module Analyzer open Ast open Printer let rec PrintType ty = match ty with | NamedType(id) -> printf "%s" id | InstantiatedType(id,arg) -> printf "%s<" id ; PrintType arg ; printf ">" let rec PrintExpr ctx expr = match expr with | IntLiteral(n) -> printf "%O" n | IdLiteral(id) -> printf "%s" id | Star -> assert false // I hope this won't happen | Dot(e,id) -> PrintExpr 100 e ; printf ".%s" id | UnaryExpr(op,e) -> printf "%s" op ; PrintExpr 90 e | BinaryExpr(strength,op,e0,e1) -> let op = match op with | "=" -> "==" | "div" -> "/" | "mod" -> "%" | _ -> op let needParens = strength <= ctx if needParens then printf "(" else () PrintExpr strength e0 ; printf " %s " op ; PrintExpr strength e1 if needParens then printf ")" else () | SelectExpr(e,i) -> PrintExpr 100 e ; printf "[" ; PrintExpr 0 i ; printf "]" | UpdateExpr(e,i,v) -> PrintExpr 100 e ; printf "[" ; PrintExpr 0 i ; printf " := " ; PrintExpr 0 v ; printf "]" | SequenceExpr(ee) -> printf "[" ; ee |> PrintSep ", " (PrintExpr 0) ; printf "]" | SeqLength(e) -> printf "|" ; PrintExpr 0 e ; printf "|" | ForallExpr(vv,e) -> let needParens = true if needParens then printf "(" else () printf "forall " ; vv |> PrintSep ", " PrintVarDecl ; printf " :: " ; PrintExpr 0 e if needParens then printf ")" else () let VarsAreDifferent aa bb = printf "false" List.iter2 (fun (_,Var(a,_)) (_,Var(b,_)) -> printf " || %s != %s" a b) aa bb let Fields members = members |> List.choose (function Field(vd) -> Some(vd) | _ -> None) let Rename suffix vars = vars |> (function Var(nm,tp) -> nm, Var(nm + suffix, tp)) let ReplaceName substMap nm = match Map.tryFind nm substMap with | Some(Var(name, tp)) -> name | None -> nm let rec Substitute substMap = function | IdLiteral(s) -> IdLiteral(ReplaceName substMap s) | Dot(e,f) -> Dot(Substitute substMap e, ReplaceName substMap f) | UnaryExpr(op,e) -> UnaryExpr(op, Substitute substMap e) | BinaryExpr(n,op,e0,e1) -> BinaryExpr(n, op, Substitute substMap e0, Substitute substMap e1) | SelectExpr(e0,e1) -> SelectExpr(Substitute substMap e0, Substitute substMap e1) | UpdateExpr(e0,e1,e2) -> UpdateExpr(Substitute substMap e0, Substitute substMap e1, Substitute substMap e2) | SequenceExpr(ee) -> SequenceExpr( (Substitute substMap) ee) | SeqLength(e) -> SeqLength(Substitute substMap e) | ForallExpr(vv,e) -> ForallExpr(vv, Substitute substMap e) | expr -> expr let rec PrintStmt stmt indent = match stmt with | Block(stmts) -> Indent indent ; printfn "{" PrintStmtList stmts (indent + 2) Indent indent ; printfn "}" | Assign(lhs,rhs) -> Indent indent ; PrintExpr 0 lhs ; printf " := " ; PrintExpr 0 rhs ; printfn ";" and PrintStmtList stmts indent = stmts |> List.iter (fun s -> PrintStmt s indent) let GenerateCode methodName signature pre stmts inv assumeInvInitially = printfn " method %s()" methodName printfn " modifies this;" printfn " {" if assumeInvInitially then // assume invariant printf " assume " ; PrintExpr 0 inv ; printfn ";" else () // print signature as local variables match signature with | Sig(ins,outs) -> List.concat [ins; outs] |> List.iter (fun vd -> printf " var " ; PrintVarDecl vd ; printfn ";") // assume preconditions printf " assume " ; PrintExpr 0 pre ; printfn ";" // do statements stmts |> List.iter (fun s -> PrintStmt s 4) // assume invariant printf " assume " ; PrintExpr 0 inv ; printfn ";" // if the following assert fails, the model hints at what code to generate; if the verification succeeds, an implementation would be infeasible printfn " assert false;" printfn "}" let AnalyzeComponent c = match c with | Component(Class(name,typeParams,members), Model(_,_,cVars,frame,inv), code) -> let aVars = Fields members let aVars0 = Rename "0" aVars let aVars1 = Rename "1" aVars let allVars = List.concat [aVars; (fun (a,b) -> b) aVars0; (fun (a,b) -> b) aVars1; cVars] let inv0 = Substitute (Map.ofList aVars0) inv let inv1 = Substitute (Map.ofList aVars1) inv // Now print it as a Dafny program printf "class %s" name match typeParams with | [] -> () | _ -> printf "<" ; typeParams |> PrintSep ", " (fun tp -> printf "%s" tp) ; printf ">" printfn " {" // the fields: original abstract fields plus two more copies thereof, plus and concrete fields allVars |> List.iter (function Var(nm,None) -> printfn " var %s;" nm | Var(nm,Some(tp)) -> printf " var %s: " nm ; PrintType tp ; printfn ";") // the method printfn " method %s_checkInjective() {" name printf " assume " ; VarsAreDifferent aVars0 aVars1 ; printfn ";" printf " assume " ; PrintExpr 0 inv0 ; printfn ";" printf " assume " ; PrintExpr 0 inv1 ; printfn ";" printfn " assert false;" // {:msg "Two abstract states map to the same concrete state"} printfn " }" // generate code members |> List.iter (function | Constructor(methodName,signature,pre,stmts) -> GenerateCode methodName signature pre stmts inv false | Method(methodName,signature,pre,stmts) -> GenerateCode methodName signature pre stmts inv true | _ -> ()) // the end of the class printfn "}" | _ -> assert false // unexpected case let Analyze prog = match prog with | Program(components) -> components |> List.iter AnalyzeComponent