// RUN: %dafny /compile:0 /print:"%t.print" /dprint:"%t.dprint" "%s" > "%t" // RUN: %diff "%s.expect" "%t" datatype MyDataType = MyConstructor(myint:int, mybool:bool) | MyOtherConstructor(otherbool:bool) | MyNumericConstructor(42:int) method test(foo:MyDataType, x:int) returns (abc:MyDataType, def:MyDataType, ghi:MyDataType, jkl:MyDataType) requires foo.MyConstructor?; ensures abc == foo[myint := x + 2]; ensures def == foo[otherbool := !foo.mybool]; ensures ghi == foo[myint := 2][mybool := false]; //ensures jkl == foo[non_destructor := 5]; // Resolution error: no non_destructor in MyDataType ensures jkl == foo[42 := 7]; { abc := MyConstructor(x + 2, foo.mybool); abc := foo[myint := x + 2]; def := MyOtherConstructor(!foo.mybool); ghi := MyConstructor(2, false); jkl := foo[42 := 7]; assert abc[myint := abc.myint - 2] == foo[myint := x]; } // regression test (for a previous bug in the Translator.Substituter): datatype Dt = Ctor(x: int, y: bool) function F(d: Dt): Dt { d[x := 5] } datatype NumericNames = NumNam(010: int) method UpdateNumNam(nn: NumericNames, y: int) returns (pp: NumericNames) { pp := nn[010 := y]; // not to be confused with a field name 10 }