using Microsoft.Boogie; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics.Contracts; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace Microsoft.Dafny { public enum ErrorLevel { Info, Warning, Error } public enum MessageSource { Parser, Resolver, Translator, Rewriter, Other, RefinementTransformer, Cloner } public struct ErrorMessage { public IToken token; public string message; public MessageSource source; } public abstract class ErrorReporter { public bool ErrorsOnly { get; set; } public Dictionary> AllMessages { get; private set; } protected ErrorReporter() { ErrorsOnly = false; AllMessages = new Dictionary>(); AllMessages[ErrorLevel.Error] = new List(); AllMessages[ErrorLevel.Warning] = new List(); AllMessages[ErrorLevel.Info] = new List(); } // This is the only thing that needs to be overriden public virtual bool Message(MessageSource source, ErrorLevel level, IToken tok, string msg) { bool discard = (ErrorsOnly && level != ErrorLevel.Error) || // Discard non-errors if ErrorsOnly is set (tok is TokenWrapper && !(tok is NestedToken)); // Discard wrapped tokens, except for nested ones if (!discard) { AllMessages[level].Add(new ErrorMessage { token = tok, message = msg }); } return !discard; } public int Count(ErrorLevel level) { return AllMessages[level].Count; } public void Error(MessageSource source, IToken tok, string msg) { Contract.Requires(tok != null); Contract.Requires(msg != null); Message(source, ErrorLevel.Error, tok, msg); } // This method required by the Parser internal void Error(MessageSource source, string filename, int line, int col, string msg) { var tok = new Token(line, col); tok.filename = filename; Error(source, tok, msg); } public void Error(MessageSource source, IToken tok, string msg, params object[] args) { Contract.Requires(tok != null); Contract.Requires(msg != null); Error(source, tok, String.Format(msg, args)); } public void Error(MessageSource source, Declaration d, string msg, params object[] args) { Contract.Requires(d != null); Contract.Requires(msg != null); Error(source, d.tok, msg, args); } public void Error(MessageSource source, Statement s, string msg, params object[] args) { Contract.Requires(s != null); Contract.Requires(msg != null); Error(source, s.Tok, msg, args); } public void Error(MessageSource source, NonglobalVariable v, string msg, params object[] args) { Contract.Requires(v != null); Contract.Requires(msg != null); Error(source, v.tok, msg, args); } public void Error(MessageSource source, Expression e, string msg, params object[] args) { Contract.Requires(e != null); Contract.Requires(msg != null); Error(source, e.tok, msg, args); } public void Warning(MessageSource source, IToken tok, string msg) { Contract.Requires(tok != null); Contract.Requires(msg != null); Message(source, ErrorLevel.Warning, tok, msg); } public void Warning(MessageSource source, IToken tok, string msg, params object[] args) { Contract.Requires(tok != null); Contract.Requires(msg != null); Warning(source, tok, String.Format(msg, args)); } public void Info(MessageSource source, IToken tok, string msg) { Contract.Requires(tok != null); Contract.Requires(msg != null); Message(source, ErrorLevel.Info, tok, msg); } public void Info(MessageSource source, IToken tok, string msg, params object[] args) { Contract.Requires(tok != null); Contract.Requires(msg != null); Info(source, tok, String.Format(msg, args)); } public static string ErrorToString(ErrorLevel header, IToken tok, string msg) { return ErrorToString_Internal(": " + header.ToString(), tok.filename, tok.line, tok.col, ": " + msg); } public static string ErrorToString(ErrorLevel header, string filename, int oneBasedLine, int oneBasedColumn, string msg) { return ErrorToString_Internal(": " + header.ToString(), filename, oneBasedLine, oneBasedColumn, ": " + msg); } public static string ErrorToString_Internal(string header, string filename, int oneBasedLine, int oneBasedColumn, string msg) { return String.Format("{0}({1},{2}){3}{4}", filename, oneBasedLine, oneBasedColumn - 1, header, msg ?? ""); } } public class ConsoleErrorReporter : ErrorReporter { private ConsoleColor ColorForLevel(ErrorLevel level) { switch (level) { case ErrorLevel.Error: return ConsoleColor.Red; case ErrorLevel.Warning: return ConsoleColor.Yellow; case ErrorLevel.Info: return ConsoleColor.Green; default: throw new cce.UnreachableException(); } } public override bool Message(MessageSource source, ErrorLevel level, IToken tok, string msg) { if (base.Message(source, level, tok, msg) && ((DafnyOptions.O != null && DafnyOptions.O.PrintTooltips) || level != ErrorLevel.Info)) { // Extra indent added to make it easier to distinguish multiline error messages for clients that rely on the CLI msg = msg.Replace(Environment.NewLine, Environment.NewLine + " "); ConsoleColor previousColor = Console.ForegroundColor; Console.ForegroundColor = ColorForLevel(level); Console.WriteLine(ErrorToString(level, tok, msg)); Console.ForegroundColor = previousColor; return true; } else { return false; } } } }