@echo off rem Usage: runtest.bat if "%1" == "" goto noDirSpecified if not exist %1\nul goto noDirExists echo ----- Running regression test %1 pushd %1 if not exist runtest.bat goto noRunTest call runtest.bat -nologo -logPrefix:%* > Output rem There seem to be some race between finishing writing to the Output file, and running fc. rem Calling fc twice seems to fix (or at least alleviate) the problem. fc /W Answer Output > nul fc /W Answer Output > nul if not errorlevel 1 goto passTest echo ============ %1 FAILED ==================================== goto errorEnd :passTest echo Success: %1 goto end :noDirSpecified echo runtest: Error: Syntax: runtest testDirectory [ additionalTestArguments ... ] goto errorEnd :noDirExists echo runtest: Error: There is no test directory %1 goto errorEnd :noRunTest echo runtest: Error: no runtest.bat found in test directory %1 goto errorEnd :errorEnd popd exit /b 1 :end popd exit /b 0