// The tests in this file are designed to run through the compiler. They contain // program snippets that are tricky to compile or whose compilation once was buggy. module OnceBuggy { datatype MyDt = Nil | Cons(T, MyDt); method M(x: MyDt) { match (x) { case Cons(head, tail) => var y: int := head; case Nil => } } } // -------------------------------------------------- module CoRecursion { codatatype Stream = More(head: T, rest: Stream); function method AscendingChain(n: int): Stream { More(n, AscendingChain(n+1)) } datatype List = Nil | Cons(car: T, cdr: List); function method Prefix(n: nat, s: Stream): List { if n == 0 then Nil else Cons(s.head, Prefix(n-1, s.rest)) } class Cell { var data: int; } // When run, the following method should print // 400 // 320 // 40 // 41 // 42 method Main() { var m := 17; var cell := new Cell; cell.data := 40; var mr := More(400, More(320, AscendingChain(cell.data))); m := 30; cell.data := 60; var l := Prefix(5, mr); while (l != Nil) decreases l; { match (l) { case Cons(x,y) => } print l.car, "\n"; l := l.cdr; } } } abstract module S { class C { var f: int; method m() } } module T refines S { class C { method m() { print "in T.C.m()"; } } } module A { import X as S default T; import Y as S default T; import Z = T; static method run() { var x := new X.C; x.m(); var y := new Y.C; y.m(); var z := new Z.C; z.m(); } } method NotMain() { A.run(); } abstract module S1 { import B as S default T; static method do() } module T1 refines S1 { static method do() { var x := 3; } } module A1 { import X as S1 default T1; static method run() { X.do(); var x := new X.B.C; x.m(); } } // ----- keyword escapes (once buggy) ----- module M { datatype fixed = A | B function method F(): fixed { A } class public { var private: int; } } method Caller() { var p := new M.public; var x := p.private; } // ----- digits-identifiers for destructors ----- datatype Tuple = Pair(0: T, 1: U, r: int, s': int) method DigitsIdents(t: Tuple>) { var x: int := t.0; var y: bool := t.1.1; var z: int := t.r + t.1.r + t.1.s'; } class DigitsClass { var 7: bool; method M(c: DigitsClass) requires c != null; { var x: int := if this.7 then 7 else if c.7 then 8 else 9; } } // Should not get errors about methods or functions with empty bodies // if they're marked with an :axiom attribute ghost method {:axiom} m_nobody() returns (y:int) ensures y > 5; lemma {:axiom} l_nobody() returns (y:int) ensures y > 5; function {:axiom} f_nobody():int ensures f_nobody() > 5; // Make sure the lemma created for opaque functions doesn't produce compiler errors function {:opaque} hidden():int { 7 } method hidden_test() { reveal_hidden(); assert hidden() == 7; } // ----- LetExpr with ghosts and in ghost contexts ----- module GhostLetExpr { method M() { ghost var y; var x; var g := G(x, y); ghost var h := var ta := F(); 5; var j := ghost var tb := F(); 5; assert h == j; } function F(): int { 5 } function method G(x: int, ghost y: int): int { assert y == y; x } datatype Dt = MyRecord(a: int, ghost b: int) method P(dt: Dt) { match dt { case MyRecord(aa, bb) => ghost var z := bb + F(); ghost var t0 := var y := z; z + 3; ghost var t1 := ghost var y := z; z + 3; var t2 := ghost var y := z; aa + 3; } } function method FM(): int { ghost var xyz := F(); G(5, xyz) } }