module FixpointSolver open Ast open AstUtils open Resolver open Utils ///////////// type UnifDirection = LTR | RTL exception CannotUnify let rec SelectiveUnifyImplies okToUnifyFunc lhs rhs dir unifs = /// let __AddOrNone unifs name e = if okToUnifyFunc name then Some(unifs |> Utils.MapAddNew name e) else None /// let __UnifLists lstL lstR = if List.length lstL = List.length lstR then try let unifs2 = List.fold2 (fun acc elL elR -> match SelectiveUnifyImplies okToUnifyFunc elL elR dir acc with | Some(u) -> u | None -> raise CannotUnify) unifs lstL lstR Some(unifs2) with | CannotUnify -> None else None /// let __ApplyUnifs unifs exprList = exprList |> List.fold (fun acc e -> let e' = e |> Rewrite (fun e -> match e with | VarLiteral(id) when Map.containsKey id unifs -> Some(unifs |> Map.find id) | _ -> None) acc |> Set.add e' ) Set.empty if lhs = FalseLiteral || rhs = TrueLiteral then Some(unifs) else try let l,r = match dir with | LTR -> lhs,rhs | RTL -> rhs,lhs match l, r with | VarLiteral(vname), rhs -> __AddOrNone unifs vname rhs | IntLiteral(nL), IntLiteral(nR) when nL = nR -> Some(unifs) | BoolLiteral(bL), BoolLiteral(bR) when bL = bR -> Some(unifs) | SetExpr(elistL), SetExpr(elistR) -> let s1 = elistL |> __ApplyUnifs unifs let s2 = elistR |> Set.ofList if (s1 = s2) then Some(unifs) else __UnifLists elistL elistR | SequenceExpr(elistL), SequenceExpr(elistR) when List.length elistL = List.length elistR -> __UnifLists elistL elistR | _ when l = r -> Some(unifs) | _ -> let __TryUnifyPair x1 a1 x2 a2 unifs = let builder = new Utils.CascadingBuilder<_>(None) builder { let! unifsLhs = SelectiveUnifyImplies okToUnifyFunc x1 a1 dir unifs let! unifsRhs = SelectiveUnifyImplies okToUnifyFunc x2 a2 dir unifsLhs return Some(unifsRhs) } // target implies candidate! let rec ___f2 consequence premise unifs = match consequence, premise with // same operators + commutative -> try both | BinaryExpr(_, opT, lhsT, rhsT), BinaryExpr(_, opC, lhsC, rhsC) when opT = opC && IsCommutativeOp opT -> match __TryUnifyPair lhsC lhsT rhsC rhsT unifs with | Some(x) -> Some(x) | None -> __TryUnifyPair lhsC rhsT rhsC lhsT unifs // operators are the same | BinaryExpr(_, opT, lhsT, rhsT), BinaryExpr(_, opC, lhsC, rhsC) when opC = opT -> __TryUnifyPair lhsC lhsT rhsC rhsT unifs // operators are exactly the invers of one another | BinaryExpr(_, opT, lhsT, rhsT), BinaryExpr(_, opC, lhsC, rhsC) when AreInverseOps opC opT -> __TryUnifyPair lhsC rhsT rhsC lhsT unifs // | BinaryExpr(_, opT, lhsT, rhsT), BinaryExpr(_, opC, lhsC, rhsC) when DoesImplyOp opC opT -> __TryUnifyPair lhsC lhsT rhsC rhsT unifs | UnaryExpr(opC, subC), UnaryExpr(opP, subP) when opC = opP -> SelectiveUnifyImplies okToUnifyFunc subP subC dir unifs | SelectExpr(lstC, idxC), SelectExpr(lstP, idxP) -> __TryUnifyPair lstP lstC idxP idxC unifs | SeqLength(lstC), SeqLength(lstP) -> SelectiveUnifyImplies okToUnifyFunc lstP lstC dir unifs | Dot(exprC, fldNameC), Dot(exprP, fldNameP) when fldNameC = fldNameP -> SelectiveUnifyImplies okToUnifyFunc exprP exprC dir unifs | _ -> None let rec ___f1 targetLst candidateLst unifs = match targetLst, candidateLst with | targetExpr :: targetRest, candExpr :: candRest -> // trying to find a unification for "targetExpr" let uOpt = match ___f2 targetExpr candExpr unifs with // found -> just return | Some(unifs2) -> Some(unifs2) // not found -> keep looking in the rest of the candidate expressions | None -> ___f1 [targetExpr] candRest unifs match uOpt with // found -> try find for the rest of the target expressions | Some(unifs2) -> ___f1 targetRest candidateLst unifs2 // not found -> fail | None -> None | targetExpr :: _, [] -> // no more candidates for unification for this targetExpr -> fail None | [], _ -> // we've found unifications for all target expressions -> return the current unifications map Some(unifs) let __HasSetExpr e = DescendExpr2 (fun ex acc -> if acc then true else match ex with SetExpr(_) -> true | _ -> false) e false let __PreprocSplitSort e = e |> DesugarAndRemove |> DistributeNegation |> SplitIntoConjunts |> List.sortBy (fun e -> if __HasSetExpr e then 1 else 0) let lhsConjs = lhs |> __PreprocSplitSort let rhsConjs = rhs |> __PreprocSplitSort ___f1 rhsConjs lhsConjs unifs with | CannotUnify | KeyAlreadyExists -> None let UnifyImplies lhs rhs dir unifs = SelectiveUnifyImplies (fun e -> true) lhs rhs dir unifs //////////////////////////////////////////// let rec ComputeClosure heapInst expandExprFunc premises = let bogusExpr = VarLiteral("!@#$%^&*()") let ApplyUnifs unifs expr = Rewrite (function | VarLiteral(id) when unifs |> Map.containsKey id -> Some(unifs |> Map.find id) | _ -> None ) expr let FindMatches expr except premises = let okToUnifyFunc = fun (varName: string) -> varName.StartsWith("$") premises |> Set.toList |> List.choose (function BinaryExpr(_,"=",lhs,rhs) -> if lhs = expr && not (rhs = except) then Some(rhs) elif rhs = expr && not (lhs = except) then Some(lhs) else match SelectiveUnifyImplies okToUnifyFunc lhs expr LTR Map.empty with | Some(unifs) -> Some(ApplyUnifs unifs rhs) | None -> match SelectiveUnifyImplies okToUnifyFunc rhs expr LTR Map.empty with | Some(unifs) -> Some(ApplyUnifs unifs lhs) | None -> None | _ -> None) let MySetAdd expr set = let x = Printer.PrintExpr 0 expr if x.Contains("$") then set else match expr with | BinaryExpr(p,op,lhs,rhs) when IsCommutativeOp op && Set.contains (BinaryExpr(p,op,rhs,lhs)) set -> set | BinaryExpr(p,op,lhs,rhs) when IsCommutativeOp op && rhs = lhs -> set | _ -> Set.add expr set let SelectExprCombinerFunc lst idx = // distribute the indexing operation if possible let rec __fff lst idx = let selExpr = SelectExpr(lst, idx) match lst with | BinaryExpr(_,"+",lhs,rhs) -> let idxVal = EvalFull heapInst idx |> Expr2Int let lhsVal = EvalFull heapInst lhs |> Expr2List let rhsVal = EvalFull heapInst rhs |> Expr2List if idxVal < List.length lhsVal then __fff lhs idx else __fff rhs (BinarySub idx (IntLiteral(List.length lhsVal))) | SequenceExpr(elist) -> let idxVal = EvalFull heapInst idx |> Expr2Int [elist.[idxVal]] | _ -> [selExpr] __fff lst idx let SeqLenCombinerFunc lst = // distribute the SeqLength operation if possible let rec __fff lst = let lenExpr = SeqLength(lst) match lst with | BinaryExpr(_,"+",lhs,rhs) -> BinaryAdd (__fff lhs) (__fff rhs) | SequenceExpr(elist) -> IntLiteral(List.length elist) | _ -> lenExpr [__fff lst] let BinaryInCombiner lhs rhs = // distribute the "in" operation if possible let rec __fff lhs rhs = let binInExpr = BinaryIn lhs rhs match rhs with | BinaryExpr(_,"+",BinaryExpr(_,"+",SetExpr(_), Dot(_)), Dot(_)) -> Logger.Trace "" | _ -> ()//TODO: remove match rhs with | BinaryExpr(_,"+",l,r) -> // let lhsVal = EvalFull heapInst lhs // let lVal = EvalFull heapInst l // let rVal = EvalFull heapInst r // match lVal,rVal with // | SequenceExpr(elist), _ | _, SequenceExpr(elist) // | SetExpr(elist), _ | _, SetExpr(elist) -> // if elist |> Utils.ListContains lhsVal then // __fff lhs l // else // __fff lhs r // | _ -> [binInExpr] [BinaryOr (BinaryIn lhs l) (BinaryIn lhs r)] | SequenceExpr(elist) -> let len = elist |> List.length if len = 0 then [FalseLiteral] elif len = 1 then [BinaryEq lhs elist.[0]] else let lhsVal = EvalFull heapInst lhs let lst0Val = EvalFull heapInst elist.[0] if lhsVal = lst0Val then [BinaryEq lhs elist.[0]] else [BinaryIn lhs (SequenceExpr(elist |> List.tail))] | _ -> [binInExpr] __fff lhs rhs let BinaryNotInCombiner lhs rhs = // distribute the "!in" operation if possible let rec __fff lhs rhs = let binNotInExpr = BinaryNotIn lhs rhs match rhs with | BinaryExpr(_,"+",l,r) -> // let lhsVal = EvalFull heapInst lhs // let lVal = EvalFull heapInst l // let rVal = EvalFull heapInst r // match lVal,rVal with // | SequenceExpr(elistL), SequenceExpr(elistR) // | SetExpr(elistL), SetExpr(elistR) -> // (__fff lhs l) @ // (__fff lhs r) // | _ -> [binNotInExpr] __fff lhs l @ __fff lhs r | SequenceExpr(elist) -> let len = elist |> List.length if len = 0 then [TrueLiteral] elif len = 1 then [BinaryNeq lhs elist.[0]] else let lhsVal = EvalFull heapInst lhs let lst0Val = EvalFull heapInst elist.[0] [BinaryNeq lhs elist.[0]] @ [BinaryNotIn lhs (SequenceExpr(elist |> List.tail))] | _ -> [binNotInExpr] __fff lhs rhs let rec __CombineAllMatches expr premises = let lst0 = FindMatches expr bogusExpr premises let lstCombined = match expr with | BinaryExpr(p,op,lhs,rhs) -> let lhsMatches = __CombineAllMatches lhs premises let rhsMatches = __CombineAllMatches rhs premises let lst1 = Utils.ListCombine (fun e1 e2 -> BinaryExpr(p,op,e1,e2)) lhsMatches rhsMatches let lst2 = if op = "in" then Utils.ListCombineMult BinaryInCombiner lhsMatches rhsMatches elif op = "!in" then Utils.ListCombineMult BinaryNotInCombiner lhsMatches rhsMatches else [] lst1 @ lst2 | UnaryExpr(op,sub) -> __CombineAllMatches sub premises |> (fun e -> UnaryExpr(op,e)) | SelectExpr(lst,idx) -> let lstMatches = __CombineAllMatches lst premises let idxMatches = __CombineAllMatches idx premises Utils.ListCombineMult SelectExprCombinerFunc lstMatches idxMatches | SeqLength(lst) -> __CombineAllMatches lst premises |> SeqLenCombinerFunc |> List.concat // TODO: other cases | _ -> [] expr :: (lst0 @ lstCombined) let rec __ExpandPremise expr premises = let __AddToPremisses exprLst premises = exprLst |> List.fold (fun acc e -> MySetAdd e acc) premises let allMatches = lazy(__CombineAllMatches expr premises) match expr with | BinaryExpr(p,op,lhs,rhs) when IsRelationalOp op -> let x = allMatches.Force() __AddToPremisses x premises | SelectExpr(lst, idx) -> let x = allMatches.Force() __AddToPremisses x premises | _ -> premises let rec __Iter exprLst premises = match exprLst with | expr :: rest -> let newPremises = if expandExprFunc expr then __ExpandPremise expr premises else premises __Iter rest newPremises | [] -> premises (* --- function body starts here --- *) let premises' = __Iter (premises |> Set.toList) premises if premises' = premises then premises' else //Logger.TraceLine "-----------------------" //premises' |> Set.iter (fun e -> Logger.TraceLine (Printer.PrintExpr 0 e)) ComputeClosure heapInst expandExprFunc premises'