Building on Linux ================= (Tested on a fresh Linux Mint 17.2) 0. Dependencies apt install mono-devel g++ 1. Create an empty base directory mkdir BASE-DIRECTORY cd BASE-DIRECTORY 2. Download and build Boogie: git clone cd boogie mozroots --import --sync wget mono ./nuget.exe restore Source/Boogie.sln xbuild Source/Boogie.sln cd .. 3. Download and build Dafny: hg clone cd dafny/Sources/ xbuild Dafny.sln 4. Download and build Z3 git clone cd z3 git checkout z3-4.4.0 ./configure cd build make -j4 cd ../.. 5. Copy (or symlink) the z3 binary so that Dafny can find it: cd BASE-DIRECTORY rm -f dafny/Binaries/z3 rm -f boogie/Binaries/z3.exe ln -s /usr/bin/z3 dafny/Binaries/z3 ln -s /usr/bin/z3 boogie/Binaries/z3.exe 6. Run Dafny using the `dafny` shell script in the Binaries directory. Editing in Emacs ================ The README at has plenty of information on how to set-up Emacs to work with Dafny. In short, it boils down to running [M-x package-install RET boogie-friends RET] and adding the following to your .emacs: (setq flycheck-dafny-executable "BASE-DIRECTORy/dafny/") Do look at the README, though! It's full of useful tips.