module Modularizer open Ast open Getters open AstUtils open MethodUnifier open PrintUtils open Resolver open Utils // ======================================================================= /// Merges two solution maps so that if there are multiple entries for a /// single (comp,method) pair it concatenates them (corresponds to multiple /// branches). // ======================================================================= let MergeSolutions sol1 sol2 = let rec __Merge sol1map sol2lst res = match sol2lst with | ((c2,m2), lst2) :: rest -> match sol1map |> Map.tryFindKey (fun (c1,m1) lst1 -> CheckSameMethods (c1,m1) (c2,m2)) with | Some(c1,m1) -> let lst1 = sol1map |> Map.find(c1,m1) let newRes = res |> Map.add (c1,m1) (lst1@lst2) __Merge sol1map rest newRes | None -> let newRes = res |> Map.add (c2,m2) lst2 __Merge sol1map rest newRes | [] -> res (* --- function body starts here --- *) __Merge sol1 (sol2 |> Map.toList) sol1 // =========================================== /// // =========================================== let rec MakeModular indent prog comp meth cond hInst callGraph = let directChildren = lazy (GetDirectModifiableChildren hInst) let __IsAbstractField ty var = let builder = CascadingBuilder<_>(false) let varName = GetVarName var builder { let! comp = FindComponent prog (GetTypeShortName ty) let! fld = GetAbstractFields comp |> List.fold (fun acc v -> if GetVarName v = varName then Some(varName) else acc) None return true } let __FindObj objName = try //hInst.assignments |> List.find (fun ((obj,_),_) -> = objName) |> fst |> fst hInst.assignments |> List.choose (function FieldAssignment((obj,_),_) -> if ( = objName) then Some(obj) else None | _ -> None) |> List.head with | ex -> failwithf "obj %s not found for method %s" objName (GetMethodFullName comp meth) let __GetObjLitType objLitName = (__FindObj objLitName).objType // =============================================================================== /// Goes through the assignments of the heapInstance and returns only those /// assignments that correspond to abstract fields of the given "objLitName" object // =============================================================================== let __GetAbsFldAssignments objLitName = hInst.assignments |> List.choose (function FieldAssignment ((obj,var),e) -> if = objLitName && __IsAbstractField obj.objType var then Some(var,e) else None | _ -> None) // =============================================================================== /// The given assignment is: /// x := e /// /// If e is an object (e.g. gensym32) with e.g. two abstract fields "a" and "b", /// with values 3 and 8 respectively, then the "x := e" spec is fixed as following: /// x.a := 3 && x.b := 8 /// /// List values are handled similarly, e.g.: /// x := [gensym32] /// is translated into /// |x| = 1 && x[0].a = 3 && x[0].b = 8 // =============================================================================== let rec __ExamineAndFix x e = match e with | ObjLiteral(id) when not (Utils.ListContains e (directChildren.Force())) -> //TODO: is it really only non-direct children? let absFlds = __GetAbsFldAssignments id absFlds |> List.fold (fun acc (var,vval) -> BinaryAnd acc (BinaryEq (Dot(x, GetVarName var)) vval)) TrueLiteral | SequenceExpr(elist) -> let rec __fff lst acc cnt = match lst with | fsExpr :: rest -> let acc = BinaryAnd acc (__ExamineAndFix (SelectExpr(x, IntLiteral(cnt))) fsExpr) __fff rest acc (cnt+1) | [] -> let lenExpr = BinaryEq (SeqLength(x)) (IntLiteral(cnt)) BinaryAnd lenExpr acc __fff elist TrueLiteral 0 | _ -> BinaryEq x e // ================================================================================ /// The spec for an object consists of assignments to its abstract fields with one /// caveat: if some assignments include non-direct children objects of "this", then /// those objects cannot be used directly in the spec; instead, their properties must /// be expanded and embeded (that's what the "ExamineAndFix" function does) // ================================================================================ let __GetSpecFor objLitName = let absFieldAssignments = __GetAbsFldAssignments objLitName let absFldAssgnExpr = absFieldAssignments |> List.fold (fun acc (var,e) -> BinaryAnd acc (__ExamineAndFix (IdLiteral(GetVarName var)) e)) TrueLiteral let retValExpr = hInst.methodRetVals |> Map.fold (fun acc varName varValueExpr -> BinaryAnd acc (BinaryEq (VarLiteral(varName)) varValueExpr)) TrueLiteral BinaryAnd absFldAssgnExpr retValExpr // ================================================================================================ /// Simply traverses a given expression and returns all arguments of the "meth" method that are used // ================================================================================================ let __GetArgsUsed expr = let args = GetMethodArgs meth let argSet = DescendExpr2 (fun e acc -> match e with | VarLiteral(vname) -> match args |> List.tryFind (fun var -> GetVarName var = vname) with | Some(var) -> acc |> Set.add var | None -> acc | _ -> acc ) expr Set.empty argSet |> Set.toList let rec __GetDelegateMethods objs acc = match objs with | ObjLiteral(name) as obj :: rest -> let mName = sprintf "_synth_%s_%s" (GetMethodFullName comp meth |> (fun c -> if c = '.' then '_' else c)) name let pre,_ = GetMethodPrePost meth //TrueLiteral let post = __GetSpecFor name let ins = __GetArgsUsed (BinaryAnd pre post) let sgn = Sig(ins, []) let m = Method(mName, sgn, pre, post, true) let c = FindComponent prog (name |> __GetObjLitType |> GetTypeShortName) |> Utils.ExtractOption let m',unifs = TryFindExisting c m let args = ApplyMethodUnifs obj (c,m') unifs __GetDelegateMethods rest (acc |> Map.add obj (c,m',args)) | _ :: rest -> failwith "internal error: expected to see only ObjLiterals" | [] -> acc // ======================================================================= /// Tries to make a given solution for a given method into more modular, /// by delegating some statements (initialization of inner objects) to /// method calls. // ======================================================================= let __GetModularBranch = let delegateMethods = __GetDelegateMethods (directChildren.Force()) Map.empty let initChildrenExprList = delegateMethods |> Map.toList |> (fun (_, (_,_,asgs)) -> asgs) |> List.concat let newAssgns = hInst.assignments |> List.filter (function FieldAssignment((obj,_),_) -> = "this" | _ -> false) let newMethodsLst = delegateMethods |> Map.fold (fun acc receiver (c,newMthd,_) -> (c,newMthd) :: acc ) [] newMethodsLst, { hInst with assignments = initChildrenExprList @ newAssgns } (* --- function body starts here --- *) let idt = Indent indent if Options.CONFIG.genMod then Logger.InfoLine (idt + " - delegating to method calls ...") // first try to find a match for the entire method (based on the given solution) let postSpec = __GetSpecFor "this" let meth' = match meth with | Method (mname, msig, mpre, _, isConstr) -> Method(mname, msig, mpre, postSpec, isConstr) | _ -> failwithf "internal error: expected a Method but got %O" meth match TryFindExistingAndConvertToSolution indent comp meth' cond callGraph with | Some(sol) -> sol |> FixSolution comp meth | None -> // if not found, try to split into parts let newMthdLst, newHeapInst = __GetModularBranch let msol = Utils.MapSingleton (comp,meth) [cond, newHeapInst] newMthdLst |> List.fold (fun acc (c,m) -> acc |> MergeSolutions (Utils.MapSingleton (c,m) []) ) msol else Utils.MapSingleton (comp,meth) [cond, hInst] //let GetModularSol prog sol = // let comp = fst (fst sol) // let meth = snd (fst sol) // let rec __xxx prog lst = // match lst with // | (cond, hInst) :: rest -> // let newProg, newComp, newMthdLst, newhInst = GetModularBranch prog comp meth hInst // let newProg, newRest = __xxx newProg rest // newProg, ((cond, newhInst) :: newRest) // | [] -> prog, [] // let newProg, newSolutions = __xxx prog (snd sol) // let newComp = FindComponent newProg (GetComponentName comp) |> Utils.ExtractOption // newProg, ((newComp, meth), newSolutions) // //let Modularize prog solutions = // let rec __Modularize prog sols acc = // match sols with // | sol :: rest -> // let (newProg, newSol) = GetModularSol prog sol // let newAcc = acc |> Map.add (fst newSol) (snd newSol) // __Modularize newProg rest newAcc // | [] -> (prog, acc) // (* --- function body starts here --- *) // __Modularize prog (Map.toList solutions) Map.empty