class SparseArray { ghost var Contents: seq; var zero: T; /*private*/ var a: seq; // should really be an array /*private*/ var b: seq; // should really be an array /*private*/ var c: seq; // should really be an array /*private*/ var n: int; /*private*/ ghost var d: seq; // would be better as an array /*private*/ ghost var e: seq; // would be better as an array function Valid(): bool reads this; { |a| == |Contents| && |b| == |Contents| && |c| == |Contents| && 0 <= n && n <= |c| && (forall i :: 0 <= i && i < |Contents| ==> Contents[i] == (if 0 <= b[i] && b[i] < n && c[b[i]] == i then a[i] else zero)) && (forall i :: 0 <= i && i < |Contents| ==> (i in c[..n] <==> 0 <= b[i] && b[i] < n && c[b[i]] == i)) && // The idea behind d and e is the following: // * d is a permutation of the first |Contents| natural numbers // * e describes which permutation d is // * c[..n] == d[..n] |d| == |Contents| && |e| == |Contents| && (forall i :: 0 <= i && i < n ==> c[i] == d[i]) && (forall i :: 0 <= i && i < |d| ==> 0 <= d[i] && d[i] < |d|) && (forall i :: 0 <= i && i < |e| ==> 0 <= e[i] && e[i] < |e|) && (forall i :: 0 <= i && i < |e| ==> d[e[i]] == i) } method Init(N: int, zero: T) requires 0 <= N; modifies this; ensures Valid(); ensures |Contents| == N && == zero; ensures (forall x :: x in Contents ==> x == zero); { var aa := AllocateArray(N); this.a := aa; var bb := AllocateArray(N); this.b := bb; bb := AllocateArray(N); this.c := bb; this.n := 0; // initialize ghost variable Contents to a sequence of length N containing only zero's, // and ghost variables d and e to be the identity sequences of length N ghost var s := []; ghost var id := []; ghost var k := 0; while (k < N) invariant k <= N; invariant |s| == k; // TODO: why doesn't this work instead of the next line? invariant (forall x :: x in s ==> x == zero); invariant (forall i :: 0 <= i && i < |s| ==> s[i] == zero); invariant |id| == k && (forall i :: 0 <= i && i < k ==> id[i] == i); { s := s + [zero]; id := id + [k]; k := k + 1; } := zero; this.Contents := s; this.d := id; this.e := id; } method Get(i: int) returns (x: T) requires Valid(); requires 0 <= i && i < |Contents|; ensures x == Contents[i]; { if (0 <= b[i] && b[i] < n && c[b[i]] == i) { x := a[i]; } else { x := zero; } } method Set(i: int, x: T) requires Valid(); requires 0 <= i && i < |Contents|; modifies this; ensures Valid(); ensures |Contents| == |old(Contents)| && Contents == Contents[i := x]; ensures zero == old(zero); { if (0 <= b[i] && b[i] < n && c[b[i]] == i) { } else { assert n <= e[i]; // lemma b := b[i := n]; c := c[n := i]; ghost var t := d[n]; ghost var k := e[i]; d := d[n := i][k := t]; e := e[i := n][t := k]; n := n + 1; } a := a[i := x]; Contents := Contents[i := x]; } /* The following method is here only to simulate support of arrays in Dafny */ /*private*/ static method AllocateArray(n: int) returns (arr: seq) requires 0 <= n; ensures |arr| == n; { arr := []; var i := 0; while (i < n) invariant i <= n && |arr| == i; { var g: G; arr := arr + [g]; i := i + 1; } } }