using System; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.Runtime.Serialization.Json; using Microsoft.Boogie; namespace Microsoft.Dafny { class Interaction { internal static string SUCCESS = "SUCCESS"; internal static string FAILURE = "FAILURE"; internal static string SERVER_EOM_TAG = "[[DAFNY-SERVER: EOM]]"; internal static string CLIENT_EOM_TAG = "[[DAFNY-CLIENT: EOM]]"; internal static void EOM(string header, string msg) { var trailer = (msg == null) ? "" : "\n"; Console.Write("{0}{1}[{2}] {3}\n", msg ?? "", trailer, header, SERVER_EOM_TAG); Console.Out.Flush(); } internal static void EOM(string header, Exception ex, string subHeader = "") { var aggregate = ex as AggregateException; subHeader = String.IsNullOrEmpty(subHeader) ? "" : subHeader + " "; if (aggregate == null) { EOM(header, subHeader + ex.Message); } else { EOM(header, subHeader + aggregate.InnerExceptions.MapConcat(exn => exn.Message, ", ")); } } } class ServerException : Exception { internal ServerException(string message) : base(message) { } internal ServerException(string message, params object[] args) : base(String.Format(message, args)) { } } class ServerUtils { internal static void checkArgs(string[] command, int expectedLength) { if (command.Length - 1 != expectedLength) { throw new ServerException("Invalid argument count (got {0}, expected {1})", command.Length - 1, expectedLength); } } internal static void ApplyArgs(string[] args, ErrorReporter reporter) { Dafny.DafnyOptions.Install(new Dafny.DafnyOptions(reporter)); Dafny.DafnyOptions.O.ProverKillTime = 10; //This is just a default; it can be overriden if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.Parse(args)) { DafnyOptions.O.VerifySnapshots = 2; // Use caching DafnyOptions.O.VcsCores = Math.Max(1, System.Environment.ProcessorCount / 2); // Don't use too many cores DafnyOptions.O.PrintTooltips = true; // Dump tooptips (ErrorLevel.Info) to stdout DafnyOptions.O.UnicodeOutput = true; // Use pretty warning signs DafnyOptions.O.TraceProofObligations = true; // Show which method is being verified, but don't show duration of verification } else { throw new ServerException("Invalid command line options"); } } } }