datatype List { Nil; Cons(T, List); } class Node { var data: int; var next: Node; function Repr(list: List): bool reads *; decreases list; { match list case Nil => next == null case Cons(d,cdr) => data == d && next != null && next.Repr(cdr) } method Init() modifies this; ensures Repr(#List.Nil); { next := null; } method Add(d: int, L: List) returns (r: Node) requires Repr(L); ensures r != null && r.Repr(#List.Cons(d, L)); { r := new Node; := d; := this; } } class AnotherNode { var data: int; var next: AnotherNode; function Repr(n: AnotherNode, list: List): bool reads *; decreases list; { match list case Nil => n == null case Cons(d,cdr) => n != null && == d && Repr(, cdr) } method Create() returns (n: AnotherNode) ensures Repr(n, #List.Nil); { n := null; } method Add(n: AnotherNode, d: int, L: List) returns (r: AnotherNode) requires Repr(n, L); ensures Repr(r, #List.Cons(d, L)); { r := new AnotherNode; := d; := n; } } method TestAllocatednessAxioms(a: List, b: List, c: List) { var n := new Node; var p := n; match a { case Nil => case Cons(x, tail) => assert x != n; p := x; } match b { case Nil => case Cons(x, tail) => match tail { case Nil => case Cons(y, more) => assert y != n; assert y != p; // error: if p is car(a), then it and y may very well be equal } } match c { case Nil => case Cons(x, tail) => match tail { case Nil => case Cons(y, more) => var o: object := y; assert p != null ==> p != o; // follows from well-typedness } } } class NestedMatchExpr { function Cadr(a: List, default: T): T { match a case Nil => default case Cons(x,t) => match t case Nil => default case Cons(y,tail) => y } // CadrAlt is the same as Cadr, but it writes its two outer cases in the opposite order function CadrAlt(a: List, default: T): T { match a case Cons(x,t) => ( match t case Nil => default case Cons(y,tail) => y) case Nil => default } method TestNesting0() { var x := 5; var list := #List.Cons(3, #List.Cons(6, #List.Nil)); assert Cadr(list, x) == 6; match (list) { case Nil => assert false; case Cons(h,t) => assert Cadr(t, x) == 5; } } method TestNesting1(a: List) ensures Cadr(a, this) == CadrAlt(a, this); { match (a) { case Nil => case Cons(x,t) => match (t) { case Nil => case Cons(y,tail) => } } } }