// This file contains various tests of resolving quantifiers in ghost and non-ghost positions class MyClass { // This function is in a ghost context, so all is cool. function GhostF(): bool { (forall n :: 2 <= n ==> (exists d :: n < d && d < 2*n)) } // But try to make it a non-ghost function, and Dafny will object because it cannot compile the // body into code that will terminate. function method NonGhostF(): bool { (forall n :: 2 <= n ==> (exists d :: n < d && d < 2*n)) // error: can't figure out how to compile } // Add an upper bound to n and things are cool again. function method NonGhostF_Bounded(): bool { (forall n :: 2 <= n && n < 1000 ==> (exists d :: n < d && d < 2*n)) } // Although the heuristics applied are syntactic, they do see through the structure of the boolean // operators ==>, &&, ||, and !. Hence, the following three variations of the previous function can // also be compiled. function method NonGhostF_Or(): bool { (forall n :: !(2 <= n && n < 1000) || (exists d :: n < d && d < 2*n)) } function method NonGhostF_ImpliesImplies(): bool { (forall n :: 2 <= n ==> n < 1000 ==> (exists d :: n < d && d < 2*n)) } function method NonGhostF_Shunting(): bool { (forall n :: 2 <= n ==> 1000 <= n || (exists d :: n < d && d < 2*n)) } function method GoodRange(): bool { (forall n | 2 <= n :: 1000 <= n || (exists d | n < d :: d < 2*n)) && (exists K: nat | K < 100 :: true) } function method BadRangeForall(): bool { forall n | n <= 2 :: 1000 <= n || n % 2 == 0 // error: cannot bound range for n } function method BadRangeExists(): bool { exists d | d < 1000 :: d < 2000 // error: cannot bound range for d } function method WhatAboutThis(): bool { forall n :: 2 <= n && (forall M | M == 1000 :: n < M) ==> n % 2 == 0 // error: heuristics don't get this one for n } // Here are more tests function method F(a: array): bool requires a != null; reads a; { (exists i :: 0 <= i && i < a.Length / 2 && (forall j :: i <= j && j < a.Length ==> a[i] == a[j])) } function method G0(a: seq): bool { (exists t :: t in a && (forall u :: u in a ==> u == t)) } function method G1(a: seq): bool { (exists ti :: 0 <= ti && ti < |a| && (forall ui :: 0 <= ui && ui < |a| ==> a[ui] == a[ti])) } // Regrettably, the heuristics don't know about transitivity: function method IsSorted0(s: seq): bool { (forall i, j :: 0 <= i && i < j && j < |s| ==> s[i] <= s[j]) // error: can't figure out how to compile } function method IsSorted1(s: seq): bool { (forall j, i :: 0 <= i && i < j && j < |s| ==> s[i] <= s[j]) // error: can't figure out how to compile } // Add the redundant conjunct "i < |s|" and things are fine. function method IsSorted2(s: seq): bool { (forall i, j :: 0 <= i && i < |s| && i < j && j < |s| ==> s[i] <= s[j]) } // But if you switch the order of i and j, you need a different redundant conjunct. function method IsSorted3(s: seq): bool { (forall j, i :: 0 <= i && i < |s| && i < j && j < |s| ==> s[i] <= s[j]) // error: can't figure out how to compile } function method IsSorted4(s: seq): bool { (forall j, i :: 0 <= i && 0 < j && i < j && j < |s| ==> s[i] <= s[j]) } // The heuristics look at bound variables in the order given, as is illustrated by the following // two functions. function method Order0(S: seq>): bool { (forall i, j :: 0 <= i && i < |S| && j in S[i] ==> 0 <= j) } function method Order1(S: seq>): bool { (forall j, i :: 0 <= i && i < |S| && j in S[i] ==> 0 <= j) // error: can't figure out how to compile } // Quantifiers can be used in other contexts, too. // For example, in assert statements and assignment statements. method M(s: seq) returns (r: bool, q: bool) { assert (forall x :: x in s ==> 0 <= x); r := (forall x :: x in s ==> x < 100); q := (exists y :: y*y in s); // error: can't figure out how to compile } // And if expressions. function method Select_Good(S: set, a: T, b: T): T { if (forall x :: x in S ==> 0 <= x && x < 100) then a else b } function method Select_Bad(S: set, a: T, b: T): T { if (forall x :: x*x in S ==> 0 <= x && x < 100) then a else b // error: can't figure out how to compile } // (the same thing, but in a ghost function is fine, though) function Select_Bad_Ghost(S: set, a: T, b: T): T { if (forall x :: x*x in S ==> 0 <= x && x < 100) then a else b } // And if statements method N(s: seq) returns (ghost g: int, h: int) { if ( (forall x :: x in s ==> 0 <= x) ) { h := 0; g := 0; } if ( (forall x :: x*x in s ==> x < 100) ) { // this is fine, since the whole statement is a ghost statement g := 2; } if ( (forall x :: x*x in s ==> x < 50) ) { h := 6; // error: cannot compile this guard of a non-ghost if statement } } }