Set Printing Universes. Module unidecls. Universes a b. End unidecls. Universe a. Constraint a < unidecls.a. Print Universes. (** These are different universes *) Check Type@{a}. Check Type@{unidecls.a}. Check Type@{unidecls.b}. Fail Check Type@{unidecls.c}. Fail Check Type@{i}. Universe foo. Module Foo. (** Already declared globaly: but universe names are scoped at the module level *) Universe foo. Universe bar. Check Type@{}. Definition bar := 0. End Foo. (** Already declared in the module *) Universe bar. (** Accessible outside the module: universe declarations are global *) Check Type@{bar}. Check Type@{}. Check Type@{}. (** The same *) Check Type@{foo}. Check Type@{}. Universe secfoo. Section Foo'. Fail Universe secfoo. Universe secfoo2. Check Type@{Foo'.secfoo2}. Constraint secfoo2 < a. End Foo'. Check Type@{secfoo2}. Fail Check Type@{Foo'.secfoo2}. Fail Check eq_refl : Type@{secfoo2} = Type@{a}. (** Below, u and v are global, fixed universes *) Module Type Arg. Universe u. Parameter T: Type@{u}. End Arg. Module Fn(A : Arg). Universes v. Check Type@{A.u}. Constraint A.u < v. Definition foo : Type@{v} := nat. Definition bar : Type@{A.u} := nat. Fail Definition foo(A : Type@{v}) : Type@{A.u} := A. End Fn. Module ArgImpl : Arg. Definition T := nat. End ArgImpl. Module ArgImpl2 : Arg. Definition T := bool. End ArgImpl2. (** Two applications of the functor result in the exact same universes *) Module FnApp := Fn(ArgImpl). Check Type@{FnApp.v}. Check Check Check (eq_refl : Type@{ArgImpl.u} = Type@{ArgImpl2.u}). Module FnApp2 := Fn(ArgImpl). Check Type@{FnApp2.v}. Check Check Import ArgImpl2. (** Now u refers to ArgImpl.u and ArgImpl2.u *) Check (** It can be shadowed *) Universe u. (** This refers to the qualified name *) Check Constraint u = ArgImpl.u. Print Universes. Set Universe Polymorphism. Section PS. Universe poly. Definition id (A : Type@{poly}) (a : A) : A := a. End PS. (** The universe is polymorphic and discharged, does not persist *) Fail Check Type@{poly}. Print Universes. Check id nat. Check id@{Set}.