path: root/gme/Snes_Spc.cpp
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1 files changed, 489 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gme/Snes_Spc.cpp b/gme/Snes_Spc.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e909ea18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gme/Snes_Spc.cpp
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+// Game_Music_Emu 0.5.2.
+#include "Snes_Spc.h"
+#include <string.h>
+/* Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
+can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
+module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
+details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
+#include "blargg_source.h"
+// always in the future (CPU time can go over 0, but not by this much)
+int const timer_disabled_time = 127;
+Snes_Spc::Snes_Spc() : dsp( mem.ram ), cpu( this, mem.ram )
+ set_tempo( 1.0 );
+ // Put STOP instruction around memory to catch PC underflow/overflow.
+ memset( mem.padding1, 0xFF, sizeof mem.padding1 );
+ memset( mem.padding2, 0xFF, sizeof mem.padding2 );
+ // A few tracks read from the last four bytes of IPL ROM
+ boot_rom [sizeof boot_rom - 2] = 0xC0;
+ boot_rom [sizeof boot_rom - 1] = 0xFF;
+ memset( boot_rom, 0, sizeof boot_rom - 2 );
+void Snes_Spc::set_tempo( double t )
+ int unit = (int) (16.0 / t + 0.5);
+ timer [0].divisor = unit * 8; // 8 kHz
+ timer [1].divisor = unit * 8; // 8 kHz
+ timer [2].divisor = unit; // 64 kHz
+// Load
+void Snes_Spc::set_ipl_rom( void const* in )
+ memcpy( boot_rom, in, sizeof boot_rom );
+blargg_err_t Snes_Spc::load_spc( const void* data, long size )
+ struct spc_file_t {
+ char signature [27];
+ char unused [10];
+ uint8_t pc [2];
+ uint8_t a;
+ uint8_t x;
+ uint8_t y;
+ uint8_t status;
+ uint8_t sp;
+ char unused2 [212];
+ uint8_t ram [0x10000];
+ uint8_t dsp [128];
+ uint8_t ipl_rom [128];
+ };
+ assert( offsetof (spc_file_t,ipl_rom) == spc_file_size );
+ const spc_file_t* spc = (spc_file_t const*) data;
+ if ( size < spc_file_size )
+ return "Not an SPC file";
+ if ( strncmp( spc->signature, "SNES-SPC700 Sound File Data", 27 ) != 0 )
+ return "Not an SPC file";
+ registers_t regs;
+ regs.pc = spc->pc [1] * 0x100 + spc->pc [0];
+ regs.a = spc->a;
+ regs.x = spc->x;
+ regs.y = spc->y;
+ regs.status = spc->status;
+ regs.sp = spc->sp;
+ if ( (unsigned long) size >= sizeof *spc )
+ set_ipl_rom( spc->ipl_rom );
+ const char* error = load_state( regs, spc->ram, spc->dsp );
+ echo_accessed = false;
+ return error;
+void Snes_Spc::clear_echo()
+ if ( !( 0x6C ) & 0x20) )
+ {
+ unsigned addr = 0x100 * 0x6D );
+ size_t size = 0x800 * 0x7D );
+ memset( mem.ram + addr, 0xFF, min( size, sizeof mem.ram - addr ) );
+ }
+// Handle other file formats (emulator save states) in user code, not here.
+blargg_err_t Snes_Spc::load_state( const registers_t& cpu_state, const void* new_ram,
+ const void* dsp_state )
+ // cpu
+ cpu.r = cpu_state;
+ // Allow DSP to generate one sample before code starts
+ // (Tengai Makyo Zero, Tenjin's Table Toss first notes are lost since it
+ // clears KON 31 cycles from starting execution. It works on the SNES
+ // since the SPC player adds a few extra cycles delay after restoring
+ // KON from the DSP registers at the end of an SPC file).
+ extra_cycles = 32;
+ // ram
+ memcpy( mem.ram, new_ram, sizeof mem.ram );
+ memcpy( extra_ram, mem.ram + rom_addr, sizeof extra_ram );
+ // boot rom (have to force enable_rom() to update it)
+ rom_enabled = !(mem.ram [0xF1] & 0x80);
+ enable_rom( !rom_enabled );
+ // dsp
+ dsp.reset();
+ int i;
+ for ( i = 0; i < Spc_Dsp::register_count; i++ )
+ dsp.write( i, ((uint8_t const*) dsp_state) [i] );
+ // timers
+ for ( i = 0; i < timer_count; i++ )
+ {
+ Timer& t = timer [i];
+ t.next_tick = 0;
+ t.enabled = (mem.ram [0xF1] >> i) & 1;
+ if ( !t.enabled )
+ t.next_tick = timer_disabled_time;
+ t.count = 0;
+ t.counter = mem.ram [0xFD + i] & 15;
+ int p = mem.ram [0xFA + i];
+ t.period = p ? p : 0x100;
+ }
+ // Handle registers which already give 0 when read by setting RAM and not changing it.
+ // Put STOP instruction in registers which can be read, to catch attempted CPU execution.
+ mem.ram [0xF0] = 0;
+ mem.ram [0xF1] = 0;
+ mem.ram [0xF3] = 0xFF;
+ mem.ram [0xFA] = 0;
+ mem.ram [0xFB] = 0;
+ mem.ram [0xFC] = 0;
+ mem.ram [0xFD] = 0xFF;
+ mem.ram [0xFE] = 0xFF;
+ mem.ram [0xFF] = 0xFF;
+ return 0; // success
+// Hardware
+// Current time starts negative and ends at 0
+inline spc_time_t Snes_Spc::time() const
+ return -cpu.remain();
+// Keep track of next time to run and avoid a function call if it hasn't been reached.
+// Timers
+void Snes_Spc::Timer::run_until_( spc_time_t time )
+ if ( !enabled )
+ dprintf( "next_tick: %ld, time: %ld", (long) next_tick, (long) time );
+ assert( enabled ); // when disabled, next_tick should always be in the future
+ int elapsed = ((time - next_tick) / divisor) + 1;
+ next_tick += elapsed * divisor;
+ elapsed += count;
+ if ( elapsed >= period ) // avoid unnecessary division
+ {
+ int n = elapsed / period;
+ elapsed -= n * period;
+ counter = (counter + n) & 15;
+ }
+ count = elapsed;
+// DSP
+const int clocks_per_sample = 32; // 1.024 MHz CPU clock / 32000 samples per second
+void Snes_Spc::run_dsp_( spc_time_t time )
+ int count = ((time - next_dsp) >> 5) + 1; // divide by clocks_per_sample
+ sample_t* buf = sample_buf;
+ if ( buf ) {
+ sample_buf = buf + count * 2; // stereo
+ assert( sample_buf <= buf_end );
+ }
+ next_dsp += count * clocks_per_sample;
+ count, buf );
+inline void Snes_Spc::run_dsp( spc_time_t time )
+ if ( time >= next_dsp )
+ run_dsp_( time );
+// Debug-only check for read/write within echo buffer, since this might result in
+// inaccurate emulation due to the DSP not being caught up to the present.
+inline void Snes_Spc::check_for_echo_access( spc_addr_t addr )
+ if ( !echo_accessed && !( 0x6C ) & 0x20) )
+ {
+ // ** If echo accesses are found that require running the DSP, cache
+ // the start and end address on DSP writes to speed up checking.
+ unsigned start = 0x100 * 0x6D );
+ unsigned end = start + 0x800 * 0x7D );
+ if ( start <= addr && addr < end ) {
+ echo_accessed = true;
+ dprintf( "Read/write at $%04X within echo buffer\n", (unsigned) addr );
+ }
+ }
+// Read
+int Snes_Spc::read( spc_addr_t addr )
+ int result = mem.ram [addr];
+ if ( (rom_addr <= addr && addr < 0xFFFC || addr >= 0xFFFE) && rom_enabled )
+ dprintf( "Read from ROM: %04X -> %02X\n", addr, result );
+ if ( unsigned (addr - 0xF0) < 0x10 )
+ {
+ assert( 0xF0 <= addr && addr <= 0xFF );
+ // counters
+ int i = addr - 0xFD;
+ if ( i >= 0 )
+ {
+ Timer& t = timer [i];
+ t.run_until( time() );
+ int old = t.counter;
+ t.counter = 0;
+ return old;
+ }
+ // dsp
+ if ( addr == 0xF3 )
+ {
+ run_dsp( time() );
+ if ( mem.ram [0xF2] >= Spc_Dsp::register_count )
+ dprintf( "DSP read from $%02X\n", (int) mem.ram [0xF2] );
+ return mem.ram [0xF2] & 0x7F );
+ }
+ if ( addr == 0xF0 || addr == 0xF1 || addr == 0xF8 ||
+ addr == 0xF9 || addr == 0xFA )
+ dprintf( "Read from register $%02X\n", (int) addr );
+ // Registers which always read as 0 are handled by setting mem.ram [reg] to 0
+ // at startup then never changing that value.
+ check(( check_for_echo_access( addr ), true ));
+ }
+ return result;
+// Write
+void Snes_Spc::enable_rom( bool enable )
+ if ( rom_enabled != enable )
+ {
+ rom_enabled = enable;
+ memcpy( mem.ram + rom_addr, (enable ? boot_rom : extra_ram), rom_size );
+ // TODO: ROM can still get overwritten when DSP writes to echo buffer
+ }
+void Snes_Spc::write( spc_addr_t addr, int data )
+ // first page is very common
+ if ( addr < 0xF0 ) {
+ mem.ram [addr] = (uint8_t) data;
+ }
+ else switch ( addr )
+ {
+ // RAM
+ default:
+ check(( check_for_echo_access( addr ), true ));
+ if ( addr < rom_addr ) {
+ mem.ram [addr] = (uint8_t) data;
+ }
+ else {
+ extra_ram [addr - rom_addr] = (uint8_t) data;
+ if ( !rom_enabled )
+ mem.ram [addr] = (uint8_t) data;
+ }
+ break;
+ // DSP
+ //case 0xF2: // mapped to RAM
+ case 0xF3: {
+ run_dsp( time() );
+ int reg = mem.ram [0xF2];
+ if ( next_dsp > 0 ) {
+ // skip mode
+ // key press
+ if ( reg == 0x4C )
+ keys_pressed |= data & 0x5C );
+ // key release
+ if ( reg == 0x5C ) {
+ keys_released |= data;
+ keys_pressed &= ~data;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( reg < Spc_Dsp::register_count ) {
+ dsp.write( reg, data );
+ }
+ else {
+ dprintf( "DSP write to $%02X\n", (int) reg );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case 0xF0: // Test register
+ dprintf( "Wrote $%02X to $F0\n", (int) data );
+ break;
+ // Config
+ case 0xF1:
+ {
+ // timers
+ for ( int i = 0; i < timer_count; i++ )
+ {
+ Timer& t = timer [i];
+ if ( !(data & (1 << i)) ) {
+ t.enabled = 0;
+ t.next_tick = timer_disabled_time;
+ }
+ else if ( !t.enabled ) {
+ // just enabled
+ t.enabled = 1;
+ t.counter = 0;
+ t.count = 0;
+ t.next_tick = time();
+ }
+ }
+ // port clears
+ if ( data & 0x10 ) {
+ mem.ram [0xF4] = 0;
+ mem.ram [0xF5] = 0;
+ }
+ if ( data & 0x20 ) {
+ mem.ram [0xF6] = 0;
+ mem.ram [0xF7] = 0;
+ }
+ enable_rom( (data & 0x80) != 0 );
+ break;
+ }
+ // Ports
+ case 0xF4:
+ case 0xF5:
+ case 0xF6:
+ case 0xF7:
+ // to do: handle output ports
+ break;
+ //case 0xF8: // verified on SNES that these are read/write (RAM)
+ //case 0xF9:
+ // Timers
+ case 0xFA:
+ case 0xFB:
+ case 0xFC: {
+ Timer& t = timer [addr - 0xFA];
+ if ( (t.period & 0xFF) != data ) {
+ t.run_until( time() );
+ t.period = data ? data : 0x100;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ // Counters (cleared on write)
+ case 0xFD:
+ case 0xFE:
+ case 0xFF:
+ dprintf( "Wrote to counter $%02X\n", (int) addr );
+ timer [addr - 0xFD].counter = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+// Play
+blargg_err_t Snes_Spc::skip( long count )
+ if ( count > 4 * 32000L )
+ {
+ // don't run DSP for long durations (2-3 times faster)
+ const long sync_count = 32000L * 2;
+ // keep track of any keys pressed/released (and not subsequently released)
+ keys_pressed = 0;
+ keys_released = 0;
+ // sentinel tells play to ignore DSP
+ RETURN_ERR( play( count - sync_count, skip_sentinel ) );
+ // press/release keys now
+ dsp.write( 0x5C, keys_released & ~keys_pressed );
+ dsp.write( 0x4C, keys_pressed );
+ clear_echo();
+ // play the last few seconds normally to help synchronize DSP
+ count = sync_count;
+ }
+ return play( count );
+blargg_err_t Snes_Spc::play( long count, sample_t* out )
+ require( count % 2 == 0 ); // output is always in pairs of samples
+ // CPU time() runs from -duration to 0
+ spc_time_t duration = (count / 2) * clocks_per_sample;
+ // DSP output is made on-the-fly when the CPU reads/writes DSP registers
+ sample_buf = out;
+ buf_end = out + (out && out != skip_sentinel ? count : 0);
+ next_dsp = (out == skip_sentinel) ? clocks_per_sample : -duration + clocks_per_sample;
+ // Localize timer next_tick times and run them to the present to prevent a running
+ // but ignored timer's next_tick from getting too far behind and overflowing.
+ for ( int i = 0; i < timer_count; i++ )
+ {
+ Timer& t = timer [i];
+ if ( t.enabled )
+ {
+ t.next_tick -= duration;
+ t.run_until( -duration );
+ }
+ }
+ // Run CPU for duration, reduced by any extra cycles from previous run
+ int elapsed = duration - extra_cycles );
+ if ( elapsed > 0 )
+ {
+ dprintf( "Unhandled instruction $%02X, pc = $%04X\n",
+ (int) cpu.r.pc ), (unsigned) cpu.r.pc );
+ return "Emulation error (illegal/unsupported instruction)";
+ }
+ extra_cycles = -elapsed;
+ // Catch DSP up to present.
+ run_dsp( 0 );
+ if ( out ) {
+ assert( next_dsp == clocks_per_sample );
+ assert( out == skip_sentinel || sample_buf - out == count );
+ }
+ buf_end = 0;
+ return 0;