// RUN: %dafny /compile:0 /print:"%t.print" /dprint:"%t.dprint" "%s" > "%t" // RUN: %diff "%s.expect" "%t" module TestModule1 { function pos(x:int) : int { if x < 0 then 0 else 1 + pos(x - 1) } method test(y:int, z:int) requires y > 5; requires z < 0; { assert pos(z) == 0; assert pos(-1) == 0; assert pos(y) == 3 + pos(y - 3); // error: Should fail, due to lack of fuel assert pos(y) == 4 + pos(y - 4); // Succeeds, thanks to the assume from the preceding assert } } // Test with function-level fuel boost module TestModule2 { function {:fuel 3} pos1(x:int) : int { if x < 0 then 0 else 1 + pos1(x - 1) } function {:fuel 3,5} pos2(x:int) : int { if x < 0 then 0 else 1 + pos2(x - 1) } function {:fuel 3,5} pos3(x:int) : int { if x < 0 then 0 else 1 + pos3(x - 1) } function {:opaque} {:fuel 3,5} pos4(x:int) : int { if x < 0 then 0 else 1 + pos3(x - 1) } method test(y:int, z:int) requires y > 5; requires z < 0; { assert pos1(z) == 0; assert pos1(-1) == 0; assert pos1(y) == 3 + pos1(y - 3); assert pos1(y) == 4 + pos1(y - 4); assert pos2(z) == 0; assert pos2(-1) == 0; assert pos2(y) == 3 + pos2(y - 3); assert pos2(y) == 4 + pos2(y - 4); if (*) { assert pos3(y) == 5 + pos3(y - 5); // Just enough fuel to get here } else { assert pos3(y) == 6 + pos3(y - 6); // error: Should fail even with a boost, since boost is too small } if (*) { assert pos4(z) == 0; // error: Fuel shouldn't overcome opaque } else { reveal_pos4(); assert pos4(y) == 5 + pos4(y - 5); // With reveal, everything should work as above } } } module TestModule3 { // This fuel setting is equivalent to opaque, except for literals function {:fuel 0,0} pos(x:int) : int { if x < 0 then 0 else 1 + pos(x - 1) } method test(y:int, z:int) requires y > 5; requires z < 0; { assert pos(z) == 0; // error: Opaque setting hides body assert pos(-1) == 0; // Passes, since Dafny's computation mode for lits ignore fuel assert pos(y) == 3 + pos(y - 3);// error: Opaque setting hides body } } // Test fuel settings via different contexts module TestModule4 { function pos(x:int) : int { if x < 0 then 0 else 1 + pos(x - 1) } // Should pass method {:fuel pos,3,5} test1(y:int, z:int) requires y > 5; requires z < 0; { assert pos(z) == 0; assert pos(-1) == 0; assert pos(y) == 3 + pos(y - 3); } method {:fuel pos,0,0} test2(y:int, z:int) requires y > 5; requires z < 0; { assert pos(z) == 0; // error: Should fail due to "opaque" fuel setting assert pos(-1) == 0; assert pos(y) == 3 + pos(y - 3); // error: Should fail due to "opaque" fuel setting } method test3(y:int, z:int) requires y > 5; requires z < 0; { assert {:fuel pos,0,0} pos(z) == 0; // error: Should fail due to "opaque" fuel setting assert pos(-1) == 0; if (*) { assert pos(y) == 3 + pos(y - 3); // error: Should fail without extra fuel setting assert pos(y) == 6 + pos(y - 6); // error: Should fail even with previous assert turned into assume } else { assert {:fuel pos,3,5} pos(y) == 3 + pos(y - 3); // Should succeed with extra fuel setting assert pos(y) == 6 + pos(y - 6); // Should succeed thanks to previous assert turned into assume } } method test4(y:int, z:int) requires y > 5; requires z < 0; { forall t:int {:fuel pos,3} | t > 0 ensures true; { assert pos(y) == 3 + pos(y - 3); // Expected to pass, due to local fuel boost } if (*) { calc {:fuel pos,3} { pos(y); 3 + pos(y - 3); } } assert pos(y) == 3 + pos(y - 3); // error: Should fail, due to lack of fuel outside the forall } } // Test fuel settings via different module contexts module TestModule5 { // Test module level fuel settings, with nested modules module TestModule5a { module {:fuel TestModule5aiA.pos,3} TestModule5ai { module TestModule5aiA { function pos(x:int) : int { if x < 0 then 0 else 1 + pos(x - 1) } method test(y:int, z:int) requires y > 5; requires z < 0; { assert pos(z) == 0; assert pos(-1) == 0; assert pos(y) == 3 + pos(y - 3); // Should pass due to intermediate module's fuel setting } } method test(y:int, z:int) requires y > 5; requires z < 0; { assert TestModule5aiA.pos(z) == 0; assert TestModule5aiA.pos(-1) == 0; assert TestModule5aiA.pos(y) == 3 + TestModule5aiA.pos(y - 3); // Should pass due to module level fuel } } method test(y:int, z:int) requires y > 5; requires z < 0; { assert TestModule5ai.TestModule5aiA.pos(z) == 0; assert TestModule5ai.TestModule5aiA.pos(-1) == 0; assert TestModule5ai.TestModule5aiA.pos(y) == 3 + TestModule5ai.TestModule5aiA.pos(y - 3); // error: Should fail, due to lack of fuel } } module {:fuel TestModule5bi.TestModule5biA.pos,3} TestModule5b { module TestModule5bi { module TestModule5biA { function pos(x:int) : int { if x < 0 then 0 else 1 + pos(x - 1) } method test(y:int, z:int) requires y > 5; requires z < 0; { assert pos(z) == 0; assert pos(-1) == 0; assert pos(y) == 3 + pos(y - 3); // Should succceed due to outer module fuel setting } } } } } // Test fuel setting for multiple functions module TestModule6 { function pos(x:int) : int { if x < 0 then 0 else 1 + pos(x - 1) } function neg(x:int) : int decreases 1 - x; { if x > 0 then 0 else 1 + neg(x + 1) } method test1(y:int, z:int) requires y > 5; requires z < 5; { assert pos(y) == 3 + pos(y - 3); // error: Should fail, due to lack of fuel assert neg(z) == 3 + neg(z + 3); // error: Should fail, due to lack of fuel } method {:fuel pos,3} {:fuel neg,4} test2(y:int, z:int) requires y > 5; requires z < -5; { assert pos(y) == 3 + pos(y - 3); assert neg(z) == 3 + neg(z + 3); } } // Test fuel settings with multiple overlapping contexts module TestModule7 { function {:fuel 3} pos(x:int) : int { if x < 0 then 0 else 1 + pos(x - 1) } function {:fuel 0,0} neg(x:int) : int decreases 1 - x; { if x > 0 then 0 else 1 + neg(x + 1) } method {:fuel neg,4} {:fuel pos,0,0} test1(y:int, z:int) requires y > 5; requires z < -5; { if (*) { assert pos(y) == 3 + pos(y - 3); // error: Method fuel should override function fuel, so this should fail assert neg(z) == 3 + neg(z + 3); // Method fuel should override function fuel, so this succeeds } forall t:int {:fuel pos,3} | t > 0 ensures true; { assert pos(y) == 3 + pos(y - 3); // Statement fuel should override method fuel, so this should succeed } } } // Test fuel in a slightly more complicated setting module TestModule8 { newtype byte = i:int | 0 <= i < 0x100 newtype uint64 = i:int | 0 <= i < 0x10000000000000000 datatype G = GUint64 | GArray(elt:G) | GTuple(t:seq) | GByteArray | GTaggedUnion(cases:seq) datatype V = VUint64(u:uint64) | VTuple(t:seq) | VCase(c:uint64, val:V) predicate {:fuel 2} ValInGrammar(val:V, grammar:G) { match val case VUint64(_) => grammar.GUint64? case VTuple(t) => grammar.GTuple? && |t| == |grammar.t| && forall i :: 0 <= i < |t| ==> ValInGrammar(t[i], grammar.t[i]) case VCase(c, val) => grammar.GTaggedUnion? && int(c) < |grammar.cases| && ValInGrammar(val, grammar.cases[c]) } datatype CRequest = CRequest(client:EndPoint, seqno:uint64, request:CAppMessage) | CRequestNoOp() type EndPoint function method EndPoint_grammar() : G { GUint64 } function method CRequest_grammar() : G { GTaggedUnion([ GTuple([EndPoint_grammar(), GUint64, CAppMessage_grammar()]), GUint64]) } function method parse_EndPoint(val:V) : EndPoint requires ValInGrammar(val, EndPoint_grammar()); type CAppMessage function method CAppMessage_grammar() : G { GTaggedUnion([GUint64, GUint64, GUint64]) } function method parse_AppMessage(val:V) : CAppMessage requires ValInGrammar(val, CAppMessage_grammar()); function method {:fuel ValInGrammar,1,2} parse_Request1(val:V) : CRequest requires ValInGrammar(val, CRequest_grammar()); { if val.c == 0 then var ep := parse_EndPoint(val.val.t[0]); // With default fuel, error: function precondition, destructor, index CRequest(ep, val.val.t[1].u, parse_AppMessage(val.val.t[2])) // error: index out of range, destructor else CRequestNoOp() } function method parse_Request2(val:V) : CRequest requires ValInGrammar(val, CRequest_grammar()); { if val.c == 0 then var ep := parse_EndPoint(val.val.t[0]); // With fuel boosted to 2 this succeeds CRequest(ep, val.val.t[1].u, parse_AppMessage(val.val.t[2])) // error: destructor else CRequestNoOp() } function method {:fuel ValInGrammar,3} parse_Request3(val:V) : CRequest requires ValInGrammar(val, CRequest_grammar()); { if val.c == 0 then var ep := parse_EndPoint(val.val.t[0]); CRequest(ep, val.val.t[1].u, parse_AppMessage(val.val.t[2])) // With one more boost, everything succeeds else CRequestNoOp() } // With the method, everything succeeds with one less fuel boost (i.e., 2, rather than 3, as in parse_Request3) method parse_Request4(val:V) returns (req:CRequest) requires ValInGrammar(val, CRequest_grammar()); { if val.c == 0 { var ep := parse_EndPoint(val.val.t[0]); req := CRequest(ep, val.val.t[1].u, parse_AppMessage(val.val.t[2])); } else { req := CRequestNoOp(); } } } // Test fuel when it's applied to a non-recursive function module TestModule9 { function abs(x:int) : int { if x < 0 then -1 * x else x } // All should pass. method test1(y:int, z:int) requires y > 5; requires z < 0; { assert abs(z) == -1*z; assert abs(y) == y; assert abs(-1) == 1; } // Method-level fuel override method {:fuel abs,0,0} test2(y:int, z:int) requires y > 5; requires z < 0; { assert abs(z) == -1*z; // error: Cannot see the body of abs assert abs(y) == y; // error: Cannot see the body of abs assert abs(-1) == 1; // lit bypasses fuel, so this should succeed } // Statement-level fuel override method test3(y:int, z:int) requires y > 5; requires z < 0; { assert {:fuel abs,0,0} abs(z) == -1*z; // error: Cannot see the body of abs assert abs(y) == y; // Normal success assert abs(-1) == 1; // lit bypasses fuel, so this should succeed } // Giving more fuel to a non-recursive function won't help, // but it shouldn't hurt either. method {:fuel abs,5,7} test4(y:int, z:int) requires y > 5; requires z < 0; { assert abs(z) == -1*z; assert abs(y) == y; assert abs(-1) == 1; } }