using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Diagnostics.Contracts; using Bpl = Microsoft.Boogie; namespace Microsoft.Dafny { public class DafnyOptions : Bpl.CommandLineOptions { public DafnyOptions() : base("Dafny", "Dafny program verifier") { SetZ3ExecutableName(); } public override string VersionNumber { get { return System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location).FileVersion #if ENABLE_IRONDAFNY + "[IronDafny]" #endif ; } } public override string VersionSuffix { get { return " version " + VersionNumber + ", Copyright (c) 2003-2015, Microsoft."; } } private static DafnyOptions clo; public static DafnyOptions O { get { return clo; } } public static void Install(DafnyOptions options) { Contract.Requires(options != null); clo = options; Bpl.CommandLineOptions.Install(options); } public bool UnicodeOutput = false; public bool DisallowSoundnessCheating = false; public bool Dafnycc = false; public int Induction = 3; public int InductionHeuristic = 6; public string DafnyPrelude = null; public string DafnyPrintFile = null; public enum PrintModes { Everything, NoIncludes, NoGhost }; public PrintModes PrintMode; public bool DafnyVerify = true; public string DafnyPrintResolvedFile = null; public bool Compile = true; public bool ForceCompile = false; public bool RunAfterCompile = false; public bool SpillTargetCode = false; public bool DisallowIncludes = false; public bool DisableNLarith = false; public string AutoReqPrintFile = null; public bool ignoreAutoReq = false; public bool AllowGlobals = false; public bool CountVerificationErrors = true; public bool Optimize = false; public bool AutoTriggers = false; public bool PrintTooltips = false; public bool PrintStats = false; public bool PrintFunctionCallGraph = false; public bool WarnShadowing = false; public bool IronDafny = #if ENABLE_IRONDAFNY true #else false #endif ; protected override bool ParseOption(string name, Bpl.CommandLineOptionEngine.CommandLineParseState ps) { var args = ps.args; // convenient synonym switch (name) { case "dprelude": if (ps.ConfirmArgumentCount(1)) { DafnyPrelude = args[ps.i]; } return true; case "dprint": if (ps.ConfirmArgumentCount(1)) { DafnyPrintFile = args[ps.i]; } return true; case "printMode": if (ps.ConfirmArgumentCount(1)) { if (args[ps.i].Equals("Everything")) { PrintMode = PrintModes.Everything; } else if (args[ps.i].Equals("NoIncludes")) { PrintMode = PrintModes.NoIncludes; } else if (args[ps.i].Equals("NoGhost")) { PrintMode = PrintModes.NoGhost; } else { throw new Exception("Invalid value for printMode"); } } return true; case "rprint": if (ps.ConfirmArgumentCount(1)) { DafnyPrintResolvedFile = args[ps.i]; } return true; case "compile": { int compile = 0; if (ps.GetNumericArgument(ref compile, 4)) { // convert option to two booleans Compile = compile != 0; ForceCompile = compile == 2; RunAfterCompile = compile == 3; } return true; } case "dafnyVerify": { int verify = 0; if (ps.GetNumericArgument(ref verify, 2)) { DafnyVerify = verify != 0; // convert to boolean } return true; } case "spillTargetCode": { int spill = 0; if (ps.GetNumericArgument(ref spill, 2)) { SpillTargetCode = spill != 0; // convert to a boolean } return true; } case "dafnycc": Dafnycc = true; Induction = 0; Compile = false; UseAbstractInterpretation = false; // /noinfer return true; case "noCheating": { int cheat = 0; // 0 is default, allows cheating if (ps.GetNumericArgument(ref cheat, 2)) { DisallowSoundnessCheating = cheat == 1; } return true; } case "induction": ps.GetNumericArgument(ref Induction, 4); return true; case "inductionHeuristic": ps.GetNumericArgument(ref InductionHeuristic, 7); return true; case "noIncludes": DisallowIncludes = true; return true; case "noNLarith": DisableNLarith = true; this.AddZ3Option("NL_ARITH=false"); return true; case "autoReqPrint": if (ps.ConfirmArgumentCount(1)) { AutoReqPrintFile = args[ps.i]; } return true; case "noAutoReq": ignoreAutoReq = true; return true; case "allowGlobals": AllowGlobals = true; return true; case "stats": PrintStats = true; return true; case "funcCallGraph": PrintFunctionCallGraph = true; return true; case "warnShadowing": WarnShadowing = true; return true; case "countVerificationErrors": { int countErrors = 1; // defaults to reporting verification errors if (ps.GetNumericArgument(ref countErrors, 2)) { CountVerificationErrors = countErrors == 1; } return true; } case "printTooltips": PrintTooltips = true; return true; case "autoTriggers": { int autoTriggers = 0; if (ps.GetNumericArgument(ref autoTriggers, 2)) { AutoTriggers = autoTriggers == 1; } return true; } case "optimize": { Optimize = true; return true; } case "noIronDafny": { IronDafny = false; return true; } case "ironDafny": { IronDafny = true; return true; } default: break; } // not a Dafny-specific option, so defer to superclass return base.ParseOption(name, ps); } public override void ApplyDefaultOptions() { base.ApplyDefaultOptions(); // expand macros in filenames, now that LogPrefix is fully determined ExpandFilename(ref DafnyPrelude, LogPrefix, FileTimestamp); ExpandFilename(ref DafnyPrintFile, LogPrefix, FileTimestamp); } public override void AttributeUsage() { // TODO: provide attribute help here } private void SetZ3ExecutableName() { var platform = (int)System.Environment.OSVersion.Platform; var isLinux = platform == 4 || platform == 128; // //TODO should we also vendor an OSX build? var binDir = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location); Z3ExecutablePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(binDir, isLinux ? "z3" : "z3.exe"); } public override void Usage() { Console.WriteLine(@" ---- Dafny options --------------------------------------------------------- Multiple .dfy files supplied on the command line are concatenated into one Dafny program. /dprelude: choose Dafny prelude file /dprint: print Dafny program after parsing it (use - as to print to console) /printMode: NoIncludes disables printing of {:verify false} methods incorporated via the include mechanism, as well as datatypes and fields included from other files. NoGhost disables printing of functions, ghost methods, and proof statements in implementation methods. It also disables anything NoIncludes disables. /rprint: print Dafny program after resolving it (use - as to print to console) /dafnyVerify: 0 - stop after typechecking 1 - continue on to translation, verification, and compilation /compile: 0 - do not compile Dafny program 1 (default) - upon successful verification of the Dafny program, compile Dafny program to .NET assembly Program.exe (if the program has a Main method) or Program.dll (othewise), where Program.dfy is the name of the last .dfy file on the command line 2 - always attempt to compile Dafny program to C# program out.cs, regardless of verification outcome 3 - if there is a Main method and there are no verification errors, compiles program in memory (i.e., does not write an output file) and runs it /spillTargetCode: 0 (default) - don't write the compiled Dafny program (but still compile it, if /compile indicates to do so) 1 - write the compiled Dafny program as a .cs file /dafnycc Disable features not supported by DafnyCC /noCheating: 0 (default) - allow assume statements and free invariants 1 - treat all assumptions as asserts, and drop free. /induction: 0 - never do induction, not even when attributes request it 1 - only apply induction when attributes request it 2 - apply induction as requested (by attributes) and also for heuristically chosen quantifiers 3 (default) - apply induction as requested, and for heuristically chosen quantifiers and lemmas /inductionHeuristic: 0 - least discriminating induction heuristic (that is, lean toward applying induction more often) 1,2,3,4,5 - levels in between, ordered as follows as far as how discriminating they are: 0 < 1 < 2 < (3,4) < 5 < 6 6 (default) - most discriminating /noIncludes Ignore include directives /noNLarith Reduce Z3's knowledge of non-linear arithmetic (*,/,%). Results in more manual work, but also produces more predictable behavior. /autoReqPrint: Print out requirements that were automatically generated by autoReq. /noAutoReq Ignore autoReq attributes /allowGlobals Allow the implicit class '_default' to contain fields, instance functions, and instance methods. These class members are declared at the module scope, outside of explicit classes. This command-line option is provided to simplify a transition from the behavior in the language prior to version 1.9.3, from which point onward all functions and methods declared at the module scope are implicitly static and fields declarations are not allowed at the module scope. /countVerificationErrors: 0 - If preprocessing succeeds, set exit code to 0 regardless of the number of verification errors. 1 (default) - If preprocessing succeeds, set exit code to the number of verification errors. /autoTriggers: 0 (default) - Do not generate {:trigger} annotations for user-level quantifiers. 1 - Add a {:trigger} to each user-level quantifier. Existing annotations are preserved. /optimize Produce optimized C# code, meaning: - selects optimized C# prelude by passing /define:DAFNY_USE_SYSTEM_COLLECTIONS_IMMUTABLE to csc.exe (requires System.Collections.Immutable.dll in the source directory to successfully compile). - passes /optimize flag to csc.exe. /stats Print interesting statistics about the Dafny files supplied. /funcCallGraph Print out the function call graph. Format is: func,mod=callee* /warnShadowing Emits a warning if the name of a declared variable caused another variable to be shadowed /ironDafny Enable experimental features needed to support Ironclad/Ironfleet. Use of these features may cause your code to become incompatible with future releases of Dafny. /noIronDafny Disable Ironclad/Ironfleet features, if enabled by default. /printTooltips Dump additional positional information (displayed as mouse-over tooltips by the VS plugin) to stdout as 'Info' messages. "); base.Usage(); // also print the Boogie options } } }