// RUN: %dafny /print:"%t.print" /dprint:"%t.dprint" "%s" > "%t" // RUN: %diff "%s.expect" "%t" newtype int32 = int newtype posReal = real newtype int8 = int32 method M() { var k8 := new int8[100]; var s: set; var x: posReal; var y: posReal; var yOrig := y; var z: int32; x := 5.3; z := 12; s := {}; s := {40,20}; x := x + y; var r0 := real(x); var r1: real := 2.0 * r0; var i0 := int(z); var i1: nat := 2 * i0; assert i1 == 24; assert y == 0.0 ==> r1 == 10.6; assert real(x) == r0; assert 2.0 * real(x) == real(2.0 * x); assert real(int(z)) == real(i0); assert 2 * int(z) == int(2 * z); var di: int32 := z / 2 + 24 / z; assert di == 8; y := 60.0; var dr: posReal := y / 2.0 + 120.0 / y; assert dr == 32.0; if yOrig == 0.3 { var truncated := r0.Trunc + x.Trunc; assert truncated == 5 + 5; var rounded := (r0 + 0.5).Trunc; assert rounded == 6; } } module Constraints { newtype SmallInt = x: int | 0 <= x < 100 newtype LargeInt = y: int | 0 <= y < 100 newtype A = x: int | 0 <= x newtype B = x: A | x < 100 newtype C = B // the constraints 0 <= x < 100 still apply static predicate IsEven(x: int) // note that this is a ghost predicate { x % 2 == 0 } newtype G = x: int | IsEven(x) // it's okay to use ghost constructs in type constraints newtype N = nat newtype AssertType = s: int | var k := s; assert k <= s; k < 10 || 10 <= s newtype Te = x: int | 0 <= x < 3 && [5, 7, 8][x] % 2 != 0 newtype Ta = x: int | 0 <= x < 3 newtype Tb = y: Ta | [5, 7, 8][int(y)] % 2 != 0 // the indexing is okay, because of the type constraint for Ta newtype Odds = x: int | x % 2 == 1 // error: cannot find witness newtype K = x: real | 10.0 <= x ==> 200.0 / (x - 20.0) < 30.0 // error: division by zero } module PredicateTests { newtype char8 = x: int | 0 <= x < 256 method M() { var u: char8 := 85; var v: char8 := 86; var ch := u + v - v + u; assert ch + u == 255; ch := ch + v - 3; // error: value out of range (for the plus operation) } method N() { var y: char8; if * { y := y / 2; y := y + 1; y := 300; // error: value out of range } else { y := y + 1; // error: value out of range } } method MidPoint_Bad(lo: char8, hi: char8) returns (mid: char8) requires lo <= hi; { mid := (lo + hi) / 2; // error: intermediate result is out of range } method MidPoint_Good(lo: char8, hi: char8) returns (mid: char8) requires lo <= hi; { mid := lo + (hi - lo) / 2; } method MidPoint_AlsoFine(lo: char8, hi: char8) returns (mid: char8) requires lo <= hi; { mid := char8((int(lo) + int(hi)) / 2); } } module Module0 { import Module1 method M(x: int) returns (n: Module1.N9) { n := Module1.N9(x); } } module Module1 { newtype N9 = int } module DatatypeCtorResolution { datatype Pair = Pair(int, int) method M() { var p := Pair(5, 6); var q: Pair; q := p; q := Pair.Pair(10, 20); } } module X { newtype Int = x | 0 <= x < 100 newtype Real = r | 0.0 <= r <= 100.0 method M() returns (i: Int, r: Real) { i := 4; r := 4.0; } method N() { var x := var i := 3; i; var y := var j := 3.0; j; } } module IntegerBasedValues { // Dafny allows any integer-based type, not just 'int', in the following // places: // * array indices (any dimension) // * array lengths (with new, any dimension) // * sequence indicies // * subsequence bounds (like sq[lo..hi]) // * the new multiplicity in multiset update (m[t := multiplicity]) // * subarray-to-sequence bounds (like a[lo..hi]) // Note that for an array 'a', 'a.Length' is always an integer, so a // comparison 'i < a.Length' still requires 'i' to be an integer, not // any integer-based value. Same for '|sq|' for a sequence 'sq'. type T newtype Even = x | x % 2 == 0 method BadSpec(o: Even) requires 1 < o; // error: 1 is not of type Even method Arrays(n: nat, o: Even, i: Even, j: Even, k: nat) returns (x: T) requires 0 <= o && 0 <= i && 0 <= j; { var a := new T[n]; var b := new T[o]; var m := new T[o, n]; if { case int(i) < n => x := a[i]; case int(i) < a.Length => x := a[i]; case i < o => x := b[i]; case int(i) < b.Length => x := b[i]; case k < m.Length0 && int(j) < m.Length1 => x := m[k, j]; case int(i) < m.Length0 && k < m.Length1 => x := m[i, k]; case int(i) < m.Length0 && int(j) < m.Length1 => x := m[i, j]; case int(i) < m.Length0 && int(j) < m.Length1 => x := m[j, j]; // error: bad index 0 case int(i) < m.Length0 && int(j) < m.Length1 => x := m[i, i]; // error: bad index 1 case true => } } method Sequences(a: seq, n: nat, i: Even, lo: Even, hi: Even) returns (x: T, b: seq) requires 0 <= i && 0 <= lo <= hi; { if { case int(i) < |a| => x := a[i]; case |a| % 2 == 0 && i < Even(|a|) => x := a[i]; case int(hi) <= |a| => b := a[lo..hi]; case int(hi) <= |a| => b := a[..hi]; case int(hi) <= |a| => b := a[0..hi]; case int(lo) <= |a| => b := a[lo..]; case int(lo) <= |a| => b := a[lo..|a|]; case int(lo) <= |a| && |a| % 2 == 0 => assert a[lo..|a|] == a[lo..Even(|a|)]; case n <= int(hi) <= |a| => b := a[n..hi]; case int(lo) <= n <= |a| => b := a[lo..n]; case int(hi + hi) <= |a| => b := a[lo..Even(2*hi)]; case true => } } method MultisetUpdate(m: multiset, t: U, n: Even) returns (m': multiset) { if { case true => m' := m[t := n]; // error: n may be negative m' := m[t := n+n]; // fine, if the previous statement was case 0 <= n => m' := m[t := n]; case 0 <= n => m' := m[t := n+n+1]; // error: n+n+1 is not Even (like n+n and 1 are) case 0 <= n => m' := m[t := int(n+n)+1]; } } } module Guessing_Termination_Metrics { newtype N = x | x == 0 || x == 3 || x == 7 method M_Bad() { var x: N, y: N; while x < y decreases y - x; // error: y-x may not be an N { if 3 < y { y := 3; } else { x := 3; } } } method M_Good() { var x: N, y: N; while x < y decreases int(y) - int(x); { if 3 < y { y := 3; } else { x := 3; } } } method M_Inferred() { var x: N, y: N; while x < y // the inferred decreases clause includes the type conversion to int { if 3 < y { y := 3; } else { x := 3; } } } newtype R = r | r == 0.0 || 10.0 <= r <= 20.0 method P_Bad() { var x: R, y: R; while x < y decreases y - x; // error: y-x may not be an R { if 12.0 < y { y := 10.0; } else { x := 14.2; } } } method P_Good() { var x: R, y: R; while x < y decreases real(y) - real(x); { if 12.0 < y { y := 10.0; } else { x := 14.2; } } } method P_Inferred() { var x: R, y: R; while x < y // the inferred decreases clause includes the type conversion to real { if 12.0 < y { y := 10.0; } else { x := 14.2; } } } }