datatype List = Nil | Cons(Node, List); datatype Node = Element(X) | Nary(List); function FlattenMain(list: List): List ensures IsFlat(FlattenMain(list)); { Flatten(list, Nil) } function Flatten(list: List, ext: List): List requires IsFlat(ext); ensures IsFlat(Flatten(list, ext)); { match list case Nil => ext case Cons(n, rest) => match n case Element(x) => Cons(n, Flatten(rest, ext)) case Nary(nn) => Flatten(nn, Flatten(rest, ext)) } function IsFlat(list: List): bool { match list case Nil => true case Cons(n, rest) => match n case Element(x) => IsFlat(rest) case Nary(nn) => false } function ToSeq(list: List): seq { match list case Nil => [] case Cons(n, rest) => match n case Element(x) => [x] + ToSeq(rest) case Nary(nn) => ToSeq(nn) + ToSeq(rest) } ghost method Theorem(list: List) ensures ToSeq(list) == ToSeq(FlattenMain(list)); { Lemma(list, Nil); } ghost method Lemma(list: List, ext: List) requires IsFlat(ext); ensures ToSeq(list) + ToSeq(ext) == ToSeq(Flatten(list, ext)); { match (list) { case Nil => case Cons(n, rest) => match (n) { case Element(x) => Lemma(rest, ext); case Nary(nn) => Lemma(nn, Flatten(rest, ext)); Lemma(rest, ext); } } } // --------------------------------------------- function NegFac(n: int): int decreases -n; { if -1 <= n then -1 else - NegFac(n+1) * n } ghost method LemmaAll() ensures forall n :: NegFac(n) <= -1; // error: induction heuristic does not give a useful well-founded order, and thus this fails to verify { } ghost method LemmaOne(n: int) ensures NegFac(n) <= -1; // error: induction heuristic does not give a useful well-founded order, and thus this fails to verify { } ghost method LemmaAll_Neg() ensures forall n :: NegFac(-n) <= -1; // error: fails to verify because of the minus in the trigger { } ghost method LemmaOne_Neg(n: int) ensures NegFac(-n) <= -1; // error: fails to verify because of the minus in the trigger { } ghost method LemmaOneWithDecreases(n: int) ensures NegFac(n) <= -1; // here, the programmer gives a good well-founded order, so this verifies decreases -n; { }