module TypeChecker open Ast open Printer open System.Collections.Generic let GetClass name decls = match decls |> List.tryFind (function Class(n,_,_) when n = name -> true | _ -> false) with | Some(cl) -> cl | None -> Class(name,[],[]) let GetModel name decls = match decls |> List.tryFind (function Model(n,_,_,_,_) when n = name -> true | _ -> false) with | Some(m) -> m | None -> Model(name,[],[],[],IdLiteral("true")) let GetCode name decls = match decls |> List.tryFind (function Code(n,_) when n = name -> true | _ -> false) with | Some(c) -> c | None -> Code(name,[]) let IsUserType prog tpo = match tpo with | Some(tp) -> let tpname = match tp with | NamedType(tname,_) -> tname | InstantiatedType(tname, _) -> tname | _ -> "" match prog with | Program(components) -> components |> List.filter (function Component(Class(name,_,_),_,_) when name = tpname -> true | _ -> false) |> List.isEmpty |> not | None -> false let TypeCheck prog = match prog with | SProgram(decls) -> let componentNames = decls |> List.choose (function Class(name,_,_) -> Some(name) | _ -> None) let clist = componentNames |> (fun name -> Component(GetClass name decls, GetModel name decls, GetCode name decls)) Some(Program(clist))