Verifying CheckWellformed$$_0_M0.C.M ... [0 proof obligations] verified Verifying Impl$$_0_M0.C.M ... [5 proof obligations] verified Verifying CheckWellformed$$_0_M0.C.P ... [6 proof obligations] verified Verifying CheckWellformed$$_0_M0.C.Q ... [5 proof obligations] error Superposition.dfy(27,15): Error BP5003: A postcondition might not hold on this return path. Superposition.dfy(28,26): Related location: This is the postcondition that might not hold. Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 (0,0): anon5_Else Verifying CheckWellformed$$_0_M0.C.R ... [5 proof obligations] error Superposition.dfy(33,15): Error BP5003: A postcondition might not hold on this return path. Superposition.dfy(34,26): Related location: This is the postcondition that might not hold. Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 (0,0): anon5_Else Verifying CheckWellformed$$_1_M1.C.M ... [0 proof obligations] verified Verifying Impl$$_1_M1.C.M ... [1 proof obligation] verified Verifying CheckWellformed$$_1_M1.C.P ... [2 proof obligations] error Superposition.dfy(50,15): Error BP5003: A postcondition might not hold on this return path. Superposition.dfy[M1](22,26): Related location: This is the postcondition that might not hold. Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 (0,0): anon7_Else (0,0): anon9_Then (0,0): anon6 Verifying CheckWellformed$$_1_M1.C.Q ... [0 proof obligations] verified Verifying CheckWellformed$$_1_M1.C.R ... [0 proof obligations] verified Dafny program verifier finished with 7 verified, 3 errors