// #################################################################### /// This module is intended to store and handle configuration options /// /// author: Aleksandar Milicevic (t-alekm@microsoft.com) // #################################################################### module Options open Utils type Config = { help : bool; inputFilename : string; methodToSynth : string; constructorsOnly : bool; inferConditionals : bool; verifyPartialSolutions : bool; verifySolutions : bool; checkUnifications : bool; genRepr : bool; genMod : bool; timeout : int; numLoopUnrolls : int; recursiveValid : bool; breakIntoDebugger : bool; minimizeGuards : bool; } type CfgOption<'a> = { optionName: string; optionType: string; optionSetter: 'a -> Config -> Config; descr: string; } exception InvalidCmdLineArg of string exception InvalidCmdLineOption of string let CheckNonEmpty value optName = if value = "" then raise (InvalidCmdLineArg("A value for option " + optName + " must not be empty")) else value let CheckInt value optName = try System.Int32.Parse value with | ex -> raise (InvalidCmdLineArg("A value for option " + optName + " must be a boolean")) let CheckBool value optName = if value = "" then true else try System.Boolean.Parse value with | ex -> raise (InvalidCmdLineArg("A value for option " + optName + " must be an integer")) let cfgOptions = [ { optionName = "help"; optionType = "bool"; optionSetter = (fun v (cfg: Config) -> {cfg with help = CheckBool v "help"}); descr = "prints out the available switches"; } { optionName = "method"; optionType = "string"; optionSetter = (fun v (cfg: Config) -> {cfg with methodToSynth = CheckNonEmpty v "method"}); descr = "select methods to synthesize; method names are in the form .; multiple methods can be given as a list of comma separated values"; } { optionName = "constrOnly"; optionType = "bool"; optionSetter = (fun v (cfg: Config) -> {cfg with constructorsOnly = CheckBool v "constrOnly"}); descr = "synthesize constructors only"; } { optionName = "inferConds"; optionType = "bool"; optionSetter = (fun v (cfg: Config) -> {cfg with inferConditionals = CheckBool v "inferConds"}); descr = "try to infer conditions"; } { optionName = "noInferConds"; optionType = "bool"; optionSetter = (fun v (cfg: Config) -> {cfg with inferConditionals = not (CheckBool v "inferConds")}); descr = "don't try to infer conditions"; } { optionName = "verifyParSol"; optionType = "bool"; optionSetter = (fun v (cfg: Config) -> {cfg with verifyPartialSolutions = CheckBool v "verifyParSol"}); descr = "verify partial solutions"; } { optionName = "noVerifyParSol"; optionType = "bool"; optionSetter = (fun v (cfg: Config) -> {cfg with verifyPartialSolutions = not (CheckBool v "verifyParSol")}); descr = "don't verify partial solutions"; } { optionName = "verifySol"; optionType = "bool"; optionSetter = (fun v (cfg: Config) -> {cfg with verifySolutions = CheckBool v "verifySol"}); descr = "verify final solution"; } { optionName = "noVerifySol"; optionType = "bool"; optionSetter = (fun v (cfg: Config) -> {cfg with verifySolutions = not (CheckBool v "verifySol")}); descr = "don't verify final solution"; } { optionName = "checkUnifs"; optionType = "bool"; optionSetter = (fun v (cfg: Config) -> {cfg with checkUnifications = CheckBool v "checkUnifs"}); descr = "verify unifications"; } { optionName = "noCheckUnifs"; optionType = "bool"; optionSetter = (fun v (cfg: Config) -> {cfg with checkUnifications = not (CheckBool v "noCheckUnifs")}); descr = "don't verify unifications"; } { optionName = "genRepr"; optionType = "bool"; optionSetter = (fun v (cfg: Config) -> {cfg with genRepr = CheckBool v "genRepr"}); descr = "generate Repr field"; } { optionName = "noGenRepr"; optionType = "bool"; optionSetter = (fun v (cfg: Config) -> {cfg with genRepr = not (CheckBool v "noGenRepr")}); descr = "don't generate Repr field"; } { optionName = "genMod"; optionType = "bool"; optionSetter = (fun v (cfg: Config) -> {cfg with genMod = CheckBool v "genMod"}); descr = "generate modular code (delegate to methods)"; } { optionName = "noGenMod"; optionType = "bool"; optionSetter = (fun v (cfg: Config) -> {cfg with genMod = not (CheckBool v "noGenMod")}); descr = "dont generate modular code (delegate to methods)"; } { optionName = "timeout"; optionType = "int"; optionSetter = (fun v (cfg: Config) -> {cfg with timeout = CheckInt v "timeout"}); descr = "timeout"; } { optionName = "unrolls"; optionType = "int"; optionSetter = (fun v (cfg: Config) -> {cfg with numLoopUnrolls = CheckInt v "unrolls"}); descr = "number of unrolls of the Valid() function"; } { optionName = "recValid"; optionType = "bool"; optionSetter = (fun v (cfg: Config) -> {cfg with recursiveValid = CheckBool v "recValid"}); descr = "generate recursive Valid() function"; } { optionName = "noRecValid"; optionType = "bool"; optionSetter = (fun v (cfg: Config) -> {cfg with recursiveValid = not (CheckBool v "noRecValid")}); descr = "unroll Valid() function"; } { optionName = "break"; optionType = "bool"; optionSetter = (fun v (cfg: Config) -> {cfg with breakIntoDebugger = CheckBool v "break"}); descr = "launches debugger upon start-up"; } { optionName = "minGuards"; optionType = "bool"; optionSetter = (fun v (cfg: Config) -> {cfg with minimizeGuards = CheckBool v "minGuards"}); descr = "tries to remove unnecessary clauses from the inferred guards"; } ] let cfgOptMap = cfgOptions |> List.fold (fun acc o -> acc |> Map.add o.optionName o) Map.empty let newline = System.Environment.NewLine let PrintHelpMsg = let maxw = cfgOptions |> List.fold (fun acc o -> if String.length o.optionName > acc then String.length o.optionName else acc) 0 let maxwStr = sprintf "%d" (maxw + 2) let strf = new Printf.StringFormat<_>(" %-" + maxwStr + "s: %-6s | %s") let rec __PrintHelp optLst = match optLst with | fs :: [] -> (sprintf strf fs.optionName fs.optionType fs.descr) | fs :: rest -> (sprintf strf fs.optionName fs.optionType fs.descr) + newline + (__PrintHelp rest) | [] -> "" (* --- function body starts here --- *) newline + "Jennisys usage: Jennisys [ option ... ] filename" + newline + " where