// RUN: %dafny /compile:0 /dprint:"%t.dprint" "%s" > "%t" // RUN: %diff "%s.expect" "%t" // give the method signatures and specs abstract module M0 { class {:autocontracts} Container { ghost var Contents: set; predicate Valid() constructor () ensures Contents == {}; method Add(t: T) ensures Contents == old(Contents) + {t}; method Remove(t: T) ensures Contents == old(Contents) - {t}; method Contains(t: T) returns (b: bool) ensures Contents == old(Contents); ensures b <==> t in Contents; } } // provide bodies for the methods abstract module M1 refines M0 { class Container { constructor... { Contents := {}; } method Add... { Contents := Contents + {t}; } method Remove... { Contents := Contents - {t}; } method Contains... { // b := t in Contents; b :| assume b <==> t in Contents; } } } // implement the set in terms of a sequence module M2 refines M1 { class Container { var elems: seq; predicate Valid() { Contents == (set x | x in elems) && forall i,j :: 0 <= i < j < |elems| ==> elems[i] != elems[j] } method FindIndex(t: T) returns (j: nat) ensures j <= |elems|; ensures if j < |elems| then elems[j] == t else t !in elems; { j := 0; while (j < |elems|) invariant j <= |elems|; invariant forall i :: 0 <= i < j ==> elems[i] != t; { if (elems[j] == t) { return; } j := j + 1; } } constructor... { elems := []; } method Add... { var j := FindIndex(t); if (j == |elems|) { elems := elems + [t]; } } method Remove... { var j := FindIndex(t); if (j < |elems|) { elems := elems[..j] + elems[j+1..]; } } method Contains... { var j := FindIndex(t); b := j < |elems|; } } } // implement a cache module M3 refines M2 { class Container { var cachedValue: T; var cachedIndex: int; predicate Valid() { 0 <= cachedIndex ==> cachedIndex < |elems| && elems[cachedIndex] == cachedValue } constructor... { cachedIndex := -1; } method FindIndex... { if (0 <= cachedIndex && cachedValue == t) { return cachedIndex; } } method Remove... { ...; if ... { if (cachedIndex == j) { // clear the cache cachedIndex := -1; } else if (j < cachedIndex) { // adjust for the shifting down cachedIndex := cachedIndex - 1; } } } } } // here a client of the Container module Client { import M as M0 default M2; method Test() { var c := new M.Container(); c.Add(56); c.Add(12); var b := c.Contains(17); assert !b; b := c.Contains(12); assert b; c.Remove(12); b := c.Contains(12); assert !b; assert c.Contents == {56}; } } module CachedClient refines Client { import M = M3; method Main() { Test(); } }