import os import re import sys import csv import shutil import argparse import operator import platform from math import floor, ceil from enum import Enum from time import time, strftime from collections import defaultdict from multiprocessing import Pool, Manager from subprocess import Popen, call, PIPE, TimeoutExpired # C:/Python34/python.exe --compiler "c:/MSR/dafny/Binaries/Dafny.exe" --flags "/useBaseNameForFileName /compile:1 /nologo" --difftool "C:\Program Files (x86)\Meld\Meld.exe" -j4 --flags "/dprelude preludes\AlmostAllTriggers.bpl" dafny0\SeqFromArray.dfy # c:/Python34/python.exe --compare ../TestStable/results/SequenceAxioms/ ../TestStable/results/SequenceAxioms/*.csv VERBOSITY = None KILLED = False ANSI = False try: import colorama no_native_ansi = == 'nt' and os.environ.get("TERM") in [None, "cygwin"] tty = all(hasattr(stream, 'isatty') and stream.isatty() for stream in (sys.stdout, sys.stderr)) colorama.init(strip=no_native_ansi, convert=no_native_ansi and tty) ANSI = True except ImportError: try: import tendo.ansiterm ANSI = True except ImportError: pass class Defaults: EXCLUDED_FILES = ["^flycheck_"] EXCLUDED_FOLDERS = ["Inputs", "Output", "sandbox", "desktop"] DAFNY_BIN = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../Binaries/Dafny.exe")) COMPILER = [DAFNY_BIN] FLAGS = ["/useBaseNameForFileName", "/compile:1", "/nologo", "/timeLimit:300"] EXTENSIONS = [".dfy", ".transcript"] class Colors: RED = '\033[91m' GREEN = '\033[92m' YELLOW = '\033[93m' BRIGHT = '\033[1m' DIM = '\033[2m' RESET = '\033[0m' class Debug(Enum): ERROR = (-1, Colors.RED) WARNING = (-1, Colors.YELLOW) REPORT = (0, Colors.RESET, True) INFO = (1, Colors.RESET, True) DEBUG = (2, Colors.RESET) TRACE = (3, Colors.RESET) def __init__(self, index, color, elide=False): self.index = index self.color = color self.elide = elide def wrap_color(string, color, silent=False): if silent: return " " * len(string) elif ANSI: return color + string + Colors.RESET else: return string def debug(level, *args, **kwargs): kwargs["file"] = sys.stderr kwargs["flush"] = True headers = kwargs.pop("headers", []) if isinstance(headers, Enum): headers = [headers] silentheaders = kwargs.pop("silentheaders", False) if level and level.index <= VERBOSITY: if level: headers = [level] + headers headers = tuple(wrap_color("{: <8}".format("[" + + "]"), h.color, silent = silentheaders) for h in headers if not h.elide) print(*(headers + args), **kwargs) class TestStatus(Enum): PENDING = (0, Colors.RESET) PASSED = (1, Colors.GREEN) FAILED = (2, Colors.RED) UNKNOWN = (3, Colors.RED) TIMEOUT = (4, Colors.RED) def __init__(self, index, color): self.index = index self.color = color self.elide = False class Test: COLUMNS = ["name", "status", "start", "end", "duration", "returncodes", "suite_time", "njobs", "proc_info", "source_path", "temp_directory", "cmds", "expected", "output"] def __init__(self, name, source_path, cmds, timeout, compiler_id = 0): = name self.source_path = Test.uncygdrive(source_path) self.expect_path = Test.source_to_expect_path(self.source_path) self.source_directory, self.fname = os.path.split(self.source_path) self.temp_directory = os.path.join(self.source_directory, "Output") self.temp_output_path = os.path.join(self.temp_directory, self.fname + ".tmp") self.output = None self.expected = Test.read_normalize(self.expect_path) self.cmds = cmds self.timeout = timeout self.compiler_id = compiler_id self.cmds = [cmd.replace("%s", self.source_path) for cmd in self.cmds] self.cmds = [cmd.replace("%S", self.source_directory) for cmd in self.cmds] self.cmds = [cmd.replace("%t", self.temp_output_path) for cmd in self.cmds] self.cmds = [cmd.replace("%T", self.temp_directory) for cmd in self.cmds] self.status = TestStatus.PENDING self.proc_info = platform.processor() self.time, self.suite_time = None, None self.njobs, self.returncodes = None, [] self.start, self.end, self.duration = None, None, None @staticmethod def source_to_expect_path(source): return source + ".expect" @staticmethod def uncygdrive(path): return re.sub("^/cygdrive/([a-zA-Z])/", r"\1:/", path) @staticmethod def read_normalize(path): try: with open(path, mode="rb") as reader: return'\r\n', b'\n').replace(b'\r', b'\n') except FileNotFoundError: debug(Debug.WARNING, "{} not found".format(path)) return "" @staticmethod def build_report(tests, name): now = strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") if name: directory, fname = os.path.split(name) name = os.path.join(directory, now + "--" + fname) else: name = now with open(name + ".csv", mode='w', newline='') as writer: csv_writer = csv.DictWriter(writer, Test.COLUMNS, dialect='excel') csv_writer.writeheader() for test in tests: test.serialize(csv_writer) @staticmethod def load_report(path): results = [] with open(path) as csvfile: for row in csv.DictReader(csvfile): #, fieldnames=Test.COLUMNS): results.append(Test.deserialize(row)) return results @staticmethod def mean_duration(results, margin): durations = sorted(result.duration for result in results if result.status in (TestStatus.PASSED, TestStatus.FAILED)) if len(durations) >= 15: lq = durations[floor(0.25 * len(durations))] hq = durations[ceil(0.85 * len(durations))] iqr = hq - lq filtered = [d for d in durations if (lq - margin * iqr) <= d <= (hq + margin * iqr)] if filtered: avg = sum(durations) / len(durations) trimmed_avg = sum(filtered) / len(filtered) outliers_count = len(durations) - len(filtered) msg = "mean completion time: {:.2f}s".format(avg) if outliers_count > 0: msg += "; ignoring {} outliers: {:.2f}s".format(outliers_count, trimmed_avg) return " ({})".format(msg) return "" @staticmethod def summarize(results): debug(Debug.INFO, "\nTesting complete ({} test(s))".format(len(results))) if results: grouped = defaultdict(list) for test in results: grouped[test.status].append(test) for status, tests in sorted(grouped.items(), key=lambda x: x[0].index): if tests: debug(Debug.REPORT, "{} of {}".format(len(tests), len(results)), headers=status) if status != TestStatus.PASSED: for test in tests: debug(Debug.REPORT, "* " +, headers=status, silentheaders=True) debug(Debug.REPORT) failing = [t for t in results if t.status != TestStatus.PASSED] if failing: with open("failing.lst", mode='w') as writer: for t in failing: writer.write("{}\n".format( debug(Debug.REPORT, "Some tests failed: use [ failing.lst] to rerun the failing tests") debug(Debug.REPORT, "Testing took {:.2f}s on {} thread(s){}".format( results[0].suite_time, results[0].njobs, Test.mean_duration(results, 1.5))) def run(self): debug(Debug.DEBUG, "Starting {}".format( os.makedirs(self.temp_directory, exist_ok=True) # os.chdir(self.source_directory) stdout, stderr = b'', b'' self.start = time() try: for cmd in self.cmds: debug(Debug.DEBUG, "> {}".format(cmd)) try: proc = Popen(cmd, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True) _stdout, _stderr = proc.communicate(timeout=self.timeout) stdout, stderr = stdout + _stdout, stderr + _stderr self.returncodes.append(proc.returncode) except FileNotFoundError: debug(Debug.ERROR, "Program '{}' not found".format(cmd)) self.status = TestStatus.UNKNOWN return except TimeoutExpired: self.status = TestStatus.TIMEOUT self.end = self.start + self.timeout self.duration = self.timeout return self.end = time() self.duration = self.end - self.start stdout, stderr = stdout.strip(), stderr.strip() if stdout != b"": debug(Debug.TRACE, "Writing the output of {} to {}".format(, self.temp_output_path)) with open(self.temp_output_path, mode='ab') as writer: writer.write(stdout) if stderr != b"": debug(Debug.INFO, stderr.decode("utf-8")) self.update_status() except TimeoutExpired: self.status = TestStatus.TIMEOUT except KeyboardInterrupt: raise def update_status(self): self.output = Test.read_normalize(self.temp_output_path) self.status = TestStatus.PASSED if self.expected == self.output else TestStatus.FAILED def report(self, tid, running, alltests): running = [alltests[rid].fname for rid in running] running = "; oldest: {}".format(running[0]) if running else "" fstring = "[{:5.2f}s] {} ({}{})" progress = "{}/{}".format(tid, len(alltests)) message = fstring.format(self.duration, wrap_color(, Colors.BRIGHT), wrap_color(progress, Colors.BRIGHT), running) debug(Debug.INFO, message, headers=self.status) @staticmethod def write_bytes(base_directory, relative_path, extension, contents): with open(os.path.join(base_directory, relative_path + extension), mode='wb') as writer: writer.write(contents) def serialize(self, csv_writer): csv_writer.writerow({col: getattr(self, col) for col in Test.COLUMNS}) @classmethod def deserialize(cls, row): test = cls.__new__(cls) for col, val in row.items(): setattr(test, col, val) test.duration = float(test.duration) test.status = next(x for x in TestStatus if str(x) == test.status) return test def setup_parser(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Run the Dafny test suite.') parser.add_argument('path', type=str, action='store', nargs='+', help='Input files or folders. Folders are searched for test files. Lists of files can also be specified by passing a .lst file (for an example of such a file, look at failing.lst after running failing tests.') parser.add_argument('--compiler', type=str, action='append', default=None, help='Dafny executable. Default: {}'.format(Defaults.DAFNY_BIN)) parser.add_argument('--base-flags', type=str, action='append', default=None, help='Arguments to pass to dafny. Multiple --flags are concatenated. Default: {}'.format(Defaults.FLAGS)) parser.add_argument('--flags', '-f', type=str, action='append', default=[], help='Additional arguments to pass to dafny. Useful to override some of the defaults found in --base-flags.') parser.add_argument('--njobs', '-j', action='store', type=int, default=None, help='Number of test workers.') parser.add_argument('--exclude', action='append', type=str, default=[], help='Excluded directories. {} are automatically added.'.format(Defaults.EXCLUDED_FOLDERS)) parser.add_argument('--verbosity', action='store', type=int, default=1, help='Set verbosity level. 0: Minimal; 1: Some info; 2: More info; 3: Trace.') parser.add_argument('-v', action='store_const', default=1, dest="verbosity", const=2, help='Short for --verbosity 2.') parser.add_argument('-vv', action='store_const', default=1, dest="verbosity", const=3, help='Short for --verbosity 3.') parser.add_argument('--report', '-r', action='store', type=str, default=None, help='Give an explicit name to the report file. Defaults to the current date and time.') parser.add_argument('--timeout', action='store', type=float, default=15*60.0, help='Prover timeout') parser.add_argument('--compare', action='store_true', help="Compare two previously generated reports.") parser.add_argument('--time-all', action='store_true', help="When comparing, include all timings.") parser.add_argument('--diff', '-d', action='store_true', help="Don't run tests; show differences between outputs and .expect files, optionally overwritting .expect files.") parser.add_argument('--accept', '-a', action='store_true', help="Don't run tests; copy outputs to .expect files.") parser.add_argument('--open', '-o', action='store_true', help="Don't run tests; open one file.") parser.add_argument('--difftool', action='store', type=str, default="diff", help='Diff program. Default: diff.') return parser def run_one_internal(test, test_id, args, running): global KILLED global VERBOSITY VERBOSITY = args.verbosity if not KILLED: try: running.append(test_id) except KeyboardInterrupt: # There's no reliable way to handle this cleanly on Windows: if one # of the worker dies, it gets respawned. The reliable solution is to # ignore further work once you receive a kill signal KILLED = True except Exception as e: debug(Debug.ERROR, "[{}] {}".format(, e)) test.status = TestStatus.UNKNOWN finally: running.remove(test_id) return test def run_one(args): return run_one_internal(*args) def get_server_path(compiler): REGEXP = r"\bDafny.exe\b.*" if, compiler): return re.sub(REGEXP, "DafnyServer.exe", compiler) else: return None def substitute_binaries(cmd, compiler): cmd = cmd.replace("%dafny", compiler) cmd = cmd.replace("%server", get_server_path(compiler)) return cmd def read_one_test(fname, compiler_cmds, timeout): for cid, compiler_cmd in enumerate(compiler_cmds): source_path = os.path.realpath(fname) with open(source_path, mode='r') as reader: cmds = [] for line in reader: line = line.strip() match = re.match("^[/# ]*RUN: *(?!%diff)([^ ].*)$", line) if match: debug(Debug.TRACE, "Found RUN spec: {}".format(line)) cmds.append(substitute_binaries(match.groups()[0], compiler_cmd)) else: break if cmds: yield Test(fname, source_path, cmds, timeout, cid) else: debug(Debug.WARNING, "Test file {} has no RUN specification".format(fname)) def find_one(fname, compiler_cmds, timeout): _, name = os.path.split(fname) _, ext = os.path.splitext(name) if ext in Defaults.EXTENSIONS and not any(, name, re.IGNORECASE) for pattern in Defaults.EXCLUDED_FILES): if os.path.exists(fname): debug(Debug.TRACE, "Found test file: {}".format(fname)) yield from read_one_test(fname, compiler_cmds, timeout) else: debug(Debug.ERROR, "Test file {} not found".format(fname)) else: debug(Debug.TRACE, "Ignoring {}".format(fname)) def expand_lsts(paths): for path in paths: _, ext = os.path.splitext(path) if ext == ".lst": #lst files are only read if explicitly listed on the CLI debug(Debug.INFO, "Loading tests from {}".format(path)) with open(path) as reader: for line in reader: _path = line.strip() yield _path else: yield path def find_tests(paths, compiler_cmds, excluded, timeout): for path in expand_lsts(paths): if os.path.isdir(path): debug(Debug.TRACE, "Searching for tests in {}".format(path)) for base, dirnames, fnames in os.walk(path): dirnames[:] = [d for d in dirnames if d not in excluded] for fname in fnames: yield from find_one(os.path.join(base, fname), compiler_cmds, timeout) else: yield from find_one(path, compiler_cmds, timeout) def run_tests(args): if args.compiler is None: args.compiler = Defaults.COMPILER if args.base_flags is None: args.base_flags = Defaults.FLAGS for compiler in args.compiler: server = get_server_path(compiler) if not os.path.exists(compiler): debug(Debug.ERROR, "Compiler not found: {}".format(compiler)) return if not os.path.exists(server): debug(Debug.WARNING, "Server not found") tests = list(find_tests(args.path, [compiler + ' ' + " ".join(args.base_flags + args.flags) for compiler in args.compiler], args.exclude + Defaults.EXCLUDED_FOLDERS, args.timeout)) tests.sort(key=operator.attrgetter("name")) args.njobs = max(1, min(args.njobs or os.cpu_count() or 1, len(tests))) debug(Debug.INFO, "\nRunning {} test(s) on {} testing thread(s), timeout is {:.2f}s, started at {}".format(len(tests), args.njobs, args.timeout, strftime("%H:%M:%S"))) try: pool = Pool(args.njobs) results = [] start = time() with Manager() as manager: running = manager.list() payloads = [(t, tid, args, running) for (tid, t) in enumerate(tests)] for tid, test in enumerate(pool.imap_unordered(run_one, payloads, 1)): + 1, running, tests) results.append(test) pool.close() pool.join() suite_time = time() - start for t in results: t.njobs = args.njobs t.suite_time = suite_time Test.summarize(results) Test.build_report(results, except KeyboardInterrupt: try: pool.terminate() pool.join() except (FileNotFoundError, EOFError, ConnectionAbortedError): pass debug(Debug.ERROR, "Testing interrupted") def diff(paths, force_accept, difftool): for path in expand_lsts(paths): if not os.path.exists(path): debug(Debug.ERROR, "Not found: {}".format(path)) else: test = Test(None, path, [], None) accept = force_accept if not accept: call([difftool, test.expect_path, test.temp_output_path]) accept = input("Accept this change? (y/N) ") == "y" if accept: debug(Debug.INFO, path, "accepted.") shutil.copy(test.temp_output_path, test.expect_path) else: debug(Debug.INFO, path, "not accepted.") def compare_results(globs, time_all): from glob import glob paths = [path for g in globs for path in glob(g)] reports = {path: Test.load_report(path) for path in paths} resultsets = {path: { (test.status, test.duration) for test in report} for path, report in reports.items()} all_tests = set(name for resultset in resultsets.values() for name in resultset.keys()) reference = resultsets[paths[0]] for path, resultset in resultsets.items(): resultset["$$TOTAL$$"] = None, sum(v[1] for v in resultset.values() if v[1] and v[0] != TestStatus.TIMEOUT) with open("compare.csv", mode='w', newline='') as writer: csv_writer = csv.writer(writer, dialect='excel') csv_writer.writerow(["Name"] + [os.path.split(path)[1].lstrip("0123456789-") for path in paths]) for name in sorted(all_tests) + ["$$TOTAL$$"]: ref_status, ref_duration = reference[name] row = [] row.append(name) row.append(ref_duration) for path in paths[1:]: res = resultsets[path].get(name) test_status, test_duration = res if res else (TestStatus.UNKNOWN, None) if res is not None and (test_status == ref_status or time_all): result = "{:.2%}".format((test_duration - ref_duration) / ref_duration) else: result = + "?!" row.append(result) csv_writer.writerow(row) def main(): global VERBOSITY parser = setup_parser() args = parser.parse_args() VERBOSITY = args.verbosity if != 'nt' and os.environ.get("TERM") == "cygwin": debug(Debug.WARNING, "If you run into issues, try using Windows' Python instead of Cygwin's") if args.diff or args.accept: diff(args.path, args.accept, args.difftool) elif os.startfile(args.path[0]) elif compare_results(args.path, args.time_all) else: run_tests(args) if __name__ == '__main__': main()