using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics.Contracts; using Bpl = Microsoft.Boogie; namespace Microsoft.Dafny { [ContractClass(typeof(IRewriterContracts))] public interface IRewriter { void PreResolve(ModuleDefinition m); void PostResolve(ModuleDefinition m); // After SCC/Cyclicity/Recursivity analysis: void PostCyclicityResolve(ModuleDefinition m); } [ContractClassFor(typeof(IRewriter))] abstract class IRewriterContracts : IRewriter { public void PreResolve(ModuleDefinition m) { Contract.Requires(m != null); } public void PostResolve(ModuleDefinition m) { Contract.Requires(m != null); } public void PostCyclicityResolve(ModuleDefinition m) { Contract.Requires(m != null); } } public class AutoGeneratedToken : TokenWrapper { public AutoGeneratedToken(Boogie.IToken wrappedToken) : base(wrappedToken) { Contract.Requires(wrappedToken != null); } } /// /// AutoContracts is an experimental feature that will fill much of the dynamic-frames boilerplate /// into a class. From the user's perspective, what needs to be done is simply: /// - mark the class with {:autocontracts} /// - declare a function (or predicate) called Valid() /// /// AutoContracts will then: /// /// Declare: /// ghost var Repr: set(object); /// /// For function/predicate Valid(), insert: /// reads this, Repr; /// Into body of Valid(), insert (at the beginning of the body): /// this in Repr && null !in Repr /// and also insert, for every array-valued field A declared in the class: /// (A != null ==> A in Repr) && /// and for every field F of a class type T where T has a field called Repr, also insert: /// (F != null ==> F in Repr && F.Repr SUBSET Repr && this !in Repr) /// Except, if A or F is declared with {:autocontracts false}, then the implication will not /// be added. /// /// For every constructor, add: /// modifies this; /// ensures Valid() && fresh(Repr - {this}); /// At the end of the body of the constructor, add: /// Repr := {this}; /// if (A != null) { Repr := Repr + {A}; } /// if (F != null) { Repr := Repr + {F} + F.Repr; } /// /// For every method, add: /// requires Valid(); /// modifies Repr; /// ensures Valid() && fresh(Repr - old(Repr)); /// At the end of the body of the method, add: /// if (A != null) { Repr := Repr + {A}; } /// if (F != null) { Repr := Repr + {F} + F.Repr; } /// public class AutoContractsRewriter : IRewriter { public void PreResolve(ModuleDefinition m) { foreach (var d in m.TopLevelDecls) { bool sayYes = true; if (d is ClassDecl && Attributes.ContainsBool(d.Attributes, "autocontracts", ref sayYes) && sayYes) { ProcessClassPreResolve((ClassDecl)d); } } } void ProcessClassPreResolve(ClassDecl cl) { // Add: ghost var Repr: set; // ...unless a field with that name is already present if (!cl.Members.Exists(member => member is Field && member.Name == "Repr")) { Type ty = new SetType(new ObjectType()); cl.Members.Add(new Field(new AutoGeneratedToken(cl.tok), "Repr", true, ty, null)); } foreach (var member in cl.Members) { bool sayYes = true; if (Attributes.ContainsBool(member.Attributes, "autocontracts", ref sayYes) && !sayYes) { // the user has excluded this member continue; } if (member.RefinementBase != null) { // member is inherited from a module where it was already processed continue; } Boogie.IToken tok = new AutoGeneratedToken(member.tok); if (member is Function && member.Name == "Valid" && !member.IsStatic) { var valid = (Function)member; // reads this; valid.Reads.Add(new FrameExpression(tok, new ThisExpr(tok), null)); // reads Repr; valid.Reads.Add(new FrameExpression(tok, new MemberSelectExpr(tok, new ImplicitThisExpr(tok), "Repr"), null)); } else if (member is Constructor) { var ctor = (Constructor)member; // modifies this; ctor.Mod.Expressions.Add(new FrameExpression(tok, new ImplicitThisExpr(tok), null)); // ensures Valid(); ctor.Ens.Insert(0, new MaybeFreeExpression(new FunctionCallExpr(tok, "Valid", new ImplicitThisExpr(tok), tok, new List()))); // ensures fresh(Repr - {this}); var freshness = new UnaryOpExpr(tok, UnaryOpExpr.Opcode.Fresh, new BinaryExpr(tok, BinaryExpr.Opcode.Sub, new MemberSelectExpr(tok, new ImplicitThisExpr(tok), "Repr"), new SetDisplayExpr(tok, new List() { new ThisExpr(tok) }))); ctor.Ens.Insert(1, new MaybeFreeExpression(freshness)); } else if (member is Method && !member.IsStatic) { var m = (Method)member; // requires Valid(); m.Req.Insert(0, new MaybeFreeExpression(new FunctionCallExpr(tok, "Valid", new ImplicitThisExpr(tok), tok, new List()))); // If this is a mutating method, we should also add a modifies clause and a postcondition, but we don't do that if it's // a simple query method. However, we won't know if it's a simple query method until after resolution, so we'll add the // rest of the spec then. } } } public void PostResolve(ModuleDefinition m) { foreach (var d in m.TopLevelDecls) { bool sayYes = true; if (d is ClassDecl && Attributes.ContainsBool(d.Attributes, "autocontracts", ref sayYes) && sayYes) { ProcessClassPostResolve((ClassDecl)d); } } } public void PostCyclicityResolve(ModuleDefinition m) { } void ProcessClassPostResolve(ClassDecl cl) { // Find all fields of a reference type, and make a note of whether or not the reference type has a Repr field. // Also, find the Repr field and the function Valid in class "cl" Field ReprField = null; Function Valid = null; var subobjects = new List>(); foreach (var member in cl.Members) { var field = member as Field; if (field != null) { bool sayYes = true; if (field.Name == "Repr") { ReprField = field; } else if (Attributes.ContainsBool(field.Attributes, "autocontracts", ref sayYes) && !sayYes) { // ignore this field } else if (field.Type is ObjectType) { subobjects.Add(new Tuple(field, null)); } else if (field.Type.IsRefType) { var rcl = (ClassDecl)((UserDefinedType)field.Type).ResolvedClass; Field rRepr = null; foreach (var memb in rcl.Members) { var f = memb as Field; if (f != null && f.Name == "Repr") { rRepr = f; break; } } subobjects.Add(new Tuple(field, rRepr)); } } else if (member is Function && member.Name == "Valid" && !member.IsStatic) { var fn = (Function)member; if (fn.Formals.Count == 0 && fn.ResultType.IsBoolType) { Valid = fn; } } } Contract.Assert(ReprField != null); // we expect there to be a "Repr" field, since we added one in PreResolve Boogie.IToken clTok = new AutoGeneratedToken(cl.tok); Type ty = new UserDefinedType(clTok, cl.Name, cl, new List()); var self = new ThisExpr(clTok); self.Type = ty; var implicitSelf = new ImplicitThisExpr(clTok); implicitSelf.Type = ty; var Repr = new MemberSelectExpr(clTok, implicitSelf, "Repr"); Repr.Member = ReprField; Repr.Type = ReprField.Type; var cNull = new LiteralExpr(clTok); cNull.Type = new ObjectType(); foreach (var member in cl.Members) { bool sayYes = true; if (Attributes.ContainsBool(member.Attributes, "autocontracts", ref sayYes) && !sayYes) { continue; } Boogie.IToken tok = new AutoGeneratedToken(member.tok); if (member is Function && member.Name == "Valid" && !member.IsStatic) { var valid = (Function)member; if (valid.IsGhost && valid.ResultType.IsBoolType) { Expression c; if (valid.RefinementBase == null) { var c0 = BinBoolExpr(tok, BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.InSet, self, Repr); // this in Repr var c1 = BinBoolExpr(tok, BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.NotInSet, cNull, Repr); // null !in Repr c = BinBoolExpr(tok, BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.And, c0, c1); } else { c = new LiteralExpr(tok, true); c.Type = Type.Bool; } foreach (var ff in subobjects) { if (ff.Item1.RefinementBase != null) { // the field has been inherited from a refined module, so don't include it here continue; } var F = Resolver.NewFieldSelectExpr(tok, implicitSelf, ff.Item1, null); var c0 = BinBoolExpr(tok, BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.NeqCommon, F, cNull); var c1 = BinBoolExpr(tok, BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.InSet, F, Repr); if (ff.Item2 == null) { // F != null ==> F in Repr (so, nothing else to do) } else { // F != null ==> F in Repr && F.Repr <= Repr && this !in F.Repr var FRepr = new MemberSelectExpr(tok, F, ff.Item2.Name); FRepr.Member = ff.Item2; FRepr.Type = ff.Item2.Type; var c2 = BinBoolExpr(tok, BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.Subset, FRepr, Repr); var c3 = BinBoolExpr(tok, BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.NotInSet, self, FRepr); c1 = BinBoolExpr(tok, BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.And, c1, BinBoolExpr(tok, BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.And, c2, c3)); } c = BinBoolExpr(tok, BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.And, c, BinBoolExpr(tok, BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.Imp, c0, c1)); } if (valid.Body == null) { valid.Body = c; } else { valid.Body = BinBoolExpr(tok, BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.And, c, valid.Body); } } } else if (member is Constructor) { var ctor = (Constructor)member; if (ctor.Body != null) { var bodyStatements = ((BlockStmt)ctor.Body).Body; // Repr := {this}; var e = new SetDisplayExpr(tok, new List() { self }); e.Type = new SetType(new ObjectType()); Statement s = new AssignStmt(tok, tok, Repr, new ExprRhs(e)); s.IsGhost = true; bodyStatements.Add(s); AddSubobjectReprs(tok, subobjects, bodyStatements, self, implicitSelf, cNull, Repr); } } else if (member is Method && !member.IsStatic) { var m = (Method)member; if (Valid != null && !IsSimpleQueryMethod(m)) { if (member.RefinementBase == null) { // modifies Repr; m.Mod.Expressions.Add(new FrameExpression(Repr.tok, Repr, null)); // ensures Valid(); var valid = new FunctionCallExpr(tok, "Valid", implicitSelf, tok, new List()); valid.Function = Valid; valid.Type = Type.Bool; // Add the identity substitution to this call valid.TypeArgumentSubstitutions = new Dictionary(); foreach (var p in cl.TypeArgs) { valid.TypeArgumentSubstitutions.Add(p, new UserDefinedType(p)); } m.Ens.Insert(0, new MaybeFreeExpression(valid)); // ensures fresh(Repr - old(Repr)); var e0 = new OldExpr(tok, Repr); e0.Type = Repr.Type; var e1 = new BinaryExpr(tok, BinaryExpr.Opcode.Sub, Repr, e0); e1.ResolvedOp = BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.SetDifference; e1.Type = Repr.Type; var freshness = new UnaryOpExpr(tok, UnaryOpExpr.Opcode.Fresh, e1); freshness.Type = Type.Bool; m.Ens.Insert(1, new MaybeFreeExpression(freshness)); } if (m.Body != null) { var bodyStatements = ((BlockStmt)m.Body).Body; AddSubobjectReprs(tok, subobjects, bodyStatements, self, implicitSelf, cNull, Repr); } } } } } void AddSubobjectReprs(Boogie.IToken tok, List> subobjects, List bodyStatements, Expression self, Expression implicitSelf, Expression cNull, Expression Repr) { // TODO: these assignments should be included on every return path foreach (var ff in subobjects) { var F = Resolver.NewFieldSelectExpr(tok, implicitSelf, ff.Item1, null); // create a resolved FieldSelectExpr Expression e = new SetDisplayExpr(tok, new List() { F }); e.Type = new SetType(new ObjectType()); // resolve here var rhs = new BinaryExpr(tok, BinaryExpr.Opcode.Add, Repr, e); rhs.ResolvedOp = BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.Union; // resolve here rhs.Type = Repr.Type; // resolve here if (ff.Item2 == null) { // Repr := Repr + {F} (so, nothing else to do) } else { // Repr := Repr + {F} + F.Repr var FRepr = Resolver.NewFieldSelectExpr(tok, F, ff.Item2, null); // create resolved FieldSelectExpr rhs = new BinaryExpr(tok, BinaryExpr.Opcode.Add, rhs, FRepr); rhs.ResolvedOp = BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.Union; // resolve here rhs.Type = Repr.Type; // resolve here } // Repr := Repr + ...; Statement s = new AssignStmt(tok, tok, Repr, new ExprRhs(rhs)); s.IsGhost = true; // wrap if statement around s e = BinBoolExpr(tok, BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.NeqCommon, F, cNull); var thn = new BlockStmt(tok, tok, new List() { s }); thn.IsGhost = true; s = new IfStmt(tok, tok, e, thn, null); s.IsGhost = true; // finally, add s to the body bodyStatements.Add(s); } } bool IsSimpleQueryMethod(Method m) { // A simple query method has out parameters, its body has no effect other than to assign to them, // and the postcondition does not explicitly mention the pre-state. return m.Outs.Count != 0 && m.Body != null && LocalAssignsOnly(m.Body) && m.Ens.TrueForAll(mfe => !MentionsOldState(mfe.E)); } bool LocalAssignsOnly(Statement s) { Contract.Requires(s != null); if (s is AssignStmt) { var ss = (AssignStmt)s; return ss.Lhs.Resolved is IdentifierExpr; } else if (s is ConcreteUpdateStatement) { var ss = (ConcreteUpdateStatement)s; return ss.Lhss.TrueForAll(e => e.Resolved is IdentifierExpr); } else if (s is CallStmt) { return false; } else { foreach (var ss in s.SubStatements) { if (!LocalAssignsOnly(ss)) { return false; } } } return true; } /// /// Returns true iff 'expr' is a two-state expression, that is, if it mentions "old(...)" or "fresh(...)". /// static bool MentionsOldState(Expression expr) { Contract.Requires(expr != null); if (expr is OldExpr) { return true; } else if (expr is UnaryOpExpr && ((UnaryOpExpr)expr).Op == UnaryOpExpr.Opcode.Fresh) { return true; } foreach (var ee in expr.SubExpressions) { if (MentionsOldState(ee)) { return true; } } return false; } public static BinaryExpr BinBoolExpr(Boogie.IToken tok, BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode rop, Expression e0, Expression e1) { var p = new BinaryExpr(tok, BinaryExpr.ResolvedOp2SyntacticOp(rop), e0, e1); p.ResolvedOp = rop; // resolve here p.Type = Type.Bool; // resolve here return p; } } /// /// For any function foo() with the :opaque attribute, /// hide the body, so that it can only be seen within its /// recursive clique (if any), or if the programmer /// specifically asks to see it via the reveal_foo() lemma /// public class OpaqueFunctionRewriter : IRewriter { protected Dictionary fullVersion; // Given an opaque function, retrieve the full protected Dictionary original; // Given a full version of an opaque function, find the original opaque version protected Dictionary revealOriginal; // Map reveal_* lemmas back to their original functions public OpaqueFunctionRewriter() : base() { fullVersion = new Dictionary(); original = new Dictionary(); revealOriginal = new Dictionary(); } public void PreResolve(ModuleDefinition m) { foreach (var d in m.TopLevelDecls) { if (d is ClassDecl) { DuplicateOpaqueClassFunctions((ClassDecl)d); } } } public void PostResolve(ModuleDefinition m) { // Fix up the ensures clause of the full version of the function, // since it may refer to the original opaque function foreach (var fn in ModuleDefinition.AllFunctions(m.TopLevelDecls)) { if (isFullVersion(fn)) { // Is this a function we created to supplement an opaque function? OpaqueFunctionVisitor visitor = new OpaqueFunctionVisitor(); var context = new OpaqueFunctionContext(original[fn], fn); foreach (Expression ens in fn.Ens) { visitor.Visit(ens, context); } } } foreach (var decl in ModuleDefinition.AllCallables(m.TopLevelDecls)) { if (decl is Lemma) { var lem = (Lemma)decl; if (revealOriginal.ContainsKey(lem)) { fixupRevealLemma(lem, revealOriginal[lem]); fixupTypeArguments(lem, revealOriginal[lem]); } } } } public void PostCyclicityResolve(ModuleDefinition m) { // Add layer quantifier if the function is recursive foreach (var decl in ModuleDefinition.AllCallables(m.TopLevelDecls)) { if (decl is Lemma) { var lem = (Lemma)decl; if (revealOriginal.ContainsKey(lem)) { needsLayerQuantifier(lem, revealOriginal[lem]); } } } } // Is f the full version of an opaque function? public bool isFullVersion(Function f) { return original.ContainsKey(f); } // In case we change how opacity is denoted public bool isOpaque(Function f) { return fullVersion.ContainsKey(f); } public Function OpaqueVersion(Function f) { Function ret; original.TryGetValue(f, out ret); return ret; } public Function FullVersion(Function f) { Function ret; fullVersion.TryGetValue(f, out ret); return ret; } // Trims the body from the original function and then adds an internal, // full version, along with a lemma connecting the two protected void DuplicateOpaqueClassFunctions(ClassDecl c) { List newDecls = new List(); foreach (MemberDecl member in c.Members) { if (member is Function) { var f = (Function)member; if (Attributes.Contains(f.Attributes, "opaque") && !RefinementToken.IsInherited(f.tok, c.Module)) { // Create a copy, which will be the internal version with a full body // which will allow us to verify that the ensures are true var cloner = new Cloner(); var fWithBody = cloner.CloneFunction(f, "#" + f.Name + "_FULL"); newDecls.Add(fWithBody); fullVersion.Add(f, fWithBody); original.Add(fWithBody, f); var newToken = new Boogie.Token(f.tok.line, f.tok.col); newToken.filename = f.tok.filename; newToken._val = fWithBody.Name; newToken._kind = f.tok.kind; newToken._pos = f.tok.pos; fWithBody.tok = newToken; // Annotate the new function so we remember that we introduced it fWithBody.Attributes = new Attributes("opaque_full", new List(), fWithBody.Attributes); // Create a lemma to allow the user to selectively reveal the function's body // That is, given: // function {:opaque} foo(x:int, y:int) : int // requires 0 <= x < 5; // requires 0 <= y < 5; // ensures foo(x, y) < 10; // { x + y } // We produce: // lemma {:axiom} reveal_foo() // ensures forall x:int, y:int {:trigger foo(x,y)} :: 0 <= x < 5 && 0 <= y < 5 ==> foo(x,y) == foo_FULL(x,y); Expression reqExpr = new LiteralExpr(f.tok, true); foreach (Expression req in f.Req) { Expression newReq = cloner.CloneExpr(req); reqExpr = new BinaryExpr(f.tok, BinaryExpr.Opcode.And, reqExpr, newReq); } List typeVars = new List(); foreach (TypeParameter tp in f.TypeArgs) { typeVars.Add(cloner.CloneTypeParam(tp)); } List boundVars = new List(); foreach (Formal formal in f.Formals) { boundVars.Add(new BoundVar(f.tok, formal.Name, cloner.CloneType(formal.Type))); } // Build the implication connecting the function's requires to the connection with the revealed-body version Func func_builder = func => new IdentifierSequence( new List() { func.tok }, func.tok, func.Formals.ConvertAll(x => (Expression)new IdentifierExpr(func.tok, x.Name))); var oldEqualsNew = new BinaryExpr(f.tok, BinaryExpr.Opcode.Eq, func_builder(f), func_builder(fWithBody)); var requiresImpliesOldEqualsNew = new BinaryExpr(f.tok, BinaryExpr.Opcode.Imp, reqExpr, oldEqualsNew); MaybeFreeExpression newEnsures; if (f.Formals.Count > 0) { // Build an explicit trigger for the forall, so Z3 doesn't get confused Expression trigger = func_builder(f); List args = new List(); args.Add(trigger); Attributes attrs = new Attributes("trigger", args, null); // Also specify that this is a type quantifier attrs = new Attributes("typeQuantifier", new List(), attrs); newEnsures = new MaybeFreeExpression(new ForallExpr(f.tok, typeVars, boundVars, null, requiresImpliesOldEqualsNew, attrs)); } else { // No need for a forall newEnsures = new MaybeFreeExpression(oldEqualsNew); } var newEnsuresList = new List(); newEnsuresList.Add(newEnsures); // Add an axiom attribute so that the compiler won't complain about the lemma's lack of a body Attributes lemma_attrs = new Attributes("axiom", new List(), null); var reveal = new Lemma(f.tok, "reveal_" + f.Name, f.IsStatic, new List(), new List(), new List(), new List(), new Specification(new List(), null), newEnsuresList, new Specification(new List(), null), null, lemma_attrs, null); newDecls.Add(reveal); revealOriginal[reveal] = f; // Update f's body to simply call the full version, so we preserve recursion checks, decreases clauses, etc. f.Body = func_builder(fWithBody); } } } c.Members.AddRange(newDecls); } protected class OpaqueFunctionContext { public Function original; // The original declaration of the opaque function public Function full; // The version we added that has a body public OpaqueFunctionContext(Function Orig, Function Full) { original = Orig; full = Full; } } class OpaqueFunctionVisitor : TopDownVisitor { protected override bool VisitOneExpr(Expression expr, ref OpaqueFunctionContext context) { if (expr is FunctionCallExpr) { var e = (FunctionCallExpr)expr; if (e.Function == context.original) { // Attempting to call the original opaque function // Redirect the call to the full version e.Function = context.full; } } return true; } } // If the function is recursive, make the reveal lemma quantifier a layerQuantifier protected void needsLayerQuantifier(Lemma lem, Function fn) { var origForall = lem.Ens[0].E as ForallExpr; if (origForall != null && fn.IsRecursive) { var newAttrib = new Attributes("layerQuantifier", new List(), origForall.Attributes); var newForall = new ForallExpr(origForall.tok, origForall.TypeArgs, origForall.BoundVars, origForall.Range, origForall.Term, newAttrib); newForall.Type = Type.Bool; lem.Ens[0] = new MaybeFreeExpression(newForall); } } // This is for the reveal_F function. The ensures clause looks like this: // // ensures forall x : T :: F(x) == F_FULL(x) // // But the type argument substitutions for F and F_FULL are way off, so // we use this function to make a substitution to the type variables the // forall quantifier binds. protected void fixupTypeArguments(Lemma lem, Function fn) { var origForall = lem.Ens[0].E as ForallExpr; if (origForall != null) { Contract.Assert(origForall.TypeArgs.Count == fn.TypeArgs.Count); fixupTypeArguments(lem.Ens[0].E, origForall.TypeArgs); } } protected void fixupTypeArguments(Expression expr, List qparams) { FunctionCallExpr e; if ((e = expr as FunctionCallExpr) != null) { e.TypeArgumentSubstitutions = new Dictionary(); for (int i = 0; i < e.Function.TypeArgs.Count; i++) { e.TypeArgumentSubstitutions[e.Function.TypeArgs[i]] = new UserDefinedType(qparams[i]); } } foreach (var ee in expr.SubExpressions) { fixupTypeArguments(ee, qparams); } } protected void fixupRevealLemma(Lemma lem, Function fn) { if (fn.Req.Count == 0) { return; } // DR: Note: I don't know of any example that actually gets to these lines below: // Consolidate the requirements Expression reqs = Expression.CreateBoolLiteral(fn.tok, true); foreach (var expr in fn.Req) { reqs = Expression.CreateAnd(reqs, expr); } if (fn.Formals.Count == 0) { lem.Ens[0] = new MaybeFreeExpression(Expression.CreateImplies(reqs, lem.Ens[0].E)); return; } var origForall = (ForallExpr)lem.Ens[0].E; var origImpl = (BinaryExpr)origForall.Term; // Substitute the forall's variables for those of the fn var formals = fn.Formals.ConvertAll(x => (NonglobalVariable)x); reqs = Expression.VarSubstituter(formals, origForall.BoundVars, reqs); var newImpl = Expression.CreateImplies(reqs, origImpl.E1); //var newForall = Expression.CreateQuantifier(origForall, true, newImpl); var newForall = new ForallExpr(origForall.tok, origForall.TypeArgs, origForall.BoundVars, origForall.Range, newImpl, origForall.Attributes); newForall.Type = Type.Bool; lem.Ens[0] = new MaybeFreeExpression(newForall); } } /// /// Automatically accumulate requires for function calls within a function body, /// if requested via {:autoreq} /// public class AutoReqFunctionRewriter : IRewriter { Function parentFunction; Resolver resolver; OpaqueFunctionRewriter opaqueInfo; bool containsMatch; // TODO: Track this per-requirement, rather than per-function public AutoReqFunctionRewriter(Resolver r, OpaqueFunctionRewriter o) { this.resolver = r; this.opaqueInfo = o; } public void PreResolve(ModuleDefinition m) { } public void PostResolve(ModuleDefinition m) { var components = m.CallGraph.TopologicallySortedComponents(); foreach (var scComponent in components) { // Visit the call graph bottom up, so anything we call already has its prequisites calculated if (scComponent is Function) { Function fn = (Function)scComponent; if (Attributes.ContainsBoolAtAnyLevel(fn, "autoReq")) { parentFunction = fn; // Remember where the recursion started containsMatch = false; // Assume no match statements are involved if (!opaqueInfo.isOpaque(fn)) { // It's a normal function List auto_reqs = new List(); // First handle all of the requirements' preconditions foreach (Expression req in fn.Req) { auto_reqs.AddRange(generateAutoReqs(req)); } fn.Req.InsertRange(0, auto_reqs); // Need to come before the actual requires addAutoReqToolTipInfoToFunction("pre", fn, auto_reqs); // Then the body itself, if any if (fn.Body != null) { auto_reqs = generateAutoReqs(fn.Body); fn.Req.AddRange(auto_reqs); addAutoReqToolTipInfoToFunction("post", fn, auto_reqs); } } else { // Opaque functions need special handling // The opaque function's requirements are the same as for the _FULL version, // so we don't need to generate them again. We do, however, need to swap // the function's variables for those of the FULL version List fnVars = new List(); foreach (var formal in fn.Formals) { var id = new IdentifierExpr(formal.tok, formal.Name); id.Var = formal; // resolve here id.Type = formal.Type; // resolve here fnVars.Add(id); } var new_reqs = new List(); foreach (var req in opaqueInfo.FullVersion(fn).Req) { new_reqs.Add(subVars(opaqueInfo.FullVersion(fn).Formals, fnVars, req, null)); } fn.Req.Clear(); fn.Req.AddRange(new_reqs); } } } else if (scComponent is Method) { Method method = (Method)scComponent; if (Attributes.ContainsBoolAtAnyLevel(method, "autoReq")) { parentFunction = null; containsMatch = false; // Assume no match statements are involved List auto_reqs = new List(); foreach (MaybeFreeExpression req in method.Req) { List local_auto_reqs = generateAutoReqs(req.E); foreach (Expression local_auto_req in local_auto_reqs) { auto_reqs.Add(new MaybeFreeExpression(local_auto_req, !req.IsFree)); } } method.Req.InsertRange(0, auto_reqs); // Need to come before the actual requires addAutoReqToolTipInfoToMethod("pre", method, auto_reqs); } } } } public void PostCyclicityResolve(ModuleDefinition m) { } Expression subVars(List formals, List values, Expression e, Expression f_this) { Contract.Assert(formals != null); Contract.Assert(values != null); Contract.Assert(formals.Count == values.Count); Dictionary substMap = new Dictionary(); Dictionary typeMap = new Dictionary(); for (int i = 0; i < formals.Count; i++) { substMap.Add(formals[i], values[i]); } Translator.Substituter sub = new Translator.Substituter(f_this, substMap, typeMap, null); return sub.Substitute(e); } public void addAutoReqToolTipInfoToFunction(string label, Function f, List reqs) { string prefix = "auto requires " + label + " "; string tip = ""; string sep = ""; foreach (var req in reqs) { if (containsMatch) { // Pretty print the requirements tip += sep + prefix + Printer.ExtendedExprToString(req) + ";"; } else { tip += sep + prefix + Printer.ExprToString(req) + ";"; } sep = "\n"; } if (!tip.Equals("")) { resolver.ReportAdditionalInformation(f.tok, tip, f.tok.val.Length); if (DafnyOptions.O.AutoReqPrintFile != null) { using (System.IO.TextWriter writer = new System.IO.StreamWriter(DafnyOptions.O.AutoReqPrintFile, true)) { writer.WriteLine(f.Name); writer.WriteLine("\t" + tip); } } } } public void addAutoReqToolTipInfoToMethod(string label, Method method, List reqs) { string tip = ""; foreach (var req in reqs) { string prefix = "auto "; if (req.IsFree) { prefix += "free "; } prefix += " requires " + label + " "; if (containsMatch) { // Pretty print the requirements tip += prefix + Printer.ExtendedExprToString(req.E) + ";\n"; } else { tip += prefix + Printer.ExprToString(req.E) + ";\n"; } } if (!tip.Equals("")) { resolver.ReportAdditionalInformation(method.tok, tip, method.tok.val.Length); if (DafnyOptions.O.AutoReqPrintFile != null) { using (System.IO.TextWriter writer = new System.IO.StreamWriter(DafnyOptions.O.AutoReqPrintFile, true)) { writer.WriteLine(method.Name); writer.WriteLine("\t" + tip); } } } } // Stitch a list of expressions together with logical ands Expression andify(Bpl.IToken tok, List exprs) { Expression ret = Expression.CreateBoolLiteral(tok, true); foreach (var expr in exprs) { ret = Expression.CreateAnd(ret, expr); } return ret; } List gatherReqs(Function f, List args, Expression f_this) { List translated_f_reqs = new List(); if (f.Req.Count > 0) { Dictionary substMap = new Dictionary(); Dictionary typeMap = new Dictionary(); for (int i = 0; i < f.Formals.Count; i++) { substMap.Add(f.Formals[i], args[i]); } foreach (var req in f.Req) { Translator.Substituter sub = new Translator.Substituter(f_this, substMap, typeMap, null); translated_f_reqs.Add(sub.Substitute(req)); } } return translated_f_reqs; } List generateAutoReqs(Expression expr) { List reqs = new List(); if (expr is LiteralExpr) { } else if (expr is ThisExpr) { } else if (expr is IdentifierExpr) { } else if (expr is SetDisplayExpr) { SetDisplayExpr e = (SetDisplayExpr)expr; foreach (var elt in e.Elements) { reqs.AddRange(generateAutoReqs(elt)); } } else if (expr is MultiSetDisplayExpr) { MultiSetDisplayExpr e = (MultiSetDisplayExpr)expr; foreach (var elt in e.Elements) { reqs.AddRange(generateAutoReqs(elt)); } } else if (expr is SeqDisplayExpr) { SeqDisplayExpr e = (SeqDisplayExpr)expr; foreach (var elt in e.Elements) { reqs.AddRange(generateAutoReqs(elt)); } } else if (expr is MapDisplayExpr) { MapDisplayExpr e = (MapDisplayExpr)expr; foreach (ExpressionPair p in e.Elements) { reqs.AddRange(generateAutoReqs(p.A)); reqs.AddRange(generateAutoReqs(p.B)); } } else if (expr is MemberSelectExpr) { MemberSelectExpr e = (MemberSelectExpr)expr; Contract.Assert(e.Member != null && e.Member is Field); reqs.AddRange(generateAutoReqs(e.Obj)); } else if (expr is SeqSelectExpr) { SeqSelectExpr e = (SeqSelectExpr)expr; reqs.AddRange(generateAutoReqs(e.Seq)); if (e.E0 != null) { reqs.AddRange(generateAutoReqs(e.E0)); } if (e.E1 != null) { reqs.AddRange(generateAutoReqs(e.E1)); } } else if (expr is SeqUpdateExpr) { SeqUpdateExpr e = (SeqUpdateExpr)expr; reqs.AddRange(generateAutoReqs(e.Seq)); reqs.AddRange(generateAutoReqs(e.Index)); reqs.AddRange(generateAutoReqs(e.Value)); } else if (expr is FunctionCallExpr) { FunctionCallExpr e = (FunctionCallExpr)expr; // All of the arguments need to be satisfied foreach (var arg in e.Args) { reqs.AddRange(generateAutoReqs(arg)); } if (parentFunction != null && ModuleDefinition.InSameSCC(e.Function, parentFunction)) { // We're making a call within the same SCC, so don't descend into this function } else { reqs.AddRange(gatherReqs(e.Function, e.Args, e.Receiver)); } } else if (expr is DatatypeValue) { DatatypeValue dtv = (DatatypeValue)expr; Contract.Assert(dtv.Ctor != null); // since dtv has been successfully resolved for (int i = 0; i < dtv.Arguments.Count; i++) { Expression arg = dtv.Arguments[i]; reqs.AddRange(generateAutoReqs(arg)); } } else if (expr is OldExpr) { } else if (expr is MatchExpr) { MatchExpr e = (MatchExpr)expr; containsMatch = true; reqs.AddRange(generateAutoReqs(e.Source)); List newMatches = new List(); foreach (MatchCaseExpr caseExpr in e.Cases) { //MatchCaseExpr c = new MatchCaseExpr(caseExpr.tok, caseExpr.Id, caseExpr.Arguments, andify(caseExpr.tok, generateAutoReqs(caseExpr.Body))); //c.Ctor = caseExpr.Ctor; // resolve here MatchCaseExpr c = Expression.CreateMatchCase(caseExpr, andify(caseExpr.tok, generateAutoReqs(caseExpr.Body))); newMatches.Add(c); } reqs.Add(Expression.CreateMatch(e.tok, e.Source, newMatches, e.Type)); } else if (expr is MultiSetFormingExpr) { MultiSetFormingExpr e = (MultiSetFormingExpr)expr; reqs.AddRange(generateAutoReqs(e.E)); } else if (expr is UnaryExpr) { UnaryExpr e = (UnaryExpr)expr; Expression arg = e.E; reqs.AddRange(generateAutoReqs(arg)); } else if (expr is BinaryExpr) { BinaryExpr e = (BinaryExpr)expr; switch (e.ResolvedOp) { case BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.Imp: case BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.And: reqs.AddRange(generateAutoReqs(e.E0)); foreach (var req in generateAutoReqs(e.E1)) { // We only care about this req if E0 is true, since And short-circuits reqs.Add(Expression.CreateImplies(e.E0, req)); } break; case BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.Or: reqs.AddRange(generateAutoReqs(e.E0)); foreach (var req in generateAutoReqs(e.E1)) { // We only care about this req if E0 is false, since Or short-circuits reqs.Add(Expression.CreateImplies(Expression.CreateNot(e.E1.tok, e.E0), req)); } break; default: reqs.AddRange(generateAutoReqs(e.E0)); reqs.AddRange(generateAutoReqs(e.E1)); break; } } else if (expr is TernaryExpr) { var e = (TernaryExpr)expr; reqs.AddRange(generateAutoReqs(e.E0)); reqs.AddRange(generateAutoReqs(e.E1)); reqs.AddRange(generateAutoReqs(e.E2)); } else if (expr is LetExpr) { var e = (LetExpr)expr; if (e.Exact) { foreach (var rhs in e.RHSs) { reqs.AddRange(generateAutoReqs(rhs)); } var new_reqs = generateAutoReqs(e.Body); if (new_reqs.Count > 0) { reqs.Add(Expression.CreateLet(e.tok, e.LHSs, e.RHSs, andify(e.tok, new_reqs), e.Exact)); } } else { // TODO: Still need to figure out what the right choice is here: // Given: var x :| g(x); f(x, y) do we: // 1) Update the original statement to be: var x :| g(x) && WP(f(x,y)); f(x, y) // 2) Add forall x :: g(x) ==> WP(f(x, y)) to the function's requirements // 3) Current option -- do nothing. Up to the spec writer to fix } } else if (expr is NamedExpr) { reqs.AddRange(generateAutoReqs(((NamedExpr)expr).Body)); } else if (expr is QuantifierExpr) { QuantifierExpr e = (QuantifierExpr)expr; // See LetExpr for issues with the e.Range var auto_reqs = generateAutoReqs(e.Term); if (auto_reqs.Count > 0) { Expression allReqsSatisfied = andify(e.Term.tok, auto_reqs); Expression allReqsSatisfiedAndTerm = Expression.CreateAnd(allReqsSatisfied, e.Term); e.UpdateTerm(allReqsSatisfiedAndTerm); resolver.ReportAdditionalInformation(e.tok, "autoreq added (" + Printer.ExtendedExprToString(allReqsSatisfied) + ") &&", e.tok.val.Length); } } else if (expr is SetComprehension) { var e = (SetComprehension)expr; // Translate "set xs | R :: T" // See LetExpr for issues with the e.Range //reqs.AddRange(generateAutoReqs(e.Range)); var auto_reqs = generateAutoReqs(e.Term); if (auto_reqs.Count > 0) { reqs.Add(Expression.CreateQuantifier(new ForallExpr(e.tok, new List(), e.BoundVars, e.Range, andify(e.Term.tok, auto_reqs), e.Attributes), true)); } } else if (expr is MapComprehension) { var e = (MapComprehension)expr; // Translate "map x | R :: T" into // See LetExpr for issues with the e.Range //reqs.AddRange(generateAutoReqs(e.Range)); var auto_reqs = generateAutoReqs(e.Term); if (auto_reqs.Count > 0) { reqs.Add(Expression.CreateQuantifier(new ForallExpr(e.tok, new List(), e.BoundVars, e.Range, andify(e.Term.tok, auto_reqs), e.Attributes), true)); } } else if (expr is StmtExpr) { var e = (StmtExpr)expr; reqs.AddRange(generateAutoReqs(e.E)); } else if (expr is ITEExpr) { ITEExpr e = (ITEExpr)expr; reqs.AddRange(generateAutoReqs(e.Test)); reqs.Add(Expression.CreateITE(e.Test, andify(e.Thn.tok, generateAutoReqs(e.Thn)), andify(e.Els.tok, generateAutoReqs(e.Els)))); } else if (expr is ConcreteSyntaxExpression) { var e = (ConcreteSyntaxExpression)expr; reqs.AddRange(generateAutoReqs(e.ResolvedExpression)); } else { //Contract.Assert(false); throw new cce.UnreachableException(); // unexpected expression } return reqs; } } /// /// Replace all occurrences of attribute {:timeLimitMultiplier X} with {:timeLimit Y} /// where Y = X*default-time-limit or Y = X*command-line-time-limit /// public class TimeLimitRewriter : IRewriter { public void PreResolve(ModuleDefinition m) { foreach (var d in m.TopLevelDecls) { if (d is ClassDecl) { var c = (ClassDecl)d; foreach (MemberDecl member in c.Members) { if (member is Function || member is Method) { // Check for the timeLimitMultiplier attribute if (Attributes.Contains(member.Attributes, "timeLimitMultiplier")) { Attributes attrs = member.Attributes; for (; attrs != null; attrs = attrs.Prev) { if (attrs.Name == "timeLimitMultiplier") { if (attrs.Args.Count == 1 && attrs.Args[0] is LiteralExpr) { var arg = attrs.Args[0] as LiteralExpr; System.Numerics.BigInteger value = (System.Numerics.BigInteger)arg.Value; if (value.Sign > 0) { int current_limit = DafnyOptions.O.ProverKillTime > 0 ? DafnyOptions.O.ProverKillTime : 10; // Default to 10 seconds attrs.Args[0] = new LiteralExpr(attrs.Args[0].tok, value * current_limit); attrs.Name = "timeLimit"; } } } } } } } } } } public void PostResolve(ModuleDefinition m) { // Nothing to do here } public void PostCyclicityResolve(ModuleDefinition m) { // Nothing to do here } } }