Building on Linux ================= Tested on a fresh Linux Mint 17.2. Note that we now have official releases for Linux, so these instructions mostly apply to people interested in looking at Dafny's sources. 0. Dependencies apt install mono-devel g++ 1. Create an empty base directory mkdir BASE-DIRECTORY cd BASE-DIRECTORY 2. Download and build Boogie: git clone cd boogie mozroots --import --sync wget mono ./nuget.exe restore Source/Boogie.sln xbuild Source/Boogie.sln cd .. 3. Download and build Dafny: hg clone cd dafny/Sources/ xbuild Dafny.sln 4. Download and unpack z3 (Dafny looks for `z3` in Binaries/z3/bin/) cd BASE-DIRECTORY wget unzip mv z3-4.4.0-x64-ubuntu-14.04 dafny/Binaries/z3 5. (Optional) If you plan to use Boogie directly, copy (or symlink) the z3 binary so that Boogie, too, can find it: cd BASE-DIRECTORY rm -f boogie/Binaries/z3.exe cp dafny/Binaries/z3/bin/z3 boogie/Binaries/z3.exe 6. Run Dafny using the `dafny` shell script in the Binaries directory (it calls mono as appropriate) Editing in Emacs ================ The README at has plenty of information on how to set-up Emacs to work with Dafny. In short, it boils down to running [M-x package-install RET boogie-friends RET] and adding the following to your .emacs: (setq flycheck-dafny-executable "BASE-DIRECTORY/dafny/Binaries/dafny") Do look at the README, though! It's full of useful tips.