#!/bin/sh echo -------------- Producing translated files --------------------- rm */*/*.v8 >& /dev/null make COQ_XML=-translate theories || { echo ---- Failed to translate; exit 1; } if [ -e translated ]; then rm -r translated; fi if [ -e successful-translation ]; then rm -r successful-translation; fi if [ -e failed-translation ]; then rm -r failed-translation; fi mv theories translated mkdir theories echo -------------------- Upgrading files -------------------------- cd translated for i in */*.v do mkdir ../theories/`dirname $i` >& /dev/null mv "$i"8 ../theories/$i done cd .. echo --------------- Recompiling translated files ------------------ make theories || { echo ---- Failed to recompile; mv theories failed-translation; mv translated theories; exit 1; } echo ----------------- Recompilation successful -------------------- if [ -e successful-translation ]; then rm -r successful-translation; fi mv theories successful-translation; mv translated theories