path: root/plugins/ao/eng_psf/peops2/externals.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/ao/eng_psf/peops2/externals.h')
1 files changed, 303 insertions, 371 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/ao/eng_psf/peops2/externals.h b/plugins/ao/eng_psf/peops2/externals.h
index c916af67..67958149 100644
--- a/plugins/ao/eng_psf/peops2/externals.h
+++ b/plugins/ao/eng_psf/peops2/externals.h
@@ -1,375 +1,307 @@
- externals.h - description
- -------------------
- begin : Wed May 15 2002
- copyright : (C) 2002 by Pete Bernert
- email :
- ***************************************************************************/
- * *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
- * (at your option) any later version. See also the license.txt file for *
- * additional informations. *
- * *
- ***************************************************************************/
-// History of changes:
-// 2004/04/04 - Pete
-// - changed plugin to emulate PS2 spu
-// 2002/04/04 - Pete
-// - increased channel struct for interpolation
-// 2002/05/15 - Pete
-// - generic cleanup for the Peops release
-#include "ao.h"
-//#if LSB_FIRST
-//static INLINE u16 BFLIP16(u16 x)
-// return x;
-//static INLINE u16 BFLIP16(u16 x)
-// return( ((x>>8)&0xFF)| ((x&0xFF)<<8) );
-// generic defines
-//#define PSE_LT_SPU 4
-//#define PSE_SPU_ERR_SUCCESS 0
-//#define PSE_SPU_ERR -60
-#ifndef max
-#define max(a,b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
-#define min(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
-// spu defines
-// sound buffer sizes
-// 400 ms complete sound buffer
+ externals.h - description
+ -------------------
+ begin : Wed May 15 2002
+ copyright : (C) 2002 by Pete Bernert
+ email :
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. See also the license.txt file for *
+ * additional informations. *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+// History of changes:
+// 2004/04/04 - Pete
+// - changed plugin to emulate PS2 spu
+// 2002/04/04 - Pete
+// - increased channel struct for interpolation
+// 2002/05/15 - Pete
+// - generic cleanup for the Peops release
+#include "ao.h"
+//#if LSB_FIRST
+//static INLINE u16 BFLIP16(u16 x)
+// return x;
+//static INLINE u16 BFLIP16(u16 x)
+// return( ((x>>8)&0xFF)| ((x&0xFF)<<8) );
+// generic defines
+//#define PSE_LT_SPU 4
+//#define PSE_SPU_ERR_SUCCESS 0
+//#define PSE_SPU_ERR -60
+#ifndef max
+#define max(a,b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
+#define min(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
+// spu defines
+// sound buffer sizes
+// 400 ms complete sound buffer
#define SOUNDSIZE 76800
-// 137 ms test buffer... if less than that is buffered, a new upload will happen
+// 137 ms test buffer... if less than that is buffered, a new upload will happen
#define TESTSIZE 26304
-// num of channels
-#define MAXCHAN 48
-#define HLFCHAN 24
-// ~ 1 ms of data (was 45)
+// num of channels
+#define MAXCHAN 48
+#define HLFCHAN 24
+// ~ 1 ms of data (was 45)
#define NSSIZE 1
-// struct defines
-typedef struct
- int AttackModeExp;
- long AttackTime;
- long DecayTime;
- long SustainLevel;
- int SustainModeExp;
- long SustainModeDec;
- long SustainTime;
- int ReleaseModeExp;
- unsigned long ReleaseVal;
- long ReleaseTime;
- long ReleaseStartTime;
- long ReleaseVol;
- long lTime;
- long lVolume;
-} ADSRInfo;
-typedef struct
- int State;
- int AttackModeExp;
- int AttackRate;
- int DecayRate;
- int SustainLevel;
- int SustainModeExp;
- int SustainIncrease;
- int SustainRate;
- int ReleaseModeExp;
- int ReleaseRate;
- int EnvelopeVol;
- long lVolume;
- long lDummy1;
- long lDummy2;
-} ADSRInfoEx;
-// Tmp Flags
-// used for debug channel muting
-#define FLAG_MUTE 1
-// used for simple interpolation
-#define FLAG_IPOL0 2
-#define FLAG_IPOL1 4
-typedef struct
- // no mutexes used anymore... don't need them to sync access
- //HANDLE hMutex;
- int bNew; // start flag
- int iSBPos; // mixing stuff
- int spos;
- int sinc;
- int SB[32+32]; // Pete added another 32 dwords in 1.6 ... prevents overflow issues with gaussian/cubic interpolation (thanx xodnizel!), and can be used for even better interpolations, eh? :)
- int sval;
- unsigned char * pStart; // start ptr into sound mem
- unsigned char * pCurr; // current pos in sound mem
- unsigned char * pLoop; // loop ptr in sound mem
- int iStartAdr;
- int iLoopAdr;
- int iNextAdr;
- int bOn; // is channel active (sample playing?)
- int bStop; // is channel stopped (sample _can_ still be playing, ADSR Release phase)
- int bEndPoint; // end point reached
- int bReverbL; // can we do reverb on this channel? must have ctrl register bit, to get active
- int bReverbR;
- int bVolumeL; // Volume on/off
- int bVolumeR;
- int iActFreq; // current psx pitch
- int iUsedFreq; // current pc pitch
- int iLeftVolume; // left volume
- int iLeftVolRaw; // left psx volume value
- int bIgnoreLoop; // ignore loop bit, if an external loop address is used
- int iMute; // mute mode
- int iRightVolume; // right volume
- int iRightVolRaw; // right psx volume value
- int iRawPitch; // raw pitch (0...3fff)
- int iIrqDone; // debug irq done flag
- int s_1; // last decoding infos
- int s_2;
- int bRVBActive; // reverb active flag
- int bNoise; // noise active flag
- int bFMod; // freq mod (0=off, 1=sound channel, 2=freq channel)
- int iOldNoise; // old noise val for this channel
- ADSRInfo ADSR; // active ADSR settings
- ADSRInfoEx ADSRX; // next ADSR settings (will be moved to active on sample start)
-typedef struct
- int StartAddr; // reverb area start addr in samples
- int EndAddr; // reverb area end addr in samples
- int CurrAddr; // reverb area curr addr in samples
- int VolLeft;
- int VolRight;
- int iLastRVBLeft;
- int iLastRVBRight;
- int iRVBLeft;
- int iRVBRight;
- int iCnt;
- int FB_SRC_A; // (offset)
- int FB_SRC_B; // (offset)
- int IIR_ALPHA; // (coef.)
- int ACC_COEF_A; // (coef.)
- int ACC_COEF_B; // (coef.)
- int ACC_COEF_C; // (coef.)
- int ACC_COEF_D; // (coef.)
- int IIR_COEF; // (coef.)
- int FB_ALPHA; // (coef.)
- int FB_X; // (coef.)
- int IIR_DEST_A0; // (offset)
- int IIR_DEST_A1; // (offset)
- int ACC_SRC_A0; // (offset)
- int ACC_SRC_A1; // (offset)
- int ACC_SRC_B0; // (offset)
- int ACC_SRC_B1; // (offset)
- int IIR_SRC_A0; // (offset)
- int IIR_SRC_A1; // (offset)
- int IIR_DEST_B0; // (offset)
- int IIR_DEST_B1; // (offset)
- int ACC_SRC_C0; // (offset)
- int ACC_SRC_C1; // (offset)
- int ACC_SRC_D0; // (offset)
- int ACC_SRC_D1; // (offset)
- int IIR_SRC_B1; // (offset)
- int IIR_SRC_B0; // (offset)
- int MIX_DEST_A0; // (offset)
- int MIX_DEST_A1; // (offset)
- int MIX_DEST_B0; // (offset)
- int MIX_DEST_B1; // (offset)
- int IN_COEF_L; // (coef.)
- int IN_COEF_R; // (coef.)
-} REVERBInfo;
-#ifdef _WINDOWS
-//extern HINSTANCE hInst;
-//#define WM_MUTE (WM_USER+543)
-// SPU.C globals
-#ifndef _IN_SPU
-// psx buffers / addresses
-extern unsigned short regArea[];
-extern unsigned short spuMem[];
-extern unsigned char * spuMemC;
-extern unsigned char * pSpuIrq[];
-extern unsigned char * pSpuBuffer;
-// user settings
-extern int iUseXA;
-extern int iVolume;
-extern int iXAPitch;
-extern int iUseTimer;
-extern int iSPUIRQWait;
-extern int iDebugMode;
-extern int iRecordMode;
-extern int iUseReverb;
-extern int iUseInterpolation;
-extern int iDisStereo;
-// MISC
-extern SPUCHAN s_chan[];
-extern REVERBInfo rvb[];
-extern unsigned long dwNoiseVal;
-extern unsigned short spuCtrl2[];
-extern unsigned short spuStat2[];
-extern unsigned long spuIrq2[];
-extern unsigned long spuAddr2[];
-extern unsigned long spuRvbAddr2[];
-extern unsigned long spuRvbAEnd2[];
-extern int bEndThread;
-extern int bThreadEnded;
-extern int bSpuInit;
-extern int SSumR[];
-extern int SSumL[];
-extern int iCycle;
-extern short * pS;
-extern unsigned long dwNewChannel2[];
-extern unsigned long dwEndChannel2[];
-extern int iSpuAsyncWait;
-#ifdef _WINDOWS
-//extern HWND hWMain; // window handle
-//extern HWND hWDebug;
-extern void (CALLBACK *cddavCallback)(unsigned short,unsigned short);
-// CFG.C globals
-#ifndef _IN_CFG
-#ifndef _WINDOWS
-extern char * pConfigFile;
-// DSOUND.C globals
-#ifndef _IN_DSOUND
-#ifdef _WINDOWS
-extern unsigned long LastWrite;
-extern unsigned long LastPlay;
-// RECORD.C globals
-#ifndef _IN_RECORD
-#ifdef _WINDOWS
-extern int iDoRecord;
-// XA.C globals
-#ifndef _IN_XA
-extern xa_decode_t * xapGlobal;
-extern unsigned long * XAFeed;
-extern unsigned long * XAPlay;
-extern unsigned long * XAStart;
-extern unsigned long * XAEnd;
-extern unsigned long XARepeat;
-extern unsigned long XALastVal;
-extern int iLeftXAVol;
-extern int iRightXAVol;
-// REVERB.C globals
-#ifndef _IN_REVERB
-extern int * sRVBPlay[];
-extern int * sRVBEnd[];
-extern int * sRVBStart[];
+// struct defines
+typedef struct
+ int AttackModeExp;
+ long AttackTime;
+ long DecayTime;
+ long SustainLevel;
+ int SustainModeExp;
+ long SustainModeDec;
+ long SustainTime;
+ int ReleaseModeExp;
+ unsigned long ReleaseVal;
+ long ReleaseTime;
+ long ReleaseStartTime;
+ long ReleaseVol;
+ long lTime;
+ long lVolume;
+} ADSRInfo;
+typedef struct
+ int State;
+ int AttackModeExp;
+ int AttackRate;
+ int DecayRate;
+ int SustainLevel;
+ int SustainModeExp;
+ int SustainIncrease;
+ int SustainRate;
+ int ReleaseModeExp;
+ int ReleaseRate;
+ int EnvelopeVol;
+ long lVolume;
+ long lDummy1;
+ long lDummy2;
+} ADSRInfoEx;
+// Tmp Flags
+// used for debug channel muting
+#define FLAG_MUTE 1
+// used for simple interpolation
+#define FLAG_IPOL0 2
+#define FLAG_IPOL1 4
+typedef struct
+ // no mutexes used anymore... don't need them to sync access
+ //HANDLE hMutex;
+ int bNew; // start flag
+ int iSBPos; // mixing stuff
+ int spos;
+ int sinc;
+ int SB[32+32]; // Pete added another 32 dwords in 1.6 ... prevents overflow issues with gaussian/cubic interpolation (thanx xodnizel!), and can be used for even better interpolations, eh? :)
+ int sval;
+ unsigned char * pStart; // start ptr into sound mem
+ unsigned char * pCurr; // current pos in sound mem
+ unsigned char * pLoop; // loop ptr in sound mem
+ int iStartAdr;
+ int iLoopAdr;
+ int iNextAdr;
+ int bOn; // is channel active (sample playing?)
+ int bStop; // is channel stopped (sample _can_ still be playing, ADSR Release phase)
+ int bEndPoint; // end point reached
+ int bReverbL; // can we do reverb on this channel? must have ctrl register bit, to get active
+ int bReverbR;
+ int bVolumeL; // Volume on/off
+ int bVolumeR;
+ int iActFreq; // current psx pitch
+ int iUsedFreq; // current pc pitch
+ int iLeftVolume; // left volume
+ int iLeftVolRaw; // left psx volume value
+ int bIgnoreLoop; // ignore loop bit, if an external loop address is used
+ int iMute; // mute mode
+ int iRightVolume; // right volume
+ int iRightVolRaw; // right psx volume value
+ int iRawPitch; // raw pitch (0...3fff)
+ int iIrqDone; // debug irq done flag
+ int s_1; // last decoding infos
+ int s_2;
+ int bRVBActive; // reverb active flag
+ int bNoise; // noise active flag
+ int bFMod; // freq mod (0=off, 1=sound channel, 2=freq channel)
+ int iOldNoise; // old noise val for this channel
+ ADSRInfo ADSR; // active ADSR settings
+ ADSRInfoEx ADSRX; // next ADSR settings (will be moved to active on sample start)
+typedef struct
+ int StartAddr; // reverb area start addr in samples
+ int EndAddr; // reverb area end addr in samples
+ int CurrAddr; // reverb area curr addr in samples
+ int VolLeft;
+ int VolRight;
+ int iLastRVBLeft;
+ int iLastRVBRight;
+ int iRVBLeft;
+ int iRVBRight;
+ int iCnt;
+ int FB_SRC_A; // (offset)
+ int FB_SRC_B; // (offset)
+ int IIR_ALPHA; // (coef.)
+ int ACC_COEF_A; // (coef.)
+ int ACC_COEF_B; // (coef.)
+ int ACC_COEF_C; // (coef.)
+ int ACC_COEF_D; // (coef.)
+ int IIR_COEF; // (coef.)
+ int FB_ALPHA; // (coef.)
+ int FB_X; // (coef.)
+ int IIR_DEST_A0; // (offset)
+ int IIR_DEST_A1; // (offset)
+ int ACC_SRC_A0; // (offset)
+ int ACC_SRC_A1; // (offset)
+ int ACC_SRC_B0; // (offset)
+ int ACC_SRC_B1; // (offset)
+ int IIR_SRC_A0; // (offset)
+ int IIR_SRC_A1; // (offset)
+ int IIR_DEST_B0; // (offset)
+ int IIR_DEST_B1; // (offset)
+ int ACC_SRC_C0; // (offset)
+ int ACC_SRC_C1; // (offset)
+ int ACC_SRC_D0; // (offset)
+ int ACC_SRC_D1; // (offset)
+ int IIR_SRC_B1; // (offset)
+ int IIR_SRC_B0; // (offset)
+ int MIX_DEST_A0; // (offset)
+ int MIX_DEST_A1; // (offset)
+ int MIX_DEST_B0; // (offset)
+ int MIX_DEST_B1; // (offset)
+ int IN_COEF_L; // (coef.)
+ int IN_COEF_R; // (coef.)
+} REVERBInfo;
+#ifdef _WINDOWS
+//extern HINSTANCE hInst;
+//#define WM_MUTE (WM_USER+543)
+// SPU.C globals
+// CFG.C globals
+#ifndef _IN_CFG
+#ifndef _WINDOWS
+extern char * pConfigFile;
+// DSOUND.C globals
+#ifndef _IN_DSOUND
+#ifdef _WINDOWS
+extern unsigned long LastWrite;
+extern unsigned long LastPlay;
+// RECORD.C globals
+#ifndef _IN_RECORD
+#ifdef _WINDOWS
+extern int iDoRecord;
+// XA.C globals
+#ifndef _IN_XA
+extern xa_decode_t * xapGlobal;
+extern unsigned long * XAFeed;
+extern unsigned long * XAPlay;
+extern unsigned long * XAStart;
+extern unsigned long * XAEnd;
+extern unsigned long XARepeat;
+extern unsigned long XALastVal;
+extern int iLeftXAVol;
+extern int iRightXAVol;