StatementExpressions.dfy(55,11): Error: cannot prove termination; try supplying a decreases clause Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 (0,0): anon6_Then (0,0): anon8_Then StatementExpressions.dfy(59,13): Error: assertion violation Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 (0,0): anon6_Then StatementExpressions.dfy(53,7): anon8_Else StatementExpressions.dfy(77,5): Error: possible division by zero Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 (0,0): anon4_Else StatementExpressions.dfy(88,4): Error: value assigned to a nat must be non-negative Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 (0,0): anon4_Else StatementExpressions.dfy(98,17): Error: cannot prove termination; try supplying a decreases clause Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 (0,0): anon6_Then Dafny program verifier finished with 17 verified, 5 errors