module Analyzer open Ast open AstUtils open CodeGen open DafnyModelUtils open PipelineUtils open Options open Printer open Resolver open DafnyPrinter open Utils open Microsoft.Boogie let Rename suffix vars = vars |> (function Var(nm,tp) -> nm, Var(nm + suffix, tp)) let ReplaceName substMap nm = match Map.tryFind nm substMap with | Some(Var(name, tp)) -> name | None -> nm let rec Substitute substMap = function | IdLiteral(s) -> IdLiteral(ReplaceName substMap s) | Dot(e,f) -> Dot(Substitute substMap e, ReplaceName substMap f) | UnaryExpr(op,e) -> UnaryExpr(op, Substitute substMap e) | BinaryExpr(n,op,e0,e1) -> BinaryExpr(n, op, Substitute substMap e0, Substitute substMap e1) | SelectExpr(e0,e1) -> SelectExpr(Substitute substMap e0, Substitute substMap e1) | UpdateExpr(e0,e1,e2) -> UpdateExpr(Substitute substMap e0, Substitute substMap e1, Substitute substMap e2) | SequenceExpr(ee) -> SequenceExpr( (Substitute substMap) ee) | SeqLength(e) -> SeqLength(Substitute substMap e) | ForallExpr(vv,e) -> ForallExpr(vv, Substitute substMap e) | expr -> expr let GenMethodAnalysisCode comp m assertion = let methodName = GetMethodName m let signature = GetMethodSig m let ppre,ppost = GetMethodPrePost m let pre = Desugar ppre let post = Desugar ppost " method " + methodName + "()" + newline + " modifies this;" + newline + " {" + newline + // print signature as local variables (match signature with | Sig(ins,outs) -> List.concat [ins; outs] |> List.fold (fun acc vd -> acc + (sprintf " var %s;" (PrintVarDecl vd)) + newline) "") + " // assume precondition" + newline + " assume " + (PrintExpr 0 pre) + ";" + newline + " // assume invariant and postcondition" + newline + " assume Valid();" + newline + " assume " + (PrintExpr 0 post) + ";" + newline + " // assume user defined invariant again because assuming Valid() doesn't always work" + newline + (GetInvariantsAsList comp |> PrintSep newline (fun e -> " assume " + (PrintExpr 0 e) + ";")) + newline + // if the following assert fails, the model hints at what code to generate; if the verification succeeds, an implementation would be infeasible " // assert false to search for a model satisfying the assumed constraints" + newline + " assert " + (PrintExpr 0 assertion) + ";" + newline + " }" + newline let MethodAnalysisPrinter onlyForThisCompMethod assertion comp mthd = match onlyForThisCompMethod with | (c,m) when c = comp && m = mthd -> match m with | Method(methodName, sign, pre, post, true) -> (GenMethodAnalysisCode comp m assertion) + newline | _ -> "" | _ -> "" let rec IsArgsOnly args expr = match expr with | IntLiteral(_) -> true | BoolLiteral(_) -> true | Star -> true | ObjLiteral(id) -> true | VarLiteral(id) | IdLiteral(id) -> args |> List.exists (function Var(varName,_) when varName = id -> true | _ -> false) | UnaryExpr(_,e) -> IsArgsOnly args e | BinaryExpr(_,_,e1,e2) -> (IsArgsOnly args e1) && (IsArgsOnly args e2) | IteExpr(c,e1,e2) -> (IsArgsOnly args c) && (IsArgsOnly args e1) && (IsArgsOnly args e2) | Dot(e,_) -> IsArgsOnly args e | SelectExpr(e1, e2) -> (IsArgsOnly args e1) && (IsArgsOnly args e2) | UpdateExpr(e1, e2, e3) -> (IsArgsOnly args e1) && (IsArgsOnly args e2) && (IsArgsOnly args e3) | SequenceExpr(exprs) | SetExpr(exprs) -> exprs |> List.fold (fun acc e -> acc && (IsArgsOnly args e)) true | SeqLength(e) -> IsArgsOnly args e | ForallExpr(vars,e) -> IsArgsOnly (List.concat [args; vars]) e //TODO: unifications should probably by "Expr <--> Expr" instead of "Expr <--> Const" let GetUnifications indent expr args heapInst = let idt = Indent indent // - first looks if the give expression talks only about method arguments (args) // - then checks if it doesn't already exist in the unification map // - then it tries to evaluate it to a constant // - if all of these succeed, it adds a unification rule e <--> val(e) to the given unifMap map let __AddUnif e unifMap = let builder = new CascadingBuilder<_>(unifMap) builder { let! argsOnly = IsArgsOnly args e |> Utils.BoolToOption let! notAlreadyAdded = Map.tryFind e unifMap |> Utils.IsNoneOption |> Utils.BoolToOption let! v = try Some(Eval heapInst true e |> Expr2Const) with ex -> None Logger.DebugLine (idt + " - adding unification " + (PrintExpr 0 e) + " <--> " + (PrintConst v)) return Map.add e v unifMap } // just recurses on all expressions let rec __GetUnifications expr args unifs = let unifs = __AddUnif expr unifs match expr with | IntLiteral(_) | BoolLiteral(_) | VarLiteral(_) | ObjLiteral(_) | IdLiteral(_) | Star -> unifs | Dot(e, _) | SeqLength(e) | ForallExpr(_,e) | UnaryExpr(_,e) -> unifs |> __GetUnifications e args | SelectExpr(e1, e2) | BinaryExpr(_,_,e1,e2) -> unifs |> __GetUnifications e1 args |> __GetUnifications e2 args | IteExpr(e1,e2,e3) | UpdateExpr(e1, e2, e3) -> unifs |> __GetUnifications e1 args |> __GetUnifications e2 args |> __GetUnifications e3 args | SetExpr(elst) | SequenceExpr(elst) -> elst |> List.fold (fun acc e -> acc |> __GetUnifications e args) unifs (* --- function body starts here --- *) __GetUnifications expr args Map.empty // ======================================================= /// Returns a map (Expr |--> Const) containing unifications /// found for the given method and heap/env/ctx // ======================================================= let GetUnificationsForMethod indent comp m heapInst = let idt = Indent indent let rec GetArgValueUnifications args = match args with | Var(name,_) :: rest -> match Map.tryFind name heapInst.methodArgs with | Some(c) -> Logger.DebugLine (idt + " - adding unification " + name + " <--> " + (PrintConst c)); Map.ofList [VarLiteral(name), c] |> Utils.MapAddAll (GetArgValueUnifications rest) | None -> failwith ("couldn't find value for argument " + name) | [] -> Map.empty (* --- function body starts here --- *) match m with | Method(mName,Sig(ins, outs),pre,post,_) -> let args = List.concat [ins; outs] match args with | [] -> Map.empty | _ -> GetUnifications indent (BinaryAnd pre post) args heapInst |> Utils.MapAddAll (GetArgValueUnifications args) | _ -> failwith ("not a method: " + m.ToString()) // ========================================================================= /// For a given constant "o" (which is an object, something like "gensym32"), /// finds a path of field references from "this". /// /// Implements a backtracking search over the heap entries to find that /// path. It starts from the given object, and follows the backpointers /// until it reaches the root ("this") // ========================================================================= let objRef2ExprCache = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary() let GetObjRefExpr objRefName (heapInst: HeapInstance) = let rec __GetObjRefExpr objRefName visited = if Set.contains objRefName visited then None else let newVisited = Set.add objRefName visited match objRefName with | "this" -> Some(ObjLiteral("this")) | _ -> let rec __fff lst = match lst with | ((o,Var(fldName,_)),_) :: rest -> match __GetObjRefExpr newVisited with | Some(expr) -> Some(Dot(expr, fldName)) | None -> __fff rest | [] -> None let backPointers = heapInst.assignments |> Map.filter (fun (_,_) l -> l = ObjLiteral(objRefName)) |> Map.toList __fff backPointers (* --- function body starts here --- *) if objRef2ExprCache.ContainsKey(objRefName) then Some(objRef2ExprCache.[objRefName]) else let res = __GetObjRefExpr objRefName (Set.empty) match res with | Some(e) -> objRef2ExprCache.Add(objRefName, e) | None -> () res // ======================================================= /// Applies given unifications onto the given heap/env/ctx /// /// If "conservative" is true, applies only those that /// can be verified to hold, otherwise applies all of them // ======================================================= let rec ApplyUnifications indent prog comp mthd unifs heapInst conservative = let idt = Indent indent let __CheckUnif o f e idx = if not conservative || not Options.CONFIG.checkUnifications then true else let objRefExpr = GetObjRefExpr o heapInst |> Utils.ExtractOptionMsg ("Couldn't find a path from 'this' to " + o) let fldName = PrintVarName f let lhs = Dot(objRefExpr, fldName) let assertionExpr = match f with | Var(_, Some(SeqType(_))) when not (idx = -1) -> BinaryEq (SelectExpr(lhs, IntLiteral(idx))) e | Var(_, Some(SetType(_))) when not (idx = -1) -> BinaryIn e lhs | _ -> BinaryEq lhs e // check if the assertion follows and if so update the env let code = PrintDafnyCodeSkeleton prog (MethodAnalysisPrinter (comp,mthd) assertionExpr) false Logger.Debug (idt + " - checking assertion: " + (PrintExpr 0 assertionExpr) + " ... ") let ok = CheckDafnyProgram code ("unif_" + (GetMethodFullName comp mthd)) if ok then Logger.DebugLine " HOLDS" else Logger.DebugLine " DOESN'T HOLD" ok (* --- function body starts here --- *) match unifs with | (e,c) :: rest -> let heapInst = ApplyUnifications indent prog comp mthd rest heapInst conservative let newHeap = heapInst.assignments|> Map.fold (fun acc (o,f) value -> if value = Const2Expr c then if __CheckUnif f e -1 then // change the value to expression //Logger.TraceLine (sprintf "%s - applied: %s.%s --> %s" idt (PrintConst o) (GetVarName f) (PrintExpr 0 e) ) acc |> Map.add (o,f) e else // don't change the value unless "conservative = false" acc |> Map.add (o,f) value else let rec __UnifyOverLst lst cnt = match lst with | lstElem :: rest when lstElem = Const2Expr c -> if __CheckUnif f e cnt then //Logger.TraceLine (sprintf "%s - applied: %s.%s[%d] --> %s" idt (PrintConst o) (GetVarName f) cnt (PrintExpr 0 e) ) e :: __UnifyOverLst rest (cnt+1) else lstElem :: __UnifyOverLst rest (cnt+1) | lstElem :: rest -> lstElem :: __UnifyOverLst rest (cnt+1) | [] -> [] // see if it's a list, then try to match its elements, otherwise leave it as is match value with | SequenceExpr(elist) -> let newExprList = __UnifyOverLst elist 0 acc |> Map.add (o,f) (SequenceExpr(newExprList)) | SetExpr(elist) -> let newExprList = __UnifyOverLst elist 0 acc |> Map.add (o,f) (SetExpr(newExprList)) | _ -> acc |> Map.add (o,f) value ) heapInst.assignments {heapInst with assignments = newHeap } | [] -> heapInst // ==================================================================================== /// Returns whether the code synthesized for the given method can be verified with Dafny // ==================================================================================== let VerifySolution prog comp mthd sol genRepr = // print the solution to file and try to verify it with Dafny let solutions = Map.empty |> Map.add (comp,mthd) sol let code = PrintImplCode prog solutions (fun p -> [comp,mthd]) genRepr CheckDafnyProgram code dafnyVerifySuffix // ============================================================================ /// Attempts to synthesize the initialization code for the given constructor "m" /// /// Returns a (heap,env,ctx) tuple // ============================================================================ let rec AnalyzeConstructor indent prog comp m = let idt = Indent indent let methodName = GetMethodName m let pre,post = GetMethodPrePost m // generate Dafny code for analysis first let code = PrintDafnyCodeSkeleton prog (MethodAnalysisPrinter (comp,m) FalseLiteral) false Logger.InfoLine (idt + "[*] Analyzing constructor") Logger.InfoLine (idt + "------------------------------------------") Logger.InfoLine (PrintMethodSignFull (indent + 4) m) Logger.InfoLine (idt + "------------------------------------------") Logger.Info (idt + " - searching for an instance ...") let models = RunDafnyProgram code (dafnyScratchSuffix + "_" + (GetMethodFullName comp m)) if models.Count = 0 then // no models means that the "assert false" was verified, which means that the spec is inconsistent Logger.WarnLine (idt + " !!! SPEC IS INCONSISTENT !!!") [] else if models.Count > 1 then Logger.WarnLine " FAILED " failwith "internal error (more than one model for a single constructor analysis)" Logger.InfoLine " OK " let model = models.[0] let hModel = ReadFieldValuesFromModel model prog comp m let heapInst = ResolveModel hModel let unifs = GetUnificationsForMethod indent comp m heapInst |> Map.toList let heapInst = ApplyUnifications indent prog comp m unifs heapInst true if Options.CONFIG.verifySolutions then Logger.InfoLine (idt + " - verifying synthesized solution ... ") let sol = [TrueLiteral, heapInst] let verified = VerifySolution prog comp m sol Options.CONFIG.genRepr Logger.Info (idt + " ") if verified then Logger.InfoLine "~~~ VERIFIED ~~~" sol else Logger.InfoLine "!!! NOT VERIFIED !!!" Logger.InfoLine (idt + " Strengthening the pre-condition") TryInferConditionals (indent + 4) prog comp m unifs heapInst else [TrueLiteral, heapInst] and TryInferConditionals indent prog comp m unifs heapInst = let idt = Indent indent let wrongSol = [TrueLiteral, heapInst] let heapInst2 = ApplyUnifications indent prog comp m unifs heapInst false // get expressions to evaluate: // - add post (and pre?) conditions // - go through all objects on the heap and assert their invariants let pre,post = GetMethodPrePost m let prepostExpr = post //TODO: do we need the "pre" here as well? let heapObjs = heapInst2.assignments |> Map.fold (fun acc (o,_) _ -> acc |> Set.add o) Set.empty let expr = heapObjs |> Set.fold (fun acc o -> let receiverOpt = GetObjRefExpr heapInst2 let receiver = Utils.ExtractOption receiverOpt let objComp = FindComponent prog (GetTypeShortName o.objType) |> Utils.ExtractOption let objInvs = GetInvariantsAsList objComp let objInvsUpdated = objInvs |> (ChangeThisReceiver receiver) objInvsUpdated |> List.fold (fun a e -> BinaryAnd a e) acc ) prepostExpr // now evaluate and see what's left let newCond = Eval heapInst2 false expr try if newCond = TrueLiteral then Logger.InfoLine (sprintf "%s - no more interesting pre-conditions" idt) wrongSol else Logger.InfoLine (sprintf "%s - candidate pre-condition: %s" idt (PrintExpr 0 newCond)) let p2,c2,m2 = AddPrecondition prog comp m newCond Logger.Info (idt + " - verifying partial solution ... ") let sol = [newCond, heapInst2] let verified = if Options.CONFIG.verifyPartialSolutions then VerifySolution p2 c2 m2 sol Options.CONFIG.genRepr else true if verified then if Options.CONFIG.verifyPartialSolutions then Logger.InfoLine "VERIFIED" else Logger.InfoLine "SKIPPED" let p3,c3,m3 = AddPrecondition prog comp m (UnaryNot(newCond)) sol.[0] :: AnalyzeConstructor (indent + 2) p3 c3 m3 else Logger.InfoLine "NOT VERIFIED" wrongSol with ex -> raise ex let GetMethodsToAnalyze prog = let mOpt = Options.CONFIG.methodToSynth; if mOpt = "*" then (* all *) FilterMembers prog FilterConstructorMembers elif mOpt = "paramsOnly" then (* only with parameters *) FilterMembers prog FilterConstructorMembersWithParams else let allMethods,neg = if mOpt.StartsWith("~") then mOpt.Substring(1), true else mOpt, false (* exactly one *) let methods = allMethods.Split([|','|]) let lst = methods |> Array.fold (fun acc m -> let compName = m.Substring(0, m.LastIndexOf(".")) let methName = m.Substring(m.LastIndexOf(".") + 1) let c = FindComponent prog compName |> Utils.ExtractOptionMsg ("Cannot find component " + compName) let mthd = FindMethod c methName |> Utils.ExtractOptionMsg ("Cannot find method " + methName + " in component " + compName) (c,mthd) :: acc ) [] if neg then FilterMembers prog FilterConstructorMembers |> List.filter (fun e -> not (Utils.ListContains e lst)) else lst // ============================================================================ /// Goes through a given list of methods of the given program and attempts to /// synthesize code for each one of them. /// /// Returns a map from (component * method) |--> (heap,env,ctx) // ============================================================================ let rec AnalyzeMethods prog members = match members with | (comp,m) :: rest -> match m with | Method(_,_,_,_,true) -> let solOpt = AnalyzeConstructor 2 prog comp m Logger.InfoLine "" AnalyzeMethods prog rest |> Map.add (comp,m) solOpt | _ -> AnalyzeMethods prog rest | [] -> Map.empty let Analyze prog filename = let solutions = AnalyzeMethods prog (GetMethodsToAnalyze prog) let progName = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename) use file = System.IO.File.CreateText(dafnySynthFileNameTemplate.Replace("###", progName)) file.AutoFlush <- true Logger.InfoLine "Printing synthesized code" let synthCode = PrintImplCode prog solutions GetMethodsToAnalyze Options.CONFIG.genRepr fprintfn file "%s" synthCode () //let AnalyzeComponent_rustan c = // match c with // | Component(Class(name,typeParams,members), Model(_,_,cVars,frame,inv), code) -> // let aVars = Fields members // let aVars0 = Rename "0" aVars // let aVars1 = Rename "1" aVars // let allVars = List.concat [aVars; (fun (a,b) -> b) aVars0; (fun (a,b) -> b) aVars1; cVars] // let inv0 = Substitute (Map.ofList aVars0) inv // let inv1 = Substitute (Map.ofList aVars1) inv // // Now print it as a Dafny program // printf "class %s" name // match typeParams with // | [] -> () // | _ -> printf "<%s>" (typeParams |> PrintSep ", " (fun tp -> tp)) // printfn " {" // // the fields: original abstract fields plus two more copies thereof, plus and concrete fields // allVars |> List.iter (function Var(nm,None) -> printfn " var %s;" nm | Var(nm,Some(tp)) -> printfn " var %s: %s;" nm (PrintType tp)) // // the method // printfn " method %s_checkInjective() {" name // printf " assume " ; (VarsAreDifferent aVars0 aVars1) ; printfn ";" // printfn " assume %s;" (PrintExpr 0 inv0) // printfn " assume %s;" (PrintExpr 0 inv1) // printfn " assert false;" // {:msg "Two abstract states map to the same concrete state"} // printfn " }" // // generate code // members |> List.iter (function // | Constructor(methodName,signature,pre,stmts) -> printf "%s" (GenerateCode methodName signature pre stmts inv false) // | Method(methodName,signature,pre,stmts) -> printf "%s" (GenerateCode methodName signature pre stmts inv true) // | _ -> ()) // // the end of the class // printfn "}" // | _ -> assert false // unexpected case