(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* y" := (BigZ.lt y x)(only parsing) : bigZ_scope. Notation "x >= y" := (BigZ.le y x)(only parsing) : bigZ_scope. Notation "[ i ]" := (BigZ.to_Z i) : bigZ_scope. Open Scope bigZ_scope. (** Some additional results about [BigZ] *) Theorem spec_to_Z: forall n:bigZ, BigN.to_Z (BigZ.to_N n) = ((Zsgn [n]) * [n])%Z. Proof. intros n; case n; simpl; intros p; generalize (BigN.spec_pos p); case (BigN.to_Z p); auto. intros p1 H1; case H1; auto. intros p1 H1; case H1; auto. Qed. Theorem spec_to_N n: ([n] = Zsgn [n] * (BigN.to_Z (BigZ.to_N n)))%Z. Proof. intros n; case n; simpl; intros p; generalize (BigN.spec_pos p); case (BigN.to_Z p); auto. intros p1 H1; case H1; auto. intros p1 H1; case H1; auto. Qed. Theorem spec_to_Z_pos: forall n, (0 <= [n])%Z -> BigN.to_Z (BigZ.to_N n) = [n]. Proof. intros n; case n; simpl; intros p; generalize (BigN.spec_pos p); case (BigN.to_Z p); auto. intros p1 _ H1; case H1; auto. intros p1 H1; case H1; auto. Qed. Lemma sub_opp : forall x y : bigZ, x - y == x + (- y). Proof. red; intros; zsimpl; auto. Qed. Lemma add_opp : forall x : bigZ, x + (- x) == 0. Proof. red; intros; zsimpl; auto with zarith. Qed. (** [BigZ] is a ring *) Lemma BigZring : ring_theory BigZ.zero BigZ.one BigZ.add BigZ.mul BigZ.sub BigZ.opp BigZ.eq. Proof. constructor. exact Zadd_0_l. exact Zadd_comm. exact Zadd_assoc. exact Zmul_1_l. exact Zmul_comm. exact Zmul_assoc. exact Zmul_add_distr_r. exact sub_opp. exact add_opp. Qed. Typeclasses unfold NZadd NZmul NZsub NZeq. Add Ring BigZr : BigZring. (** Todo: tactic translating from [BigZ] to [Z] + omega *) (** Todo: micromega *)