Array.dfy(13,8): Error: assignment may update an array element not in the enclosing context's modifies clause Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 (0,0): anon5_Then (0,0): anon2 (0,0): anon6_Then Array.dfy(20,16): Error: target object may be null Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 Array.dfy(27,6): Error: index out of range Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 Array.dfy(51,20): Error: assertion violation Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 Array.dfy(59,8): Error: assignment may update an array element not in the enclosing context's modifies clause Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 (0,0): anon5_Then (0,0): anon2 (0,0): anon6_Then Array.dfy(66,8): Error: assignment may update an array element not in the enclosing context's modifies clause Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 (0,0): anon5_Then (0,0): anon2 (0,0): anon6_Then Array.dfy(110,21): Error: upper bound below lower bound or above length of array Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 (0,0): anon14_Else (0,0): anon18_Then (0,0): anon19_Then (0,0): anon20_Then (0,0): anon11 Array.dfy(120,8): Error: insufficient reads clause to read the indicated range of array elements Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 (0,0): anon9_Else (0,0): anon10_Then (0,0): anon11_Then (0,0): anon12_Then Array.dfy(122,8): Error: insufficient reads clause to read the indicated range of array elements Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 (0,0): anon9_Else (0,0): anon10_Then (0,0): anon11_Then (0,0): anon12_Else Array.dfy(123,8): Error: insufficient reads clause to read the indicated range of array elements Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 (0,0): anon9_Else (0,0): anon10_Then (0,0): anon11_Then (0,0): anon12_Else Array.dfy(124,8): Error: insufficient reads clause to read the indicated range of array elements Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 (0,0): anon9_Else (0,0): anon10_Then (0,0): anon11_Then (0,0): anon12_Else Array.dfy(150,6): Error: insufficient reads clause to read array element Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 (0,0): anon7_Else (0,0): anon8_Then (0,0): anon9_Then Array.dfy(158,6): Error: insufficient reads clause to read array element Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 (0,0): anon7_Else (0,0): anon8_Then (0,0): anon9_Then Array.dfy(174,6): Error: assignment may update an array element not in the enclosing context's modifies clause Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 Array.dfy(181,6): Error: assignment may update an array element not in the enclosing context's modifies clause Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 Array.dfy(206,1): Error BP5003: A postcondition might not hold on this return path. Array.dfy(205,11): Related location: This is the postcondition that might not hold. Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 Array.dfy(230,1): Error BP5003: A postcondition might not hold on this return path. Array.dfy(229,11): Related location: This is the postcondition that might not hold. Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 Array.dfy(236,1): Error BP5003: A postcondition might not hold on this return path. Array.dfy(235,11): Related location: This is the postcondition that might not hold. Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 Array.dfy(251,10): Error: value assigned to a nat must be non-negative Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 (0,0): anon5_Then (0,0): anon2 (0,0): anon6_Then Array.dfy(252,5): Error: value assigned to a nat must be non-negative Execution trace: (0,0): anon0 (0,0): anon5_Then (0,0): anon2 (0,0): anon6_Then Dafny program verifier finished with 41 verified, 20 errors