else - goto error; + goto error; #endif - else - type = TYPE_CHAR; - break; + else + type = TYPE_CHAR; + break; #if HAVE_WINT_T - case 'C': - type = TYPE_WIDE_CHAR; - c = 'c'; - break; + case 'C': + type = TYPE_WIDE_CHAR; + c = 'c'; + break; #endif - case 's': - if (flags >= 8) + case 's': + if (flags >= 8) #if HAVE_WCHAR_T - type = TYPE_WIDE_STRING; + type = TYPE_WIDE_STRING; #else - goto error; + goto error; #endif - else - type = TYPE_STRING; - break; + else + type = TYPE_STRING; + break; #if HAVE_WCHAR_T - case 'S': - type = TYPE_WIDE_STRING; - c = 's'; - break; + case 'S': + type = TYPE_WIDE_STRING; + c = 's'; + break; #endif - case 'p': - type = TYPE_POINTER; - break; - case 'n': + case 'p': + type = TYPE_POINTER; + break; + case 'n': #if HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT - /* If 'long long' exists and is larger than 'long': */ - if (flags >= 16 || (flags & 4)) - type = TYPE_COUNT_LONGLONGINT_POINTER; - else + /* If 'long long' exists and is larger than 'long': */ + if (flags >= 16 || (flags & 4)) + type = TYPE_COUNT_LONGLONGINT_POINTER; + else #endif - /* If 'long long' exists and is the same as 'long', we parse - "lln" into TYPE_COUNT_LONGINT_POINTER. */ - if (flags >= 8) - type = TYPE_COUNT_LONGINT_POINTER; - else if (flags & 2) - type = TYPE_COUNT_SCHAR_POINTER; - else if (flags & 1) - type = TYPE_COUNT_SHORT_POINTER; - else - type = TYPE_COUNT_INT_POINTER; - break; + /* If 'long long' exists and is the same as 'long', we parse + "lln" into TYPE_COUNT_LONGINT_POINTER. */ + if (flags >= 8) + type = TYPE_COUNT_LONGINT_POINTER; + else if (flags & 2) + type = TYPE_COUNT_SCHAR_POINTER; + else if (flags & 1) + type = TYPE_COUNT_SHORT_POINTER; + else + type = TYPE_COUNT_INT_POINTER; + break; #if ENABLE_UNISTDIO - /* The unistdio extensions. */ - case 'U': - if (flags >= 16) - type = TYPE_U32_STRING; - else if (flags >= 8) - type = TYPE_U16_STRING; - else - type = TYPE_U8_STRING; - break; + /* The unistdio extensions. */ + case 'U': + if (flags >= 16) + type = TYPE_U32_STRING; + else if (flags >= 8) + type = TYPE_U16_STRING; + else + type = TYPE_U8_STRING; + break; #endif - case '%': - type = TYPE_NONE; - break; - default: - /* Unknown conversion character. */ - goto error; - } - } - - if (type != TYPE_NONE) - { - dp->arg_index = arg_index; - if (dp->arg_index == ARG_NONE) - { - dp->arg_index = arg_posn++; - if (dp->arg_index == ARG_NONE) - /* arg_posn wrapped around. */ - goto error; - } - REGISTER_ARG (dp->arg_index, type); - } - dp->conversion = c; - dp->dir_end = cp; - } - - d->count++; - if (d->count >= d_allocated) - { - size_t memory_size; - DIRECTIVE *memory; - - d_allocated = xtimes (d_allocated, 2); - memory_size = xtimes (d_allocated, sizeof (DIRECTIVE)); - if (size_overflow_p (memory_size)) - /* Overflow, would lead to out of memory. */ - goto out_of_memory; - memory = (DIRECTIVE *) realloc (d->dir, memory_size); - if (memory == NULL) - /* Out of memory. */ - goto out_of_memory; - d->dir = memory; - } - } + case '%': + type = TYPE_NONE; + break; + default: + /* Unknown conversion character. */ + goto error; + } + } + + if (type != TYPE_NONE) + { + dp->arg_index = arg_index; + if (dp->arg_index == ARG_NONE) + { + dp->arg_index = arg_posn++; + if (dp->arg_index == ARG_NONE) + /* arg_posn wrapped around. */ + goto error; + } + REGISTER_ARG (dp->arg_index, type); + } + dp->conversion = c; + dp->dir_end = cp; + } + + d->count++; + if (d->count >= d_allocated) + { + size_t memory_size; + DIRECTIVE *memory; + + d_allocated = xtimes (d_allocated, 2); + memory_size = xtimes (d_allocated, sizeof (DIRECTIVE)); + if (size_overflow_p (memory_size)) + /* Overflow, would lead to out of memory. */ + goto out_of_memory; + memory = (DIRECTIVE *) realloc (d->dir, memory_size); + if (memory == NULL) + /* Out of memory. */ + goto out_of_memory; + d->dir = memory; + } + } #if CHAR_T_ONLY_ASCII else if (!c_isascii (c)) - { - /* Non-ASCII character. Not supported. */ - goto error; - } + { + /* Non-ASCII character. Not supported. */ + goto error; + } #endif } d->dir[d->count].dir_start = cp; diff --git a/intl/printf-parse.h b/intl/printf-parse.h index e7853389..51ead29e 100644 --- a/intl/printf-parse.h +++ b/intl/printf-parse.h @@ -23,15 +23,15 @@ /* Flags */ -#define FLAG_GROUP 1 /* ' flag */ -#define FLAG_LEFT 2 /* - flag */ -#define FLAG_SHOWSIGN 4 /* + flag */ -#define FLAG_SPACE 8 /* space flag */ -#define FLAG_ALT 16 /* # flag */ -#define FLAG_ZERO 32 +#define FLAG_GROUP 1 /* ' flag */ +#define FLAG_LEFT 2 /* - flag */ +#define FLAG_SHOWSIGN 4 /* + flag */ +#define FLAG_SPACE 8 /* space flag */ +#define FLAG_ALT 16 /* # flag */ +#define FLAG_ZERO 32 /* arg_index value indicating that no argument is consumed. */ -#define ARG_NONE (~(size_t)0) +#define ARG_NONE (~(size_t)0) /* A parsed directive. */ typedef struct diff --git a/intl/printf.c b/intl/printf.c index 0088e519..b7cdc5d8 100644 --- a/intl/printf.c +++ b/intl/printf.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* Formatted output to strings, using POSIX/XSI format strings with positions. - Copyright (C) 2003, 2006-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Copyright (C) 2003, 2006-2007, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Written by Bruno Haible , 2003. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it @@ -60,7 +60,9 @@ char *alloca (); /* When building a DLL, we must export some functions. Note that because the functions are only defined for binary backward compatibility, we don't need to use __declspec(dllimport) in any case. */ -#if defined _MSC_VER && BUILDING_DLL +#if HAVE_VISIBILITY && BUILDING_DLL +# define DLL_EXPORTED __attribute__((__visibility__("default"))) +#elif defined _MSC_VER && BUILDING_DLL # define DLL_EXPORTED __declspec(dllexport) #else # define DLL_EXPORTED @@ -102,17 +104,17 @@ libintl_vfprintf (FILE *stream, const char *format, va_list args) char *result = libintl_vasnprintf (NULL, &length, format, args); int retval = -1; if (result != NULL) - { - size_t written = fwrite (result, 1, length, stream); - free (result); - if (written == length) - { - if (length > INT_MAX) - errno = EOVERFLOW; - else - retval = length; - } - } + { + size_t written = fwrite (result, 1, length, stream); + free (result); + if (written == length) + { + if (length > INT_MAX) + errno = EOVERFLOW; + else + retval = length; + } + } return retval; } } @@ -161,17 +163,17 @@ libintl_vsprintf (char *resultbuf, const char *format, va_list args) size_t length = (size_t) ~0 / (4 * sizeof (char)); char *result = libintl_vasnprintf (resultbuf, &length, format, args); if (result != resultbuf) - { - free (result); - return -1; - } + { + free (result); + return -1; + } if (length > INT_MAX) - { - errno = EOVERFLOW; - return -1; - } + { + errno = EOVERFLOW; + return -1; + } else - return length; + return length; } } @@ -209,23 +211,23 @@ libintl_vsnprintf (char *resultbuf, size_t length, const char *format, va_list a size_t maxlength = length; char *result = libintl_vasnprintf (resultbuf, &length, format, args); if (result != resultbuf) - { - if (maxlength > 0) - { - size_t pruned_length = - (length < maxlength ? length : maxlength - 1); - memcpy (resultbuf, result, pruned_length); - resultbuf[pruned_length] = '\0'; - } - free (result); - } + { + if (maxlength > 0) + { + size_t pruned_length = + (length < maxlength ? length : maxlength - 1); + memcpy (resultbuf, result, pruned_length); + resultbuf[pruned_length] = '\0'; + } + free (result); + } if (length > INT_MAX) - { - errno = EOVERFLOW; - return -1; - } + { + errno = EOVERFLOW; + return -1; + } else - return length; + return length; } } @@ -321,20 +323,20 @@ libintl_vfwprintf (FILE *stream, const wchar_t *format, va_list args) wchar_t *result = libintl_vasnwprintf (NULL, &length, format, args); int retval = -1; if (result != NULL) - { - size_t i; - for (i = 0; i < length; i++) - if (fputwc (result[i], stream) == WEOF) - break; - free (result); - if (i == length) - { - if (length > INT_MAX) - errno = EOVERFLOW; - else - retval = length; - } - } + { + size_t i; + for (i = 0; i < length; i++) + if (fputwc (result[i], stream) == WEOF) + break; + free (result); + if (i == length) + { + if (length > INT_MAX) + errno = EOVERFLOW; + else + retval = length; + } + } return retval; } } @@ -383,29 +385,29 @@ libintl_vswprintf (wchar_t *resultbuf, size_t length, const wchar_t *format, va_ size_t maxlength = length; wchar_t *result = libintl_vasnwprintf (resultbuf, &length, format, args); if (result != resultbuf) - { - if (maxlength > 0) - { - size_t pruned_length = - (length < maxlength ? length : maxlength - 1); - memcpy (resultbuf, result, pruned_length * sizeof (wchar_t)); - resultbuf[pruned_length] = 0; - } - free (result); - /* Unlike vsnprintf, which has to return the number of character that - would have been produced if the resultbuf had been sufficiently - large, the vswprintf function has to return a negative value if - the resultbuf was not sufficiently large. */ - if (length >= maxlength) - return -1; - } + { + if (maxlength > 0) + { + size_t pruned_length = + (length < maxlength ? length : maxlength - 1); + memcpy (resultbuf, result, pruned_length * sizeof (wchar_t)); + resultbuf[pruned_length] = 0; + } + free (result); + /* Unlike vsnprintf, which has to return the number of character that + would have been produced if the resultbuf had been sufficiently + large, the vswprintf function has to return a negative value if + the resultbuf was not sufficiently large. */ + if (length >= maxlength) + return -1; + } if (length > INT_MAX) - { - errno = EOVERFLOW; - return -1; - } + { + errno = EOVERFLOW; + return -1; + } else - return length; + return length; } } diff --git a/intl/relocatable.c b/intl/relocatable.c index 5e1dde6c..f1bed781 100644 --- a/intl/relocatable.c +++ b/intl/relocatable.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* Provide relocatable packages. - Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Copyright (C) 2003-2006, 2008-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Written by Bruno Haible , 2003. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ This must come before because may include , and once has been included, it's too late. */ #ifndef _GNU_SOURCE -# define _GNU_SOURCE 1 +# define _GNU_SOURCE 1 #endif #include @@ -102,11 +102,11 @@ static size_t curr_prefix_len; instead of "/"). */ static void set_this_relocation_prefix (const char *orig_prefix_arg, - const char *curr_prefix_arg) + const char *curr_prefix_arg) { if (orig_prefix_arg != NULL && curr_prefix_arg != NULL /* Optimization: if orig_prefix and curr_prefix are equal, the - relocation is a nop. */ + relocation is a nop. */ && strcmp (orig_prefix_arg, curr_prefix_arg) != 0) { /* Duplicate the argument strings. */ @@ -118,14 +118,14 @@ set_this_relocation_prefix (const char *orig_prefix_arg, #ifdef NO_XMALLOC if (memory != NULL) #endif - { - memcpy (memory, orig_prefix_arg, orig_prefix_len + 1); - orig_prefix = memory; - memory += orig_prefix_len + 1; - memcpy (memory, curr_prefix_arg, curr_prefix_len + 1); - curr_prefix = memory; - return; - } + { + memcpy (memory, orig_prefix_arg, orig_prefix_len + 1); + orig_prefix = memory; + memory += orig_prefix_len + 1; + memcpy (memory, curr_prefix_arg, curr_prefix_len + 1); + curr_prefix = memory; + return; + } } orig_prefix = NULL; curr_prefix = NULL; @@ -160,17 +160,18 @@ set_relocation_prefix (const char *orig_prefix_arg, const char *curr_prefix_arg) /* Convenience function: Computes the current installation prefix, based on the original installation prefix, the original installation directory of a particular - file, and the current pathname of this file. Returns NULL upon failure. */ + file, and the current pathname of this file. + Returns it, freshly allocated. Returns NULL upon failure. */ #ifdef IN_LIBRARY #define compute_curr_prefix local_compute_curr_prefix static #endif -const char * +char * compute_curr_prefix (const char *orig_installprefix, - const char *orig_installdir, - const char *curr_pathname) + const char *orig_installdir, + const char *curr_pathname) { - const char *curr_installdir; + char *curr_installdir; const char *rel_installdir; if (curr_pathname == NULL) @@ -193,9 +194,9 @@ compute_curr_prefix (const char *orig_installprefix, while (p > p_base) { - p--; - if (ISSLASH (*p)) - break; + p--; + if (ISSLASH (*p)) + break; } q = (char *) xmalloc (p - curr_pathname + 1); @@ -218,44 +219,47 @@ compute_curr_prefix (const char *orig_installprefix, while (rp > rel_installdir && cp > cp_base) { - bool same = false; - const char *rpi = rp; - const char *cpi = cp; - - while (rpi > rel_installdir && cpi > cp_base) - { - rpi--; - cpi--; - if (ISSLASH (*rpi) || ISSLASH (*cpi)) - { - if (ISSLASH (*rpi) && ISSLASH (*cpi)) - same = true; - break; - } - /* Do case-insensitive comparison if the filesystem is always or - often case-insensitive. It's better to accept the comparison - if the difference is only in case, rather than to fail. */ + bool same = false; + const char *rpi = rp; + const char *cpi = cp; + + while (rpi > rel_installdir && cpi > cp_base) + { + rpi--; + cpi--; + if (ISSLASH (*rpi) || ISSLASH (*cpi)) + { + if (ISSLASH (*rpi) && ISSLASH (*cpi)) + same = true; + break; + } + /* Do case-insensitive comparison if the file system is always or + often case-insensitive. It's better to accept the comparison + if the difference is only in case, rather than to fail. */ #if defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__ || defined __CYGWIN__ || defined __EMX__ || defined __DJGPP__ - /* Win32, Cygwin, OS/2, DOS - case insignificant filesystem */ - if ((*rpi >= 'a' && *rpi <= 'z' ? *rpi - 'a' + 'A' : *rpi) - != (*cpi >= 'a' && *cpi <= 'z' ? *cpi - 'a' + 'A' : *cpi)) - break; + /* Win32, Cygwin, OS/2, DOS - case insignificant file system */ + if ((*rpi >= 'a' && *rpi <= 'z' ? *rpi - 'a' + 'A' : *rpi) + != (*cpi >= 'a' && *cpi <= 'z' ? *cpi - 'a' + 'A' : *cpi)) + break; #else - if (*rpi != *cpi) - break; + if (*rpi != *cpi) + break; #endif - } - if (!same) - break; - /* The last pathname component was the same. opi and cpi now point - to the slash before it. */ - rp = rpi; - cp = cpi; + } + if (!same) + break; + /* The last pathname component was the same. opi and cpi now point + to the slash before it. */ + rp = rpi; + cp = cpi; } if (rp > rel_installdir) - /* Unexpected: The curr_installdir does not end with rel_installdir. */ - return NULL; + { + /* Unexpected: The curr_installdir does not end with rel_installdir. */ + free (curr_installdir); + return NULL; + } { size_t curr_prefix_len = cp - curr_installdir; @@ -264,11 +268,16 @@ compute_curr_prefix (const char *orig_installprefix, curr_prefix = (char *) xmalloc (curr_prefix_len + 1); #ifdef NO_XMALLOC if (curr_prefix == NULL) - return NULL; + { + free (curr_installdir); + return NULL; + } #endif memcpy (curr_prefix, curr_installdir, curr_prefix_len); curr_prefix[curr_prefix_len] = '\0'; + free (curr_installdir); + return curr_prefix; } } @@ -296,30 +305,30 @@ DllMain (HINSTANCE module_handle, DWORD event, LPVOID reserved) static char location[MAX_PATH]; if (!GetModuleFileName (module_handle, location, sizeof (location))) - /* Shouldn't happen. */ - return FALSE; + /* Shouldn't happen. */ + return FALSE; if (!IS_PATH_WITH_DIR (location)) - /* Shouldn't happen. */ - return FALSE; + /* Shouldn't happen. */ + return FALSE; { #if defined __CYGWIN__ - /* On Cygwin, we need to convert paths coming from Win32 system calls - to the Unix-like slashified notation. */ - static char location_as_posix_path[2 * MAX_PATH]; - /* There's no error return defined for cygwin_conv_to_posix_path. - See cygwin-api/func-cygwin-conv-to-posix-path.html. - Does it overflow the buffer of expected size MAX_PATH or does it - truncate the path? I don't know. Let's catch both. */ - cygwin_conv_to_posix_path (location, location_as_posix_path); - location_as_posix_path[MAX_PATH - 1] = '\0'; - if (strlen (location_as_posix_path) >= MAX_PATH - 1) - /* A sign of buffer overflow or path truncation. */ - return FALSE; - shared_library_fullname = strdup (location_as_posix_path); + /* On Cygwin, we need to convert paths coming from Win32 system calls + to the Unix-like slashified notation. */ + static char location_as_posix_path[2 * MAX_PATH]; + /* There's no error return defined for cygwin_conv_to_posix_path. + See cygwin-api/func-cygwin-conv-to-posix-path.html. + Does it overflow the buffer of expected size MAX_PATH or does it + truncate the path? I don't know. Let's catch both. */ + cygwin_conv_to_posix_path (location, location_as_posix_path); + location_as_posix_path[MAX_PATH - 1] = '\0'; + if (strlen (location_as_posix_path) >= MAX_PATH - 1) + /* A sign of buffer overflow or path truncation. */ + return FALSE; + shared_library_fullname = strdup (location_as_posix_path); #else - shared_library_fullname = strdup (location); + shared_library_fullname = strdup (location); #endif } } @@ -342,37 +351,37 @@ find_shared_library_fullname () { unsigned long address = (unsigned long) &find_shared_library_fullname; for (;;) - { - unsigned long start, end; - int c; - - if (fscanf (fp, "%lx-%lx", &start, &end) != 2) - break; - if (address >= start && address <= end - 1) - { - /* Found it. Now see if this line contains a filename. */ - while (c = getc (fp), c != EOF && c != '\n' && c != '/') - continue; - if (c == '/') - { - size_t size; - int len; - - ungetc (c, fp); - shared_library_fullname = NULL; size = 0; - len = getline (&shared_library_fullname, &size, fp); - if (len >= 0) - { - /* Success: filled shared_library_fullname. */ - if (len > 0 && shared_library_fullname[len - 1] == '\n') - shared_library_fullname[len - 1] = '\0'; - } - } - break; - } - while (c = getc (fp), c != EOF && c != '\n') - continue; - } + { + unsigned long start, end; + int c; + + if (fscanf (fp, "%lx-%lx", &start, &end) != 2) + break; + if (address >= start && address <= end - 1) + { + /* Found it. Now see if this line contains a filename. */ + while (c = getc (fp), c != EOF && c != '\n' && c != '/') + continue; + if (c == '/') + { + size_t size; + int len; + + ungetc (c, fp); + shared_library_fullname = NULL; size = 0; + len = getline (&shared_library_fullname, &size, fp); + if (len >= 0) + { + /* Success: filled shared_library_fullname. */ + if (len > 0 && shared_library_fullname[len - 1] == '\n') + shared_library_fullname[len - 1] = '\0'; + } + } + break; + } + while (c = getc (fp), c != EOF && c != '\n') + continue; + } fclose (fp); } #endif @@ -400,7 +409,9 @@ get_shared_library_fullname () #endif /* PIC */ /* Returns the pathname, relocated according to the current installation - directory. */ + directory. + The returned string is either PATHNAME unmodified or a freshly allocated + string that you can free with free() after casting it to 'char *'. */ const char * relocate (const char *pathname) { @@ -411,55 +422,69 @@ relocate (const char *pathname) if (!initialized) { /* At this point, orig_prefix and curr_prefix likely have already been - set through the main program's set_program_name_and_installdir - function. This is sufficient in the case that the library has - initially been installed in the same orig_prefix. But we can do - better, to also cover the cases that 1. it has been installed - in a different prefix before being moved to orig_prefix and (later) - to curr_prefix, 2. unlike the program, it has not moved away from - orig_prefix. */ + set through the main program's set_program_name_and_installdir + function. This is sufficient in the case that the library has + initially been installed in the same orig_prefix. But we can do + better, to also cover the cases that 1. it has been installed + in a different prefix before being moved to orig_prefix and (later) + to curr_prefix, 2. unlike the program, it has not moved away from + orig_prefix. */ const char *orig_installprefix = INSTALLPREFIX; const char *orig_installdir = INSTALLDIR; - const char *curr_prefix_better; + char *curr_prefix_better; curr_prefix_better = - compute_curr_prefix (orig_installprefix, orig_installdir, - get_shared_library_fullname ()); - if (curr_prefix_better == NULL) - curr_prefix_better = curr_prefix; + compute_curr_prefix (orig_installprefix, orig_installdir, + get_shared_library_fullname ()); - set_relocation_prefix (orig_installprefix, curr_prefix_better); + set_relocation_prefix (orig_installprefix, + curr_prefix_better != NULL + ? curr_prefix_better + : curr_prefix); + + if (curr_prefix_better != NULL) + free (curr_prefix_better); initialized = 1; } #endif /* Note: It is not necessary to perform case insensitive comparison here, - even for DOS-like filesystems, because the pathname argument was + even for DOS-like file systems, because the pathname argument was typically created from the same Makefile variable as orig_prefix came from. */ if (orig_prefix != NULL && curr_prefix != NULL && strncmp (pathname, orig_prefix, orig_prefix_len) == 0) { if (pathname[orig_prefix_len] == '\0') - /* pathname equals orig_prefix. */ - return curr_prefix; - if (ISSLASH (pathname[orig_prefix_len])) - { - /* pathname starts with orig_prefix. */ - const char *pathname_tail = &pathname[orig_prefix_len]; - char *result = - (char *) xmalloc (curr_prefix_len + strlen (pathname_tail) + 1); + { + /* pathname equals orig_prefix. */ + char *result = (char *) xmalloc (strlen (curr_prefix) + 1); + +#ifdef NO_XMALLOC + if (result != NULL) +#endif + { + strcpy (result, curr_prefix); + return result; + } + } + else if (ISSLASH (pathname[orig_prefix_len])) + { + /* pathname starts with orig_prefix. */ + const char *pathname_tail = &pathname[orig_prefix_len]; + char *result = + (char *) xmalloc (curr_prefix_len + strlen (pathname_tail) + 1); #ifdef NO_XMALLOC - if (result != NULL) + if (result != NULL) #endif - { - memcpy (result, curr_prefix, curr_prefix_len); - strcpy (result + curr_prefix_len, pathname_tail); - return result; - } - } + { + memcpy (result, curr_prefix, curr_prefix_len); + strcpy (result + curr_prefix_len, pathname_tail); + return result; + } + } } /* Nothing to relocate. */ return pathname; diff --git a/intl/relocatable.h b/intl/relocatable.h index f6d38321..3acb5343 100644 --- a/intl/relocatable.h +++ b/intl/relocatable.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* Provide relocatable packages. - Copyright (C) 2003, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Copyright (C) 2003, 2005, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Written by Bruno Haible , 2003. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it @@ -46,23 +46,27 @@ extern "C" { instead of "/"). */ extern RELOCATABLE_DLL_EXPORTED void set_relocation_prefix (const char *orig_prefix, - const char *curr_prefix); + const char *curr_prefix); /* Returns the pathname, relocated according to the current installation - directory. */ + directory. + The returned string is either PATHNAME unmodified or a freshly allocated + string that you can free with free() after casting it to 'char *'. */ extern const char * relocate (const char *pathname); -/* Memory management: relocate() leaks memory, because it has to construct - a fresh pathname. If this is a problem because your program calls - relocate() frequently, think about caching the result. */ +/* Memory management: relocate() potentially allocates memory, because it has + to construct a fresh pathname. If this is a problem because your program + calls relocate() frequently, think about caching the result. Or free the + return value if it was different from the argument pathname. */ /* Convenience function: Computes the current installation prefix, based on the original installation prefix, the original installation directory of a particular - file, and the current pathname of this file. Returns NULL upon failure. */ -extern const char * compute_curr_prefix (const char *orig_installprefix, - const char *orig_installdir, - const char *curr_pathname); + file, and the current pathname of this file. + Returns it, freshly allocated. Returns NULL upon failure. */ +extern char * compute_curr_prefix (const char *orig_installprefix, + const char *orig_installdir, + const char *curr_pathname); #else diff --git a/intl/tsearch.c b/intl/tsearch.c index d549dd45..5f2da1b4 100644 --- a/intl/tsearch.c +++ b/intl/tsearch.c @@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ check_tree (node root) edges between GPARENTP and ROOTP. */ static void maybe_split_for_insert (node *rootp, node *parentp, node *gparentp, - int p_r, int gp_r, int mode) + int p_r, int gp_r, int mode) { node root = *rootp; node *rp, *lp; @@ -193,67 +193,67 @@ maybe_split_for_insert (node *rootp, node *parentp, node *gparentp, /* This node becomes red, its successors black. */ root->red = 1; if (*rp) - (*rp)->red = 0; + (*rp)->red = 0; if (*lp) - (*lp)->red = 0; + (*lp)->red = 0; /* If the parent of this node is also red, we have to do - rotations. */ + rotations. */ if (parentp != NULL && (*parentp)->red) - { - node gp = *gparentp; - node p = *parentp; - /* There are two main cases: - 1. The edge types (left or right) of the two red edges differ. - 2. Both red edges are of the same type. - There exist two symmetries of each case, so there is a total of - 4 cases. */ - if ((p_r > 0) != (gp_r > 0)) - { - /* Put the child at the top of the tree, with its parent - and grandparent as successors. */ - p->red = 1; - gp->red = 1; - root->red = 0; - if (p_r < 0) - { - /* Child is left of parent. */ - p->left = *rp; - *rp = p; - gp->right = *lp; - *lp = gp; - } - else - { - /* Child is right of parent. */ - p->right = *lp; - *lp = p; - gp->left = *rp; - *rp = gp; - } - *gparentp = root; - } - else - { - *gparentp = *parentp; - /* Parent becomes the top of the tree, grandparent and - child are its successors. */ - p->red = 0; - gp->red = 1; - if (p_r < 0) - { - /* Left edges. */ - gp->left = p->right; - p->right = gp; - } - else - { - /* Right edges. */ - gp->right = p->left; - p->left = gp; - } - } - } + { + node gp = *gparentp; + node p = *parentp; + /* There are two main cases: + 1. The edge types (left or right) of the two red edges differ. + 2. Both red edges are of the same type. + There exist two symmetries of each case, so there is a total of + 4 cases. */ + if ((p_r > 0) != (gp_r > 0)) + { + /* Put the child at the top of the tree, with its parent + and grandparent as successors. */ + p->red = 1; + gp->red = 1; + root->red = 0; + if (p_r < 0) + { + /* Child is left of parent. */ + p->left = *rp; + *rp = p; + gp->right = *lp; + *lp = gp; + } + else + { + /* Child is right of parent. */ + p->right = *lp; + *lp = p; + gp->left = *rp; + *rp = gp; + } + *gparentp = root; + } + else + { + *gparentp = *parentp; + /* Parent becomes the top of the tree, grandparent and + child are its successors. */ + p->red = 0; + gp->red = 1; + if (p_r < 0) + { + /* Left edges. */ + gp->left = p->right; + p->right = gp; + } + else + { + /* Right edges. */ + gp->right = p->left; + p->left = gp; + } + } + } } } @@ -284,16 +284,16 @@ __tsearch (const void *key, void **vrootp, __compar_fn_t compar) node root = *rootp; r = (*compar) (key, root->key); if (r == 0) - return root; + return root; maybe_split_for_insert (rootp, parentp, gparentp, p_r, gp_r, 0); /* If that did any rotations, parentp and gparentp are now garbage. - That doesn't matter, because the values they contain are never - used again in that case. */ + That doesn't matter, because the values they contain are never + used again in that case. */ nextp = r < 0 ? &root->left : &root->right; if (*nextp == NULL) - break; + break; gparentp = parentp; parentp = rootp; @@ -306,15 +306,15 @@ __tsearch (const void *key, void **vrootp, __compar_fn_t compar) q = (struct node_t *) malloc (sizeof (struct node_t)); if (q != NULL) { - *nextp = q; /* link new node to old */ - q->key = key; /* initialize new node */ + *nextp = q; /* link new node to old */ + q->key = key; /* initialize new node */ q->red = 1; q->left = q->right = NULL; if (nextp != rootp) - /* There may be two red edges in a row now, which we must avoid by - rotating the tree. */ - maybe_split_for_insert (nextp, rootp, parentp, r, p_r, 1); + /* There may be two red edges in a row now, which we must avoid by + rotating the tree. */ + maybe_split_for_insert (nextp, rootp, parentp, r, p_r, 1); } return q; @@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ __tfind (key, vrootp, compar) r = (*compar) (key, root->key); if (r == 0) - return root; + return root; rootp = r < 0 ? &root->left : &root->right; } @@ -386,15 +386,15 @@ __tdelete (const void *key, void **vrootp, __compar_fn_t compar) while ((cmp = (*compar) (key, (*rootp)->key)) != 0) { if (sp == stacksize) - abort (); + abort (); nodestack[sp++] = rootp; p = *rootp; rootp = ((cmp < 0) - ? &(*rootp)->left - : &(*rootp)->right); + ? &(*rootp)->left + : &(*rootp)->right); if (*rootp == NULL) - return NULL; + return NULL; } /* This is bogus if the node to be deleted is the root... this routine @@ -417,15 +417,15 @@ __tdelete (const void *key, void **vrootp, __compar_fn_t compar) { node *parent = rootp, *up = &root->right; for (;;) - { - if (sp == stacksize) - abort (); - nodestack[sp++] = parent; - parent = up; - if ((*up)->left == NULL) - break; - up = &(*up)->left; - } + { + if (sp == stacksize) + abort (); + nodestack[sp++] = parent; + parent = up; + if ((*up)->left == NULL) + break; + up = &(*up)->left; + } unchained = *up; } @@ -440,9 +440,9 @@ __tdelete (const void *key, void **vrootp, __compar_fn_t compar) { q = *nodestack[sp-1]; if (unchained == q->right) - q->right = r; + q->right = r; else - q->left = r; + q->left = r; } if (unchained != root) @@ -450,156 +450,156 @@ __tdelete (const void *key, void **vrootp, __compar_fn_t compar) if (!unchained->red) { /* Now we lost a black edge, which means that the number of black - edges on every path is no longer constant. We must balance the - tree. */ + edges on every path is no longer constant. We must balance the + tree. */ /* NODESTACK now contains all parents of R. R is likely to be NULL - in the first iteration. */ + in the first iteration. */ /* NULL nodes are considered black throughout - this is necessary for - correctness. */ + correctness. */ while (sp > 0 && (r == NULL || !r->red)) - { - node *pp = nodestack[sp - 1]; - p = *pp; - /* Two symmetric cases. */ - if (r == p->left) - { - /* Q is R's brother, P is R's parent. The subtree with root - R has one black edge less than the subtree with root Q. */ - q = p->right; - if (q->red) - { - /* If Q is red, we know that P is black. We rotate P left - so that Q becomes the top node in the tree, with P below - it. P is colored red, Q is colored black. - This action does not change the black edge count for any - leaf in the tree, but we will be able to recognize one - of the following situations, which all require that Q - is black. */ - q->red = 0; - p->red = 1; - /* Left rotate p. */ - p->right = q->left; - q->left = p; - *pp = q; - /* Make sure pp is right if the case below tries to use - it. */ - nodestack[sp++] = pp = &q->left; - q = p->right; - } - /* We know that Q can't be NULL here. We also know that Q is - black. */ - if ((q->left == NULL || !q->left->red) - && (q->right == NULL || !q->right->red)) - { - /* Q has two black successors. We can simply color Q red. - The whole subtree with root P is now missing one black - edge. Note that this action can temporarily make the - tree invalid (if P is red). But we will exit the loop - in that case and set P black, which both makes the tree - valid and also makes the black edge count come out - right. If P is black, we are at least one step closer - to the root and we'll try again the next iteration. */ - q->red = 1; - r = p; - } - else - { - /* Q is black, one of Q's successors is red. We can - repair the tree with one operation and will exit the - loop afterwards. */ - if (q->right == NULL || !q->right->red) - { - /* The left one is red. We perform the same action as - in maybe_split_for_insert where two red edges are - adjacent but point in different directions: - Q's left successor (let's call it Q2) becomes the - top of the subtree we are looking at, its parent (Q) - and grandparent (P) become its successors. The former - successors of Q2 are placed below P and Q. - P becomes black, and Q2 gets the color that P had. - This changes the black edge count only for node R and - its successors. */ - node q2 = q->left; - q2->red = p->red; - p->right = q2->left; - q->left = q2->right; - q2->right = q; - q2->left = p; - *pp = q2; - p->red = 0; - } - else - { - /* It's the right one. Rotate P left. P becomes black, - and Q gets the color that P had. Q's right successor - also becomes black. This changes the black edge - count only for node R and its successors. */ - q->red = p->red; - p->red = 0; - - q->right->red = 0; - - /* left rotate p */ - p->right = q->left; - q->left = p; - *pp = q; - } - - /* We're done. */ - sp = 1; - r = NULL; - } - } - else - { - /* Comments: see above. */ - q = p->left; - if (q->red) - { - q->red = 0; - p->red = 1; - p->left = q->right; - q->right = p; - *pp = q; - nodestack[sp++] = pp = &q->right; - q = p->left; - } - if ((q->right == NULL || !q->right->red) - && (q->left == NULL || !q->left->red)) - { - q->red = 1; - r = p; - } - else - { - if (q->left == NULL || !q->left->red) - { - node q2 = q->right; - q2->red = p->red; - p->left = q2->right; - q->right = q2->left; - q2->left = q; - q2->right = p; - *pp = q2; - p->red = 0; - } - else - { - q->red = p->red; - p->red = 0; - q->left->red = 0; - p->left = q->right; - q->right = p; - *pp = q; - } - sp = 1; - r = NULL; - } - } - --sp; - } + { + node *pp = nodestack[sp - 1]; + p = *pp; + /* Two symmetric cases. */ + if (r == p->left) + { + /* Q is R's brother, P is R's parent. The subtree with root + R has one black edge less than the subtree with root Q. */ + q = p->right; + if (q->red) + { + /* If Q is red, we know that P is black. We rotate P left + so that Q becomes the top node in the tree, with P below + it. P is colored red, Q is colored black. + This action does not change the black edge count for any + leaf in the tree, but we will be able to recognize one + of the following situations, which all require that Q + is black. */ + q->red = 0; + p->red = 1; + /* Left rotate p. */ + p->right = q->left; + q->left = p; + *pp = q; + /* Make sure pp is right if the case below tries to use + it. */ + nodestack[sp++] = pp = &q->left; + q = p->right; + } + /* We know that Q can't be NULL here. We also know that Q is + black. */ + if ((q->left == NULL || !q->left->red) + && (q->right == NULL || !q->right->red)) + { + /* Q has two black successors. We can simply color Q red. + The whole subtree with root P is now missing one black + edge. Note that this action can temporarily make the + tree invalid (if P is red). But we will exit the loop + in that case and set P black, which both makes the tree + valid and also makes the black edge count come out + right. If P is black, we are at least one step closer + to the root and we'll try again the next iteration. */ + q->red = 1; + r = p; + } + else + { + /* Q is black, one of Q's successors is red. We can + repair the tree with one operation and will exit the + loop afterwards. */ + if (q->right == NULL || !q->right->red) + { + /* The left one is red. We perform the same action as + in maybe_split_for_insert where two red edges are + adjacent but point in different directions: + Q's left successor (let's call it Q2) becomes the + top of the subtree we are looking at, its parent (Q) + and grandparent (P) become its successors. The former + successors of Q2 are placed below P and Q. + P becomes black, and Q2 gets the color that P had. + This changes the black edge count only for node R and + its successors. */ + node q2 = q->left; + q2->red = p->red; + p->right = q2->left; + q->left = q2->right; + q2->right = q; + q2->left = p; + *pp = q2; + p->red = 0; + } + else + { + /* It's the right one. Rotate P left. P becomes black, + and Q gets the color that P had. Q's right successor + also becomes black. This changes the black edge + count only for node R and its successors. */ + q->red = p->red; + p->red = 0; + + q->right->red = 0; + + /* left rotate p */ + p->right = q->left; + q->left = p; + *pp = q; + } + + /* We're done. */ + sp = 1; + r = NULL; + } + } + else + { + /* Comments: see above. */ + q = p->left; + if (q->red) + { + q->red = 0; + p->red = 1; + p->left = q->right; + q->right = p; + *pp = q; + nodestack[sp++] = pp = &q->right; + q = p->left; + } + if ((q->right == NULL || !q->right->red) + && (q->left == NULL || !q->left->red)) + { + q->red = 1; + r = p; + } + else + { + if (q->left == NULL || !q->left->red) + { + node q2 = q->right; + q2->red = p->red; + p->left = q2->right; + q->right = q2->left; + q2->left = q; + q2->right = p; + *pp = q2; + p->red = 0; + } + else + { + q->red = p->red; + p->red = 0; + q->left->red = 0; + p->left = q->right; + q->right = p; + *pp = q; + } + sp = 1; + r = NULL; + } + } + --sp; + } if (r != NULL) - r->red = 0; + r->red = 0; } free (unchained); @@ -625,10 +625,10 @@ trecurse (const void *vroot, __action_fn_t action, int level) { (*action) (root, preorder, level); if (root->left != NULL) - trecurse (root->left, action, level + 1); + trecurse (root->left, action, level + 1); (*action) (root, postorder, level); if (root->right != NULL) - trecurse (root->right, action, level + 1); + trecurse (root->right, action, level + 1); (*action) (root, endorder, level); } } diff --git a/intl/tsearch.h b/intl/tsearch.h index f08e4a91..3d3fd14c 100644 --- a/intl/tsearch.h +++ b/intl/tsearch.h @@ -47,18 +47,18 @@ VISIT; If one is found, it is returned. Otherwise, a new element equal to KEY is inserted in the tree and is returned. */ extern void * tsearch (const void *key, void **vrootp, - int (*compar) (const void *, const void *)); + int (*compar) (const void *, const void *)); /* Searches an element in the tree *VROOTP that compares equal to KEY. If one is found, it is returned. Otherwise, NULL is returned. */ extern void * tfind (const void *key, void *const *vrootp, - int (*compar) (const void *, const void *)); + int (*compar) (const void *, const void *)); /* Searches an element in the tree *VROOTP that compares equal to KEY. If one is found, it is removed from the tree, and its parent node is returned. Otherwise, NULL is returned. */ extern void * tdelete (const void *key, void **vrootp, - int (*compar) (const void *, const void *)); + int (*compar) (const void *, const void *)); /* Perform a depth-first, left-to-right traversal of the tree VROOT. The ACTION function is called: @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ extern void * tdelete (const void *key, void **vrootp, 2. an indicator which visit of the node this is, 3. the level of the node in the tree (0 for the root). */ extern void twalk (const void *vroot, - void (*action) (const void *, VISIT, int)); + void (*action) (const void *, VISIT, int)); #ifdef __cplusplus } diff --git a/intl/vasnprintf.c b/intl/vasnprintf.c index 4a8e7f05..8a07ca6e 100644 --- a/intl/vasnprintf.c +++ b/intl/vasnprintf.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* vsprintf with automatic memory allocation. - Copyright (C) 1999, 2002-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Copyright (C) 1999, 2002-2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published @@ -68,13 +68,13 @@ # endif #endif -#include /* localeconv() */ -#include /* snprintf(), sprintf() */ -#include /* abort(), malloc(), realloc(), free() */ -#include /* memcpy(), strlen() */ -#include /* errno */ -#include /* CHAR_BIT */ -#include /* DBL_MAX_EXP, LDBL_MAX_EXP */ +#include /* localeconv() */ +#include /* snprintf(), sprintf() */ +#include /* abort(), malloc(), realloc(), free() */ +#include /* memcpy(), strlen() */ +#include /* errno */ +#include /* CHAR_BIT */ +#include /* DBL_MAX_EXP, LDBL_MAX_EXP */ #if HAVE_NL_LANGINFO # include #endif @@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ #if (NEED_PRINTF_DOUBLE || NEED_PRINTF_INFINITE_DOUBLE) && !defined IN_LIBINTL # include -# include "isnan.h" +# include "isnand-nolibm.h" #endif #if (NEED_PRINTF_LONG_DOUBLE || NEED_PRINTF_INFINITE_LONG_DOUBLE) && !defined IN_LIBINTL @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ #if (NEED_PRINTF_DIRECTIVE_A || NEED_PRINTF_DOUBLE) && !defined IN_LIBINTL # include -# include "isnan.h" +# include "isnand-nolibm.h" # include "printf-frexp.h" #endif @@ -118,34 +118,6 @@ # include "fpucw.h" #endif -/* Some systems, like OSF/1 4.0 and Woe32, don't have EOVERFLOW. */ -#ifndef EOVERFLOW -# define EOVERFLOW E2BIG -#endif - -#if HAVE_WCHAR_T -# if HAVE_WCSLEN -# define local_wcslen wcslen -# else - /* Solaris 2.5.1 has wcslen() in a separate library To avoid - a dependency towards this library, here is a local substitute. - Define this substitute only once, even if this file is included - twice in the same compilation unit. */ -# ifndef local_wcslen_defined -# define local_wcslen_defined 1 -static size_t -local_wcslen (const wchar_t *s) -{ - const wchar_t *ptr; - - for (ptr = s; *ptr != (wchar_t) 0; ptr++) - ; - return ptr - s; -} -# endif -# endif -#endif - /* Default parameters. */ #ifndef VASNPRINTF # if WIDE_CHAR_VERSION @@ -158,6 +130,7 @@ local_wcslen (const wchar_t *s) # define DIRECTIVES wchar_t_directives # define PRINTF_PARSE wprintf_parse # define DCHAR_CPY wmemcpy +# define DCHAR_SET wmemset # else # define VASNPRINTF vasnprintf # define FCHAR_T char @@ -168,6 +141,7 @@ local_wcslen (const wchar_t *s) # define DIRECTIVES char_directives # define PRINTF_PARSE printf_parse # define DCHAR_CPY memcpy +# define DCHAR_SET memset # endif #endif #if WIDE_CHAR_VERSION @@ -175,25 +149,40 @@ local_wcslen (const wchar_t *s) # define USE_SNPRINTF 1 # if HAVE_DECL__SNWPRINTF /* On Windows, the function swprintf() has a different signature than - on Unix; we use the _snwprintf() function instead. */ -# define SNPRINTF _snwprintf + on Unix; we use the function _snwprintf() or - on mingw - snwprintf() + instead. The mingw function snwprintf() has fewer bugs than the + MSVCRT function _snwprintf(), so prefer that. */ +# if defined __MINGW32__ +# define SNPRINTF snwprintf +# else +# define SNPRINTF _snwprintf +# endif # else /* Unix. */ # define SNPRINTF swprintf # endif #else /* TCHAR_T is char. */ -# /* Use snprintf if it exists under the name 'snprintf' or '_snprintf'. + /* Use snprintf if it exists under the name 'snprintf' or '_snprintf'. But don't use it on BeOS, since BeOS snprintf produces no output if the - size argument is >= 0x3000000. */ -# if (HAVE_DECL__SNPRINTF || HAVE_SNPRINTF) && !defined __BEOS__ + size argument is >= 0x3000000. + Also don't use it on Linux libc5, since there snprintf with size = 1 + writes any output without bounds, like sprintf. */ +# if (HAVE_DECL__SNPRINTF || HAVE_SNPRINTF) && !defined __BEOS__ && !(__GNU_LIBRARY__ == 1) # define USE_SNPRINTF 1 # else # define USE_SNPRINTF 0 # endif # if HAVE_DECL__SNPRINTF - /* Windows. */ -# define SNPRINTF _snprintf + /* Windows. The mingw function snprintf() has fewer bugs than the MSVCRT + function _snprintf(), so prefer that. */ +# if defined __MINGW32__ +# define SNPRINTF snprintf + /* Here we need to call the native snprintf, not rpl_snprintf. */ +# undef snprintf +# else +# define SNPRINTF _snprintf +# endif # else /* Unix. */ # define SNPRINTF snprintf @@ -204,19 +193,92 @@ local_wcslen (const wchar_t *s) /* Here we need to call the native sprintf, not rpl_sprintf. */ #undef sprintf -#if (NEED_PRINTF_DIRECTIVE_A || NEED_PRINTF_LONG_DOUBLE || NEED_PRINTF_DOUBLE || NEED_PRINTF_INFINITE_DOUBLE) && !defined IN_LIBINTL +/* GCC >= 4.0 with -Wall emits unjustified "... may be used uninitialized" + warnings in this file. Use -Dlint to suppress them. */ +#ifdef lint +# define IF_LINT(Code) Code +#else +# define IF_LINT(Code) /* empty */ +#endif + +/* Avoid some warnings from "gcc -Wshadow". + This file doesn't use the exp() and remainder() functions. */ +#undef exp +#define exp expo +#undef remainder +#define remainder rem + +#if (!USE_SNPRINTF || !HAVE_SNPRINTF_RETVAL_C99) && !WIDE_CHAR_VERSION +# if (HAVE_STRNLEN && !defined _AIX) +# define local_strnlen strnlen +# else +# ifndef local_strnlen_defined +# define local_strnlen_defined 1 +static size_t +local_strnlen (const char *string, size_t maxlen) +{ + const char *end = memchr (string, '\0', maxlen); + return end ? (size_t) (end - string) : maxlen; +} +# endif +# endif +#endif + +#if (((!USE_SNPRINTF || !HAVE_SNPRINTF_RETVAL_C99) && WIDE_CHAR_VERSION) || ((!USE_SNPRINTF || !HAVE_SNPRINTF_RETVAL_C99 || (NEED_PRINTF_DIRECTIVE_LS && !defined IN_LIBINTL)) && !WIDE_CHAR_VERSION && DCHAR_IS_TCHAR)) && HAVE_WCHAR_T +# if HAVE_WCSLEN +# define local_wcslen wcslen +# else + /* Solaris 2.5.1 has wcslen() in a separate library To avoid + a dependency towards this library, here is a local substitute. + Define this substitute only once, even if this file is included + twice in the same compilation unit. */ +# ifndef local_wcslen_defined +# define local_wcslen_defined 1 +static size_t +local_wcslen (const wchar_t *s) +{ + const wchar_t *ptr; + + for (ptr = s; *ptr != (wchar_t) 0; ptr++) + ; + return ptr - s; +} +# endif +# endif +#endif + +#if (!USE_SNPRINTF || !HAVE_SNPRINTF_RETVAL_C99) && HAVE_WCHAR_T && WIDE_CHAR_VERSION +# if HAVE_WCSNLEN +# define local_wcsnlen wcsnlen +# else +# ifndef local_wcsnlen_defined +# define local_wcsnlen_defined 1 +static size_t +local_wcsnlen (const wchar_t *s, size_t maxlen) +{ + const wchar_t *ptr; + + for (ptr = s; maxlen > 0 && *ptr != (wchar_t) 0; ptr++, maxlen--) + ; + return ptr - s; +} +# endif +# endif +#endif + +#if (NEED_PRINTF_DIRECTIVE_A || NEED_PRINTF_LONG_DOUBLE || NEED_PRINTF_INFINITE_LONG_DOUBLE || NEED_PRINTF_DOUBLE || NEED_PRINTF_INFINITE_DOUBLE) && !defined IN_LIBINTL /* Determine the decimal-point character according to the current locale. */ # ifndef decimal_point_char_defined # define decimal_point_char_defined 1 static char -decimal_point_char () +decimal_point_char (void) { const char *point; /* Determine it in a multithread-safe way. We know nl_langinfo is - multithread-safe on glibc systems, but is not required to be multithread- - safe by POSIX. sprintf(), however, is multithread-safe. localeconv() - is rarely multithread-safe. */ -# if HAVE_NL_LANGINFO && __GLIBC__ + multithread-safe on glibc systems and MacOS X systems, but is not required + to be multithread-safe by POSIX. sprintf(), however, is multithread-safe. + localeconv() is rarely multithread-safe. */ +# if HAVE_NL_LANGINFO && (__GLIBC__ || (defined __APPLE__ && defined __MACH__)) point = nl_langinfo (RADIXCHAR); # elif 1 char pointbuf[5]; @@ -237,18 +299,18 @@ decimal_point_char () static int is_infinite_or_zero (double x) { - return isnan (x) || x + x == x; + return isnand (x) || x + x == x; } #endif #if NEED_PRINTF_INFINITE_LONG_DOUBLE && !NEED_PRINTF_LONG_DOUBLE && !defined IN_LIBINTL -/* Equivalent to !isfinite(x), but does not require libm. */ +/* Equivalent to !isfinite(x) || x == 0, but does not require libm. */ static int -is_infinitel (long double x) +is_infinite_or_zerol (long double x) { - return isnanl (x) || (x + x == x && x != 0.0L); + return isnanl (x) || x + x == x; } #endif @@ -316,26 +378,26 @@ multiply (mpn_t src1, mpn_t src2, mpn_t *dest) dlen = len1 + len2; dp = (mp_limb_t *) malloc (dlen * sizeof (mp_limb_t)); if (dp == NULL) - return NULL; + return NULL; for (k = len2; k > 0; ) - dp[--k] = 0; + dp[--k] = 0; for (i = 0; i < len1; i++) - { - mp_limb_t digit1 = p1[i]; - mp_twolimb_t carry = 0; - for (j = 0; j < len2; j++) - { - mp_limb_t digit2 = p2[j]; - carry += (mp_twolimb_t) digit1 * (mp_twolimb_t) digit2; - carry += dp[i + j]; - dp[i + j] = (mp_limb_t) carry; - carry = carry >> GMP_LIMB_BITS; - } - dp[i + len2] = (mp_limb_t) carry; - } + { + mp_limb_t digit1 = p1[i]; + mp_twolimb_t carry = 0; + for (j = 0; j < len2; j++) + { + mp_limb_t digit2 = p2[j]; + carry += (mp_twolimb_t) digit1 * (mp_twolimb_t) digit2; + carry += dp[i + j]; + dp[i + j] = (mp_limb_t) carry; + carry = carry >> GMP_LIMB_BITS; + } + dp[i + len2] = (mp_limb_t) carry; + } /* Normalise. */ while (dlen > 0 && dp[dlen - 1] == 0) - dlen--; + dlen--; dest->nlimbs = dlen; dest->limbs = dp; } @@ -365,7 +427,7 @@ divide (mpn_t a, mpn_t b, mpn_t *q) Normalise [q[m-1],...,q[0]], yields q. If m>=n>1, perform a multiple-precision division: We have a/b < beta^(m-n+1). - s:=intDsize-1-(hightest bit in b[n-1]), 0<=s=beta/2. For j=m-n,...,0: {Here 0 <= r < b*beta^(j+1).} @@ -429,12 +491,12 @@ divide (mpn_t a, mpn_t b, mpn_t *q) for (;;) { if (b_len == 0) - /* Division by zero. */ - abort (); + /* Division by zero. */ + abort (); if (b_ptr[b_len - 1] == 0) - b_len--; + b_len--; else - break; + break; } /* Here m = a_len >= 0 and n = b_len > 0. */ @@ -451,261 +513,261 @@ divide (mpn_t a, mpn_t b, mpn_t *q) else if (b_len == 1) { /* n=1: single precision division. - beta^(m-1) <= a < beta^m ==> beta^(m-2) <= a/b < beta^m */ + beta^(m-1) <= a < beta^m ==> beta^(m-2) <= a/b < beta^m */ r_ptr = roomptr; q_ptr = roomptr + 1; { - mp_limb_t den = b_ptr[0]; - mp_limb_t remainder = 0; - const mp_limb_t *sourceptr = a_ptr + a_len; - mp_limb_t *destptr = q_ptr + a_len; - size_t count; - for (count = a_len; count > 0; count--) - { - mp_twolimb_t num = - ((mp_twolimb_t) remainder << GMP_LIMB_BITS) | *--sourceptr; - *--destptr = num / den; - remainder = num % den; - } - /* Normalise and store r. */ - if (remainder > 0) - { - r_ptr[0] = remainder; - r_len = 1; - } - else - r_len = 0; - /* Normalise q. */ - q_len = a_len; - if (q_ptr[q_len - 1] == 0) - q_len--; + mp_limb_t den = b_ptr[0]; + mp_limb_t remainder = 0; + const mp_limb_t *sourceptr = a_ptr + a_len; + mp_limb_t *destptr = q_ptr + a_len; + size_t count; + for (count = a_len; count > 0; count--) + { + mp_twolimb_t num = + ((mp_twolimb_t) remainder << GMP_LIMB_BITS) | *--sourceptr; + *--destptr = num / den; + remainder = num % den; + } + /* Normalise and store r. */ + if (remainder > 0) + { + r_ptr[0] = remainder; + r_len = 1; + } + else + r_len = 0; + /* Normalise q. */ + q_len = a_len; + if (q_ptr[q_len - 1] == 0) + q_len--; } } else { /* n>1: multiple precision division. - beta^(m-1) <= a < beta^m, beta^(n-1) <= b < beta^n ==> - beta^(m-n-1) <= a/b < beta^(m-n+1). */ + beta^(m-1) <= a < beta^m, beta^(n-1) <= b < beta^n ==> + beta^(m-n-1) <= a/b < beta^(m-n+1). */ /* Determine s. */ size_t s; { - mp_limb_t msd = b_ptr[b_len - 1]; /* = b[n-1], > 0 */ - s = 31; - if (msd >= 0x10000) - { - msd = msd >> 16; - s -= 16; - } - if (msd >= 0x100) - { - msd = msd >> 8; - s -= 8; - } - if (msd >= 0x10) - { - msd = msd >> 4; - s -= 4; - } - if (msd >= 0x4) - { - msd = msd >> 2; - s -= 2; - } - if (msd >= 0x2) - { - msd = msd >> 1; - s -= 1; - } + mp_limb_t msd = b_ptr[b_len - 1]; /* = b[n-1], > 0 */ + s = 31; + if (msd >= 0x10000) + { + msd = msd >> 16; + s -= 16; + } + if (msd >= 0x100) + { + msd = msd >> 8; + s -= 8; + } + if (msd >= 0x10) + { + msd = msd >> 4; + s -= 4; + } + if (msd >= 0x4) + { + msd = msd >> 2; + s -= 2; + } + if (msd >= 0x2) + { + msd = msd >> 1; + s -= 1; + } } /* 0 <= s < GMP_LIMB_BITS. - Copy b, shifting it left by s bits. */ + Copy b, shifting it left by s bits. */ if (s > 0) - { - tmp_roomptr = (mp_limb_t *) malloc (b_len * sizeof (mp_limb_t)); - if (tmp_roomptr == NULL) - { - free (roomptr); - return NULL; - } - { - const mp_limb_t *sourceptr = b_ptr; - mp_limb_t *destptr = tmp_roomptr; - mp_twolimb_t accu = 0; - size_t count; - for (count = b_len; count > 0; count--) - { - accu += (mp_twolimb_t) *sourceptr++ << s; - *destptr++ = (mp_limb_t) accu; - accu = accu >> GMP_LIMB_BITS; - } - /* accu must be zero, since that was how s was determined. */ - if (accu != 0) - abort (); - } - b_ptr = tmp_roomptr; - } + { + tmp_roomptr = (mp_limb_t *) malloc (b_len * sizeof (mp_limb_t)); + if (tmp_roomptr == NULL) + { + free (roomptr); + return NULL; + } + { + const mp_limb_t *sourceptr = b_ptr; + mp_limb_t *destptr = tmp_roomptr; + mp_twolimb_t accu = 0; + size_t count; + for (count = b_len; count > 0; count--) + { + accu += (mp_twolimb_t) *sourceptr++ << s; + *destptr++ = (mp_limb_t) accu; + accu = accu >> GMP_LIMB_BITS; + } + /* accu must be zero, since that was how s was determined. */ + if (accu != 0) + abort (); + } + b_ptr = tmp_roomptr; + } /* Copy a, shifting it left by s bits, yields r. - Memory layout: - At the beginning: r = roomptr[0..a_len], - at the end: r = roomptr[0..b_len-1], q = roomptr[b_len..a_len] */ + Memory layout: + At the beginning: r = roomptr[0..a_len], + at the end: r = roomptr[0..b_len-1], q = roomptr[b_len..a_len] */ r_ptr = roomptr; if (s == 0) - { - memcpy (r_ptr, a_ptr, a_len * sizeof (mp_limb_t)); - r_ptr[a_len] = 0; - } + { + memcpy (r_ptr, a_ptr, a_len * sizeof (mp_limb_t)); + r_ptr[a_len] = 0; + } else - { - const mp_limb_t *sourceptr = a_ptr; - mp_limb_t *destptr = r_ptr; - mp_twolimb_t accu = 0; - size_t count; - for (count = a_len; count > 0; count--) - { - accu += (mp_twolimb_t) *sourceptr++ << s; - *destptr++ = (mp_limb_t) accu; - accu = accu >> GMP_LIMB_BITS; - } - *destptr++ = (mp_limb_t) accu; - } + { + const mp_limb_t *sourceptr = a_ptr; + mp_limb_t *destptr = r_ptr; + mp_twolimb_t accu = 0; + size_t count; + for (count = a_len; count > 0; count--) + { + accu += (mp_twolimb_t) *sourceptr++ << s; + *destptr++ = (mp_limb_t) accu; + accu = accu >> GMP_LIMB_BITS; + } + *destptr++ = (mp_limb_t) accu; + } q_ptr = roomptr + b_len; q_len = a_len - b_len + 1; /* q will have m-n+1 limbs */ { - size_t j = a_len - b_len; /* m-n */ - mp_limb_t b_msd = b_ptr[b_len - 1]; /* b[n-1] */ - mp_limb_t b_2msd = b_ptr[b_len - 2]; /* b[n-2] */ - mp_twolimb_t b_msdd = /* b[n-1]*beta+b[n-2] */ - ((mp_twolimb_t) b_msd << GMP_LIMB_BITS) | b_2msd; - /* Division loop, traversed m-n+1 times. - j counts down, b is unchanged, beta/2 <= b[n-1] < beta. */ - for (;;) - { - mp_limb_t q_star; - mp_limb_t c1; - if (r_ptr[j + b_len] < b_msd) /* r[j+n] < b[n-1] ? */ - { - /* Divide r[j+n]*beta+r[j+n-1] by b[n-1], no overflow. */ - mp_twolimb_t num = - ((mp_twolimb_t) r_ptr[j + b_len] << GMP_LIMB_BITS) - | r_ptr[j + b_len - 1]; - q_star = num / b_msd; - c1 = num % b_msd; - } - else - { - /* Overflow, hence r[j+n]*beta+r[j+n-1] >= beta*b[n-1]. */ - q_star = (mp_limb_t)~(mp_limb_t)0; /* q* = beta-1 */ - /* Test whether r[j+n]*beta+r[j+n-1] - (beta-1)*b[n-1] >= beta - <==> r[j+n]*beta+r[j+n-1] + b[n-1] >= beta*b[n-1]+beta - <==> b[n-1] < floor((r[j+n]*beta+r[j+n-1]+b[n-1])/beta) - {<= beta !}. - If yes, jump directly to the subtraction loop. - (Otherwise, r[j+n]*beta+r[j+n-1] - (beta-1)*b[n-1] < beta - <==> floor((r[j+n]*beta+r[j+n-1]+b[n-1])/beta) = b[n-1] ) */ - if (r_ptr[j + b_len] > b_msd - || (c1 = r_ptr[j + b_len - 1] + b_msd) < b_msd) - /* r[j+n] >= b[n-1]+1 or - r[j+n] = b[n-1] and the addition r[j+n-1]+b[n-1] gives a - carry. */ - goto subtract; - } - /* q_star = q*, - c1 = (r[j+n]*beta+r[j+n-1]) - q* * b[n-1] (>=0, 0, decrease it by - b[n-1]*beta+b[n-2]. Because of b[n-1]*beta+b[n-2] >= beta^2/2 - this can happen only twice. */ - if (c3 > c2) - { - q_star = q_star - 1; /* q* := q* - 1 */ - if (c3 - c2 > b_msdd) - q_star = q_star - 1; /* q* := q* - 1 */ - } - } - if (q_star > 0) - subtract: - { - /* Subtract r := r - b * q* * beta^j. */ - mp_limb_t cr; - { - const mp_limb_t *sourceptr = b_ptr; - mp_limb_t *destptr = r_ptr + j; - mp_twolimb_t carry = 0; - size_t count; - for (count = b_len; count > 0; count--) - { - /* Here 0 <= carry <= q*. */ - carry = - carry - + (mp_twolimb_t) q_star * (mp_twolimb_t) *sourceptr++ - + (mp_limb_t) ~(*destptr); - /* Here 0 <= carry <= beta*q* + beta-1. */ - *destptr++ = ~(mp_limb_t) carry; - carry = carry >> GMP_LIMB_BITS; /* <= q* */ - } - cr = (mp_limb_t) carry; - } - /* Subtract cr from r_ptr[j + b_len], then forget about - r_ptr[j + b_len]. */ - if (cr > r_ptr[j + b_len]) - { - /* Subtraction gave a carry. */ - q_star = q_star - 1; /* q* := q* - 1 */ - /* Add b back. */ - { - const mp_limb_t *sourceptr = b_ptr; - mp_limb_t *destptr = r_ptr + j; - mp_limb_t carry = 0; - size_t count; - for (count = b_len; count > 0; count--) - { - mp_limb_t source1 = *sourceptr++; - mp_limb_t source2 = *destptr; - *destptr++ = source1 + source2 + carry; - carry = - (carry - ? source1 >= (mp_limb_t) ~source2 - : source1 > (mp_limb_t) ~source2); - } - } - /* Forget about the carry and about r[j+n]. */ - } - } - /* q* is determined. Store it as q[j]. */ - q_ptr[j] = q_star; - if (j == 0) - break; - j--; - } + size_t j = a_len - b_len; /* m-n */ + mp_limb_t b_msd = b_ptr[b_len - 1]; /* b[n-1] */ + mp_limb_t b_2msd = b_ptr[b_len - 2]; /* b[n-2] */ + mp_twolimb_t b_msdd = /* b[n-1]*beta+b[n-2] */ + ((mp_twolimb_t) b_msd << GMP_LIMB_BITS) | b_2msd; + /* Division loop, traversed m-n+1 times. + j counts down, b is unchanged, beta/2 <= b[n-1] < beta. */ + for (;;) + { + mp_limb_t q_star; + mp_limb_t c1; + if (r_ptr[j + b_len] < b_msd) /* r[j+n] < b[n-1] ? */ + { + /* Divide r[j+n]*beta+r[j+n-1] by b[n-1], no overflow. */ + mp_twolimb_t num = + ((mp_twolimb_t) r_ptr[j + b_len] << GMP_LIMB_BITS) + | r_ptr[j + b_len - 1]; + q_star = num / b_msd; + c1 = num % b_msd; + } + else + { + /* Overflow, hence r[j+n]*beta+r[j+n-1] >= beta*b[n-1]. */ + q_star = (mp_limb_t)~(mp_limb_t)0; /* q* = beta-1 */ + /* Test whether r[j+n]*beta+r[j+n-1] - (beta-1)*b[n-1] >= beta + <==> r[j+n]*beta+r[j+n-1] + b[n-1] >= beta*b[n-1]+beta + <==> b[n-1] < floor((r[j+n]*beta+r[j+n-1]+b[n-1])/beta) + {<= beta !}. + If yes, jump directly to the subtraction loop. + (Otherwise, r[j+n]*beta+r[j+n-1] - (beta-1)*b[n-1] < beta + <==> floor((r[j+n]*beta+r[j+n-1]+b[n-1])/beta) = b[n-1] ) */ + if (r_ptr[j + b_len] > b_msd + || (c1 = r_ptr[j + b_len - 1] + b_msd) < b_msd) + /* r[j+n] >= b[n-1]+1 or + r[j+n] = b[n-1] and the addition r[j+n-1]+b[n-1] gives a + carry. */ + goto subtract; + } + /* q_star = q*, + c1 = (r[j+n]*beta+r[j+n-1]) - q* * b[n-1] (>=0, 0, decrease it by + b[n-1]*beta+b[n-2]. Because of b[n-1]*beta+b[n-2] >= beta^2/2 + this can happen only twice. */ + if (c3 > c2) + { + q_star = q_star - 1; /* q* := q* - 1 */ + if (c3 - c2 > b_msdd) + q_star = q_star - 1; /* q* := q* - 1 */ + } + } + if (q_star > 0) + subtract: + { + /* Subtract r := r - b * q* * beta^j. */ + mp_limb_t cr; + { + const mp_limb_t *sourceptr = b_ptr; + mp_limb_t *destptr = r_ptr + j; + mp_twolimb_t carry = 0; + size_t count; + for (count = b_len; count > 0; count--) + { + /* Here 0 <= carry <= q*. */ + carry = + carry + + (mp_twolimb_t) q_star * (mp_twolimb_t) *sourceptr++ + + (mp_limb_t) ~(*destptr); + /* Here 0 <= carry <= beta*q* + beta-1. */ + *destptr++ = ~(mp_limb_t) carry; + carry = carry >> GMP_LIMB_BITS; /* <= q* */ + } + cr = (mp_limb_t) carry; + } + /* Subtract cr from r_ptr[j + b_len], then forget about + r_ptr[j + b_len]. */ + if (cr > r_ptr[j + b_len]) + { + /* Subtraction gave a carry. */ + q_star = q_star - 1; /* q* := q* - 1 */ + /* Add b back. */ + { + const mp_limb_t *sourceptr = b_ptr; + mp_limb_t *destptr = r_ptr + j; + mp_limb_t carry = 0; + size_t count; + for (count = b_len; count > 0; count--) + { + mp_limb_t source1 = *sourceptr++; + mp_limb_t source2 = *destptr; + *destptr++ = source1 + source2 + carry; + carry = + (carry + ? source1 >= (mp_limb_t) ~source2 + : source1 > (mp_limb_t) ~source2); + } + } + /* Forget about the carry and about r[j+n]. */ + } + } + /* q* is determined. Store it as q[j]. */ + q_ptr[j] = q_star; + if (j == 0) + break; + j--; + } } r_len = b_len; /* Normalise q. */ if (q_ptr[q_len - 1] == 0) - q_len--; + q_len--; # if 0 /* Not needed here, since we need r only to compare it with b/2, and - b is shifted left by s bits. */ + b is shifted left by s bits. */ /* Shift r right by s bits. */ if (s > 0) - { - mp_limb_t ptr = r_ptr + r_len; - mp_twolimb_t accu = 0; - size_t count; - for (count = r_len; count > 0; count--) - { - accu = (mp_twolimb_t) (mp_limb_t) accu << GMP_LIMB_BITS; - accu += (mp_twolimb_t) *--ptr << (GMP_LIMB_BITS - s); - *ptr = (mp_limb_t) (accu >> GMP_LIMB_BITS); - } - } + { + mp_limb_t ptr = r_ptr + r_len; + mp_twolimb_t accu = 0; + size_t count; + for (count = r_len; count > 0; count--) + { + accu = (mp_twolimb_t) (mp_limb_t) accu << GMP_LIMB_BITS; + accu += (mp_twolimb_t) *--ptr << (GMP_LIMB_BITS - s); + *ptr = (mp_limb_t) (accu >> GMP_LIMB_BITS); + } + } # endif /* Normalise r. */ while (r_len > 0 && r_ptr[r_len - 1] == 0) - r_len--; + r_len--; } /* Compare r << 1 with b. */ if (r_len > b_len) @@ -714,17 +776,17 @@ divide (mpn_t a, mpn_t b, mpn_t *q) size_t i; for (i = b_len;;) { - mp_limb_t r_i = - (i <= r_len && i > 0 ? r_ptr[i - 1] >> (GMP_LIMB_BITS - 1) : 0) - | (i < r_len ? r_ptr[i] << 1 : 0); - mp_limb_t b_i = (i < b_len ? b_ptr[i] : 0); - if (r_i > b_i) - goto increment_q; - if (r_i < b_i) - goto keep_q; - if (i == 0) - break; - i--; + mp_limb_t r_i = + (i <= r_len && i > 0 ? r_ptr[i - 1] >> (GMP_LIMB_BITS - 1) : 0) + | (i < r_len ? r_ptr[i] << 1 : 0); + mp_limb_t b_i = (i < b_len ? b_ptr[i] : 0); + if (r_i > b_i) + goto increment_q; + if (r_i < b_i) + goto keep_q; + if (i == 0) + break; + i--; } } if (q_len > 0 && ((q_ptr[0] & 1) != 0)) @@ -733,8 +795,8 @@ divide (mpn_t a, mpn_t b, mpn_t *q) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < q_len; i++) - if (++(q_ptr[i]) != 0) - goto keep_q; + if (++(q_ptr[i]) != 0) + goto keep_q; q_ptr[q_len++] = 1; } keep_q: @@ -763,36 +825,36 @@ convert_to_decimal (mpn_t a, size_t extra_zeroes) { char *d_ptr = c_ptr; for (; extra_zeroes > 0; extra_zeroes--) - *d_ptr++ = '0'; + *d_ptr++ = '0'; while (a_len > 0) - { - /* Divide a by 10^9, in-place. */ - mp_limb_t remainder = 0; - mp_limb_t *ptr = a_ptr + a_len; - size_t count; - for (count = a_len; count > 0; count--) - { - mp_twolimb_t num = - ((mp_twolimb_t) remainder << GMP_LIMB_BITS) | *--ptr; - *ptr = num / 1000000000; - remainder = num % 1000000000; - } - /* Store the remainder as 9 decimal digits. */ - for (count = 9; count > 0; count--) - { - *d_ptr++ = '0' + (remainder % 10); - remainder = remainder / 10; - } - /* Normalize a. */ - if (a_ptr[a_len - 1] == 0) - a_len--; - } + { + /* Divide a by 10^9, in-place. */ + mp_limb_t remainder = 0; + mp_limb_t *ptr = a_ptr + a_len; + size_t count; + for (count = a_len; count > 0; count--) + { + mp_twolimb_t num = + ((mp_twolimb_t) remainder << GMP_LIMB_BITS) | *--ptr; + *ptr = num / 1000000000; + remainder = num % 1000000000; + } + /* Store the remainder as 9 decimal digits. */ + for (count = 9; count > 0; count--) + { + *d_ptr++ = '0' + (remainder % 10); + remainder = remainder / 10; + } + /* Normalize a. */ + if (a_ptr[a_len - 1] == 0) + a_len--; + } /* Remove leading zeroes. */ while (d_ptr > c_ptr && d_ptr[-1] == '0') - d_ptr--; + d_ptr--; /* But keep at least one zero. */ if (d_ptr == c_ptr) - *d_ptr++ = '0'; + *d_ptr++ = '0'; /* Terminate the string. */ *d_ptr = '\0'; } @@ -837,12 +899,12 @@ decode_long_double (long double x, int *ep, mpn_t *mp) hi = (int) y; y -= hi; if (!(y >= 0.0L && y < 1.0L)) - abort (); + abort (); y *= (mp_limb_t) 1 << (GMP_LIMB_BITS / 2); lo = (int) y; y -= lo; if (!(y >= 0.0L && y < 1.0L)) - abort (); + abort (); m.limbs[LDBL_MANT_BIT / GMP_LIMB_BITS] = (hi << (GMP_LIMB_BITS / 2)) | lo; } # else @@ -852,7 +914,7 @@ decode_long_double (long double x, int *ep, mpn_t *mp) d = (int) y; y -= d; if (!(y >= 0.0L && y < 1.0L)) - abort (); + abort (); m.limbs[LDBL_MANT_BIT / GMP_LIMB_BITS] = d; } # endif @@ -864,16 +926,19 @@ decode_long_double (long double x, int *ep, mpn_t *mp) hi = (int) y; y -= hi; if (!(y >= 0.0L && y < 1.0L)) - abort (); + abort (); y *= (mp_limb_t) 1 << (GMP_LIMB_BITS / 2); lo = (int) y; y -= lo; if (!(y >= 0.0L && y < 1.0L)) - abort (); + abort (); m.limbs[--i] = (hi << (GMP_LIMB_BITS / 2)) | lo; } +#if 0 /* On FreeBSD 6.1/x86, 'long double' numbers sometimes have excess + precision. */ if (!(y == 0.0L)) abort (); +#endif /* Normalise. */ while (m.nlimbs > 0 && m.limbs[m.nlimbs - 1] == 0) m.nlimbs--; @@ -922,12 +987,12 @@ decode_double (double x, int *ep, mpn_t *mp) hi = (int) y; y -= hi; if (!(y >= 0.0 && y < 1.0)) - abort (); + abort (); y *= (mp_limb_t) 1 << (GMP_LIMB_BITS / 2); lo = (int) y; y -= lo; if (!(y >= 0.0 && y < 1.0)) - abort (); + abort (); m.limbs[DBL_MANT_BIT / GMP_LIMB_BITS] = (hi << (GMP_LIMB_BITS / 2)) | lo; } # else @@ -937,7 +1002,7 @@ decode_double (double x, int *ep, mpn_t *mp) d = (int) y; y -= d; if (!(y >= 0.0 && y < 1.0)) - abort (); + abort (); m.limbs[DBL_MANT_BIT / GMP_LIMB_BITS] = d; } # endif @@ -949,12 +1014,12 @@ decode_double (double x, int *ep, mpn_t *mp) hi = (int) y; y -= hi; if (!(y >= 0.0 && y < 1.0)) - abort (); + abort (); y *= (mp_limb_t) 1 << (GMP_LIMB_BITS / 2); lo = (int) y; y -= lo; if (!(y >= 0.0 && y < 1.0)) - abort (); + abort (); m.limbs[--i] = (hi << (GMP_LIMB_BITS / 2)) | lo; } if (!(y == 0.0)) @@ -1012,8 +1077,8 @@ scale10_round_decimal_decoded (int e, mpn_t m, void *memory, int n) abs_n = (n >= 0 ? n : -n); abs_s = (s >= 0 ? s : -s); pow5_ptr = (mp_limb_t *) malloc (((int)(abs_n * (2.322f / GMP_LIMB_BITS)) + 1 - + abs_s / GMP_LIMB_BITS + 1) - * sizeof (mp_limb_t)); + + abs_s / GMP_LIMB_BITS + 1) + * sizeof (mp_limb_t)); if (pow5_ptr == NULL) { free (memory); @@ -1026,26 +1091,26 @@ scale10_round_decimal_decoded (int e, mpn_t m, void *memory, int n) if (abs_n > 0) { static mp_limb_t const small_pow5[13 + 1] = - { - 1, 5, 25, 125, 625, 3125, 15625, 78125, 390625, 1953125, 9765625, - 48828125, 244140625, 1220703125 - }; + { + 1, 5, 25, 125, 625, 3125, 15625, 78125, 390625, 1953125, 9765625, + 48828125, 244140625, 1220703125 + }; unsigned int n13; for (n13 = 0; n13 <= abs_n; n13 += 13) - { - mp_limb_t digit1 = small_pow5[n13 + 13 <= abs_n ? 13 : abs_n - n13]; - size_t j; - mp_twolimb_t carry = 0; - for (j = 0; j < pow5_len; j++) - { - mp_limb_t digit2 = pow5_ptr[j]; - carry += (mp_twolimb_t) digit1 * (mp_twolimb_t) digit2; - pow5_ptr[j] = (mp_limb_t) carry; - carry = carry >> GMP_LIMB_BITS; - } - if (carry > 0) - pow5_ptr[pow5_len++] = (mp_limb_t) carry; - } + { + mp_limb_t digit1 = small_pow5[n13 + 13 <= abs_n ? 13 : abs_n - n13]; + size_t j; + mp_twolimb_t carry = 0; + for (j = 0; j < pow5_len; j++) + { + mp_limb_t digit2 = pow5_ptr[j]; + carry += (mp_twolimb_t) digit1 * (mp_twolimb_t) digit2; + pow5_ptr[j] = (mp_limb_t) carry; + carry = carry >> GMP_LIMB_BITS; + } + if (carry > 0) + pow5_ptr[pow5_len++] = (mp_limb_t) carry; + } } s_limbs = abs_s / GMP_LIMB_BITS; s_bits = abs_s % GMP_LIMB_BITS; @@ -1053,129 +1118,129 @@ scale10_round_decimal_decoded (int e, mpn_t m, void *memory, int n) { /* Multiply with 2^|s|. */ if (s_bits > 0) - { - mp_limb_t *ptr = pow5_ptr; - mp_twolimb_t accu = 0; - size_t count; - for (count = pow5_len; count > 0; count--) - { - accu += (mp_twolimb_t) *ptr << s_bits; - *ptr++ = (mp_limb_t) accu; - accu = accu >> GMP_LIMB_BITS; - } - if (accu > 0) - { - *ptr = (mp_limb_t) accu; - pow5_len++; - } - } + { + mp_limb_t *ptr = pow5_ptr; + mp_twolimb_t accu = 0; + size_t count; + for (count = pow5_len; count > 0; count--) + { + accu += (mp_twolimb_t) *ptr << s_bits; + *ptr++ = (mp_limb_t) accu; + accu = accu >> GMP_LIMB_BITS; + } + if (accu > 0) + { + *ptr = (mp_limb_t) accu; + pow5_len++; + } + } if (s_limbs > 0) - { - size_t count; - for (count = pow5_len; count > 0;) - { - count--; - pow5_ptr[s_limbs + count] = pow5_ptr[count]; - } - for (count = s_limbs; count > 0;) - { - count--; - pow5_ptr[count] = 0; - } - pow5_len += s_limbs; - } + { + size_t count; + for (count = pow5_len; count > 0;) + { + count--; + pow5_ptr[s_limbs + count] = pow5_ptr[count]; + } + for (count = s_limbs; count > 0;) + { + count--; + pow5_ptr[count] = 0; + } + pow5_len += s_limbs; + } pow5.limbs = pow5_ptr; pow5.nlimbs = pow5_len; if (n >= 0) - { - /* Multiply m with pow5. No division needed. */ - z_memory = multiply (m, pow5, &z); - } + { + /* Multiply m with pow5. No division needed. */ + z_memory = multiply (m, pow5, &z); + } else - { - /* Divide m by pow5 and round. */ - z_memory = divide (m, pow5, &z); - } + { + /* Divide m by pow5 and round. */ + z_memory = divide (m, pow5, &z); + } } else { pow5.limbs = pow5_ptr; pow5.nlimbs = pow5_len; if (n >= 0) - { - /* n >= 0, s < 0. - Multiply m with pow5, then divide by 2^|s|. */ - mpn_t numerator; - mpn_t denominator; - void *tmp_memory; - tmp_memory = multiply (m, pow5, &numerator); - if (tmp_memory == NULL) - { - free (pow5_ptr); - free (memory); - return NULL; - } - /* Construct 2^|s|. */ - { - mp_limb_t *ptr = pow5_ptr + pow5_len; - size_t i; - for (i = 0; i < s_limbs; i++) - ptr[i] = 0; - ptr[s_limbs] = (mp_limb_t) 1 << s_bits; - denominator.limbs = ptr; - denominator.nlimbs = s_limbs + 1; - } - z_memory = divide (numerator, denominator, &z); - free (tmp_memory); - } + { + /* n >= 0, s < 0. + Multiply m with pow5, then divide by 2^|s|. */ + mpn_t numerator; + mpn_t denominator; + void *tmp_memory; + tmp_memory = multiply (m, pow5, &numerator); + if (tmp_memory == NULL) + { + free (pow5_ptr); + free (memory); + return NULL; + } + /* Construct 2^|s|. */ + { + mp_limb_t *ptr = pow5_ptr + pow5_len; + size_t i; + for (i = 0; i < s_limbs; i++) + ptr[i] = 0; + ptr[s_limbs] = (mp_limb_t) 1 << s_bits; + denominator.limbs = ptr; + denominator.nlimbs = s_limbs + 1; + } + z_memory = divide (numerator, denominator, &z); + free (tmp_memory); + } else - { - /* n < 0, s > 0. - Multiply m with 2^s, then divide by pow5. */ - mpn_t numerator; - mp_limb_t *num_ptr; - num_ptr = (mp_limb_t *) malloc ((m.nlimbs + s_limbs + 1) - * sizeof (mp_limb_t)); - if (num_ptr == NULL) - { - free (pow5_ptr); - free (memory); - return NULL; - } - { - mp_limb_t *destptr = num_ptr; - { - size_t i; - for (i = 0; i < s_limbs; i++) - *destptr++ = 0; - } - if (s_bits > 0) - { - const mp_limb_t *sourceptr = m.limbs; - mp_twolimb_t accu = 0; - size_t count; - for (count = m.nlimbs; count > 0; count--) - { - accu += (mp_twolimb_t) *sourceptr++ << s_bits; - *destptr++ = (mp_limb_t) accu; - accu = accu >> GMP_LIMB_BITS; - } - if (accu > 0) - *destptr++ = (mp_limb_t) accu; - } - else - { - const mp_limb_t *sourceptr = m.limbs; - size_t count; - for (count = m.nlimbs; count > 0; count--) - *destptr++ = *sourceptr++; - } - numerator.limbs = num_ptr; - numerator.nlimbs = destptr - num_ptr; - } - z_memory = divide (numerator, pow5, &z); - free (num_ptr); - } + { + /* n < 0, s > 0. + Multiply m with 2^s, then divide by pow5. */ + mpn_t numerator; + mp_limb_t *num_ptr; + num_ptr = (mp_limb_t *) malloc ((m.nlimbs + s_limbs + 1) + * sizeof (mp_limb_t)); + if (num_ptr == NULL) + { + free (pow5_ptr); + free (memory); + return NULL; + } + { + mp_limb_t *destptr = num_ptr; + { + size_t i; + for (i = 0; i < s_limbs; i++) + *destptr++ = 0; + } + if (s_bits > 0) + { + const mp_limb_t *sourceptr = m.limbs; + mp_twolimb_t accu = 0; + size_t count; + for (count = m.nlimbs; count > 0; count--) + { + accu += (mp_twolimb_t) *sourceptr++ << s_bits; + *destptr++ = (mp_limb_t) accu; + accu = accu >> GMP_LIMB_BITS; + } + if (accu > 0) + *destptr++ = (mp_limb_t) accu; + } + else + { + const mp_limb_t *sourceptr = m.limbs; + size_t count; + for (count = m.nlimbs; count > 0; count--) + *destptr++ = *sourceptr++; + } + numerator.limbs = num_ptr; + numerator.nlimbs = destptr - num_ptr; + } + z_memory = divide (numerator, pow5, &z); + free (num_ptr); + } } free (pow5_ptr); free (memory); @@ -1199,7 +1264,7 @@ scale10_round_decimal_decoded (int e, mpn_t m, void *memory, int n) static char * scale10_round_decimal_long_double (long double x, int n) { - int e; + int e IF_LINT(= 0); mpn_t m; void *memory = decode_long_double (x, &e, &m); return scale10_round_decimal_decoded (e, m, memory, n); @@ -1217,7 +1282,7 @@ scale10_round_decimal_long_double (long double x, int n) static char * scale10_round_decimal_double (double x, int n) { - int e; + int e IF_LINT(= 0); mpn_t m; void *memory = decode_double (x, &e, &m); return scale10_round_decimal_decoded (e, m, memory, n); @@ -1247,35 +1312,35 @@ floorlog10l (long double x) if (y < 0.5L) { while (y < (1.0L / (1 << (GMP_LIMB_BITS / 2)) / (1 << (GMP_LIMB_BITS / 2)))) - { - y *= 1.0L * (1 << (GMP_LIMB_BITS / 2)) * (1 << (GMP_LIMB_BITS / 2)); - exp -= GMP_LIMB_BITS; - } + { + y *= 1.0L * (1 << (GMP_LIMB_BITS / 2)) * (1 << (GMP_LIMB_BITS / 2)); + exp -= GMP_LIMB_BITS; + } if (y < (1.0L / (1 << 16))) - { - y *= 1.0L * (1 << 16); - exp -= 16; - } + { + y *= 1.0L * (1 << 16); + exp -= 16; + } if (y < (1.0L / (1 << 8))) - { - y *= 1.0L * (1 << 8); - exp -= 8; - } + { + y *= 1.0L * (1 << 8); + exp -= 8; + } if (y < (1.0L / (1 << 4))) - { - y *= 1.0L * (1 << 4); - exp -= 4; - } + { + y *= 1.0L * (1 << 4); + exp -= 4; + } if (y < (1.0L / (1 << 2))) - { - y *= 1.0L * (1 << 2); - exp -= 2; - } + { + y *= 1.0L * (1 << 2); + exp -= 2; + } if (y < (1.0L / (1 << 1))) - { - y *= 1.0L * (1 << 1); - exp -= 1; - } + { + y *= 1.0L * (1 << 1); + exp -= 1; + } } if (!(y >= 0.5L && y < 1.0L)) abort (); @@ -1304,9 +1369,9 @@ floorlog10l (long double x) } /* Now 0.95 <= z <= 1.01. */ z = 1 - z; - /* log(1-z) = - z - z^2/2 - z^3/3 - z^4/4 - ... + /* log2(1-z) = 1/log(2) * (- z - z^2/2 - z^3/3 - z^4/4 - ...) Four terms are enough to get an approximation with error < 10^-7. */ - l -= z * (1.0 + z * (0.5 + z * ((1.0 / 3) + z * 0.25))); + l -= 1.4426950408889634074 * z * (1.0 + z * (0.5 + z * ((1.0 / 3) + z * 0.25))); /* Finally multiply with log(2)/log(10), yields an approximation for log10(x). */ l *= 0.30102999566398119523; @@ -1338,35 +1403,35 @@ floorlog10 (double x) if (y < 0.5) { while (y < (1.0 / (1 << (GMP_LIMB_BITS / 2)) / (1 << (GMP_LIMB_BITS / 2)))) - { - y *= 1.0 * (1 << (GMP_LIMB_BITS / 2)) * (1 << (GMP_LIMB_BITS / 2)); - exp -= GMP_LIMB_BITS; - } + { + y *= 1.0 * (1 << (GMP_LIMB_BITS / 2)) * (1 << (GMP_LIMB_BITS / 2)); + exp -= GMP_LIMB_BITS; + } if (y < (1.0 / (1 << 16))) - { - y *= 1.0 * (1 << 16); - exp -= 16; - } + { + y *= 1.0 * (1 << 16); + exp -= 16; + } if (y < (1.0 / (1 << 8))) - { - y *= 1.0 * (1 << 8); - exp -= 8; - } + { + y *= 1.0 * (1 << 8); + exp -= 8; + } if (y < (1.0 / (1 << 4))) - { - y *= 1.0 * (1 << 4); - exp -= 4; - } + { + y *= 1.0 * (1 << 4); + exp -= 4; + } if (y < (1.0 / (1 << 2))) - { - y *= 1.0 * (1 << 2); - exp -= 2; - } + { + y *= 1.0 * (1 << 2); + exp -= 2; + } if (y < (1.0 / (1 << 1))) - { - y *= 1.0 * (1 << 1); - exp -= 1; - } + { + y *= 1.0 * (1 << 1); + exp -= 1; + } } if (!(y >= 0.5 && y < 1.0)) abort (); @@ -1395,9 +1460,9 @@ floorlog10 (double x) } /* Now 0.95 <= z <= 1.01. */ z = 1 - z; - /* log(1-z) = - z - z^2/2 - z^3/3 - z^4/4 - ... + /* log2(1-z) = 1/log(2) * (- z - z^2/2 - z^3/3 - z^4/4 - ...) Four terms are enough to get an approximation with error < 10^-7. */ - l -= z * (1.0 + z * (0.5 + z * ((1.0 / 3) + z * 0.25))); + l -= 1.4426950408889634074 * z * (1.0 + z * (0.5 + z * ((1.0 / 3) + z * 0.25))); /* Finally multiply with log(2)/log(10), yields an approximation for log10(x). */ l *= 0.30102999566398119523; @@ -1407,11 +1472,277 @@ floorlog10 (double x) # endif +/* Tests whether a string of digits consists of exactly PRECISION zeroes and + a single '1' digit. */ +static int +is_borderline (const char *digits, size_t precision) +{ + for (; precision > 0; precision--, digits++) + if (*digits != '0') + return 0; + if (*digits != '1') + return 0; + digits++; + return *digits == '\0'; +} + +#endif + +#if !USE_SNPRINTF || !HAVE_SNPRINTF_RETVAL_C99 + +/* Use a different function name, to make it possible that the 'wchar_t' + parametrization and the 'char' parametrization get compiled in the same + translation unit. */ +# if WIDE_CHAR_VERSION +# define MAX_ROOM_NEEDED wmax_room_needed +# else +# define MAX_ROOM_NEEDED max_room_needed +# endif + +/* Returns the number of TCHAR_T units needed as temporary space for the result + of sprintf or SNPRINTF of a single conversion directive. */ +static inline size_t +MAX_ROOM_NEEDED (const arguments *ap, size_t arg_index, FCHAR_T conversion, + arg_type type, int flags, size_t width, int has_precision, + size_t precision, int pad_ourselves) +{ + size_t tmp_length; + + switch (conversion) + { + case 'd': case 'i': case 'u': +# if HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT + if (type == TYPE_LONGLONGINT || type == TYPE_ULONGLONGINT) + tmp_length = + (unsigned int) (sizeof (unsigned long long) * CHAR_BIT + * 0.30103 /* binary -> decimal */ + ) + + 1; /* turn floor into ceil */ + else +# endif + if (type == TYPE_LONGINT || type == TYPE_ULONGINT) + tmp_length = + (unsigned int) (sizeof (unsigned long) * CHAR_BIT + * 0.30103 /* binary -> decimal */ + ) + + 1; /* turn floor into ceil */ + else + tmp_length = + (unsigned int) (sizeof (unsigned int) * CHAR_BIT + * 0.30103 /* binary -> decimal */ + ) + + 1; /* turn floor into ceil */ + if (tmp_length < precision) + tmp_length = precision; + /* Multiply by 2, as an estimate for FLAG_GROUP. */ + tmp_length = xsum (tmp_length, tmp_length); + /* Add 1, to account for a leading sign. */ + tmp_length = xsum (tmp_length, 1); + break; + + case 'o': +# if HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT + if (type == TYPE_LONGLONGINT || type == TYPE_ULONGLONGINT) + tmp_length = + (unsigned int) (sizeof (unsigned long long) * CHAR_BIT + * 0.333334 /* binary -> octal */ + ) + + 1; /* turn floor into ceil */ + else +# endif + if (type == TYPE_LONGINT || type == TYPE_ULONGINT) + tmp_length = + (unsigned int) (sizeof (unsigned long) * CHAR_BIT + * 0.333334 /* binary -> octal */ + ) + + 1; /* turn floor into ceil */ + else + tmp_length = + (unsigned int) (sizeof (unsigned int) * CHAR_BIT + * 0.333334 /* binary -> octal */ + ) + + 1; /* turn floor into ceil */ + if (tmp_length < precision) + tmp_length = precision; + /* Add 1, to account for a leading sign. */ + tmp_length = xsum (tmp_length, 1); + break; + + case 'x': case 'X': +# if HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT + if (type == TYPE_LONGLONGINT || type == TYPE_ULONGLONGINT) + tmp_length = + (unsigned int) (sizeof (unsigned long long) * CHAR_BIT + * 0.25 /* binary -> hexadecimal */ + ) + + 1; /* turn floor into ceil */ + else +# endif + if (type == TYPE_LONGINT || type == TYPE_ULONGINT) + tmp_length = + (unsigned int) (sizeof (unsigned long) * CHAR_BIT + * 0.25 /* binary -> hexadecimal */ + ) + + 1; /* turn floor into ceil */ + else + tmp_length = + (unsigned int) (sizeof (unsigned int) * CHAR_BIT + * 0.25 /* binary -> hexadecimal */ + ) + + 1; /* turn floor into ceil */ + if (tmp_length < precision) + tmp_length = precision; + /* Add 2, to account for a leading sign or alternate form. */ + tmp_length = xsum (tmp_length, 2); + break; + + case 'f': case 'F': + if (type == TYPE_LONGDOUBLE) + tmp_length = + (unsigned int) (LDBL_MAX_EXP + * 0.30103 /* binary -> decimal */ + * 2 /* estimate for FLAG_GROUP */ + ) + + 1 /* turn floor into ceil */ + + 10; /* sign, decimal point etc. */ + else + tmp_length = + (unsigned int) (DBL_MAX_EXP + * 0.30103 /* binary -> decimal */ + * 2 /* estimate for FLAG_GROUP */ + ) + + 1 /* turn floor into ceil */ + + 10; /* sign, decimal point etc. */ + tmp_length = xsum (tmp_length, precision); + break; + + case 'e': case 'E': case 'g': case 'G': + tmp_length = + 12; /* sign, decimal point, exponent etc. */ + tmp_length = xsum (tmp_length, precision); + break; + + case 'a': case 'A': + if (type == TYPE_LONGDOUBLE) + tmp_length = + (unsigned int) (LDBL_DIG + * 0.831 /* decimal -> hexadecimal */ + ) + + 1; /* turn floor into ceil */ + else + tmp_length = + (unsigned int) (DBL_DIG + * 0.831 /* decimal -> hexadecimal */ + ) + + 1; /* turn floor into ceil */ + if (tmp_length < precision) + tmp_length = precision; + /* Account for sign, decimal point etc. */ + tmp_length = xsum (tmp_length, 12); + break; + + case 'c': +# if HAVE_WINT_T && !WIDE_CHAR_VERSION + if (type == TYPE_WIDE_CHAR) + tmp_length = MB_CUR_MAX; + else +# endif + tmp_length = 1; + break; + + case 's': +# if HAVE_WCHAR_T + if (type == TYPE_WIDE_STRING) + { +# if WIDE_CHAR_VERSION + /* ISO C says about %ls in fwprintf: + "If the precision is not specified or is greater than the size + of the array, the array shall contain a null wide character." + So if there is a precision, we must not use wcslen. */ + const wchar_t *arg = ap->arg[arg_index].a.a_wide_string; + + if (has_precision) + tmp_length = local_wcsnlen (arg, precision); + else + tmp_length = local_wcslen (arg); +# else + /* ISO C says about %ls in fprintf: + "If a precision is specified, no more than that many bytes are + written (including shift sequences, if any), and the array + shall contain a null wide character if, to equal the multibyte + character sequence length given by the precision, the function + would need to access a wide character one past the end of the + array." + So if there is a precision, we must not use wcslen. */ + /* This case has already been handled separately in VASNPRINTF. */ + abort (); +# endif + } + else +# endif + { +# if WIDE_CHAR_VERSION + /* ISO C says about %s in fwprintf: + "If the precision is not specified or is greater than the size + of the converted array, the converted array shall contain a + null wide character." + So if there is a precision, we must not use strlen. */ + /* This case has already been handled separately in VASNPRINTF. */ + abort (); +# else + /* ISO C says about %s in fprintf: + "If the precision is not specified or greater than the size of + the array, the array shall contain a null character." + So if there is a precision, we must not use strlen. */ + const char *arg = ap->arg[arg_index].a.a_string; + + if (has_precision) + tmp_length = local_strnlen (arg, precision); + else + tmp_length = strlen (arg); +# endif + } + break; + + case 'p': + tmp_length = + (unsigned int) (sizeof (void *) * CHAR_BIT + * 0.25 /* binary -> hexadecimal */ + ) + + 1 /* turn floor into ceil */ + + 2; /* account for leading 0x */ + break; + + default: + abort (); + } + + if (!pad_ourselves) + { +# if ENABLE_UNISTDIO + /* Padding considers the number of characters, therefore the number of + elements after padding may be + > max (tmp_length, width) + but is certainly + <= tmp_length + width. */ + tmp_length = xsum (tmp_length, width); +# else + /* Padding considers the number of elements, says POSIX. */ + if (tmp_length < width) + tmp_length = width; +# endif + } + + tmp_length = xsum (tmp_length, 1); /* account for trailing NUL */ + + return tmp_length; +} + #endif DCHAR_T * VASNPRINTF (DCHAR_T *resultbuf, size_t *lengthp, - const FCHAR_T *format, va_list args) + const FCHAR_T *format, va_list args) { DIRECTIVES d; arguments a; @@ -1421,8 +1752,8 @@ VASNPRINTF (DCHAR_T *resultbuf, size_t *lengthp, return NULL; #define CLEANUP() \ - free (d.dir); \ - if (a.arg) \ + free (d.dir); \ + if (a.arg) \ free (a.arg); if (PRINTF_FETCHARGS (args, &a) < 0) @@ -1451,30 +1782,30 @@ VASNPRINTF (DCHAR_T *resultbuf, size_t *lengthp, #if HAVE_ALLOCA if (buf_neededlength < 4000 / sizeof (TCHAR_T)) { - buf = (TCHAR_T *) alloca (buf_neededlength * sizeof (TCHAR_T)); - buf_malloced = NULL; + buf = (TCHAR_T *) alloca (buf_neededlength * sizeof (TCHAR_T)); + buf_malloced = NULL; } else #endif { - size_t buf_memsize = xtimes (buf_neededlength, sizeof (TCHAR_T)); - if (size_overflow_p (buf_memsize)) - goto out_of_memory_1; - buf = (TCHAR_T *) malloc (buf_memsize); - if (buf == NULL) - goto out_of_memory_1; - buf_malloced = buf; + size_t buf_memsize = xtimes (buf_neededlength, sizeof (TCHAR_T)); + if (size_overflow_p (buf_memsize)) + goto out_of_memory_1; + buf = (TCHAR_T *) malloc (buf_memsize); + if (buf == NULL) + goto out_of_memory_1; + buf_malloced = buf; } if (resultbuf != NULL) { - result = resultbuf; - allocated = *lengthp; + result = resultbuf; + allocated = *lengthp; } else { - result = NULL; - allocated = 0; + result = NULL; + allocated = 0; } length = 0; /* Invariants: @@ -1484,3138 +1815,3694 @@ VASNPRINTF (DCHAR_T *resultbuf, size_t *lengthp, /* Ensures that allocated >= needed. Aborts through a jump to out_of_memory if needed is SIZE_MAX or otherwise too big. */ #define ENSURE_ALLOCATION(needed) \ - if ((needed) > allocated) \ - { \ - size_t memory_size; \ - DCHAR_T *memory; \ - \ - allocated = (allocated > 0 ? xtimes (allocated, 2) : 12); \ - if ((needed) > allocated) \ - allocated = (needed); \ - memory_size = xtimes (allocated, sizeof (DCHAR_T)); \ - if (size_overflow_p (memory_size)) \ - goto out_of_memory; \ - if (result == resultbuf || result == NULL) \ - memory = (DCHAR_T *) malloc (memory_size); \ - else \ - memory = (DCHAR_T *) realloc (result, memory_size); \ - if (memory == NULL) \ - goto out_of_memory; \ - if (result == resultbuf && length > 0) \ - DCHAR_CPY (memory, result, length); \ - result = memory; \ + if ((needed) > allocated) \ + { \ + size_t memory_size; \ + DCHAR_T *memory; \ + \ + allocated = (allocated > 0 ? xtimes (allocated, 2) : 12); \ + if ((needed) > allocated) \ + allocated = (needed); \ + memory_size = xtimes (allocated, sizeof (DCHAR_T)); \ + if (size_overflow_p (memory_size)) \ + goto out_of_memory; \ + if (result == resultbuf || result == NULL) \ + memory = (DCHAR_T *) malloc (memory_size); \ + else \ + memory = (DCHAR_T *) realloc (result, memory_size); \ + if (memory == NULL) \ + goto out_of_memory; \ + if (result == resultbuf && length > 0) \ + DCHAR_CPY (memory, result, length); \ + result = memory; \ } for (cp = format, i = 0, dp = &d.dir[0]; ; cp = dp->dir_end, i++, dp++) { - if (cp != dp->dir_start) - { - size_t n = dp->dir_start - cp; - size_t augmented_length = xsum (length, n); - - ENSURE_ALLOCATION (augmented_length); - /* This copies a piece of FCHAR_T[] into a DCHAR_T[]. Here we - need that the format string contains only ASCII characters - if FCHAR_T and DCHAR_T are not the same type. */ - if (sizeof (FCHAR_T) == sizeof (DCHAR_T)) - { - DCHAR_CPY (result + length, (const DCHAR_T *) cp, n); - length = augmented_length; - } - else - { - do - result[length++] = (unsigned char) *cp++; - while (--n > 0); - } - } - if (i == d.count) - break; - - /* Execute a single directive. */ - if (dp->conversion == '%') - { - size_t augmented_length; - - if (!(dp->arg_index == ARG_NONE)) - abort (); - augmented_length = xsum (length, 1); - ENSURE_ALLOCATION (augmented_length); - result[length] = '%'; - length = augmented_length; - } - else - { - if (!(dp->arg_index != ARG_NONE)) - abort (); - - if (dp->conversion == 'n') - { - switch (a.arg[dp->arg_index].type) - { - case TYPE_COUNT_SCHAR_POINTER: - *a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_count_schar_pointer = length; - break; - case TYPE_COUNT_SHORT_POINTER: - *a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_count_short_pointer = length; - break; - case TYPE_COUNT_INT_POINTER: - *a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_count_int_pointer = length; - break; - case TYPE_COUNT_LONGINT_POINTER: - *a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_count_longint_pointer = length; - break; + if (cp != dp->dir_start) + { + size_t n = dp->dir_start - cp; + size_t augmented_length = xsum (length, n); + + ENSURE_ALLOCATION (augmented_length); + /* This copies a piece of FCHAR_T[] into a DCHAR_T[]. Here we + need that the format string contains only ASCII characters + if FCHAR_T and DCHAR_T are not the same type. */ + if (sizeof (FCHAR_T) == sizeof (DCHAR_T)) + { + DCHAR_CPY (result + length, (const DCHAR_T *) cp, n); + length = augmented_length; + } + else + { + do + result[length++] = (unsigned char) *cp++; + while (--n > 0); + } + } + if (i == d.count) + break; + + /* Execute a single directive. */ + if (dp->conversion == '%') + { + size_t augmented_length; + + if (!(dp->arg_index == ARG_NONE)) + abort (); + augmented_length = xsum (length, 1); + ENSURE_ALLOCATION (augmented_length); + result[length] = '%'; + length = augmented_length; + } + else + { + if (!(dp->arg_index != ARG_NONE)) + abort (); + + if (dp->conversion == 'n') + { + switch (a.arg[dp->arg_index].type) + { + case TYPE_COUNT_SCHAR_POINTER: + *a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_count_schar_pointer = length; + break; + case TYPE_COUNT_SHORT_POINTER: + *a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_count_short_pointer = length; + break; + case TYPE_COUNT_INT_POINTER: + *a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_count_int_pointer = length; + break; + case TYPE_COUNT_LONGINT_POINTER: + *a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_count_longint_pointer = length; + break; #if HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT - case TYPE_COUNT_LONGLONGINT_POINTER: - *a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_count_longlongint_pointer = length; - break; + case TYPE_COUNT_LONGLONGINT_POINTER: + *a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_count_longlongint_pointer = length; + break; #endif - default: - abort (); - } - } + default: + abort (); + } + } #if ENABLE_UNISTDIO - /* The unistdio extensions. */ - else if (dp->conversion == 'U') - { - arg_type type = a.arg[dp->arg_index].type; - int flags = dp->flags; - int has_width; - size_t width; - int has_precision; - size_t precision; - - has_width = 0; - width = 0; - if (dp->width_start != dp->width_end) - { - if (dp->width_arg_index != ARG_NONE) - { - int arg; - - if (!(a.arg[dp->width_arg_index].type == TYPE_INT)) - abort (); - arg = a.arg[dp->width_arg_index].a.a_int; - if (arg < 0) - { - /* "A negative field width is taken as a '-' flag - followed by a positive field width." */ - flags |= FLAG_LEFT; - width = (unsigned int) (-arg); - } - else - width = arg; - } - else - { - const FCHAR_T *digitp = dp->width_start; - - do - width = xsum (xtimes (width, 10), *digitp++ - '0'); - while (digitp != dp->width_end); - } - has_width = 1; - } - - has_precision = 0; - precision = 0; - if (dp->precision_start != dp->precision_end) - { - if (dp->precision_arg_index != ARG_NONE) - { - int arg; - - if (!(a.arg[dp->precision_arg_index].type == TYPE_INT)) - abort (); - arg = a.arg[dp->precision_arg_index].a.a_int; - /* "A negative precision is taken as if the precision - were omitted." */ - if (arg >= 0) - { - precision = arg; - has_precision = 1; - } - } - else - { - const FCHAR_T *digitp = dp->precision_start + 1; - - precision = 0; - while (digitp != dp->precision_end) - precision = xsum (xtimes (precision, 10), *digitp++ - '0'); - has_precision = 1; - } - } - - switch (type) - { - case TYPE_U8_STRING: - { - const uint8_t *arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_u8_string; - const uint8_t *arg_end; - size_t characters; - - if (has_precision) - { - /* Use only PRECISION characters, from the left. */ - arg_end = arg; - characters = 0; - for (; precision > 0; precision--) - { - int count = u8_strmblen (arg_end); - if (count == 0) - break; - if (count < 0) - { - if (!(result == resultbuf || result == NULL)) - free (result); - if (buf_malloced != NULL) - free (buf_malloced); - CLEANUP (); - errno = EILSEQ; - return NULL; - } - arg_end += count; - characters++; - } - } - else if (has_width) - { - /* Use the entire string, and count the number of - characters. */ - arg_end = arg; - characters = 0; - for (;;) - { - int count = u8_strmblen (arg_end); - if (count == 0) - break; - if (count < 0) - { - if (!(result == resultbuf || result == NULL)) - free (result); - if (buf_malloced != NULL) - free (buf_malloced); - CLEANUP (); - errno = EILSEQ; - return NULL; - } - arg_end += count; - characters++; - } - } - else - { - /* Use the entire string. */ - arg_end = arg + u8_strlen (arg); - /* The number of characters doesn't matter. */ - characters = 0; - } - - if (has_width && width > characters - && !(dp->flags & FLAG_LEFT)) - { - size_t n = width - characters; - ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, n)); - DCHAR_SET (result + length, ' ', n); - length += n; - } + /* The unistdio extensions. */ + else if (dp->conversion == 'U') + { + arg_type type = a.arg[dp->arg_index].type; + int flags = dp->flags; + int has_width; + size_t width; + int has_precision; + size_t precision; + + has_width = 0; + width = 0; + if (dp->width_start != dp->width_end) + { + if (dp->width_arg_index != ARG_NONE) + { + int arg; + + if (!(a.arg[dp->width_arg_index].type == TYPE_INT)) + abort (); + arg = a.arg[dp->width_arg_index].a.a_int; + if (arg < 0) + { + /* "A negative field width is taken as a '-' flag + followed by a positive field width." */ + flags |= FLAG_LEFT; + width = (unsigned int) (-arg); + } + else + width = arg; + } + else + { + const FCHAR_T *digitp = dp->width_start; + + do + width = xsum (xtimes (width, 10), *digitp++ - '0'); + while (digitp != dp->width_end); + } + has_width = 1; + } + + has_precision = 0; + precision = 0; + if (dp->precision_start != dp->precision_end) + { + if (dp->precision_arg_index != ARG_NONE) + { + int arg; + + if (!(a.arg[dp->precision_arg_index].type == TYPE_INT)) + abort (); + arg = a.arg[dp->precision_arg_index].a.a_int; + /* "A negative precision is taken as if the precision + were omitted." */ + if (arg >= 0) + { + precision = arg; + has_precision = 1; + } + } + else + { + const FCHAR_T *digitp = dp->precision_start + 1; + + precision = 0; + while (digitp != dp->precision_end) + precision = xsum (xtimes (precision, 10), *digitp++ - '0'); + has_precision = 1; + } + } + + switch (type) + { + case TYPE_U8_STRING: + { + const uint8_t *arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_u8_string; + const uint8_t *arg_end; + size_t characters; + + if (has_precision) + { + /* Use only PRECISION characters, from the left. */ + arg_end = arg; + characters = 0; + for (; precision > 0; precision--) + { + int count = u8_strmblen (arg_end); + if (count == 0) + break; + if (count < 0) + { + if (!(result == resultbuf || result == NULL)) + free (result); + if (buf_malloced != NULL) + free (buf_malloced); + CLEANUP (); + errno = EILSEQ; + return NULL; + } + arg_end += count; + characters++; + } + } + else if (has_width) + { + /* Use the entire string, and count the number of + characters. */ + arg_end = arg; + characters = 0; + for (;;) + { + int count = u8_strmblen (arg_end); + if (count == 0) + break; + if (count < 0) + { + if (!(result == resultbuf || result == NULL)) + free (result); + if (buf_malloced != NULL) + free (buf_malloced); + CLEANUP (); + errno = EILSEQ; + return NULL; + } + arg_end += count; + characters++; + } + } + else + { + /* Use the entire string. */ + arg_end = arg + u8_strlen (arg); + /* The number of characters doesn't matter. */ + characters = 0; + } + + if (has_width && width > characters + && !(dp->flags & FLAG_LEFT)) + { + size_t n = width - characters; + ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, n)); + DCHAR_SET (result + length, ' ', n); + length += n; + } # if DCHAR_IS_UINT8_T - { - size_t n = arg_end - arg; - ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, n)); - DCHAR_CPY (result + length, arg, n); - length += n; - } + { + size_t n = arg_end - arg; + ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, n)); + DCHAR_CPY (result + length, arg, n); + length += n; + } # else - { /* Convert. */ - DCHAR_T *converted = result + length; - size_t converted_len = allocated - length; + { /* Convert. */ + DCHAR_T *converted = result + length; + size_t converted_len = allocated - length; # if DCHAR_IS_TCHAR - /* Convert from UTF-8 to locale encoding. */ - if (u8_conv_to_encoding (locale_charset (), - iconveh_question_mark, - arg, arg_end - arg, NULL, - &converted, &converted_len) - < 0) + /* Convert from UTF-8 to locale encoding. */ + converted = + u8_conv_to_encoding (locale_charset (), + iconveh_question_mark, + arg, arg_end - arg, NULL, + converted, &converted_len); # else - /* Convert from UTF-8 to UTF-16/UTF-32. */ - converted = - U8_TO_DCHAR (arg, arg_end - arg, - converted, &converted_len); - if (converted == NULL) + /* Convert from UTF-8 to UTF-16/UTF-32. */ + converted = + U8_TO_DCHAR (arg, arg_end - arg, + converted, &converted_len); # endif - { - int saved_errno = errno; - if (!(result == resultbuf || result == NULL)) - free (result); - if (buf_malloced != NULL) - free (buf_malloced); - CLEANUP (); - errno = saved_errno; - return NULL; - } - if (converted != result + length) - { - ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, converted_len)); - DCHAR_CPY (result + length, converted, converted_len); - free (converted); - } - length += converted_len; - } + if (converted == NULL) + { + int saved_errno = errno; + if (!(result == resultbuf || result == NULL)) + free (result); + if (buf_malloced != NULL) + free (buf_malloced); + CLEANUP (); + errno = saved_errno; + return NULL; + } + if (converted != result + length) + { + ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, converted_len)); + DCHAR_CPY (result + length, converted, converted_len); + free (converted); + } + length += converted_len; + } # endif - if (has_width && width > characters - && (dp->flags & FLAG_LEFT)) - { - size_t n = width - characters; - ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, n)); - DCHAR_SET (result + length, ' ', n); - length += n; - } - } - break; - - case TYPE_U16_STRING: - { - const uint16_t *arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_u16_string; - const uint16_t *arg_end; - size_t characters; - - if (has_precision) - { - /* Use only PRECISION characters, from the left. */ - arg_end = arg; - characters = 0; - for (; precision > 0; precision--) - { - int count = u16_strmblen (arg_end); - if (count == 0) - break; - if (count < 0) - { - if (!(result == resultbuf || result == NULL)) - free (result); - if (buf_malloced != NULL) - free (buf_malloced); - CLEANUP (); - errno = EILSEQ; - return NULL; - } - arg_end += count; - characters++; - } - } - else if (has_width) - { - /* Use the entire string, and count the number of - characters. */ - arg_end = arg; - characters = 0; - for (;;) - { - int count = u16_strmblen (arg_end); - if (count == 0) - break; - if (count < 0) - { - if (!(result == resultbuf || result == NULL)) - free (result); - if (buf_malloced != NULL) - free (buf_malloced); - CLEANUP (); - errno = EILSEQ; - return NULL; - } - arg_end += count; - characters++; - } - } - else - { - /* Use the entire string. */ - arg_end = arg + u16_strlen (arg); - /* The number of characters doesn't matter. */ - characters = 0; - } - - if (has_width && width > characters - && !(dp->flags & FLAG_LEFT)) - { - size_t n = width - characters; - ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, n)); - DCHAR_SET (result + length, ' ', n); - length += n; - } + if (has_width && width > characters + && (dp->flags & FLAG_LEFT)) + { + size_t n = width - characters; + ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, n)); + DCHAR_SET (result + length, ' ', n); + length += n; + } + } + break; + + case TYPE_U16_STRING: + { + const uint16_t *arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_u16_string; + const uint16_t *arg_end; + size_t characters; + + if (has_precision) + { + /* Use only PRECISION characters, from the left. */ + arg_end = arg; + characters = 0; + for (; precision > 0; precision--) + { + int count = u16_strmblen (arg_end); + if (count == 0) + break; + if (count < 0) + { + if (!(result == resultbuf || result == NULL)) + free (result); + if (buf_malloced != NULL) + free (buf_malloced); + CLEANUP (); + errno = EILSEQ; + return NULL; + } + arg_end += count; + characters++; + } + } + else if (has_width) + { + /* Use the entire string, and count the number of + characters. */ + arg_end = arg; + characters = 0; + for (;;) + { + int count = u16_strmblen (arg_end); + if (count == 0) + break; + if (count < 0) + { + if (!(result == resultbuf || result == NULL)) + free (result); + if (buf_malloced != NULL) + free (buf_malloced); + CLEANUP (); + errno = EILSEQ; + return NULL; + } + arg_end += count; + characters++; + } + } + else + { + /* Use the entire string. */ + arg_end = arg + u16_strlen (arg); + /* The number of characters doesn't matter. */ + characters = 0; + } + + if (has_width && width > characters + && !(dp->flags & FLAG_LEFT)) + { + size_t n = width - characters; + ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, n)); + DCHAR_SET (result + length, ' ', n); + length += n; + } # if DCHAR_IS_UINT16_T - { - size_t n = arg_end - arg; - ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, n)); - DCHAR_CPY (result + length, arg, n); - length += n; - } + { + size_t n = arg_end - arg; + ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, n)); + DCHAR_CPY (result + length, arg, n); + length += n; + } # else - { /* Convert. */ - DCHAR_T *converted = result + length; - size_t converted_len = allocated - length; + { /* Convert. */ + DCHAR_T *converted = result + length; + size_t converted_len = allocated - length; # if DCHAR_IS_TCHAR - /* Convert from UTF-16 to locale encoding. */ - if (u16_conv_to_encoding (locale_charset (), - iconveh_question_mark, - arg, arg_end - arg, NULL, - &converted, &converted_len) - < 0) + /* Convert from UTF-16 to locale encoding. */ + converted = + u16_conv_to_encoding (locale_charset (), + iconveh_question_mark, + arg, arg_end - arg, NULL, + converted, &converted_len); # else - /* Convert from UTF-16 to UTF-8/UTF-32. */ - converted = - U16_TO_DCHAR (arg, arg_end - arg, - converted, &converted_len); - if (converted == NULL) + /* Convert from UTF-16 to UTF-8/UTF-32. */ + converted = + U16_TO_DCHAR (arg, arg_end - arg, + converted, &converted_len); # endif - { - int saved_errno = errno; - if (!(result == resultbuf || result == NULL)) - free (result); - if (buf_malloced != NULL) - free (buf_malloced); - CLEANUP (); - errno = saved_errno; - return NULL; - } - if (converted != result + length) - { - ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, converted_len)); - DCHAR_CPY (result + length, converted, converted_len); - free (converted); - } - length += converted_len; - } + if (converted == NULL) + { + int saved_errno = errno; + if (!(result == resultbuf || result == NULL)) + free (result); + if (buf_malloced != NULL) + free (buf_malloced); + CLEANUP (); + errno = saved_errno; + return NULL; + } + if (converted != result + length) + { + ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, converted_len)); + DCHAR_CPY (result + length, converted, converted_len); + free (converted); + } + length += converted_len; + } # endif - if (has_width && width > characters - && (dp->flags & FLAG_LEFT)) - { - size_t n = width - characters; - ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, n)); - DCHAR_SET (result + length, ' ', n); - length += n; - } - } - break; - - case TYPE_U32_STRING: - { - const uint32_t *arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_u32_string; - const uint32_t *arg_end; - size_t characters; - - if (has_precision) - { - /* Use only PRECISION characters, from the left. */ - arg_end = arg; - characters = 0; - for (; precision > 0; precision--) - { - int count = u32_strmblen (arg_end); - if (count == 0) - break; - if (count < 0) - { - if (!(result == resultbuf || result == NULL)) - free (result); - if (buf_malloced != NULL) - free (buf_malloced); - CLEANUP (); - errno = EILSEQ; - return NULL; - } - arg_end += count; - characters++; - } - } - else if (has_width) - { - /* Use the entire string, and count the number of - characters. */ - arg_end = arg; - characters = 0; - for (;;) - { - int count = u32_strmblen (arg_end); - if (count == 0) - break; - if (count < 0) - { - if (!(result == resultbuf || result == NULL)) - free (result); - if (buf_malloced != NULL) - free (buf_malloced); - CLEANUP (); - errno = EILSEQ; - return NULL; - } - arg_end += count; - characters++; - } - } - else - { - /* Use the entire string. */ - arg_end = arg + u32_strlen (arg); - /* The number of characters doesn't matter. */ - characters = 0; - } - - if (has_width && width > characters - && !(dp->flags & FLAG_LEFT)) - { - size_t n = width - characters; - ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, n)); - DCHAR_SET (result + length, ' ', n); - length += n; - } + if (has_width && width > characters + && (dp->flags & FLAG_LEFT)) + { + size_t n = width - characters; + ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, n)); + DCHAR_SET (result + length, ' ', n); + length += n; + } + } + break; + + case TYPE_U32_STRING: + { + const uint32_t *arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_u32_string; + const uint32_t *arg_end; + size_t characters; + + if (has_precision) + { + /* Use only PRECISION characters, from the left. */ + arg_end = arg; + characters = 0; + for (; precision > 0; precision--) + { + int count = u32_strmblen (arg_end); + if (count == 0) + break; + if (count < 0) + { + if (!(result == resultbuf || result == NULL)) + free (result); + if (buf_malloced != NULL) + free (buf_malloced); + CLEANUP (); + errno = EILSEQ; + return NULL; + } + arg_end += count; + characters++; + } + } + else if (has_width) + { + /* Use the entire string, and count the number of + characters. */ + arg_end = arg; + characters = 0; + for (;;) + { + int count = u32_strmblen (arg_end); + if (count == 0) + break; + if (count < 0) + { + if (!(result == resultbuf || result == NULL)) + free (result); + if (buf_malloced != NULL) + free (buf_malloced); + CLEANUP (); + errno = EILSEQ; + return NULL; + } + arg_end += count; + characters++; + } + } + else + { + /* Use the entire string. */ + arg_end = arg + u32_strlen (arg); + /* The number of characters doesn't matter. */ + characters = 0; + } + + if (has_width && width > characters + && !(dp->flags & FLAG_LEFT)) + { + size_t n = width - characters; + ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, n)); + DCHAR_SET (result + length, ' ', n); + length += n; + } # if DCHAR_IS_UINT32_T - { - size_t n = arg_end - arg; - ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, n)); - DCHAR_CPY (result + length, arg, n); - length += n; - } + { + size_t n = arg_end - arg; + ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, n)); + DCHAR_CPY (result + length, arg, n); + length += n; + } # else - { /* Convert. */ - DCHAR_T *converted = result + length; - size_t converted_len = allocated - length; + { /* Convert. */ + DCHAR_T *converted = result + length; + size_t converted_len = allocated - length; # if DCHAR_IS_TCHAR - /* Convert from UTF-32 to locale encoding. */ - if (u32_conv_to_encoding (locale_charset (), - iconveh_question_mark, - arg, arg_end - arg, NULL, - &converted, &converted_len) - < 0) + /* Convert from UTF-32 to locale encoding. */ + converted = + u32_conv_to_encoding (locale_charset (), + iconveh_question_mark, + arg, arg_end - arg, NULL, + converted, &converted_len); # else - /* Convert from UTF-32 to UTF-8/UTF-16. */ - converted = - U32_TO_DCHAR (arg, arg_end - arg, - converted, &converted_len); - if (converted == NULL) + /* Convert from UTF-32 to UTF-8/UTF-16. */ + converted = + U32_TO_DCHAR (arg, arg_end - arg, + converted, &converted_len); # endif - { - int saved_errno = errno; - if (!(result == resultbuf || result == NULL)) - free (result); - if (buf_malloced != NULL) - free (buf_malloced); - CLEANUP (); - errno = saved_errno; - return NULL; - } - if (converted != result + length) - { - ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, converted_len)); - DCHAR_CPY (result + length, converted, converted_len); - free (converted); - } - length += converted_len; - } + if (converted == NULL) + { + int saved_errno = errno; + if (!(result == resultbuf || result == NULL)) + free (result); + if (buf_malloced != NULL) + free (buf_malloced); + CLEANUP (); + errno = saved_errno; + return NULL; + } + if (converted != result + length) + { + ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, converted_len)); + DCHAR_CPY (result + length, converted, converted_len); + free (converted); + } + length += converted_len; + } # endif - if (has_width && width > characters - && (dp->flags & FLAG_LEFT)) - { - size_t n = width - characters; - ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, n)); - DCHAR_SET (result + length, ' ', n); - length += n; - } - } - break; - - default: - abort (); - } - } + if (has_width && width > characters + && (dp->flags & FLAG_LEFT)) + { + size_t n = width - characters; + ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, n)); + DCHAR_SET (result + length, ' ', n); + length += n; + } + } + break; + + default: + abort (); + } + } +#endif +#if (!USE_SNPRINTF || !HAVE_SNPRINTF_RETVAL_C99 || (NEED_PRINTF_DIRECTIVE_LS && !defined IN_LIBINTL)) && HAVE_WCHAR_T + else if (dp->conversion == 's' +# if WIDE_CHAR_VERSION + && a.arg[dp->arg_index].type != TYPE_WIDE_STRING +# else + && a.arg[dp->arg_index].type == TYPE_WIDE_STRING +# endif + ) + { + /* The normal handling of the 's' directive below requires + allocating a temporary buffer. The determination of its + length (tmp_length), in the case when a precision is + specified, below requires a conversion between a char[] + string and a wchar_t[] wide string. It could be done, but + we have no guarantee that the implementation of sprintf will + use the exactly same algorithm. Without this guarantee, it + is possible to have buffer overrun bugs. In order to avoid + such bugs, we implement the entire processing of the 's' + directive ourselves. */ + int flags = dp->flags; + int has_width; + size_t width; + int has_precision; + size_t precision; + + has_width = 0; + width = 0; + if (dp->width_start != dp->width_end) + { + if (dp->width_arg_index != ARG_NONE) + { + int arg; + + if (!(a.arg[dp->width_arg_index].type == TYPE_INT)) + abort (); + arg = a.arg[dp->width_arg_index].a.a_int; + if (arg < 0) + { + /* "A negative field width is taken as a '-' flag + followed by a positive field width." */ + flags |= FLAG_LEFT; + width = (unsigned int) (-arg); + } + else + width = arg; + } + else + { + const FCHAR_T *digitp = dp->width_start; + + do + width = xsum (xtimes (width, 10), *digitp++ - '0'); + while (digitp != dp->width_end); + } + has_width = 1; + } + + has_precision = 0; + precision = 6; + if (dp->precision_start != dp->precision_end) + { + if (dp->precision_arg_index != ARG_NONE) + { + int arg; + + if (!(a.arg[dp->precision_arg_index].type == TYPE_INT)) + abort (); + arg = a.arg[dp->precision_arg_index].a.a_int; + /* "A negative precision is taken as if the precision + were omitted." */ + if (arg >= 0) + { + precision = arg; + has_precision = 1; + } + } + else + { + const FCHAR_T *digitp = dp->precision_start + 1; + + precision = 0; + while (digitp != dp->precision_end) + precision = xsum (xtimes (precision, 10), *digitp++ - '0'); + has_precision = 1; + } + } + +# if WIDE_CHAR_VERSION + /* %s in vasnwprintf. See the specification of fwprintf. */ + { + const char *arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_string; + const char *arg_end; + size_t characters; + + if (has_precision) + { + /* Use only as many bytes as needed to produce PRECISION + wide characters, from the left. */ +# if HAVE_MBRTOWC + mbstate_t state; + memset (&state, '\0', sizeof (mbstate_t)); +# endif + arg_end = arg; + characters = 0; + for (; precision > 0; precision--) + { + int count; +# if HAVE_MBRTOWC + count = mbrlen (arg_end, MB_CUR_MAX, &state); +# else + count = mblen (arg_end, MB_CUR_MAX); +# endif + if (count == 0) + /* Found the terminating NUL. */ + break; + if (count < 0) + { + /* Invalid or incomplete multibyte character. */ + if (!(result == resultbuf || result == NULL)) + free (result); + if (buf_malloced != NULL) + free (buf_malloced); + CLEANUP (); + errno = EILSEQ; + return NULL; + } + arg_end += count; + characters++; + } + } + else if (has_width) + { + /* Use the entire string, and count the number of wide + characters. */ +# if HAVE_MBRTOWC + mbstate_t state; + memset (&state, '\0', sizeof (mbstate_t)); +# endif + arg_end = arg; + characters = 0; + for (;;) + { + int count; +# if HAVE_MBRTOWC + count = mbrlen (arg_end, MB_CUR_MAX, &state); +# else + count = mblen (arg_end, MB_CUR_MAX); +# endif + if (count == 0) + /* Found the terminating NUL. */ + break; + if (count < 0) + { + /* Invalid or incomplete multibyte character. */ + if (!(result == resultbuf || result == NULL)) + free (result); + if (buf_malloced != NULL) + free (buf_malloced); + CLEANUP (); + errno = EILSEQ; + return NULL; + } + arg_end += count; + characters++; + } + } + else + { + /* Use the entire string. */ + arg_end = arg + strlen (arg); + /* The number of characters doesn't matter. */ + characters = 0; + } + + if (has_width && width > characters + && !(dp->flags & FLAG_LEFT)) + { + size_t n = width - characters; + ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, n)); + DCHAR_SET (result + length, ' ', n); + length += n; + } + + if (has_precision || has_width) + { + /* We know the number of wide characters in advance. */ + size_t remaining; +# if HAVE_MBRTOWC + mbstate_t state; + memset (&state, '\0', sizeof (mbstate_t)); +# endif + ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, characters)); + for (remaining = characters; remaining > 0; remaining--) + { + wchar_t wc; + int count; +# if HAVE_MBRTOWC + count = mbrtowc (&wc, arg, arg_end - arg, &state); +# else + count = mbtowc (&wc, arg, arg_end - arg); +# endif + if (count <= 0) + /* mbrtowc not consistent with mbrlen, or mbtowc + not consistent with mblen. */ + abort (); + result[length++] = wc; + arg += count; + } + if (!(arg == arg_end)) + abort (); + } + else + { +# if HAVE_MBRTOWC + mbstate_t state; + memset (&state, '\0', sizeof (mbstate_t)); +# endif + while (arg < arg_end) + { + wchar_t wc; + int count; +# if HAVE_MBRTOWC + count = mbrtowc (&wc, arg, arg_end - arg, &state); +# else + count = mbtowc (&wc, arg, arg_end - arg); +# endif + if (count <= 0) + /* mbrtowc not consistent with mbrlen, or mbtowc + not consistent with mblen. */ + abort (); + ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, 1)); + result[length++] = wc; + arg += count; + } + } + + if (has_width && width > characters + && (dp->flags & FLAG_LEFT)) + { + size_t n = width - characters; + ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, n)); + DCHAR_SET (result + length, ' ', n); + length += n; + } + } +# else + /* %ls in vasnprintf. See the specification of fprintf. */ + { + const wchar_t *arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_wide_string; + const wchar_t *arg_end; + size_t characters; +# if !DCHAR_IS_TCHAR + /* This code assumes that TCHAR_T is 'char'. */ + typedef int TCHAR_T_verify[2 * (sizeof (TCHAR_T) == 1) - 1]; + TCHAR_T *tmpsrc; + DCHAR_T *tmpdst; + size_t tmpdst_len; +# endif + size_t w; + + if (has_precision) + { + /* Use only as many wide characters as needed to produce + at most PRECISION bytes, from the left. */ +# if HAVE_WCRTOMB && !defined GNULIB_defined_mbstate_t + mbstate_t state; + memset (&state, '\0', sizeof (mbstate_t)); +# endif + arg_end = arg; + characters = 0; + while (precision > 0) + { + char cbuf[64]; /* Assume MB_CUR_MAX <= 64. */ + int count; + + if (*arg_end == 0) + /* Found the terminating null wide character. */ + break; +# if HAVE_WCRTOMB && !defined GNULIB_defined_mbstate_t + count = wcrtomb (cbuf, *arg_end, &state); +# else + count = wctomb (cbuf, *arg_end); +# endif + if (count < 0) + { + /* Cannot convert. */ + if (!(result == resultbuf || result == NULL)) + free (result); + if (buf_malloced != NULL) + free (buf_malloced); + CLEANUP (); + errno = EILSEQ; + return NULL; + } + if (precision < count) + break; + arg_end++; + characters += count; + precision -= count; + } + } +# if DCHAR_IS_TCHAR + else if (has_width) +# else + else +# endif + { + /* Use the entire string, and count the number of + bytes. */ +# if HAVE_WCRTOMB && !defined GNULIB_defined_mbstate_t + mbstate_t state; + memset (&state, '\0', sizeof (mbstate_t)); +# endif + arg_end = arg; + characters = 0; + for (;;) + { + char cbuf[64]; /* Assume MB_CUR_MAX <= 64. */ + int count; + + if (*arg_end == 0) + /* Found the terminating null wide character. */ + break; +# if HAVE_WCRTOMB && !defined GNULIB_defined_mbstate_t + count = wcrtomb (cbuf, *arg_end, &state); +# else + count = wctomb (cbuf, *arg_end); +# endif + if (count < 0) + { + /* Cannot convert. */ + if (!(result == resultbuf || result == NULL)) + free (result); + if (buf_malloced != NULL) + free (buf_malloced); + CLEANUP (); + errno = EILSEQ; + return NULL; + } + arg_end++; + characters += count; + } + } +# if DCHAR_IS_TCHAR + else + { + /* Use the entire string. */ + arg_end = arg + local_wcslen (arg); + /* The number of bytes doesn't matter. */ + characters = 0; + } +# endif + +# if !DCHAR_IS_TCHAR + /* Convert the string into a piece of temporary memory. */ + tmpsrc = (TCHAR_T *) malloc (characters * sizeof (TCHAR_T)); + if (tmpsrc == NULL) + goto out_of_memory; + { + TCHAR_T *tmpptr = tmpsrc; + size_t remaining; +# if HAVE_WCRTOMB && !defined GNULIB_defined_mbstate_t + mbstate_t state; + memset (&state, '\0', sizeof (mbstate_t)); +# endif + for (remaining = characters; remaining > 0; ) + { + char cbuf[64]; /* Assume MB_CUR_MAX <= 64. */ + int count; + + if (*arg == 0) + abort (); +# if HAVE_WCRTOMB && !defined GNULIB_defined_mbstate_t + count = wcrtomb (cbuf, *arg, &state); +# else + count = wctomb (cbuf, *arg); +# endif + if (count <= 0) + /* Inconsistency. */ + abort (); + memcpy (tmpptr, cbuf, count); + tmpptr += count; + arg++; + remaining -= count; + } + if (!(arg == arg_end)) + abort (); + } + + /* Convert from TCHAR_T[] to DCHAR_T[]. */ + tmpdst = + DCHAR_CONV_FROM_ENCODING (locale_charset (), + iconveh_question_mark, + tmpsrc, characters, + NULL, + NULL, &tmpdst_len); + if (tmpdst == NULL) + { + int saved_errno = errno; + free (tmpsrc); + if (!(result == resultbuf || result == NULL)) + free (result); + if (buf_malloced != NULL) + free (buf_malloced); + CLEANUP (); + errno = saved_errno; + return NULL; + } + free (tmpsrc); +# endif + + if (has_width) + { +# if ENABLE_UNISTDIO + /* Outside POSIX, it's preferrable to compare the width + against the number of _characters_ of the converted + value. */ + w = DCHAR_MBSNLEN (result + length, characters); +# else + /* The width is compared against the number of _bytes_ + of the converted value, says POSIX. */ + w = characters; +# endif + } + else + /* w doesn't matter. */ + w = 0; + + if (has_width && width > w + && !(dp->flags & FLAG_LEFT)) + { + size_t n = width - w; + ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, n)); + DCHAR_SET (result + length, ' ', n); + length += n; + } + +# if DCHAR_IS_TCHAR + if (has_precision || has_width) + { + /* We know the number of bytes in advance. */ + size_t remaining; +# if HAVE_WCRTOMB && !defined GNULIB_defined_mbstate_t + mbstate_t state; + memset (&state, '\0', sizeof (mbstate_t)); +# endif + ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, characters)); + for (remaining = characters; remaining > 0; ) + { + char cbuf[64]; /* Assume MB_CUR_MAX <= 64. */ + int count; + + if (*arg == 0) + abort (); +# if HAVE_WCRTOMB && !defined GNULIB_defined_mbstate_t + count = wcrtomb (cbuf, *arg, &state); +# else + count = wctomb (cbuf, *arg); +# endif + if (count <= 0) + /* Inconsistency. */ + abort (); + memcpy (result + length, cbuf, count); + length += count; + arg++; + remaining -= count; + } + if (!(arg == arg_end)) + abort (); + } + else + { +# if HAVE_WCRTOMB && !defined GNULIB_defined_mbstate_t + mbstate_t state; + memset (&state, '\0', sizeof (mbstate_t)); +# endif + while (arg < arg_end) + { + char cbuf[64]; /* Assume MB_CUR_MAX <= 64. */ + int count; + + if (*arg == 0) + abort (); +# if HAVE_WCRTOMB && !defined GNULIB_defined_mbstate_t + count = wcrtomb (cbuf, *arg, &state); +# else + count = wctomb (cbuf, *arg); +# endif + if (count <= 0) + { + /* Cannot convert. */ + if (!(result == resultbuf || result == NULL)) + free (result); + if (buf_malloced != NULL) + free (buf_malloced); + CLEANUP (); + errno = EILSEQ; + return NULL; + } + ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, count)); + memcpy (result + length, cbuf, count); + length += count; + arg++; + } + } +# else + ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, tmpdst_len)); + DCHAR_CPY (result + length, tmpdst, tmpdst_len); + free (tmpdst); + length += tmpdst_len; +# endif + + if (has_width && width > w + && (dp->flags & FLAG_LEFT)) + { + size_t n = width - w; + ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, n)); + DCHAR_SET (result + length, ' ', n); + length += n; + } + } +# endif + } #endif #if (NEED_PRINTF_DIRECTIVE_A || NEED_PRINTF_LONG_DOUBLE || NEED_PRINTF_DOUBLE) && !defined IN_LIBINTL - else if ((dp->conversion == 'a' || dp->conversion == 'A') + else if ((dp->conversion == 'a' || dp->conversion == 'A') # if !(NEED_PRINTF_DIRECTIVE_A || (NEED_PRINTF_LONG_DOUBLE && NEED_PRINTF_DOUBLE)) - && (0 + && (0 # if NEED_PRINTF_DOUBLE - || a.arg[dp->arg_index].type == TYPE_DOUBLE + || a.arg[dp->arg_index].type == TYPE_DOUBLE # endif # if NEED_PRINTF_LONG_DOUBLE - || a.arg[dp->arg_index].type == TYPE_LONGDOUBLE + || a.arg[dp->arg_index].type == TYPE_LONGDOUBLE # endif - ) + ) # endif - ) - { - arg_type type = a.arg[dp->arg_index].type; - int flags = dp->flags; - int has_width; - size_t width; - int has_precision; - size_t precision; - size_t tmp_length; - DCHAR_T tmpbuf[700]; - DCHAR_T *tmp; - DCHAR_T *pad_ptr; - DCHAR_T *p; - - has_width = 0; - width = 0; - if (dp->width_start != dp->width_end) - { - if (dp->width_arg_index != ARG_NONE) - { - int arg; - - if (!(a.arg[dp->width_arg_index].type == TYPE_INT)) - abort (); - arg = a.arg[dp->width_arg_index].a.a_int; - if (arg < 0) - { - /* "A negative field width is taken as a '-' flag - followed by a positive field width." */ - flags |= FLAG_LEFT; - width = (unsigned int) (-arg); - } - else - width = arg; - } - else - { - const FCHAR_T *digitp = dp->width_start; - - do - width = xsum (xtimes (width, 10), *digitp++ - '0'); - while (digitp != dp->width_end); - } - has_width = 1; - } - - has_precision = 0; - precision = 0; - if (dp->precision_start != dp->precision_end) - { - if (dp->precision_arg_index != ARG_NONE) - { - int arg; - - if (!(a.arg[dp->precision_arg_index].type == TYPE_INT)) - abort (); - arg = a.arg[dp->precision_arg_index].a.a_int; - /* "A negative precision is taken as if the precision - were omitted." */ - if (arg >= 0) - { - precision = arg; - has_precision = 1; - } - } - else - { - const FCHAR_T *digitp = dp->precision_start + 1; - - precision = 0; - while (digitp != dp->precision_end) - precision = xsum (xtimes (precision, 10), *digitp++ - '0'); - has_precision = 1; - } - } - - /* Allocate a temporary buffer of sufficient size. */ - if (type == TYPE_LONGDOUBLE) - tmp_length = - (unsigned int) ((LDBL_DIG + 1) - * 0.831 /* decimal -> hexadecimal */ - ) - + 1; /* turn floor into ceil */ - else - tmp_length = - (unsigned int) ((DBL_DIG + 1) - * 0.831 /* decimal -> hexadecimal */ - ) - + 1; /* turn floor into ceil */ - if (tmp_length < precision) - tmp_length = precision; - /* Account for sign, decimal point etc. */ - tmp_length = xsum (tmp_length, 12); - - if (tmp_length < width) - tmp_length = width; - - tmp_length = xsum (tmp_length, 1); /* account for trailing NUL */ - - if (tmp_length <= sizeof (tmpbuf) / sizeof (DCHAR_T)) - tmp = tmpbuf; - else - { - size_t tmp_memsize = xtimes (tmp_length, sizeof (DCHAR_T)); - - if (size_overflow_p (tmp_memsize)) - /* Overflow, would lead to out of memory. */ - goto out_of_memory; - tmp = (DCHAR_T *) malloc (tmp_memsize); - if (tmp == NULL) - /* Out of memory. */ - goto out_of_memory; - } - - pad_ptr = NULL; - p = tmp; - if (type == TYPE_LONGDOUBLE) - { + ) + { + arg_type type = a.arg[dp->arg_index].type; + int flags = dp->flags; + int has_width; + size_t width; + int has_precision; + size_t precision; + size_t tmp_length; + DCHAR_T tmpbuf[700]; + DCHAR_T *tmp; + DCHAR_T *pad_ptr; + DCHAR_T *p; + + has_width = 0; + width = 0; + if (dp->width_start != dp->width_end) + { + if (dp->width_arg_index != ARG_NONE) + { + int arg; + + if (!(a.arg[dp->width_arg_index].type == TYPE_INT)) + abort (); + arg = a.arg[dp->width_arg_index].a.a_int; + if (arg < 0) + { + /* "A negative field width is taken as a '-' flag + followed by a positive field width." */ + flags |= FLAG_LEFT; + width = (unsigned int) (-arg); + } + else + width = arg; + } + else + { + const FCHAR_T *digitp = dp->width_start; + + do + width = xsum (xtimes (width, 10), *digitp++ - '0'); + while (digitp != dp->width_end); + } + has_width = 1; + } + + has_precision = 0; + precision = 0; + if (dp->precision_start != dp->precision_end) + { + if (dp->precision_arg_index != ARG_NONE) + { + int arg; + + if (!(a.arg[dp->precision_arg_index].type == TYPE_INT)) + abort (); + arg = a.arg[dp->precision_arg_index].a.a_int; + /* "A negative precision is taken as if the precision + were omitted." */ + if (arg >= 0) + { + precision = arg; + has_precision = 1; + } + } + else + { + const FCHAR_T *digitp = dp->precision_start + 1; + + precision = 0; + while (digitp != dp->precision_end) + precision = xsum (xtimes (precision, 10), *digitp++ - '0'); + has_precision = 1; + } + } + + /* Allocate a temporary buffer of sufficient size. */ + if (type == TYPE_LONGDOUBLE) + tmp_length = + (unsigned int) ((LDBL_DIG + 1) + * 0.831 /* decimal -> hexadecimal */ + ) + + 1; /* turn floor into ceil */ + else + tmp_length = + (unsigned int) ((DBL_DIG + 1) + * 0.831 /* decimal -> hexadecimal */ + ) + + 1; /* turn floor into ceil */ + if (tmp_length < precision) + tmp_length = precision; + /* Account for sign, decimal point etc. */ + tmp_length = xsum (tmp_length, 12); + + if (tmp_length < width) + tmp_length = width; + + tmp_length = xsum (tmp_length, 1); /* account for trailing NUL */ + + if (tmp_length <= sizeof (tmpbuf) / sizeof (DCHAR_T)) + tmp = tmpbuf; + else + { + size_t tmp_memsize = xtimes (tmp_length, sizeof (DCHAR_T)); + + if (size_overflow_p (tmp_memsize)) + /* Overflow, would lead to out of memory. */ + goto out_of_memory; + tmp = (DCHAR_T *) malloc (tmp_memsize); + if (tmp == NULL) + /* Out of memory. */ + goto out_of_memory; + } + + pad_ptr = NULL; + p = tmp; + if (type == TYPE_LONGDOUBLE) + { # if NEED_PRINTF_DIRECTIVE_A || NEED_PRINTF_LONG_DOUBLE - long double arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_longdouble; - - if (isnanl (arg)) - { - if (dp->conversion == 'A') - { - *p++ = 'N'; *p++ = 'A'; *p++ = 'N'; - } - else - { - *p++ = 'n'; *p++ = 'a'; *p++ = 'n'; - } - } - else - { - int sign = 0; - DECL_LONG_DOUBLE_ROUNDING - - BEGIN_LONG_DOUBLE_ROUNDING (); - - if (signbit (arg)) /* arg < 0.0L or negative zero */ - { - sign = -1; - arg = -arg; - } - - if (sign < 0) - *p++ = '-'; - else if (flags & FLAG_SHOWSIGN) - *p++ = '+'; - else if (flags & FLAG_SPACE) - *p++ = ' '; - - if (arg > 0.0L && arg + arg == arg) - { - if (dp->conversion == 'A') - { - *p++ = 'I'; *p++ = 'N'; *p++ = 'F'; - } - else - { - *p++ = 'i'; *p++ = 'n'; *p++ = 'f'; - } - } - else - { - int exponent; - long double mantissa; - - if (arg > 0.0L) - mantissa = printf_frexpl (arg, &exponent); - else - { - exponent = 0; - mantissa = 0.0L; - } - - if (has_precision - && precision < (unsigned int) ((LDBL_DIG + 1) * 0.831) + 1) - { - /* Round the mantissa. */ - long double tail = mantissa; - size_t q; - - for (q = precision; ; q--) - { - int digit = (int) tail; - tail -= digit; - if (q == 0) - { - if (digit & 1 ? tail >= 0.5L : tail > 0.5L) - tail = 1 - tail; - else - tail = - tail; - break; - } - tail *= 16.0L; - } - if (tail != 0.0L) - for (q = precision; q > 0; q--) - tail *= 0.0625L; - mantissa += tail; - } - - *p++ = '0'; - *p++ = dp->conversion - 'A' + 'X'; - pad_ptr = p; - { - int digit; - - digit = (int) mantissa; - mantissa -= digit; - *p++ = '0' + digit; - if ((flags & FLAG_ALT) - || mantissa > 0.0L || precision > 0) - { - *p++ = decimal_point_char (); - /* This loop terminates because we assume - that FLT_RADIX is a power of 2. */ - while (mantissa > 0.0L) - { - mantissa *= 16.0L; - digit = (int) mantissa; - mantissa -= digit; - *p++ = digit - + (digit < 10 - ? '0' - : dp->conversion - 10); - if (precision > 0) - precision--; - } - while (precision > 0) - { - *p++ = '0'; - precision--; - } - } - } - *p++ = dp->conversion - 'A' + 'P'; + long double arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_longdouble; + + if (isnanl (arg)) + { + if (dp->conversion == 'A') + { + *p++ = 'N'; *p++ = 'A'; *p++ = 'N'; + } + else + { + *p++ = 'n'; *p++ = 'a'; *p++ = 'n'; + } + } + else + { + int sign = 0; + DECL_LONG_DOUBLE_ROUNDING + + BEGIN_LONG_DOUBLE_ROUNDING (); + + if (signbit (arg)) /* arg < 0.0L or negative zero */ + { + sign = -1; + arg = -arg; + } + + if (sign < 0) + *p++ = '-'; + else if (flags & FLAG_SHOWSIGN) + *p++ = '+'; + else if (flags & FLAG_SPACE) + *p++ = ' '; + + if (arg > 0.0L && arg + arg == arg) + { + if (dp->conversion == 'A') + { + *p++ = 'I'; *p++ = 'N'; *p++ = 'F'; + } + else + { + *p++ = 'i'; *p++ = 'n'; *p++ = 'f'; + } + } + else + { + int exponent; + long double mantissa; + + if (arg > 0.0L) + mantissa = printf_frexpl (arg, &exponent); + else + { + exponent = 0; + mantissa = 0.0L; + } + + if (has_precision + && precision < (unsigned int) ((LDBL_DIG + 1) * 0.831) + 1) + { + /* Round the mantissa. */ + long double tail = mantissa; + size_t q; + + for (q = precision; ; q--) + { + int digit = (int) tail; + tail -= digit; + if (q == 0) + { + if (digit & 1 ? tail >= 0.5L : tail > 0.5L) + tail = 1 - tail; + else + tail = - tail; + break; + } + tail *= 16.0L; + } + if (tail != 0.0L) + for (q = precision; q > 0; q--) + tail *= 0.0625L; + mantissa += tail; + } + + *p++ = '0'; + *p++ = dp->conversion - 'A' + 'X'; + pad_ptr = p; + { + int digit; + + digit = (int) mantissa; + mantissa -= digit; + *p++ = '0' + digit; + if ((flags & FLAG_ALT) + || mantissa > 0.0L || precision > 0) + { + *p++ = decimal_point_char (); + /* This loop terminates because we assume + that FLT_RADIX is a power of 2. */ + while (mantissa > 0.0L) + { + mantissa *= 16.0L; + digit = (int) mantissa; + mantissa -= digit; + *p++ = digit + + (digit < 10 + ? '0' + : dp->conversion - 10); + if (precision > 0) + precision--; + } + while (precision > 0) + { + *p++ = '0'; + precision--; + } + } + } + *p++ = dp->conversion - 'A' + 'P'; # if WIDE_CHAR_VERSION - { - static const wchar_t decimal_format[] = - { '%', '+', 'd', '\0' }; - SNPRINTF (p, 6 + 1, decimal_format, exponent); - } - while (*p != '\0') - p++; + { + static const wchar_t decimal_format[] = + { '%', '+', 'd', '\0' }; + SNPRINTF (p, 6 + 1, decimal_format, exponent); + } + while (*p != '\0') + p++; # else - if (sizeof (DCHAR_T) == 1) - { - sprintf ((char *) p, "%+d", exponent); - while (*p != '\0') - p++; - } - else - { - char expbuf[6 + 1]; - const char *ep; - sprintf (expbuf, "%+d", exponent); - for (ep = expbuf; (*p = *ep) != '\0'; ep++) - p++; - } + if (sizeof (DCHAR_T) == 1) + { + sprintf ((char *) p, "%+d", exponent); + while (*p != '\0') + p++; + } + else + { + char expbuf[6 + 1]; + const char *ep; + sprintf (expbuf, "%+d", exponent); + for (ep = expbuf; (*p = *ep) != '\0'; ep++) + p++; + } # endif - } + } - END_LONG_DOUBLE_ROUNDING (); - } + END_LONG_DOUBLE_ROUNDING (); + } # else - abort (); + abort (); # endif - } - else - { + } + else + { # if NEED_PRINTF_DIRECTIVE_A || NEED_PRINTF_DOUBLE - double arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_double; - - if (isnan (arg)) - { - if (dp->conversion == 'A') - { - *p++ = 'N'; *p++ = 'A'; *p++ = 'N'; - } - else - { - *p++ = 'n'; *p++ = 'a'; *p++ = 'n'; - } - } - else - { - int sign = 0; - - if (signbit (arg)) /* arg < 0.0 or negative zero */ - { - sign = -1; - arg = -arg; - } - - if (sign < 0) - *p++ = '-'; - else if (flags & FLAG_SHOWSIGN) - *p++ = '+'; - else if (flags & FLAG_SPACE) - *p++ = ' '; - - if (arg > 0.0 && arg + arg == arg) - { - if (dp->conversion == 'A') - { - *p++ = 'I'; *p++ = 'N'; *p++ = 'F'; - } - else - { - *p++ = 'i'; *p++ = 'n'; *p++ = 'f'; - } - } - else - { - int exponent; - double mantissa; - - if (arg > 0.0) - mantissa = printf_frexp (arg, &exponent); - else - { - exponent = 0; - mantissa = 0.0; - } - - if (has_precision - && precision < (unsigned int) ((DBL_DIG + 1) * 0.831) + 1) - { - /* Round the mantissa. */ - double tail = mantissa; - size_t q; - - for (q = precision; ; q--) - { - int digit = (int) tail; - tail -= digit; - if (q == 0) - { - if (digit & 1 ? tail >= 0.5 : tail > 0.5) - tail = 1 - tail; - else - tail = - tail; - break; - } - tail *= 16.0; - } - if (tail != 0.0) - for (q = precision; q > 0; q--) - tail *= 0.0625; - mantissa += tail; - } - - *p++ = '0'; - *p++ = dp->conversion - 'A' + 'X'; - pad_ptr = p; - { - int digit; - - digit = (int) mantissa; - mantissa -= digit; - *p++ = '0' + digit; - if ((flags & FLAG_ALT) - || mantissa > 0.0 || precision > 0) - { - *p++ = decimal_point_char (); - /* This loop terminates because we assume - that FLT_RADIX is a power of 2. */ - while (mantissa > 0.0) - { - mantissa *= 16.0; - digit = (int) mantissa; - mantissa -= digit; - *p++ = digit - + (digit < 10 - ? '0' - : dp->conversion - 10); - if (precision > 0) - precision--; - } - while (precision > 0) - { - *p++ = '0'; - precision--; - } - } - } - *p++ = dp->conversion - 'A' + 'P'; + double arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_double; + + if (isnand (arg)) + { + if (dp->conversion == 'A') + { + *p++ = 'N'; *p++ = 'A'; *p++ = 'N'; + } + else + { + *p++ = 'n'; *p++ = 'a'; *p++ = 'n'; + } + } + else + { + int sign = 0; + + if (signbit (arg)) /* arg < 0.0 or negative zero */ + { + sign = -1; + arg = -arg; + } + + if (sign < 0) + *p++ = '-'; + else if (flags & FLAG_SHOWSIGN) + *p++ = '+'; + else if (flags & FLAG_SPACE) + *p++ = ' '; + + if (arg > 0.0 && arg + arg == arg) + { + if (dp->conversion == 'A') + { + *p++ = 'I'; *p++ = 'N'; *p++ = 'F'; + } + else + { + *p++ = 'i'; *p++ = 'n'; *p++ = 'f'; + } + } + else + { + int exponent; + double mantissa; + + if (arg > 0.0) + mantissa = printf_frexp (arg, &exponent); + else + { + exponent = 0; + mantissa = 0.0; + } + + if (has_precision + && precision < (unsigned int) ((DBL_DIG + 1) * 0.831) + 1) + { + /* Round the mantissa. */ + double tail = mantissa; + size_t q; + + for (q = precision; ; q--) + { + int digit = (int) tail; + tail -= digit; + if (q == 0) + { + if (digit & 1 ? tail >= 0.5 : tail > 0.5) + tail = 1 - tail; + else + tail = - tail; + break; + } + tail *= 16.0; + } + if (tail != 0.0) + for (q = precision; q > 0; q--) + tail *= 0.0625; + mantissa += tail; + } + + *p++ = '0'; + *p++ = dp->conversion - 'A' + 'X'; + pad_ptr = p; + { + int digit; + + digit = (int) mantissa; + mantissa -= digit; + *p++ = '0' + digit; + if ((flags & FLAG_ALT) + || mantissa > 0.0 || precision > 0) + { + *p++ = decimal_point_char (); + /* This loop terminates because we assume + that FLT_RADIX is a power of 2. */ + while (mantissa > 0.0) + { + mantissa *= 16.0; + digit = (int) mantissa; + mantissa -= digit; + *p++ = digit + + (digit < 10 + ? '0' + : dp->conversion - 10); + if (precision > 0) + precision--; + } + while (precision > 0) + { + *p++ = '0'; + precision--; + } + } + } + *p++ = dp->conversion - 'A' + 'P'; # if WIDE_CHAR_VERSION - { - static const wchar_t decimal_format[] = - { '%', '+', 'd', '\0' }; - SNPRINTF (p, 6 + 1, decimal_format, exponent); - } - while (*p != '\0') - p++; + { + static const wchar_t decimal_format[] = + { '%', '+', 'd', '\0' }; + SNPRINTF (p, 6 + 1, decimal_format, exponent); + } + while (*p != '\0') + p++; # else - if (sizeof (DCHAR_T) == 1) - { - sprintf ((char *) p, "%+d", exponent); - while (*p != '\0') - p++; - } - else - { - char expbuf[6 + 1]; - const char *ep; - sprintf (expbuf, "%+d", exponent); - for (ep = expbuf; (*p = *ep) != '\0'; ep++) - p++; - } + if (sizeof (DCHAR_T) == 1) + { + sprintf ((char *) p, "%+d", exponent); + while (*p != '\0') + p++; + } + else + { + char expbuf[6 + 1]; + const char *ep; + sprintf (expbuf, "%+d", exponent); + for (ep = expbuf; (*p = *ep) != '\0'; ep++) + p++; + } # endif - } - } + } + } # else - abort (); + abort (); # endif - } - /* The generated string now extends from tmp to p, with the - zero padding insertion point being at pad_ptr. */ - if (has_width && p - tmp < width) - { - size_t pad = width - (p - tmp); - DCHAR_T *end = p + pad; - - if (flags & FLAG_LEFT) - { - /* Pad with spaces on the right. */ - for (; pad > 0; pad--) - *p++ = ' '; - } - else if ((flags & FLAG_ZERO) && pad_ptr != NULL) - { - /* Pad with zeroes. */ - DCHAR_T *q = end; - - while (p > pad_ptr) - *--q = *--p; - for (; pad > 0; pad--) - *p++ = '0'; - } - else - { - /* Pad with spaces on the left. */ - DCHAR_T *q = end; - - while (p > tmp) - *--q = *--p; - for (; pad > 0; pad--) - *p++ = ' '; - } - - p = end; - } - - { - size_t count = p - tmp; - - if (count >= tmp_length) - /* tmp_length was incorrectly calculated - fix the - code above! */ - abort (); - - /* Make room for the result. */ - if (count >= allocated - length) - { - size_t n = xsum (length, count); - - ENSURE_ALLOCATION (n); - } - - /* Append the result. */ - memcpy (result + length, tmp, count * sizeof (DCHAR_T)); - if (tmp != tmpbuf) - free (tmp); - length += count; - } - } + } + /* The generated string now extends from tmp to p, with the + zero padding insertion point being at pad_ptr. */ + if (has_width && p - tmp < width) + { + size_t pad = width - (p - tmp); + DCHAR_T *end = p + pad; + + if (flags & FLAG_LEFT) + { + /* Pad with spaces on the right. */ + for (; pad > 0; pad--) + *p++ = ' '; + } + else if ((flags & FLAG_ZERO) && pad_ptr != NULL) + { + /* Pad with zeroes. */ + DCHAR_T *q = end; + + while (p > pad_ptr) + *--q = *--p; + for (; pad > 0; pad--) + *p++ = '0'; + } + else + { + /* Pad with spaces on the left. */ + DCHAR_T *q = end; + + while (p > tmp) + *--q = *--p; + for (; pad > 0; pad--) + *p++ = ' '; + } + + p = end; + } + + { + size_t count = p - tmp; + + if (count >= tmp_length) + /* tmp_length was incorrectly calculated - fix the + code above! */ + abort (); + + /* Make room for the result. */ + if (count >= allocated - length) + { + size_t n = xsum (length, count); + + ENSURE_ALLOCATION (n); + } + + /* Append the result. */ + memcpy (result + length, tmp, count * sizeof (DCHAR_T)); + if (tmp != tmpbuf) + free (tmp); + length += count; + } + } #endif #if (NEED_PRINTF_INFINITE_DOUBLE || NEED_PRINTF_DOUBLE || NEED_PRINTF_INFINITE_LONG_DOUBLE || NEED_PRINTF_LONG_DOUBLE) && !defined IN_LIBINTL - else if ((dp->conversion == 'f' || dp->conversion == 'F' - || dp->conversion == 'e' || dp->conversion == 'E' - || dp->conversion == 'g' || dp->conversion == 'G' - || dp->conversion == 'a' || dp->conversion == 'A') - && (0 + else if ((dp->conversion == 'f' || dp->conversion == 'F' + || dp->conversion == 'e' || dp->conversion == 'E' + || dp->conversion == 'g' || dp->conversion == 'G' + || dp->conversion == 'a' || dp->conversion == 'A') + && (0 # if NEED_PRINTF_DOUBLE - || a.arg[dp->arg_index].type == TYPE_DOUBLE + || a.arg[dp->arg_index].type == TYPE_DOUBLE # elif NEED_PRINTF_INFINITE_DOUBLE - || (a.arg[dp->arg_index].type == TYPE_DOUBLE - /* The systems (mingw) which produce wrong output - for Inf, -Inf, and NaN also do so for -0.0. - Therefore we treat this case here as well. */ - && is_infinite_or_zero (a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_double)) + || (a.arg[dp->arg_index].type == TYPE_DOUBLE + /* The systems (mingw) which produce wrong output + for Inf, -Inf, and NaN also do so for -0.0. + Therefore we treat this case here as well. */ + && is_infinite_or_zero (a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_double)) # endif # if NEED_PRINTF_LONG_DOUBLE - || a.arg[dp->arg_index].type == TYPE_LONGDOUBLE + || a.arg[dp->arg_index].type == TYPE_LONGDOUBLE # elif NEED_PRINTF_INFINITE_LONG_DOUBLE - || (a.arg[dp->arg_index].type == TYPE_LONGDOUBLE - /* Some systems produce wrong output for Inf, - -Inf, and NaN. */ - && is_infinitel (a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_longdouble)) + || (a.arg[dp->arg_index].type == TYPE_LONGDOUBLE + /* Some systems produce wrong output for Inf, + -Inf, and NaN. Some systems in this category + (IRIX 5.3) also do so for -0.0. Therefore we + treat this case here as well. */ + && is_infinite_or_zerol (a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_longdouble)) # endif - )) - { + )) + { # if (NEED_PRINTF_DOUBLE || NEED_PRINTF_INFINITE_DOUBLE) && (NEED_PRINTF_LONG_DOUBLE || NEED_PRINTF_INFINITE_LONG_DOUBLE) - arg_type type = a.arg[dp->arg_index].type; + arg_type type = a.arg[dp->arg_index].type; # endif - int flags = dp->flags; - int has_width; - size_t width; - int has_precision; - size_t precision; - size_t tmp_length; - DCHAR_T tmpbuf[700]; - DCHAR_T *tmp; - DCHAR_T *pad_ptr; - DCHAR_T *p; - - has_width = 0; - width = 0; - if (dp->width_start != dp->width_end) - { - if (dp->width_arg_index != ARG_NONE) - { - int arg; - - if (!(a.arg[dp->width_arg_index].type == TYPE_INT)) - abort (); - arg = a.arg[dp->width_arg_index].a.a_int; - if (arg < 0) - { - /* "A negative field width is taken as a '-' flag - followed by a positive field width." */ - flags |= FLAG_LEFT; - width = (unsigned int) (-arg); - } - else - width = arg; - } - else - { - const FCHAR_T *digitp = dp->width_start; - - do - width = xsum (xtimes (width, 10), *digitp++ - '0'); - while (digitp != dp->width_end); - } - has_width = 1; - } - - has_precision = 0; - precision = 0; - if (dp->precision_start != dp->precision_end) - { - if (dp->precision_arg_index != ARG_NONE) - { - int arg; - - if (!(a.arg[dp->precision_arg_index].type == TYPE_INT)) - abort (); - arg = a.arg[dp->precision_arg_index].a.a_int; - /* "A negative precision is taken as if the precision - were omitted." */ - if (arg >= 0) - { - precision = arg; - has_precision = 1; - } - } - else - { - const FCHAR_T *digitp = dp->precision_start + 1; - - precision = 0; - while (digitp != dp->precision_end) - precision = xsum (xtimes (precision, 10), *digitp++ - '0'); - has_precision = 1; - } - } - - /* POSIX specifies the default precision to be 6 for %f, %F, - %e, %E, but not for %g, %G. Implementations appear to use - the same default precision also for %g, %G. */ - if (!has_precision) - precision = 6; - - /* Allocate a temporary buffer of sufficient size. */ + int flags = dp->flags; + int has_width; + size_t width; + int has_precision; + size_t precision; + size_t tmp_length; + DCHAR_T tmpbuf[700]; + DCHAR_T *tmp; + DCHAR_T *pad_ptr; + DCHAR_T *p; + + has_width = 0; + width = 0; + if (dp->width_start != dp->width_end) + { + if (dp->width_arg_index != ARG_NONE) + { + int arg; + + if (!(a.arg[dp->width_arg_index].type == TYPE_INT)) + abort (); + arg = a.arg[dp->width_arg_index].a.a_int; + if (arg < 0) + { + /* "A negative field width is taken as a '-' flag + followed by a positive field width." */ + flags |= FLAG_LEFT; + width = (unsigned int) (-arg); + } + else + width = arg; + } + else + { + const FCHAR_T *digitp = dp->width_start; + + do + width = xsum (xtimes (width, 10), *digitp++ - '0'); + while (digitp != dp->width_end); + } + has_width = 1; + } + + has_precision = 0; + precision = 0; + if (dp->precision_start != dp->precision_end) + { + if (dp->precision_arg_index != ARG_NONE) + { + int arg; + + if (!(a.arg[dp->precision_arg_index].type == TYPE_INT)) + abort (); + arg = a.arg[dp->precision_arg_index].a.a_int; + /* "A negative precision is taken as if the precision + were omitted." */ + if (arg >= 0) + { + precision = arg; + has_precision = 1; + } + } + else + { + const FCHAR_T *digitp = dp->precision_start + 1; + + precision = 0; + while (digitp != dp->precision_end) + precision = xsum (xtimes (precision, 10), *digitp++ - '0'); + has_precision = 1; + } + } + + /* POSIX specifies the default precision to be 6 for %f, %F, + %e, %E, but not for %g, %G. Implementations appear to use + the same default precision also for %g, %G. But for %a, %A, + the default precision is 0. */ + if (!has_precision) + if (!(dp->conversion == 'a' || dp->conversion == 'A')) + precision = 6; + + /* Allocate a temporary buffer of sufficient size. */ # if NEED_PRINTF_DOUBLE && NEED_PRINTF_LONG_DOUBLE - tmp_length = (type == TYPE_LONGDOUBLE ? LDBL_DIG + 1 : DBL_DIG + 1); + tmp_length = (type == TYPE_LONGDOUBLE ? LDBL_DIG + 1 : DBL_DIG + 1); # elif NEED_PRINTF_INFINITE_DOUBLE && NEED_PRINTF_LONG_DOUBLE - tmp_length = (type == TYPE_LONGDOUBLE ? LDBL_DIG + 1 : 0); + tmp_length = (type == TYPE_LONGDOUBLE ? LDBL_DIG + 1 : 0); # elif NEED_PRINTF_LONG_DOUBLE - tmp_length = LDBL_DIG + 1; + tmp_length = LDBL_DIG + 1; # elif NEED_PRINTF_DOUBLE - tmp_length = DBL_DIG + 1; + tmp_length = DBL_DIG + 1; # else - tmp_length = 0; + tmp_length = 0; # endif - if (tmp_length < precision) - tmp_length = precision; + if (tmp_length < precision) + tmp_length = precision; # if NEED_PRINTF_LONG_DOUBLE # if NEED_PRINTF_DOUBLE || NEED_PRINTF_INFINITE_DOUBLE - if (type == TYPE_LONGDOUBLE) + if (type == TYPE_LONGDOUBLE) # endif - if (dp->conversion == 'f' || dp->conversion == 'F') - { - long double arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_longdouble; - if (!(isnanl (arg) || arg + arg == arg)) - { - /* arg is finite and nonzero. */ - int exponent = floorlog10l (arg < 0 ? -arg : arg); - if (exponent >= 0 && tmp_length < exponent + precision) - tmp_length = exponent + precision; - } - } + if (dp->conversion == 'f' || dp->conversion == 'F') + { + long double arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_longdouble; + if (!(isnanl (arg) || arg + arg == arg)) + { + /* arg is finite and nonzero. */ + int exponent = floorlog10l (arg < 0 ? -arg : arg); + if (exponent >= 0 && tmp_length < exponent + precision) + tmp_length = exponent + precision; + } + } # endif # if NEED_PRINTF_DOUBLE # if NEED_PRINTF_LONG_DOUBLE || NEED_PRINTF_INFINITE_LONG_DOUBLE - if (type == TYPE_DOUBLE) + if (type == TYPE_DOUBLE) # endif - if (dp->conversion == 'f' || dp->conversion == 'F') - { - double arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_double; - if (!(isnan (arg) || arg + arg == arg)) - { - /* arg is finite and nonzero. */ - int exponent = floorlog10 (arg < 0 ? -arg : arg); - if (exponent >= 0 && tmp_length < exponent + precision) - tmp_length = exponent + precision; - } - } + if (dp->conversion == 'f' || dp->conversion == 'F') + { + double arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_double; + if (!(isnand (arg) || arg + arg == arg)) + { + /* arg is finite and nonzero. */ + int exponent = floorlog10 (arg < 0 ? -arg : arg); + if (exponent >= 0 && tmp_length < exponent + precision) + tmp_length = exponent + precision; + } + } # endif - /* Account for sign, decimal point etc. */ - tmp_length = xsum (tmp_length, 12); + /* Account for sign, decimal point etc. */ + tmp_length = xsum (tmp_length, 12); - if (tmp_length < width) - tmp_length = width; + if (tmp_length < width) + tmp_length = width; - tmp_length = xsum (tmp_length, 1); /* account for trailing NUL */ + tmp_length = xsum (tmp_length, 1); /* account for trailing NUL */ - if (tmp_length <= sizeof (tmpbuf) / sizeof (DCHAR_T)) - tmp = tmpbuf; - else - { - size_t tmp_memsize = xtimes (tmp_length, sizeof (DCHAR_T)); + if (tmp_length <= sizeof (tmpbuf) / sizeof (DCHAR_T)) + tmp = tmpbuf; + else + { + size_t tmp_memsize = xtimes (tmp_length, sizeof (DCHAR_T)); - if (size_overflow_p (tmp_memsize)) - /* Overflow, would lead to out of memory. */ - goto out_of_memory; - tmp = (DCHAR_T *) malloc (tmp_memsize); - if (tmp == NULL) - /* Out of memory. */ - goto out_of_memory; - } + if (size_overflow_p (tmp_memsize)) + /* Overflow, would lead to out of memory. */ + goto out_of_memory; + tmp = (DCHAR_T *) malloc (tmp_memsize); + if (tmp == NULL) + /* Out of memory. */ + goto out_of_memory; + } - pad_ptr = NULL; - p = tmp; + pad_ptr = NULL; + p = tmp; # if NEED_PRINTF_LONG_DOUBLE || NEED_PRINTF_INFINITE_LONG_DOUBLE # if NEED_PRINTF_DOUBLE || NEED_PRINTF_INFINITE_DOUBLE - if (type == TYPE_LONGDOUBLE) + if (type == TYPE_LONGDOUBLE) # endif - { - long double arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_longdouble; - - if (isnanl (arg)) - { - if (dp->conversion >= 'A' && dp->conversion <= 'Z') - { - *p++ = 'N'; *p++ = 'A'; *p++ = 'N'; - } - else - { - *p++ = 'n'; *p++ = 'a'; *p++ = 'n'; - } - } - else - { - int sign = 0; - DECL_LONG_DOUBLE_ROUNDING - - BEGIN_LONG_DOUBLE_ROUNDING (); - - if (signbit (arg)) /* arg < 0.0L or negative zero */ - { - sign = -1; - arg = -arg; - } - - if (sign < 0) - *p++ = '-'; - else if (flags & FLAG_SHOWSIGN) - *p++ = '+'; - else if (flags & FLAG_SPACE) - *p++ = ' '; - - if (arg > 0.0L && arg + arg == arg) - { - if (dp->conversion >= 'A' && dp->conversion <= 'Z') - { - *p++ = 'I'; *p++ = 'N'; *p++ = 'F'; - } - else - { - *p++ = 'i'; *p++ = 'n'; *p++ = 'f'; - } - } - else - { + { + long double arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_longdouble; + + if (isnanl (arg)) + { + if (dp->conversion >= 'A' && dp->conversion <= 'Z') + { + *p++ = 'N'; *p++ = 'A'; *p++ = 'N'; + } + else + { + *p++ = 'n'; *p++ = 'a'; *p++ = 'n'; + } + } + else + { + int sign = 0; + DECL_LONG_DOUBLE_ROUNDING + + BEGIN_LONG_DOUBLE_ROUNDING (); + + if (signbit (arg)) /* arg < 0.0L or negative zero */ + { + sign = -1; + arg = -arg; + } + + if (sign < 0) + *p++ = '-'; + else if (flags & FLAG_SHOWSIGN) + *p++ = '+'; + else if (flags & FLAG_SPACE) + *p++ = ' '; + + if (arg > 0.0L && arg + arg == arg) + { + if (dp->conversion >= 'A' && dp->conversion <= 'Z') + { + *p++ = 'I'; *p++ = 'N'; *p++ = 'F'; + } + else + { + *p++ = 'i'; *p++ = 'n'; *p++ = 'f'; + } + } + else + { # if NEED_PRINTF_LONG_DOUBLE - pad_ptr = p; - - if (dp->conversion == 'f' || dp->conversion == 'F') - { - char *digits; - size_t ndigits; - - digits = - scale10_round_decimal_long_double (arg, precision); - if (digits == NULL) - { - END_LONG_DOUBLE_ROUNDING (); - goto out_of_memory; - } - ndigits = strlen (digits); - - if (ndigits > precision) - do - { - --ndigits; - *p++ = digits[ndigits]; - } - while (ndigits > precision); - else - *p++ = '0'; - /* Here ndigits <= precision. */ - if ((flags & FLAG_ALT) || precision > 0) - { - *p++ = decimal_point_char (); - for (; precision > ndigits; precision--) - *p++ = '0'; - while (ndigits > 0) - { - --ndigits; - *p++ = digits[ndigits]; - } - } - - free (digits); - } - else if (dp->conversion == 'e' || dp->conversion == 'E') - { - int exponent; - - if (arg == 0.0L) - { - exponent = 0; - *p++ = '0'; - if ((flags & FLAG_ALT) || precision > 0) - { - *p++ = decimal_point_char (); - for (; precision > 0; precision--) - *p++ = '0'; - } - } - else - { - /* arg > 0.0L. */ - int adjusted; - char *digits; - size_t ndigits; - - exponent = floorlog10l (arg); - adjusted = 0; - for (;;) - { - digits = - scale10_round_decimal_long_double (arg, - (int)precision - exponent); - if (digits == NULL) - { - END_LONG_DOUBLE_ROUNDING (); - goto out_of_memory; - } - ndigits = strlen (digits); - - if (ndigits == precision + 1) - break; - if (ndigits < precision - || ndigits > precision + 2) - /* The exponent was not guessed - precisely enough. */ - abort (); - if (adjusted) - /* None of two values of exponent is - the right one. Prevent an endless - loop. */ - abort (); - free (digits); - if (ndigits == precision) - exponent -= 1; - else - exponent += 1; - adjusted = 1; - } - - /* Here ndigits = precision+1. */ - *p++ = digits[--ndigits]; - if ((flags & FLAG_ALT) || precision > 0) - { - *p++ = decimal_point_char (); - while (ndigits > 0) - { - --ndigits; - *p++ = digits[ndigits]; - } - } - - free (digits); - } - - *p++ = dp->conversion; /* 'e' or 'E' */ + pad_ptr = p; + + if (dp->conversion == 'f' || dp->conversion == 'F') + { + char *digits; + size_t ndigits; + + digits = + scale10_round_decimal_long_double (arg, precision); + if (digits == NULL) + { + END_LONG_DOUBLE_ROUNDING (); + goto out_of_memory; + } + ndigits = strlen (digits); + + if (ndigits > precision) + do + { + --ndigits; + *p++ = digits[ndigits]; + } + while (ndigits > precision); + else + *p++ = '0'; + /* Here ndigits <= precision. */ + if ((flags & FLAG_ALT) || precision > 0) + { + *p++ = decimal_point_char (); + for (; precision > ndigits; precision--) + *p++ = '0'; + while (ndigits > 0) + { + --ndigits; + *p++ = digits[ndigits]; + } + } + + free (digits); + } + else if (dp->conversion == 'e' || dp->conversion == 'E') + { + int exponent; + + if (arg == 0.0L) + { + exponent = 0; + *p++ = '0'; + if ((flags & FLAG_ALT) || precision > 0) + { + *p++ = decimal_point_char (); + for (; precision > 0; precision--) + *p++ = '0'; + } + } + else + { + /* arg > 0.0L. */ + int adjusted; + char *digits; + size_t ndigits; + + exponent = floorlog10l (arg); + adjusted = 0; + for (;;) + { + digits = + scale10_round_decimal_long_double (arg, + (int)precision - exponent); + if (digits == NULL) + { + END_LONG_DOUBLE_ROUNDING (); + goto out_of_memory; + } + ndigits = strlen (digits); + + if (ndigits == precision + 1) + break; + if (ndigits < precision + || ndigits > precision + 2) + /* The exponent was not guessed + precisely enough. */ + abort (); + if (adjusted) + /* None of two values of exponent is + the right one. Prevent an endless + loop. */ + abort (); + free (digits); + if (ndigits == precision) + exponent -= 1; + else + exponent += 1; + adjusted = 1; + } + /* Here ndigits = precision+1. */ + if (is_borderline (digits, precision)) + { + /* Maybe the exponent guess was too high + and a smaller exponent can be reached + by turning a 10...0 into 9...9x. */ + char *digits2 = + scale10_round_decimal_long_double (arg, + (int)precision - exponent + 1); + if (digits2 == NULL) + { + free (digits); + END_LONG_DOUBLE_ROUNDING (); + goto out_of_memory; + } + if (strlen (digits2) == precision + 1) + { + free (digits); + digits = digits2; + exponent -= 1; + } + else + free (digits2); + } + /* Here ndigits = precision+1. */ + + *p++ = digits[--ndigits]; + if ((flags & FLAG_ALT) || precision > 0) + { + *p++ = decimal_point_char (); + while (ndigits > 0) + { + --ndigits; + *p++ = digits[ndigits]; + } + } + + free (digits); + } + + *p++ = dp->conversion; /* 'e' or 'E' */ # if WIDE_CHAR_VERSION - { - static const wchar_t decimal_format[] = - { '%', '+', '.', '2', 'd', '\0' }; - SNPRINTF (p, 6 + 1, decimal_format, exponent); - } - while (*p != '\0') - p++; + { + static const wchar_t decimal_format[] = + { '%', '+', '.', '2', 'd', '\0' }; + SNPRINTF (p, 6 + 1, decimal_format, exponent); + } + while (*p != '\0') + p++; # else - if (sizeof (DCHAR_T) == 1) - { - sprintf ((char *) p, "%+.2d", exponent); - while (*p != '\0') - p++; - } - else - { - char expbuf[6 + 1]; - const char *ep; - sprintf (expbuf, "%+.2d", exponent); - for (ep = expbuf; (*p = *ep) != '\0'; ep++) - p++; - } + if (sizeof (DCHAR_T) == 1) + { + sprintf ((char *) p, "%+.2d", exponent); + while (*p != '\0') + p++; + } + else + { + char expbuf[6 + 1]; + const char *ep; + sprintf (expbuf, "%+.2d", exponent); + for (ep = expbuf; (*p = *ep) != '\0'; ep++) + p++; + } # endif - } - else if (dp->conversion == 'g' || dp->conversion == 'G') - { - if (precision == 0) - precision = 1; - /* precision >= 1. */ - - if (arg == 0.0L) - /* The exponent is 0, >= -4, < precision. - Use fixed-point notation. */ - { - size_t ndigits = precision; - /* Number of trailing zeroes that have to be - dropped. */ - size_t nzeroes = - (flags & FLAG_ALT ? 0 : precision - 1); - - --ndigits; - *p++ = '0'; - if ((flags & FLAG_ALT) || ndigits > nzeroes) - { - *p++ = decimal_point_char (); - while (ndigits > nzeroes) - { - --ndigits; - *p++ = '0'; - } - } - } - else - { - /* arg > 0.0L. */ - int exponent; - int adjusted; - char *digits; - size_t ndigits; - size_t nzeroes; - - exponent = floorlog10l (arg); - adjusted = 0; - for (;;) - { - digits = - scale10_round_decimal_long_double (arg, - (int)(precision - 1) - exponent); - if (digits == NULL) - { - END_LONG_DOUBLE_ROUNDING (); - goto out_of_memory; - } - ndigits = strlen (digits); - - if (ndigits == precision) - break; - if (ndigits < precision - 1 - || ndigits > precision + 1) - /* The exponent was not guessed - precisely enough. */ - abort (); - if (adjusted) - /* None of two values of exponent is - the right one. Prevent an endless - loop. */ - abort (); - free (digits); - if (ndigits < precision) - exponent -= 1; - else - exponent += 1; - adjusted = 1; - } - /* Here ndigits = precision. */ - - /* Determine the number of trailing zeroes - that have to be dropped. */ - nzeroes = 0; - if ((flags & FLAG_ALT) == 0) - while (nzeroes < ndigits - && digits[nzeroes] == '0') - nzeroes++; - - /* The exponent is now determined. */ - if (exponent >= -4 - && exponent < (long)precision) - { - /* Fixed-point notation: - max(exponent,0)+1 digits, then the - decimal point, then the remaining - digits without trailing zeroes. */ - if (exponent >= 0) - { - size_t count = exponent + 1; - /* Note: count <= precision = ndigits. */ - for (; count > 0; count--) - *p++ = digits[--ndigits]; - if ((flags & FLAG_ALT) || ndigits > nzeroes) - { - *p++ = decimal_point_char (); - while (ndigits > nzeroes) - { - --ndigits; - *p++ = digits[ndigits]; - } - } - } - else - { - size_t count = -exponent - 1; - *p++ = '0'; - *p++ = decimal_point_char (); - for (; count > 0; count--) - *p++ = '0'; - while (ndigits > nzeroes) - { - --ndigits; - *p++ = digits[ndigits]; - } - } - } - else - { - /* Exponential notation. */ - *p++ = digits[--ndigits]; - if ((flags & FLAG_ALT) || ndigits > nzeroes) - { - *p++ = decimal_point_char (); - while (ndigits > nzeroes) - { - --ndigits; - *p++ = digits[ndigits]; - } - } - *p++ = dp->conversion - 'G' + 'E'; /* 'e' or 'E' */ + } + else if (dp->conversion == 'g' || dp->conversion == 'G') + { + if (precision == 0) + precision = 1; + /* precision >= 1. */ + + if (arg == 0.0L) + /* The exponent is 0, >= -4, < precision. + Use fixed-point notation. */ + { + size_t ndigits = precision; + /* Number of trailing zeroes that have to be + dropped. */ + size_t nzeroes = + (flags & FLAG_ALT ? 0 : precision - 1); + + --ndigits; + *p++ = '0'; + if ((flags & FLAG_ALT) || ndigits > nzeroes) + { + *p++ = decimal_point_char (); + while (ndigits > nzeroes) + { + --ndigits; + *p++ = '0'; + } + } + } + else + { + /* arg > 0.0L. */ + int exponent; + int adjusted; + char *digits; + size_t ndigits; + size_t nzeroes; + + exponent = floorlog10l (arg); + adjusted = 0; + for (;;) + { + digits = + scale10_round_decimal_long_double (arg, + (int)(precision - 1) - exponent); + if (digits == NULL) + { + END_LONG_DOUBLE_ROUNDING (); + goto out_of_memory; + } + ndigits = strlen (digits); + + if (ndigits == precision) + break; + if (ndigits < precision - 1 + || ndigits > precision + 1) + /* The exponent was not guessed + precisely enough. */ + abort (); + if (adjusted) + /* None of two values of exponent is + the right one. Prevent an endless + loop. */ + abort (); + free (digits); + if (ndigits < precision) + exponent -= 1; + else + exponent += 1; + adjusted = 1; + } + /* Here ndigits = precision. */ + if (is_borderline (digits, precision - 1)) + { + /* Maybe the exponent guess was too high + and a smaller exponent can be reached + by turning a 10...0 into 9...9x. */ + char *digits2 = + scale10_round_decimal_long_double (arg, + (int)(precision - 1) - exponent + 1); + if (digits2 == NULL) + { + free (digits); + END_LONG_DOUBLE_ROUNDING (); + goto out_of_memory; + } + if (strlen (digits2) == precision) + { + free (digits); + digits = digits2; + exponent -= 1; + } + else + free (digits2); + } + /* Here ndigits = precision. */ + + /* Determine the number of trailing zeroes + that have to be dropped. */ + nzeroes = 0; + if ((flags & FLAG_ALT) == 0) + while (nzeroes < ndigits + && digits[nzeroes] == '0') + nzeroes++; + + /* The exponent is now determined. */ + if (exponent >= -4 + && exponent < (long)precision) + { + /* Fixed-point notation: + max(exponent,0)+1 digits, then the + decimal point, then the remaining + digits without trailing zeroes. */ + if (exponent >= 0) + { + size_t count = exponent + 1; + /* Note: count <= precision = ndigits. */ + for (; count > 0; count--) + *p++ = digits[--ndigits]; + if ((flags & FLAG_ALT) || ndigits > nzeroes) + { + *p++ = decimal_point_char (); + while (ndigits > nzeroes) + { + --ndigits; + *p++ = digits[ndigits]; + } + } + } + else + { + size_t count = -exponent - 1; + *p++ = '0'; + *p++ = decimal_point_char (); + for (; count > 0; count--) + *p++ = '0'; + while (ndigits > nzeroes) + { + --ndigits; + *p++ = digits[ndigits]; + } + } + } + else + { + /* Exponential notation. */ + *p++ = digits[--ndigits]; + if ((flags & FLAG_ALT) || ndigits > nzeroes) + { + *p++ = decimal_point_char (); + while (ndigits > nzeroes) + { + --ndigits; + *p++ = digits[ndigits]; + } + } + *p++ = dp->conversion - 'G' + 'E'; /* 'e' or 'E' */ # if WIDE_CHAR_VERSION - { - static const wchar_t decimal_format[] = - { '%', '+', '.', '2', 'd', '\0' }; - SNPRINTF (p, 6 + 1, decimal_format, exponent); - } - while (*p != '\0') - p++; + { + static const wchar_t decimal_format[] = + { '%', '+', '.', '2', 'd', '\0' }; + SNPRINTF (p, 6 + 1, decimal_format, exponent); + } + while (*p != '\0') + p++; # else - if (sizeof (DCHAR_T) == 1) - { - sprintf ((char *) p, "%+.2d", exponent); - while (*p != '\0') - p++; - } - else - { - char expbuf[6 + 1]; - const char *ep; - sprintf (expbuf, "%+.2d", exponent); - for (ep = expbuf; (*p = *ep) != '\0'; ep++) - p++; - } + if (sizeof (DCHAR_T) == 1) + { + sprintf ((char *) p, "%+.2d", exponent); + while (*p != '\0') + p++; + } + else + { + char expbuf[6 + 1]; + const char *ep; + sprintf (expbuf, "%+.2d", exponent); + for (ep = expbuf; (*p = *ep) != '\0'; ep++) + p++; + } # endif - } + } - free (digits); - } - } - else - abort (); + free (digits); + } + } + else + abort (); # else - /* arg is finite. */ - abort (); + /* arg is finite. */ + if (!(arg == 0.0L)) + abort (); + + pad_ptr = p; + + if (dp->conversion == 'f' || dp->conversion == 'F') + { + *p++ = '0'; + if ((flags & FLAG_ALT) || precision > 0) + { + *p++ = decimal_point_char (); + for (; precision > 0; precision--) + *p++ = '0'; + } + } + else if (dp->conversion == 'e' || dp->conversion == 'E') + { + *p++ = '0'; + if ((flags & FLAG_ALT) || precision > 0) + { + *p++ = decimal_point_char (); + for (; precision > 0; precision--) + *p++ = '0'; + } + *p++ = dp->conversion; /* 'e' or 'E' */ + *p++ = '+'; + *p++ = '0'; + *p++ = '0'; + } + else if (dp->conversion == 'g' || dp->conversion == 'G') + { + *p++ = '0'; + if (flags & FLAG_ALT) + { + size_t ndigits = + (precision > 0 ? precision - 1 : 0); + *p++ = decimal_point_char (); + for (; ndigits > 0; --ndigits) + *p++ = '0'; + } + } + else if (dp->conversion == 'a' || dp->conversion == 'A') + { + *p++ = '0'; + *p++ = dp->conversion - 'A' + 'X'; + pad_ptr = p; + *p++ = '0'; + if ((flags & FLAG_ALT) || precision > 0) + { + *p++ = decimal_point_char (); + for (; precision > 0; precision--) + *p++ = '0'; + } + *p++ = dp->conversion - 'A' + 'P'; + *p++ = '+'; + *p++ = '0'; + } + else + abort (); # endif - } + } - END_LONG_DOUBLE_ROUNDING (); - } - } + END_LONG_DOUBLE_ROUNDING (); + } + } # if NEED_PRINTF_DOUBLE || NEED_PRINTF_INFINITE_DOUBLE - else + else # endif # endif # if NEED_PRINTF_DOUBLE || NEED_PRINTF_INFINITE_DOUBLE - { - double arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_double; - - if (isnan (arg)) - { - if (dp->conversion >= 'A' && dp->conversion <= 'Z') - { - *p++ = 'N'; *p++ = 'A'; *p++ = 'N'; - } - else - { - *p++ = 'n'; *p++ = 'a'; *p++ = 'n'; - } - } - else - { - int sign = 0; - - if (signbit (arg)) /* arg < 0.0 or negative zero */ - { - sign = -1; - arg = -arg; - } - - if (sign < 0) - *p++ = '-'; - else if (flags & FLAG_SHOWSIGN) - *p++ = '+'; - else if (flags & FLAG_SPACE) - *p++ = ' '; - - if (arg > 0.0 && arg + arg == arg) - { - if (dp->conversion >= 'A' && dp->conversion <= 'Z') - { - *p++ = 'I'; *p++ = 'N'; *p++ = 'F'; - } - else - { - *p++ = 'i'; *p++ = 'n'; *p++ = 'f'; - } - } - else - { + { + double arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_double; + + if (isnand (arg)) + { + if (dp->conversion >= 'A' && dp->conversion <= 'Z') + { + *p++ = 'N'; *p++ = 'A'; *p++ = 'N'; + } + else + { + *p++ = 'n'; *p++ = 'a'; *p++ = 'n'; + } + } + else + { + int sign = 0; + + if (signbit (arg)) /* arg < 0.0 or negative zero */ + { + sign = -1; + arg = -arg; + } + + if (sign < 0) + *p++ = '-'; + else if (flags & FLAG_SHOWSIGN) + *p++ = '+'; + else if (flags & FLAG_SPACE) + *p++ = ' '; + + if (arg > 0.0 && arg + arg == arg) + { + if (dp->conversion >= 'A' && dp->conversion <= 'Z') + { + *p++ = 'I'; *p++ = 'N'; *p++ = 'F'; + } + else + { + *p++ = 'i'; *p++ = 'n'; *p++ = 'f'; + } + } + else + { # if NEED_PRINTF_DOUBLE - pad_ptr = p; - - if (dp->conversion == 'f' || dp->conversion == 'F') - { - char *digits; - size_t ndigits; - - digits = - scale10_round_decimal_double (arg, precision); - if (digits == NULL) - goto out_of_memory; - ndigits = strlen (digits); - - if (ndigits > precision) - do - { - --ndigits; - *p++ = digits[ndigits]; - } - while (ndigits > precision); - else - *p++ = '0'; - /* Here ndigits <= precision. */ - if ((flags & FLAG_ALT) || precision > 0) - { - *p++ = decimal_point_char (); - for (; precision > ndigits; precision--) - *p++ = '0'; - while (ndigits > 0) - { - --ndigits; - *p++ = digits[ndigits]; - } - } - - free (digits); - } - else if (dp->conversion == 'e' || dp->conversion == 'E') - { - int exponent; - - if (arg == 0.0) - { - exponent = 0; - *p++ = '0'; - if ((flags & FLAG_ALT) || precision > 0) - { - *p++ = decimal_point_char (); - for (; precision > 0; precision--) - *p++ = '0'; - } - } - else - { - /* arg > 0.0. */ - int adjusted; - char *digits; - size_t ndigits; - - exponent = floorlog10 (arg); - adjusted = 0; - for (;;) - { - digits = - scale10_round_decimal_double (arg, - (int)precision - exponent); - if (digits == NULL) - goto out_of_memory; - ndigits = strlen (digits); - - if (ndigits == precision + 1) - break; - if (ndigits < precision - || ndigits > precision + 2) - /* The exponent was not guessed - precisely enough. */ - abort (); - if (adjusted) - /* None of two values of exponent is - the right one. Prevent an endless - loop. */ - abort (); - free (digits); - if (ndigits == precision) - exponent -= 1; - else - exponent += 1; - adjusted = 1; - } - - /* Here ndigits = precision+1. */ - *p++ = digits[--ndigits]; - if ((flags & FLAG_ALT) || precision > 0) - { - *p++ = decimal_point_char (); - while (ndigits > 0) - { - --ndigits; - *p++ = digits[ndigits]; - } - } - - free (digits); - } - - *p++ = dp->conversion; /* 'e' or 'E' */ + pad_ptr = p; + + if (dp->conversion == 'f' || dp->conversion == 'F') + { + char *digits; + size_t ndigits; + + digits = + scale10_round_decimal_double (arg, precision); + if (digits == NULL) + goto out_of_memory; + ndigits = strlen (digits); + + if (ndigits > precision) + do + { + --ndigits; + *p++ = digits[ndigits]; + } + while (ndigits > precision); + else + *p++ = '0'; + /* Here ndigits <= precision. */ + if ((flags & FLAG_ALT) || precision > 0) + { + *p++ = decimal_point_char (); + for (; precision > ndigits; precision--) + *p++ = '0'; + while (ndigits > 0) + { + --ndigits; + *p++ = digits[ndigits]; + } + } + + free (digits); + } + else if (dp->conversion == 'e' || dp->conversion == 'E') + { + int exponent; + + if (arg == 0.0) + { + exponent = 0; + *p++ = '0'; + if ((flags & FLAG_ALT) || precision > 0) + { + *p++ = decimal_point_char (); + for (; precision > 0; precision--) + *p++ = '0'; + } + } + else + { + /* arg > 0.0. */ + int adjusted; + char *digits; + size_t ndigits; + + exponent = floorlog10 (arg); + adjusted = 0; + for (;;) + { + digits = + scale10_round_decimal_double (arg, + (int)precision - exponent); + if (digits == NULL) + goto out_of_memory; + ndigits = strlen (digits); + + if (ndigits == precision + 1) + break; + if (ndigits < precision + || ndigits > precision + 2) + /* The exponent was not guessed + precisely enough. */ + abort (); + if (adjusted) + /* None of two values of exponent is + the right one. Prevent an endless + loop. */ + abort (); + free (digits); + if (ndigits == precision) + exponent -= 1; + else + exponent += 1; + adjusted = 1; + } + /* Here ndigits = precision+1. */ + if (is_borderline (digits, precision)) + { + /* Maybe the exponent guess was too high + and a smaller exponent can be reached + by turning a 10...0 into 9...9x. */ + char *digits2 = + scale10_round_decimal_double (arg, + (int)precision - exponent + 1); + if (digits2 == NULL) + { + free (digits); + goto out_of_memory; + } + if (strlen (digits2) == precision + 1) + { + free (digits); + digits = digits2; + exponent -= 1; + } + else + free (digits2); + } + /* Here ndigits = precision+1. */ + + *p++ = digits[--ndigits]; + if ((flags & FLAG_ALT) || precision > 0) + { + *p++ = decimal_point_char (); + while (ndigits > 0) + { + --ndigits; + *p++ = digits[ndigits]; + } + } + + free (digits); + } + + *p++ = dp->conversion; /* 'e' or 'E' */ # if WIDE_CHAR_VERSION - { - static const wchar_t decimal_format[] = - /* Produce the same number of exponent digits - as the native printf implementation. */ + { + static const wchar_t decimal_format[] = + /* Produce the same number of exponent digits + as the native printf implementation. */ # if (defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__) && ! defined __CYGWIN__ - { '%', '+', '.', '3', 'd', '\0' }; + { '%', '+', '.', '3', 'd', '\0' }; # else - { '%', '+', '.', '2', 'd', '\0' }; + { '%', '+', '.', '2', 'd', '\0' }; # endif - SNPRINTF (p, 6 + 1, decimal_format, exponent); - } - while (*p != '\0') - p++; + SNPRINTF (p, 6 + 1, decimal_format, exponent); + } + while (*p != '\0') + p++; # else - { - static const char decimal_format[] = - /* Produce the same number of exponent digits - as the native printf implementation. */ + { + static const char decimal_format[] = + /* Produce the same number of exponent digits + as the native printf implementation. */ # if (defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__) && ! defined __CYGWIN__ - "%+.3d"; + "%+.3d"; # else - "%+.2d"; + "%+.2d"; # endif - if (sizeof (DCHAR_T) == 1) - { - sprintf ((char *) p, decimal_format, exponent); - while (*p != '\0') - p++; - } - else - { - char expbuf[6 + 1]; - const char *ep; - sprintf (expbuf, decimal_format, exponent); - for (ep = expbuf; (*p = *ep) != '\0'; ep++) - p++; - } - } + if (sizeof (DCHAR_T) == 1) + { + sprintf ((char *) p, decimal_format, exponent); + while (*p != '\0') + p++; + } + else + { + char expbuf[6 + 1]; + const char *ep; + sprintf (expbuf, decimal_format, exponent); + for (ep = expbuf; (*p = *ep) != '\0'; ep++) + p++; + } + } # endif - } - else if (dp->conversion == 'g' || dp->conversion == 'G') - { - if (precision == 0) - precision = 1; - /* precision >= 1. */ - - if (arg == 0.0) - /* The exponent is 0, >= -4, < precision. - Use fixed-point notation. */ - { - size_t ndigits = precision; - /* Number of trailing zeroes that have to be - dropped. */ - size_t nzeroes = - (flags & FLAG_ALT ? 0 : precision - 1); - - --ndigits; - *p++ = '0'; - if ((flags & FLAG_ALT) || ndigits > nzeroes) - { - *p++ = decimal_point_char (); - while (ndigits > nzeroes) - { - --ndigits; - *p++ = '0'; - } - } - } - else - { - /* arg > 0.0. */ - int exponent; - int adjusted; - char *digits; - size_t ndigits; - size_t nzeroes; - - exponent = floorlog10 (arg); - adjusted = 0; - for (;;) - { - digits = - scale10_round_decimal_double (arg, - (int)(precision - 1) - exponent); - if (digits == NULL) - goto out_of_memory; - ndigits = strlen (digits); - - if (ndigits == precision) - break; - if (ndigits < precision - 1 - || ndigits > precision + 1) - /* The exponent was not guessed - precisely enough. */ - abort (); - if (adjusted) - /* None of two values of exponent is - the right one. Prevent an endless - loop. */ - abort (); - free (digits); - if (ndigits < precision) - exponent -= 1; - else - exponent += 1; - adjusted = 1; - } - /* Here ndigits = precision. */ - - /* Determine the number of trailing zeroes - that have to be dropped. */ - nzeroes = 0; - if ((flags & FLAG_ALT) == 0) - while (nzeroes < ndigits - && digits[nzeroes] == '0') - nzeroes++; - - /* The exponent is now determined. */ - if (exponent >= -4 - && exponent < (long)precision) - { - /* Fixed-point notation: - max(exponent,0)+1 digits, then the - decimal point, then the remaining - digits without trailing zeroes. */ - if (exponent >= 0) - { - size_t count = exponent + 1; - /* Note: count <= precision = ndigits. */ - for (; count > 0; count--) - *p++ = digits[--ndigits]; - if ((flags & FLAG_ALT) || ndigits > nzeroes) - { - *p++ = decimal_point_char (); - while (ndigits > nzeroes) - { - --ndigits; - *p++ = digits[ndigits]; - } - } - } - else - { - size_t count = -exponent - 1; - *p++ = '0'; - *p++ = decimal_point_char (); - for (; count > 0; count--) - *p++ = '0'; - while (ndigits > nzeroes) - { - --ndigits; - *p++ = digits[ndigits]; - } - } - } - else - { - /* Exponential notation. */ - *p++ = digits[--ndigits]; - if ((flags & FLAG_ALT) || ndigits > nzeroes) - { - *p++ = decimal_point_char (); - while (ndigits > nzeroes) - { - --ndigits; - *p++ = digits[ndigits]; - } - } - *p++ = dp->conversion - 'G' + 'E'; /* 'e' or 'E' */ + } + else if (dp->conversion == 'g' || dp->conversion == 'G') + { + if (precision == 0) + precision = 1; + /* precision >= 1. */ + + if (arg == 0.0) + /* The exponent is 0, >= -4, < precision. + Use fixed-point notation. */ + { + size_t ndigits = precision; + /* Number of trailing zeroes that have to be + dropped. */ + size_t nzeroes = + (flags & FLAG_ALT ? 0 : precision - 1); + + --ndigits; + *p++ = '0'; + if ((flags & FLAG_ALT) || ndigits > nzeroes) + { + *p++ = decimal_point_char (); + while (ndigits > nzeroes) + { + --ndigits; + *p++ = '0'; + } + } + } + else + { + /* arg > 0.0. */ + int exponent; + int adjusted; + char *digits; + size_t ndigits; + size_t nzeroes; + + exponent = floorlog10 (arg); + adjusted = 0; + for (;;) + { + digits = + scale10_round_decimal_double (arg, + (int)(precision - 1) - exponent); + if (digits == NULL) + goto out_of_memory; + ndigits = strlen (digits); + + if (ndigits == precision) + break; + if (ndigits < precision - 1 + || ndigits > precision + 1) + /* The exponent was not guessed + precisely enough. */ + abort (); + if (adjusted) + /* None of two values of exponent is + the right one. Prevent an endless + loop. */ + abort (); + free (digits); + if (ndigits < precision) + exponent -= 1; + else + exponent += 1; + adjusted = 1; + } + /* Here ndigits = precision. */ + if (is_borderline (digits, precision - 1)) + { + /* Maybe the exponent guess was too high + and a smaller exponent can be reached + by turning a 10...0 into 9...9x. */ + char *digits2 = + scale10_round_decimal_double (arg, + (int)(precision - 1) - exponent + 1); + if (digits2 == NULL) + { + free (digits); + goto out_of_memory; + } + if (strlen (digits2) == precision) + { + free (digits); + digits = digits2; + exponent -= 1; + } + else + free (digits2); + } + /* Here ndigits = precision. */ + + /* Determine the number of trailing zeroes + that have to be dropped. */ + nzeroes = 0; + if ((flags & FLAG_ALT) == 0) + while (nzeroes < ndigits + && digits[nzeroes] == '0') + nzeroes++; + + /* The exponent is now determined. */ + if (exponent >= -4 + && exponent < (long)precision) + { + /* Fixed-point notation: + max(exponent,0)+1 digits, then the + decimal point, then the remaining + digits without trailing zeroes. */ + if (exponent >= 0) + { + size_t count = exponent + 1; + /* Note: count <= precision = ndigits. */ + for (; count > 0; count--) + *p++ = digits[--ndigits]; + if ((flags & FLAG_ALT) || ndigits > nzeroes) + { + *p++ = decimal_point_char (); + while (ndigits > nzeroes) + { + --ndigits; + *p++ = digits[ndigits]; + } + } + } + else + { + size_t count = -exponent - 1; + *p++ = '0'; + *p++ = decimal_point_char (); + for (; count > 0; count--) + *p++ = '0'; + while (ndigits > nzeroes) + { + --ndigits; + *p++ = digits[ndigits]; + } + } + } + else + { + /* Exponential notation. */ + *p++ = digits[--ndigits]; + if ((flags & FLAG_ALT) || ndigits > nzeroes) + { + *p++ = decimal_point_char (); + while (ndigits > nzeroes) + { + --ndigits; + *p++ = digits[ndigits]; + } + } + *p++ = dp->conversion - 'G' + 'E'; /* 'e' or 'E' */ # if WIDE_CHAR_VERSION - { - static const wchar_t decimal_format[] = - /* Produce the same number of exponent digits - as the native printf implementation. */ + { + static const wchar_t decimal_format[] = + /* Produce the same number of exponent digits + as the native printf implementation. */ # if (defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__) && ! defined __CYGWIN__ - { '%', '+', '.', '3', 'd', '\0' }; + { '%', '+', '.', '3', 'd', '\0' }; # else - { '%', '+', '.', '2', 'd', '\0' }; + { '%', '+', '.', '2', 'd', '\0' }; # endif - SNPRINTF (p, 6 + 1, decimal_format, exponent); - } - while (*p != '\0') - p++; + SNPRINTF (p, 6 + 1, decimal_format, exponent); + } + while (*p != '\0') + p++; # else - { - static const char decimal_format[] = - /* Produce the same number of exponent digits - as the native printf implementation. */ + { + static const char decimal_format[] = + /* Produce the same number of exponent digits + as the native printf implementation. */ # if (defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__) && ! defined __CYGWIN__ - "%+.3d"; + "%+.3d"; # else - "%+.2d"; + "%+.2d"; # endif - if (sizeof (DCHAR_T) == 1) - { - sprintf ((char *) p, decimal_format, exponent); - while (*p != '\0') - p++; - } - else - { - char expbuf[6 + 1]; - const char *ep; - sprintf (expbuf, decimal_format, exponent); - for (ep = expbuf; (*p = *ep) != '\0'; ep++) - p++; - } - } + if (sizeof (DCHAR_T) == 1) + { + sprintf ((char *) p, decimal_format, exponent); + while (*p != '\0') + p++; + } + else + { + char expbuf[6 + 1]; + const char *ep; + sprintf (expbuf, decimal_format, exponent); + for (ep = expbuf; (*p = *ep) != '\0'; ep++) + p++; + } + } # endif - } + } - free (digits); - } - } - else - abort (); + free (digits); + } + } + else + abort (); # else - /* arg is finite. */ - if (!(arg == 0.0)) - abort (); - - pad_ptr = p; - - if (dp->conversion == 'f' || dp->conversion == 'F') - { - *p++ = '0'; - if ((flags & FLAG_ALT) || precision > 0) - { - *p++ = decimal_point_char (); - for (; precision > 0; precision--) - *p++ = '0'; - } - } - else if (dp->conversion == 'e' || dp->conversion == 'E') - { - *p++ = '0'; - if ((flags & FLAG_ALT) || precision > 0) - { - *p++ = decimal_point_char (); - for (; precision > 0; precision--) - *p++ = '0'; - } - *p++ = dp->conversion; /* 'e' or 'E' */ - *p++ = '+'; - /* Produce the same number of exponent digits as - the native printf implementation. */ + /* arg is finite. */ + if (!(arg == 0.0)) + abort (); + + pad_ptr = p; + + if (dp->conversion == 'f' || dp->conversion == 'F') + { + *p++ = '0'; + if ((flags & FLAG_ALT) || precision > 0) + { + *p++ = decimal_point_char (); + for (; precision > 0; precision--) + *p++ = '0'; + } + } + else if (dp->conversion == 'e' || dp->conversion == 'E') + { + *p++ = '0'; + if ((flags & FLAG_ALT) || precision > 0) + { + *p++ = decimal_point_char (); + for (; precision > 0; precision--) + *p++ = '0'; + } + *p++ = dp->conversion; /* 'e' or 'E' */ + *p++ = '+'; + /* Produce the same number of exponent digits as + the native printf implementation. */ # if (defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__) && ! defined __CYGWIN__ - *p++ = '0'; + *p++ = '0'; # endif - *p++ = '0'; - *p++ = '0'; - } - else if (dp->conversion == 'g' || dp->conversion == 'G') - { - *p++ = '0'; - if (flags & FLAG_ALT) - { - size_t ndigits = - (precision > 0 ? precision - 1 : 0); - *p++ = decimal_point_char (); - for (; ndigits > 0; --ndigits) - *p++ = '0'; - } - } - else - abort (); + *p++ = '0'; + *p++ = '0'; + } + else if (dp->conversion == 'g' || dp->conversion == 'G') + { + *p++ = '0'; + if (flags & FLAG_ALT) + { + size_t ndigits = + (precision > 0 ? precision - 1 : 0); + *p++ = decimal_point_char (); + for (; ndigits > 0; --ndigits) + *p++ = '0'; + } + } + else + abort (); # endif - } - } - } + } + } + } # endif - /* The generated string now extends from tmp to p, with the - zero padding insertion point being at pad_ptr. */ - if (has_width && p - tmp < width) - { - size_t pad = width - (p - tmp); - DCHAR_T *end = p + pad; - - if (flags & FLAG_LEFT) - { - /* Pad with spaces on the right. */ - for (; pad > 0; pad--) - *p++ = ' '; - } - else if ((flags & FLAG_ZERO) && pad_ptr != NULL) - { - /* Pad with zeroes. */ - DCHAR_T *q = end; - - while (p > pad_ptr) - *--q = *--p; - for (; pad > 0; pad--) - *p++ = '0'; - } - else - { - /* Pad with spaces on the left. */ - DCHAR_T *q = end; - - while (p > tmp) - *--q = *--p; - for (; pad > 0; pad--) - *p++ = ' '; - } - - p = end; - } - - { - size_t count = p - tmp; - - if (count >= tmp_length) - /* tmp_length was incorrectly calculated - fix the - code above! */ - abort (); - - /* Make room for the result. */ - if (count >= allocated - length) - { - size_t n = xsum (length, count); - - ENSURE_ALLOCATION (n); - } - - /* Append the result. */ - memcpy (result + length, tmp, count * sizeof (DCHAR_T)); - if (tmp != tmpbuf) - free (tmp); - length += count; - } - } + /* The generated string now extends from tmp to p, with the + zero padding insertion point being at pad_ptr. */ + if (has_width && p - tmp < width) + { + size_t pad = width - (p - tmp); + DCHAR_T *end = p + pad; + + if (flags & FLAG_LEFT) + { + /* Pad with spaces on the right. */ + for (; pad > 0; pad--) + *p++ = ' '; + } + else if ((flags & FLAG_ZERO) && pad_ptr != NULL) + { + /* Pad with zeroes. */ + DCHAR_T *q = end; + + while (p > pad_ptr) + *--q = *--p; + for (; pad > 0; pad--) + *p++ = '0'; + } + else + { + /* Pad with spaces on the left. */ + DCHAR_T *q = end; + + while (p > tmp) + *--q = *--p; + for (; pad > 0; pad--) + *p++ = ' '; + } + + p = end; + } + + { + size_t count = p - tmp; + + if (count >= tmp_length) + /* tmp_length was incorrectly calculated - fix the + code above! */ + abort (); + + /* Make room for the result. */ + if (count >= allocated - length) + { + size_t n = xsum (length, count); + + ENSURE_ALLOCATION (n); + } + + /* Append the result. */ + memcpy (result + length, tmp, count * sizeof (DCHAR_T)); + if (tmp != tmpbuf) + free (tmp); + length += count; + } + } #endif - else - { - arg_type type = a.arg[dp->arg_index].type; - int flags = dp->flags; -#if !USE_SNPRINTF || !DCHAR_IS_TCHAR || ENABLE_UNISTDIO || NEED_PRINTF_FLAG_ZERO || NEED_PRINTF_UNBOUNDED_PRECISION - int has_width; - size_t width; + else + { + arg_type type = a.arg[dp->arg_index].type; + int flags = dp->flags; +#if !USE_SNPRINTF || !HAVE_SNPRINTF_RETVAL_C99 || !DCHAR_IS_TCHAR || ENABLE_UNISTDIO || NEED_PRINTF_FLAG_LEFTADJUST || NEED_PRINTF_FLAG_ZERO || NEED_PRINTF_UNBOUNDED_PRECISION + int has_width; + size_t width; #endif -#if !USE_SNPRINTF || NEED_PRINTF_UNBOUNDED_PRECISION - int has_precision; - size_t precision; +#if !USE_SNPRINTF || !HAVE_SNPRINTF_RETVAL_C99 || NEED_PRINTF_UNBOUNDED_PRECISION + int has_precision; + size_t precision; #endif #if NEED_PRINTF_UNBOUNDED_PRECISION - int prec_ourselves; + int prec_ourselves; #else -# define prec_ourselves 0 +# define prec_ourselves 0 #endif -#if !DCHAR_IS_TCHAR || ENABLE_UNISTDIO || NEED_PRINTF_FLAG_ZERO || NEED_PRINTF_UNBOUNDED_PRECISION - int pad_ourselves; +#if NEED_PRINTF_FLAG_LEFTADJUST +# define pad_ourselves 1 +#elif !DCHAR_IS_TCHAR || ENABLE_UNISTDIO || NEED_PRINTF_FLAG_ZERO || NEED_PRINTF_UNBOUNDED_PRECISION + int pad_ourselves; #else -# define pad_ourselves 0 +# define pad_ourselves 0 #endif - TCHAR_T *fbp; - unsigned int prefix_count; - int prefixes[2]; + TCHAR_T *fbp; + unsigned int prefix_count; + int prefixes[2] IF_LINT (= { 0 }); #if !USE_SNPRINTF - size_t tmp_length; - TCHAR_T tmpbuf[700]; - TCHAR_T *tmp; + size_t tmp_length; + TCHAR_T tmpbuf[700]; + TCHAR_T *tmp; #endif -#if !USE_SNPRINTF || !DCHAR_IS_TCHAR || ENABLE_UNISTDIO || NEED_PRINTF_FLAG_ZERO || NEED_PRINTF_UNBOUNDED_PRECISION - has_width = 0; - width = 0; - if (dp->width_start != dp->width_end) - { - if (dp->width_arg_index != ARG_NONE) - { - int arg; - - if (!(a.arg[dp->width_arg_index].type == TYPE_INT)) - abort (); - arg = a.arg[dp->width_arg_index].a.a_int; - if (arg < 0) - { - /* "A negative field width is taken as a '-' flag - followed by a positive field width." */ - flags |= FLAG_LEFT; - width = (unsigned int) (-arg); - } - else - width = arg; - } - else - { - const FCHAR_T *digitp = dp->width_start; - - do - width = xsum (xtimes (width, 10), *digitp++ - '0'); - while (digitp != dp->width_end); - } - has_width = 1; - } +#if !USE_SNPRINTF || !HAVE_SNPRINTF_RETVAL_C99 || !DCHAR_IS_TCHAR || ENABLE_UNISTDIO || NEED_PRINTF_FLAG_LEFTADJUST || NEED_PRINTF_FLAG_ZERO || NEED_PRINTF_UNBOUNDED_PRECISION + has_width = 0; + width = 0; + if (dp->width_start != dp->width_end) + { + if (dp->width_arg_index != ARG_NONE) + { + int arg; + + if (!(a.arg[dp->width_arg_index].type == TYPE_INT)) + abort (); + arg = a.arg[dp->width_arg_index].a.a_int; + if (arg < 0) + { + /* "A negative field width is taken as a '-' flag + followed by a positive field width." */ + flags |= FLAG_LEFT; + width = (unsigned int) (-arg); + } + else + width = arg; + } + else + { + const FCHAR_T *digitp = dp->width_start; + + do + width = xsum (xtimes (width, 10), *digitp++ - '0'); + while (digitp != dp->width_end); + } + has_width = 1; + } #endif -#if !USE_SNPRINTF || NEED_PRINTF_UNBOUNDED_PRECISION - has_precision = 0; - precision = 6; - if (dp->precision_start != dp->precision_end) - { - if (dp->precision_arg_index != ARG_NONE) - { - int arg; - - if (!(a.arg[dp->precision_arg_index].type == TYPE_INT)) - abort (); - arg = a.arg[dp->precision_arg_index].a.a_int; - /* "A negative precision is taken as if the precision - were omitted." */ - if (arg >= 0) - { - precision = arg; - has_precision = 1; - } - } - else - { - const FCHAR_T *digitp = dp->precision_start + 1; - - precision = 0; - while (digitp != dp->precision_end) - precision = xsum (xtimes (precision, 10), *digitp++ - '0'); - has_precision = 1; - } - } -#endif - -#if !USE_SNPRINTF - /* Allocate a temporary buffer of sufficient size for calling - sprintf. */ - { - switch (dp->conversion) - { - - case 'd': case 'i': case 'u': -# if HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT - if (type == TYPE_LONGLONGINT || type == TYPE_ULONGLONGINT) - tmp_length = - (unsigned int) (sizeof (unsigned long long) * CHAR_BIT - * 0.30103 /* binary -> decimal */ - ) - + 1; /* turn floor into ceil */ - else -# endif - if (type == TYPE_LONGINT || type == TYPE_ULONGINT) - tmp_length = - (unsigned int) (sizeof (unsigned long) * CHAR_BIT - * 0.30103 /* binary -> decimal */ - ) - + 1; /* turn floor into ceil */ - else - tmp_length = - (unsigned int) (sizeof (unsigned int) * CHAR_BIT - * 0.30103 /* binary -> decimal */ - ) - + 1; /* turn floor into ceil */ - if (tmp_length < precision) - tmp_length = precision; - /* Multiply by 2, as an estimate for FLAG_GROUP. */ - tmp_length = xsum (tmp_length, tmp_length); - /* Add 1, to account for a leading sign. */ - tmp_length = xsum (tmp_length, 1); - break; - - case 'o': -# if HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT - if (type == TYPE_LONGLONGINT || type == TYPE_ULONGLONGINT) - tmp_length = - (unsigned int) (sizeof (unsigned long long) * CHAR_BIT - * 0.333334 /* binary -> octal */ - ) - + 1; /* turn floor into ceil */ - else -# endif - if (type == TYPE_LONGINT || type == TYPE_ULONGINT) - tmp_length = - (unsigned int) (sizeof (unsigned long) * CHAR_BIT - * 0.333334 /* binary -> octal */ - ) - + 1; /* turn floor into ceil */ - else - tmp_length = - (unsigned int) (sizeof (unsigned int) * CHAR_BIT - * 0.333334 /* binary -> octal */ - ) - + 1; /* turn floor into ceil */ - if (tmp_length < precision) - tmp_length = precision; - /* Add 1, to account for a leading sign. */ - tmp_length = xsum (tmp_length, 1); - break; - - case 'x': case 'X': -# if HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT - if (type == TYPE_LONGLONGINT || type == TYPE_ULONGLONGINT) - tmp_length = - (unsigned int) (sizeof (unsigned long long) * CHAR_BIT - * 0.25 /* binary -> hexadecimal */ - ) - + 1; /* turn floor into ceil */ - else -# endif - if (type == TYPE_LONGINT || type == TYPE_ULONGINT) - tmp_length = - (unsigned int) (sizeof (unsigned long) * CHAR_BIT - * 0.25 /* binary -> hexadecimal */ - ) - + 1; /* turn floor into ceil */ - else - tmp_length = - (unsigned int) (sizeof (unsigned int) * CHAR_BIT - * 0.25 /* binary -> hexadecimal */ - ) - + 1; /* turn floor into ceil */ - if (tmp_length < precision) - tmp_length = precision; - /* Add 2, to account for a leading sign or alternate form. */ - tmp_length = xsum (tmp_length, 2); - break; - - case 'f': case 'F': - if (type == TYPE_LONGDOUBLE) - tmp_length = - (unsigned int) (LDBL_MAX_EXP - * 0.30103 /* binary -> decimal */ - * 2 /* estimate for FLAG_GROUP */ - ) - + 1 /* turn floor into ceil */ - + 10; /* sign, decimal point etc. */ - else - tmp_length = - (unsigned int) (DBL_MAX_EXP - * 0.30103 /* binary -> decimal */ - * 2 /* estimate for FLAG_GROUP */ - ) - + 1 /* turn floor into ceil */ - + 10; /* sign, decimal point etc. */ - tmp_length = xsum (tmp_length, precision); - break; - - case 'e': case 'E': case 'g': case 'G': - tmp_length = - 12; /* sign, decimal point, exponent etc. */ - tmp_length = xsum (tmp_length, precision); - break; - - case 'a': case 'A': - if (type == TYPE_LONGDOUBLE) - tmp_length = - (unsigned int) (LDBL_DIG - * 0.831 /* decimal -> hexadecimal */ - ) - + 1; /* turn floor into ceil */ - else - tmp_length = - (unsigned int) (DBL_DIG - * 0.831 /* decimal -> hexadecimal */ - ) - + 1; /* turn floor into ceil */ - if (tmp_length < precision) - tmp_length = precision; - /* Account for sign, decimal point etc. */ - tmp_length = xsum (tmp_length, 12); - break; - - case 'c': -# if HAVE_WINT_T && !WIDE_CHAR_VERSION - if (type == TYPE_WIDE_CHAR) - tmp_length = MB_CUR_MAX; - else -# endif - tmp_length = 1; - break; - - case 's': -# if HAVE_WCHAR_T - if (type == TYPE_WIDE_STRING) - { - tmp_length = - local_wcslen (a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_wide_string); - -# if !WIDE_CHAR_VERSION - tmp_length = xtimes (tmp_length, MB_CUR_MAX); -# endif - } - else -# endif - tmp_length = strlen (a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_string); - break; - - case 'p': - tmp_length = - (unsigned int) (sizeof (void *) * CHAR_BIT - * 0.25 /* binary -> hexadecimal */ - ) - + 1 /* turn floor into ceil */ - + 2; /* account for leading 0x */ - break; - - default: - abort (); - } - -# if ENABLE_UNISTDIO - /* Padding considers the number of characters, therefore the - number of elements after padding may be - > max (tmp_length, width) - but is certainly - <= tmp_length + width. */ - tmp_length = xsum (tmp_length, width); -# else - /* Padding considers the number of elements, says POSIX. */ - if (tmp_length < width) - tmp_length = width; -# endif - - tmp_length = xsum (tmp_length, 1); /* account for trailing NUL */ - } - - if (tmp_length <= sizeof (tmpbuf) / sizeof (TCHAR_T)) - tmp = tmpbuf; - else - { - size_t tmp_memsize = xtimes (tmp_length, sizeof (TCHAR_T)); - - if (size_overflow_p (tmp_memsize)) - /* Overflow, would lead to out of memory. */ - goto out_of_memory; - tmp = (TCHAR_T *) malloc (tmp_memsize); - if (tmp == NULL) - /* Out of memory. */ - goto out_of_memory; - } +#if !USE_SNPRINTF || !HAVE_SNPRINTF_RETVAL_C99 || NEED_PRINTF_UNBOUNDED_PRECISION + has_precision = 0; + precision = 6; + if (dp->precision_start != dp->precision_end) + { + if (dp->precision_arg_index != ARG_NONE) + { + int arg; + + if (!(a.arg[dp->precision_arg_index].type == TYPE_INT)) + abort (); + arg = a.arg[dp->precision_arg_index].a.a_int; + /* "A negative precision is taken as if the precision + were omitted." */ + if (arg >= 0) + { + precision = arg; + has_precision = 1; + } + } + else + { + const FCHAR_T *digitp = dp->precision_start + 1; + + precision = 0; + while (digitp != dp->precision_end) + precision = xsum (xtimes (precision, 10), *digitp++ - '0'); + has_precision = 1; + } + } #endif - /* Decide whether to handle the precision ourselves. */ + /* Decide whether to handle the precision ourselves. */ #if NEED_PRINTF_UNBOUNDED_PRECISION - switch (dp->conversion) - { - case 'd': case 'i': case 'u': - case 'o': - case 'x': case 'X': case 'p': - prec_ourselves = has_precision && (precision > 0); - break; - default: - prec_ourselves = 0; - break; - } + switch (dp->conversion) + { + case 'd': case 'i': case 'u': + case 'o': + case 'x': case 'X': case 'p': + prec_ourselves = has_precision && (precision > 0); + break; + default: + prec_ourselves = 0; + break; + } #endif - /* Decide whether to perform the padding ourselves. */ -#if !DCHAR_IS_TCHAR || ENABLE_UNISTDIO || NEED_PRINTF_FLAG_ZERO || NEED_PRINTF_UNBOUNDED_PRECISION - switch (dp->conversion) - { + /* Decide whether to perform the padding ourselves. */ +#if !NEED_PRINTF_FLAG_LEFTADJUST && (!DCHAR_IS_TCHAR || ENABLE_UNISTDIO || NEED_PRINTF_FLAG_ZERO || NEED_PRINTF_UNBOUNDED_PRECISION) + switch (dp->conversion) + { # if !DCHAR_IS_TCHAR || ENABLE_UNISTDIO - /* If we need conversion from TCHAR_T[] to DCHAR_T[], we need - to perform the padding after this conversion. Functions - with unistdio extensions perform the padding based on - character count rather than element count. */ - case 'c': case 's': + /* If we need conversion from TCHAR_T[] to DCHAR_T[], we need + to perform the padding after this conversion. Functions + with unistdio extensions perform the padding based on + character count rather than element count. */ + case 'c': case 's': # endif # if NEED_PRINTF_FLAG_ZERO - case 'f': case 'F': case 'e': case 'E': case 'g': case 'G': - case 'a': case 'A': + case 'f': case 'F': case 'e': case 'E': case 'g': case 'G': + case 'a': case 'A': # endif - pad_ourselves = 1; - break; - default: - pad_ourselves = prec_ourselves; - break; - } + pad_ourselves = 1; + break; + default: + pad_ourselves = prec_ourselves; + break; + } +#endif + +#if !USE_SNPRINTF + /* Allocate a temporary buffer of sufficient size for calling + sprintf. */ + tmp_length = + MAX_ROOM_NEEDED (&a, dp->arg_index, dp->conversion, type, + flags, width, has_precision, precision, + pad_ourselves); + + if (tmp_length <= sizeof (tmpbuf) / sizeof (TCHAR_T)) + tmp = tmpbuf; + else + { + size_t tmp_memsize = xtimes (tmp_length, sizeof (TCHAR_T)); + + if (size_overflow_p (tmp_memsize)) + /* Overflow, would lead to out of memory. */ + goto out_of_memory; + tmp = (TCHAR_T *) malloc (tmp_memsize); + if (tmp == NULL) + /* Out of memory. */ + goto out_of_memory; + } #endif - /* Construct the format string for calling snprintf or - sprintf. */ - fbp = buf; - *fbp++ = '%'; + /* Construct the format string for calling snprintf or + sprintf. */ + fbp = buf; + *fbp++ = '%'; #if NEED_PRINTF_FLAG_GROUPING - /* The underlying implementation doesn't support the ' flag. - Produce no grouping characters in this case; this is - acceptable because the grouping is locale dependent. */ + /* The underlying implementation doesn't support the ' flag. + Produce no grouping characters in this case; this is + acceptable because the grouping is locale dependent. */ #else - if (flags & FLAG_GROUP) - *fbp++ = '\''; + if (flags & FLAG_GROUP) + *fbp++ = '\''; #endif - if (flags & FLAG_LEFT) - *fbp++ = '-'; - if (flags & FLAG_SHOWSIGN) - *fbp++ = '+'; - if (flags & FLAG_SPACE) - *fbp++ = ' '; - if (flags & FLAG_ALT) - *fbp++ = '#'; - if (!pad_ourselves) - { - if (flags & FLAG_ZERO) - *fbp++ = '0'; - if (dp->width_start != dp->width_end) - { - size_t n = dp->width_end - dp->width_start; - /* The width specification is known to consist only - of standard ASCII characters. */ - if (sizeof (FCHAR_T) == sizeof (TCHAR_T)) - { - memcpy (fbp, dp->width_start, n * sizeof (TCHAR_T)); - fbp += n; - } - else - { - const FCHAR_T *mp = dp->width_start; - do - *fbp++ = (unsigned char) *mp++; - while (--n > 0); - } - } - } - if (!prec_ourselves) - { - if (dp->precision_start != dp->precision_end) - { - size_t n = dp->precision_end - dp->precision_start; - /* The precision specification is known to consist only - of standard ASCII characters. */ - if (sizeof (FCHAR_T) == sizeof (TCHAR_T)) - { - memcpy (fbp, dp->precision_start, n * sizeof (TCHAR_T)); - fbp += n; - } - else - { - const FCHAR_T *mp = dp->precision_start; - do - *fbp++ = (unsigned char) *mp++; - while (--n > 0); - } - } - } - - switch (type) - { + if (flags & FLAG_LEFT) + *fbp++ = '-'; + if (flags & FLAG_SHOWSIGN) + *fbp++ = '+'; + if (flags & FLAG_SPACE) + *fbp++ = ' '; + if (flags & FLAG_ALT) + *fbp++ = '#'; + if (!pad_ourselves) + { + if (flags & FLAG_ZERO) + *fbp++ = '0'; + if (dp->width_start != dp->width_end) + { + size_t n = dp->width_end - dp->width_start; + /* The width specification is known to consist only + of standard ASCII characters. */ + if (sizeof (FCHAR_T) == sizeof (TCHAR_T)) + { + memcpy (fbp, dp->width_start, n * sizeof (TCHAR_T)); + fbp += n; + } + else + { + const FCHAR_T *mp = dp->width_start; + do + *fbp++ = (unsigned char) *mp++; + while (--n > 0); + } + } + } + if (!prec_ourselves) + { + if (dp->precision_start != dp->precision_end) + { + size_t n = dp->precision_end - dp->precision_start; + /* The precision specification is known to consist only + of standard ASCII characters. */ + if (sizeof (FCHAR_T) == sizeof (TCHAR_T)) + { + memcpy (fbp, dp->precision_start, n * sizeof (TCHAR_T)); + fbp += n; + } + else + { + const FCHAR_T *mp = dp->precision_start; + do + *fbp++ = (unsigned char) *mp++; + while (--n > 0); + } + } + } + + switch (type) + { #if HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT - case TYPE_LONGLONGINT: - case TYPE_ULONGLONGINT: + case TYPE_LONGLONGINT: + case TYPE_ULONGLONGINT: # if (defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__) && ! defined __CYGWIN__ - *fbp++ = 'I'; - *fbp++ = '6'; - *fbp++ = '4'; - break; + *fbp++ = 'I'; + *fbp++ = '6'; + *fbp++ = '4'; + break; # else - *fbp++ = 'l'; - /*FALLTHROUGH*/ + *fbp++ = 'l'; + /*FALLTHROUGH*/ # endif #endif - case TYPE_LONGINT: - case TYPE_ULONGINT: + case TYPE_LONGINT: + case TYPE_ULONGINT: #if HAVE_WINT_T - case TYPE_WIDE_CHAR: + case TYPE_WIDE_CHAR: #endif #if HAVE_WCHAR_T - case TYPE_WIDE_STRING: + case TYPE_WIDE_STRING: #endif - *fbp++ = 'l'; - break; - case TYPE_LONGDOUBLE: - *fbp++ = 'L'; - break; - default: - break; - } + *fbp++ = 'l'; + break; + case TYPE_LONGDOUBLE: + *fbp++ = 'L'; + break; + default: + break; + } #if NEED_PRINTF_DIRECTIVE_F - if (dp->conversion == 'F') - *fbp = 'f'; - else + if (dp->conversion == 'F') + *fbp = 'f'; + else #endif - *fbp = dp->conversion; + *fbp = dp->conversion; #if USE_SNPRINTF -# if !(__GLIBC__ > 2 || (__GLIBC__ == 2 && __GLIBC_MINOR__ >= 3)) - fbp[1] = '%'; - fbp[2] = 'n'; - fbp[3] = '\0'; +# if !(__GLIBC__ > 2 || (__GLIBC__ == 2 && __GLIBC_MINOR__ >= 3) || ((defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__) && ! defined __CYGWIN__)) + fbp[1] = '%'; + fbp[2] = 'n'; + fbp[3] = '\0'; # else - /* On glibc2 systems from glibc >= 2.3 - probably also older - ones - we know that snprintf's returns value conforms to - ISO C 99: the gl_SNPRINTF_DIRECTIVE_N test passes. - Therefore we can avoid using %n in this situation. - On glibc2 systems from 2004-10-18 or newer, the use of %n - in format strings in writable memory may crash the program - (if compiled with _FORTIFY_SOURCE=2), so we should avoid it - in this situation. */ - fbp[1] = '\0'; + /* On glibc2 systems from glibc >= 2.3 - probably also older + ones - we know that snprintf's returns value conforms to + ISO C 99: the gl_SNPRINTF_DIRECTIVE_N test passes. + Therefore we can avoid using %n in this situation. + On glibc2 systems from 2004-10-18 or newer, the use of %n + in format strings in writable memory may crash the program + (if compiled with _FORTIFY_SOURCE=2), so we should avoid it + in this situation. */ + /* On native Win32 systems (such as mingw), we can avoid using + %n because: + - Although the gl_SNPRINTF_TRUNCATION_C99 test fails, + snprintf does not write more than the specified number + of bytes. (snprintf (buf, 3, "%d %d", 4567, 89) writes + '4', '5', '6' into buf, not '4', '5', '\0'.) + - Although the gl_SNPRINTF_RETVAL_C99 test fails, snprintf + allows us to recognize the case of an insufficient + buffer size: it returns -1 in this case. + On native Win32 systems (such as mingw) where the OS is + Windows Vista, the use of %n in format strings by default + crashes the program. See + and + + So we should avoid %n in this situation. */ + fbp[1] = '\0'; # endif #else - fbp[1] = '\0'; + fbp[1] = '\0'; #endif - /* Construct the arguments for calling snprintf or sprintf. */ - prefix_count = 0; - if (!pad_ourselves && dp->width_arg_index != ARG_NONE) - { - if (!(a.arg[dp->width_arg_index].type == TYPE_INT)) - abort (); - prefixes[prefix_count++] = a.arg[dp->width_arg_index].a.a_int; - } - if (dp->precision_arg_index != ARG_NONE) - { - if (!(a.arg[dp->precision_arg_index].type == TYPE_INT)) - abort (); - prefixes[prefix_count++] = a.arg[dp->precision_arg_index].a.a_int; - } + /* Construct the arguments for calling snprintf or sprintf. */ + prefix_count = 0; + if (!pad_ourselves && dp->width_arg_index != ARG_NONE) + { + if (!(a.arg[dp->width_arg_index].type == TYPE_INT)) + abort (); + prefixes[prefix_count++] = a.arg[dp->width_arg_index].a.a_int; + } + if (!prec_ourselves && dp->precision_arg_index != ARG_NONE) + { + if (!(a.arg[dp->precision_arg_index].type == TYPE_INT)) + abort (); + prefixes[prefix_count++] = a.arg[dp->precision_arg_index].a.a_int; + } #if USE_SNPRINTF - /* The SNPRINTF result is appended after result[0..length]. - The latter is an array of DCHAR_T; SNPRINTF appends an - array of TCHAR_T to it. This is possible because - sizeof (TCHAR_T) divides sizeof (DCHAR_T) and - alignof (TCHAR_T) <= alignof (DCHAR_T). */ + /* The SNPRINTF result is appended after result[0..length]. + The latter is an array of DCHAR_T; SNPRINTF appends an + array of TCHAR_T to it. This is possible because + sizeof (TCHAR_T) divides sizeof (DCHAR_T) and + alignof (TCHAR_T) <= alignof (DCHAR_T). */ # define TCHARS_PER_DCHAR (sizeof (DCHAR_T) / sizeof (TCHAR_T)) - /* Prepare checking whether snprintf returns the count - via %n. */ - ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, 1)); - *(TCHAR_T *) (result + length) = '\0'; + /* Ensure that maxlen below will be >= 2. Needed on BeOS, + where an snprintf() with maxlen==1 acts like sprintf(). */ + ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, + (2 + TCHARS_PER_DCHAR - 1) + / TCHARS_PER_DCHAR)); + /* Prepare checking whether snprintf returns the count + via %n. */ + *(TCHAR_T *) (result + length) = '\0'; #endif - for (;;) - { - int count = -1; + for (;;) + { + int count = -1; #if USE_SNPRINTF - int retcount = 0; - size_t maxlen = allocated - length; - /* SNPRINTF can fail if its second argument is - > INT_MAX. */ - if (maxlen > INT_MAX / TCHARS_PER_DCHAR) - maxlen = INT_MAX / TCHARS_PER_DCHAR; - maxlen = maxlen * TCHARS_PER_DCHAR; + int retcount = 0; + size_t maxlen = allocated - length; + /* SNPRINTF can fail if its second argument is + > INT_MAX. */ + if (maxlen > INT_MAX / TCHARS_PER_DCHAR) + maxlen = INT_MAX / TCHARS_PER_DCHAR; + maxlen = maxlen * TCHARS_PER_DCHAR; # define SNPRINTF_BUF(arg) \ - switch (prefix_count) \ - { \ - case 0: \ - retcount = SNPRINTF ((TCHAR_T *) (result + length), \ - maxlen, buf, \ - arg, &count); \ - break; \ - case 1: \ - retcount = SNPRINTF ((TCHAR_T *) (result + length), \ - maxlen, buf, \ - prefixes[0], arg, &count); \ - break; \ - case 2: \ - retcount = SNPRINTF ((TCHAR_T *) (result + length), \ - maxlen, buf, \ - prefixes[0], prefixes[1], arg, \ - &count); \ - break; \ - default: \ - abort (); \ - } + switch (prefix_count) \ + { \ + case 0: \ + retcount = SNPRINTF ((TCHAR_T *) (result + length), \ + maxlen, buf, \ + arg, &count); \ + break; \ + case 1: \ + retcount = SNPRINTF ((TCHAR_T *) (result + length), \ + maxlen, buf, \ + prefixes[0], arg, &count); \ + break; \ + case 2: \ + retcount = SNPRINTF ((TCHAR_T *) (result + length), \ + maxlen, buf, \ + prefixes[0], prefixes[1], arg, \ + &count); \ + break; \ + default: \ + abort (); \ + } #else # define SNPRINTF_BUF(arg) \ - switch (prefix_count) \ - { \ - case 0: \ - count = sprintf (tmp, buf, arg); \ - break; \ - case 1: \ - count = sprintf (tmp, buf, prefixes[0], arg); \ - break; \ - case 2: \ - count = sprintf (tmp, buf, prefixes[0], prefixes[1],\ - arg); \ - break; \ - default: \ - abort (); \ - } + switch (prefix_count) \ + { \ + case 0: \ + count = sprintf (tmp, buf, arg); \ + break; \ + case 1: \ + count = sprintf (tmp, buf, prefixes[0], arg); \ + break; \ + case 2: \ + count = sprintf (tmp, buf, prefixes[0], prefixes[1],\ + arg); \ + break; \ + default: \ + abort (); \ + } #endif - switch (type) - { - case TYPE_SCHAR: - { - int arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_schar; - SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); - } - break; - case TYPE_UCHAR: - { - unsigned int arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_uchar; - SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); - } - break; - case TYPE_SHORT: - { - int arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_short; - SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); - } - break; - case TYPE_USHORT: - { - unsigned int arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_ushort; - SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); - } - break; - case TYPE_INT: - { - int arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_int; - SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); - } - break; - case TYPE_UINT: - { - unsigned int arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_uint; - SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); - } - break; - case TYPE_LONGINT: - { - long int arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_longint; - SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); - } - break; - case TYPE_ULONGINT: - { - unsigned long int arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_ulongint; - SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); - } - break; + errno = 0; + switch (type) + { + case TYPE_SCHAR: + { + int arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_schar; + SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); + } + break; + case TYPE_UCHAR: + { + unsigned int arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_uchar; + SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); + } + break; + case TYPE_SHORT: + { + int arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_short; + SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); + } + break; + case TYPE_USHORT: + { + unsigned int arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_ushort; + SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); + } + break; + case TYPE_INT: + { + int arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_int; + SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); + } + break; + case TYPE_UINT: + { + unsigned int arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_uint; + SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); + } + break; + case TYPE_LONGINT: + { + long int arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_longint; + SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); + } + break; + case TYPE_ULONGINT: + { + unsigned long int arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_ulongint; + SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); + } + break; #if HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT - case TYPE_LONGLONGINT: - { - long long int arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_longlongint; - SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); - } - break; - case TYPE_ULONGLONGINT: - { - unsigned long long int arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_ulonglongint; - SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); - } - break; + case TYPE_LONGLONGINT: + { + long long int arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_longlongint; + SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); + } + break; + case TYPE_ULONGLONGINT: + { + unsigned long long int arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_ulonglongint; + SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); + } + break; #endif - case TYPE_DOUBLE: - { - double arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_double; - SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); - } - break; - case TYPE_LONGDOUBLE: - { - long double arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_longdouble; - SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); - } - break; - case TYPE_CHAR: - { - int arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_char; - SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); - } - break; + case TYPE_DOUBLE: + { + double arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_double; + SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); + } + break; + case TYPE_LONGDOUBLE: + { + long double arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_longdouble; + SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); + } + break; + case TYPE_CHAR: + { + int arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_char; + SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); + } + break; #if HAVE_WINT_T - case TYPE_WIDE_CHAR: - { - wint_t arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_wide_char; - SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); - } - break; + case TYPE_WIDE_CHAR: + { + wint_t arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_wide_char; + SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); + } + break; #endif - case TYPE_STRING: - { - const char *arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_string; - SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); - } - break; + case TYPE_STRING: + { + const char *arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_string; + SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); + } + break; #if HAVE_WCHAR_T - case TYPE_WIDE_STRING: - { - const wchar_t *arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_wide_string; - SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); - } - break; + case TYPE_WIDE_STRING: + { + const wchar_t *arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_wide_string; + SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); + } + break; #endif - case TYPE_POINTER: - { - void *arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_pointer; - SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); - } - break; - default: - abort (); - } + case TYPE_POINTER: + { + void *arg = a.arg[dp->arg_index].a.a_pointer; + SNPRINTF_BUF (arg); + } + break; + default: + abort (); + } #if USE_SNPRINTF - /* Portability: Not all implementations of snprintf() - are ISO C 99 compliant. Determine the number of - bytes that snprintf() has produced or would have - produced. */ - if (count >= 0) - { - /* Verify that snprintf() has NUL-terminated its - result. */ - if (count < maxlen - && ((TCHAR_T *) (result + length)) [count] != '\0') - abort (); - /* Portability hack. */ - if (retcount > count) - count = retcount; - } - else - { - /* snprintf() doesn't understand the '%n' - directive. */ - if (fbp[1] != '\0') - { - /* Don't use the '%n' directive; instead, look - at the snprintf() return value. */ - fbp[1] = '\0'; - continue; - } - else - { - /* Look at the snprintf() return value. */ - if (retcount < 0) - { - /* HP-UX 10.20 snprintf() is doubly deficient: - It doesn't understand the '%n' directive, - *and* it returns -1 (rather than the length - that would have been required) when the - buffer is too small. */ - size_t bigger_need = - xsum (xtimes (allocated, 2), 12); - ENSURE_ALLOCATION (bigger_need); - continue; - } - else - count = retcount; - } - } + /* Portability: Not all implementations of snprintf() + are ISO C 99 compliant. Determine the number of + bytes that snprintf() has produced or would have + produced. */ + if (count >= 0) + { + /* Verify that snprintf() has NUL-terminated its + result. */ + if (count < maxlen + && ((TCHAR_T *) (result + length)) [count] != '\0') + abort (); + /* Portability hack. */ + if (retcount > count) + count = retcount; + } + else + { + /* snprintf() doesn't understand the '%n' + directive. */ + if (fbp[1] != '\0') + { + /* Don't use the '%n' directive; instead, look + at the snprintf() return value. */ + fbp[1] = '\0'; + continue; + } + else + { + /* Look at the snprintf() return value. */ + if (retcount < 0) + { +# if !HAVE_SNPRINTF_RETVAL_C99 + /* HP-UX 10.20 snprintf() is doubly deficient: + It doesn't understand the '%n' directive, + *and* it returns -1 (rather than the length + that would have been required) when the + buffer is too small. + But a failure at this point can also come + from other reasons than a too small buffer, + such as an invalid wide string argument to + the %ls directive, or possibly an invalid + floating-point argument. */ + size_t tmp_length = + MAX_ROOM_NEEDED (&a, dp->arg_index, + dp->conversion, type, flags, + width, has_precision, + precision, pad_ourselves); + + if (maxlen < tmp_length) + { + /* Make more room. But try to do through + this reallocation only once. */ + size_t bigger_need = + xsum (length, + xsum (tmp_length, + TCHARS_PER_DCHAR - 1) + / TCHARS_PER_DCHAR); + /* And always grow proportionally. + (There may be several arguments, each + needing a little more room than the + previous one.) */ + size_t bigger_need2 = + xsum (xtimes (allocated, 2), 12); + if (bigger_need < bigger_need2) + bigger_need = bigger_need2; + ENSURE_ALLOCATION (bigger_need); + continue; + } +# endif + } + else + count = retcount; + } + } #endif - /* Attempt to handle failure. */ - if (count < 0) - { - if (!(result == resultbuf || result == NULL)) - free (result); - if (buf_malloced != NULL) - free (buf_malloced); - CLEANUP (); - errno = EINVAL; - return NULL; - } + /* Attempt to handle failure. */ + if (count < 0) + { + /* SNPRINTF or sprintf failed. Save and use the errno + that it has set, if any. */ + int saved_errno = errno; + + if (!(result == resultbuf || result == NULL)) + free (result); + if (buf_malloced != NULL) + free (buf_malloced); + CLEANUP (); + errno = + (saved_errno != 0 + ? saved_errno + : (dp->conversion == 'c' || dp->conversion == 's' + ? EILSEQ + : EINVAL)); + return NULL; + } #if USE_SNPRINTF - /* Handle overflow of the allocated buffer. - If such an overflow occurs, a C99 compliant snprintf() - returns a count >= maxlen. However, a non-compliant - snprintf() function returns only count = maxlen - 1. To - cover both cases, test whether count >= maxlen - 1. */ - if ((unsigned int) count + 1 >= maxlen) - { - /* If maxlen already has attained its allowed maximum, - allocating more memory will not increase maxlen. - Instead of looping, bail out. */ - if (maxlen == INT_MAX / TCHARS_PER_DCHAR) - goto overflow; - else - { - /* Need at least count * sizeof (TCHAR_T) bytes. - But allocate proportionally, to avoid looping - eternally if snprintf() reports a too small - count. */ - size_t n = - xmax (xsum (length, - (count + TCHARS_PER_DCHAR - 1) - / TCHARS_PER_DCHAR), - xtimes (allocated, 2)); - - ENSURE_ALLOCATION (n); - continue; - } - } + /* Handle overflow of the allocated buffer. + If such an overflow occurs, a C99 compliant snprintf() + returns a count >= maxlen. However, a non-compliant + snprintf() function returns only count = maxlen - 1. To + cover both cases, test whether count >= maxlen - 1. */ + if ((unsigned int) count + 1 >= maxlen) + { + /* If maxlen already has attained its allowed maximum, + allocating more memory will not increase maxlen. + Instead of looping, bail out. */ + if (maxlen == INT_MAX / TCHARS_PER_DCHAR) + goto overflow; + else + { + /* Need at least (count + 1) * sizeof (TCHAR_T) + bytes. (The +1 is for the trailing NUL.) + But ask for (count + 2) * sizeof (TCHAR_T) + bytes, so that in the next round, we likely get + maxlen > (unsigned int) count + 1 + and so we don't get here again. + And allocate proportionally, to avoid looping + eternally if snprintf() reports a too small + count. */ + size_t n = + xmax (xsum (length, + ((unsigned int) count + 2 + + TCHARS_PER_DCHAR - 1) + / TCHARS_PER_DCHAR), + xtimes (allocated, 2)); + + ENSURE_ALLOCATION (n); + continue; + } + } #endif #if NEED_PRINTF_UNBOUNDED_PRECISION - if (prec_ourselves) - { - /* Handle the precision. */ - TCHAR_T *prec_ptr = + if (prec_ourselves) + { + /* Handle the precision. */ + TCHAR_T *prec_ptr = # if USE_SNPRINTF - (TCHAR_T *) (result + length); + (TCHAR_T *) (result + length); # else - tmp; + tmp; # endif - size_t prefix_count; - size_t move; - - prefix_count = 0; - /* Put the additional zeroes after the sign. */ - if (count >= 1 - && (*prec_ptr == '-' || *prec_ptr == '+' - || *prec_ptr == ' ')) - prefix_count = 1; - /* Put the additional zeroes after the 0x prefix if - (flags & FLAG_ALT) || (dp->conversion == 'p'). */ - else if (count >= 2 - && prec_ptr[0] == '0' - && (prec_ptr[1] == 'x' || prec_ptr[1] == 'X')) - prefix_count = 2; - - move = count - prefix_count; - if (precision > move) - { - /* Insert zeroes. */ - size_t insert = precision - move; - TCHAR_T *prec_end; + size_t prefix_count; + size_t move; + + prefix_count = 0; + /* Put the additional zeroes after the sign. */ + if (count >= 1 + && (*prec_ptr == '-' || *prec_ptr == '+' + || *prec_ptr == ' ')) + prefix_count = 1; + /* Put the additional zeroes after the 0x prefix if + (flags & FLAG_ALT) || (dp->conversion == 'p'). */ + else if (count >= 2 + && prec_ptr[0] == '0' + && (prec_ptr[1] == 'x' || prec_ptr[1] == 'X')) + prefix_count = 2; + + move = count - prefix_count; + if (precision > move) + { + /* Insert zeroes. */ + size_t insert = precision - move; + TCHAR_T *prec_end; # if USE_SNPRINTF - size_t n = - xsum (length, - (count + insert + TCHARS_PER_DCHAR - 1) - / TCHARS_PER_DCHAR); - length += (count + TCHARS_PER_DCHAR - 1) / TCHARS_PER_DCHAR; - ENSURE_ALLOCATION (n); - length -= (count + TCHARS_PER_DCHAR - 1) / TCHARS_PER_DCHAR; - prec_ptr = (TCHAR_T *) (result + length); + size_t n = + xsum (length, + (count + insert + TCHARS_PER_DCHAR - 1) + / TCHARS_PER_DCHAR); + length += (count + TCHARS_PER_DCHAR - 1) / TCHARS_PER_DCHAR; + ENSURE_ALLOCATION (n); + length -= (count + TCHARS_PER_DCHAR - 1) / TCHARS_PER_DCHAR; + prec_ptr = (TCHAR_T *) (result + length); # endif - prec_end = prec_ptr + count; - prec_ptr += prefix_count; + prec_end = prec_ptr + count; + prec_ptr += prefix_count; - while (prec_end > prec_ptr) - { - prec_end--; - prec_end[insert] = prec_end[0]; - } + while (prec_end > prec_ptr) + { + prec_end--; + prec_end[insert] = prec_end[0]; + } - prec_end += insert; - do - *--prec_end = '0'; - while (prec_end > prec_ptr); + prec_end += insert; + do + *--prec_end = '0'; + while (prec_end > prec_ptr); - count += insert; - } - } + count += insert; + } + } #endif -#if !DCHAR_IS_TCHAR -# if !USE_SNPRINTF - if (count >= tmp_length) - /* tmp_length was incorrectly calculated - fix the - code above! */ - abort (); -# endif +#if !USE_SNPRINTF + if (count >= tmp_length) + /* tmp_length was incorrectly calculated - fix the + code above! */ + abort (); +#endif - /* Convert from TCHAR_T[] to DCHAR_T[]. */ - if (dp->conversion == 'c' || dp->conversion == 's') - { - /* type = TYPE_CHAR or TYPE_WIDE_CHAR or TYPE_STRING - TYPE_WIDE_STRING. - The result string is not certainly ASCII. */ - const TCHAR_T *tmpsrc; - DCHAR_T *tmpdst; - size_t tmpdst_len; - /* This code assumes that TCHAR_T is 'char'. */ - typedef int TCHAR_T_verify - [2 * (sizeof (TCHAR_T) == 1) - 1]; +#if !DCHAR_IS_TCHAR + /* Convert from TCHAR_T[] to DCHAR_T[]. */ + if (dp->conversion == 'c' || dp->conversion == 's') + { + /* type = TYPE_CHAR or TYPE_WIDE_CHAR or TYPE_STRING + TYPE_WIDE_STRING. + The result string is not certainly ASCII. */ + const TCHAR_T *tmpsrc; + DCHAR_T *tmpdst; + size_t tmpdst_len; + /* This code assumes that TCHAR_T is 'char'. */ + typedef int TCHAR_T_verify + [2 * (sizeof (TCHAR_T) == 1) - 1]; # if USE_SNPRINTF - tmpsrc = (TCHAR_T *) (result + length); + tmpsrc = (TCHAR_T *) (result + length); # else - tmpsrc = tmp; + tmpsrc = tmp; # endif - tmpdst = NULL; - tmpdst_len = 0; - if (DCHAR_CONV_FROM_ENCODING (locale_charset (), - iconveh_question_mark, - tmpsrc, count, - NULL, - &tmpdst, &tmpdst_len) - < 0) - { - int saved_errno = errno; - if (!(result == resultbuf || result == NULL)) - free (result); - if (buf_malloced != NULL) - free (buf_malloced); - CLEANUP (); - errno = saved_errno; - return NULL; - } - ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, tmpdst_len)); - DCHAR_CPY (result + length, tmpdst, tmpdst_len); - free (tmpdst); - count = tmpdst_len; - } - else - { - /* The result string is ASCII. - Simple 1:1 conversion. */ + tmpdst = + DCHAR_CONV_FROM_ENCODING (locale_charset (), + iconveh_question_mark, + tmpsrc, count, + NULL, + NULL, &tmpdst_len); + if (tmpdst == NULL) + { + int saved_errno = errno; + if (!(result == resultbuf || result == NULL)) + free (result); + if (buf_malloced != NULL) + free (buf_malloced); + CLEANUP (); + errno = saved_errno; + return NULL; + } + ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, tmpdst_len)); + DCHAR_CPY (result + length, tmpdst, tmpdst_len); + free (tmpdst); + count = tmpdst_len; + } + else + { + /* The result string is ASCII. + Simple 1:1 conversion. */ # if USE_SNPRINTF - /* If sizeof (DCHAR_T) == sizeof (TCHAR_T), it's a - no-op conversion, in-place on the array starting - at (result + length). */ - if (sizeof (DCHAR_T) != sizeof (TCHAR_T)) + /* If sizeof (DCHAR_T) == sizeof (TCHAR_T), it's a + no-op conversion, in-place on the array starting + at (result + length). */ + if (sizeof (DCHAR_T) != sizeof (TCHAR_T)) # endif - { - const TCHAR_T *tmpsrc; - DCHAR_T *tmpdst; - size_t n; + { + const TCHAR_T *tmpsrc; + DCHAR_T *tmpdst; + size_t n; # if USE_SNPRINTF - if (result == resultbuf) - { - tmpsrc = (TCHAR_T *) (result + length); - /* ENSURE_ALLOCATION will not move tmpsrc - (because it's part of resultbuf). */ - ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, count)); - } - else - { - /* ENSURE_ALLOCATION will move the array - (because it uses realloc(). */ - ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, count)); - tmpsrc = (TCHAR_T *) (result + length); - } + if (result == resultbuf) + { + tmpsrc = (TCHAR_T *) (result + length); + /* ENSURE_ALLOCATION will not move tmpsrc + (because it's part of resultbuf). */ + ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, count)); + } + else + { + /* ENSURE_ALLOCATION will move the array + (because it uses realloc(). */ + ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, count)); + tmpsrc = (TCHAR_T *) (result + length); + } # else - tmpsrc = tmp; - ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, count)); + tmpsrc = tmp; + ENSURE_ALLOCATION (xsum (length, count)); # endif - tmpdst = result + length; - /* Copy backwards, because of overlapping. */ - tmpsrc += count; - tmpdst += count; - for (n = count; n > 0; n--) - *--tmpdst = (unsigned char) *--tmpsrc; - } - } + tmpdst = result + length; + /* Copy backwards, because of overlapping. */ + tmpsrc += count; + tmpdst += count; + for (n = count; n > 0; n--) + *--tmpdst = (unsigned char) *--tmpsrc; + } + } #endif #if DCHAR_IS_TCHAR && !USE_SNPRINTF - /* Make room for the result. */ - if (count > allocated - length) - { - /* Need at least count elements. But allocate - proportionally. */ - size_t n = - xmax (xsum (length, count), xtimes (allocated, 2)); - - ENSURE_ALLOCATION (n); - } + /* Make room for the result. */ + if (count > allocated - length) + { + /* Need at least count elements. But allocate + proportionally. */ + size_t n = + xmax (xsum (length, count), xtimes (allocated, 2)); + + ENSURE_ALLOCATION (n); + } #endif - /* Here count <= allocated - length. */ + /* Here count <= allocated - length. */ - /* Perform padding. */ -#if !DCHAR_IS_TCHAR || ENABLE_UNISTDIO || NEED_PRINTF_FLAG_ZERO || NEED_PRINTF_UNBOUNDED_PRECISION - if (pad_ourselves && has_width) - { - size_t w; + /* Perform padding. */ +#if !DCHAR_IS_TCHAR || ENABLE_UNISTDIO || NEED_PRINTF_FLAG_LEFTADJUST || NEED_PRINTF_FLAG_ZERO || NEED_PRINTF_UNBOUNDED_PRECISION + if (pad_ourselves && has_width) + { + size_t w; # if ENABLE_UNISTDIO - /* Outside POSIX, it's preferrable to compare the width - against the number of _characters_ of the converted - value. */ - w = DCHAR_MBSNLEN (result + length, count); + /* Outside POSIX, it's preferrable to compare the width + against the number of _characters_ of the converted + value. */ + w = DCHAR_MBSNLEN (result + length, count); # else - /* The width is compared against the number of _bytes_ - of the converted value, says POSIX. */ - w = count; + /* The width is compared against the number of _bytes_ + of the converted value, says POSIX. */ + w = count; # endif - if (w < width) - { - size_t pad = width - w; + if (w < width) + { + size_t pad = width - w; + + /* Make room for the result. */ + if (xsum (count, pad) > allocated - length) + { + /* Need at least count + pad elements. But + allocate proportionally. */ + size_t n = + xmax (xsum3 (length, count, pad), + xtimes (allocated, 2)); + # if USE_SNPRINTF - /* Make room for the result. */ - if (xsum (count, pad) > allocated - length) - { - /* Need at least count + pad elements. But - allocate proportionally. */ - size_t n = - xmax (xsum3 (length, count, pad), - xtimes (allocated, 2)); - - length += count; - ENSURE_ALLOCATION (n); - length -= count; - } - /* Here count + pad <= allocated - length. */ + length += count; + ENSURE_ALLOCATION (n); + length -= count; +# else + ENSURE_ALLOCATION (n); # endif - { + } + /* Here count + pad <= allocated - length. */ + + { # if !DCHAR_IS_TCHAR || USE_SNPRINTF - DCHAR_T * const rp = result + length; + DCHAR_T * const rp = result + length; # else - DCHAR_T * const rp = tmp; -# endif - DCHAR_T *p = rp + count; - DCHAR_T *end = p + pad; -# if NEED_PRINTF_FLAG_ZERO - DCHAR_T *pad_ptr; -# if !DCHAR_IS_TCHAR - if (dp->conversion == 'c' - || dp->conversion == 's') - /* No zero-padding for string directives. */ - pad_ptr = NULL; - else -# endif - { - pad_ptr = (*rp == '-' ? rp + 1 : rp); - /* No zero-padding of "inf" and "nan". */ - if ((*pad_ptr >= 'A' && *pad_ptr <= 'Z') - || (*pad_ptr >= 'a' && *pad_ptr <= 'z')) - pad_ptr = NULL; - } + DCHAR_T * const rp = tmp; # endif - /* The generated string now extends from rp to p, - with the zero padding insertion point being at - pad_ptr. */ - - count = count + pad; /* = end - rp */ - - if (flags & FLAG_LEFT) - { - /* Pad with spaces on the right. */ - for (; pad > 0; pad--) - *p++ = ' '; - } -# if NEED_PRINTF_FLAG_ZERO - else if ((flags & FLAG_ZERO) && pad_ptr != NULL) - { - /* Pad with zeroes. */ - DCHAR_T *q = end; - - while (p > pad_ptr) - *--q = *--p; - for (; pad > 0; pad--) - *p++ = '0'; - } + DCHAR_T *p = rp + count; + DCHAR_T *end = p + pad; + DCHAR_T *pad_ptr; +# if !DCHAR_IS_TCHAR || ENABLE_UNISTDIO + if (dp->conversion == 'c' + || dp->conversion == 's') + /* No zero-padding for string directives. */ + pad_ptr = NULL; + else # endif - else - { - /* Pad with spaces on the left. */ - DCHAR_T *q = end; - - while (p > rp) - *--q = *--p; - for (; pad > 0; pad--) - *p++ = ' '; - } - } - } - } + { + pad_ptr = (*rp == '-' ? rp + 1 : rp); + /* No zero-padding of "inf" and "nan". */ + if ((*pad_ptr >= 'A' && *pad_ptr <= 'Z') + || (*pad_ptr >= 'a' && *pad_ptr <= 'z')) + pad_ptr = NULL; + } + /* The generated string now extends from rp to p, + with the zero padding insertion point being at + pad_ptr. */ + + count = count + pad; /* = end - rp */ + + if (flags & FLAG_LEFT) + { + /* Pad with spaces on the right. */ + for (; pad > 0; pad--) + *p++ = ' '; + } + else if ((flags & FLAG_ZERO) && pad_ptr != NULL) + { + /* Pad with zeroes. */ + DCHAR_T *q = end; + + while (p > pad_ptr) + *--q = *--p; + for (; pad > 0; pad--) + *p++ = '0'; + } + else + { + /* Pad with spaces on the left. */ + DCHAR_T *q = end; + + while (p > rp) + *--q = *--p; + for (; pad > 0; pad--) + *p++ = ' '; + } + } + } + } #endif -#if DCHAR_IS_TCHAR && !USE_SNPRINTF - if (count >= tmp_length) - /* tmp_length was incorrectly calculated - fix the - code above! */ - abort (); -#endif - - /* Here still count <= allocated - length. */ + /* Here still count <= allocated - length. */ #if !DCHAR_IS_TCHAR || USE_SNPRINTF - /* The snprintf() result did fit. */ + /* The snprintf() result did fit. */ #else - /* Append the sprintf() result. */ - memcpy (result + length, tmp, count * sizeof (DCHAR_T)); + /* Append the sprintf() result. */ + memcpy (result + length, tmp, count * sizeof (DCHAR_T)); #endif #if !USE_SNPRINTF - if (tmp != tmpbuf) - free (tmp); + if (tmp != tmpbuf) + free (tmp); #endif #if NEED_PRINTF_DIRECTIVE_F - if (dp->conversion == 'F') - { - /* Convert the %f result to upper case for %F. */ - DCHAR_T *rp = result + length; - size_t rc; - for (rc = count; rc > 0; rc--, rp++) - if (*rp >= 'a' && *rp <= 'z') - *rp = *rp - 'a' + 'A'; - } + if (dp->conversion == 'F') + { + /* Convert the %f result to upper case for %F. */ + DCHAR_T *rp = result + length; + size_t rc; + for (rc = count; rc > 0; rc--, rp++) + if (*rp >= 'a' && *rp <= 'z') + *rp = *rp - 'a' + 'A'; + } #endif - length += count; - break; - } - } - } + length += count; + break; + } +#undef pad_ourselves +#undef prec_ourselves + } + } } /* Add the final NUL. */ @@ -4624,12 +5511,12 @@ VASNPRINTF (DCHAR_T *resultbuf, size_t *lengthp, if (result != resultbuf && length + 1 < allocated) { - /* Shrink the allocated memory if possible. */ - DCHAR_T *memory; + /* Shrink the allocated memory if possible. */ + DCHAR_T *memory; - memory = (DCHAR_T *) realloc (result, (length + 1) * sizeof (DCHAR_T)); - if (memory != NULL) - result = memory; + memory = (DCHAR_T *) realloc (result, (length + 1) * sizeof (DCHAR_T)); + if (memory != NULL) + result = memory; } if (buf_malloced != NULL) @@ -4642,6 +5529,7 @@ VASNPRINTF (DCHAR_T *resultbuf, size_t *lengthp, not have this limitation. */ return result; +#if USE_SNPRINTF overflow: if (!(result == resultbuf || result == NULL)) free (result); @@ -4650,6 +5538,7 @@ VASNPRINTF (DCHAR_T *resultbuf, size_t *lengthp, CLEANUP (); errno = EOVERFLOW; return NULL; +#endif out_of_memory: if (!(result == resultbuf || result == NULL)) @@ -4663,9 +5552,11 @@ VASNPRINTF (DCHAR_T *resultbuf, size_t *lengthp, } } +#undef MAX_ROOM_NEEDED #undef TCHARS_PER_DCHAR #undef SNPRINTF #undef USE_SNPRINTF +#undef DCHAR_SET #undef DCHAR_CPY #undef PRINTF_PARSE #undef DIRECTIVES diff --git a/intl/vasnwprintf.h b/intl/vasnwprintf.h index 6ff03ce1..a01745bd 100644 --- a/intl/vasnwprintf.h +++ b/intl/vasnwprintf.h @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ /* Get wchar_t, size_t. */ #include -#ifdef __cplusplus +#ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ extern "C" { extern wchar_t * asnwprintf (wchar_t *resultbuf, size_t *lengthp, const wchar_t *format, ...); extern wchar_t * vasnwprintf (wchar_t *resultbuf, size_t *lengthp, const wchar_t *format, va_list args); -#ifdef __cplusplus +#ifdef __cplusplus } #endif diff --git a/intl/wprintf-parse.h b/intl/wprintf-parse.h index 600b89ad..a08356ed 100644 --- a/intl/wprintf-parse.h +++ b/intl/wprintf-parse.h @@ -23,15 +23,15 @@ /* Flags */ -#define FLAG_GROUP 1 /* ' flag */ -#define FLAG_LEFT 2 /* - flag */ -#define FLAG_SHOWSIGN 4 /* + flag */ -#define FLAG_SPACE 8 /* space flag */ -#define FLAG_ALT 16 /* # flag */ -#define FLAG_ZERO 32 +#define FLAG_GROUP 1 /* ' flag */ +#define FLAG_LEFT 2 /* - flag */ +#define FLAG_SHOWSIGN 4 /* + flag */ +#define FLAG_SPACE 8 /* space flag */ +#define FLAG_ALT 16 /* # flag */ +#define FLAG_ZERO 32 /* arg_index value indicating that no argument is consumed. */ -#define ARG_NONE (~(size_t)0) +#define ARG_NONE (~(size_t)0) /* A parsed directive. */ typedef struct diff --git a/intl/xsize.h b/intl/xsize.h index b3023a7d..0b0cef8e 100644 --- a/intl/xsize.h +++ b/intl/xsize.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /* xsize.h -- Checked size_t computations. - Copyright (C) 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Copyright (C) 2003, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published @@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ xmax (size_t size1, size_t size2) /* Multiplication of a count with an element size, with overflow check. The count must be >= 0 and the element size must be > 0. This is a macro, not an inline function, so that it works correctly even - when N is of a wider tupe and N > SIZE_MAX. */ + when N is of a wider type and N > SIZE_MAX. */ #define xtimes(N, ELSIZE) \ ((N) <= SIZE_MAX / (ELSIZE) ? (size_t) (N) * (ELSIZE) : SIZE_MAX) diff --git a/plugins/gtkui/ b/plugins/gtkui/ index 593fcdb8..18d2ce04 100644 --- a/plugins/gtkui/ +++ b/plugins/gtkui/ @@ -2606,7 +2606,7 @@ Example: %a - %t [%l] True - sinc_best_quality + sinc_best_quality sinc_medium_quality sinc_fastest zero_order_hold diff --git a/plugins/gtkui/gtkui.c b/plugins/gtkui/gtkui.c index 3857a7bd..cca6f6b9 100644 --- a/plugins/gtkui/gtkui.c +++ b/plugins/gtkui/gtkui.c @@ -530,7 +530,7 @@ char last_playlist_save_name[1024] = ""; void save_playlist_as (void) { - GtkWidget *dlg = gtk_file_chooser_dialog_new ("Save Playlist As", GTK_WINDOW (mainwin), GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SAVE, GTK_STOCK_CANCEL, GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL, GTK_STOCK_SAVE, GTK_RESPONSE_OK, NULL); + GtkWidget *dlg = gtk_file_chooser_dialog_new (_("Save Playlist As"), GTK_WINDOW (mainwin), GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SAVE, GTK_STOCK_CANCEL, GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL, GTK_STOCK_SAVE, GTK_RESPONSE_OK, NULL); gtk_file_chooser_set_do_overwrite_confirmation (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (dlg), TRUE); gtk_file_chooser_set_current_name (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (dlg), "untitled.dbpl"); @@ -539,7 +539,7 @@ save_playlist_as (void) { GtkFileFilter* flt; flt = gtk_file_filter_new (); - gtk_file_filter_set_name (flt, "DeaDBeeF playlist files (*.dbpl)"); + gtk_file_filter_set_name (flt, _("DeaDBeeF playlist files (*.dbpl)")); gtk_file_filter_add_pattern (flt, "*.dbpl"); gtk_file_chooser_add_filter (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (dlg), flt); diff --git a/plugins/gtkui/interface.c b/plugins/gtkui/interface.c index 02c3af7c..f88fd78c 100644 --- a/plugins/gtkui/interface.c +++ b/plugins/gtkui/interface.c @@ -1771,11 +1771,11 @@ create_prefwin (void) pref_src_quality = gtk_combo_box_new_text (); gtk_widget_show (pref_src_quality); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox9), pref_src_quality, TRUE, TRUE, 0); - gtk_combo_box_append_text (GTK_COMBO_BOX (pref_src_quality), _("sinc_best_quality")); - gtk_combo_box_append_text (GTK_COMBO_BOX (pref_src_quality), _("sinc_medium_quality")); - gtk_combo_box_append_text (GTK_COMBO_BOX (pref_src_quality), _("sinc_fastest")); - gtk_combo_box_append_text (GTK_COMBO_BOX (pref_src_quality), _("zero_order_hold")); - gtk_combo_box_append_text (GTK_COMBO_BOX (pref_src_quality), _("linear")); + gtk_combo_box_append_text (GTK_COMBO_BOX (pref_src_quality), "sinc_best_quality"); + gtk_combo_box_append_text (GTK_COMBO_BOX (pref_src_quality), "sinc_medium_quality"); + gtk_combo_box_append_text (GTK_COMBO_BOX (pref_src_quality), "sinc_fastest"); + gtk_combo_box_append_text (GTK_COMBO_BOX (pref_src_quality), "zero_order_hold"); + gtk_combo_box_append_text (GTK_COMBO_BOX (pref_src_quality), "linear"); hbox10 = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, 8); gtk_widget_show (hbox10); diff --git a/po/ChangeLog b/po/ChangeLog index e69de29b..2ee0657e 100644 --- a/po/ChangeLog +++ b/po/ChangeLog @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +2010-05-19 gettextize + + * Upgrade to gettext-0.18. + * Rules-quot: Upgrade to gettext-0.18. + diff --git a/po/ b/po/ index fecf500f..83d8838a 100644 --- a/po/ +++ b/po/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # Makefile for PO directory in any package using GNU gettext. -# Copyright (C) 1995-1997, 2000-2007 by Ulrich Drepper +# Copyright (C) 1995-1997, 2000-2007, 2009-2010 by Ulrich Drepper # # This file can be copied and used freely without restrictions. It can # be used in projects which are not available under the GNU General Public @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ # Please note that the actual code of GNU gettext is covered by the GNU # General Public License and is *not* in the public domain. # -# Origin: gettext-0.17 -GETTEXT_MACRO_VERSION = 0.17 +# Origin: gettext-0.18 +GETTEXT_MACRO_VERSION = 0.18 PACKAGE = @PACKAGE@ VERSION = @VERSION@ @@ -88,8 +88,8 @@ CATALOGS = @CATALOGS@ @lang=`echo $* | sed -e 's,.*/,,'`; \ test "$(srcdir)" = . && cdcmd="" || cdcmd="cd $(srcdir) && "; \ - echo "$${cdcmd}rm -f $${lang}.gmo && $(GMSGFMT) -c --statistics -o $${lang}.gmo $${lang}.po"; \ - cd $(srcdir) && rm -f $${lang}.gmo && $(GMSGFMT) -c --statistics -o t-$${lang}.gmo $${lang}.po && mv t-$${lang}.gmo $${lang}.gmo + echo "$${cdcmd}rm -f $${lang}.gmo && $(GMSGFMT) -c --statistics --verbose -o $${lang}.gmo $${lang}.po"; \ + cd $(srcdir) && rm -f $${lang}.gmo && $(GMSGFMT) -c --statistics --verbose -o t-$${lang}.gmo $${lang}.po && mv t-$${lang}.gmo $${lang}.gmo .sin.sed: sed -e '/^#/d' $< > t-$@ @@ -193,8 +193,15 @@ $(POFILES): $(srcdir)/$(DOMAIN).pot @lang=`echo $@ | sed -e 's,.*/,,' -e 's/\.po$$//'`; \ if test -f "$(srcdir)/$${lang}.po"; then \ test "$(srcdir)" = . && cdcmd="" || cdcmd="cd $(srcdir) && "; \ - echo "$${cdcmd}$(MSGMERGE_UPDATE) $${lang}.po $(DOMAIN).pot"; \ - cd $(srcdir) && $(MSGMERGE_UPDATE) $${lang}.po $(DOMAIN).pot; \ + echo "$${cdcmd}$(MSGMERGE_UPDATE) $(MSGMERGE_OPTIONS) --lang=$${lang} $${lang}.po $(DOMAIN).pot"; \ + cd $(srcdir) \ + && { case `$(MSGMERGE_UPDATE) --version | sed 1q | sed -e 's,^[^0-9]*,,'` in \ + '' | 0.[0-9] | 0.[0-9].* | 0.1[0-7] | 0.1[0-7].*) \ + $(MSGMERGE_UPDATE) $(MSGMERGE_OPTIONS) $${lang}.po $(DOMAIN).pot;; \ + *) \ + $(MSGMERGE_UPDATE) $(MSGMERGE_OPTIONS) --lang=$${lang} $${lang}.po $(DOMAIN).pot;; \ + esac; \ + }; \ else \ $(MAKE) $${lang}.po-create; \ fi @@ -217,7 +224,6 @@ install-data: install-data-@USE_NLS@ fi install-data-no: all install-data-yes: all - $(mkdir_p) $(DESTDIR)$(datadir) @catalogs='$(CATALOGS)'; \ for cat in $$catalogs; do \ cat=`basename $$cat`; \ @@ -269,7 +275,6 @@ installdirs-data: installdirs-data-@USE_NLS@ fi installdirs-data-no: installdirs-data-yes: - $(mkdir_p) $(DESTDIR)$(datadir) @catalogs='$(CATALOGS)'; \ for cat in $$catalogs; do \ cat=`basename $$cat`; \ @@ -395,9 +400,15 @@ update-po: Makefile tmpdir=`pwd`; \ echo "$$lang:"; \ test "$(srcdir)" = . && cdcmd="" || cdcmd="cd $(srcdir) && "; \ - echo "$${cdcmd}$(MSGMERGE) $$lang.po $(DOMAIN).pot -o $$"; \ + echo "$${cdcmd}$(MSGMERGE) $(MSGMERGE_OPTIONS) --lang=$$lang $$lang.po $(DOMAIN).pot -o $$"; \ cd $(srcdir); \ - if $(MSGMERGE) $$lang.po $(DOMAIN).pot -o $$tmpdir/$$; then \ + if { case `$(MSGMERGE) --version | sed 1q | sed -e 's,^[^0-9]*,,'` in \ + '' | 0.[0-9] | 0.[0-9].* | 0.1[0-7] | 0.1[0-7].*) \ + $(MSGMERGE) $(MSGMERGE_OPTIONS) -o $$tmpdir/$$ $$lang.po $(DOMAIN).pot;; \ + *) \ + $(MSGMERGE) $(MSGMERGE_OPTIONS) --lang=$$lang -o $$tmpdir/$$ $$lang.po $(DOMAIN).pot;; \ + esac; \ + }; then \ if cmp $$lang.po $$tmpdir/$$ >/dev/null 2>&1; then \ rm -f $$tmpdir/$$; \ else \ @@ -418,9 +429,13 @@ $(DUMMYPOFILES): update-gmo: Makefile $(GMOFILES) @: +# Recreate Makefile by invoking config.status. Explicitly invoke the shell, +# because execution permission bits may not work on the current file system. +# Use @SHELL@, which is the shell determined by autoconf for the use by its +# scripts, not $(SHELL) which is hardwired to /bin/sh and may be deficient. Makefile: Makevars $(top_builddir)/config.status @POMAKEFILEDEPS@ cd $(top_builddir) \ - && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$ po-directories + && @SHELL@ ./config.status $(subdir)/$ po-directories force: diff --git a/po/Rules-quot b/po/Rules-quot index 9c2a995e..af524879 100644 --- a/po/Rules-quot +++ b/po/Rules-quot @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ en@boldquot.po-update: en@boldquot.po-update-en ll=`echo $$lang | sed -e 's/@.*//'`; \ LC_ALL=C; export LC_ALL; \ cd $(srcdir); \ - if $(MSGINIT) -i $(DOMAIN).pot --no-translator -l $$ll -o - 2>/dev/null | sed -f $$tmpdir/$$lang.insert-header | $(MSGCONV) -t UTF-8 | $(MSGFILTER) sed -f `echo $$lang | sed -e 's/.*@//'`.sed 2>/dev/null > $$tmpdir/$$; then \ + if $(MSGINIT) -i $(DOMAIN).pot --no-translator -l $$lang -o - 2>/dev/null | sed -f $$tmpdir/$$lang.insert-header | $(MSGCONV) -t UTF-8 | $(MSGFILTER) sed -f `echo $$lang | sed -e 's/.*@//'`.sed 2>/dev/null > $$tmpdir/$$; then \ if cmp $$lang.po $$tmpdir/$$ >/dev/null 2>&1; then \ rm -f $$tmpdir/$$; \ else \ diff --git a/po/deadbeef.pot b/po/deadbeef.pot index d4dd2461..afed0623 100644 --- a/po/deadbeef.pot +++ b/po/deadbeef.pot @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ -# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR Alexey Yakovenko -# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. +# Deadbeef Audio Player +# Copyright (C) 2009-2001 Alexey Yakovenko +# This file is distributed under the same license as the Deadbeef package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # #, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: deadbeef devel\n" +"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-05-15 23:25+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-05-18 19:20+0300\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" @@ -16,485 +16,489 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -#: plugins/gtkui/callbacks.c:97 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/callbacks.c:97 msgid "Supported sound formats" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/callbacks.c:108 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/callbacks.c:108 msgid "Other files (*)" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/callbacks.c:117 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/callbacks.c:117 msgid "Open file(s)..." msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/callbacks.c:150 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/callbacks.c:150 msgid "Add file(s) to playlist..." msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/callbacks.c:182 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/callbacks.c:182 msgid "Add folder(s) to playlist..." msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/callbacks.c:364 -msgid "Save Playlist As" +#: ../plugins/gtkui/callbacks.c:640 +msgid "Failed while reading help file" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/callbacks.c:371 plugins/gtkui/gtkui.c:532 -msgid "DeaDBeeF playlist files (*.dbpl)" +#: ../plugins/gtkui/callbacks.c:650 +msgid "Failed to load help file" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/callbacks.c:694 -msgid "Failed while reading help file" +#: ../plugins/gtkui/callbacks.c:664 ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1105 +msgid "Help" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/callbacks.c:704 -msgid "Failed to load help file" +#: ../plugins/gtkui/callbacks.c:674 +#, c-format +msgid "About DeaDBeeF %s" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/ddbtabstrip.c:527 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/callbacks.c:685 +#, c-format +msgid "DeaDBeeF %s ChangeLog" +msgstr "" + +#: ../plugins/gtkui/ddbtabstrip.c:527 msgid "Edit playlist" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/ddbtabstrip.c:604 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/ddbtabstrip.c:604 msgid "Rename Playlist" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/ddbtabstrip.c:608 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/ddbtabstrip.c:608 msgid "Remove Playlist" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/ddbtabstrip.c:612 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/ddbtabstrip.c:612 msgid "Add New Playlist" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/eq.c:113 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/eq.c:113 msgid "Save DeaDBeeF EQ Preset" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/eq.c:120 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/eq.c:120 msgid "DeaDBeeF EQ preset files (*.ddbeq)" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/eq.c:151 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/eq.c:151 msgid "Load DeaDBeeF EQ Preset..." msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/eq.c:155 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/eq.c:155 msgid "DeaDBeeF EQ presets (*.ddbeq)" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/eq.c:214 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/eq.c:214 msgid "Import Foobar2000 EQ Preset..." msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/eq.c:218 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/eq.c:218 msgid "Foobar2000 EQ presets (*.feq)" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/eq.c:292 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/eq.c:292 msgid "Enable" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/eq.c:299 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/eq.c:299 msgid "Zero All" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/eq.c:306 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/eq.c:306 msgid "Zero Preamp" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/eq.c:313 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/eq.c:313 msgid "Zero Bands" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/eq.c:320 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/eq.c:320 msgid "Save Preset" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/eq.c:327 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/eq.c:327 msgid "Load Preset" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/eq.c:334 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/eq.c:334 msgid "Import Foobar2000 Preset" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/gtkui.c:128 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/gtkui.c:128 #, c-format msgid "1 day %d:%02d:%02d" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/gtkui.c:131 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/gtkui.c:131 #, c-format msgid "%d days %d:%02d:%02d" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/gtkui.c:140 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/gtkui.c:140 #, c-format msgid "Stopped | %d tracks | %s total playtime" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/gtkui.c:150 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/gtkui.c:150 msgid "Mono" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/gtkui.c:150 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/gtkui.c:150 msgid "Stereo" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/gtkui.c:170 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/gtkui.c:170 #, c-format msgid "| %4d kbps " msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/gtkui.c:177 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/gtkui.c:176 +msgid "Paused | " +msgstr "" + +#: ../plugins/gtkui/gtkui.c:177 #, c-format msgid "" "%s%s %s| %dHz | %d bit | %s | %d:%02d / %s | %d tracks | %s total playtime" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/gtkui.c:528 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/gtkui.c:533 +msgid "Save Playlist As" +msgstr "" + +#: ../plugins/gtkui/gtkui.c:542 ../plugins/gtkui/gtkui.c:603 +msgid "DeaDBeeF playlist files (*.dbpl)" +msgstr "" + +#: ../plugins/gtkui/gtkui.c:596 msgid "Load Playlist" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/gtkui.c:663 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/gtkui.c:741 msgid "New Playlist" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/gtkui.c:666 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/gtkui.c:744 #, c-format msgid "New Playlist (%d)" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:129 -msgid "DeaDBeeF" -msgstr "" - -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:140 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:140 msgid "_File" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:147 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:147 msgid "_Open file(s)" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:163 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:163 msgid "Add file(s)" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:171 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:171 msgid "Add folder(s)" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:179 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:179 msgid "Add Audio CD" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:187 plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2870 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:187 ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2870 msgid "Add location" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:196 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:196 msgid "New playlist" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:203 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:203 msgid "Load playlist" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:207 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:207 msgid "Save playlist" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:211 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:211 msgid "Save playlist as" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:220 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:220 msgid "_Quit" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:231 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:231 msgid "_Edit" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:238 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:238 msgid "_Clear" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:246 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:246 msgid "Select all" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:253 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:253 msgid "Deselect all" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:260 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:260 msgid "Invert selection" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:264 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:264 msgid "Selection" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:271 plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:387 -#: plugins/gtkui/prefwin.c:278 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:271 ../plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:387 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/prefwin.c:273 msgid "Remove" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:279 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:279 msgid "Crop" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:283 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:283 msgid "_Find" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:295 plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1706 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:295 ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1706 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:299 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:299 msgid "_View" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:306 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:306 msgid "Status bar" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:310 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:310 msgid "Column headers" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:314 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:314 msgid "Tabs" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:318 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:318 msgid "Equalizer" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:322 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:322 msgid "_Playback" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:329 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:329 msgid "Order" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:336 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:336 msgid "Linear" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:342 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:342 msgid "Shuffle" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:348 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:348 msgid "Random" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:354 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:354 msgid "Looping" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:361 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:361 msgid "Loop All" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:367 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:367 msgid "Loop Single Song" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:373 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:373 msgid "Don't Loop" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:379 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:379 msgid "Scroll follows playback" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:384 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:384 msgid "Cursor follows playback" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:388 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:388 msgid "Stop after current" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:395 plugins/gtkui/interface.c:402 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:395 ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:402 msgid "_Help" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:410 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:410 msgid "_ChangeLog" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:419 -msgid "_GPLv2" -msgstr "" - -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:423 -msgid "_LGPLv2.1" -msgstr "" - -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:432 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:432 msgid "_About" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:816 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:816 msgid "Search" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:891 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:891 msgid "Stop" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:899 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:899 msgid "Play" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:907 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:907 msgid "Pause" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:915 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:915 msgid "Previous" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:923 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:923 msgid "Next" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:931 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:931 msgid "Play Random" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:940 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:940 msgid "About" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:953 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:953 msgid "Quit" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1025 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1025 msgid "Adding files..." msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1069 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1069 msgid "_Abort" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1105 -msgid "Help" -msgstr "" - -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1170 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1170 msgid "Track Properties" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1194 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1194 msgid "" "WARNING: tag writing feature is still in development.\n" "Make backup copies before using." msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1221 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1221 msgid "_Apply" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1242 plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1288 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1242 ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1288 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2436 msgid "_Close" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1246 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1246 msgid "Metadata" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1292 plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:402 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1292 ../plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:402 msgid "Properties" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1378 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1378 msgid "editcolumndlg" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1393 plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2770 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1393 ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2770 msgid "Title:" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1401 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1401 msgid "Enter new column title here" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1409 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1409 msgid "Type:" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1417 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1417 msgid "File number" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1418 plugins/gtkui/mainplaylist.c:297 +#. create default set of columns +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1418 ../plugins/gtkui/mainplaylist.c:297 msgid "Playing" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1419 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1419 msgid "Album Art" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1420 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1420 msgid "Artist - Album" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1421 plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:774 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1421 ../plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:774 msgid "Artist" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1422 plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1795 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1422 ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1795 msgid "Album" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1423 plugins/gtkui/prefwin.c:502 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1423 ../plugins/gtkui/prefwin.c:491 msgid "Title" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1424 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1424 msgid "Length" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1425 plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1794 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1425 ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1794 msgid "Track" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1426 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1426 msgid "Band / Album Artist" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1427 plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:778 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1427 ../plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:778 msgid "Custom" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1433 plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2997 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1433 ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2997 msgid "Format:" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1448 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1448 msgid "Alignment:" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1456 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1456 msgid "Left" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1457 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1457 msgid "Right" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1459 plugins/gtkui/interface.c:3007 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1459 ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:3007 msgid "" "Format conversions (start with %):\n" " [a]rtist, [t]itle, al[b]um, [B]and,\n" @@ -504,498 +508,445 @@ msgid "" "Example: %a - %t [%l]" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1726 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1488 ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2801 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2913 ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:3036 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "" + +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1509 ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2822 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2934 ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:3057 +msgid "_OK" +msgstr "" + +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1726 msgid "Output plugin:" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1739 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1739 msgid "Output device:" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1748 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1748 msgid "Sound" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1757 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1757 msgid "Allow dynamic samplerate switching" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1765 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1765 msgid "Samplerate conversion quality:" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1774 -msgid "sinc_best_quality" -msgstr "" - -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1775 -msgid "sinc_medium_quality" -msgstr "" - -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1776 -msgid "sinc_fastest" -msgstr "" - -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1777 -msgid "zero_order_hold" -msgstr "" - -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1778 -msgid "linear" -msgstr "" - -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1784 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1784 msgid "Replaygain mode:" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1793 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1793 msgid "Disable" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1797 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1797 msgid "Replaygain peak scale" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1801 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1801 msgid "Sound (adv.)" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1810 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1810 msgid "Close minimizes to tray" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1814 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1814 msgid "Middle mouse button closes playlist" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1827 plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1871 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1827 ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1871 msgid "Override" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1836 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1836 msgid "Foreground" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1843 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1843 msgid "Background" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1862 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1862 msgid "Seekbar/Volumebar colors" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1880 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1880 msgid "Middle" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1887 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1887 msgid "Light" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1894 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1894 msgid "Dark" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1925 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1925 msgid "Base" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1932 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1932 msgid "Tab strip colors" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1941 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1941 msgid "Override (looses GTK treeview theming, but speeds up rendering)" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1950 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1950 msgid "Even row" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1957 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1957 msgid "Odd row" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1976 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1976 msgid "Text" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1983 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1983 msgid "Selected row" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2002 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2002 msgid "Selected text" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2015 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2015 msgid "Cursor" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2028 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2028 msgid "Playlist colors" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2032 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2032 msgid "GUI" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2041 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2041 msgid "Enable Proxy Server" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2049 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2049 msgid "Proxy Server Address:" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2063 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2063 msgid "Proxy Server Port:" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2077 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2077 msgid "Proxy Type:" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2085 -msgid "HTTP" -msgstr "" - -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2086 -msgid "HTTP_1_0" -msgstr "" - -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2087 -msgid "SOCKS4" -msgstr "" - -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2088 -msgid "SOCKS5" -msgstr "" - -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2089 -msgid "SOCKS4A" -msgstr "" - -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2090 -msgid "SOCKS5_HOSTNAME" -msgstr "" - -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2096 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2096 msgid "Proxy Username:" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2109 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2109 msgid "Proxy Password:" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2119 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2119 msgid "Network" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2147 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2147 msgid "Write ID3v2" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2151 plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2278 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2151 ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2278 msgid "Write ID3v1" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2155 plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2234 -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2274 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2155 ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2234 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2274 msgid "Write APEv2" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2163 plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2242 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2163 ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2242 msgid "Strip ID3v2" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2167 plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2290 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2167 ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2290 msgid "Strip ID3v1" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2171 plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2246 -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2286 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2171 ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2246 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2286 msgid "Strip APEv2" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2179 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2179 msgid "ID3v2 version" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2186 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2186 msgid "2.3 (Recommended)" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2187 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2187 msgid "2.4" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2193 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2193 msgid "ID3v1 character encoding (default is iso8859-1)" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2202 -msgid "MP3" -msgstr "" - -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2230 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2230 msgid "Write ID3v2.4" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2250 -msgid "APE" -msgstr "" - -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2294 -msgid "WavPack" -msgstr "" - -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2299 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2299 msgid "Tag writer" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2330 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2330 msgid "Description:" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2345 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2345 msgid "Author(s):" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2360 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2360 msgid "Email:" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2375 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2375 msgid "Website:" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2406 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2406 msgid "Configure" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2410 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2410 msgid "Plugins" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2754 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2754 msgid "editplaylistdlg" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2881 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2881 msgid "URL:" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2982 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2982 msgid "Group By" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:3036 -msgid "_Cancel" -msgstr "" - -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:3057 -msgid "_OK" -msgstr "" - -#: plugins/gtkui/mainplaylist.c:298 plugins/gtkui/search.c:433 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/mainplaylist.c:298 ../plugins/gtkui/search.c:433 msgid "Artist / Album" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/mainplaylist.c:299 plugins/gtkui/search.c:434 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/mainplaylist.c:299 ../plugins/gtkui/search.c:434 msgid "Track No" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/mainplaylist.c:300 plugins/gtkui/search.c:435 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/mainplaylist.c:300 ../plugins/gtkui/search.c:435 msgid "Title / Track Artist" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/mainplaylist.c:301 plugins/gtkui/search.c:436 -#: plugins/gtkui/trkproperties.c:175 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/mainplaylist.c:301 ../plugins/gtkui/search.c:436 msgid "Duration" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:317 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:316 +msgid "Delete files from disk" +msgstr "" + +#: ../plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:317 msgid "" "Files will be lost. Proceed?\n" "(This dialog can be turned off in GTKUI plugin settings)" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:318 plugins/gtkui/trkproperties.c:56 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:318 ../plugins/gtkui/trkproperties.c:56 msgid "Warning" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:363 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:363 msgid "Add to playback queue" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:368 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:368 msgid "Remove from playback queue" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:376 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:376 msgid "Reload metadata" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:392 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:392 msgid "Remove from disk" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:616 plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:741 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:616 ../plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:741 msgid "Add column" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:646 plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:745 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:646 ../plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:745 msgid "Edit column" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:749 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:749 msgid "Remove column" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:759 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:759 msgid "Group by" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:766 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:766 msgid "None" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:770 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:770 msgid "Artist/Date/Album" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/pluginconf.c:41 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/pluginconf.c:41 msgid "Open file..." msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/pluginconf.c:139 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/pluginconf.c:139 #, c-format msgid "Setup %s" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/prefwin.c:98 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/prefwin.c:98 msgid "Default Audio Device" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/prefwin.c:273 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/prefwin.c:268 msgid "Add" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/prefwin.c:283 -msgid "Apply" -msgstr "" - -#: plugins/gtkui/prefwin.c:288 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/prefwin.c:278 msgid "Global Hotkeys" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/prefwin.c:346 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/prefwin.c:335 msgid "Slot" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/prefwin.c:347 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/prefwin.c:336 msgid "Key combination" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/prefwin.c:393 plugins/gtkui/prefwin.c:582 plugins.c:833 +#. output plugin selection +#: ../plugins/gtkui/prefwin.c:382 ../plugins/gtkui/prefwin.c:571 +#: ../plugins.c:833 msgid "ALSA output plugin" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/progress.c:53 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/progress.c:53 msgid "Initializing..." msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/trkproperties.c:53 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/trkproperties.c:53 msgid "You've modified data for this track." msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/trkproperties.c:55 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/trkproperties.c:55 msgid "Really close the window?" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/trkproperties.c:178 -msgid "Tag Type(s)" +#: ../plugins/gtkui/trkproperties.c:180 +msgid "Yes" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/trkproperties.c:180 -msgid "Embedded Cuesheet" +#: ../plugins/gtkui/trkproperties.c:180 +msgid "No" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/trkproperties.c:244 plugins/gtkui/trkproperties.c:256 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/trkproperties.c:244 ../plugins/gtkui/trkproperties.c:256 msgid "Key" msgstr "" -#: plugins/gtkui/trkproperties.c:245 plugins/gtkui/trkproperties.c:257 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/trkproperties.c:245 ../plugins/gtkui/trkproperties.c:257 msgid "Value" msgstr "" -#: main.c:83 +#: ../main.c:83 #, c-format msgid "Usage: deadbeef [options] [file(s)]\n" msgstr "" -#: main.c:84 +#: ../main.c:84 #, c-format msgid "Options:\n" msgstr "" -#: main.c:85 +#: ../main.c:85 #, c-format msgid " --help or -h Print help (this message) and exit\n" msgstr "" -#: main.c:86 +#: ../main.c:86 #, c-format msgid " --quit Quit player\n" msgstr "" -#: main.c:87 +#: ../main.c:87 #, c-format msgid " --version Print version info and exit\n" msgstr "" -#: main.c:88 +#: ../main.c:88 #, c-format msgid " --play Start playback\n" msgstr "" -#: main.c:89 +#: ../main.c:89 #, c-format msgid " --stop Stop playback\n" msgstr "" -#: main.c:90 +#: ../main.c:90 #, c-format msgid " --pause Pause playback\n" msgstr "" -#: main.c:91 +#: ../main.c:91 #, c-format msgid " --next Next song in playlist\n" msgstr "" -#: main.c:92 +#: ../main.c:92 #, c-format msgid " --prev Previous song in playlist\n" msgstr "" -#: main.c:93 +#: ../main.c:93 #, c-format msgid " --random Random song in playlist\n" msgstr "" -#: main.c:94 +#: ../main.c:94 #, c-format msgid " --queue Append file(s) to existing playlist\n" msgstr "" -#: main.c:95 +#: ../main.c:95 #, c-format msgid " --nowplaying FMT Print formatted track name to stdout\n" msgstr "" -#: main.c:96 +#: ../main.c:96 #, c-format msgid "" " FMT %%-syntax: [a]rtist, [t]itle, al[b]um,\n" @@ -1003,13 +954,15 @@ msgid "" " copy[r]ight, [e]lapsed\n" msgstr "" -#: main.c:99 +#: ../main.c:99 #, c-format msgid "" " e.g.: --nowplaying \"%%a - %%t\" should print \"artist " "- title\"\n" msgstr "" -#: playlist.c:365 playlist.c:2208 +#: ../playlist.c:365 ../playlist.c:2208 msgid "Default" msgstr "" + + diff --git a/po/ b/po/ index d22ddf77..db146b6c 100644 Binary files a/po/ and b/po/ differ diff --git a/po/ru.po b/po/ru.po index 766b9f6a..9914ac33 100644 --- a/po/ru.po +++ b/po/ru.po @@ -1,506 +1,508 @@ -# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. -# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER -# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. -# FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. +# Deadbeef Audio Player +# Copyright (C) 2009-2001 Alexey Yakovenko +# This file is distributed under the same license as the Deadbeef package. +# Dmitriy Simbiriatin , 2010. # msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: 0.4.0\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-05-15 23:25+0200\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-05-15 18:40+0300\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-05-18 19:20+0300\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-05-18 19:06+0300\n" "Last-Translator: Dmitriy Simbiriatin \n" "Language-Team: ru \n" +"Language: ru\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Language: \n" -#: plugins/gtkui/callbacks.c:97 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/callbacks.c:97 msgid "Supported sound formats" msgstr "Поддерживаемые форматы" -#: plugins/gtkui/callbacks.c:108 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/callbacks.c:108 msgid "Other files (*)" msgstr "Другие файлы (*)" -#: plugins/gtkui/callbacks.c:117 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/callbacks.c:117 msgid "Open file(s)..." msgstr "Открыть файл(ы)..." -#: plugins/gtkui/callbacks.c:150 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/callbacks.c:150 msgid "Add file(s) to playlist..." msgstr "Добавить файл(ы) в плейлист..." -#: plugins/gtkui/callbacks.c:182 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/callbacks.c:182 msgid "Add folder(s) to playlist..." msgstr "Добавить каталог(и) в плейлист..." -#: plugins/gtkui/callbacks.c:364 -msgid "Save Playlist As" -msgstr "Сохранить плейлист как ..." - -#: plugins/gtkui/callbacks.c:371 plugins/gtkui/gtkui.c:532 -msgid "DeaDBeeF playlist files (*.dbpl)" -msgstr "Файлы плейлистов DeaDBeeF (*.dbpl)" - -#: plugins/gtkui/callbacks.c:694 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/callbacks.c:640 msgid "Failed while reading help file" msgstr "Не удалось прочитать файл справки" -#: plugins/gtkui/callbacks.c:704 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/callbacks.c:650 msgid "Failed to load help file" msgstr "Не удалось загрузить файл справки" -#: plugins/gtkui/ddbtabstrip.c:527 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/callbacks.c:664 ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1105 +msgid "Help" +msgstr "Справка" + +#: ../plugins/gtkui/callbacks.c:674 +#, c-format +msgid "About DeaDBeeF %s" +msgstr "О программе DeaDBeeF %s" + +#: ../plugins/gtkui/callbacks.c:685 +#, c-format +msgid "DeaDBeeF %s ChangeLog" +msgstr "Изменения в DeaDBeeF %s" + +#: ../plugins/gtkui/ddbtabstrip.c:527 msgid "Edit playlist" msgstr "Редактировать плейлист" -#: plugins/gtkui/ddbtabstrip.c:604 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/ddbtabstrip.c:604 msgid "Rename Playlist" msgstr "Переименовать плейлист" -#: plugins/gtkui/ddbtabstrip.c:608 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/ddbtabstrip.c:608 msgid "Remove Playlist" msgstr "Удалить плейлист" -#: plugins/gtkui/ddbtabstrip.c:612 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/ddbtabstrip.c:612 msgid "Add New Playlist" msgstr "Добавить новый плейлист" -#: plugins/gtkui/eq.c:113 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/eq.c:113 msgid "Save DeaDBeeF EQ Preset" -msgstr "Сохранить DeaDBeeF EQ Preset" +msgstr "Сохранить предустановку эквалайзера DeaDBeeF" -#: plugins/gtkui/eq.c:120 -#, fuzzy +#: ../plugins/gtkui/eq.c:120 msgid "DeaDBeeF EQ preset files (*.ddbeq)" -msgstr "DeaDBeeF preset files (*.ddbeq)" +msgstr "Файлы предустановок DeaDBeeF (*.ddbeq)" -#: plugins/gtkui/eq.c:151 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/eq.c:151 msgid "Load DeaDBeeF EQ Preset..." -msgstr "Загрузить DeaDBeeF EQ Preset..." +msgstr "Загрузить предустановку эквалайзера DeaDBeeF..." -#: plugins/gtkui/eq.c:155 -#, fuzzy +#: ../plugins/gtkui/eq.c:155 msgid "DeaDBeeF EQ presets (*.ddbeq)" -msgstr "DeaDBeeF EQ presets (*.ddbeq)" +msgstr "Предустановки эквалайзера DeaDBeeF (*.ddbeq)" -#: plugins/gtkui/eq.c:214 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/eq.c:214 msgid "Import Foobar2000 EQ Preset..." -msgstr "Импортировать Foobar2000 EQ Preset..." +msgstr "Импортировать предустановку эквалайзера Foobar2000..." -#: plugins/gtkui/eq.c:218 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/eq.c:218 msgid "Foobar2000 EQ presets (*.feq)" -msgstr "Foobar2000 EQ presets (*.feq)" +msgstr "Предустановки эквалайзера Foobar2000 (*.feq)" -#: plugins/gtkui/eq.c:292 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/eq.c:292 msgid "Enable" msgstr "Включить" -#: plugins/gtkui/eq.c:299 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/eq.c:299 msgid "Zero All" msgstr "Обнулить все" -#: plugins/gtkui/eq.c:306 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/eq.c:306 msgid "Zero Preamp" msgstr "Обнулить предусиление " -#: plugins/gtkui/eq.c:313 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/eq.c:313 msgid "Zero Bands" msgstr "Обнулить частоты" -#: plugins/gtkui/eq.c:320 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/eq.c:320 msgid "Save Preset" msgstr "Сохранить" -#: plugins/gtkui/eq.c:327 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/eq.c:327 msgid "Load Preset" msgstr "Загрузить" -#: plugins/gtkui/eq.c:334 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/eq.c:334 msgid "Import Foobar2000 Preset" -msgstr "Импортировать Foobar2000 Preset" +msgstr "Импортировать предустановку Foobar2000" -#: plugins/gtkui/gtkui.c:128 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/gtkui.c:128 #, c-format msgid "1 day %d:%02d:%02d" msgstr "1 день %d:%02d:%02d" -#: plugins/gtkui/gtkui.c:131 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/gtkui.c:131 #, c-format msgid "%d days %d:%02d:%02d" msgstr "%d дней %d:%02d:%02d" -#: plugins/gtkui/gtkui.c:140 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/gtkui.c:140 #, c-format msgid "Stopped | %d tracks | %s total playtime" -msgstr "Стоп | %d дорожек | %s общее время" +msgstr "Стоп | %d композиций | %s общее время" -#: plugins/gtkui/gtkui.c:150 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/gtkui.c:150 msgid "Mono" msgstr "Моно" -#: plugins/gtkui/gtkui.c:150 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/gtkui.c:150 msgid "Stereo" msgstr "Стерео" -#: plugins/gtkui/gtkui.c:170 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/gtkui.c:170 #, c-format msgid "| %4d kbps " msgstr "| %4d Кбит/с" -#: plugins/gtkui/gtkui.c:177 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/gtkui.c:176 +msgid "Paused | " +msgstr "Пауза | " + +#: ../plugins/gtkui/gtkui.c:177 #, c-format msgid "" "%s%s %s| %dHz | %d bit | %s | %d:%02d / %s | %d tracks | %s total playtime" msgstr "" -"%s%s %s| %dГц | %d бит | %s | %d:%02d / %s | %d дорожек | %s общее время" +"%s%s %s| %dГц | %d бит | %s | %d:%02d / %s | %d композиций | %s общее время" + +#: ../plugins/gtkui/gtkui.c:533 +msgid "Save Playlist As" +msgstr "Сохранить плейлист как ..." -#: plugins/gtkui/gtkui.c:528 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/gtkui.c:542 ../plugins/gtkui/gtkui.c:603 +msgid "DeaDBeeF playlist files (*.dbpl)" +msgstr "Файлы плейлистов DeaDBeeF (*.dbpl)" + +#: ../plugins/gtkui/gtkui.c:596 msgid "Load Playlist" msgstr "Загрузить плейлист" -#: plugins/gtkui/gtkui.c:663 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/gtkui.c:741 msgid "New Playlist" msgstr "Новый плейлист" -#: plugins/gtkui/gtkui.c:666 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/gtkui.c:744 #, c-format msgid "New Playlist (%d)" msgstr "Новый плейлист (%d)" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:129 -msgid "DeaDBeeF" -msgstr "" - -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:140 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:140 msgid "_File" msgstr "_Файл" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:147 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:147 msgid "_Open file(s)" msgstr "_Открыть файл(ы)" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:163 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:163 msgid "Add file(s)" msgstr "Добавить файл(ы)" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:171 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:171 msgid "Add folder(s)" msgstr "Добавить каталог(и)" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:179 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:179 msgid "Add Audio CD" msgstr "Добавить аудио CD" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:187 plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2870 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:187 ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2870 msgid "Add location" -msgstr "Добавить месторасположение" +msgstr "Добавить расположение" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:196 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:196 msgid "New playlist" msgstr "Новый плейлист" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:203 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:203 msgid "Load playlist" msgstr "Загрузить плейлист" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:207 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:207 msgid "Save playlist" msgstr "Сохранить плейлист" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:211 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:211 msgid "Save playlist as" msgstr "Сохранить плейлист как" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:220 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:220 msgid "_Quit" msgstr "_Выход" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:231 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:231 msgid "_Edit" msgstr "_Правка" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:238 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:238 msgid "_Clear" msgstr "_Очистить" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:246 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:246 msgid "Select all" msgstr "Выделить всё" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:253 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:253 msgid "Deselect all" msgstr "Снять выделение" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:260 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:260 msgid "Invert selection" msgstr "Обратить выделение" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:264 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:264 msgid "Selection" msgstr "Выделенное" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:271 plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:387 -#: plugins/gtkui/prefwin.c:278 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:271 ../plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:387 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/prefwin.c:273 msgid "Remove" msgstr "Удалить" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:279 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:279 msgid "Crop" msgstr "Удалить невыделенное" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:283 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:283 msgid "_Find" msgstr "_Найти" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:295 plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1706 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:295 ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1706 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Настройки" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:299 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:299 msgid "_View" msgstr "_Вид" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:306 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:306 msgid "Status bar" msgstr "Строка состояния" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:310 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:310 msgid "Column headers" msgstr "Заголовки столбцов" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:314 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:314 msgid "Tabs" msgstr "Вкладки" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:318 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:318 msgid "Equalizer" msgstr "Эквалайзер" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:322 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:322 msgid "_Playback" msgstr "_Воспроизведение" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:329 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:329 msgid "Order" msgstr "Порядок" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:336 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:336 msgid "Linear" msgstr "По порядку" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:342 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:342 msgid "Shuffle" msgstr "Вперемешку" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:348 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:348 msgid "Random" msgstr "Случайно" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:354 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:354 msgid "Looping" msgstr "Повторять" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:361 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:361 msgid "Loop All" msgstr "Все" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:367 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:367 msgid "Loop Single Song" msgstr "Композицию" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:373 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:373 msgid "Don't Loop" msgstr "Не повторять" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:379 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:379 msgid "Scroll follows playback" msgstr "Прокручивать текущую композицию" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:384 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:384 msgid "Cursor follows playback" msgstr "Выделять текущую композицию" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:388 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:388 msgid "Stop after current" msgstr "Остановить после текущей" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:395 plugins/gtkui/interface.c:402 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:395 ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:402 msgid "_Help" msgstr "_Справка" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:410 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:410 msgid "_ChangeLog" msgstr "_Изменения" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:419 -msgid "_GPLv2" -msgstr "" - -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:423 -msgid "_LGPLv2.1" -msgstr "" - -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:432 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:432 msgid "_About" msgstr "_О программе" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:816 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:816 msgid "Search" msgstr "Поиск" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:891 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:891 msgid "Stop" msgstr "Стоп" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:899 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:899 msgid "Play" msgstr "Воспроизвести" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:907 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:907 msgid "Pause" msgstr "Пауза" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:915 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:915 msgid "Previous" msgstr "Предыдущая" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:923 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:923 msgid "Next" msgstr "Следующая" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:931 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:931 msgid "Play Random" -msgstr "Играть" +msgstr "Играть вразброс" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:940 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:940 msgid "About" msgstr "О программе" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:953 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:953 msgid "Quit" msgstr "Выход" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1025 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1025 msgid "Adding files..." msgstr "Добавление файлов..." -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1069 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1069 msgid "_Abort" msgstr "_Отменить" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1105 -msgid "Help" -msgstr "Справка" - -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1170 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1170 msgid "Track Properties" -msgstr "Свойства дорожки" +msgstr "Свойства композиции" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1194 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1194 msgid "" "WARNING: tag writing feature is still in development.\n" "Make backup copies before using." msgstr "" -"Внимание: возможность редактирования тегов находится в разработке.\n" +"Внимание: возможность редактирования тегов находится\n" +"в разработке.\n" "Создавайте резервные копии перед использованием." -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1221 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1221 msgid "_Apply" msgstr "_Применить" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1242 plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1288 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1242 ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1288 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2436 msgid "_Close" msgstr "_Закрыть" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1246 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1246 msgid "Metadata" msgstr "Метаданные" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1292 plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:402 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1292 ../plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:402 msgid "Properties" msgstr "Свойства" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1378 -#, fuzzy +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1378 msgid "editcolumndlg" msgstr "Редактировать столбец" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1393 plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2770 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1393 ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2770 msgid "Title:" -msgstr "Заголовок:" +msgstr "Название:" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1401 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1401 msgid "Enter new column title here" msgstr "Введите название нового столбца" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1409 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1409 msgid "Type:" msgstr "Тип:" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1417 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1417 msgid "File number" msgstr "Номер композиции" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1418 plugins/gtkui/mainplaylist.c:297 +#. create default set of columns +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1418 ../plugins/gtkui/mainplaylist.c:297 msgid "Playing" msgstr "Воспроизводится" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1419 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1419 msgid "Album Art" msgstr "Обложка альбома" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1420 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1420 msgid "Artist - Album" msgstr "Исполнитель - Альбом" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1421 plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:774 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1421 ../plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:774 msgid "Artist" msgstr "Исполнитель" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1422 plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1795 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1422 ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1795 msgid "Album" msgstr "Альбом" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1423 plugins/gtkui/prefwin.c:502 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1423 ../plugins/gtkui/prefwin.c:491 msgid "Title" -msgstr "Заголовок" +msgstr "Название" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1424 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1424 msgid "Length" -msgstr "Длинна" +msgstr "Длина" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1425 plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1794 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1425 ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1794 msgid "Track" -msgstr "Дорожка" +msgstr "Композиция" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1426 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1426 msgid "Band / Album Artist" msgstr "Группа / Исполнитель" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1427 plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:778 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1427 ../plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:778 msgid "Custom" msgstr "Пользовательский" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1433 plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2997 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1433 ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2997 msgid "Format:" msgstr "Формат:" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1448 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1448 msgid "Alignment:" msgstr "Выравнивание:" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1456 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1456 msgid "Left" msgstr "По левому краю" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1457 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1457 msgid "Right" msgstr "По правому краю" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1459 plugins/gtkui/interface.c:3007 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1459 ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:3007 msgid "" "Format conversions (start with %):\n" " [a]rtist, [t]itle, al[b]um, [B]and,\n" @@ -509,545 +511,490 @@ msgid "" " copy[r]ight, [f]ilename, [T]ags\n" "Example: %a - %t [%l]" msgstr "" -"Формат преобразования (start with %):\n" +"Формат преобразования (начинается с %):\n" " [a]rtist, [t]itle, al[b]um, [B]and,\n" " track[n]umber, [N]totaltracks,\n" " [l]ength, [y]ear, [g]enre, [c]omment,\n" " copy[r]ight, [f]ilename, [T]ags\n" "Пример: %a - %t [%l]" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1726 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1488 ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2801 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2913 ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:3036 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "_Отмена" + +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1509 ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2822 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2934 ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:3057 +msgid "_OK" +msgstr "_ОК" + +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1726 msgid "Output plugin:" msgstr "Модуль вывода:" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1739 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1739 msgid "Output device:" msgstr "Устройство вывода:" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1748 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1748 msgid "Sound" msgstr "Звук" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1757 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1757 msgid "Allow dynamic samplerate switching" msgstr "Разрешить преобразование частоты дискретизации" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1765 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1765 msgid "Samplerate conversion quality:" msgstr "Алгоритм интерполяции:" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1774 -msgid "sinc_best_quality" -msgstr "" - -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1775 -msgid "sinc_medium_quality" -msgstr "" - -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1776 -msgid "sinc_fastest" -msgstr "" - -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1777 -msgid "zero_order_hold" -msgstr "" - -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1778 -#, fuzzy -msgid "linear" -msgstr "По порядку" - -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1784 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1784 msgid "Replaygain mode:" msgstr "Режим автовыравнивания громкости:" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1793 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1793 msgid "Disable" -msgstr "Отключено" +msgstr "Отключён" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1797 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1797 msgid "Replaygain peak scale" msgstr "Использовать пиковое значение" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1801 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1801 msgid "Sound (adv.)" msgstr "Звук (прод.)" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1810 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1810 msgid "Close minimizes to tray" msgstr "Сворачивать в трей при закрытии" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1814 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1814 msgid "Middle mouse button closes playlist" msgstr "Средняя кнопка мыши закрывает плейлист" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1827 plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1871 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1827 ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1871 msgid "Override" msgstr "Заменить" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1836 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1836 msgid "Foreground" msgstr "Передний план" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1843 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1843 msgid "Background" msgstr "Фон" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1862 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1862 msgid "Seekbar/Volumebar colors" msgstr "Полоса проигрывания/Регулятор громкости" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1880 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1880 msgid "Middle" msgstr "Средний" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1887 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1887 msgid "Light" msgstr "Светлый" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1894 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1894 msgid "Dark" msgstr "Тёмный" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1925 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1925 msgid "Base" msgstr "Базовый" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1932 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1932 msgid "Tab strip colors" msgstr "Вкладки" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1941 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1941 msgid "Override (looses GTK treeview theming, but speeds up rendering)" msgstr "" "Заменить (теряются настройки GTK темы, но увеличивается скорость " "визуализации)" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1950 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1950 msgid "Even row" msgstr "" "Чётная \n" " строка" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1957 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1957 msgid "Odd row" msgstr "" "Нечётная \n" " строка" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1976 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1976 msgid "Text" msgstr "Текст" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1983 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:1983 msgid "Selected row" msgstr "" "Выделенная \n" " строка" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2002 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2002 msgid "Selected text" msgstr "" "Выделенный \n" " текст" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2015 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2015 msgid "Cursor" msgstr "Указатель" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2028 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2028 msgid "Playlist colors" msgstr "Плейлист" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2032 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2032 msgid "GUI" msgstr "Интерфейс" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2041 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2041 msgid "Enable Proxy Server" msgstr "Включить прокси-сервер" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2049 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2049 msgid "Proxy Server Address:" msgstr "Адрес:" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2063 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2063 msgid "Proxy Server Port:" msgstr "Порт:" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2077 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2077 msgid "Proxy Type:" msgstr "Тип прокси:" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2085 -msgid "HTTP" -msgstr "" - -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2086 -msgid "HTTP_1_0" -msgstr "" - -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2087 -msgid "SOCKS4" -msgstr "" - -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2088 -msgid "SOCKS5" -msgstr "" - -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2089 -msgid "SOCKS4A" -msgstr "" - -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2090 -msgid "SOCKS5_HOSTNAME" -msgstr "" - -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2096 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2096 msgid "Proxy Username:" msgstr "Имя пользователя:" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2109 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2109 msgid "Proxy Password:" msgstr "Пароль:" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2119 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2119 msgid "Network" msgstr "Сеть" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2147 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2147 msgid "Write ID3v2" msgstr "Писать ID3v2" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2151 plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2278 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2151 ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2278 msgid "Write ID3v1" msgstr "Писать ID3v1" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2155 plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2234 -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2274 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2155 ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2234 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2274 msgid "Write APEv2" msgstr "Писать APEv2" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2163 plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2242 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2163 ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2242 msgid "Strip ID3v2" msgstr "Вырезать ID3v2" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2167 plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2290 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2167 ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2290 msgid "Strip ID3v1" msgstr "Вырезать ID3v1" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2171 plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2246 -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2286 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2171 ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2246 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2286 msgid "Strip APEv2" msgstr "Вырезать APEv2" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2179 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2179 msgid "ID3v2 version" msgstr "Версия ID3v2" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2186 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2186 msgid "2.3 (Recommended)" msgstr "2.3 (Рекомендуемая)" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2187 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2187 msgid "2.4" -msgstr "" +msgstr "2.4" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2193 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2193 msgid "ID3v1 character encoding (default is iso8859-1)" msgstr "Кодировка ID3v1 (по умолчанию iso8859-1)" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2202 -msgid "MP3" -msgstr "" - -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2230 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2230 msgid "Write ID3v2.4" msgstr "Писать ID3v2.4" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2250 -msgid "APE" -msgstr "" - -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2294 -msgid "WavPack" -msgstr "" - -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2299 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2299 msgid "Tag writer" -msgstr "Теги" +msgstr "Редактор тегов" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2330 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2330 msgid "Description:" msgstr "Описание:" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2345 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2345 msgid "Author(s):" msgstr "Автор(ы):" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2360 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2360 msgid "Email:" msgstr "Электронный адрес:" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2375 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2375 msgid "Website:" msgstr "Веб-сайт:" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2406 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2406 msgid "Configure" msgstr "Настроить" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2410 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2410 msgid "Plugins" msgstr "Расширения" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2754 -#, fuzzy +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2754 msgid "editplaylistdlg" msgstr "Редактировать плейлист" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2881 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2881 msgid "URL:" -msgstr "Ссылка:" +msgstr "Адрес:" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2982 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/interface.c:2982 msgid "Group By" msgstr "Группировать по" -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:3036 -msgid "_Cancel" -msgstr "_Отмена" - -#: plugins/gtkui/interface.c:3057 -msgid "_OK" -msgstr "_ОК" - -#: plugins/gtkui/mainplaylist.c:298 plugins/gtkui/search.c:433 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/mainplaylist.c:298 ../plugins/gtkui/search.c:433 msgid "Artist / Album" msgstr "Исполнитель / Альбом" -#: plugins/gtkui/mainplaylist.c:299 plugins/gtkui/search.c:434 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/mainplaylist.c:299 ../plugins/gtkui/search.c:434 msgid "Track No" msgstr "№" -#: plugins/gtkui/mainplaylist.c:300 plugins/gtkui/search.c:435 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/mainplaylist.c:300 ../plugins/gtkui/search.c:435 msgid "Title / Track Artist" msgstr "Заголовок / Исполнитель" -#: plugins/gtkui/mainplaylist.c:301 plugins/gtkui/search.c:436 -#: plugins/gtkui/trkproperties.c:175 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/mainplaylist.c:301 ../plugins/gtkui/search.c:436 msgid "Duration" msgstr "Продолжительность" -#: plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:317 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:316 +msgid "Delete files from disk" +msgstr "Удалить файлы с жёсткого диска" + +#: ../plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:317 msgid "" "Files will be lost. Proceed?\n" "(This dialog can be turned off in GTKUI plugin settings)" msgstr "" -"Файл будут потеряны. Продолжить?\n" +"Файлы будут потеряны. Продолжить?\n" "(Этот диалог может быть отключён в настройках расширения GTKUI)" -#: plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:318 plugins/gtkui/trkproperties.c:56 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:318 ../plugins/gtkui/trkproperties.c:56 msgid "Warning" msgstr "Предупреждение" -#: plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:363 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:363 msgid "Add to playback queue" msgstr "Добавить в очередь" -#: plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:368 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:368 msgid "Remove from playback queue" msgstr "Удалить из очереди" -#: plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:376 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:376 msgid "Reload metadata" msgstr "Обновить метаданные" -#: plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:392 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:392 msgid "Remove from disk" msgstr "Удалить с жёсткого диска" -#: plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:616 plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:741 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:616 ../plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:741 msgid "Add column" msgstr "Добавить столбец" -#: plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:646 plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:745 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:646 ../plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:745 msgid "Edit column" msgstr "Редактировать столбец" -#: plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:749 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:749 msgid "Remove column" msgstr "Удалить столбец" -#: plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:759 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:759 msgid "Group by" msgstr "Группировать по" -#: plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:766 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:766 msgid "None" msgstr "Отсутствует" -#: plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:770 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/plcommon.c:770 msgid "Artist/Date/Album" msgstr "Исполнитель/Дата/Альбом" -#: plugins/gtkui/pluginconf.c:41 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/pluginconf.c:41 msgid "Open file..." msgstr "Открыть файл..." -#: plugins/gtkui/pluginconf.c:139 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/pluginconf.c:139 #, c-format msgid "Setup %s" msgstr "Настройки %s" -#: plugins/gtkui/prefwin.c:98 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/prefwin.c:98 msgid "Default Audio Device" msgstr "Аудио устройство по умолчанию" -#: plugins/gtkui/prefwin.c:273 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/prefwin.c:268 msgid "Add" msgstr "Добавить" -#: plugins/gtkui/prefwin.c:283 -msgid "Apply" -msgstr "Применить" - -#: plugins/gtkui/prefwin.c:288 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/prefwin.c:278 msgid "Global Hotkeys" msgstr "Горячие клавиши" -#: plugins/gtkui/prefwin.c:346 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/prefwin.c:335 msgid "Slot" msgstr "Слот" -#: plugins/gtkui/prefwin.c:347 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/prefwin.c:336 msgid "Key combination" msgstr "Комбинация клавиш" -#: plugins/gtkui/prefwin.c:393 plugins/gtkui/prefwin.c:582 plugins.c:833 +#. output plugin selection +#: ../plugins/gtkui/prefwin.c:382 ../plugins/gtkui/prefwin.c:571 +#: ../plugins.c:833 msgid "ALSA output plugin" msgstr "Модуль вывода ALSA" -#: plugins/gtkui/progress.c:53 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/progress.c:53 msgid "Initializing..." msgstr "Загрузка..." -#: plugins/gtkui/trkproperties.c:53 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/trkproperties.c:53 msgid "You've modified data for this track." -msgstr "Данные для этой дорожки были изменены." +msgstr "Данные для этой композиции были изменены." -#: plugins/gtkui/trkproperties.c:55 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/trkproperties.c:55 msgid "Really close the window?" msgstr "Закрыть окно?" -#: plugins/gtkui/trkproperties.c:178 -msgid "Tag Type(s)" -msgstr "" +#: ../plugins/gtkui/trkproperties.c:180 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Да" -#: plugins/gtkui/trkproperties.c:180 -msgid "Embedded Cuesheet" -msgstr "" +#: ../plugins/gtkui/trkproperties.c:180 +msgid "No" +msgstr "Нет" -#: plugins/gtkui/trkproperties.c:244 plugins/gtkui/trkproperties.c:256 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/trkproperties.c:244 ../plugins/gtkui/trkproperties.c:256 msgid "Key" msgstr "Ключ" -#: plugins/gtkui/trkproperties.c:245 plugins/gtkui/trkproperties.c:257 +#: ../plugins/gtkui/trkproperties.c:245 ../plugins/gtkui/trkproperties.c:257 msgid "Value" msgstr "Значение" -#: main.c:83 +#: ../main.c:83 #, c-format msgid "Usage: deadbeef [options] [file(s)]\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Использование: deadbeef [опции] [файл(ы)]\n" -#: main.c:84 +#: ../main.c:84 #, c-format msgid "Options:\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Опции:\n" -#: main.c:85 +#: ../main.c:85 #, c-format msgid " --help or -h Print help (this message) and exit\n" msgstr "" +" --help или -h Вывести на экран справку (это сообщение) и выйти\n" -#: main.c:86 +#: ../main.c:86 #, c-format msgid " --quit Quit player\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr " --quit Выйти из плеера\n" -#: main.c:87 +#: ../main.c:87 #, c-format msgid " --version Print version info and exit\n" msgstr "" +" --version Вывести на экран информацию о версии программы и " +"выйти\n" -#: main.c:88 +#: ../main.c:88 #, c-format msgid " --play Start playback\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr " --play Начать воспроизведение\n" -#: main.c:89 +#: ../main.c:89 #, c-format msgid " --stop Stop playback\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr " --stop Остановить воспроизведение\n" -#: main.c:90 +#: ../main.c:90 #, c-format msgid " --pause Pause playback\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr " --pause Приостановить воспроизведение\n" -#: main.c:91 +#: ../main.c:91 #, c-format msgid " --next Next song in playlist\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr " --next Следующая песня в плейлисте\n" -#: main.c:92 +#: ../main.c:92 #, c-format msgid " --prev Previous song in playlist\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr " --prev Предыдущая песня в плейлисте\n" -#: main.c:93 +#: ../main.c:93 #, c-format msgid " --random Random song in playlist\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr " --random Воспроизведение случайной песни в плейлисте\n" -#: main.c:94 +#: ../main.c:94 #, c-format msgid " --queue Append file(s) to existing playlist\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr " --queue Добавить файл(ы) в существующий плейлист\n" -#: main.c:95 +#: ../main.c:95 #, c-format msgid " --nowplaying FMT Print formatted track name to stdout\n" msgstr "" +" --nowplaying ФМТ Вывести на экран форматированное название композиции\n" -#: main.c:96 +#: ../main.c:96 #, c-format msgid "" " FMT %%-syntax: [a]rtist, [t]itle, al[b]um,\n" " [l]ength, track[n]umber, [y]ear, [c]omment,\n" " copy[r]ight, [e]lapsed\n" msgstr "" +" Формат %%-синтаксис: [a]rtist, [t]itle, al[b]um,\n" +" [l]ength, track[n]umber, [y]ear, [c]omment,\n" +" copy[r]ight, [e]lapsed\n" -#: main.c:99 +#: ../main.c:99 #, c-format msgid "" " e.g.: --nowplaying \"%%a - %%t\" should print \"artist " "- title\"\n" msgstr "" +" Например: --nowplaying \"%%a - %%t\" должна вывести " +"на экран \"artist - title\"\n" -#: playlist.c:365 playlist.c:2208 +#: ../playlist.c:365 ../playlist.c:2208 msgid "Default" msgstr "Плейлист" -#~ msgid "Paused | " -#~ msgstr "Пауза | " - -#~ msgid "Delete files from disk" -#~ msgstr "Удалить файлы с жёсткого диска" - -#~ msgid "Yes" -#~ msgstr "Да" - -#~ msgid "No" -#~ msgstr "Нет" +#~ msgid "Apply" +#~ msgstr "Применить" -- cgit v1.2.3