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authorGravatar rustanleino <unknown>2010-09-21 00:17:44 +0000
committerGravatar rustanleino <unknown>2010-09-21 00:17:44 +0000
commit84b3cb0f57bd433fe321c9437b866a770a206e9b (patch)
parent3baf6dafea70401444ddc94f1b353c3d32a66743 (diff)
Dafny: Compilation of multi-dimensional arrays
4 files changed, 145 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/Dafny/Compiler.cs b/Dafny/Compiler.cs
index 6115f026..648be451 100644
--- a/Dafny/Compiler.cs
+++ b/Dafny/Compiler.cs
@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
wr.WriteLine("// Dafny program {0} compiled into C#", program.Name);
+ CompileBuiltIns(program.BuiltIns);
foreach (ModuleDecl m in program.Modules) {
int indent = 0;
@@ -98,6 +99,82 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
+ void CompileBuiltIns(BuiltIns builtIns) {
+ wr.WriteLine("namespace Dafny {");
+ Indent(IndentAmount);
+ wr.WriteLine("public class Helpers {");
+ foreach (var decl in builtIns.SystemModule.TopLevelDecls) {
+ if (decl is ArrayClassDecl) {
+ int dims = ((ArrayClassDecl)decl).Dims;
+ // public static T[,] InitNewArray2<T>(BigInteger size0, BigInteger size1) {
+ Indent(3 * IndentAmount);
+ wr.Write("public static T[");
+ RepeatWrite(wr, dims, "", ",");
+ wr.Write("] InitNewArray{0}<T>(", dims);
+ RepeatWrite(wr, dims, "BigInteger size{0}", ", ");
+ wr.WriteLine(") {");
+ // int s0 = (int)size0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < dims; i++) {
+ Indent(4 * IndentAmount);
+ wr.WriteLine("int s{0} = (int)size{0};", i);
+ }
+ // T[,] a = new T[s0, s1];
+ Indent(4 * IndentAmount);
+ wr.Write("T[");
+ RepeatWrite(wr, dims, "", ",");
+ wr.Write("] a = new T[");
+ RepeatWrite(wr, dims, "s{0}", ",");
+ wr.WriteLine("];");
+ // BigInteger[,] b = a as BigInteger[,];
+ Indent(4 * IndentAmount);
+ wr.Write("BigInteger[");
+ RepeatWrite(wr, dims, "", ",");
+ wr.Write("] b = a as BigInteger[");
+ RepeatWrite(wr, dims, "", ",");
+ wr.WriteLine("];");
+ // if (b != null) {
+ Indent(4 * IndentAmount);
+ wr.WriteLine("if (b != null) {");
+ // BigInteger z = new BigInteger(0);
+ Indent(5 * IndentAmount);
+ wr.WriteLine("BigInteger z = new BigInteger(0);");
+ // for (int i0 = 0; i0 < s0; i0++)
+ // for (int i1 = 0; i1 < s1; i1++)
+ for (int i = 0; i < dims; i++) {
+ Indent((5+i) * IndentAmount);
+ wr.WriteLine("for (int i{0} = 0; i{0} < s{0}; i{0}++)", i);
+ }
+ // b[i0,i1] = z;
+ Indent((5+dims) * IndentAmount);
+ wr.Write("b[");
+ RepeatWrite(wr, dims, "i{0}", ",");
+ wr.WriteLine("] = z;");
+ // }
+ Indent(4 * IndentAmount);
+ wr.WriteLine("}");
+ // return a;
+ Indent(4 * IndentAmount);
+ wr.WriteLine("return a;");
+ // }
+ Indent(3 * IndentAmount);
+ wr.WriteLine("}"); // end of method
+ }
+ }
+ Indent(IndentAmount);
+ wr.WriteLine("}"); // end of class Helpers
+ wr.WriteLine("}"); // end of namespace
+ }
+ static void RepeatWrite(TextWriter wr, int times, string template, string separator) {
+ Contract.Requires(1 <= times);
+ string s = "";
+ for (int i = 0; i < times; i++) {
+ wr.Write(s);
+ wr.Write(template, i);
+ s = separator;
+ }
+ }
void CompileDatatypeConstructors(DatatypeDecl dt, int indent)
{Contract.Requires(dt != null);
foreach (DatatypeCtor ctor in dt.Ctors) {
@@ -767,8 +844,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
if (tp.EType is IntType || tp.EType.IsTypeParameter) {
// Because the default constructor for BigInteger does not generate a valid BigInteger, we have
// to excplicitly initialize the elements of an integer array. This is all done in a helper routine.
- Contract.Assume(tp.ArrayDimensions.Count == 1); // TODO: multi-dimensional arrays
- wr.Write("Dafny.Helpers.InitNewArray<{0}>(", TypeName(tp.EType));
+ wr.Write("Dafny.Helpers.InitNewArray{0}<{1}>", tp.ArrayDimensions.Count, TypeName(tp.EType));
string prefix = "(";
foreach (Expression dim in tp.ArrayDimensions) {
@@ -931,8 +1007,20 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
} else if (expr is FieldSelectExpr) {
FieldSelectExpr e = (FieldSelectExpr)expr;
- TrParenExpr(e.Obj);
- wr.Write(".{0}", e.FieldName);
+ SpecialField sf = e.Field as SpecialField;
+ if (sf != null) {
+ if (sf.Type is IntType) {
+ wr.Write("new BigInteger(");
+ }
+ TrParenExpr(e.Obj);
+ wr.Write(".{0}", sf.CompiledName);
+ if (sf.Type is IntType) {
+ wr.Write(")");
+ }
+ } else {
+ TrParenExpr(e.Obj);
+ wr.Write(".{0}", e.Field.Name);
+ }
} else if (expr is SeqSelectExpr) {
SeqSelectExpr e = (SeqSelectExpr)expr;
diff --git a/Dafny/DafnyAst.cs b/Dafny/DafnyAst.cs
index f21a5b3e..27f5e3a5 100644
--- a/Dafny/DafnyAst.cs
+++ b/Dafny/DafnyAst.cs
@@ -58,7 +58,8 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
ArrayClassDecl arrayClass = new ArrayClassDecl(dims, SystemModule);
for (int d = 0; d < dims; d++) {
string name = dims == 1 ? "Length" : "Length" + d;
- Field len = new Field(Token.NoToken, name, false, false, Type.Int, null);
+ string compiledName = dims == 1 ? "Length" : "GetLength(" + d + ")";
+ Field len = new SpecialField(Token.NoToken, name, compiledName, false, false, Type.Int, null);
len.EnclosingClass = arrayClass; // resolve here
@@ -791,6 +792,15 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
+ public class SpecialField : Field
+ {
+ public readonly string CompiledName;
+ public SpecialField(IToken tok, string name, string compiledName, bool isGhost, bool isMutable, Type type, Attributes attributes)
+ : base(tok, name, isGhost, isMutable, type, attributes) {
+ CompiledName = compiledName;
+ }
+ }
public class CouplingInvariant : MemberDecl {
public readonly Expression Expr;
public readonly List<IToken/*!*/>/*!*/ Toks;
diff --git a/Test/dafny1/Answer b/Test/dafny1/Answer
index c81c0268..306de96c 100644
--- a/Test/dafny1/Answer
+++ b/Test/dafny1/Answer
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ Dafny program verifier finished with 9 verified, 0 errors
-------------------- MatrixFun.dfy --------------------
-Dafny program verifier finished with 4 verified, 0 errors
+Dafny program verifier finished with 8 verified, 0 errors
-------------------- SchorrWaite.dfy --------------------
diff --git a/Test/dafny1/MatrixFun.dfy b/Test/dafny1/MatrixFun.dfy
index 96d89ad6..86ad451d 100644
--- a/Test/dafny1/MatrixFun.dfy
+++ b/Test/dafny1/MatrixFun.dfy
@@ -57,3 +57,44 @@ method Flip<T>(m: array2<T>)
+method Main()
+ var B := new bool[2,5];
+ B[0,0] := true; B[0,1] := false; B[0,2] := false; B[0,3] := true; B[0,4] := false;
+ B[1,0] := true; B[1,1] := true; B[1,2] := true; B[1,3] := true; B[1,4] := false;
+ print "Before:\n";
+ call PrintMatrix(B);
+ call MirrorImage(B);
+ print "Mirror image:\n";
+ call PrintMatrix(B);
+ var A := new int[3,3];
+ A[0,0] := 5; A[0,1] := 7; A[0,2] := 9;
+ A[1,0] := 6; A[1,1] := 2; A[1,2] := 3;
+ A[2,0] := 7; A[2,1] := 1; A[2,2] := 0;
+ print "Before:\n";
+ call PrintMatrix(A);
+ call Flip(A);
+ print "Flip:\n";
+ call PrintMatrix(A);
+method PrintMatrix<T>(m: array2<T>)
+ requires m != null;
+ var i := 0;
+ while (i < m.Length0) {
+ var j := 0;
+ while (j < m.Length1) {
+ print m[i,j];
+ j := j + 1;
+ if (j == m.Length1) {
+ print "\n";
+ } else {
+ print ", ";
+ }
+ }
+ i := i + 1;
+ }