(* Basic tests *) Polymorphic Definition pid {T : Type} (x : T) : T := x. (* Definition _1 : pid true = true := @eq_refl _ true <: pid true = true. Polymorphic Definition a_type := Type. Definition _2 : a_type@{i} = Type@{i} := @eq_refl _ Type@{i} <: a_type@{i} = Type@{i}. Polymorphic Definition FORALL (T : Type) (P : T -> Prop) : Prop := forall x : T, P x. Polymorphic Axiom todo : forall {T:Type}, T -> T. Polymorphic Definition todo' (T : Type) := @todo T. Definition _3 : @todo'@{Set} = @todo@{Set} := @eq_refl _ (@todo@{Set}) <: @todo'@{Set} = @todo@{Set}. *) (* Inductive Types *) Inductive sumbool (A B : Prop) : Set := | left : A -> sumbool A B | right : B -> sumbool A B. Definition x : sumbool True False := left _ _ I. Definition sumbool_copy {A B : Prop} (H : sumbool A B) : sumbool A B := match H with | left _ _ x => left _ _ x | right _ _ x => right _ _ x end. Definition _4 : sumbool_copy x = x := @eq_refl _ x <: sumbool_copy x = x. (* Polymorphic Inductive Types *) Polymorphic Inductive poption@{i} (T : Type@{i}) : Type@{i} := | PSome : T -> poption@{i} T | PNone : poption@{i} T. Polymorphic Definition poption_default@{i} {T : Type@{i}} (p : poption@{i} T) (x : T) : T := match p with | @PSome _ y => y | @PNone _ => x end. Polymorphic Inductive plist@{i} (T : Type@{i}) : Type@{i} := | pnil | pcons : T -> plist@{i} T -> plist@{i} T. Arguments pnil {_}. Arguments pcons {_} _ _. Polymorphic Definition pmap@{i j} {T : Type@{i}} {U : Type@{j}} (f : T -> U) := fix pmap (ls : plist@{i} T) : plist@{j} U := match ls with | @pnil _ => @pnil _ | @pcons _ l ls => @pcons@{j} U (f l) (pmap@{i j} ls) end. Universe Ubool. Inductive tbool : Type@{Ubool} := ttrue | tfalse. Eval vm_compute in pmap pid (pcons true (pcons false pnil)). Eval vm_compute in pmap (fun x => match x with | pnil => true | pcons _ _ => false end) (pcons pnil (pcons (pcons false pnil) pnil)). Eval vm_compute in pmap (fun x => x -> Type) (pcons tbool (pcons (plist tbool) pnil)). Polymorphic Inductive Tree@{i} (T : Type@{i}) : Type@{i} := | Empty | Branch : plist@{i} (Tree@{i} T) -> Tree@{i} T. Polymorphic Definition pfold@{i u} {T : Type@{i}} {U : Type@{u}} (f : T -> U -> U) := fix pfold (acc : U) (ls : plist@{i} T) : U := match ls with | pnil => acc | pcons a b => pfold (f a acc) b end. Polymorphic Inductive nat@{i} : Type@{i} := | O | S : nat -> nat. Polymorphic Fixpoint nat_max@{i} (a b : nat@{i}) : nat@{i} := match a , b with | O , b => b | a , O => a | S a , S b => S (nat_max a b) end. Polymorphic Fixpoint height@{i} {T : Type@{i}} (t : Tree@{i} T) : nat@{i} := match t return nat@{i} with | Empty _ => O | Branch _ ls => S@{i} (pfold@{i i} nat_max O (pmap height ls)) end. Polymorphic Fixpoint repeat@{i} {T : Type@{i}} (n : nat@{i}) (v : T) : plist@{i} T := match n return plist@{i} T with | O => pnil | S n => pcons@{i} v (repeat n v) end. Polymorphic Fixpoint big_tree@{i} (n : nat@{i}) : Tree@{i} nat@{i} := match n with | O => @Empty nat@{i} | S n' => Branch@{i} nat@{i} (repeat@{i} n' (big_tree@{i} n')) end. Eval compute in height (big_tree (S (S (S O)))). Let big := S (S (S (S (S O)))). Polymorphic Definition really_big@{i} := (S@{i} (S (S (S (S (S (S (S (S (S O)))))))))). Time Definition _5 : height (@Empty nat) = O := @eq_refl nat O <: height (@Empty nat) = O. Time Definition _6 : height@{Set} (@Branch nat pnil) = S O := @eq_refl nat@{Set} (S@{Set} O@{Set}) <: @eq nat@{Set} (height@{Set} (@Branch@{Set} nat@{Set} (@pnil@{Set} (Tree@{Set} nat@{Set})))) (S@{Set} O@{Set}). Time Definition _7 : height (big_tree big) = big := @eq_refl nat big <: height (big_tree big) = big. Time Definition _8 : height (big_tree really_big) = really_big := @eq_refl nat@{Set} (S@{Set} (S@{Set} (S@{Set} (S@{Set} (S@{Set} (S@{Set} (S@{Set} (S@{Set} (S@{Set} (S@{Set} O@{Set})))))))))) <: @eq nat@{Set} (@height nat@{Set} (big_tree really_big@{Set})) really_big@{Set}.