Processing command (at Snapshots0.v0.dfy(3,6)) assert (forall $o: ref, $f: Field alpha :: false ==> $_Frame[$o, $f]); >>> DoNothingToAssert Processing command (at Snapshots0.v0.dfy(4,10)) assert Lit(false); >>> DoNothingToAssert Dafny program verifier finished with 3 verified, 0 errors Processing implementation CheckWellformed$$ (at Snapshots0.v1.dfy(7,8)): >>> added axiom: ##extracted_function##1() == (0 == $ModuleContextHeight && 0 == $FunctionContextHeight) >>> added after assuming the current precondition: a##cached##0 := a##cached##0 && ##extracted_function##1(); Processing call to procedure IntraModuleCall$$ in implementation Impl$$ (at Snapshots0.v1.dfy(3,6)): >>> added axiom: (forall call0old#AT#$Heap: Heap, $Heap: Heap :: {:weight 30} { ##extracted_function##2(call0old#AT#$Heap, $Heap) } ##extracted_function##2(call0old#AT#$Heap, $Heap) == (true && Lit(false) && (forall $o: ref, $f: Field alpha :: { read($Heap, $o, $f) } $o != null && read(call0old#AT#$Heap, $o, alloc) ==> read($Heap, $o, $f) == read(call0old#AT#$Heap, $o, $f)) && $HeapSucc(call0old#AT#$Heap, $Heap))) >>> added after: a##cached##0 := a##cached##0 && ##extracted_function##2(call0old#AT#$Heap, $Heap); Processing command (at ) a##cached##0 := a##cached##0 && ##extracted_function##1(); >>> AssumeNegationOfAssumptionVariable Processing command (at Snapshots0.v1.dfy(3,6)) assert (forall $o: ref, $f: Field alpha :: false ==> $_Frame[$o, $f]); >>> MarkAsFullyVerified Processing command (at ) a##cached##0 := a##cached##0 && ##extracted_function##2(call0old#AT#$Heap, $Heap); >>> AssumeNegationOfAssumptionVariable Processing command (at Snapshots0.v1.dfy(4,10)) assert Lit(false); >>> MarkAsPartiallyVerified Snapshots0.v1.dfy(4,10): Error: assertion violation Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 Dafny program verifier finished with 2 verified, 1 error