using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics.Contracts; using System.Text; using Microsoft.Boogie; /// /// A class containing static methods to extend the functionality of Code Contracts /// public static class cce { [Pure] public static T NonNull(T t) where T : class { Contract.Assert(t != null); return t; } [Pure] public static bool NonNullElements(IEnumerable collection) where T : class { return collection != null && Contract.ForAll(collection, c => c != null); } [Pure] public static bool NonNullDictionaryAndValues(IDictionary collection) where TValue : class { return collection != null && NonNullElements(collection.Values); } [Pure] public static bool NonNullElements(VariableSeq collection) { return collection != null && Contract.ForAll(0, collection.Length, i => collection[i] != null); } [Pure] public static bool NonNullElements(Microsoft.Dafny.Graph collection) where T : class { return collection != null && cce.NonNullElements(collection.TopologicallySortedComponents()); } [Pure] public static void BeginExpose(object o) { } [Pure] public static void EndExpose() { } [Pure] public static bool IsPeerConsistent(object o) { return true; } [Pure] public static bool IsConsistent(object o) { return true; } [Pure] public static bool IsExposable(object o) { return true; } [Pure] public static bool IsExposed(object o) { return true; } public static class Owner { [Pure] public static bool Same(object o, object p) { return true; } [Pure] public static void AssignSame(object o, object p) { } [Pure] public static object ElementProxy(object o) { return o; } [Pure] public static bool None(object o) { return true; } } [Pure] public static void LoopInvariant(bool p) { Contract.Assert(p); } public class UnreachableException : Exception { public UnreachableException() { } } [Pure] public static bool IsValid(Microsoft.Dafny.Expression expression) { return true; } } public class PeerAttribute : System.Attribute { } public class RepAttribute : System.Attribute { } public class CapturedAttribute : System.Attribute { } public class NotDelayedAttribute : System.Attribute { } public class NoDefaultContractAttribute : System.Attribute { } public class VerifyAttribute : System.Attribute { public VerifyAttribute(bool b) { } } public class StrictReadonlyAttribute : System.Attribute { } public class AdditiveAttribute : System.Attribute { } public class ReadsAttribute : System.Attribute { public enum Reads { Nothing, }; public ReadsAttribute(object o) { } }