// RUN: %dafny /compile:0 /dprint:"%t.dprint" "%s" > "%t" // RUN: %diff "%s.expect" "%t" codatatype Stream = Cons(head: T, tail: Stream) function Tail(s: Stream, n: nat): Stream { if n == 0 then s else Tail(s.tail, n-1) } predicate In(x: T, s: Stream) { exists n :: 0 <= n && Tail(s, n).head == x } copredicate IsSubStream(s: Stream, u: Stream) { In(s.head, u) && IsSubStream(s.tail, u) } lemma Lemma_InTail(x: T, s: Stream) requires In(x, s.tail); ensures In(x, s); { var n :| 0 <= n && Tail(s.tail, n).head == x; assert Tail(s, n+1).head == x; } colemma Lemma_TailSubStream(s: Stream, u: Stream) requires IsSubStream(s, u.tail); ensures IsSubStream(s, u); { Lemma_InTail(s.head, u); } lemma Lemma_TailSubStreamK(s: Stream, u: Stream, k: nat) // this lemma could have been used to prove the previous one requires IsSubStream#[k](s, u.tail); ensures IsSubStream#[k](s, u); { if k != 0 { Lemma_InTail(s.head, u); //Lemma_TailSubStreamK(s.tail, u, k-1); } } lemma Lemma_InSubStream(x: T, s: Stream, u: Stream) requires In(x, s) && IsSubStream(s, u); ensures In(x, u); { var n :| 0 <= n && Tail(s, n).head == x; var t := s; while n != 0 invariant 0 <= n; invariant Tail(t, n).head == x; invariant IsSubStream(t, u); { t, n := t.tail, n - 1; } } type Predicate = T -> bool predicate Total(f: T -> U) reads f.reads { forall t :: f.reads(t) == {} && f.requires(t) } copredicate AllP(s: Stream, P: Predicate) requires Total(P) { P(s.head) && AllP(s.tail, P) } lemma Lemma_InAllP(x: T, s: Stream, P: Predicate) requires Total(P) requires In(x, s) && AllP(s, P) ensures P(x) { var n :| 0 <= n && Tail(s, n).head == x; var t := s; while n != 0 invariant 0 <= n invariant Tail(t, n).head == x invariant AllP(t, P) { t, n := t.tail, n - 1; } } predicate IsAnother(s: Stream, P: Predicate) requires Total(P) { exists n :: 0 <= n && P(Tail(s, n).head) } copredicate AlwaysAnother(s: Stream, P: Predicate) requires Total(P) { IsAnother(s, P) && AlwaysAnother(s.tail, P) } colemma Lemma_AllImpliesAlwaysAnother(s: Stream, P: Predicate) requires Total(P) requires AllP(s, P) ensures AlwaysAnother(s, P) { assert Tail(s, 0) == s; } function Next(s: Stream, P: Predicate): nat requires Total(P) requires AlwaysAnother(s, P) ensures P(Tail(s, Next(s, P)).head) ensures forall i :: 0 <= i < Next(s, P) ==> !P(Tail(s, i).head) { var n :| 0 <= n && P(Tail(s, n).head); NextMinimizer(s, P, n) } // the following is an auxiliary function of the definition of Next function NextMinimizer(s: Stream, P: Predicate, n: nat): nat requires Total(P) requires P(Tail(s, n).head) ensures P(Tail(s, NextMinimizer(s, P, n)).head) ensures forall i :: 0 <= i < NextMinimizer(s, P, n) ==> !P(Tail(s, i).head) { if forall i :: 0 <= i < n ==> !P(Tail(s, i).head) then n else var k :| 0 <= k < n && P(Tail(s, k).head); NextMinimizer(s, P, k) } function Filter(s: Stream, P: Predicate): Stream requires Total(P) requires AlwaysAnother(s, P) decreases Next(s, P) { if P(s.head) then Cons(s.head, Filter(s.tail, P)) else Filter(s.tail, P) } // properties about Filter colemma Filter_AlwaysAnother(s: Stream, P: Predicate) requires Total(P) requires AlwaysAnother(s, P) ensures AllP(Filter(s, P), P) decreases Next(s, P) { if P(s.head) { Filter_AlwaysAnother(s.tail, P); } else { Filter_AlwaysAnother#[_k](s.tail, P); } } colemma Filter_IsSubStream(s: Stream, P: Predicate) requires Total(P) requires AlwaysAnother(s, P) ensures IsSubStream(Filter(s, P), s) decreases Next(s, P) { if P(s.head) { // To prove IsSubStream#[_k](Filter(s, h), s), we prove the two conjuncts from the definition calc { true; == { Filter_IsSubStream(s.tail, P); } // induction hypothesis IsSubStream(Filter(s.tail, P), s.tail); == // { assert Filter(s.tail, h) == Filter(s, h).tail; } IsSubStream(Filter(s, P).tail, s.tail); ==> { Lemma_TailSubStreamK(Filter(s, P).tail, s, _k-1); } IsSubStream(Filter(s, P).tail, s); } calc { In(Filter(s, P).head, s); == { assert Filter(s, P) == Cons(s.head, Filter(s.tail, P)); } In(s.head, s); == { assert Tail(s, 0) == s; assert exists n :: 0 <= n && Tail(s, n).head == s.head; } true; } } else { Lemma_TailSubStreamK(Filter(s.tail, P), s, _k); } } // The following says nothing about the order of the elements in the stream lemma Theorem_Filter(s: Stream, P: Predicate) requires Total(P) requires AlwaysAnother(s, P) ensures forall x :: In(x, Filter(s, P)) <==> In(x, s) && P(x) { forall x ensures In(x, Filter(s, P)) <==> In(x, s) && P(x) { if In(x, Filter(s, P)) { FS_Ping(s, P, x); } if In(x, s) && P(x) { var k :| 0 <= k && Tail(s, k).head == x; FS_Pong(s, P, x, k); } } } lemma FS_Ping(s: Stream, P: Predicate, x: T) requires Total(P) requires AlwaysAnother(s, P) && In(x, Filter(s, P)); ensures In(x, s) && P(x); { Filter_IsSubStream(s, P); Lemma_InSubStream(x, Filter(s, P), s); Filter_AlwaysAnother(s, P); assert AllP(Filter(s, P), P); Lemma_InAllP(x, Filter(s, P), P); } lemma FS_Pong(s: Stream, P: Predicate, x: T, k: nat) requires Total(P) requires AlwaysAnother(s, P) && In(x, s) && P(x) requires Tail(s, k).head == x ensures In(x, Filter(s, P)) decreases k { var fs := Filter(s, P); if s.head == x { assert Tail(fs, 0) == fs; } else if P(s.head) { assert fs == Cons(s.head, Filter(s.tail, P)); // reminder of where we are calc { true; //== { FS_Pong(s.tail, h, x, k-1); } In(x, Filter(s.tail, P)); ==> { assert fs.head != x; Lemma_InTail(x, fs); } In(x, fs); } } else { //assert fs == Filter(s.tail, h); // reminder of where we are //FS_Pong(s.tail, h, x, k-1); } } // ----- orderings ------ type Ord = T -> int copredicate Increasing(s: Stream, ord: Ord) requires Total(ord) { ord(s.head) < ord(s.tail.head) && Increasing(s.tail, ord) } copredicate IncrFrom(s: Stream, low: int, ord: Ord) requires Total(ord) { low <= ord(s.head) && IncrFrom(s.tail, ord(s.head) + 1, ord) } colemma Lemma_Incr0(s: Stream, low: int, ord: Ord) requires Total(ord) requires IncrFrom(s, low, ord) ensures Increasing(s, ord) { } colemma Lemma_Incr1(s: Stream, ord: Ord) requires Total(ord) requires Increasing(s, ord); ensures IncrFrom(s, ord(s.head), ord); { Lemma_Incr1(s.tail, ord); } lemma Theorem_FilterPreservesOrdering(s: Stream, P: Predicate, ord: Ord) requires Total(P) && Total(ord) requires Increasing(s, ord) && AlwaysAnother(s, P) ensures Increasing(Filter(s, P), ord) { Lemma_Incr1(s, ord); Lemma_FilterPreservesIncrFrom(s, P, ord(s.head), ord); Lemma_Incr0(Filter(s, P), ord(s.head), ord); } colemma Lemma_FilterPreservesIncrFrom(s: Stream, P: Predicate, low: int, ord: Ord) requires Total(P) && Total(ord) requires IncrFrom(s, low, ord) && AlwaysAnother(s, P) && low <= ord(s.head) ensures IncrFrom(Filter(s, P), low, ord) decreases Next(s, P) { if P(s.head) { Lemma_FilterPreservesIncrFrom(s.tail, P, ord(s.head)+1, ord); } else { Lemma_FilterPreservesIncrFrom#[_k](s.tail, P, low, ord); } }